xii eed notes

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  • 8/4/2019 Xii Eed Notes



    Biodiversity- Variety and variability among living organisms (term coined by E. O.Wilson)

    Values of biodiversity: Ecological Value purification of air, soil fertility, watershed benefits, prevention of soil

    erosion etc.

    Economic Value Timber, food, forage, non-timber forest products such as medicinesetc.

    Genetic Value - maintain gene pools and prevent inbreeding.

    Aesthetic Value- amazingly diverse and pleasing to the eye.

    Legal Value- right to exist & right over their life support systems.

    Ethical Value- mans responsibility towards preserving and conserving other organisms.

    Option Value- anticipated future uses.

    Ecological role of biodiversity- Maintenance of genetic pool

    Circulation of clean air & uptake of carbon dioxide (green house gas)

    Recharge of ground water

    Prevention of soil erosion

    Habitat for wild fauna and flora

    Water cycle (transpiration)

    Kinds of biodiversity:

    Genetic diversity- Diversity in the number and types of genes as well as

    chromosomes present in the various species and the variations within the genesand the alleles within the same species. Eg. 30,000 to 40,000 different genes inhumans.

    Species diversity- Variety in number and richness of species inhabiting a region.

    It can be species richness in 1 area, greater evenness or equitability in species andgreater diversity of species. Eg. Different species of plants and animals in

    Tropical forest

    Ecosystem diversity- Diversity of ecological complexes or biotic communitiesfound in a given area. It is the variety of species living together in different

    niches. Eg. Different biomes like Arctic Tundra, Northern coniferous forests, ,

    Temperate deciduous forests, Grasslands, Tropical rain forests, marine

    ecosystems and Deserts

    Alpha diversity refers to the diversity within a particular area or ecosystem, and is

    usually expressed by the number of species (i.e., species richness) in that ecosystem. This

    can be measured by counting the number oftaxa (distinct groups of organisms) within theecosystem (eg. families, genera, species).

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    Beta diversity (-diversity) is a measure ofbiodiversity which works by comparing the

    species diversity between ecosystems or along environmental gradients. This involves

    comparing the number of taxa that are unique to each of the ecosystems. It is the rate ofchange in species composition across habitats or among communities. It gives a

    quantitative measure of diversity of communities that experience changing environments.

    Gamma diversity is a measure of the overall diversity within a large region. It refers to

    the total biodiversity over a large area or region. It is the total of and diversity. Hunter(2002: 448) defines gamma diversity as "geographic-scale species diversity".

    Factors for the loss of biodiversity:

    Loss of habitat destruction of forests & fragmentation

    Destruction of habitat

    Developmental activities

    Pollution of air, water and soil

    Introduction of exotic speciesOver-exploitation of natural resources

    Disturbance of migratory routes

    International trade in rare animal products


    Official laxity

    Extinction of species will lead to -

    Loss of gene pool

    Food web affected If a keystone species, then the whole functioning of the ecosystem affected

    Steps proposed to protect wildlife:

    (a) On-site protection- Ecosystem maintenance & Species

    management ( e.g. Protected areas)(b) Off-site protection- Living collections & Germplasm

    storage ( e.g. gene banks)

    (c) Law formulation and stricter enforcement

    Ex-situ conservation entails removal of germplasm resources (seed, pollen, sperms andindividual organisms) from their original habitats and preserving them in botanicalgardens, zoos, aquaria and gene/seed banks.

    In-situ conservation refers to the preservation of the genetic resources within the

    evolutionary dynamic ecosystem of their original or natural environment. Eg. Nationalparks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves

    Advantages of ex-situ conservation:

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    Preserves the genes of the rare species

    Opportunity for genetic manipulation

    Possibility of restoring depleted populations for re-introduction in the wild

    Disadvantages of ex-situ conservation:

    Organisms not in natural habitat

    At times only genetic resources preserved not a live specimenAdvantages of in-situ conservation:

    Organisms preserved in their natural environment

    The entire ecosystem along with the organism preserved

    Ecosystem services derived from the ecosystem also preserved

    Disadvantages of in-situ conservation:

    High cost of conservation in terms of opportunity cost lost for development

    Main strategies for mitigating animal-wildlife conflicts-

    Declaration of protected areas & stopping encroachment

    Identification of corridors

    Creation of buffer zones and corridors along with protected areas.

    Compensation for cattle predation and crop raiding for the forest adjoining


    Create livelihood alternatives and give an alternative source of energy to the

    traditional forest dwelling communities to reduce their dependence on the forest


    Specific measures for particular species like planting crops that elephants dont

    like in areas frequented by the elephants

    Education and awareness to gain public support to conserve wildlife.

    Indias mega biodiversity-

    India is divided into four relatively well defined geographic regions - the

    Himalayan Mountains, the Gangetic river plains, the southern (Deccan) plateau,

    and the islands of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar. (Ecosystem Diversity)

    The climate of India is dominated by the Asiatic monsoon, most importantly by

    rains from the south-west between June and October, and drier winds from the

    north between December and February. From March to May the climate is dry

    and hot.

    The panorama of Indian forests ranges from evergreen tropical rain forests in the

    Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Western Ghats, and the north-eastern states, to

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    dry alpine scrub high in the Himalaya to the north. Between the two extremes, the

    country has semi-evergreen rain forests, deciduous monsoon forests, thorn forests,

    subtropical pine forests in the lower montane zone and temperate montane forests.

    India has a total of 1,193 wetlands, covering an area of about 3,904,543 ha.

    Coral reefs are present in the Gulf of Kutch, Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar


    India has 2 hotspots NE Himalayas and Western Ghats (rich in endangered

    endemic flora and fauna)

    India has about 350 species of Mammals, 1200 species of birds, 400 species of

    reptiles, 2500 species of fish and 15,000 species of flowering plants. (Species


    Some noteworthy species

    Olive Ridley and Leather back turtles (Orrisa coastline)

    Brow antlered deer(Manipur), Black Buck Deer(Rajasthan)

    Asiatic Lion (Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujrat) and Asiatic

    Tiger (Gangetic Plain, Sunderbans)

    Great Indian Bustard (Gujrat) , Lion tailed macaque

    (Western Ghats)

    Sal (Gangetic Plain), Indian Rosewood (Western Ghats)

    (i)Rare Species Endangered Species

    Small world populations of the taxa

    At risk

    Require attention but not in dire

    need of extensive conservationmeasures

    50% population decline in last 10

    years; estimated to be

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    E.g. Parasitism, Commensalism E.g. Aggregation

    (iii) Parasitism Predation

    Parasite derive nutrition from thehost

    Parasite is smaller than the host

    Can be on the body (ecto) or inside

    the body (endo) of the host

    Eg. Tape worm, ticks

    Predators kill the prey

    Predator is generally larger than the


    The prey body is eaten up

    Eg. Large carnivores

    (iv) National Parks Sanctuaries

    Areas maintained for betterment of


    Cultivation, grazing, lopping,

    habitat manipulation not allowed

    89 N.P. in India Eg. Dudhwa N.P.


    Areas where animals can take

    refuge without being hunted

    Timber harvesting, collection of non

    timber forest products, etc. allowed

    492 WLS in India Eg. Mahananda

    WLS (West Bengal)

    Species richness- the number of species per unit area.

