your official guide to hurricane

24 YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE PREPARATION Brought to you by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners

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Page 1: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE PREPARATION Brought to you by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners

Page 2: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

The purpose of this booklet is to urge you and your family to investigate and learn as much as possible about hurricanes now. Thatmeans discovering what a hurricane is, how it forms, and the way it moves. It is also important for you to research and learn aboutpreparation -- before, during, and after a hurricane. We want you to think about the future, and the role you can play in deciding howFlorida will deal with these difficult storms. Finally, we want you to put into practice what you and your family have learned, so thatyou'll be ready the next time a hurricane strikes. Broward County Government is working year round to ensure your safety before,during, and after a storm.

Hurricane and Severe Weather WebsitesAmerican Red Cross – Broward County Chapter: www.arcbcc.orgAmerican Red Cross: Red Cross – Masters of Disasters: Meteorological Society: County: County Humane Society: www.humanebroward.comBroward County Transit: www.fema.govFEMA for Kids: Division of Emergency Management: Hurricanes Work: Facts & Links: Strike: Hurricane Warning: www.hurricanewarning.orgHurricanes: National Geographic Kids: for Business & Home Safety: Hurricane Protection Association: Known Hurricane Facts: Hurricane Center: Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Weather Association: of Climate, Water and Weather Services: Help: Newspaper: Wiz Kids/Hurricanes:

During hurricane season you can also find information on the county school

Credits:Written by: Bari Laakmann, Broward County Educator; Lynn Baden, Sun-Sentinel;

Erik Salna, Deerfield Beach Disaster Survival House/Hurricane Warning!

Graphics by: Erin Silver

Photos by: Sun-Sentinel; Broward County Public Communications Office; Disaster Survival House

HURRICANE!Introduction to


Teachers: Below are the Sunshine State Standardsfor the activities in this booklet.

p. 3 1. SC.H.1.3 - LA.A.2.3 - LA.B.2.3 2. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 3. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.2.3

p. 8 1. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 - LA.C.3.3 2. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 - SC.B.2.3 - SC.H.2.3

p. 9 1. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 -LA.B.2.3 - LA.C 3.3 - SC.A.1.3 2. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 - SC.B2.3 3. LA.B.1.3 - LA.B.2.3

p. 15 LA.A.2.3 - LA.C.3.3 - LA.D.2.3

p. 16 1. LA.B.2.3 - LA.B.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 - LA.C.3.3 2. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 -LA.B.2.3

p. 20 1. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 -MA.E.1.3 2. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 -LA.B.2.3 - LA..D.2.3 3. LA.B.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 - LA.C.3.3

p. 21 SC.H.1.3 - LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - SC.C.2.3 LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - SC.C.2.3

p. 22. LA.A.2.3 - LA.A.1.3 - LA.B.2.3 - LA.C.3.3

p. 23 LA.A.2.3 - SS.B.1.3 - MA.B.3.3


A special thank you to the sponsors of this curriculum guide -- The Broward County Board of County Commissioners

Josephus Eggelletion, Jr. Sue Gunzburger Kristin D. JacobsKen Keechl Ilene Lieberman Stacy RitterJohn E. Rodstrom, Jr. Diana Wasserman-Rubin Lois Wexler

Page 3: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

In Disaster Survival House:

Welcome to the World of Hurricanes.

When you walk in the front door of the Disaster Survival House, you

will begin your hands-on experience in the Welcome Room. You will

learn some history about past Florida hurricanes. Look for the plasma

TV screen, and prepare to see hurricane video and experience some

wind, lightning and thunder. It is here that you should get ready to

observe, investigate and think about what you will learn about

during the rest of your tour.


1. Research and describe the scientific method of studying thenatural world. What steps do scientists take in their investigations?Why is it important to take each step? What could happen if youdon’t follow the scientific method?

2. Look through the pages of the Sun-Sentinel or go to find articles and stories about tropicalstorms, hurricanes or tornadoes. As you read, think about thefollowing questions: Who is the story about? What is it about? Wheredoes the story take place? When is it taking place? Why is the storyimportant or of interest? These questions are known as the 5 W’s ofnewspaper writing, but you can use them for almost anything youread.

3. The table on page 4 shows the names of hurricanes that havebeen retired. There are also some powerful storms that were notnamed. Find out why. Research some of these storms to decide whatthe five worst hurricanes were to ever hit the east coast. Use factsand figures to support your choices.



2004: Charley. Frances. Ivan. Jeanne.

2005: Dennis. Katrina. Rita. Wilma.

2006: Tropical Storm Ernesto.

2007: ???

Look at the above information: 2004 brought 4 major hurricanes to Florida; 2005 the

same; in 2006 we all heaved a sigh of relief, as Tropical Storm Ernesto was Florida's only big

weather headache. Now we have to think about this coming season and the years ahead. We

continue in an active hurricane cycle. With another busy season looming, you are probably

wondering what you can do to avoid some of the devastation, damage, stress and worry

associated with hurricanes.

The answer is: plenty! You can find out what causes a hurricane, where it comes from, and

how it forms and moves. Most importantly, you can help your family prepare. Throughout

this booklet you will find many facts and details about how to get your home, family

members, and pets ready for the coming season.

START BY BEING A HURRICANE DETECTIVEDetectives ask many questions in their search for evidence and truth. Our first question – why

the word hurricane? What is the origin of the term?

Two ancient civilizations can be credited for our modern term “hurricane.” The Mayan people

called their storm god “Humaken.” The Tainos, an ancient Central American tribe, had a god of evil

called “Huracan.”

In the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s day

on which the storm occurred. After awhile, forecasters and weather experts started identifying the

storms based on their longitude-latitude positions. They soon discovered it was easier and more

practical to give them specific names. Just think of the last hurricane seasons, when there were

multiple storms forming at the same time – could you imagine trying to differentiate them by

longitude-latitude identities?


Broward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311

Page 4: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s


HURRICANEHISTORY2007-2012 Planned Hurricane Names:

Hurricane names no longer in use:

“Allison” is the only name ever retired for a tropicalstorm. “Allison” devastated the Houston, Texas, areawith flooding rains in June, 2001.

The 2005 Atlantic hurricane seasonwas the most active ever recorded! • There were 27 tropical storms and one unnamed

subtropical storm.

• The Greek alphabet was used for the first time ever

for names: they included Alpha, Beta, Gamma,

Delta, Epsilon and Zeta.

• 2005 had 15 hurricanes, 7 major hurricanes, and

7 U.S. landfalls.

• Wilma had the lowest central pressure ever

observed in an Atlantic hurricane at 882 millibars.

