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  • 8/4/2019 Yoga Camp1


    Panca Ayatana Devatas 30/06/2005 14:05:00


    Smarta (followers of the smirti (recollected literature of the veda)

    Vedas (a concept you wave in the air: a talesmant of identity)

    o not something you cite

    Everything that is NOT Vedas, but belongs to that traditions =


    o All godds, goddesses, Ramayana, everything that is NOT


    Understanding of Gods that offer 5 vantage points SMARTAS


    Those who follow the Vedas


    Cultural identityo Legal and social system that substantiates cast.


    Category of identity

    Holding place of intellectually identity


    Category less frequently used (as associated with reprehensible,

    morally suspect , intellectually bankrupt activities)

    Usage of the word tantric

    o Apa never used the word for yearsso as not to associate it


    India holding both extremes

    o Created Karma Sutra, yet socially repressed

    o As wrong as it could be, and as right as it could be.

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    Emergent Vaidica Anti-Tantric traditions is in response to


    Categories in Tantra

    Vaidicaso Paragons of society, also composing and presenting the


    Relationship between Vaidica Identity (Apa) and Tantric practices

    o 1) cultural public religion, and

    o 2) private spirituality

    o Its possible to live (in Authenticity) in both forms of the self.

    The goal is not to find the one self in all forms we

    assume, (not who am I really in all those forms), but

    that the same self seeks out different froms.

    The only way the singular identity can experience

    itself is to become more forms.

    o The universe seeks out diversity

    Nature isnt looking to conform, but for heterogeneity

    Universe is choosing to diversify to experience itself

    o Stepping into current of Grace

    How is the one self achieving itself in many faces.

    8th, 9th, 10th Century Kaishmiri Shavists

    All great writers born as priests, (Brahmans) and accounted for all

    phases of human life with rituals. They have a plan

    o Stong practices of cultural and social rules, deeply ortho-

    praxic (correct practice) culture gave rise to the Tantricas

    o Correct speech

    Tantric life = could remain private.

    o Spirit of practice is self- incluvist. It invites, but does not

    expect that people come.

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    o Has a natural privacy about it (can be misunderstood as


    o Western We have a message and we are going to tell you

    o Inclucation is like self imposition



    Problem with the world is not that yourre free, its that everyone

    else in the world is free! Apa


    Dignity of privacy

    o The way information is transmitted in

    Secrecy the way the universe works

    o The principal of the universe, the way the universe reveals

    and conceals itself. The solidity of the floor hides its quantam

    nature, letting us appreciate its beauty

    Intimacy is the way in which freedom gives expression to choices.

    Saying yes to some and no to othersfreedom expresses itself in how you

    choose to bind. The goal of this tradition is not freedom (we are already

    free) the goal of this tradition is bondage (what do you bind yourself to

    because you are completely free?)

    Freedom from EGO, DESIRE, BONDAGE, and ILLUSION

    The usual ways traditions express goals


    The experience of self

    The experience of wonder

    In non-trantric traditions, suggests egoism. (locating your identity

    as a distinct individual and failing to identify with something larger

    than yourself.

    o You have ego, causes desire, causes bondage, attachment,

    creates misconceptions illusions, you are captured by these

    illusions, goal of yoga is liberate yourself from this.

    Tantric tradition

    o Problematic (ego->bondage) is not problem to tantric, but

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    o Immortal has not just chosen any form, the immortal has

    chosen YOUR form! Chosen to take your form, as ever

    greater particularitythe self is only in some-one.

    o Never lay out a path you cant follow

    o Maybe perfection isnt illusory, but here in thiso If you think you can act without caring about the resultyou

    are mistaken, HOW YOU REACT to the result, that is what


    o How could you act if you didnt desire something!

    o Krishnas objection to Arjuna is that he has forgotten who he


    o DESIRE

    Is not an affectation of the ego, but how the universe

    experiences itself.

    Is why the universe is.

    The desire that is immortal exists in all times.

    Some desires all temporary (breakfast, lunch)

    Not an affectation of mortality, but desire is

    Mortality binds itself because it can

    o Shiva Sutra

    Knowledge is bondage and bondage is a good thing.

    If it not expressing its freedimo in the cognescence ofchoices.

    o Without bondage, life is less sweet, savory. Desire, without

    bondage will lack intimacy. It will be free, but will not have

    expressed itself in choice.



    o If you dont life in the Maya you create, the world will create

    one for you.

    Creating an edifice so that people can connect with your self.

    Therefore creating your maya


    o If ego desires are the terms of life, get with it and create a

    yoga you can achieve.

    Terms of embodiment

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    Are a blessing, not a curse.


    We have more access to the experience of our freedom


    Everything has abn -0i


    The reasonw


    Shoppingnot an experience of getting, but one of creating possibility,

    of expression.

    ..The same beings that emerged from the Vaidic culture

    What is at stake is empowering ourselves as the divine has offered us


    Expressed in old tradition by saying: human opportunity has fiveessential avenues,

    o Five gateways, principle currents of grace.

    o Each is alive, a vector, a category,

    o Five kinds of experience five shapes in which the divine is


    o Five different ways to approach the same source,

    That from when=ce eveythiccannn

    o Five ways to explore

    Expressed as five principal deities


    o Vaidikas sho formulate themselves

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    Pancha Ayatana Devata 30/06/2005 14:05:00

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    Standard Smarta gods

    1) Surya; Sun

    2) Ganapati; Ganesha

    3) Vishno

    4) Shiva 5) Devi


    Not smartas, but vaishnava

    All characters are related to vishnu

    Vaideka tradition

    5 categories

    Vishnu sits in the middle

    o Stands for dharma

    o Be expansive for Vishnu


    Vaidikas see these as exterior, Tantricas see is as interiorliterally

    the currents of grace. With depth and quality.o They will physically be in the body, the states of


    o Five categories become leverage (ways of empowering the

    exp. Of the self in three essential forms:

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    Body, Heart, Mind. (Five in each)

    Last category (Devi) will be separated into two Kali Kula

    and Sri Kula

    Sapta Maitrica

    These experiential Worlds, are simply facets of the jewel of the self.

    And we can access in two different ways:

    SAHAJA - vidya

    o (born at once, spontaneous),

    o Everybodys got them

    o But they dont have: name, visionary identity

    o Spontaneous, natural, innate, intrinsic

    Devata Bahavana

    o Mirroring back this information in your own light. Become

    mirrors of the self.

    o Takes that which was just an experiential reality, and you get

    it mirrored back to you as the divine.

    o Mirror

    You can see something about reality that is not

    otherwise accessible to you you.

    By mirroring it back to you, you can see things

    that otherwise, you can not see. You can shape it back to your self

    o Reflect back throught the lense of your own self.

    o Yantras are like graphs.

    o When reality mirrors back your own life

    o (images, gods, yantras, mantras, mudras)

    o Infinite formless is choosing form

    o Power in this tradition is access

    Like when you are teaching, you recreate the

    experience or create more or different of experiences

    for students. This power comes from being able to se

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    o The recipe, the insight

    Example: Having curry for dinnr.

