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MINIMUMREQUIREDLEVELTESTBooklet Searial No. 971000TimeAllowed 95 minutes


TESTCode: AA02

TestForm No. No. 090001MaximumMarks200


Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions.

Instructionsforcandidates1. This Booklet contains 200 questions in all comprising following 4 tests (1) GeneralAwareness 40 questions (2) General English 40 questions (4) Reasoning 40 questions =40 marks =40 marks =40 marks quality eraser and then blacken the new oval bearing your revised answer number. While changing the answer, erasing the earlier answer completely is extremely essential, if it is not erased completely, smudges will be left on the erased oval and hence no marks will be given. VERY IMPORTANT : Please note that you should not use an H, 2H/HH, 3H type of Pencil. The marks made by such hard pencil will be too light and will not be read by the computer machine. If you use too soft pencils (drawing pencils) like B/BB, 3B, etc. your marks will be dark. So when you want to change your answer by erasing the first one, there may be smudge or dark mark in place of the erased answer and around it. So these too soft pencils are not to be used. Therefore, use only HB Pencils. Please Do Not mark your answers or fill up information by using different methods of marking. IMPORTANT POINT TO REMEMBER 1. You are advised to bring with you the following things: (i) Two HB Pencils, a pencil sharpener and a good quality eraser (ii) One ball point pen 2. Your answersheet may not be assessed (a) if you do the rough work on the answersheet. (b) if you do not write your Roll No. on the Test Booklet. (c ) i f you do not wri te all th e inform ati on requi red on the answersheet. (d) If you do not handle your answersheet carefully. 3. For all objective tests there will be one single answersheet. 4. All you answers must be marked on the answersheet. The method of indicating answers as described and illustrated before must be followed. Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be filled in completely. 5. W hen you receive the test booklet do not waste your time in fi rst r ead ing al l the qu es tions as is done in sc hool/c ol leg e/ univers ity examinations. Since these questions are of ob jective type, read particular question and immediately mark your answer on the answersheet. In case you find a particular question difficult, skip the question and go on to the next question. The question so skipped may be solved at the end if time is available. 6. If the question is skipped care should be taken while marking the answer of the next question. It should be marked against the appropriate question serial number leaving blank the answerspace for the skipped question. 7. Composite time of 1 hour 35 minutes is given to solve the four objective type tests. Therefore, in your interest you are advised to apportion the time judiciously and not to utilise too much time on a particular test (s) at the cost of some other tests. 8. You will not be allowed to use calculators, calculator watches, notes, booklets or footrulers, sliderulers or any other such material during the examin ation.

(3) QuantitativeAptitude 40 questions =40 marks (5) Computer Knowledge 20 questions=20 marks (6) MarketingAptitude 20 questions =20 marks

2. DEDUCTION IN MARKS : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY YOU IN THE OBJECTIVE TESTS. There are five alternatives in every question of a test. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by you, one fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. If for any question you give more than one answer, it will be treated as wrong even if one of the given answers happens to be right and there will be the same penalty as above for that question. If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is given by you, there will be no penalty for that question. If the total of the penalty for a test is in fraction, it will be rounded off to the nearest integer. YOU SHOULD THEREFORE BE CAREFUL IN MARKING YOUR ANSWERS. 3. Compliance with instructions : You should scrupulously follow the instructions given at all stages of the examination. If you violate the instructions you will be disqualified. 4. Use of Books, Notes & Calculators : No Calculator (separate or with watch), slide rulers, notebooks or written notes will be allowed. 5. Copying or receiving/giving assistance not allowed : Any candidate who is found either copying or receiving or giving assistance during the examination will be disqualified. 6. Use of HB Pencil and Ball Pen : You should bring with you two commonly available HB Pencils, a Pencil Sharpener, an Eraser and a Ball Point Pen. Two pencils are advised to avoid mending a pencil during the examination as you may lose time. Use ball point pen for filling up the information in boxes 111 on the first side of the answersheet. Use HB Pencil only for filling up information in boxes 1328 on first side of the answersheet and box 29 on side 2 of the answersheet. All the answers on side 2 also should be marked by using HB Pencils only. 7. Handling answersheet : Please handle your answersheet carefully. Keep it dustfree. If it is mutilated, torn, folded, wrinkled, rolled or dusty, it may not be valued. Similarly if you do not write anddarkenyour RollNumberandTest FormNo.inbox No.14and 17 respectively, your answersheet may NOT be assessed.After the test is over, you should hand over the same to the invigilator before leaving the room. HOW TO SHOW YOUR ANSWERS : Each question is followed by answers which are numbered 1,2,3,4 and 5. Select the most appropriate answer. Then by using HB pencil, blacken the oval bearing the correct answer against the serial number of the question. (Refer to side 1 of the SpecimenAnswersheet). Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be filled in completely. For example, if the answer to Question Number 2 is answer number 5. it is shown as follows : Q.2. HOW TO CHANGE YOUR ANSWER : If you wish to change your answer, Erase Completely the already darkened oval by using good