AndreaBarryChantalDeanErinFelixGabrielleHumbertoIngridJerryKarenLorenzoMelissaNoelOlgaPabloRebekahSebastienTanyaVan Wendy






2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Agnes (1972), Alicia (1983), Allen (1980), Allison (2001), Andrew (1992), Anita (1977), Audrey (1957)

Betsy (1965), Beulah (1967), Bob (1991)

Camille (1969), Carla (1961), Carmen (1974), Carol (1965), Celia (1970), Cesar (1996),Charley (2004), Cleo (1964), Connie (1955)

David (1979), Dennis (2005), Diana (1990), Diane (1955), Donna (1960), Dora (1964)

Edna (1968), Elena (1985), Eloise (1975)

Fifi (1974), Flora (1963), Fran (1996), Frances (2004), Frederic (1979), Floyd (1999)

Gilbert (1988), Gloria (1985), Gracie (1959), Georges (1998)

Hattie (1961), Hazel (1954), Hilda (1964), Hortense (1996), Hugo (1989)

Inez (1966), Ione (1955), Iris (2001), Isadore (2002), Isabel (2003), Ivan (2004)

Janet (1955), Jeanne (2004), Joan (1988), Juan (2003)

Katrina (2005), Keith (2000), Klaus (1990)

Luis (1995), Lenny (1999)

Marilyn (1995), Michelle (2001), Mitch (1998)

Opal (1995)

Rita (2005), Roxanne (1995)

Stan (2005)

Wilma (2005)

After 1941, Atlantic hurricanes were given women’snames (of two syllables only). This was due to a novelwritten that year by George R. Stewart, called Storm.

Following in the footsteps of Pacific hurricane-namingpractices, Atlantic hurricanes began to use both male andfemale names, with no set number of syllables, in 1979.

Each year, during the annual meeting of the WorldMeteorological Organization (WMO), an internationalcommittee reviews the six separate name lists forhurricanes. The lists rotate on a six-year cycle. If any stormcauses major damage or death, the WMO retires its name,and then picks a new name for that list. As a result, thenames on the lists occasionally change.

Broward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311

Page 5: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s


HURRICANESThe Science of

The next questionsto investigate are:How is a hurricane born? What is its anatomy (parts)? Why is Florida so

susceptible to hurricanes?

How Does a Hurricane Form?There are critical ingredients needed for the recipe to “cook up” a

destructive hurricane. You need a tropical ocean (roughly 80 degrees or

higher) and a warm, moist atmosphere. You then add at least three


• First, you have a tropical wave or disturbance. As it interacts with the

warm waters of the ocean, heat and energy are incorporated, making

it stronger.

• The second condition is moisture. As it evaporates from the surface of

the ocean, moisture provides power for the “baby” hurricane. It

eventually becomes a tremendous heat-generating engine.

•The third necessary condition is light winds in the upper atmosphere.

A newly formed hurricane develops a spiraling wind pattern near the

ocean’s surface. These winds spiral the air inward, causing

thunderstorms to form in bands. Since warm air rises, the

thunderstorms build higher into the atmosphere. This process is able

to continue with light winds in the upper atmosphere. This allows the

hurricane to strengthen.

How Does A Hurricane Move? There are three wind belts per hemisphere (northern and southern).

The belts are named based on their location. The Polar Easterlies are

found between 60–90 degrees latitude. The Prevailing Easterlies, or

Westerlies, are found from 30–60 degrees latitude. The last belt, the

Tropical Easterlies, which are also known as the Trade Winds, are

located between 0 (equator) and 30 degrees latitude.

Our hurricanes generally form in the eastern tropical Atlantic. They are

steered westward by the easterly Trade Winds. Eventually, many

storms make it to the western Atlantic, Caribbean Sea or even the Gulf

of Mexico. When this occurs, both the Gulf coast and the east coast of

the United States, with Florida at its southern-most point, become

primary targets. When storms form in the Caribbean, we have even

less time to prepare.

Graphic courtesy of Sun-Sentinel

Hurricane forecasters recommend paying attention to the “Cone of Probability”.

Page 6: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

Category Number 1 2 3 4 5

Central Pressure (mb) > 980 965–979 945–964 920–944 < 920

Wind Speed (mi/hr) 74–95 96–110 111–130 131–155 > 155

Storm Surge (ft) 4–5 6–8 9–12 13–18 > 18

Damage minimal moderate extensive extreme catastrophic

The anatomy or structure of a hurricane consists of four major parts:

1. The outflow exhausts air out of the top of the storm and spirals high-level clouds in aclockwise direction, away from the hurricane. This outflow can reach as high as 35,000 feet andis necessary for hurricane development.

2. Feeder bands consist of sudden, fast-moving showers called squalls. These squalls aremade up of heavy rains and gusty winds. Feeder bands become larger and more developed asthe hurricane grows stronger. The warm ocean waters fuel them.

3. The eyewall is a wall of clouds surrounding the eye of the hurricane. The eyewall containsthe strongest winds and heavy rain. Low level air at the eyewall moves quickly towards thecenter of the storm and then rises upward.

4. At the hurricane’s center of circulation is the eye. While air is rising near the eyewall,sinking air begins to develop in the eye. This sinking air dries out, and as a result, the eyebecomes clear and calm. It’s like an oasis in the middle of the desert in reverse. All the rain andwind are on the outside, with drier air and calm conditions inside the eye. Thus, the eye bringsthe danger of a false sense of comfort. After the eye passes over, fierce hurricane conditionsreturn on the other side. Therefore, do not leave the safety of your home or shelter until localofficials give the all-clear – the eye of a hurricane can be deceiving.

The Saffir-Simpson ScaleA hurricane matures through several stages of development, from tropical disturbance, to tropical storm, to hurricane. The next logical step

for a hurricane detective is to investigate how a hurricane’s strength is classified.

If you listen to, watch, or read about hurricane forecasts, you always hear the Saffir-Simpson Scale mentioned. The Saffir-Simpson Scale was

named after its two creators, Herbert Saffir and Robert Simpson.

Herbert Saffir was a consulting engineer who specialized in wind damage to buildings, and Robert Simpson was the director of the National

Hurricane Center. Together, back in the 1970s, the two men mixed structural engineering and meteorology, developing the Saffir-Simpson

Intensity Scale to measure the strength of a hurricane.

The five categories of the scale (1 to 5) are based on a combination of the central pressure of a hurricane, its wind speed, and the storm surge.

Each category is connected to the potential damage it could cause. As you can see from the chart, storms classified as Category 3, 4, or 5 are

considered to be major hurricanes. Regardless of category, no storm should ever be ignored or taken lightly. Remember Hurricane Wilma!

HURRICANESThe Science of

The next question to ask is:What Are the Elements of a Hurricane?