    Just having it, sahaja Here are all the spices, devata

    You are able to make it, the recipe, shastra

    the one who enjoys, the triatic is the heroic lord

    the ways in which when we allow devata (the world to reflect back

    on ourselves, the heart expands and grows.) Literally tap into

    experiences into others are having.

    Pashu (Breath)

    Key to access = Prana (breath)=

    o When you become Siddha, you dont stop becoming Pashi

    o Access to the heart (vira)

    Vira (Heros of heart)

    Key = access to the states of consciousness

    Waking, dreaming and dreamlessness

    How deeply do you experience your inner heart?

    Siddha bhavana Key= Pramana (Means of valid understanding)

    Pramanas (Three of them; how we deeply know)

    o 1) Direct experience, deepening appreciation of the senses

    o 2) Indirect experience (anumana)

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    o 3) What has comes to you, the gift of that deep trusting

    others, valid testimony. Deep abiding trust in things that are

    true. Received knowledge. The point of progress, evolution

    Siddha has the deepest experience (so true they are no longer

    yours, except that they are so true, they ARE yours)


    That energy, light, source = DIV, or DIVYA

    o The shakti itself

    Shaktas say:

    Once Shiva and Shakti explode, they are going to muscularly

    particularize, fuse into infinite plurality and diversity.

    World is going to consolidate, gather around itself, keep diversifying

    into further forms.


    o Light becomes a god


    Principal of Kula invoked

    All form is a Kula because stuff is just company

    Kula = the way energy chooses to create relationship

    You dont see light as light, you see light as its reflection back thought

    the lens of consciousness.

    The universe does us backward, shiva gets organic, and the universe

    gets muscular, but not as oneness, but as diversity.

    Shakti (energy)

    Diffuse reality of explosion of consciousness (DIVYA)

    Constantly reforms, chooses to become (DEVYA)

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    How you experience yourself in the world as divine (

    Universe is consciousness because we are the evidence of that

    creation. We could not have been created out of nothing (that which)

    We arent made of stuff that the world isnt made of--- we are just

    made of the right stuff to gather awareness of itself.


    If you want God to be that which MADE reality, but ISNt it = DUALISM

    Agency of divine stands outside of creation

    St. Augustin, Creation from nothing so that it preserves real

    dualism, and so that the creator does whatever it wants so that the

    creator can meddle.

    Creation from nothing becomes the guarantee of miracles,

    Things that dont happen, but do. Or Things that happen that

    dont happen.

    You need a cod that is other to create impossible things.

    Tantricas say.

    god is what is possible god does what is possible, tantrics want to take

    Inclusion is a way we expand the boundaries of what is possible.

    Example: one of the meanings of daivya

    Occlusion is leaving out the impossible.

    Nothing matters / everything matters / argument about FATE


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    Everything you do matters.

    To get to the core of the self, you must acess the form the self has

    taken. To find that immortalwe have to go to the depths of mortal desire.

    The experience of your physical desire - is called apegsha (truest heart-feltdesire)

    Self awareness

    Method to stay aware through all states of consciousness.



    The desire of the self to experience itself

    Five Deities are going to appear in our bodies.

    Five ways of deepening access to ourselves


    The path of empowering yourself as a form of divine who has chosen

    to become you,

    How do you access this? Thorugh Physical being, sublime


    Reflections of our selves


    o Five breathes

    In the minda

    o Icha, Yana, kriya, manefestation, bliss

    In the Shastras (

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    30/06/2005 14:05:00

    Every Tantric Yoga taught from the particular to the general.

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    Teachings are never some thingbut the presence of the infinite form

    of some one

    Alive, infinite consciousness

    Universe is mysterious enough, it doesnt require some mystery

    o Doesnt require the existence of something that is not it(the universe.

    We all want something that isnt us to tell us what to do

    STOP LOOKING FOR THE ANSWER, that is other than you

    STOP looking for something to come out of the sky

    Because they take your eyes off the point.


    Categories of metaphysical reality.

    Structural outline, the bones of the body that tell you everything

    and nothing (because you dont know anything about someone

    from the bones, but you know everything from that person.

    TAT (that) VA (suffix ness), Tatva = Thatness

    Therefore, subject experiences itself as the object.

    o What am I? That. I am the thatnessJUST THAT.


    Not a goal, but a process of requiring virtuositygetting adept. About going deeply into the potential of your own consciousness.

    Key= to access consiousness, as that it is literally a form of power.

    Rajinica practice

    o Simple three-fold process

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    Everything inside you that you need is there. Principle of innate

    sufficiency. The gift of grace. Grace given freely. As it is a gift, you dont

    have to earn it.

    RANT: Philosophies that set us up to strive to achieve something

    that is not accessible. Looks like it inspires you, but really itbeliegers youthen you dont have to do the work, as you wait for

    the big kaboom.

    Innate because perfection is not remoteits already there.

    The further you go into the cave of the heart, the more willingly you

    step into the darkness of the self, the safer you are, fear is standing

    at the precipice of darknessstanding on the outside looking in

    there is nothing to fear.

    The more deeply you step into the darkness, the more sweetly she

    holds younothing to fear about your embodiment and about the

    cave of the heart. You must be literally con-fidence with


    o Step into it= love yourself, give your sefl the ability

    confidence to help yourself. If you have an issue recognize it.

    o Point is to get real

    o Darkness is a place to get into.

    o Going into the light the same as going into the darkness

    because in both cases you cant see where you are going. Still the first principal= SRI

    o Abundant, affirming, filled with real value, the more deeply

    you step into yourself

    o Lets just make moreand varieties.

    Ben and Jerrys principal.

    o Not nihilistic because you are connected.

    o Problem with a dualistic god is that You cant get there from


    o You are not lacking, everything you need you have.

    o Whether you turn to darkness or the sun, you have what you


    o Everyone has the adhikara they need for their own perfection.

    Not a question of whether you have the ability, but do you

    have the courage of your own desire!

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    o Key to Tantric Yoga = not moving from ego to atman, but

    from I to I, Aham to Aham. Your essence never departs from

    yourself. Atma has taken the form of Aham.

    o What is the courage of your desire? What desire do you have

    for the way you experience yourself.o You will always have the integrity of your eown experience

    Diversifying (self becomes more self)

    Always appearing as someone.

    A teacher , Yogi, Guru asking you to look for yourself, is

    like a snype hunt.

    o Mariposa Principal

    That which you seek you have always been

    o Life is the company you keep

    the first you need to figure out how to keep is your


    o You become your desiresyou become what you seek. Thats

    why it is so critical to care what you are seeking. You will

    receive what you ask fore--- the whole path is what are you

    asking for.

    i.e. the popes funeral, he went to Jesus, because that

    is where he thought he was

    o Look to your experiences, and the experience you desireo Everyones Siddha (sublime self) is guaranteed.

    Everyones deep sleeping self is already in this room.

    Just like deep sleep follows the waking self, the Siddha

    follows the ego

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    e Self



    y Self

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    o You dont argue with your enemies.


    we dont argue with others to convert them / change theirminds, we talk to others to find out what we think.

