yoga for migraine

Naturally Relieve a Headache with Yoga Whether from dehydration, stress, tension, a hangover, or anything else, headaches can really put a dampener on anyone’s day. Luckily yoga can help. Breathing deeply is always good for easing tension—headache or otherwise—while opening the neck, shoulders, and spine help blood flow to your head more freely. The next time you feel that pounding in your head, try doing these nine yoga poses. Hang out in each of these for at least 10 deep breaths, or longer if you have time. If you can’t commit to all nine, do as many or as few as you like—you will still reap the benefits.

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Yoga poses


Naturally Relieve a Headache with Yoga

Whether from dehydration, stress, tension, a hangover, or anything else, headaches can really put a dampener on anyones day. Luckily yoga can help. Breathing deeply is always good for easing tensionheadache or otherwisewhile opening the neck, shoulders, and spine help blood flow to your head more freely.

The next time you feel that pounding in your head, try doing these nine yoga poses. Hang out in each of these for at least 10 deep breaths, or longer if you have time. If you cant commit to all nine, do as many or as few as you likeyou will still reap the benefits.

Standing Forward Fold:With feet hip-width apart, bend forward, relaxing head toward the ground. Grab opposite elbows, soften knees, and hang like a rag doll. Relax head and neck completely, and breathe here for 10 deep breaths.

Cat/Cow:Come to all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. On an inhale, look up and arch spine, rolling shoulders away from ears for cow [not pictured]. As you exhale, press the floor away with hands and knees, and round your spine for cat [pictured at left]. Do at least 5 complete breath cycles (you'll do 5 of each position).

Dolphin:Begin on hands and knees with arms shoulder-width apart. Place forearms parallel to one another, tuck toes, and lift hips high as heels reach toward the ground. Drop head and reach chest back through arms toward feet to enhance shoulder opening. Breathe here for 5 to 10 deep breaths.

Child's Pose:Kneel with knees slightly apart and crawl hands forward. Keeping arms long and in front of you, allow forehead to rest on the ground. Breathe here for 10 or more deep breaths.

Reverse Prayer:In a comfortable sitting position, relax arms down to either side of body. Bend elbows and reach arms behind back. Press palms together in a prayer position on spine with fingertips pointing up, and reach hands as high up your spine as feels good. Breathe here for 10 deep breaths.

Seated Side Opener:Sit in a cross-legged seated position with arms relaxed on either side. Reach left arm long to the ceiling. Take right hand to the ground and crawl it over to the right, allowing right forearm to move toward the ground and leaning torso to the right. Revolve chest open toward ceiling, and look up or down, whichever feels best on your neck. Breathe here for at least 10 deep breaths.

Seated Spinal Twist:Sit with legs long in front of you. Bend right knee and place right foot outside of left knee. (You can keep left leg long or fold it in like a half-cross-legged seat.) Wrap left arm around right leg and place right hand on the ground behind sacrum. Use each inhale to lengthen spine and each exhale to let stress and worries go. Breathe here for 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Reclining Goddess:Place a bolster lengthwise behind your sitz bones and gently lie back so your upper back and head are supported by the bolster. Once comfortable, place feet together and knees apart (if this is uncomfortable for your hips, you can use two blocks or pillows to support your thighs), and allow arms to relax on either side. Breathe here for at least 10 deep breaths.

Legs Up the Wall:Sit sideways next to a wall. Lie down on one side, facing away from the wall with butt touching it. Using arms, lift legs up the wall as you roll over onto your back. Allow arms to fall on either side of you. Palms can face up for openness or down for an extra level of grounding. Breathe here for at least 10 breaths.

Step-By-Step Breakdown: Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)

The Best Yoga Poses for Flat Abs

The Best Yoga Sequence To Do After Work10 Yoga Poses To Heal Migraines

First, nutrition is crucial in allhealing. Long-term solutions to health always require you to make a change to your diet. Cut out all allergenic foods - gluten, refined or artificial sugar, soy, dairy.

Secondly, get plenty of good quality water (free of fluoride and chlorine). And take Magnesium. See my two articles11 Ways Magnesium Heals Your Mind and Body, and6 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Magnesium Levels.

Thirdly, do these 10 yoga postures every morning. Hold each pose comfortably for up to one minute, concentrating on relaxing and breathing. Repeat the whole sequence 2-4 times.

Forward Virasana

Kneel with widened knees apart. Draw the shoulders forward past the ears. Lower the heart towards the earth. Tailbone lengthening back and down. Chin gently tucking in towards the chest, lengthening the back of the neck. If you like you can rest forehead (on a bolster).