Page 7: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

HURRICANESThe Science of

The 2006 hurricane season was much quieter than in previous years, partly due to weather

phenomena known as El Niño and La Niña.

El Niño and La Niña are the names given to the periodic warming and cooling of the surface waters of

the Pacific Ocean near the equator. Research has shown that these phenomena can affect the

weather over the United States, especially in California and Florida.

El Niño occurs about every 3 to 5 years. The extra heat and moisture released into the atmosphere

cause stronger than normal temperature differences between the equator and higher latitudes. As a

result, the jet stream - the river of air 5 to 7 miles above the earth - is much stronger than normal. It

is also further south, often right over Florida, and blowing at more than 120 miles per hour. The jet

stream has a major influence on Florida weather, since low-pressure systems generally develop and

move along the jet stream. During strong El Niño events, Florida experiences slightly cooler than

normal temperatures, a greater chance of heavy rain and flooding, and severe weather such as

tornadoes and damaging wind storms during the winter and spring.

The stronger-than-normal high-level winds that El Niño produces help give strength to wintertime

storms that thrive on wind shear. However, hurricanes need weak wind shear to develop and grow.

When El Niño begins brewing in the summer, it can significantly lower the number of hurricanes,

particularly Cape Verde storms that form in the extreme eastern Atlantic. El Niño generally means

fewer hurricanes, which is what happened in 2006.

Keep in mind there is no guarantee that Florida will be spared during an El Niño event. Hurricane

Andrew struck in August 1992, in a below-normal hurricane season, during a moderate to strong El


La Niña, the periodic cooling of the ocean surface along the equator, causes weaker temperature

differences between the equator and high latitudes. This results in the average position of the jet

stream being much further north, away from Florida. Strong La Niña events typically bring fewer low-

pressure systems to Florida in the fall and winter. Weather conditions are much drier and slightly

warmer during the winter and spring. La Niña brings an increased chance of drought and wildfires

and surprisingly, a greater chance of freezing weather. In any year, La Niña generally brings more

hurricanes but with no guarantee of a landfall in Florida.

More interesting questions to investigate!What are El Niño and La Niña?How do they affect hurricane activity?

Check out:El Niño and La Niña

Educational information on El Niño and La Niña and Florida


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Page 8: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

In Disaster Survival House:

Look for the Hurricane Laboratory, and Wind Zone

In the Hurricane Laboratory and the Wind Zone you will see somestructural and engineering features built into the Disaster Survival Housedesigned to resist hurricanes.

Look for the following items: roof design, wind-resistant glass, shuttersand wall and window construction. Check out the Wind Tunnel!

Activities:1. Look through the CLASSIFIED section of the Sun-Sentinel or check for jobs related to the study of weather. Choose onethat interests you, and research it thoroughly. Determine what you muststudy, what further education is needed, what the requirements are to gethired, and what the different salaries are. Report to your class on yourfindings.

2. Research and answer the following questions:

a. What is the difference between a hurricane watch and ahurricane warning?

b. There is a type of flooding called sheet flow. What is it?

c. What kinds of problems can result from standing water?

d. Meteorologists discuss the line versus the cone of probabilityfor a hurricane. What do they mean?

e. According to atmospheric scientists, we are now in an activehurricane cycle. What does that mean, and how often does anactive cycle occur?

f. When does the hurricane season start in Florida andwhen does it end?

There are many scientific occupationsrelated to the study of hurricanes.

Weather Forecasters gather information from the National Hurricane Center and variouscomputer models to keep us informed of the anticipated path of the storm.

Meteorologists study and analyze the atmosphere to determine what existing conditions mightinfluence the development or destruction of the storm. They are trained to make weather forecastsand know how to analyze weather maps. Meteorologists learn about warm fronts, cold fronts, highand low pressure systems and upper atmosphere jet stream winds. To become a meteorologist, youhave to go to college and earn a degree in meteorology. This education requires math, physics,chemistry, geography and computer science.

Hurricane Hunters The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) flies twoLockheed WP-3D Orions as Hurricane Hunters. Their missions provide two critical needs: hurricanereconnaissance and research. The data gathered during these dangerous flights is extremelyimportant. In addition, the aircraft participate in a wide variety of national and internationalmeteorological, oceanographic and environmental research programs.

These versatile turboprop aircraft are equipped with an unprecedented variety of scientificinstrumentation, radars and recording systems for both in-situ and remote sensing measurements ofthe atmosphere, the earth and its environment. Obtained as new aircraft from the Lockheedproduction line in the mid-70s, these aircraft have led NOAA's continuing effort to monitor and studyhurricanes and other severe storms, the quality of the atmosphere, the state of the ocean and its fishpopulation, and climate trends.

You can experience what a hurricane hunter does by sitting in “Miss Piggy,” a WP-3D Orion cockpit atthe Disaster Survival House.


It Could Be theJob ForYou!

Graphic courtesy of Sun-Sentinel


Page 9: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

PREPARING YOUR HOMELook for Hurricane Laboratory,Wind Zone and Power & Strength.

In addition to seeing window, glass and wall design you just readabout, you will see examples of roof trussing, different roofingmaterials, and garage door design for a safer home.

Activities:1. Divide the class into groups. Each group will research one of thefollowing topics as it relates to hurricane protection:

• window construction and glass• roofing design and materials• shutter design and materials• wall construction and materials• garage door design and construction• plumbing and electrical design and materials

After completing your research, do an oral presentation to your classon your findings, using visual aids or drawings and pictures. Don’t forgetto include any ongoing research and new products you learn about.

2. Look through the REAL ESTATE sections of the Sun-Sentinel andcut out pictures of homes and floor plans of homes that you thinkwould survive a category three and above hurricane. Explain whyyou made your choices.

3. Write a letter to a local builder convincing him/her to buildhomes that are constructed with materials designed to withstanddestructive force winds and rain.

A good weather detective gathers facts andinformation. As a Floridian here are somefacts you need to know:

Fact: We live in a hurricane-prone zone, and you are

growing up in an active hurricane cycle.

Fact: Even Category 1 and 2 hurricanes can damage a home.

Fact: Regardless of which direction your home faces, the entire

home will be exposed and affected by hurricane

force winds.

Fact: Hurricane wind driven rain can find its way into nooks and

crannies in your home, especially through the windows

and doors and under roofs.

Fact: High winds pick up loose objects in their path, turning them

into missiles that can penetrate windows and walls.

Here are some things to know aboutstorm-proofing your home:

1. DO NOT USE TAPE ON YOUR WINDOWS! It simply does not work.

2. DO NOT leave a window open to equalize pressure between the

inside and outside of your house. It isn't necessary, and you are

making it easy for the winds to get in.

3. AVOID plywood coverings, if possible. If not installed properly,

plywood can blow off and become flying debris. If you do use plywood,

do your research on how to buy it, cut it, and install it.