    Kinds of species richness-

    One species found in large numbers

    Equal amount of species found in an area

    Larger area and number of species more varied

    Conservation - To try and preserve the biotic or abiotic components of the earth. Toprotect natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for thefuture.

    Diversity- Variation between individuals in the population; genetic variation

    Ecological Niche- The relational position of a species or population in an ecosystem.

    More formally, the niche includes how a population responds to the abundance of its

    resources and enemies (e. g., by growing when resources are abundant, and predators, parasites and pathogens are scarce) and how it affects those same factors (e.g., by

    reducing the abundance of resources through consumption and contributing to the

    population growth of enemies by falling prey to them). The abiotic or physicalenvironment is part of the niche because it influences how populations affect, and are

    affected by, resources and enemies.

    Population is the assemblage of individuals who are similar in characteristics and lie in a

    particular area/habitat.

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    A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment

    relative to its abundance. Such species affect many other organisms in an ecosystem and

    help to determine the types and numbers of various others species in a community. Suchan organism plays a role in its ecosystem that is analogous to the role of a keystone in an

    arch. While the keystone feels the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch

    still collapses without it. Similarly, an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if akeystone species is removed, even though that species was a small part of the ecosystem

    by measures ofbiomass or productivity.

    Cryopreservation is a process where cells or whole tissues are preserved by cooling tolow sub-zero temperatures, such as (typically) 77 K or 196 C (the boiling point of

    liquid nitrogen). At these low temperatures, any biological activity, including the

    biochemical reactions that would lead to cell death, is effectively stopped. However,when vitrification solutions are not used, the cells being preserved are often damaged due

    to freezing during the approach to low temperatures or warming to room temperature.

    Decimation - Killing of large number of animals, plants and people in a particular area

    leading to a drastic decrease in their population.

    Soil Laterization- When laterite layer of soil is exposed because of extreme abuse or

    disturbance making biological repair, in human terms, an intolerably slow process.

    Species- Group or population of similar individuals that reproduce by interbreeding

    within the group.

    Inbreeding is breeding between close relatives, whether plant or animal. If practicedrepeatedly, it leads to an increase in homozygosity of a population. A higher frequency of

    recessive, deleterious traits in homozygous form in a population can, over time, result in

    inbreeding depression. This may occur when inbred individuals exhibit reduced healthand fitness and lower levels of fertility.

    Law of limiting factor: The functioning of an organism is controlled or limited by thatessential environmental factor or combination of factors present in the least favorable

    amount. The factors may not be continuously effective but only at some critical period

    during the year or perhaps only during some critical year in a climatic cycle. Theavailability of food, predation pressure, or availability of shelter are examples of factors

    that could be limiting for a species population in a specific area. In an ecosystem, the

    limiting factors are the land, water and biological resources.

    Endemic species- species confined / restricted to a specific geographical area of the

    globe. Range Restricted Rarity Example- Giant robber crab or coconut crab of

    Andaman and Nicobar Islands, brow-antlered deer Sanghai of Manipur.

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    Ecotype is a distinct entity of an animal, plant, or other organism that is closely linked (in

    its characteristics) to the ecological surroundings it inhabits. The term ecotype was

    coined in 1922 by Swedish botanist Gote Turesson.

    Catchment areas or watershed is a region of land where waterfrom rain orsnowmelt

    drains downhill into abody of water, such as a river, lake, dam,estuary, wetland,sea orocean. The drainage basin includes both the streams and rivers that convey the water as

    well as the land surfaces from which water drains into those channels. The drainage basin

    acts like a funnel - collecting all the water within the area covered by the basin andchanneling it into a waterway.

    Gene poor countries- Developed countries in Europe and North America do not harboura lot of diverse species of flora and fauna & hence are termed as gene poor.

    Red Data Book provides scientific and objective information about the status of genetic

    diversity present and also information on the status of threatened species that requirespecial attention. It is an effort of IUCN, which started assessment of plant and animal

    varieties at a global level.

    CITES- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of fauna and flora.

    Checks on the poaching and subsequent trade across national boundaries

    Recognizes the endangered status of an animal at an international level

    Micronutrients are the essential elements needed in small quantities for life. E.g. Iron,

    cobalt. copper, manganese, zinc & iodine.

    Wetland ecosystems produce a great variety of floral species that act as a rich source ofraw materials for any industries besides fulfilling the needs of survival by many faunalspecies.

    Source of firewood in local region- Mangrove forests produce a huge amount of

    charcoal for commercial consumption.

    Fish and shrimp production

    Tourism e.g.-Bengal tiger of Sunder bans.

    Raw materials which can be used in textile industry, construction of houses, food processing units, paper industry and shipping industry besides proving inland

    navigation facilities.

    Swamp is a wetland that features permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water, generally with a substantial number of hummocks, or dry-land

    protrusions. Swamps are characterized by rich biodiversity and specialized organisms.

    Traditional methods of conservation of biodiversity:

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    Sacred groves and lakes- forest patches around places of worship highly

    respected and undisturbed. Eg. Deodar forests protected by tribals inKumaon; Jaintias and Khasias in Meghalaya and; Bishnois in Rajasthan.


    Type of


    Association Species A Species B E.g.