    We are not interested in conversionwe are interested

    in conversation.

    o Upaya = skill

    o I am you, I am like you, I am noting but you.

    o Or its a conversation (rooted in grace) or its a transaction

    (figure out what currency people are using.)

    o Anusara Complement SARA (it means essence AND current)


    Complement = ANUMATI (the thing you posess)

    If anusara means grace, anumati means effort.


    o Sanscrit lesson

    Man, mant (possessive)

    -vant, mant (strong ending

    -van, man (weak ending)

    Transacting versus conversingo Always assume you are transacting, because then you are

    figuring out what that persons currency is and speaking from

    a place where you are trying to understand that person first.

    You can have an internal conversation at the same time.

    o Whether transacting or conversing, the world reflects back to

    you thorugh your own consciousness.

    o * the more deeply youve invested in your self, the more

    profoundly you understand others.

    o The depth of your own self reflection, is the depth of your

    penetration in the world.

    o Seeing more in the world UNMILANA (looking outside, seeing

    the light.)

    Vimarsha Shakti (The power of reflection)

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    The world (like a mirror) will only show you outside,

    what you see inside. The only way to see more light is

    by looking into the darkness (this is why it is good to


    o The depth of our own self appreciation is the capacity ofappreciating others.

    May all your pie be humble.

    Point 2: Vimarsha

    Ironic paradox.

    In the heart,

    In th sublime selfbeing able to move to move wherever

    Prativha (imagination)

    o The capacity of consciousness to imagine. To throw itself

    back unto itself that are truly unknown. Looking at the

    darkest part of the dark sky and realizing there billions of

    stars beyond what your eyes can see.

    o Sublime reflection (having the capacity to see things you are

    not seeing.)

    Zen saying drinking tea from an empty cup.

    o The sublime selfs capacity to see literally as the sublime


    Innate sufficiency about the body. What were you given as an

    embodied being. Everyone was born sufficiently pashu. People with

    disabilities, deficient in pashu, abundant in devata, siddha qualities

    Stages of yoga

    1) mining yourself (pashu)

    2) devata (gods appear) like a diamond cutter. You have tools to

    take the ore of your inner being and refine it, shape it. (Vira)

    3) Vishastra (sublime understanding) a refinement, like the jewler

    that says, this one is done right.

    1) how to grow grapes

    2) how to make wine

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    3) how to taste whats in the wine

    o wine growers call wine tasters to find out about themselves.

    o Pattern

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    H stories







    H Translateinto gods


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    W The point

    of the


    nding a


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    o Perfection of the self, is in the perfection of your own gifts.

    Stage 2 devatas Stage 3 shastras, the divine point, making the interpretation

    That path of Tantra is the first of six stages:

    1) YANA (knowledge, the gift)

    those three stages, universal cross cultural human embodied

    experience that is embodied consiousness, that reflects itself back

    on itself in the devatas, the sublime ability to re-reflecti itself back

    again, a re-interpretation, understanding.

    2) AISHVARYA (belonging to ishwara)

    Making the choice to become sovereign rather than subject

    Empowered not victimized.

    Free to accept the gift.

    Confidence in the self

    3) Shakti

    dealing with forms of energies, power

    4) Bala (strength)

    this is the turning point. Innate empowered

    Dealing with power, dealing with yourself.

    The capacity to be themselves, and the capacity to change into

    other things.

    Forms of Grace.

    Litterally Anysara

    5) Virya

    virility, vitality, energizing experience,

    courage, now hold on.

    Everybody who gets on the roller coaster gets off it, its all ok.

    6) Tejas

    Brilliance, self - illumination

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    Six Phases of Yoga

    Six Stages of

    the TantraPath

    Yana Knowledge,

    the gift,inquiry intoourselves

    Aishvaya Choosing the


    Shakti When you




    Yana The gift of



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    Maya; Division of the Self 30/06/2005 14:05:00


    Without it, it would be like a body without bones.


    o Any energy that causes muscular, drawing together

    o Nature of shakti to create experience of herself

    o It doesnt take anything else other than Kula to create Shakti

    o The presence creates the gravity.

    Maya is nothing more than they way Shakti is cohering, condensing


    o You dont want that Maya to be formed for you, but you participate in

    creating it

    Goal: Co-participatory

    o Delusion: you have no control, you have all control (occlusion)

    o Inclusion: the divine is never leaving you out, and never inviting you to do

    more than your share.

    We study the past to make a better future.

    Power of maya does not divide consciousness

    o Even though we are making it up, we know it is an illusion.

    o Vedanta strategy:

    Names and forms are cloaking reality. (artichoke)

    You think the birds and the trees are real but they are illusory, but

    they are nothing but maya.

    Maya divides consciousness because it is separating you from the

    real experience that it is all one.

    o Buddhist:

    The more cloak you remove, the more you realize (onion)

    o Tantric:

    If consciousness were subject to division, it would not be


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    Even if your creating an illusion,

    We arent separated by what we think of ourselves, we are created

    John Nash

    Healed by his own freedom to

    Growth, division of the self

    Heading toward your core

    o Divides the self.


    Process of division expands the middle.

    The self is going to appear in whatever form you seek.


    Participation in the process which is already going onthe deepning of the

    recognition of the self,

    Every night an opportunity to splinter off into experience

    Second process:

    o Seek whatever suits you

    o Body, heart, mind must turn into its authentic desire.

    We need to learn to want what we really want.

    One should center ones attention wherever brings the mind (body

    mind and heart) find satisfaction, for it is there that the inherent

    nature of supreme bliss arises

    So that you are pursuing what ever you desire, pursuing


    As a practice, he is telling us, the AHAM (the I that gets deeper by

    dividing itself into own form) The self grows best out of your own


    Dont abnegate your desire! Just dont what you love!

    Whats the big deal

    Tantra: Virtuosity in being your self

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    Consciousness is a boat

    The more you participate, the better it sails.

    Two strategies:

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    More, valuable, affirming, GROW, fill themind with things, let in the diversity

    NIMILA Cant haveone without

    the other.The mind

    most drivenis also the

    mind most

    Advances Cool off, calm down, slow down, relax,stop being so busy,

    Expand the middle, diversifying Cool off the mind to let the mind come


    Fill you mind with something worthwhile

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    emptySri Strategy: abundance, valueaffirmation

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    The core of the practice is to expand the middle. To expand the middle, you have to

    diversity, even as you empty.

    All you have to do is to step into the current ANUSARA, to participate in this


    Proof: how bodies love a rhythm.

    When you feel restless, broken up, eat on schedule. Treat the bodys rhythms

    with respect, then the cycles of consciousness will follow.

    Death as a division from life is just another way of experiencing consciousness. But

    who is experiencing it?

    The sublime self.

    Its not that all paths lead to the same points, its that every point leads to every


    o Drawing into the focal point, the center, the heart, you are at the pont

    from which all possibilities are viable.


    Tantric path is not to know something, but to know you know it.

    To expand the boundaries, you expand the middle. Growth of consciousness is

    embryonic, it that it grows from the center.

    Consciousness is like a Kirtan

    When you sing, the universe sings back. Thats why you have to be careful what you


    Butyou have to give it enough space to sing back Thats why you have to

    You think you have to sing, but really you have to listen.

    When you sing out, and you get a response, its really you!

    Three kinds of fractures / disjointed ness:

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    Discontinuity Separateness Alienation

    You dont know there is a

    relationship between things.You dont see the connection

    between things.

