you must complete all 5 parts (a­e) to complete level one ... · pdf fileyou must complete...

Meiosis Level One Requirements 1 You must complete all 5 parts (AE) to complete Level One of 2.2 Meiosis Standard: (LS2) Reproduction is necessary for the continuation of every species. Essential Question: How do cells divide for sexual reproduction? Learning Target: By the end of this lesson you should be able to describe the process of meiosis and its role in sexual reproduction. A. define the vocab words on page 101: homologous chromosomes a pair of chromosomes that have the same size, shape, and have genes that control the same trait meiosis a type of cell division that produces haploid sex cells Use the internet to define: Crossing Over is the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I Haploid containing half the number of chromosomes Diploid containing a full set of chromosomes Gamete sex cell n= n umber of chromosomes 1n= 23 chromosomes (1 set of chromosomes the gamete/sex cell/sperm/egg) 2n= 46 chromosomes, (2 sets of chromosomes zygote, regular body cell)

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Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   1 

You must complete all 5 parts (A­E) to 

complete Level One of 2.2 Meiosis Standard: (LS2) Reproduction is necessary for the continuation of every species.  

Essential Question: How do cells divide for sexual reproduction? 

Learning Target: By the end of this lesson you should be able to describe the process of meiosis 

and its role in sexual reproduction.  


A.  define the vocab words on page 101:  homologous chromosomes ­ a pair of chromosomes that have the same size, shape, and have genes that control the same trait 

meiosis ­ a type of cell division that produces haploid sex cells 

Use the internet to define:  

Crossing Over ­ is the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I 

Haploid ­ containing half the number of chromosomes 

Diploid ­ containing a full set of chromosomes 

Gamete ­ sex cell 

n= number of chromosomes 

1n= 23 chromosomes (1 set of chromosomes ­ the gamete/sex cell/sperm/egg) 

2n= 46 chromosomes, (2 sets of chromosomes ­ zygote, regular body cell)   





Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   2 

B. Complete the Meiosis Web Lesson 


1. Visit this website: 2. Read through the introduction information. 3. Select the “Animation” tab. 4. Select the “Narrated” button to listen and watch the video, or choose “Step­Through” to read the descriptions and the video. 5. Draw a diagram and fill in a description for each Phase. 

(Refer to the website and to page 7­8 of this packet)  


Phase  Diagram  Description 



Prophase I  



Metaphase I  



Anaphase I  



Telophase I      




Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   3 

Prophase II        


Metaphase II        


Anaphase II       


Telophase II  





    What is the purpose of Meiosis??? _____________________________________  






Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   4 

C. Meiosis Review: How your body 

makes Sperm and Egg

Meiosis Review: How your body makes Sperm or Eggs

Almost all the cells in your body were produced by _mitosis__ The ONLY exception is _gametes__which are produced by a different type of cell division: ___meiosis__ During fertilization the sperm and egg unite to form a single cell called the__zygote__ which contains chromosomes from both the sperm and egg. The zygote undergoes mitosis to begin the development of the embryo which eventually becomes a baby. Why can't your body use mitosis to make sperm or eggs?? A typical cell in your body has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs of _homologous_. chromosomes. If human sperm and eggs were produced by mitosis, how many chromosomes would each sperm or egg have? _46_ If a sperm of this type fertilized an egg of this type and both the sperm and egg contributed all of their chromosomes to a zygote, how many chromosomes would the resulting zygote have? __92__ In humans, how many chromosomes should a zygote have, so the baby's body cells will each have a normal set of chromosomes? __46_ Obviously, if the body used mitosis to make sperm and eggs, the zygote would have too many chromosomes to produce a normal baby. To produce a normal zygote, how many chromosomes should each sperm and egg have? __23_ To produce the needed number of chromosomes in sperm and eggs, meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes by half. For example, in humans each sperm and each egg produced by meiosis has only _23_ chromosomes, including one chromosome from each pair of homologous chromosomes. When an egg and a sperm are united during __fertilization_ the resulting zygote has 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes, one in each pair from the egg and one from the sperm. Thus, the zygote has __46___chromosomes, and when the zygote undergoes mitosis to begin to form an embryo, each cell will have the normal number of __46_chromosomes. Cells that have two copies of each chromosome are called _diploid_cells. Most of the cells in our bodies are diploid cells. Cells that only have one copy of each chromosome are called _haploid_ cells. Which types of cells in our bodies are haploid? __gametes__

