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  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    1. Article 17 of the constitution of India provides


    (a) equality before law.

    (b) equality of opportunity in matters of public


    (c) abolition of titles.

    (d) abolition of untouchability

    2. Article 37 of the constitution of India

    provides for

    (a) temporary provisions for !ammu " #ashmir.

    (b) special provisions in respect of $a%aland.

    (c) special provisions in respect of &anipur.

    (d) provisions in respect of 'nancial emer%ency

    3. ow many permanent members are there in

    ecurity *ouncil+

    (a) ,hree

    (b) -ive

    (c) i

    (d) -our

    /. ,he 0nited #in%dom is a classic eample of


    (a) aristocracy

    (b) absolute monarchy

    (c) constitutional monarchy

  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    (d) polity.

    . ocial *ontract ,heory was advocated by

    (a) obbes 4oc5e and 6ousseau.

    (b) lato Aristotle and e%el.

    (c) &ill 8entham and lato.

    (d) 4oc5e &ill and e%el.

    9. ,he pea5er of the 4o5 abha is elected by the

    (a) resident

    (b) rime &inister.

    (c) &embers of both ouses of the arliament.

    (d) &embers of the 4o5 abha.

    7. :ho is called the ;-ather of istoryedas are 5nown as

    (a) mriti.

    (b) ruti.

    (c) !nana.

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    (d) i5sha.

    ?. ,he members of @stimate *ommittee are

    (a) elected from the 4o5 abha only.

    (b) elected from the 6aya abha only.

    (c) elected from both the 4o5 abha and the

    6aya abha.

    (d) nominated by the pea5er of the 4o5 abha.

    1. :ho is the chief advisor to the Bovernor+(a) *hief !ustice of the upreme *ourt.

    (b) *hief &inister.

    (c) pea5er of the 4o5 abha.

    (d) resident.

    11. -orei%n currency which has a tendency ofquic5 mi%ration is called

    (a) carce currency.

    (b) oft currency.

    (c) Bold currency.

    (d) ot currency.

    12. :hich of the followin% is a better

    measurement of @conomic Cevelopment+

    (a) BC

    (b) Cisposable income

    (c) $$

  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    (d) er capita income

    13. In India dis%uised unemployment is

    %enerally observed in

    (a) the a%riculture sector.

    (b) the factory sector.

    (c) the service sector.

    (d) All these sectors.

    1/. If the commodities manufactured in urat are

    sold in &umbai or Celhi then it is

    (a) ,erritorial trade.

    (b) Internal trade.

    (c) International trade.

    (d) -ree trade.

    1. ,he famous slo%an DBA6I8I A,AED (6emove

    overty) was launched durin% the

    (a) -irst -iveFGear lan (1?1F9)

    (b) ,hird -iveFGear lan (1?91F99)

    (c) -ourth -iveFGear lan (1?9?F7/)

    (d) -ifth -iveFGear lan (1?7/F7?)

    19. 8an5 6ate refers to the interest rate at which

    (a) *ommercial ban5s receive deposits from thepublic.

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    (b) *entral ban5 %ives loans to *ommercial


    (c) Bovernment loans are Hoated.

    (d) *ommercial ban5s %rant loans to their


    17. All the %oods which are scare and limited in

    supply are called

    (a) 4uury %oods.

    (b) @pensive %oods.

    (c) *apital %oods.

    (d) @conomic %oods.

    1=. ,he theory of monopolistic competition is

    developed by

    (a) @..*hamberlin

    (b) .A.amuelson

    (c) !.6obinson

    (d) A.&arshall

    1?. mo5e is formed due to

    (a) solid dispersed in %as.

    (b) solid dispersed in liquid.

    (c) %as dispersed in solid.

    (d) %as dispersed in %as.

    2. :hich of the followin% chemical is used in


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    (a) Aluminum hydroide

    (b) ilver bromide

    (c) otassium nitrate

    (d) odium chloride.

    21. Bober %as (8io%as) mainly contains

    (a) &ethane.

    (b) @thane and butane.

    (c) propane and butane.

    (d) methane ethane propane and propylene.