    When you think that the

    echo you get isnt you! Youthink of the relationship

    without understanding itsmutuality. No sight of


    When you think there is no

    relationship at all. You thinkthey are two different things.

    Only happens because there

    is a deep intrinsic nature.You could only see each

    other as different, if we are

    ultimately the same.

    Ultimately leads to



    When we use a label to tell othersit says more about us, then about them.

    To treat another as an object, is to fold only upon yourself--


    o Which is why you cant entertain that you may be wrong.

    o Thinking everything is that you like.

    Having Gurutwa

    Having the presence to stay with yourself.

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    30/06/2005 14:05:00


    Every thought, idea is a Kula

    Singularity is always in concert with multiplicity (nothing exists alone)

    Point 1: Nothing exists in isolation.

    Every reduction produces another phase

    Buddhists: That shows you there is nothing there

    Tantrics: That shows you there is always more there

    i.e. Don Sanderson writes about Tibetan Tantric Tzhogen: how it was lifted from

    Kashmiri Shaivists

    o Comparing Vajrayana (8th, 9th, 10th, 11th century) Buddhism with Kashmiri


    Pahsame Tam (show me the money)


    Community mantra (comes in pairs b/c the self always deepens itself) purpose

    of embodiment is relationship.

    Eshewing seperateness

    Universe wants to heal (part of sri principal)

    Wants to say YES! to the universe

    Bodies want to feel co

    Problematics: discontinuity, seperateness, alianation impelled by an energy of

    auspiciousness, not impelled by evil..

    Freedom gives you the option to benign neglect

    o Like we dont do anything about dust bunnies, we are free and because

    we dont CHOOSE to clean, we get dust bunnies.

    Evidence for benign neglect

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    o Body wants to get it right.

    o i.e. asana: if you consistently realign, the body

    Affirming force that the universe wants to connect, diversify

    Nature moves toward that affirmation

    What about entropy?

    Because we dont engage.

    She made you so free you can ignore her

    o Otherwise, yoga would be a model of command, compliance if you

    comply, you will reap the rewards BEWARE OF THIS!

    What about shock?

    Body backs off because it wants to fix itself

    Its not that you dont think its not going to click again, its that we dont heal

    enough space to hear the voice.

    Stamhi sandeha padeshu vastushu

    For those who are authentic in their own essance in matters

    One must turn towareds (make the initiative engage) the inner voice

    The self is the inner agent, the real doer (we are not vedantans)

    We must turn to our own inner agency to find pramana,

    Isnt it interesting that people dont ask for what what they could give?

    Aspire for the highest

    Ask for greatness

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    If you aim deeper and higher and greater you will get that

    If you ask for too little, it is a failure to acknowledge your own worth. Irascible

    Giving someone a break (compassion) is like giving someone space between the


    Giving them a space to hold a deeper paradox

    Humility without confidence is folley

    Confidence without humility is insufferable.


    Everyday something wonderful can be experienced,


    Heroic state

    Sublime self

    This way of connecting is connecting so deeply,

    A spiritual flowering

    Stages ofconnection


    Herioic state inwhich you

    engage theworld.



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    Engages deeply.

    Spiritual fluency,

    virtuiosicy, Makesomething hard

    look easy.

    Siddhasawarenessoptimalizes your

    gift. The person

    who optimizesthe grace they

    have been given.

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    The question is not if you have enough grace, it is do you use the grace you have.

    Kula principal

    We have all been given the same grace

    I dont have to know how to do30 things

    The deeper the relationship the more the benefit, the greater the leverage.

    Universe always wants us to connect to affirm

    The universe has recognized us. We are going to return the favor, acknowlegeing

    that recognition that the universe has chosen to become you

    The universe has attained or offered something

    Affirmed, chosen something, deliberately expressed its joy in becoming

    If reincarnation, where are all the new people coming from?

    A: The unverse is expanding, is always creating more of itse sself. The unverse

    Hiranya (Golden, from the sun) Garbha (womb)

    Old term for the universe expanding. Not reducing to less atmaits expanding.

    Vedanta (everything is reducing to one self) vs. universe

    The truth is like the self, it is growing, expanding. Its not that you

    Trap of falling into DOGMA

    Its on the reductive process to find an answer, then there is nothing

    more to do. You get it, then its done. Now what

    Dogma makes YOGA no longer a process, when its like a thing

    Strat 2:

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    Truth is like the self, it is ever increasing.

    Knowledge is ever expandingscientific query


    Doesnt mean finished, it means expansive (PURNA: fullness) Because if it were finished


    Distillation, moving toward whiteness (seminal fluid, SOMA : elixer,

    of moon)

    You can do this in your body.

    o Anusara principal



    It can pulse at any rate.

    it can mutate at any moment.


    o Not a steady curve, but

    I.E. Bush administration;

    Reductive, getting closer and closer to what is true

    o DOGMA : this is the one thing that is trueo The problem is that it is no longer true.

    Endevoring in the process of recognition (VIMARSA)

    Our body, consiousness, always evaluating reevaluating how to

    improve, expand, readjust

    Core of awareness (Siddha consiousness) accelerates that process.

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    Panca Ayatana Devatana 30/06/2005 14:05:00

    PAD are there to

    Stage 1: Universe is engaged in expanding itself

    Saying I, AHAM

    We are the evidence that

    We are not mortals chasing the immortals, we are

    We are SIDDHI, what the universe has chosen to become

    o What the universe has done, is made Siddhi as you. To see

    what the universe wanted to accomplish, look in the mirror.

    The gift of human birth is the capacity to experience freedom.

    We are nothing else except more free.

    The last is the first What the universe wants form you, is what its already done, chosen

    to express a profound sense of freedom in the peculiarity,

    preferance, and particularity that is you.

    THIS is the revelation of the 8th century Shiva sutras

    o Upside down, revolutionary as the Atman is infinitely

    expressing itself as Aham

    o Not trying to rid of the multiplicity to find the oneness, to

    ____ the multiplicity.

    o Universe is Siddhithe one is ever choosing to expand itself

    as you.

    o Perfection is deliberately unfinished (a revolution in Yoga)

    Therefore, enlightenment is not something you get

    o Good tantra is Meli Ora (Ever better)

    Perfection has decided to become curiously imperfect

    What makes the space between the breath, the

    paradox of two things possible, because you are


    First inherent reality, is the universe assuming

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    Instead of thinking:

    I do yoga to move toward perfection, I do yoga moving FROM my


    o Now life is play, to enjoyo Acting from a deeper sense that you come from the perfect,

    you are PLAY (acting from its own sense)

    Paradigm 1) working toward perfection, siddhi, life is work, an

    aspiration for ever improving, remaining like the ring on the

    carousel. In a consuming paradigm of achieving perfection.

    Paradigm 2) from Shiva Sutra: We dont work toward perfection, we

    work from perfection! Coming from the perfect, life is an evocation

    to evoke experience, to savor the reality of your own experience.

    Come from perfect, life isnt work.

    Why Play?

    o i.e. in a yoga class, ok, I am going to do this, I am going to

    get better, mildly happy VERSUS: OK I am going to do this

    for its own sake

    o The more you play and evoke yourself

    o If you work from your perfection, the people you want will be


    o Because sublime is not a goal, the sublime has chosen tobecome you.