    Mutualism Opportunistic + + Pollination

    Bison and

    cattle egret

    Symbiosis Close



    + + Mycorhizzae



    Opportunistic + + Oxpeckerandrhinocerous

    Commensalism Nophysiological


    + 0 Sucker fish(ecto



    protozoa inmammalian


    tract (endo

    commensal)Predation Larger predator


    smaller prey

    + - Carnivoresfeeding on



    Parasitsm Smaller

    parasite derivesnutrition form

    larger host

    + - Ticks, lice



    Hook worm(endoparasit


    Amensalism Site specific &

    1 population

    inhibits the

    growth of others

    - 0 Trees withlarge


    onlyallowing the


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    species togrow under


    Antibiosis 1 organism

    producesmetabolitewhich is toxic

    to others

    + - Penicillium

    Algal blooms ofsome green

    & red algae

    Competition Striving for the

    same resources

    - - Over

    crowding of

    any animalor plant with

    the same

    source of

    food or


    Categories of threaten species as per IUCN:II. Extinct- Species not definitely located in the wild in the last 50 yrs

    III. Endangered- Species in danger of extinction & whose survival is

    unlikely if the causal factors continue to operateIV. Vulnerable- Species likely to move into endangered category in

    the near future if the causal factors continue to operate

    V. Rare- Species with a small world population that is not at present

    endangered or vulnerable but is at riskVI. Insufficiently known- Species suspected but not definitely known

    to belong to any of the above categories

    Categories of soil:

    Alluvial soils- found in river basins and in coastal plains. Extremely fertile.

    Black soils- Found in volcanic regions. Rich in minerals.

    Red soils- Found in volcanic regions. Brittle and not very fertile.

    Laterite soils- Found in regions having a steep topography and heavy rains.

    Rendered infertile due to heavy leaching.

    Sandy soils- Found in deserts and semi arid areas. Dry and porous but can

    sustain agriculture with availability of fertilizers and water

    Mountain soils- Confined to mountainous regions. thin and fragile for cropcultivation

    Indicators of a healthy soil:

    Soil surface cover-presence of soil vegetation, yield per hectare

    Soil compaction- indicates soil erosion, soil texture, soil moisture etc

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    Land use pressure- soil tillage practices

    Presence of weeds- indicate dry/moist condition, fertility

    Presence of micro organisms & organic matter

    pH : 1-6 Acidic, 7 neutral and 8-14 Alkaline

    Particle size: Coarse (0.125-2mm diameter of particles-Sandy soil ),

    medium or loamy ( 30-50% Sand and 30-50% Silt and 20% Clay) andFine (2-4mm diameter of particles-Clayey soil)

    Soil moisture and Porosity of water based on particle size

    Soil Organic Matter (SOM) : influences infiltration rate of water, bulk

    density, biological activity and ion exchange rate (slow release of


    Types of soil Alluvial (rich in loam and clay), Black ( mostly clay), Red( Sandy and loamy), Desert (Sandy) and Laterite (Clay)

    Trawling is a method offishing that involves actively pulling a fishing net through

    the water behind one or moreboats, called trawlers. Its impact on marine ecosystem :a. perceived lack ofselectivity (Trawl nets may be non-selective, sweeping

    up both marketable and undesirable fish and fish of both legal and illegalsize)

    b. the physical damage which the trawl does to the seabed (becausebottom

    trawling involves towing heavy fishing gear over the seabed at a speed ofseveral knots, it is destructive to the ocean bottom)

    Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna and cultural

    heritage are the primary attractions. Ecotourism is a conceptual experience, enrichingthose who delve into researching and understanding the environment around them. It

    gives us insight into our impacts, as human beings and also a greater appreciation of ourown natural habitats. Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the

    negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural

    integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and culturalfactors, an integral part of ecotourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency,

    water conservation and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities.

    Ecotourism principles:

    minimize impact

    build environmental and cultural awareness and respect

    provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts

    provide financial benefits and employment for local people

    raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social


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    Ideally, ecotourism should satisfy several criteria, such as:

    conservation of biological diversity and cultural diversity through

    ecosystem protection

    promotion of sustainable use ofbiodiversity, by providing jobs to local

    populations sharing of socio-economic benefits with local communities and indigenous

    peoples by having their informed consent and participation in the

    management of ecotourism enterprises

    tourism to unspoiled natural resources, with minimal impact on the

    environment being a primary concern.

    minimization of tourism's own environmental impact

    affordability and lack of waste in the form of luxury

    local culture, flora and fauna being the main attractions

    Ecotourism is now gaining recognisition worldwide and has huge economic value as

    well. National ecotourism certification programs have been put in place in countries suchas Costa Rica, Australia, Kenya and Sweden and ecotourism is a major component of theGDP of these nations.

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    Reclamation- is the process of reclaiming something from loss or from a less useful

    condition. Can be reclamation of land or of waste water.

    Indicator Species- Unique environmental indicators offer a signal of the biological

    condition in an ecosystem. Using bioindicators as an early warning of pollution or

    degradation in an ecosystem can help sustain critical resources. Eg. Caddis fly larvae

    used to assess water quality

    Aspects of environmental management-

    Ethical principles

    Social principles

    Economic principles

    Technological principles

    Holistic approach towards sustainable development (considering all the factors

    together and concluding on the most feasible option)

    Steps required for environmental development:

    Analysis of present status

    Study of the dynamics

    Present social, economic and environmental status

    Formulation of balanced program

    Developing evaluation criteria

    Promotion, guidance and supervision of the program

    Steps to improve environmental quality:

    Natural resource assessment and management

    Strategies for environmental pollution monitoring & control

    Population stabilization & public health

    Environmental laws n regulations

    Environmental education

    Economic policies can be vital to environmental management as- Activities need to be carried out for maximum gain to economy and

    minimum damage to ecology

    Management of resources and technological applications which areecofriendly will help in abatement of pollution and also remain cost


    Impose heavy taxes/fines on those units which create pollution beyond acertain limit (Polluter Pays principle)

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    Educate the companies in order to optimize the use of natural resources

    and get a positive approach to environmental protection

    National Economic Board has been set up to manage optimum utilizationof resources

    Environment management is multidisciplinary. Linked to economics of the area, the industry concerned and the nation on

    the whole mitigation measures and conservation both depend directly on

    the economic resources available

    Linked to national/regional politics- determines the priority of law framing

    and stringent enforcement

    Linked to technical advancements- development of eco friendly technologyand optimum resource utilization

    Linked to the biological diversity- Higher the diversity, more the need for


    Need to set the standards regarding environment: To control increasing environmental pollution

    To restrict the increased levels of toxic pollutants

    To prevent occupational hazards

    Managing and maintaining the environment

    To preserve environment for future generations

    Disadvantage of borrowed standards:

    May not be suitable for local; conditions; must be site specific. Maintaining higherenvironmental quality than need is costly and lower standards may result in health

    hazards and environmental damage. So the standards must be minimum

    environmental quality standards based on maximum assimilative capacity of theenvironment.