Adho Mukha Svanasana; Downward Dog

Come into an inverted V shape. Thighs and spine are at about a 90 angle. Spread the fingers, index finger points forward. Palms flat on the earth, press down firmly through the thumb and index. Armpits roll inward to face each other. Elbows straight. Chin tucks in towards the chest, lengthen the back of the neck look at the thighs or navel. Tuck the tailbone under, lengthen the whole spine, especially the lower back. The heels should go fully to earth and there is no strain on the neck/shoulders.

Prasarita Padottanasana; Wide Angle Standing Forward Bend

Feet are wide. Press the toes firmly into the mat. Stretch the mat apart with your feet. Tuck the tailbone under, ground the sitting bones, lengthen the lower back. Take your hands to your ankles and bend your elbows, assist gently with your arms to draw the back of the head to touch the earth. Chin tucks in towards the chest. Gaze towards the navel. If you like you can choose to do it you?re your back to wall.

Uttanasana; Standing Forward Bend

Standing with even weight through the feet, or weight very slightly forward into the toes. Big toes touch, heels are slightly apart. Keep the tailbone tucked under, allow the spine to bend forward. Tuck the chin gently in towards the chest, lengthen the back of the neck. Gently work the palms towards the earth, fingertips in line with the heels. Relax and breathe. See it being taughthere.

Janusirsasana; Head to Knee Pose

Sit with legs straight in front. Tuck the right heel into the groin, and uncurl the toes out from the left thigh. Press the sitting bones into the earth and lift the spine long into the sky, inhale the arms up above the head, then exhale bend forward to touch the toes of the left foot. Turn the navel gently out towards the left side. Chin gently tucks in towards the chest, lengthen the back of your neck. Forehead towards the shin. Both eyes and jaw relax. Then swap sides.

Pascimottanasana; Seated Forward Bend

Sit with legs stretch straight out in front. Flex your toes back towards you. Big toes touch, heels are slightly apart. Press the sitting bones into the earth, lift the spine taller. Inhale the arms up into the sky, then exhale bend forward reaching the hands towards the toes or past the feet. Chin towards the chest, lengthen the back of the neck. Shoulders forward past the ears, and armpits towards the thighs. Throat relaxes, breath flowing. See it being taughthere.

Matsyendrasana; Twist

Sit with both knees bent pointing towards the sky, then sweep the right leg through the left. Then turn the navel out towards the left side, then turn the chest, then turn the head and neck, and then the eyes. Then if you like you can assist with the right elbow against the outside of the left leg, and the left hand on the floor behind your back. Lift your left ears towards the sky slightly and tuck your chin in.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana; Upward Facing Dog Pose

With the hands back by the hips, fingers spread, index finger pointing forward, extend and lift through the spine. Then press the shoulders downward while straightening the arms and pushing the palms into the earth. Push the groin towards the hands, and pull with the hands towards the hips. Push the tops of the feet into the earth and strengthen through the buttocks and thighs. Without moving the hands roll the biceps and shoulders outward. Keep the front of the abdomen firm, but the sides relaxed. Finally tilt the chin up, throat forward, eyes back.

Setu Bandha; Bridge Pose

Lay on your back. Bend you knees and place your feet to the floor. Draw your heels close to your buttocks, your feet are hip width apart or narrower. Toes turn in slightly. Stretch your fingers towards your heels, and shoulders away from your ears. Press the feet firmly into the earth and slowly lift the pelvis into the sky. Tuck the tailbone under. Tuck the chin gently in towards the chest, lengthen the back of the neck. Look gently towards the tip of the nose or close your eyes. Care is required for the lower back, aim to stretch both the abdominal area and the lower back, lengthening the spine away from your head. If you like you can interlace the fingers behind your back and squeeze your palms together, straighten your elbows and wiggle your shoulders and shoulder blades towards each other, opening the front of your heart, create space through the chest. Don't allow the knees and thighs to drift apart, keep them one fist width distance.

Savasana; Corpse Pose

Lay on your back. Feet and legs are close together. Feet fall out to the sides. Arms are 30 away from your sides. Palms facing upward. Eyes closed. Concentrate on relaxing your entire body and resting on the earth.

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Marcus Julian Felicetti

Marcus became a yoga teacher soon after discovering yoga at University. His classes are fun, passionate and often intense. They offer students the chance to go deep within and connect with their breath and release their emotions. Marcus communicates his love of yoga through guiding each student with insight and compassion, weaving ancient wisdom with simplicity and an emphasis on the students experience. His primary objective is to teach a system of yoga that fully integrates the body, mind and spirit, and channels that energy to its highest potential and purpose. Marcus continues to grow his own yoga practice everyday while remaining passionate about helping others connect to theirs. He teaches private one-on-one yoga in Sydney. His business Bodhi Yoga provides quality corporate yoga classes to companies in Sydney.