    Moving from our perfection, we act in a different way

    What are the features of work?

    Mundane is important.

    Do what you need to do to act from you perfection. Credentials give

    you a space from which you can act in your perfection.

    Raise your standards! Because the divine has raised its standards to

    become you.

    Life is a cherished gift, because the divine has aimed so high to

    become you

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    Panca Ayatana


    Surya (Siddhi)

    Sun gives freely of its own accord all the time, in all time.

    Sun experiences us, infinitely. The eye of the world; LOCA: light, CAKSU: the world


    The light that is cast, the ability to experience

    The capacity to experience itself.

    All the names of the Gods are the names of the sun Apa

    o because the first feature of the sun, is the reality itself.

    o It is light in consciousness; casting light into it (or casting less


    o The ever reductive process that creates the universe, creates

    more Locas.

    o Drawing into itself if goes to the core to expand


    Light is always seen through a prism, through relationship

    You always experience reality through relationship

    Loca light is real and Caksu that which can be experienced comesthrough the experience.

    First implication:

    Caksu is the subject (there is someone to experience the loca)

    The subject (like the the eye

    The someone seeing through the prism is called KARTR (the agent

    that sees the eye)

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    Surya 30/06/2005 14:05:00


    Not only the eye of the world, but the eye of the eye of the world.

    The answer to the question is the question

    The point of surya devyana is that consiousness has achieved you.

    Your yoga is whatever question you ask.

    Want to see that the question is the answer

    You are the answer, you get to ask whatever questions you want.

    Yoga you get to ask good questions, then become them

    The promise?

    o You will get the question you askmundane questions?

    Mundane answers.

    The divine desires to experience itself in the questions we ask.

    Shiva as the GURU is telling SHAKTI, You are what make me known.

    (When she asks to know the universe (him) this is what he answers.

    In the body, the Sun is called the Thousand Petaled Lotus Sahastra

    Dala Padma

    As body:




    fingers fromAjna to back



    Kula Sahastra Dala Padma

    Midline Madhyu (middle), thespace between the

    beath, t

    Agni solar plexus

    12 fingersdown frommuladhara?


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    Axis moving as mandala (sun and moon)

    Kula and A-kula

    Surya is the Top (12 finger lengths above) Akula soma 12 fingsers below

    Agni solar plexus (in between the two

    Life consiounsness is a gift (surya)

    You reflect upon it as what? (soma) looking at the moon to see the


    How to do you drink it?

    Sury inside= fire

    Above = transcendent above


    Re-appropriations of teachings of the Vedic language


    SWA- Self Tapas swadyaya ishwara pradidhana

    Taking what you already know to be true and making it your own.

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    Swa a Dha

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    ix =



















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    The more you learn to create place, space, the ore sweet,

    empowered you feel.

    PRAVATI to turn toward the subject

    Placing it in yourself, or accessing something within yourself.

    India was obsessed with this not only because of memorization merits,

    but because the empowerment belongs to agent not to texts.

    The truth

    The more universal the application of truth, the more it is expressed

    through the personal, individual.

    i.e. the Universal principals are seen through the application of an


    How does Surya go from a Vedic god to a Tantric one

    1) old models tell us something remarkable: Vedas are rich fecund

    ground. i.e surya, soma, agni

    2) those deep structures represented in these stories have power

    the tantrics respect the treasure-keepers, but they ask, what is the


    Suryas principal deities

    1) Surya (sun)

    2) Soma (moon, life-giving essence stuff)

    3) Agni (fire)

    4) Indra

    Lord, king, generalissimo of the gods (later to be replaced by shiva)

    Indra governed outwardly, shiva governed inwardly.

    Story of the 5 Indras in the Mahabarata

    o Yoga dominate outer world, but inner world dominates the

    outer world.

    witness consciousness

    More a vedantic thning, no

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    Surya as seed (BIJU)

    Surya is the primal stuff out of which stuff starts.

    Prakrityi, innate intelligent of acorn to become PARUSHA

    ADI- everything that comes in the rest of the process, etc.

    Surya marks the beginning because shakti is just energy. Surya becomes the ayatana upon which all primal energy appears.


    2) Surya as Shakti: sanjana (pur consciousness)

    Insipient celebratory consciouness.

    In alchemical terms:

    menstrual cycle is a son w

    the presence of the shakti, is like developing uterus.


    Seed has light and shade. (potency and viability, then it has to

    recede, conceal in order to grow

    Surya is organic presence for potenty, potency

    Shakti of sun is

    o 1) Sanjna (

    o 2) Chaya (Shade)

    shade, company in something eles. Takes oncompanionship, other thoughts, turned inside out

    o 3) Raitri

    nighttime : womb . where is masculine presence?

    o In moons phases is seminal fluids into the night taking hold

    into the womb of the night.

    Upward rising flame: linga

    Mount Kilasa: vault of the sky



    Surya= companionship of the shakti (certainty, viability, sanjna)

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    They come together, it starts to crack, opening up to possibilities, giving way

    to the inverse, (unsertaty) reemerge a

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    Surya Masculine Feminine




    Sanja Chaya


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    not raising kundalini,

    just finishing circuitry

    He is on top, and she is at the bottom, fire in the middle.

    Looking down to the sun in the moon, to experience his rise.

    Bodily terms:

    enveloping experience that the immortal (the fire is burning in your

    heart.) eminating 12 legths of

    The goal of circuited Kundalini is not to get it, but to taste it.

    This is why evocation is so much more powerful than consumption.


    SURYA = PRAHASHA (illumuniation)

    SOMA= VIMARSA (refelction)


    The way in which we drink the soma of the other as ourselves

    The more you are able to see your own self on others, the more

    you move through the process of deepening self awareness

    12 fingers of space:

    above and below

    called 12 adityas

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    tantrica 12 Kalis


    3 Vedic consorts of Shiva

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    Breath Seed

    sounds: Mantra





    Uma Inhale,exhaile


    n form of


    Sanjna:the way in

    which grace isreceived in thebody

    Natural breath:

    taking thephysicaland


    , opening

    to gracethrough


    Auspicious sound:



    shrim Uma

    devyai namaha

    (opening to

    grace mantra)

    salutations to

    the light who is

    uma whoseessence is sri

    in the form of

    the breath






    drawn down

    into thebody, cools


    Cool goesdown intothe belly, the

    heat of lowercakras


    phase ofcycle

    cooling off)

    Chaya (shade) Rising


    Om hrim gauri

    devyai namaha


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    ens down

    to thebase of







    g breath that

    rises up(also the

    crone, she

    doesnt birthout, shebirths in)



    unknown,because the

    night is

    alywaysuncertain.The darker the

    sky, the

    greater it is,the bigger the



    ng breath

    Om klim


    devyai namaha



    Kundalini moves like two cones of cakras, moving up and down... Like an upward facing triangle, downward facing triangle, heart is the


    The darker it gets, the bigger the sky gets, most

    Three seeds are planted when we breath,

    Suryas gift

    The immortal has accomplished you

    Grace has opened to become you

    To taste the sun, we must taste its reflection, taste its shakti.