    Alternate technology:

    Material substitution eg. Aluminium instead of steel, glass fiber instead of


    Less environmentally harmful substances used

    Energy derived from renewable resources cheaper, cleaner eg. Solar cooker,wind and tidal energy

    Discharges checked and international obligations taken seriously

    Environmental problems in India:

    Those arising from conditions of poverty and underdevelopment

    Those arising from the negative effects of the very process of development

    Vehicle emission standards in India-

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    Standards are legal limits of air pollutants in the ambient air during a

    given period of time

    Standards generally regulate the emissions ofNOx, particulate matter(PM) orsoot, carbon monoxide (CO), or volatile hydrocarbons.

    Set by Ministry of Road Transport and highways, Ministry of Petroleum

    and Natural gas, Ministry of Heavy Industry and Public Enterprise Implemented by Central Pollution Control Board (help in setting national

    standards and implementing in union Territories) or State Pollution

    Control Board (implementation in state)

    Characterizes the allowable level of emissions for each group of emitters

    Emission check of all vehicles mandatory

    Bharat IV (equivalent to EURO IV) now classified

    EIA is Environmental Impact Assessment. It is an important management tool forincorporating environmental concerns in developmental process.

    Its role in conservation: Evaluation of environmental implications

    Incorporation of necessary safe guards for such activities having a bearing

    on the environmental quality

    Important in decision-making and cost benefit analysis of any

    developmental project.

    An air quality standard is a description of a level of air quality that is adopted by a

    regulatory authority as enforceable. This is a standard that specifies concentration limitsof main constituents in ambient air like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone,

    sulphur dioxide, lead particulate matter and suspended particles. These standards are set

    by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The basis of development of thisstandard is to provide a rational for protecting public health from adverse effects of air

    pollutants, to eliminate or reduce exposure to hazardous air pollutants, and to guide

    national and local authorities in their air quality management decisions.

    ISO 14000 voluntary code for environmental regulation. It is a certification given for

    better environmental management. Role in promoting a clean environment

    This certification is recognized world over and governments provide

    incentives for organizations which have this certificate.

    It is essential for organizations to follow clean environment practises to

    achieve this certification.

    Consumers prefer products with this certification, which makes it essential

    for industries to get this certification.

    This will help in reducing the pollution caused by non biodegradablesubstances.

    This will make producers responsible for their products.

    The consumer need not worry about disposal of used material.

    It promotes sustainable development.

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    EPR is a policy tool that extends manufacturer's responsibilities beyond their current

    accountabilities -- for worker health & safety, consumer safety, and production costs -- toalso include responsibility for life cycle costs of their products and associated packaging.

    Essential to EPR is its mandate for producers to take back' their end-of-life products and

    create closed looped systems that prevent pollution and the inefficient use of resources..

    Eg.-Battery companies taking batteries back after its life.

    Producers of products should bear a significant degree of responsibility

    (physical and/or financial) not only for the environmental impacts of their

    products downstream from the treatment and/or disposal of the product,but also for their upstream activities inherent in the selection of materials

    and in the design of products.

    A primary function of EPR is the transfer of the costs and/or physical

    responsibility of waste management from local government authorities andthe general taxpayer to the producer. Environmental costs of treatment and

    disposal could then be incorporated into the cost of the product. This

    creates the setting for a market to emerge that truly reflects theenvironmental impacts of the product, and in which consumers could

    make their selection accordingly

    EPR extends the traditional environmental responsibilities that producers

    and distributors have previously been assigned (i.e. worker safety, prevention and treatment of environmental releases from production,

    financial and legal responsibility for the sound management of productionwastes) to include management at the post-consumer stage.

    EPR enforces a design strategy that takes into account the upstream

    environmental impacts inherent in the selection, mining and extraction of

    materials, the health and environmental impacts to workers andsurrounding communities during the production process itself, and

    downstream impacts during use, recycling and disposal of the products.

    The ultimate goal of EPR is to encourage cleaner, safer materials and production

    processes, as well as to eliminate waste at each stage of the products life cycle.

    EPR is a policy tool to:

    Enable producers to contribute to a more ecologically sustainable society by

    designing and supplying products that provide the greatest functionality andlongest life with inherently safe materials and the least use of resources and with

    safe chemicals.

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    Reduce public costs by shifting costs of end-of-life product management from

    taxpayers to manufacturers;

    Prevent the disposal of used products in landfills and incinerators, their recyclingunder sub-standard conditions or their export to developing countries.

    To increase consumer awareness, the Government of India launched the eco-labelling

    scheme known as `Ecomark' in 1991 for easy identification of environment-friendly

    products. Any product which is made, used or disposed of in a way that significantlyreduces the harm it would otherwise cause the environment could be considered as

    Environment-Friendly Product.

    The criterion follows a cradle-to-grave approach, i.e. from raw material extraction, to

    manufacturing, and to disposal. The Ecomark label is awarded to consumer goodswhich meet the specified environmental criteria and the quality requirements of Indian


    The specific objectives of the scheme are as follows :

    To provide an incentive for manufacturers and importers to reduce adverse environmental

    impact of products.To reward genuine initiatives by companies to reduce adverse environmental impact of

    their products.

    To assist consumers to become environmentally responsible in their daily lives by

    providing information to take account of environmental factors in their purchasedecisions.

    To encourage citizens to purchase products which have less harmful environmental

    impactsUltimately to improve the quality of the environment and to encourage the sustainable

    management of resources

    Environmental auditing is a systematic, documented, periodic and objective process in

    assessing an organization's activities and services in relation to:

    Assessing compliance with relevant statutory and internalrequirements

    Facilitating management control of environmental practices

    Promoting good environmental management

    Maintaining credibility with the public Raising staff awareness and enforcing commitment to

    departmental environmental policy

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    Exploring improvement opportunities

    Establishing the performance baseline for developing an

    Environmental Management System (EMS)

    Conducting an environmental audit is no longer an option but a sound precaution and a

    proactive measure in today's heavily regulated environment. Indeed, evidence suggeststhat EA has a valuable role to play, encouraging systematic incorporation of

    environmental perspectives into many aspects of an organizations overall operation,helping to trigger new awareness and new priorities in policies and practices

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    Sustainability means having to use any resource in such a manner that its existence is

    prolonged and they are not so exhausted that our productivity is declined.

    Sustainable developmentis the development that meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising on the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. It takes

    the impact on environment into account and tries to minimize environmental damages.

