xxi simposio nacional de química orgánica - inicio circular 18-05... · xxi simposio nacional de...

XXI Simposio Nacional de Química Orgánica Segunda Circular Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2017 Potrero de los Funes, San Luis, Argentina

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Page 1: XXI Simposio Nacional de Química Orgánica - Inicio Circular 18-05... · XXI Simposio Nacional de Química Orgánica Segunda Circular Sociedad Argentina de Investigación ... Dr

XXI Simposio Nacional

de Química Orgánica

Segunda Circular

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación

en Química Orgánica

8 al 11 de noviembre de 2017

Potrero de los Funes, San Luis, Argentina

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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017

Dear colleagues:

We are pleased to get in contact with you again to provide you with more information about the XXI

NATIONAL SYMPOSIOUM ON ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, organized by the Argentine Research

Society on Organic Chemistry, SAIQO (http://www.saiqo.org.ar), which will be held in Potrero de Los

Funes, San Luis, from 8 to 11 November 2017.

The following distinguished lecturers from all over the world have confirmed their participation in the


Plenary (CP) and Invited (CI) Lecturers:

Dr. Mouad Alami (CP) Research Director CNRS. Faculty of Pharmacy, BioCIS. Châtenay-Malabry, France. Aditional information: BioCIS, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Recents advances on Vascular Disrupting Agents. Why makes it complicate when it can be simple"

Dr. Jan Bäckvall (CP) Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory. Stockholm University, Sweden. Aditional information: Grupo Bäckvall, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Biomimetic Catalysis in Green Organic Transformations"

Dr. Pablo Botella Asunción (CI) Instituto de Tecnología Química Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Valencia, España. Aditional information: CSIC, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Structural modifications of camptothecin for safety delivery: prodrugs and nanomedicines“

Dr. Philippe Dauban (CI) Institute of Chemistry of Natural Substances Paris, France. Aditional information: ICSN, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Catalytic Amination of C(sp3)-H Bonds in Route to Molecular Diversity and Complexity "

Dr. David Díaz Díaz (CI) Institut für Organische Chemie Universität Regensburg, Germany. Aditional information: Universität Regensburg, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Gel networks as confined nanoreactors“

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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017

Dr. Thomas Efferth (CP) Abteilung für Pharmazeutische Biologie Institut für Pharmazie und Biochemie, Universität Mainz, Germany. Aditional information: University of Mainz, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Beyond malaria: Second career of artesunate as cancer drug”

Dr. Karl Hale (CP) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom. Aditional information: Queen’s University Belfast, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Some Recent Applications of New Organic Reaction Methodology in Complex Bioactive Natural Product Total Synthesis"

Dr. Thomas Junkers (CI) Institute for Materials Research Hasselt University, Belgium. Aditional information: Universiteit Hasselt, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Advancing nature's precision by encoding information in addition polymers: Synthesis and Application "

Dr. Burkhard König (CP) Institut für Organische Chemie Universität Regensburg, Germany. Aditional information: Universität Regensburg, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Visible Light Photocatalysis: Making and breaking of chemical bonds with light "

Dr. José Luis Mascareñas (CP) Departamento de Química Orgánica. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España. Aditional information: CiQUS, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Metals at the center: catalysis and chemical biology"

Dr. Ernesto Mata (CP) IQUIR (CONICET-UNR) Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Aditional information: IQUIR, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Explorando estrategias innovadoras en síntesis orgánica dirigidas a la diversificación molecular: aplicación a la generación de estructuras biológicamente prometedoras"

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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017

Dra. Viviana Nicotra (CI) IMBIV (CONICET-UNC) Facultad de Cs. Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Aditional information: IMBIV, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Los alcances de la química de Productos Naturales”

Dra. Madalena Pinto (CI) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal. Aditional information: Universidad de Porto, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Small molecules from marine origin as models for new chemotherapic agents”

Dr. Daniel Ruiz-Molina (CP) Institut Catalá de Nanonciencia i Nanotecnología – ICN2 Barcelona, España. Aditional information: ICN2, Scopus Título tentativo de la conferencia: "Catechol-based adhesives and coatings: a biomimetic synthetic approach”

