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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Mai Văn Hiển



Vietnam is a country where instant noodles

are popular in a range of recipes and as a

simple snack

Japanese firm Vina Acecook is the runaway

market leader with a 65 percent share.

Locally-owned Asia Food with brands like

Gau Do, Hello, Vifood, Hao Hang, Osami and

Trung Vang is second with a 20 percent share

Size Strategy Message

80%Focus on hot - sour taste

with emotional benefit

Japanese quality for

tasty meals

17% Focus on PromotionProvide more

nutritional value

In the middle price segment, Hao Hao and 3 Mien Gold are two brands which

dominates the market

Many bands have tried to jump in in the midle-price segment with hot - sour taste

but not successful

Business Objective:

- Launching a new instant noodle in 07/2017

- Become a direct competitor of Hao Hao in the middle price segment of instant noodles

- 34.7 million packs per month in first year, increase to 50 – 60 million packs in next year

How: Converting customers who are consuming Hao Hao’ sour - hot instant noodles

into new brand

By: Focusing on need in which Hao Hao’ sour – hot instant noodles are not met

According to Vietnam National Nutrition

Institute Research in 2015 . After eating the

instant noodle with sour - hot favour,

ourbody temperature can rise, which is

seriously affect to our health, especially in

the evening

70% of respondents answered that they

prefer eat hot - sour instant noodles

There are three main reasons

why they are continue to eat

sour - hot instant noodles

despite knowing about it’s bad

affect to their health.

- Don’t have enough time to

prepare food .

- Don’t have money to buy

healthy instant noodle like

omachi or cung dinh

- Familar with hot - sour taste,

hard to change

Need an Instant noodle

Which not only have hot -

sour taste but also not

make bad affect to health

+Sub Urban & Rural

+ Class: CD +

+ Eating Hao Hao’s sour - hot instant

noodles more than 2 times / week,

+ Driven by Price

+ Like the sour - hot taste


POSITIONING: hot – sour instant noodle which is not make bad affect to health

WHEREIn the office, home, school, cvs …

WHENFeeling hungry

WHY:Do not want to prepare meals, no

money / time to eat outside

WHATHot – sour instant noodle which is

tasty to eat but not make me

concern about health


I find difficult to give up my favorite hot – sour instant noodle despite knowing it's not good for my health, I want a solution so

that I can continue to eat it at an acceptable price without worring about health issues.

provide to Whom what Need the Uniqueness by RTB

+ Hao Hao’ consumer who like hot

– sour instant noodle

+ Class: CD +

+ Living in Sub Urban & Rural

+ Concern about health

A hot – sour instant noodle at

a acceptable price without

make bad affect to health

hot – sour instant noodle which is not

make bad affect to health

hot – sour favour are made from

soup packets, not from pasta noodle

(Vị chua cay được làm từ nước sốt

đi kèm chứ không phải làm trực tiếp

trong sợi mỳ)

6. Bing a healthy life

witthout abandon

favorite flavor 7. hot – sour favour are made

from soup packets, not

from pasta noodle5. Bring hot – sour favour in

instant noodle in a mor

heathier way

8. Instant noodle which

have hot – sour favour

made from

soup packets, not from

pasta noodle

4. I find difficult to give up

my favorite hot – sour

instant noodle despite

knowing it's not good for my

health, I want a solution so

that I can continue to eat it

at an acceptable price

without worring about health


can bring to me the feeling

of euphoria and take me out

of stree and fatigue every


2. The only instant noodle

that have hot – sour favour

made from soup packets,

not from pasta noodle

1. Soup packet could in every instant noodle could bring the same taste when eating

like pasta noodle without making bad affect to health


+ Like hot – sour instant


+ Class: CD +

+ Living in Sub Urban & Rural

+ Concern about healthEnjoy favorite favour in instant noodle in

a more healthier way

Product: Instant noodle which has hot – sour favour made from

soup packets, not from pasta noodle

Price: Cheaper 500đ than Hao Hao‘ price to recruite new user

who are using Hao Hao instant noodles

Place: 90% GT, 10 % MT

Promotion: Cooperating with Women Union in the districts, villages

Packching: Using orgran is the main colour, which mean

Hao Hao : red – Too hot –sour, bad effect

Proposition: Enjoy favorite favour in a more healthier way

24 trong số 136 chất phụ gia có trong Tiêu chuẩn Codex khi sản xuất mì ăn liền là muối (natri), và việc sử dụng các chất phụ gia natri là lý do

chính tại sao mì ăn liền có hàm lượng muối khá cao, dễ dẫn đến bệnh tăng huyết áp, bệnh tim, đột quị, tổn thương thận và các vấn đề sức

khỏe khác.

Một trong những mối quan tâm lớn của các nhà khoa học đối với mì ăn liền là dầu dùng để chiên mì có thể bị biến tính

nếu không được quản lý đúng cách trong quá trình sản xuất - mà cụ thể là không được nhà sản xuất duy trì ở nhiệt độ thích hợp hoặc không

được thay đổi thường xuyên.

Bên cạnh đó, sợi mì thường một lượng lớn bột ngọt và hương liệu tạo mùi. Hương liệu này điều chế bằng phương pháp hóa học để cho ra

mùi bò, gà, tôm, chua cay ...

Theo Tổ chức Y tế thế giới (WHO), khoảng 1 đến 2% dân số thế giới bị dị ứng với bột ngọt và chất tạo mùi, biểu hiện bằng cảm giác bỏng rát,

tức ngực, đỏ bừng mặt hoặc đau cơ và nhức đầu.

Dịch từ bài đăng của Bệnh viện Máu và Tim mạch Baylor Mỹ đăng

tải trên tạp chí Dinh dưỡng (The Journal of Nutrition) - 2015