    Sustainable development includes: Prevent pollution

    Reduce waste generation

    Foster consumption on the basis of need and not greed

    Preserve resources & Prevent damage to ecosystem

    Regenerate resources that have been degraded

    Security for future generations

    Need for sustainable development:

    All resources indispensable to basic human survival

    Energy, food, air and water security

    To continue our technological, social and economic development

    Get maximum output of the resources

    Reuse all the non renewable resources lest we run out of them

    Bequest value- save for future generations

    Various steps leading to sustainable development:

    Political and administrative will Political framework, administration, regional

    requirements and area specific preferences

    Dynamic and flexible policies- Accommodate change and involve maximum

    community participation and focus on the least developed sectors of the society Appropriate technology- Skilled man power, data base with sufficient know for

    sustainable development of agriculture, water, land, air and energy.

    Comprehensive review and revision mechanism- Feedback and remedialmeasures.

    Steps leading to sustainable development-

    Political and administrative will

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    Dynamic and flexible policies

    Appropriate technologies

    Comprehensive review and revision mechanism

    Human resource for sustainable development:

    Traditional technologies replaced by modern by skilled man power Educated and trained man power

    Research and implementation of eco friendly technologies

    Development of HR can remove poverty

    Concept of sustainable consumption:

    use of goods and services that respond to the basic needs and bring a betterquality of life, while minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and

    emissions of waste pollutants over the life cycle, so as not to jeopardize the need

    of future generations- Oslo symposium in 1994

    Meeting needs of poor and socially backward people of the society

    Enhancing the quality of life, through better and cheaper goods, services and


    Improving resource efficiency, through skilled man power & modern, efficient


    Increasing the use of renewable energy sources, which enhances efficiency and

    reduces pollution

    Minimizing waste, using methods and technology to convert it to wealth, resource

    or energy

    Taking a life cycle perspective, through methods of recycling and reusing, thussaving virgin resources for future

    Taking into account equity dimension, by promoting & implementing schemes,education/training programmes and varied employment opportunities o reducegap between the rich and the poor. To help the weaker sections of the society

    achieve self sufficiency.


    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):

    Founded in 1973 with its HQ in Nairobi, Kenya.

    Encourages sound developmental practices that help in environmental

    conservation. Agency for implementation of GEF (Global Environment Facility).

    Addresses issues of global concern like protection of ecosystems, mineralresources, monitoring of air and water quality, setting of standards etc.

    Coordinates research facilities and information among nations to have a joint and

    more effective effort to conserve environment.

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    Montreal Protocol:

    International treaty declared on September 16, 1987 and came into force onJanuary 1st 1989.

    An effort that emphasizes on protection of the ozone layer.

    Control and check the omissions of ozone depleting substances (ODs) due to

    industrialization and vehicles. Joint effort with the help of sound technological and financial background.

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):

    UN network on global level for sustainable development

    HQ in New York City and offices in 166 countries.

    Gets financial help from member nations.

    Provides assistance and guidance to the local governments especially of the least

    developed nations in order to meet their challenges.

    Functioning areas- health issues, poverty, sustainable energy resources and

    development of renewable resources, protection of human rights, womens

    participation in development etc.


    1 of the most significant collaborative efforts in order to save the


    Held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 by UN in which more than175 countries participated. Significant documents signed are

    mentioned below-

    Agenda 21- Main aim of this was to stop and reverseenvironmental damage. Global Action Plan with a

    comprehensive blue print.

    Climate Treaty- Controlling pollution to check globalwarming. Reduce the production of greenhouse gases


    Rio Declaration-Aims at establishing equitable global

    partnership through the creation of new level ofcooperation among the nations. Emphasizes at the need for

    international agreements to protect the global

    environmental and developmental system, recognizing it asintegral and interdependent.

    Biodiversity Treaty- All signatories accepted

    responsibility for conserving biological diversity and usingbiological resources in a sustainable manner.

    Forest Agreement- To enhance safety of habitats and virgin

    forestlands. Emphasis on EIA and loss due to commercialacivities to be minimized.

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    Commission on sustainable development:

    Established in Dec. 1993 by General Assembly Resolution of UN.

    Helps in the implementation of Agenda 21 and remove any related problems.

    Aims at- Development of ecologically sound technological development

    Multi-year programme of work

    Co-ordination among countries

    Information exchange

    Focus on sanitation, water and human settlements.


    International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources (IUCN)

    World Wide Fund for nature (WWF)Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of flora and fauna (CITES)

    Kyoto Protocolis an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change (UNFCCC). Countries that ratify thisprotocol commit to reduce their

    emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions

    trading if they maintain or increase emissions of these gases. Adopted by consensus at thethird session of the Conference of the Parties (COP3) in December 1997, it contains

    legally binding emissions targets for Annex I (developed) countries for the post-2000

    period. The developed countries commit themselves to reducing their collectiveemissions of six key greenhouse gases by at least 5%.Each countrys emissions target

    must be achieved by the period 2008-2012. By arresting and reversing the upward trend

    in greenhouse gas emissions that started in these countries 150 years ago, the Protocol promises to move the international community one step closer to achieving theConventions ultimate objective of preventing "dangerous anthropogenic [man-made]

    interference with the climate system".The Kyoto Protocol now covers more than 160

    countries globally and over 55% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

    Education helps in sustainable development by-

    Creating awareness and sensitivity

    Highlighting the importance of the environment

    Elaborating the impacts on humans of the damage to environment

    Producing more number of qualified professionals in different fields

    People cooperation helps in conservation:

    Community participation needed for implementation

    Mass support effective in bringing change

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    Awareness & sensitization of groups leads to sustained effort towards


    Direct action, lobbying and litigation for environmental concerns

    On ground work for preservation of species and habitat

    Better implementation of plans

    Removal of disparity between various fractions of the community groups


    Bishnois- The Bishnois, a Vaishnavite sect, living in western

    Rajasthan on the fringe of the Thar desert, have for centuries, beenconserving the flora and fauna to the extent of sacrificing their lives to

    protect the environment. The basic philosophy of this religion is that all

    living things have a right to survive and share all resources.

    Chipko Movement- In the 1970s, an organized resistance to the

    destruction of forests spread throughout India and came to be known as

    the Chipko movement. The name of the movement comes from the word'embrace', as the villagers hugged the trees, and prevented the contractors'

    from felling them.

    Silent Valley- Located in Pallakad district of Kerala. Part ofNilgiri Biosphere Reserve and Silent Valley national Park. Tropical forests

    rich in biodiversity People fought against the threat of drowning under the

    huge reservoir of a hydroelectric project (The Pathrakadavu Hydroelectric

    Project) which was to be started by Kerala Electricity Board. Local peoplewho were supported by international agencies like IUCN (International

    Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources) and WWF

    (World Wide Fund for Nature) came forward and this area was saved.