    One practice is to offer the grace in the form of the Shaktis, the

    viability, possibility, and deep deep reconsideration , repossability


    Tantra, this will take the shape in our own body. In that mediattion

    the mantra becomes the body, the way to access your own


    For the path of yoga is to enter into the experience of the devine

    that has chosen to become you.

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    Jappa and Katha as Musc and Org E 30/06/200514:05:00


    The most condensed version

    Whole story contained in japam, it can be expanded in the whole story


    3 consorts turning into three other consorts (this story) is considered a teaching

    aid to the shastra (the abstract pointed

    Shastras Devatas

    Arguments Art

    Mythological philosophy

    Story and Jappa as muscle and organic energy: The more you draw into Mantra, the more the story opens up.

    The more you draw in (muscle e) as mantra, the more the story opens up. One

    informs, drives the other. The greater the story becomes, the more you drive

    into its source, its jappa

    The memory of the story comes from going back to the seeds, the source, then

    the rest of the story opens up like a painting.

    Principal of innate sufficiency

    Everyone has enough

    Therefore, the stories will come.

    Stories also come become they last

    i.e. Sankya Yoga (Patanjali)

    Doesnt last because it is clumsy, not precise, doesnt work


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    Evolutionary (has to get better) and progressive (works from what it already has)

    What doesnt work is simply surpassed

    How does Rajanica Tantra deal with other schools?

    A blade has more than one side

    Point of the tantras

    We are the artists that paint our maya, we take a role in creating our Maya

    Art analogy

    The palette is the source of the painting. Its from the painting

    The art is in the space, in the seam.

    Aham fills the space in the Katha

    Tantra says:

    Weve got the palette, the canvas, please someone paint.

    Its an invitation to participate, but critical is to realize the space (for thats where

    my Anuma meets Anusara, my effort meets grace

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    Body Heart Sublime awareness

    Palette Body

    Paint Prana Balam Spanda,awareness, vimarsa,

    that you can be


    Pramana (tool ofconciousness),

    capacity to


    measures ofcognition, how you

    know things, trustingsense of testimony


    when yogis say the body is the focus, mind is unimportant

    Point of Tantra:

    o All aspects of self are capable

    Why is one thing at the expense of the other?

    Problem with pramana

    We dont use it very much

    Mostly ir are in disuse

    The mind is not in isolation of feeling, body, but its a kula

    caudica siddhi, offered itself as

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    what makes awareness sublime?

    That humans can hold more than one thought, awareness, experience at one


    Rich experience within every experience

    Every experience is itself a kula.

    Tantra doesnt have a goal, it has a rasa.

    Point is not to achieve goals,

    its to know what you love.


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    Im here to have a rocken good time.



    Bringing the question to the sources of experience

    Endeavoring to ask for your own desires when realizing that you have a gift of

    embodiment, that consciousness moves through you, like consciousness



    o The flux, wave, flow, currents of consciousness

    Key to the mind

    Paradox, you can hold more than one thought at the same time.

    When you say the things you dont mean, you are cursing yourself,

    o You objectify the experience you dont want to have

    i.e. saffron

    When you say things that arent realSHAPA

    Im never going to You are going to

    The person you really want to be is not expressed in the moment.

    Be the person you are going to be after the argument.

    Bring your future self (the person after the argument) into the

    discussion now.

    Ask the question! (Nischaya)

    What do I really want, and who is asking?

    o Then your past, present and future self can form a kula

    Thats why niscaya gives way to Kula

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    It takes a village of yourself to experience yourself fully.

    Bring everyone to the party.

    Not the same one self having exp in diff forms, its that multiple

    selves are present when you fracture selves is when you have


    Thrid stage of kaudica siddhi

    We live in the community consciousness Kula)

    Kaudica Siddhi

    To find out who you are, you have to go to the palate,

    We arent the reduction, but the pallaet ( the OPPORTUNITY)

    Fourth feature of Kaudica Siddhi



    Pravrity (turning towards), engaging, attending

    Nivritti (turning away), not attending

    o Because every affirmation has its simultaneous denial

    Fearo The heros asset

    o If you are not afraid, you are just going to die

    o Respect offered to the objective

    If respect is how fear manifests, then trust is how compassion


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    When someone needs compassion, you give them space.


    o The heart opens


    Vasarita Emmision, ecstacy release, orgasim, radical affirmation,

    Saying yes to life

    Not just the beginning but the end. Its full circle

    The more you open up (vasarita)

    o The more the siddhi buckles down.

    By emmiting, it gives you the integrity of your experience Im so

    happy you have what you have.


    o Its not both of you become one or to have the own

    experience, but to savor your experience

    Jealosy is hording experience,

    Resenting someone elses experience.

    If you get cheated on, its an indication of how unhappy the person


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    Four Features of Kaulika Siddhis 30/06/200514:05:00

    Siddhi Divine has accomplished you, what do you want

    Niscaya Authenticity of the question, arises from freedom, the

    more deeply you step into the question

    Kula Every exp is a collectivity, we are all multiple

    personalities (past, pres, future) every time you look forone self, you find all personalities, embryonic

    personalities, more you engage the palate, more waysyou paint.

    Vira (hero /heroic)

    Virya (the

    experience of


    To hold diversity of self we have to becomegreatness, empowered, turning towards and away

    (VIVEKA) discrimination) Kula of the rasas

    Vasarga Experience, release, ecstasy, the integrity of the self andits goaldeeply subjective, and astonishingly vicarious

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    Ganapati 7/4/2005 10:43:00 AM

    The experience of freedom of perfection

    we are invited to keep our own company,


    Instance, example

    o Gathering, rabble


    Mastery, lordship, soverighty


    The experience of ourselves when we realize the infinite is fashioned in Shakti


    opportunity to mold love into fore, to transform and deepen love into


    o This is why myth says that shakti fashions Ganapati on her own accord

    As yogis, we must invite this gift that embodiedment is fashioned form love and


    Then provide and honor the guest

    three simple things to remember about the presence of this gift

    1) life molded out of love out of shaktis own desire to experience

    relationship of love

    2)this body, heart, mind, gift of embodiedment is a celebration of that diversity

    that is the self.

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    o Ganas are your own thoughts ideas feelings

    o Mother of the universe has chosen to fason himself in every form

    3) those gifts of love and of infinite possibility (1,2) create in us an opportunity to

    shape ourselves, transmute ourselves, to take the wound and to become

    something greater from it.

    o After all, Ganapati looses his head, and yet becomes greater for it by

    gathering the head that is wiser, sweeter,

    Fashioned from love, made in diversity, filled with opportunity.

    Thats the GANA of the PATI

    The yogis invitation is to step into that threshold, into that space of the

    breath.and Ganapati appears like a paradox, a baby with an elefants head;

    uncanny, have to see outside to see inside.

    We are born from love and into a world that is both beneficent and violent.

    (Everybody eats and makes its predation)

    We have to loose our heads to become ourselves.

    Shakti is ferocity, sometimes a violent embrace

    Surya vs. Ganapati

    Churns to the core of what is possible, Ganapati is what emerges form what is


    o (Churning, it gets more solid, but more comes up. [muscle and org e?])


    consiousness offers itself in every space, on every threshold, then reveals itself as

    something that lies on both sides of the threshold, he is the threshold and the manifestation

    of th e ganas (time and space)


    Sits at the foundation of body

    Mula chakra

    o Shows you you can find the root everywhere

    o In an infinitely expanding universe, everythere is the center.

