year-round skin tips

14 Tips to Keep That Healthful Glow Year-Round Skin Care Tips

Upload: jessica-gerald

Post on 15-Jul-2015




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14 Tips to Keep That

Healthful Glow

Year-Round Skin Care Tips

Skincare Tips for Spring

#1: Don’t Get Caught in the Sun

Just because it's not super-hot doesn't mean you don't need sun protection.

So take sensible precautions before going out in the early spring sun.

#2: Exfoliate

Spring is a great time to exfoliate your whole body, face included.

Slough off the dry skin of winter and welcome the moist spring air!

#3: Keep Moisturizing

Don't give up on the moisturizer, although you can probably back off on the thick stuff.

Skincare Tips for Summer

#4: Sun Protection

It’s more important than ever now, so use it. Hats, sunscreen and remember shade is your friend too.

#5: Exfoliate Again

Summer is also a good time to exfoliate. Sweat and dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin's surface.

#6: Seek Shade

Wherever you are, seek periodic breaks in the shade. This gives your skin a break and helps prevent sunburns.

#7: Light Moisturizer

You don't need the heavy creams so much now. You can go with thinner, lighter lotions as the season warms up.

Skincare Tips for Fall

#8: Sun Protection Still Important

The days are getting shorter and the sunlight is beginning to slant, but you can still get a burn on those sunny fall days.

#9: Thicken Up

Now is the time to make the switch to cream-based, thick moisturizers. Starting early can help stave off really dry skin later in the winter.

#10: Vitamins

Summer produce is slacking off, but you still need skin-healthy nutrients. Fish or flax oil supplements and a good multi-vitamin can help keep your skin looking summer-fresh.

Skincare Tips for Winter

#11: Skip the Hot Shower

Dry skin can be a real problem in the winter, and long, hot showers tend to make it worse.

The hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, and can irritate skin that's already dry.

#12: Moisturize Frequently

Use a thick, cream-style moisturizer after showers and apply it periodically through the day. Moisturizing before bed is also a good idea.

#13: Moisturizing Makeup

If you wear makeup, you might consider switching to moisture-rich makeup that hydrates your skin.

You can also mix plain moisturizer with your makeup as you apply it.

#14: Eat Good Fats

In the winter, consuming fatty fish like salmon and healthful oils like olive oil can help keep your skin moist during the dry winter months.

Need More Skin Care Tips?

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