4. DO use hurricane-resistant shutters for windows and glass sliding

doors, etc. They should have Miami-Dade County Product Approval or

Florida Building Code Product Approval.

5. DO use one of these types of shutters: storm panels, roll-up or roll-

down, accordion, bahama or hinged colonial.

Scientists, architects, and structural engineers are continuously

working to develop materials and products that are disaster-resistant.

They are working on better roof design, stronger wall structure, wind-

resistant doors and windows; in short, every aspect of home design,

including the shape of the house itself. It is important to find out as

much as you can about storm-proofing your home.

Terms to research: polystyrene; Blue Maxx; rhebar; concrete;double-glazed glass; laminated glass; geodesic dome,triple roof trussing; hip roof design.

QUICK TIP #1:Create an inventory of the

inside and outside of your

home by videotape, pictures

or written document. Put it

with other documents for


It’s All AboutPlanning.

Reinforced vertical & horizontal crossbeams on the garage doors

Page 10: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

It’s All AboutPlanning.One of the things you can do is develop a family hurricane plan. This will include

steps to take before, during and after a storm strikes. In the next few pages you will

find information to help with each step of the process. You can even assign tasks to

each family member if you like.

Supplies For You And Your Family

Step 1: Talk together about hurricane supplies. Decide what items you must have

on hand to sustain your family for at least 3-5 days. This will be the start of your

family hurricane supply kit. Having certain items on hand, ready to go, will save you

and your family a great deal of trouble and stress before a storm hits. You should

begin now to stock your supply kit in advance of hurricane season. If you do a little

each week you will spread out the cost and have time to create a complete kit. This

way, you and your family will not have to deal with crowds and long lines at the

store after warnings and watches have been issued.

Step 2: Go online to Do this before ahurricane. During and after you may not have electricity! This is Broward

County's official site for comprehensive hurricane information. You will find

everything from a complete 8-week shopping list to evacuation routes (available in

several languages).

Step 3: If you have special family needs, like prescriptions or baby food and

diapers, add them to your list.

Step 4: Check your first-aid kit. If you don't have one, now is the time to put one


Step 5: A great time to talk with your neighbors about keeping your area safe is

BEFORE a hurricane hits. You may have to look after each other, especially if you

have older neighbors, or people living alone.


QUICK TIP #2:Store non-food items, like

extra batteries, first-aid kit,

spare set of car keys, etc., in a

plastic tub or container or in

one cabinet so they are easy to

find when you need them.

Week One Shopping List

Grocery Store:

One gallon of water per person One large jar of peanut butter One meat group item One can ready-to-eat soup One box of matches

in waterproof container One vegetable group item One package of paper plates

Other Supplies:

One flashlight with batteries Tarpaulin for temporary roof repairs Utility knife

Week one of the eight-week listat

QUICK TIP #3:You and your family should

prepare to be self-sufficient

for 3-5 days after a storm.

Page 11: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

A two-week supply of pet food and water;water and food bowlsManual can opener Kitty litter for a cat; litter box; scoop Newspapers and plastic bags for handling wastePet medicines (two-week supply)Name, address and phone number of your veterinarianCollar and identification tag; rabies license tag

.It’s All AboutPlanning.Supplies For Your Pets

No one really knows how many pets were hurt or lost during the recent hurricane

seasons. The numbers range from 5,000-15,000 animals. The main reason for their

loss is simple: most of their owners forgot to make a pet plan. If you have a family

pet, you must make a plan, just as you do for your family members. Below is some

basic advice, but you should also check with your local Humane Society or

veterinarian for specific information. Kennels in your area may also be able to help.

Checklist if you STAY:

Checklist if you GO:

If you are staying in your house, here is what you should have for your pet:

If you are leaving your home, besides the items listed above, there are additional things to bring with you:

Important! Never leave your pets at home alone during a hurricane. Never leave your petstied outside during a storm. They will not be safe by themselves! After many hurricanes,people come home to find their pets injured or gone.

A recent photo of your petProof of up-to-date vaccinationsSturdy leash; harnessPet carrier or cagePet bed and toys for comfortTowelsSpecial Care Instructions

QUICK TIP #4:Broward County has designated places to take your pets, if you are in a mandatory

evacuation zone. Find them on

Broward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311

Page 12: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

Disaster Survival House is open to the public for FREE tours,8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday.

For more information, or to schedule a group tour,call: 954-426-6887

Facts about the house:

• Disaster Survival House is the home base for the excitingHurricaneWarning!TM project.(Check out

• Disaster Survival House was built by State Farm Insurance towithstand major hurricane force winds.It is a 3,300 square-foot residential home.

• Several rooms have ceiling and wall cutaways that showconstruction techniques and safety features, including roof,window, shutter, and garage door design.

• The house contains a weather center, wind tunnel,a lightning generator, and the cockpit of a real WP-3D Orion.

• During FREE tours, you will learn about hurricane tracking,flooding, lightning safety, hurricane planning.

Disaster Survival House is open to the public for FREE tours,8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday.

For more information, or to schedule a group tour,call: 954-426-6887

Disaster Survival HouseDeerfield Beach, Florida

1345 F.A.U. Research Park Blvd.(SW11thWay, 1Block East of I-95–Off SW10thAve.)

Page 13: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

It’s All AboutPlanning.

Broward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311







This page is your starter checklist of "to do" items to be prepared for a hurricane or other disaster. We’ve left space for you to add items that are necessary for your

family. You can cut out the page and hang it on the refrigerator at home if you like. Other suggestions:

1. Copy the list and give one to each family member. Each person can put a mark next to his/her responsibilities when they are completed.

2. Use different marks for each family member. For example, an "X" for you, a "Y" for your dad, and so forth.

3. Use different colored-pencils or crayons for each of you. Use a red crayon for you, a blue one for your dad, etc.


Broward County recommends that every family, every business and every community

have a hurricane plan in place and know what to do before the hurricane season starts.

Things To Do Now:

Complete your family's personal hurricane plan.

Complete your family hurricane supply kit.

Make sure you have a first-aid kit.

Make a special hurricane plan for loved ones with special needs.

Find out if you are in a mandatory evacuation zone.

Plan your route if you are leaving.

Place important documents in a waterproof container.

Create an inventory of the inside and outside of your home.

Inspect your home, inside and out for possible danger zones.

Create your pet plan.

Designate a Safe Room in your house.

Keep trees and bushes pruned.






When A Hurricane Is Threatening:

Monitor; listen to the TV or radio for the latest information.

Double check and organize all supply kit(s).

Start stocking your Safe Room with needed items.

Close all the windows; secure and wedge sliding glass doors.