Dr. Galo Soler Illia (CI) Instituto de Nanosistemas Universidad Nacional de Gral. San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aditional information: INS, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Materiales Mesoestructurados Híbridos: usando herramientas moleculares y supramoleculares para crear nuevas arquitecturas en nanoescala”

Dr. Oscar Varela (CP) CIHIDECAR (CONICET-UBA) Facultad de Cs. Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Aditional information: CIHIDECAR, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Síntesis de glicomiméticos azufrados o nitrogenados. Su uso como inhibidores de glicosidasas”

Dr. John L. Wood (CP) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Baylor University, Waco, United States of America. Aditional information: Baylor University, Scopus Lecture tentative title: "Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Complex Natural Products"

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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017


On-line registration to the XXI SINAQO will be available through the web site of the event

(http://www.sinaqo2017.uns.edu.ar), from Monday 12th June to Tuesday 1st August 2017 (early bird

registration). Please be aware that each participant must register in the XXI SINAQO on-line

registration platform (www.sinaqo2017.uns.edu.ar). After registering, you will receive an e-mail at the

address provided on the form with the confirmation of the registration and your password. Once

registered, you will have access to your XXI SINAQO Personal Area. There you can update your personal

information, finish the registration process with the payments of the registration fees and submit

your(s) abstract(s). Please note that a maximum of two submissions per each registration is allowed, and

at least one of the authors of the submitted work must be registered in the event.

NOTE: registration is free for Invited and Plenary Lecturers, but they have to register as participants in

the on-line registration platform and submit an abstract of the lecture.

Abstracts submission

Abstracts must be submitted on-line through a specific platform, which will be available from Monday

12th June 2017 to Sunday 16th July 2017. Each abstract submitted for the XXI SINAQO must be

accompanied by a graphical synopsis. The instructions for authors will be available soon at the XXI

SINAQO web site.


Submitted works would be presented primarily by way of posters. Size of each poster must be 90 cm

wide x 100 cm tall.

Oral presentations

PhD students and young researchers are invited to present their work as oral presentation. The

organizing committee will determine the number of oral presentations available covering all subject

areas: Organic Synthesis, Physical Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products & Bio-organic

Chemistry. Abstracts selected for oral presentations by the Scientific Committee, will have 10-minute

time slots, and must be presented also as posters during the poster sessions.


The Argentine Research Society on Organic Chemistry (SAIQO) will give the SAIQO Award to the best

work presented at the XXI SINAQO in each of the following areas: Organic Synthesis, Physical Organic

Chemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products & Bio-organic Chemistry. The award will be handed during

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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017

the course of the symposium. Applicants must complete and submit the form at the web site (Type of

Presentation: “Premio SAIQO”). Only applications presented by PhD students will be considered. Along

with the abstract, an extended version of the work proposed for the award should be submitted. The

extended version should be three (3) pages long and comply with the format for the submission of

abstracts. The deadline for submission is Sunday 16th July, 2017.


The XXI National Symposium on Organic Chemistry will be held at Hotel Internacional Potrero de Los

Funes (http://www.hotelpotrero.sanluis.gov.ar) where all the Invited and Plenary Lectures, the poster

sessions, the welcome cocktail and the dinner and party will take place. Information about additional

accommodation at Potrero de Los Funes and San Luis will be given soon.

In the 3rd Circular more information will be provided about registration fees and SAIQO grants for PhD


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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017

Official Carrier

We inform you that Aerolineas Argentinas will offer special discounts in

airline tickets for the attendees of the XXI SINAQO.

The guidelines for applying for this special discount will be available soon at

the XXI SINAQO web site.

Important Dates

Registration fee payment: 12th June

to 1st August (early bird)

Abstracts submission: 12th June to

16th July

Extended abstracts submission for

SAIQO Award: 12th June to 16th


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XXXXII SSiimmppoossiioo NNaacciioonnaall ddee QQuuíímmiiccaa OOrrggáánniiccaa

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánica

Potrero de los Funes – San Luis

8 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017

WebSite and FanPage

All the information about the XXI SINAQO is available at


We also invite you to visit and participate through the Facebook FanPage: SINAQO XXI.

We thank the following sponsors for their support to the XXI SINAQO:

The success of the XXI SINAQO will only be possible with your participation.

We look forward to meet you in Potrero de Los Funes! Cordially,

Organizing Committee

Bahía Blanca, April 2017