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    o This is why he is the root of all science, inquiry, mantra, for onlyh the

    manifest can have a beginning,

    o He shows he is the beginning after beginning, not after an end

    Vakra Kunda

    Crooked trunk

    Upward rising flame (shiva linga)

    He touches you, drinks with it, its crooked, any which way.

    The infinite turns anyway

    Filled with warm dexterous beautiful touch

    o Universe could go any way, especially when you least expect it.

    Offers transfermation as the form of empowerment, as every moment a

    beginning, every breath a threshold, an invitation

    Reminds you that there is a great elegance and dignity to those thoughts and

    feelings that make up our experience.

    As an elephant, he teaches us there is nothing to be ashamed of. There is a

    dignity to it, and you are entitled to it.

    You give yourself permission to experience everything you really feel when you

    can step into a deeper empowerment, a dignity, a resilience.

    o i.e. yogis are bad at getting resilient.

    o Yoga is meant to have us rise to the occasion

    Ganapati the elephant is large, dignified, invites you to stand up.


    As the root, he is the root strength, that the infinite has taken this peculiar and

    crooked path to shape yourself into the form of your own consciousness. It is

    filled with touch, and with the offer to drink from his infinite consciousness

    Root is an indominable strength.

    Deeply wize

    often associated with the vowel U

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    alswayys ofn threshold of mothers presence so he fighs the presence,

    He holds the world in triatic consiousnessk and also in om, A_U_M


    he is in all threshold of consciouness

    Phases of the moon

    Ganapatis form

    the trunk is crooked because the

    The history of science Boorstein writes of calendars

    Ganapati at the mula (with the moon), surya at the top,


    Lots of inner listening, lots of exuding

    Earth Element

    Vs. Surya

    Present all the time

    But they call him Abhava inexperienced or absences.

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    A non-experience


    Bhava (he is experienced)

    Manifest because of all he experiences with his tusk

    He comes from love

    o If he came from passion, its like the universe wants something.

    Like babies, are made in passion, but come out as love


    He is Niscaya

    Thresholds matter

    Sweet portrayals of Ganapati,

    o Able to eat the seeds of a pomegranate one at a time

    o Able to carry his enormity on a mouse

    o Great thoughts, carried lightheartedly

    o Carries his genius without a burden

    Because he is present in root, he is present in everything else.

    o Like a banyan tree that picks drops roots down form the tree

    To become present in all the curvaceous passions of body, heart and mind is to

    become Ganapati.

    Big! Presence! No one argues with him.

    Oedipal myth retold

    But not a role of masculine identity, because he is in a Kula with Shiva, Shakti,

    Just show up!

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    Ours is a god that doesnt get angry for no reason, anger is there for a reason.

    Forgiveness is a gift best given to oneself


    Fits well within a forgiveness model

    The gods are out there to be you! Not to not be you

    I am not you, I am like you, I am nothing but you.

    We are all inside his tummy

    Recognized we are fashioned from love



    o Evacuation, sex, digesion, the low horizon

    o Morning and night can have happy beginnings and happy endings

    o Emissions stuff

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    AUM 30/06/2005 14:05:00

    A is Ganapatis head

    U sound is his trunks

    This is the table upon which the sweets are served

    When ou see the the OM, the two loops are the sun and the earth, the bindu

    is the moon, you see the moonlight reflected on the other side

    When you turn this Visarga on its axis (orange)

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    Vishnu 30/06/2005 14:05:00



    o In milky belly from belly to plexus

    o Intestines, the waters

    o All about worldliness,

    You have to feed nourish the belly

    o Holding place of transformation

    o The trunk in the body


    Conventionality, normal workli

    Ram Boring truthful


    Buttery, intervening, seductive

    All vishnus are about keeping things right. It is about keeping things

    right in the the world.


    SATTA (Reality)

    Sat-ness (being authenticity) conventionality, ordinarty reality

    YANNA (traversing, moving), NARA (humanity)

    NARAYANA incarnate principal


    Some people dont go any than the Vishnu Pancha Ayatana



    Clan in the sense of the wordYou can stop here.

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    Shiva 30/06/2005 14:05:00

    In the throat


    To go inside into your own privacy, intimacy.

    Below the palate, silence

    Everything you want to say but that you cant

    Wisdom that comes out when Shakti asks

    o Coming out: nataraja

    o Inside: Bairava (the ferocious yogi that stays in the forest)

    Shiva faces south because that is the dirrectin south

    He reminds you that death is another form

    Silent (as inner yogi) Or curiously drawn out by his lover

    core, emptiness

    unmanifest because below palette and above inner fire (he get two

    elements! Fire: going inside, and Wind; ready to coming out)

    She has the ether


    Voice, without articulation,

    He is Rurda (the howler)

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    Shakti 30/06/2005 14:05:00


    The fifth devi becomes three

    o Devi, Shakti, shiva

    o three dimensions

    in every state, all states are contained

    Shakti transforms into Kali, Sri

    Shakti encodes itself as either Kali or Sri (nature or culture)

    There are 365 days, because the universe doesnt want to be finished.

    Because if it were, then it wouldnt be perfect, the year would be donebut


    You are already perfect, and that is why you are not done.

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    Last morning 30/06/2005 14:05:00

    Let the greatness of your own heart be a consolation everyday

    Yogis as honey bees

    Becomes like honey bee attracted by the light to drink the nectar of

    the self to create the honey of aham, your own experience.

    We come and go from the hive

    We empower ourselves to enrich others

    revelation and concealment

    companion = secrecy



    E3verything is contained in your own heart, and yet it willunfold so that you may gather its nectar, one flower at a


    The ways in whick Shakti appears as the energy of our own


    Energy empowers herself, the secret she keeps in herself,

    enveloping the manifest void in herself (Shiva)

    Conceals as Kali, reveals as Sri, and she keeps the secret in her

    heart that is Shiva (so Shiva always appears as Shakti as revelation

    and concealment

    o Because he is AKHYA

    o Shiva is all the meanings the stories can hold

    o Shakti is the story, but the secret of shiva is still in there

    because he is all possibilities, the potentiality.

    We find Shiva in that space in between the breaths where he appears

    as Shakti

    Every breath holds the seed The bottom of the breath is like planting the seed, the top of the

    breath is the luminess that

    What appears is the boundaries of consciousness that expand from

    the middle.

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    Devine revels the secrets as the world. Divine hides secrets within the

    world. Devine is secreting the secret inside you.


    Always expanding, like water in a stream, when you touch thestream, the water is different water.

    Dharanas of the breaths

    Matra is heald in the space between the breaths, where it is held in

    possibility, held in the vastness of what a story can tell.

    Urged to find the secret in the space

    o The secret is shiva, revealed as Shakti

    Shiva = Akula

    Shakti = Kula

    We dont worship shiva, but Shakti as more flowers,

    The promise shiva makes is that there is always more promise.

    In the place of attainment, you place promise.