    22. reparation of ;Calda or >anaspati< %hee from

    ve%etable oil utilises the followin% process

    (a) ydrolysis

    (b) Eidation

    (c) ydro%enation

    (d) Eonoloysis

    23. :hich colour is the complementary colour of


    (a) 8lue

    (b) Breen

    (c) Eran%e

    (d) 6ed

    2/. Curin% washin% of cloths we use indi%o due

    to its

  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    (a) better cleanin% action.

    (b) proper pi%mental composition.

    (c) hi%h %lorious nature.

    (d) very low cost.

    2. Ef the followin% Indian satellites which one

    is intended for lon% distance telecommunication

    and for transmittin% ,> pro%rammes+

    (a) I$A,FA

    (b) Aryabhata

    (c) 8has5ara

    (d) 6ohini

    29. :hat is the full form of ;A&< re%ardin% radio


    (a) Amplitude &ovement

    (b) Anywhere &ovement

    (c) Amplitude &atchin%

    (d) Amplitude &odulation.

    27. :ho is the author of Bandhiaishnava ana to tene 5ahiye+

    (a) urandar Cas

    (b) hyamal 8hatt

    (c) $arsi &ehta

    (d) ant Byaneshwar

  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    2=. :hich one of the followin% is not a mosquito

    borne disease+

    (a) Cen%u fever

    (b) -ilariasis

    (c) leepin% sic5ness

    (d) &alaria

    2?. :hat is the principal ore of aluminium+

    (a) Colomite(b) *opper

    (c) 4i%nite

    (d) 8auite

    3. :hich country is the facilitator for peace

    tal5s between the 4,,@ and the ri 4an5anBovernment+

    (a) ,he 0

    (b) $orway

    (c) India

    (d) ,he 0#

    31. ,he hi%hest body which approves the -iveF

    Gear lan in India is the

    (a) lannin% *ommission

    (b) $ational Cevelopment *ouncil

    (c) ,he 0nion *abinet

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    (d) -inance &inistry

    32. *eteris aribus is 4atin for

    (a) D all other thin%s variable D

    (b) Dother thin%s increasin%D

    (c) Dother thin%s bein% equalD

    (d) Dall other thin%s decreasin%D

    33. :ho has been conferred the Cada aheb

    hal5e Award (6atna) for the year 27+(a) Cev Anand

    (b) 6e5ha

    (c) Cilip #umar

    (d) habana Ami

    3/. urchasin% ower arity theory is relatedwith

    (a) Interest 6ate.

    (b) 8an5 6ate.

    (c) :a%e 6ate.

    (d) @chan%e 6ate.

    3. India

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    39. ,he oJcial a%ency responsible for estimatin%

    $ational Income in India is

    (a) Indian tatistical Institute.

    (b) 6eserve 8an5 of India.

    (c) *entral tatistical Er%anisation.

    (d) $ational *ouncil for Applied @conomics and


    37. :hich of the followin% has the sole ri%ht of

    issuin% currency (ecept one rupee coins and

    notes) in India+

    (a) ,he Bovernor of India

    (b) ,he lannin% *ommission

    (c) ,he tate 8an5 of India

    (d) ,he 6eserve 8an5 of India

    3=. In the bud%et '%ures of the Bovernment of

    India the diKerence between total ependiture

    and total receipt is called.

    (a) -iscal de'cit

    (b) 8ud%et de'cit(c) 6evenue de'cit

    (d) *urrent de'cit

    3?. @cise duty on a commodity is payable with

    reference to its

    (a) production.

  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    (b) production and sale.

    (c) roduction and transportation.

    (d) roduction transportation and sale.

    /. In the 0 the resident is elected by

    (a) ,he enate.

    (b) 0niversal Adult -ranchise.

    (c) ,he ouse of 6epresentatives.

    (d) ,he *on%ress.

    /1. -ascism believes in

    (a) eaceful chan%e

    (b) -orce

    (c) ,olerance

    (d) 8asic 6i%hts for the individual

    /2. :hich is the most essential function of an


    (a) upervision

    (b) &ana%ement

    (c) &ar5etin%

    (d) 6is5 bearin%

    /3. #nowled%e technical s5ill education ;etc.< in

    economics are re%arded as

    (a) socialFoverhead capital.