    Ralegaon Sidhi Village in semi arid region of Maharashtra. Community participation, proper management of resources especially watershed

    management & afforestation done. It is now declared as Urja Gram.Anna Hazare played an important role.

    Beej Bachao Aandolan Movement of the local people to save the

    native crop varieties by preserving their seeds them in the Himalayandistrict of Tehri Garhwal.

    Friends ofDoon- Working in Doon valley and checking deforestation and

    mining. (NGO)

    Vanarai- Conservation activities with the help of rural community in

    Pune. Consists of eco-clubs comprising of teachers & students too. (NGO)

    Ladakh Ecology Development Board- Educating people and establishharmony with the local environment. (NGO)

    Warlis tribe- Conservation of natural resources in the Western ghats in the

    state of Maharashtra.

    Role of N.G.O.s in environment conservation:

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    Mobilizing people support

    Spreading awareness about various environmental issues

    Direct action, lobbying and litigation for environmental concerns

    Organize activities like nature camps, nature walks and campaigns about

    consumer education

    On ground work for preservation of species and habitat E.g.- Kalpvriksh, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Bombay

    Natural History Society (BNHS)

    The Barefoot College was started in 1972 by Social Work and Research Centre

    (SWRC), Tilonia, Rajasthan, with the conviction that solutions to rural problems liewithin the community. The College addresses problems of drinking water, girl education,

    health & sanitation, rural unemployment, income generation, electricity and power, as

    well as social awareness and the conservation of ecological systems in rural communities.

    The College benefits the poorest of the poor who have no alternatives and encourages

    practical knowledge and skills rather than paper qualifications through a learning bydoing process of education. The areas on which the Barefoot College concentrated were:

    1. Groundwater: Survey, site selection, installation of hand pumps,repair and maintenance through community participation.

    2. Education: Nursery schools, evening schools for dropouts, classes

    for women and girls.

    3. Medical care: Preventive health programmes where a doctor is notneeded. TB eradication, eye camps, immunisation camps, family planning

    camps, pre-natal and post-natal care, appliances for the handicapped,

    testing drinking water for contamination, decontamination of wells,

    homoeopathy.4. Women's programmes Training of traditional midwives,

    motivators in famine relief camps, nursery school teachers, awarenessgenerating, work among rural women.

    5. Agricultural extension: Development of unused and underutilised

    land allotted by government, soil and water testing, groundwater survey,

    engineering survey, seeds and fertiliser loans, credit, grain storage,marketing facilities, social forestry.

    6. Rural industry: Working with leather workers, weavers and rural

    women in order to generate more income for their families; assistancewith raw materials, marketing, design, and credit.

    7. Appropriate technology: Use of biogas for generating power,photovoltaic cells for generating electricity in night schools, dispensaries.8. Animal husbandry: Demonstrate how stall feeding of goats is

    useful for milk and meat but constitutes an ecological hazard; rearing of

    rabbits and sheep; the BC dealt only with the poor peasants' animals, notwith buffaloes and cows.

    9. Communication: Use of traditional media like puppetry to

    communicate with the rural poor; use of street plays and other media.

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    Environmental Laws-Indian Forest Act, 1927

    Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

    Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974Forest Conservation Act, 1980

    Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

    Water Cess Act, 1977Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

    Biodiversity Act, 2002

    A Sustainable building, orGreen building is an outcome of a design which focuses on

    increasing the efficiency of resource use energy, water, and materials while

    reducing building impacts on human health and the environment during the building's

    lifecycle, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal

    Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on

    human health and the natural environment by:

    Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources

    Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity

    Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation

    Realising the importance of Environmental Information, the Government of India, inDecember, 1982, established an Environmental Information System (ENVIS) as a plan

    programme. The focus of ENVIS since inception has been on providing environmental

    information to decision makers, policy planners, scientists and engineers, researchworkers, etc. all over the country. ENVIS is a decentralised system with a network of

    distributed subject oriented Centres ensuring integration of national efforts in

    environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to allconcerned. Presently the ENVIS network consists of Focal Point at the Ministry of

    Environment and Forest and ENVIS Centres setup in different

    organisations/establishments in the country in selected areas of environment. TheseCentres have been set up in the areas of pollution control, toxic chemicals, central andoffshore ecology, environmentally sound and appropriate technology, bio-degradation of

    wastes and environment management, etc.

    ENVIS focal point ensures integration of national efforts in environmental information

    collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned.

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    to build up a repository and dissemination centre in Environmental

    Science and Engineering;

    to gear up the modern technologies of acquistion, processing,storage, retrieval and dissemination of information of environmental nature; and

    to support and promote research, development and innovation in

    environmental information technology.

    to provide national environmental information service relevant to

    present needs and capable of develoment to meet the future needs of the users,originators, processors and disseminators of information;

    to build up storage, retrieval and dissemination capabilities with the

    ultimate objectives of disseminating information speedily to the users;

    to promote, national and international cooperation and liasion forexchange of environment related information;

    to promote, support and assist education and personnel training

    programmes designed to enhance environmental information processing and utilisation


    to promote exchange of information amongst developing countries.

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    Increasing population-increased need for food

    Developmental pressures-restricted land resource

    Over exploitation of land- desertification.

    Hence the need for sustainable agriculture

    Sustainable agriculture is a concept that deals with good production of crops without

    making any compromise with the quality of soil, water, crops resources and using them insuch a manner that environmental quality, ecosystems health, commercial gains and

    social concerns are safeguarded.

    Tillage- Practice which prepares soil in order to carry out sowing seeds Helps in making the soil aerated and in germination of seeds

    Clears soil of any unwanted plant growth.

    Steps for sustainable agriculture-

    Maintaining proper soil quality- following agronomic practices like croprotation, mixed farming and mixed cropping.

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    Selection of different species of plants to maintain a good diversity

    Proper site selection

    Making use of Biopesticides/bioinsecticides and using organic

    manures/biofertilizers/compost in order to stop pollution of soil

    Effect of agrochemicals: Chemicals like DDT and some fungicides have carcinogens in them

    Development of resistant varieties of pests

    Leaching into ground water (water)

    Aquatic life is killed when these chemicals leach into water bodies (water)

    Biomagnification (water and soil)

    Effects the microbial population that carry out decomposition in the soil(soil)

    Eutrophication of lakes (water)

    Spraying and fumigation can lead to deposition on the surface of plants(and hence enter the food chain) and also expose the people working to the

    harmful pesticides. (air)

    Organic fertilizers: Naturally occurring fertility enhancing living or non living products.