Clear away yard debris. Trim dead branches from trees.

Turn your refrigerator and freezer to coldest settings.

Fill soda bottles or plastic containers with water and freeze, or purchase extra ice.

Fill other containers with water, including the bathtub.

Turn off gas appliances at their individual valves.

Install shutters.

Brace entryways and garage doors. Know how to open or close

the garage door manually.

Lower the water level in the pool (no more than 1 foot) to accommodate

heavy rains/add extra chlorine.

Be a good neighbor -- check on anyone who might need help.

Leave early if you are evacuating.






QUICK TIP #5:Gas up the car, get extra cash, buy batteries and make ice!

These four items are key to surviving without electricity.

Page 14: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

We’ve talked about the importance of planning ahead, with one of the most important decisions

being whether to stay in your home or to evacuate to another area.

If You Go (please see map on pg. 23):• If you plan to evacuate, leave early. During the height of an evacuation,

travel time to your safe destination could triple!

• Try to make your safe destination as close as possible to your home, but outside of the evacuation zone.

• Notify family or friends of your evacuation plans. Take your hurricane

supply kit with you, including important documents.

• Turn off all utilities, including the power at the circuit breaker or fuse box.

• Seal your home as tightly as possible.


No matter where your mobile home is located in Broward County,

all mobile home residents should evacuate when an evacuation order is given.

There are three places to go if you evacuate.• A friend’s or relative’s hurricane-safe home, outside of the evacuation zone within your county.

• A hurricane-safe motel or hotel, outside of the evacuation zone within South Florida.

• The nearest designated public shelter; verify it is open by listening to local media.

How to get there:• In the event of a hurricane evacuation, Broward County Transit (BCT) provides assistance to

residents who are unable to make arrangements for transportation to designated shelters.

• Call the Hurricane Hotline at 954-831-4000 for BCT evacuation pick-up point locations.

If You Stay:If you and your family have decided to stay, you should investigate the safest place in your house to be during the

worst of the storm. Experts advise that you have in mind a Safe Room, a specific location that meets certain criteria.

• Your Safe Room should have no windows. Can you guess why?• Your Safe Room should have interior walls, meaning that none of the room’s walls

are on the outside of your house. Why?• This could be a large closet or even a bathroom without windows, or a large pantry or laundry room. • If you don’t have a basement (most homes in Florida do not), Safe Rooms should be on

the first floor of your house. Can you guess why?

Next you are going to have to think about what goes in your Safe Room. Will you need water?What kind of food? Lights? Blankets? Pillows? Games? Medicines?

Your choices may depend on the size of the room, but you should at least have the essentialsfor a stay of several hours. Whatever you decide, make sure that your Safe Room is preparedwell in advance of any hurricane. It’s one less thing to worry about, and you will feelcomfortable and secure if everything is ready.

In Disaster Survival House:Look for the designated

Disaster Safe Room.

You will see an example of an interior space set up to withstandhurricanes. Note that the room has only interior walls, no windowsand is on the first floor.

Activities:1. If you and your family decide to stay at home in your Safe Room,you will need to choose items to have on hand. Look through thepages of the Sun-Sentinel for 10 things that you feel must go intoyour Safe Room. Cut them out and paste them on a piece of paperand share with your classmates. Be prepared to defend your choices!

2. Do a similar activity with your family. Give each family member apiece of paper to write down the 10 items that he/she feels must gointo your home's Safe Room. Compare your lists. Decide togetherwhat items on each member's list are the most important, anddetermine if your choices will all fit in the room. Then make sure thatyou have everything you agreed is essential.

It’s All AboutPlanning.STAY OR GO?

Page 15: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

In Disaster Survival House:Once you have walked through the House and learned abouthurricane preparedness, look for:

What’s Your Plan?

This area is designed for you to begin the important planningprocess. You can sit together, start your planning lists, seeexamples of hurricane equipment, and pick up helpful brochuresto take with you. Remember, having a plan is the most importantstep in reducing the dangers from a hurricane.


1. Checklists are a good way to make sure you have everything you

need. Divide your class into groups. Assign one of the

following tasks to each group:

• Create a complete checklist for pets.

• Create a checklist of important papers.

• Create a checklist of items for small children or

disabled persons, or elderly family members.

• Create a list of items that you must take with you or store safely

in water-proof bags or boxes, if you must evacuate.

• Make a list of tasks to perform outside of your home.

• Make a list of tasks to perform inside of your home.

Note: There are a variety of good online resources to help youcomplete the above task lists. For example, you can check with theRed Cross, FEMA for Kids, the National Safety Council, and/or theOffices of Emergency Management. You can also write to theseorganizations for brochures and information. Share your findingswith your class. You may want to put all of the information yougathered into a notebook for reference when a hurricane is on theway. Don’t forget

2. As hurricane season approaches, look through the pages ofthe Sun-Sentinel for information about hurricane safety andpreparedness. Cut out any articles you find, and paste them onseparate sheets of paper. Keep them handy with the checklists thatyou have created.

The hurricane is here. The electricity may be off, which means no TV, no computer, no cell phone. Now what?

DURING THE HURRICANE• Stay inside your Safe Room. (See page 15.)• Stay away from windows and doors. • Stay calm; play a board game, sing songs or tell stories; wear earplugs

if the sound of wind and rain is too loud. • Turn off gas and electric; do not use candles; use flashlights instead.• Listen to local stations on your radio or battery operated television or

NOAA weather radio for the latest information about the hurricane.• Call 911 only for emergencies; avoid using the telephone unless absolutely necessary.• Do not go outside during the calm of the hurricane’s eye.

Finally, we have learned from the last several seasons that a hurricane can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.Being prepared is a big help. Here are some other things to do if you are upset:

• Keep a journal or draw pictures about your feelings and experiences.• Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings out loud.• Ask to help with preparations and clean-up.• Offer to help those less fortunate than you.• Make time to exercise - it relieves stress.• Try to get back to your usual routine as soon as possible.• Volunteer to help your neighbors too!

If you or your family continue to experience unusual nervousness, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger or other signsof stress, there are resources to help, including many online. You can call your local Red Cross Chapters orhospitals. There are many local mental health centers in our area as well. Talk to your teachers or guidancecounselors too.

Broward County works year-round to ensure government is prepared for hurricanes and other emergencies.As a storm approaches, the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated. Representatives fromeach city and other emergency responders including law enforcement and rescue personnel, the Red Cross,Health Department and other agencies join County staff at the EOC to prepare for and respond to communityneeds before, during and after the emergency. Storm conditions are monitored, and evacuations are orderedas required to protect residents and visitors from storm surge. Immediately following a storm, teams aredispatched to do damageassessment and beginrecovery efforts. Throughoutthe emergency, the multi-lingual Broward County CallCenter (Hurricane Hotline) isopen 24 hours a day toanswer questions and assistcallers. The number forthe Hurricane Hotline is954-831-4000, or call 3-1-1.