    Not about the battle, whether you will win or loose, but its about

    the promise you make your self

    you make a primoce, you keep a promise, you live a promise (past,present, and future)

    o the Khatam gives us jappa


    Challenging promise

    Is being present in the forms your consiousness takes. Rajanica

    see the practice of the Kaudica Siddhi in this complex relationship

    In all the forms (pancha + 2, kali and sri)

    Purpose is not to succeed or fail

    o Succeed (beause it wont end)

    o Cant fail (because you will always get something.

    o Practice is to enrich, evoke

    o Purpose is not to moralize, but to make valuable the


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    o To give you the gift of experiencing deeply what you are


    o Not to achieve rightness or wrongness

    o The goal of this practice is not to make you good, but to

    make your powerful so you can do good (ARTHA = purpose)o Not a question of How am I going to know how to do the

    right thing, but How am I going to do the right thing.

    Get out of the good and bad categories

    Instead, what are we going to do when we see choice,

    How are we going to not become victim

    The presence of the self is I

    so that is the teaching

    In the body is breaths, in the heart is the states, and paradox lies the

    awareness where you experience the known and the unknown at the same


    Purpose is not to fill the space, but to create the space. The more you

    create the space, the more it expands

    We self ourselves short, instead, let ourselves create the space Dhatu isnt the realm you fill, but the realm you create

    o When you go to a yoga class, its not that the class fils you

    uyp with ideas, its that you create yourself, you expand


    o You come to camp to fill it out, to put yourself into it

    o You go to yoga class as a honey bee, to create room in

    yourself, to transform that nectar, because you cant do it


    Because if you had t absorb everything, college would

    be a dragyou go to college to

    Anam Bramha

    The absolute is food!


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    I am going to value

    Secrets are held in confidence (not in private) because there is a

    debpth of secrecy in which there is always more.

    o There is more there than the thing that was told.

    Waking, dreaming, dreamlessness

    In waking is where you

    Who is the sleeping one?

    o VISHNU,

    o He is the state of deep sleep, and he is the ordinary world.

    Because to live in the ordinary worold, the divine inside you

    must be deeply asleep

    o What is day to all creatures is night to me.

    o Model:

    Ordinary world (becoming expansive in everyday world)

    Represented in Vishnu (who is deep sleep)

    And ordinary lives depend on deep sleep (for embryonic


    So, what looks like waking to the ordinary world is

    divinely deep sleep.

    So, in order to be awake in the mundane sence, yourdivine sense has to be in deep sleep.

    The divine needs to be sleeping, so that we can

    experience ourselves as awake.

    Deep sleep stays

    Working on the notion of aham bhava (that the self is

    fully present

    Waking requires deep sleep

    i.e. blood, cells, pancreas

    o Secret

    you must simultaneously be deeply asleep, and deeply


    o Vishnu is the same one who is there wake, sleep, and deep


    o Deep sleep

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    So not a recognition, that it doesnt

    awareness, it doesnt feature,

    Like the lake that is so still that it reflects the


    The gift of luminous consciousness is = ANANDA

    The immortal choses mortality

    By chosing to experience itself, it becomes cit (consciousness)

    If ananda belongs to surya, cit belongs to Ganapati

    Visnu = krya all manifestation coming out of cit, ocean of


    Deep sleep:

    The presumtion of waking and dreeming.

    Most profoundly present in waking.

    When you are asleep and dont recognize yourself (Maya)

    Oceanic consciousness

    Bottom of ocean, cant recognize self, surface, cant recognize self,

    ocean is consciousness, ever expanding in the middle

    deep sleep you experience one ness because there is no recognition of the


    Task of Kaudika siddhi

    To recognize the non-recognition

    Only possible through waking consciousness to recognize non-


    Only difference between states is

    How does Ahum recognize itself

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    A-H-A-M M-A-H-A

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    The I

    For Aham to appear, maha is present

    The great I in deep sleep

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    (Nakula head, bring the pandava twin sahadeva (with light) when

    you are a knuckle head.)

    The reason the heart and breath are in non-recognition, is

    How do you gain experience of your deep sleep?

    Key = Vishnus bija = SHREEM

    Deep sleep is that which creates access to waking,

    Because deep sleep is what happens when you dont recognize your

    waking or dreaming sleep, but the self must be presentare you?

    (as present in non-recognition of the self as in the waking state)


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    Ordinary Pashu Vira Siddha state

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    I dont know that

    I dont dont know

    I know that I

    dont know

    I know what I

    dont know


    recognition and non

    recognition with thegreatest of ease (flying

    along on my circus


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    The point of Vishnu Ayatana

    To experience grace that when you are fully awake, the rest of you

    is fully asleep.

    you can experience your recognition!!

    Because the bija offers the possibility

    We have to be re-taught to be be free.

    Its cultivating space in all states

    Participating in non-recognition is oneness because it is apparent to

    you in deep sleep.

    The reason you dont recognize you are there, is because you are

    there not recognizing it.

    It becomes a question of access.

    Dreaming belongs to Shiva

    Take all the things youve already experienced and experience

    them, and all the things you imagine experiencing and experiencing


    Yoga of shiva;o Knowing the value of that experience

    o What value to place on


    o Realizing the value of recognition in non-recognition.

    o Seeing value:

    Either making or non making a big deal of your dreams

    The Paradox

    o Dreaming is both a space and an energy

    o Dream creates a space for Shakti to wander, to roam

    Dreaming time

    o Expands and contracts time, so that waking time can appear

    to unfold in a normal, past, present and future.

    o If you remove dreaming, you cant flow healthily, because

    normal waking time is disrupted.

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    o Non time is a form of time, just like the absense of

    recognition is recognition


    o Showing your more, but challenging you to fathom.

    o In waking consciousness dreams are lies (its just a dream),in dreaming consciousness lies (myths) are dreams

    The Mystery

    o We dont recognize them for the gift of the lie (the myth) that

    they are telling us.

    Krsna called a lie and a gambler

    o Dreaming is access to the paradox

    o Why do we dream?

    o To experience consiousness, to experience the paradox,

    everytime you find the truth, there is more. (like at the end of

    an experiment)

    Allow us not to be stuck

    o To hold paradox, to work out shit, to experience ecstacies you

    dont get.

    o Leverage, space to allow paradox to nurture, to enrich, to


    o We are allowed to co-participate in our own paradox. The

    paradox we get to co-participate in is the experience thatdreaming tells you about yourself in ways that challenge you

    to experience lies as truths.

    o The dream

    Dreams are the way in which you converse in the paradox of the



    Are you chankara? Are you wise? With what you do with the

    dreams? The message isparadox. Unresolved, unfinished just

    like everything else. Dreams dont solve your problems, dreams

    reveal your nature.

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    Shakti 30/06/2005 14:05:00

    Waking is the grace-filled space

    Conceal = Kali

    Reveal = Sri

    Ka Shakti

    Surya Shiva




    Kali Sri




    resplendent like sun,

    encompassingof bijas,

    singularity,holding within

    it multiplicity

    Holds the


    immortalchose to


    Paradox opens

    up ingateway of

    Ganapti,because he


    states, so

    that theparadox

    can looklike a world

    Contains all




    owthe most


    Eternal Kaulika



    object,here, there,

    and thereand here



    himself sothat you



    paradox ofbeing


    Shiva consciousness never reveals himself as Shiva again, but as

    Shakti and he se en states