    (b) human capital.

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    (c) tan%ible physical capital.

    (d) wor5in% capital.

    //. :hat is the ran%e of A%ni III the lon%Fran%eballistic missile testF'red by India recently+

    (a) 22 5m

    (b) 3 5m

    (c) 5m

    (d) 1 5m/. $athu 4aa a place where IndiaF*hina border

    trade has been resumed after // years is

    located on the Indian border in

    (a) i55im.

    (b) Arunachal radesh.

    (c) imachal radesh

    (d) !ammu and #ashmir.

    /9. &. Camodaran is the

    (a) *hairman 0nit ,rust of India.

    (b) Ceputy Bovernor of 6eserve 8an5 of India.

    (c) *hairman ecurities and @chan%e 8oard of


    (d) *hairman 4ife Insurance *orporation of India.

    /7. :hat is the name of the 4i%ht *ombat

    Aircraft developed by India indi%enously+

    (a) 8rah&os

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    (b) *heta5

    (c) Astra

    (d) ,eas

    /=. :ho is the rime &inister of Breat 8ritain+

    (a) ,ony 8lair

    (b) !ac5 traw

    (c) 6obin *oo5

    (d) Bordon 8rown.

    /?. ,he 21 :orld *up -ootball ,ournament will

    be held in

    (a) -rance.

    (b) *hina.

    (c) Bermany.

    (d) outh Africa.

    . :ho is the present *hief @lection

    *ommissioner of India+

    (a) $avin *hawla

    (b) $.Bopalswamy

    (c) ,..5rishnamoorty

    (d) 8.8.,andon

    1. ,he title of the boo5 recently written by

    !aswant in%h former &inister of @ternal AKair


  • 7/21/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) GK Papers


    (a) A call of onour F In the ervice of @mer%ent


    (b) :hither ecular India+

    (c) Ayodhya and Aftermath

    (d) hinin% India and 8!.

    2. :hat was the ori%inal name of D$urahanD+

    (a) !abunnisa

    (b) -atima 8e%um(c) &ehrunnisa

    (d) !ahanara

    3. :hich of the followin% pairs is not correctly

    matched +

    (a) 4ord CallhousieF Coctrine of 4apse(b) 4ord &intoF Indian *ouncils Act 1??

    (c) 4ord :ellesleyF ubsidiary Alliance

    (d) 4ord *uronF >ernacular ress Act 1=7=

    /. ,he province of 8en%al was partitioned into

    two parts in 1? by

    (a) 4ord 4ytton.

    (b) 4ord 6ipon.

    (c) 4ord CuKerin.

    (d) 4ord *uron.

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    . ,he essential features of the Indus >alley

    *iviliation was

    (a) worship of forces of nature.

    (b) or%anied city life.

    (c) pastoral farmin%.

    (d) caste society.

    9. $ame the capital of allavas.

    (a) #anchi.(b) >attapi.

    (c) ,richnapalli.

    (d) &ahabalipuram.

    7. ,he ome 6ule 4ea%ue was started by

    (a) &.#.Bandhi

    (b) 8.B.,ila5

    (c) 6anade

    (d) #.,.,elan%

    =. ,he imon *ommission was boycotted by the

    Indians because

    (a) it sou%ht tocurb civil liberties.

    (b) it proposed to partition India.

    (c) it was an allFwhite commission Indian


    (d) it proposed measures for nationalism.

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    ?. torm of %ases are visible in the chamber of

    the un durin%

    (a) *yclones

    (b) AntiFcyclones

    (c) 4unarFeclipse

    (d) olar eclipse.

    9. ,he Indian *ouncils Act of 1?? is associated


    (a) ,he &onta%u Cecleration.

    (b) ,he &onta%uF *helmsford 6eforms.

    (c) ,he &orleyF&into 6eforms.

    (d) ,he 6owlatt Act.

    91. ,he a%e of tree can be determined more orless accurately by

    (a) countin% the number of branches.