It’s All AboutPlanning.DURING THE HURRICANE --


The Broward County EOC works 24 hours a day to keep residentssafe during a storm

Page 16: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

Any disaster professional will tell you that the most dangerous time for people is after ahurricane hits. It's over, you're relieved, no one is hurt, so you head outside. No, no, no!

For You and Your Family:• Listen to local media or your NOAA radio for continuous coverage of

recovery efforts and emergency information.• Do not use public water for cooking or drinking until you are notified it is safe.• If your telephone is working, use it only for an emergency.• Avoid driving until debris is cleared from roadways.• Do not use power tools if you are not completely familiar with their safe operating guidelines.• Stay away from downed power lines; do not cut trees that are touching or near power lines.• Inland flooding can be deadly; do not drive through or walk through flood waters.• Do not play in standing water. Wear shoes outside. • Videotape or photograph your home, then make temporary repairs to prevent further damage.

Don't Forget Your Pet:• Be very careful before you let your pets outdoors after a storm has passed.

They may become confused by all the changes that can happen.• Don't let your pet eat food or water that they find outside.

It could be contaminated.• Just like you, power lines, downed trees, and standing water are dangerous

for your pet. If you can't go outside, neither should your pet!Wait for the all clear.

It’s All AboutPlanning.AFTER A HURRICANE --


Using Gas-powered Generators,Grills, Portable Stoves and Chainsaws• Carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless, odorless gas, is poisonous. CO

occurs when you burn any fuel such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood, orcharcoal. It can build up within minutes in closed spaces. Never, everuse gas-powered generators or tools inside your house, garage orbasement, even with the window and doors open. Misuse of these itemsduring the last hurricanes caused injury and in some cases, even death.

• Be alert to the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning! If you or anyone elsein your home feels sick, dizzy or weak, or gets headaches after the storm,think carbon monoxide! Get out of the house and seek promptmedical help.

• Keep gas-powered items away from anyplace that might affect yourneighbors as well. Carbon monoxide drifts with the wind and could end upin their homes.

• Remember, if you have a carbon monoxide detector, it won't work if thepower is off. It's up to you to be vigilant!!

QUICK TIP #6:Think about a solar shower

and small one or two-burner

butane cook stove, if you need

a warm shower and hot food.

They are cheap, easy to use

(outside) after a storm.

QUICK TIP #7:If you have no water source:

use pool water to flush the


Broward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311

Page 17: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

In Disaster Survival House:Power and Strength

Look for examples of things in the roomthat demonstrate power and strength.

These include:• A lightning generator --You can actually see the power!

• A gas generator -- Generators are often used to "generate"

electrical power after a storm, but they need to be handled safely.

Check out what they look like and how to work them properly.

• See an actual hurricane-proof garage door and samples of roofing

materials that help resist high winds.

• Learn ways to protect yourself against sudden electrical surges

that can disrupt power during a hurricane or other disaster.

• See a real cockpit from a Lockheed WP-3D Orion Hurricane

Hunter aircraft.

Activities:1. Divide your class into 5 groups.

Each group will be responsible for one of the following weatherconditions: lightning, storm surge, flooding, tornadoes and fire. Researchyour topic, using articles in the Sun-Sentinel or on,as well as other resources. Create a presentation that you will show tothe rest of the groups, based on your findings. You may write anessay, poem or play, use artwork and drawings or photographs,create posters, or create a video for your presentation. Make sure anyfacts you present are scientifically correct, but be creative as well.

2. Hurricanes are all about power and strength.Look in the Sun-Sentinel or on for articles

on hurricanes and the other weather conditions that may occurduring a hurricane. Read them carefully, and highlight the words,sentences or descriptions that prove to the reader how powerful orstrong these weather conditions are.


Other powerful weather conditions are often generated during a hurricane, posing additional

dangers. Some examples are lightning, storm surge, flooding, tornadoes and fire. Any or all of

these conditions can be present before, during or after a hurricane.

Tornadoes spawn in the outer rain bands and to the right of a hurricane's forward motion. They

often form quickly and can strike with little or no warning, with winds as high as 200 mph.

Beware!Hurricanes Bring Other Dangers...

Other phenomena are stormsurge and flooding. Storm surge

occurs when high winds bring a rush of

sea water inland, rapidly flooding coastal

areas. Florida topography is close to sea level or

below, so storm surge and inland flooding can be a

major cause of damage to buildings and roads. Flowing

water across a road just 1 foot deep can carry most cars off

the road.

Because of possible damage to electrical wires, fire is a real possibility during a hurricane.

Additionally, many people use candles for light or bring their charcoal and gas grills indoors for

cooking, causing home fires.

Lightning is the discharge of atmospheric electricity -- anywhere from 100 million to 1 billion

volts of electricity! Lightning generated during a hurricane can cause fires and severe damage to

electrical wiring, inside and outside of a home or building.

Page 18: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

In Disaster Survival House:Power and Strength

Look for examples of things in the roomthat demonstrate power and strength.

These include:• A lightning generator --You can actually see the power!

• A gas generator -- Generators are often used to "generate"

electrical power after a storm, but they need to be handled safely.

Check out what they look like and how to work them properly.

• See an actual hurricane-proof garage door and samples of roofing

materials that help resist high winds.

• Learn ways to protect yourself against sudden electrical surges

that can disrupt power during a hurricane or other disaster.

• See a real cockpit from a Lockheed WP-3D Orion Hurricane

Hunter aircraft.

Activities:1. Divide your class into 5 groups.

Each group will be responsible for one of the following weatherconditions: lightning, storm surge, flooding, tornadoes and fire. Researchyour topic, using articles in the Sun-Sentinel or on,as well as other resources. Create a presentation that you will show tothe rest of the groups, based on your findings. You may write anessay, poem or play, use artwork and drawings or photographs,create posters, or create a video for your presentation. Make sure anyfacts you present are scientifically correct, but be creative as well.

2. Hurricanes are all about power and strength.Look in the Sun-Sentinel or on for articles

on hurricanes and the other weather conditions that may occurduring a hurricane. Read them carefully, and highlight the words,sentences or descriptions that prove to the reader how powerful orstrong these weather conditions are.


Other powerful weather conditions are often generated during a hurricane, posing additional

dangers. Some examples are lightning, storm surge, flooding, tornadoes and fire. Any or all of

these conditions can be present before, during or after a hurricane.

Tornadoes spawn in the outer rain bands and to the right of a hurricane's forward motion. They

often form quickly and can strike with little or no warning, with winds as high as 200 mph.