Word Bank

sex cells (gamete)

fertilization 23 (used 2x) 92 46 (used 4x)

homologous diploid mitosis sperm and egg meiosis

haploid zygote


Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   5 

D. read pages 102­106 and complete the 

cloze notes   

 2.2 Meiosis Notes_Student 

Pages 100­109  Essential Understanding: By the end of this lesson, I should be able to describe the process of MEIOSIS and its role in SEXUAL reproduction.  Page 102:How do sex cells differ from body cells? •Before sexual reproduction can take place, each parent produces sex cells. •__sex cells___have __half__ of the genetic information that body cells have. •When genetic information from two parents combines, the offspring will have a full set__  of genetic information.  How do sex cells differ from body cells? •In body cells, chromosomes are found in pairs of  __homologous__ chromosomes, which have the same structure and size. •Homologous chromosomes carry the _same_ genes. However, some may be _different__ versions of the genes. How do sex cells differ from body cells? •One chromosome pair is made up of sex chromosomes, which control the __development_ of sexual characteristics. •In humans, the sex chromosomes are called _egg_and _sperm_ chromosomes. •Cells with a pair of every chromosome are called __dipoid__   Page 103: Why do organisms need sex cells? •Most human body cells contain _46_ chromosomes. •Sex cells are also known as __gametes__. Gametes have only _half__  the usual number of chromosomes. •Gametes are _haploid_, meaning they have _one_ chromosome from each homologous pair. Gametes are made in the reproductive organs.  *Why do sex cells require meiosis? ___meiosis creates cells with half the number of chromosomes so that one cell of each parent can combine to form offspring___   

Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   6 

*After sex cells join, they have a full set of chromosomes.  They are no longer sex cells, now they are _a zygote_   Why do organisms need sex cells? •When sex cells combine during sexual reproduction, the resulting cell has _46_ chromosomes: half from the egg and half from the sperm. 

   How are sex cells made? •Mitosis produces two new cells that contain _identical_ copies of the chromosomes in the parent cell. •A different kind of cell division is needed to produce sex cells. •__meiosis_ is the type of cell division that produces haploid (N) sex cells such as sperm or egg cells. •When an egg is _fertilized_by a sperm cell, a new _diploid_ cell forms.­mQS_FZ0   Page 104: One Step at a Time •Meiosis has two parts: _meiosis I __ and __meiosis II__ •Recall that homologous chromosomes have the _same_ genes but are not exact copies of each other.  What are the stages of MEIOSIS I?   http://highered.mcgraw­     •Before MEIOSIS I begins, each chromosome is _duplicated_. Each half is called a 

Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   7 

__chromotid__ •Chromatids are connected by __centromeres_ •During MEIOSIS 1 pairs of homologous chromosomes and sex chromosomes split apart into __two new cells_.  

•In _Prophase I_, duplicated homologous chromosomes _pair up_.   **During Prophase 1, CROSSING OVER occurs. CROSSING OVER is one of the most important events in Meiosis because it allow for GENETIC VARIATION in the offspring.  Genes from both parents are present in the offspring.  The offspring inherits traits from each parent.  

   •In _Metaphase I_, the homologous chromosome pairs line up in the _Middle_ of the cell.  Circle the genes that have “crossed over” in the Metaphase I picture.     

  •In _Anaphase I_, the homologous chromosomes _separate_from their partners and move to opposite ends.      

     •In __Telophase I and __ and ___Cytokinesis___, the nuclear membranes re­form and the cell divides into _two_ cells. The _chromotids_ are still joined as _duplicate chromotids_ 

Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   8 

     Page 105: MEIOSIS II involves _both_ of the new cells that formed during Meiosis I.  •The new cells divide during MEIOSIS II. •Meiosis II results in _four haploid_ ( Haploid=N) sex cells. •In male offspring, the four sex cells develop into sperm cells. •In female offspring, the sex cells become egg cells. •In females of some species, three cells are broken down and only one haploid cell becomes an egg. 

   In __Prophase II__ the nuclear membrane breaks apart.  (The chromosomes are not copied again!)       

  •In ___Metaphase II___ the chromosomes line up in the middle of each cell.    

  •In _Anaphase II__, the chromatids are  pulled apart and  move to  opposite sides.     


Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   9 

 •In _Telephase II_ and ___Cytokinesis_, the nuclear membranes re­form and the cells 

divide. Each cell is _haploid_ *When do chromatids split apart? __Anaphase II____  * Why are there only half as many chromosomes as usual? __The chromosomes did not duplicate again before Prophase II____  * At the end of MEIOSIS II, how many cells have formed? _four haploid cells__   How does meiosis compare to mitosis? •Only cells that will become _sex cells (gametes)_ undergo meiosis. All other cells divide by _mitosis_.  •In meiosis, chromosomes are copied _once_, and the nucleus divides __twice_  •In mitosis, the chromosomes are copied _once_ and the _nucleus_ divides once.  •Meiosis produces __haploid gametes_. Mitosis produces _diploid body cells_(diploid cells=___N).  

 •Mitosis produces diploid cells (2N). Meiosis produces haploid cells (N).  

Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   10 

This table is opposite from the picture above. http://highered.mcgraw­  

Characteristics  Meiosis  Mitosis 

# of nuclear divisions  two  one 

# of cells produced  four  two 

# of chromosomes in new cells (diploid or haploid) 

  23 chromosomes haploid 

46 chromosomes diploid 

Type of cell produced (body or sex) 

sex cells  body cells 

Phases of the process  Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I & Cytokinesis Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II & Cytokinesis      

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase & Cytokinesis  


E. complete the lesson review  

on page 109 


F. Complete the 2.2 Reading quiz until 

you get 100% 

Meiosis ­ Level One Requirements   11 


Meiosis Quizlet­phases­of­meiosis­flash­cards/