    Include manure, slurry, worm castings,peat, seaweed,sewage , and guano. Green manure

    crops are also grown to add nutrients to the soil like legumes. Benefits-

    Mobilizing existing soil nutrients, so that good growth is achieved with lowernutrient densities while wasting less

    Releasing nutrients at a slower, more consistent rate, helping to avoid a boom-

    and-bust pattern

    Helping to retain soil moisture, reducing the stress due to temporary moisturestress

    Improving the soil structure

    Organics also have the advantage of avoiding certain long-term problems associated withthe regular heavy use of artificial fertilizers:

    the possibility of "burning" plants with the concentrated chemicals (i.e. an

    over supply of some nutrients)

    the progressive decrease of real or perceived "soil health", apparent in loss

    of structure, reduced ability to absorb precipitation, lightening of soil color,

    etc. the necessity of reapplying artificial fertilizers regularly (and perhaps inincreasing quantities) to maintain fertility increases the cost (substantial and

    rising in recent years) and resulting lack of independence

    DDT (dichloro diphenyl tricholoroethane)

    Leads to biomagnification leading to death of many species in the food


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    Causes thinning of egg shells and death of hatchlings in certain bird

    species like the bald eagle

    Toxic to marine life and gets accumulated in fish

    Classified as moderately hazardous by WHO and a probable


    Biopesticides are measures to control pest populations using living organisms or

    compounds produced by them. E.g. Bt toxin incorporated in Cotton (from bacteriaBacillus thurengienisis)


    Less harmful than chemical pesticides

    May be modified in such a manner that they attack only 1 targetorganism

    Often are effective in very small quantities

    Decompose quickly therefore avoid the pollution problem of chemicalpesticides

    Can decrease the use of chemicals without the decrease in productivitywhen used with integrated pest management


    Sometimes tough to make target specific

    Condition specific-soil, climate moisture etc. (otherwise remain weak or die)

    Some pests do not respond

    Production involves long research which is time and money consuming

    Quite slow at work sometimes

    Tissue culture is the growth of tissues and/orcells separate from the organism. Tissueculture commonly refers to the culture of animal cells and tissues, while the more specific

    termplant tissue culture is used for plants.

    Plant tissue culture is a practice used to propagate plants under sterile conditions, often to

    produce clones of a plant. Different techniques in plant tissue culture may offer certain

    advantages over traditional methods of propagation, including:

    The production of exact copies of plants that produce particularly goodflowers, fruits, or have other desirable traits.

    To quickly produce mature plants.

    The production of multiples of plants in the absence ofseeds or necessarypollinators to produce seeds.

    The regeneration of whole plants from plant cells that have been

    genetically modified.

    The production of plants from seeds that otherwise have very low chances

    ofgerminating and growing, i.e.: orchids and nepenthes.

    To clean particular plant of viral and other infections and to quicklymultiply these plants as 'cleaned stock' forhorticulture and agriculture.

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    The production of plants in sterile containers that allows them to be moved

    with greatly reduced chances of transmitting diseases, pests, andpathogens.

    Plant biotechnology beneficial for crop improvement -

    Helps producing transgenic plants with desired traits- Enhancement inagriculture production by developing high yielding strains, increased disease

    resistance and higher nutrient levels in crops

    Helped in horticulture and floriculture

    Tissue culture helped in faster production of plant products, medicines and


    Helps in preservation of endangered plants and seeds that are not found inlarge numbers

    Unlike traditional plant breeding, which involves the crossing of hundreds or

    thousands of genes, plant biotechnology allows for the transfer of only one or

    a few desirable genes

    Disadvantages of modified crops:

    Loss of original gene pool

    High requirement of fertilizers

    High irrigation need

    Possibility of gene leakage

    GMO Genetically Modified Organisms

    Biotechnology is used to genetically modify organisms (Plants, animals ormicrorganisms) for specific use. GM organisms are a result of modern biotechnology.


    GMO are widely used now for production of insulin, enzymes, antibiotics,alcohols etc. Eg-E. coli for insulin production

    They are also used in bioremediation (purification of water or

    decomposition of waste using micro organisms) of waste sewagetreatment, solid waste composting or oil spill treatment.

    They are also used for biomining (Metals are absorbed in the body of the

    micro organisms from where it is later extracted)

    Plants are also genetically modified now Bt cotton (toxin producinggene incorporated in the cotton plant) and Flavr savrtomato(longer shelf


    Advantages of GM food-

    Pest and disease resistant

    Longer shelf life

    Cheaper products-vaccines, antibiotics etc

    Negative dimensions of biotechnology

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    Biotechnology has created HYVs that require use of

    pesticides, water and synthetic fertilizers in large amounts. (pesticide biomagnification, fertilizers- soil salinization and large dams needed for


    Some people are allergic to Genetically Modified (GM)

    crops Gene leakage and loss of gene pool

    Scientists worries that plant-eating insects and weeds

    will develop resistance to GM crops leading to the creation of super-bags orweeds that cannot be destroyed

    Companies often hold patents on GM seeds and licence

    and protect these patents.

    Role of biotechnology in India:

    Use of HYVs in agriculture - led to green revolution. Indian Council for

    Agriculture Research (IARI) developed many new strains of High

    Yielding Varieties of wheat, rice, millets and corn. Eg K68 variety ofwheat

    Sequences from varied sources like bacteria, viruses and eukaryotic

    systems can be transferred to plants to develop transgenic crop varieties eg

    Bt cotton

    Pharma crops are standard crops genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals

    and industrial chemicals. Eg. Corn is genetically modified to produced trypsin, E. coli

    used to produce insulin

    Green revolution term coined by William Gadd of Rockfellar Foundation

    A step towards gaining self sufficiency in food production

    Use of high yielding varieties

    Use of irrigation facilities (like tube wells)

    Use of chemical fertilizers

    Use of pesticides and insecticides


    Self sufficiency in food production

    Economic gains

    Maintenance a good standard of living by the farmers Research in the field of agriculture


    Salinization of soil (Desertification)

    Water logging and leaching

    Using of selected fertilizers (leading to eutrophication too)

    Loss of genetic diversity and food security

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    Land use pattern changed

    Pollution of resources (biomagnification)

    Economic strain on the small scale farmer

    Perishable food like fruits and vegetables have short shelf life hence need elaborate

    storing and preserving techniques like Drying





    Use of vinegar

    Drying refers to natural desiccation, such as spreading fruits on racks in the sun.