Beware!Hurricanes Bring Other Dangers...

Other phenomena are stormsurge and flooding. Storm surge

occurs when high winds bring a rush of

sea water inland, rapidly flooding coastal

areas. Florida topography is close to sea level or

below, so storm surge and inland flooding can be a

major cause of damage to buildings and roads. Flowing

water across a road just 1 foot deep can carry most cars off

the road.

Because of possible damage to electrical wires, fire is a real possibility during a hurricane.

Additionally, many people use candles for light or bring their charcoal and gas grills indoors for

cooking, causing home fires.

Lightning is the discharge of atmospheric electricity -- anywhere from 100 million to 1 billion

volts of electricity! Lightning generated during a hurricane can cause fires and severe damage to

electrical wiring, inside and outside of a home or building.

Page 19: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s


Lesson 1: Yes, It Can (And Did) Happen Here!For many years Floridians thought hurricanes were nasty things that happened to other

people. The recent seasons taught us differently - living in beautiful, sunny Florida means being

prepared for hurricanes each and every year. The disaster professionals call it embracing the

"culture of preparedness". That means you, your family, your neighbors, schools and businesses

must take charge together. We must all take personal responsibility to get ready for hurricanes;

everyone has a role, everyone is accountable, including you.

Lesson 2: All Hurricanes Are Dangerous!Hurricane Wilma taught us that there is no such thing as a "minor" hurricane. South Florida

suffered severe damage due to Wilma, despite the fact that it was a Category 1-2 hurricane. We

now know from personal experience we must prepare, regardless of the predicted size or strength

of a storm. Anytime we hear from the National Hurricane Center that we are within the 5-day

forecast "cone" or under a hurricane watch or warning, it is time to get ready!

Lesson 3: Hurricanes Can and Often Do Change Direction!When a hurricane is approaching, you are likely to see different opinions and forecasts of where

the storm might hit. This is because the atmospheric weather patterns that steer hurricanes can

constantly change. Remember Hurricane Charley? Just a small change in direction as the

hurricane approached the Gulf Coast made a big difference in where the worst storm effects

occurred. Therefore it is very important to listen to actual hurricane watches and warnings, rather

than concentrate only on where the forecast track says the storm is headed.

Lesson 4: Even if You Live Inland, You Are Not Out Of Danger!During the 2004 hurricane season, people in the center of the state experienced significant

damage from different hurricanes. While inland areas did not experience storm surge, high winds

knocked down trees and power lines, and heavy rainfall caused serious flooding. Tornadoes can

affect areas far away from the center of a hurricane, even if there is little impact from the storm

itself. No matter where you live in Florida, you must learn what hurricane hazards might affect

your area and prepare for them accordingly.

The recent extremely active hurricane seasons did great damage to our state. However, we have learned much about how to better prepare

ourselves for future storms. Take a look at some of the things we learned about hurricanes during the past seasons:

pageBroward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311

Page 20: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

In Disaster Survival House:

Don’t miss the Hurricane Andrew mural . Created by middle school

students, this large, colorful mural expresses the students’ thoughts

and feelings about Hurricane Andrew and its effect on their lives.

Activities:1. Research and compare our recent hurricanes: Charley, Frances,Jeanne, Ivan, Dennis, Katrina, Rita and Wilma. On what dates did theyhit? Where in Florida did each one make landfall? What was the Saffir-Simpson Category for each? How large (in miles) were they? What wasthe lowest pressure of each? How wide was the eye of each hurricane?How long did it take for each storm to leave the state? Where did theygo? How much damage did each hurricane cause? Make a chart orgraph of your findings.

2. Check out Look for Dr. Bill Gray’sprediction for tropical storms and hurricanes for the coming season.Who is Dr. Gray? What does he expect this season? Do you think he iscorrect in his predictions? Why or why not? Look for articles in theSun-Sentinel, on or other resources to supportyour position.

3. Think about the recent hurricane seasons. How did the stormsaffect your family? What were you thinking and feeling during thehurricanes? What was it like after the hurricanes? What do youremember most? Write a short story, poem or song describing yourmemories and feelings. Share with your classmates.

Lesson 5: A "Culture of Preparedness" Includes Being

Ready For After The Storm, Too!

As we have seen in many parts of our state, the effects of a hurricane linger long after the storm is

gone. We have said it several times throughout this booklet. You and your family must stockpile enough

water, food, gas, extra cash, and other supplies to last you for several days or even weeks after the storm.

You have seen firsthand that it can take a long time to restore water and electricity. However, with the

essentials on hand, you can manage to remain reasonably comfortable.

Lesson 6: Danger Remains After the Storm!We can't say it enough. Many serious injuries and fatalities occur after a hurricane is long gone. The list

of dangers is long -- Heavy debris, broken glass, downed trees, falling off roofs, electrocution, driving

accidents, misuse of generators, chainsaw injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, heart attacks, polluted

water, leaky sewage, poisonous animals and more! It is critical to listen to your radios for the okay to

venture outdoors. Hopefully, when you get the all-clear, you and your neighbors have set up a plan to help

each other.


Hurricane Wilma flipped a limosine in Pompano Beach.

QUICK TIP #8:If you are old enough to drive, remember: if the traffic

lights are out, STOP fully and completely before

proceeding into any intersection. Wait your turn and

expect to take more time to get anywhere you have to be.

QUICK TIP #9:If your cell phone does not work after

a hurricane, consider purchasing an

inexpensive disposable phone

BEFORE the storm.

QUICK TIP #10:Text messages tend to go through even

when your cell phone does not work.

Staff photo courtesy Austin Humberson/Sun-Sentinel

Page 21: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

What Can You Do?

Think about this: you are part of a group of young people who are

growing up with hurricanes. You are in a busy cycle that may last

another 15-20 years. That means thinking not only of the short-term

but also looking into the future. Become hurricane problem-solvers

by researching and learning everything you can.


1. You can request that your school science projects focus on local

disaster planning and mitigation. Ask your science teachers to allow a

class project on this topic, or work on it with one of the clubs or

organizations at your school.

2. Write a letter to any of these agencies about disaster mitigation

plans and projects for the state, your county or your city. You can also

do a lot of research online.

• Broward County Public Communications Office

• Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

• The Florida Division of Emergency Management

• Local County and City Commissions, Police or Firefighters

• The local chapter of Red Cross and National Safety Councils

• Hurricane engineering and research businesses

3. Learn as much as you can about how wind flows around a building

or a house during hurricanes and how the shape of the roof can affect

how much damage occurs. Build a simple wind tunnel to test how the

shape of a roof may help during a hurricane.