    (b) measurin% the hei%ht of the tree.

    (c) measurin% the diameter of the trun5.

    (d) countin% the number of rin%s in the trun5.

    92. Ef all microFor%anisms the most adaptable

    and versatile are

    (a) >iruses

    (b) 8acteria

    (c) Al%ae d) -un%i

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    93. :hat is an endoscope+

    (a) It is an optical instrument used to see inside

    the alimentary canal

    (b) it is device which is 'tted on the chest of the

    patient to re%ularie the irre%ular heart beats

    (c) It is an instrument used for eaminin% ear


    (d) It is an instrument for recordin% electrical

    si%nals produced by the human muscles.

    9/. ,he disease in which the su%ar level increase

    is 5nown as

    (a) Ciabetes mellitus

    (b) Ciabetes insipidus

    (c) Ciabetes imperfectus(d) Ciabetes su%arensis

    9. ,he resident of India is elected by

    (a) members of both ouses of the arliament.

    (b) members of both houses of arliament of

    tate 4e%islatures.(c) members of both ouses of the tate

    4e%islative Assemblies.

    (d) @lected members of both ouses of the

    arliament and members of 4e%islative


    99. ,he nitro%en present in the atmosphere is

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    (a) of no use to plants.

    (b) inurious of plants.

    (c) directly utilied by plants.

    (d) utilied throu%h microFor%anisms.

    97. Ciamond and Braphite are

    (a) allotropes

    (b) isomorphous

    (c) isomers

    (d) isobars

    9=. #aya5 is 5ind of

    (a) tribal tool.

    (b) boat.

    (c) ship.

    (d) weapon.

    9?. :hich of the followin% has the hi%hest

    calori'c value+

    (a) *arbohydrates

    (b) fats

    (c) roteins

    (d) >itamins.

    7. 6otation of crops means

    (a) %rowin% of diKerent crops in succession to

    maintain soil fertility.

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    (b) some crops are %rowin% a%ain and a%ain.

    (c) two or more crops are %rown simultaneously

    to increase productivity.

    (d) $one of these.

    71. ue *anal connects

    (a) aci'c Ecean and Atlantic Ecean.

    (b) &editerranean ea and 6ed ea.

    (c) 4a5e uron and 4a5e @rie.(d) 4a5e @rie and 4a5e Entario.

    72. :hich of the followin% ports has the lar%est


    (a) #andla

    (b) #ochi(c) &umbai

    (d) >ish5hapatnam.

    73. Dlash and 8urn a%ricultureD is the name

    %iven to

    (a) method of potato cultivation.

    (b) process of deforestation.

    (c) mied framin%.

    (d) shiftin% cultivation.

    7/. ,he main reason for deforestation in Asia is

    (a) ecessive fuel wood collection.

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    (b) ecessive soil erosion.

    (c) Hoods.

    (d) construction of roads.

    7. 6echar%in% of water table depends on

    (a) amount of rainfall.

    (b) relief of the area.

    (c) ve%etation of the area.

    (d) amount of percolation.

    Answers art F I

    1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) /. (c) . (a)

    9. (d) 7. (b) =. (b) ?. (a) 1. (b)

    11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (a) 1/. (b) 1. (c)

    19. (b) 17. (d) 1=. (a) 1?. (a) 2. (b)

    21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (b) 2/. (a) 2. (a)

    29. (d) 27. (c) 2=. (d) 2?. (d) 3. (a)

    31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (c) 3/. (a) 3. (c)

    39. (d) 37. (d) 3=. (a) 3?. (a) /. (b)

    /1. (d) /2. (a) /3. (b) //. (a) /. (c)

    /9. (c) /7. (d) /=. (d) /?. (b) . (a)

    1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (d) /. (b) . (a)

    9. (b) 7. (c) =. (d) ?. (c) 9. (d)

    91. (a) 92. (a) 93. (a) 9/. (a) 9. (d)

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    99. (a) 97. (b) 9=. (b) 9?. (a) 7. (a)

    71. (b) 72. (d) 73. (a) 7/. (d) 7. (a)