    Dehydration designates drying by artificial means, such as a blast of hot air.Both meansof preservation work by removing water from the food, which prevents the growth of

    microorganisms and decay.

    Non-perishable food products like wheat, rice, potatoes, onions etc have longer shelf life

    and basically need hygienic and pest free storage space. Cold storage and godowns canbe used for them

    Steps to manage or store food products-

    Proper grading by concentrating the food products

    Proper processing in order to preserve the food

    Removal of moisture content (drying) Mixing of salt/ sugar and/or spices

    Keeping it at low temperature & Freezing


    Pasteurization & sterilization

    In India, food transportation and management is a far more serious concern than food

    production. Methods adopted to overcome this problem

    Storage in well ventilated godowns

    Use of preservation in packing

    Preserving by refrigeration

    Use of dehydration of certain food items Fumigation/pest control methods/neem

    Cropping techniques:

    Mixed farming- Include livestock rearing (reduces risk and reutilizesresources) E.g. pisciculture, apiculture or rearing cattle with crops.

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    Mixed cropping- 2 or more crops grown together randomly (Inter

    cropping) or 2 or more crops planted in alternate rows (alternate cropping)

    Crop Rotation- Planting different crops in successive cropping seasons

    Strip cropping- Practice of growing field crops in narrow strips either at

    right angles to the direction of the prevailing wind, or following the natural

    contours of the terrain to prevent wind and water erosion of the soil. Thegrowing of a cultivated crop, such as cotton, and a sod-forming crop, such as

    alfalfa, in alternating strips following the contour of the land, in order to

    minimize erosion.

    Multiple cropping is the practice of growing two or more crops

    simultaneously in the same space during a single growing season. It is a form

    ofpolyculture, in which a second crop is planted after the first has beenharvested, or relay cropping, in which the second crop is started amidst the

    first crop before it has been harvested.

    Example - tomatoes + onions + marigold; the marigolds repel some tomato


    In agriculture, "monoculture" describes the practice of planting crops with the samepatterns of growth resulting from genetic similarity.

    In forestry, monoculture refers to the planting of a single species of tree crop instead

    of encouraging a diverse canopy of trees. Examples include Wheat fields or Appleorchards or Grape vineyards. The planting of a single species of tree crop instead of

    encouraging a diverse canopy of trees or the practice of planting crops with the same

    patterns of growth has the following disadvantages:

    Monoculture can lead to large scale crop failure as this single genetic variant

    orcultivarbecomes susceptible to a disease.

    Low biodiversity Depreciated the soil of particular nutrients

    Major techniques of irrigation:(a) Sprinkler irrigation/ Spray irrigation- spray continuous

    drizzle of water. Avoids wastage and water logging.

    (b) Drip irrigation- Plastic pipes with holes laid down in the

    field when crops have to be watered. Advantages:

    Water is used efficiently by being poured directly at the

    base of the plant, and not being wasted between the


    Fertilization is possible through the system. The plant leaves remain dry, thereby reducing fungal

    problems in sensitive crops.

    Relatively low pump pressures are required to operate

    the system.

    (c) There is low labor requirement to operate these systems,

    which are easy to automate

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    (d) Furrow irrigation- Irrigation in rows that have crops. Water

    absorbed by soil as it flows through these furrows.

    (e) Sub irrigation- Indirect method of irrigation applicable tothose areas where ground water is available at shallow


    (f) Flood irrigation- flood the field with water (usually usedfor paddy)

    (g) Centre pivot system- This system is built of many metal

    frames which move on wheels that hold the central water providing system. This transports water from a pump

    located at the center and water is sprayed through

    sprinklers. The whole structure keeps moving all over the

    field. Minimum effort and less time.

    Macro systems of irrigation- large dams and canals

    Advantages of macro systems of irrigation: Larger areas of cultivation

    Relatively regular supply

    Disadvantages of macro system of irrigation:

    Water logging

    Salinization- accumulation of salts in soil

    which make it saline and render soil infertile

    Eutrophication and chemical pollution


    "Integrated Pest Management is the coordinated use of pest and environmental

    information along with available pest control methods, including cultural, biological,

    genetic and chemical methods, to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the

    most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the


    IPM is a pest control strategy that uses an array of complementary methods: naturalpredators and parasites, pest-resistant varieties, cultural practices, biological controls,

    various physical techniques, andpesticides as a last resort. It is an ecological approach

    that can significantly reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides. An IPM regime can be

    quite simple, or sophisticated enough to be a farming system in its own right. The mainfocus is usually insect pests, but IPM encompasses diseases, weeds, and any other

    naturally occurring biological crop threat.

    An IPM system is designed around six basic components:

    1. Acceptable pest levels: The emphasis is on control, not eradication. IPM holdsthat wiping out an entire pest population is often impossible, and the attempt can

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    be more costly, environmentally unsafe, and all-round counterproductive than it is

    worth. Better to decide on what constitutes acceptable pest levels, and apply

    controls if those levels are reached.2. Preventive cultural practices: Selecting varieties best for local growing conditions,

    and maintaining healthy crops, is the first line of defense.

    3. Monitoring: Regular observation is the cornerstone of IPM. Visual inspection,insect traps, and other measurement methods are used to monitor pest levels.

    Record-keeping is essential, as is a thorough knowledge of the behavior and

    reproductive cycles of target pests.4. Mechanical controls: Should a pest reach an unacceptable level, mechanical

    methods are the first options to consider. They include simple hand-picking,

    erecting insect barriers, using traps, vacuuming, and tillage to disrupt breeding.

    5. Biological controls: Natural biological processes and materials can providecontrol, with minimal environmental impact, and often at low cost. The main

    focus here is on promotingbeneficial insects that eat target pests.

    6. Chemical controls: Considered as an IPM last resort, synthetic pesticides may be

    used when other controls fail or are deemed unlikely to prove effective.Biological insecticides, derived from plants or naturally occurring

    microorganisms (eg: Bt), also fit in this category.

    IPM is applicable to all types of agriculture. Reliance on knowledge, experience,

    observation, and integration of multiple techniques makes IPM a perfect fit for organic

    farming (the synthetic chemical option is simply not considered). For large-scale,chemical-based farms, IPM can reduce human and environmental exposure to hazardous

    chemicals, and potentially lower overall costs.

    An exampleIn 1954, a new type ofaphid was seen in California. At first, organophosphatepesticides

    were applied but after 5 years, most of the aphid population had become resistant. The

    pesticides also killed natural predators of the aphid. In the application of IPM, the amountof organophosphate used was lowered to allow the natural predators to live; further

    predators were also introduced.