4. Learn about protective measures that reduce damage to a house or

building. Make a drawing or even build a scale model of your house or

school showing various ways to protect it from the impact of a


4. Learn about protective measures that reduce damage to a house or

building. Make a drawing or even build a scale model of your house or

school showing various ways to protect it from the impact of a


MITIGATION –What Does It Mean?Another term to think about in relation to hurricane planning is "mitigation". Mitigation means

planning to prevent damage and hazards during hurricanes and other natural disasters through a

variety of means. For example:

In 2004, during Hurricane Charley, many places on the west coast of Florida were severely damaged

by wind and flooding. However, The Lighthouse Resort Inn and Suites, only 200 feet from the beach,

stayed high and dry. Why? Because the owners elevated the building above the flood plain, allowing

the storm surge to simply flow through.**

Another example occurred on the east coast of Florida during Hurricane Frances. Fort Pierce was

struck particularly hard, but the St. Lucie Windstorm Education Center came through mostly unscathed.

Why? Because this training facility was built to meet or exceed the latest building codes. Clearly the

codes work.**

You are probably asking, "What exactly is the difference between mitigation and preparation?"

Here's a way to understand:• Mitigation is having the correct shutters for your windows if a storm should come.

Preparation is putting up the shutters, once you hear the official hurricane warning.

• Mitigation is planting the correct storm-resistant trees and foliage for South Florida.

Preparation is pruning them properly and clearing dead branches when you get the warning.

Broward Hurricane Hotline - (954) 831-4000 or 311

a f k n a v i l f i f i r e a

n w l a t i r e e d k h s n d

i e i o t z j o c z u t d r y

t z r l y r s e n g a r j y j

a w c w m d i i o n e h u e e

n y l i r a m n s w v i a l d

wm k x r r w e a c s n n r n

a n n o d i g s i n n e d a a

r r l r c r s l q e a x g h r

i i g l o r i a k d r g h c z

n t z e j a n e l e w c l e o

e a g q v k m i t c h i x p f

z r l r p p h v h s o h a b r

n e m r a c g c v l z l n o a

x b e u l a h l u i s n e b n

HURRICANE NAMESHidden in this puzzle are some of the retired hurricane names. See if you can find them all.



Page 22: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

QUICK TIP #13:Add a map of the county and

the state to your hurricane

readiness kit.

CAREERS INDisaster Preparation

In addition to careers in the scientific fields of weather,

meteorology, construction and engineering, mentioned earlier,

there are a myriad of opportunities in disaster planning and

recovery. Think about it. Florida is in an active hurricane cycle that

continues to present serious challenges that need solutions. Jobs

such as Disaster Recovery Planners, Recovery Specialists, Disaster

Restoration, Mitigation Specialists, Emergency Response

Personnel, and Paramedics are becoming more critical.

Activity:Research online or at the media center or local library to

compile a list of jobs in Disaster Management. Don't forget

firemen, police and hospital personnel. From your list, choose a job

that interests you. Find out as much as you can about your chosen

job. What education is required? What skill sets and abilities,

physical and mental, are necessary to be successful at your job?

What is the job outlook in Florida and across the country? What is

the salary range? Share your findings with your class. Broward County Mobile Emergency Operations Center - a response unit on wheels.

Students from OaklandElementary School test

GIS at the BrowardCounty Emergency

Operations Center onNational GIS Day.

GIS SystemsMany of the professions mentioned require the use of advanced technology.

One particular example is what is known as GIS, or Geographic Information

Systems. This state-of-the-art technology is in use in Broward County at the

Emergency Operations Center. A GIS is a computer-based mapping tool that

takes information from a database about a specific location, such as its streets,

buildings, water features, and topography, and turns it into visual layers. Users

are then able to see all these geographic features on a map, giving them a better

understanding of the location. Planners, analysts, engineers, construction

personnel, and emergency response teams are then better equipped to make

informed decisions about their communities.

QUICK TIP #11:To find out more about GIS

Day and GIS technology visit

QUICK TIP #12:To be notified via e-mail about

public safety information

during a storm, sign up now at

Click on Emergency Alert


Page 23: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s

BROWARDEvacuation Sites

Activity:1. Look over this map. Circle or put an X next to the city name where you live. Next locate the

main roads near where you live. Find the evacuation shelter closest to your home, as indicated

by the red dots with numbers in the center. Together with your family, plan your best route to

the nearest shelter, and estimate how long it would take to get you there.

2. Do you live in the areas indicated by the colors yellow and pink? These are mandatory

evacuation zones. That means if a hurricane warning is issued, you must leave. It is important

to plan now where you will go. Remember, BCT has services to help you get to a shelter.


Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.Broward County Emergency Operations Center

201 NW 84th Avenue, PlantationExhibits and Demonstrations • Tours • Emergency Mobile Command Vehicle

Prizes and Giveaways • Free Parking

For more information: 954-831-4000 or visit



HURRICANE EVACUATION MAP1. Lyons Creek Middle School4333 Sol Press Blvd., Coconut Creek

2. Coral Glades High School2700 Sportsplex Dr.,

Coral Springs

3. Monarch High School5050 Wiles Rd.,

Coconut Creek

4.. Pompano Beach Institute ofInternational Studies High School1400 N.E. 6 St., Pompano Beach

5. Park Lakes Elementary School3925 N. State Rd. 7,

Lauderdale Lakes

6. Rock Island Elementary/Arthur Ashe Middle School1701 N.W. 23 rd Ave.,

Fort Lauderdale

7. Plantation Elementary School651 N.W. 42 nd Ave., Plantation

8. Fox Trail Elementary School1250 Nob Hill Rd., Davie

9. Falcon Cove Middle School4251 Bonaventure Blvd., Weston

10. Silver Trail Middle School18300 Sheridan St.,

Pembroke Pines

11. New Renaissance Middle School10701 Miramar Blvd.,


12. Watkins Elementary School3520 S.W. 52 nd Ave.,

Pembroke Park

American Red Cross Regional Hurricane Shelters

Not all shelters may be open during a state of emergency. In the event of an evacuation order, monitor news

reports or call the Broward County Hurricane Hotline, 954-831-4000, for specific shelter openings.

Evacuation Plan AHurricane Category 1 or 2

Storm surge is 4-8 feet above sea level

with winds from 74-110 miles per hour.

All mobile home residents, residents

beside tidal bodies of water and in low-

lying areas, and residents east of the

Intracoastal Waterway should evacuate.

Evacuation Plan BHurricane Category 3, 4 or 5

Storm surge is 9-18 feet or more above

sea level with winds of 111 miles per

hour or greater. In addition to those

required to evacuate under Plan A, all

residents east of U.S. 1 (Federal

Highway) should evacuate.

Page 24: YOUR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO HURRICANE the 1800s, people in the West Indies started naming hurricanes according to the saint’s