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: SBIClericalExam



No.ofQuestions: 200I.ReasoningAbilityDirections: The letter group on each question is to be codifiedinthefollowingnumbercodes: Letter: BL CXPDSKME NumberCode: 7108936254 You have to find out which of the answers (A),(B),(C)or(D)hasthecorrectcodedformofthe givenlettersandindicateitonanwersheet.Ifnone ofthecodedformiscorrectmark.(E)astheanswer. 1. KCDEBPS (a)2304796 (b)2037496 (c)2037946 (d)2034796 (e)noneofthese PLMDBSC (a)9156370 (b)9153760 (c)9135760 (d)9513760 (e)noneofthese SXEKBDM (a)6843275 (b)6487235 (c)6847235 (d)6842375 (e)noneofthese XCMSLPK (a)8056192 (b)8506192 (c)8581692 (d)8051692 (e)noneofthese LMBXECS (a)1758406 (b)1578046 (c)1578406 (d)1754806 (e)noneofthese 9.

Marks : 2006. HowmanymeningfulEnglishwordscanbe madewiththelettersESLAusingeachletter onlyonceineachword? (a)one (c)three (e)noneofthese 7. Fourofthefivearealikeinacertainwayand soformagroup.Whichistheonethatdoes notbelongtothatgroup? (a)Jupiter (b)Mars (c)Earth (d)Uranium (e)Moon InacertaincodeMEANiswrittenas5123 andNOWiswrittenas368.HowisMOAN writteninthatcode? (a)5023 (b)5263 (c)5823 (d)5683 (e)noneofthese Howmanysuchpairsoflettersarethereinthe wordHERITAGE,eachofwhichhasasmany letters between them in the word as in the alphabet? (a)one (b)two (c)three (d)morethanthree (e)noneofthese (b)two (d)morethanthree






10. In a certain code DOMAIN is written as NPEOJB. Howis STREAM writtenin that code? (a)QSRNBF (b)SUTNBF (c)SUTFBN (d)TUSNBF (e)noneofthese

HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 3DirectionsforQuestions11to20: Ineachofthequestionsbelowaregiventhree statementsfollowedbytwoconclusionsnumbered IandIIyouhavetotakethegivenstatementstobe true even if theory seem to be at variance from commonlyknownfacts.Readalltheconclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregardingcommonlyknownfacts. Giveanswer(A)ifonlyconclusionIfollows: Giveanswer(B)ifonlyconclusionIIfollows: Giveanswer(C)ifeitherconclusionIorIIfollows: Giveanswer(D)isneitherconclusionInorIIfollows: Giveanswer(E)ifbothconclusionIIIfollows: 11. Statements: Alldogsaremonkeys, Nomonkeysisgoat, Somegotsarehorses. Conclusions: I. Somehorsesaredogs, II. Somegoatsaredogs. 12. Statements: Somebooksarerods, Somerodsaredesks, Alldesksaretables. Conclusions: I. Somedesksarebooks, II. Sometablesarerods. 13. Statements: Sometreesareflowers, Allflowersarebuds, Allbudsarefruits. Conclusion: I. Somefruitsaretrees, II. Somefruitsareflowers. 14. Statements: Allpinsarehammers, Somehammersarespoons, Allspoonsareplates. Conclusion: I. Somespoonsarepins, II. Someplatesarepins. 15. Statements: Somechairsaredoors, Somedoorsarewalls, Somewallsarepens. Conclusion: I. Somepensaredoors, II. Nopenisdoor. 16. Statements: Allschoolsarebuildings, Allbuildingsaretowers, Alltowersarerooms. Conclusion: I. Someroomsareschools. II. Allflowersareschools. 17. Statements: Allbanglesarerings, Someringsaretoys, Sometoysaredolls. Conclusion: I. Someringsarebangles, II. Somedollsarerings. 18. Statements: Somepapersarebooks, Somebooksarechairs, Somechairsaretables.

HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 4Conclusion: I. Somechairsarepapers II. Nochairispaper 19. Statements: Allphonesarewires, Allswitchesarewires, Somewiresarepoles. Conclusion: I. Someswitchesarephones II. Somephonesarepoles. 20. Statements: Alldiscsarepancils, Nopencilistub Sometubsaredrums Conclusion: I. Somedrumsarediscs II. Somepencilsarediscs DirectionsforQuestions21to26: Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II givenbelowit.Youhavetodecidewhetherthedata providedinthestatementsaresufficienttoanswer the question. Read both the statements and then decide which of the given statements logically follows. Giveanswer(A) ifthedatainstatementIalone aresufficienttoanswerthequestion,whilethedata instatementIIalonearenotsufficienttoanswerthe qustion. Giveanswer(B) IfthedatainstatementIIalone aresufficienttoanswerthequestion,whilethedata instatementIalonearenotsufficienttoanswerthe question. Giveanswer(C) Ifthedataeitherinstatement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answerthequestion. 24. Among P, Q, T, V and W eachhavingadifferent age,whoistheyoungest? I. T isolderthan Q and W. II. P isolderthan T butyoungerthan V. 25. Whichofthefollowingwillindicatecolourof clearskyinacodingsystem? I. RedmeansGreyGreymeansBlack BlackmeansBlueinthatsystem. II.BlackmeansBlueBluemeansYellow YellowmeansGreeninthatsystem. 26. Whatis Rspositionfromtheleftendofarow ofthirtyboysfacingSouth? I. P isfourthtothelightof R andtwelfthfrom therightend. II.Tisthirdtotheleftof R andtenthfromthe leftend. Giveanswer(D) ifthedatagiveninboththe statements I and II together are not sufficient to answerthequestion. Give answer (E) if the data in both the statementsIandIItogetherarenecessarytoanswer thequestion. 21. Howiscomewritteninacodelanguage? I. comeandsitiswrittenasnadatainthat codelanguage. II.sitandlisteniswrittenaspatadainthat codelanguage. 22. OnwhichdayoftheweekdidSureshvisithis mother? I. SureshtookleaveonWednesday. II.Sureshs sister visited their mother two daysafterSureshsvisit. 23. HowmanydaughtersdoesKhave? I. M and N aresistersanddaughtersof R. II. Kswife R hasonlyoneson, T.

HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 5DirectionsforQuestions27to32: Studythefollowinginformationcarefullyand answerthequestionsgivenbelow: M,T,D,F,H,RandWaresevenstudents studyinginthethreedifferentcollegesI,IIandIII withatleasttwoineachcollege.Eachofthemhasa favouritesubjectfromEnglish,History,Geography, Mathematics,Physics,ChemistryandBiology,not necessarilyinthesameorder. Ds favouritesubject is Physicsand studies incollegeIIwithonly M. H doesnotstudyincollege IIandhelikesEnglish. F studiesincollegeIIIand does not like Mathematics. Those who like Geography and Chemistry study in the same college. W likes Biology and does not study in college I.RdoesnotstudywithH.R doesnotlike Chemistry. M doesnotlikeHistory. 27. Which of the following groups of students studyincollegeIII? (a)FWR (b)FM (c)FTR (d)Datainadequate (e)Noneofthese 28. WhatisTsfavouritesubject? (a)Biology (b)Mathematics (c)Chemistry (d)Datainadequate (e)Noneofthese 29. Which of the following combinations is correct? (a)I M Mathematics (b)III F Chemistry (c)III F Physics (d)III F History (e)Noneofthese 30. WhatisMsfavouritesubject? (a)Geography (b)Mathematics (c)Chemistry (d)Datainadequate (e)Noneofthese 31. Inwhichcollegedothreeofthemstudy? (a)I (b)II (c)III (d)IIorIII (e)Datainadequate 32. Which of the following groups of students studyincollegeI? (a)HF (b)HR (c)TR (d)HT (e)Noneofthese

DirectionsforQuestions33to37: Ineachofthegivenquestionsfindwhichone oftheanswerfigureafterthegivenfigurespattern. 33.












HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 640. Thepositionsofthefirstandthefifthdigitsin the number 93264187 are interchanged similarlythepositionsofthesecondandthe sixthdigitsareinterchangedandsoon.Which ofthefollowingwillbethethirddigitfromthe rightendaftertherearrangement? (a)8 (b)3 (c)2 (d)6 (e)Noneofthese









41. 36%of450%+?=56%of350 (a)46 (b)42 (c)38 (d)34 (e)Noneofthesec s c s s2 42. 1.8 6.25 +1.7 0.5=?

(a) 37.





(a)5.945 (c)5.495 (e)none

(b)4.945 (d)4.594






43. 111+12121+1020102=? (a)1303334 (b)1033344 (c)103334 (d)1033334 (e)noneofthese 44. 15womencancompleteaworkin4days.In howmanydayswill20womencompletethe work? (a)2 (c)3 (e)noneofthese 45. Mohan and Sohan are30 and 40 years old respectively.Afterhowmanyyearswouldthe ratioofthieragesbecome9:10? (a)5 (b)10 (c)15 (d)Cantbedetermined (e)noneofthese1 (b) 2 2 1 (d) 3 2

38. AissisterofB.CisbrotherofD.Dissisterof A.HowisBrelatedtoD? (a)brother (b)brotherorsister (c)sister (d)datainadequate (e)Noneofthese 39. MangoisrelatedtoFruitinthesameway asPotatoisrelatedto (a)Fruit (b)stem (c)flower (d)root (e)Noneofthese

HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 746. Thedifferencebetween58%ofanumberand 39%ofthesamenumberis247.Whatis62% ofthatnumber? (a)1300 (b)806 (c)754 (d)1170 (e)none 47. OnepenandtwopencilscostRs.55andone pencilandtwopenscostRs.50.Howmuch would3pencilscost? (a)Rs.75 (b)Rs.50 (c)Rs.60 (d)Rs.45 (e)none Directionsfor48to52: Whatwillcomeintheplaceofthequestion mark(?)inthefollowingnumberseries? 48. 150152149153148154? (a)155 (b)152 (c)147 (d)149 (e)none 49. 241248? (a)240 (b)192 (c)144 (d)288 54. RajanandSojanstarted abusinessinitially withRs.14,200andRs.15,600respectively.If thetotalprofitisRs.74,500,whatisRajans shareintheproject? (a)39000 (b)396000 (c)35000 (d)35500 (e)noneoftheabove 55. Inanexaminationitisrequiredtoget675of theaggregatemarkstopass.Astudentgets 585marksandisdeclaredfailby6%ofmarks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a studentcanget? (a)4500 (b)2000 (c)1750 (d)Cantbedetermined (e)Noneoftheabove2 3 4 5 9 are , , , and 5 4 7 8 11 arrangedinascendingorder oftheirvalues whichonewillbethethird? 2 5 9 (d) 11

56. In the fractions




4 7


5 8

50. 2581114172023? (a)24 (b)27 (c)25 (d)29 (e)none 57. 51. 1?91625 (a)2 (b)5 (c)3 (d)4


(29) 2 (29) -1=?

(a)841 (e)none (d)29 58.3 (?) =8000

(b) (29) -3 (e)none

3 (c) (29)

52. 57?13171923 (a)9 (b)11 (c)8 (d)10 (e)none 53. What would be the compound interest obtainedonanamountofRs.2000attherate of15p.c.p.aafter3years? (a)Rs.1141.75 (b)Rs.1209.75 (c)Rs.1041.75 (d)Rs.1248.75 (e)noneoftheabove

(a)20 (d)18 59. 330625 =? (a)575 (d)545

(b)80 (e)none


(b)375 (e)none


HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 860. Ajitwalked20metrestowardsEast,tookaleft turnandwalked30metresandagainhetooka leftturnandwalked20metres.Howfarishe fromhisstartingpoint? (a)70m (b)10m (c)40m (d)30m (e)none 61. Theratioofducksandfrogsinapondis37:39 respectively.Theaveragenumberofducksand frogsinthepond? (a)148 (b)152 (c)156 (d)144 (e)Noneofthese 62. Inhowmanydifferentwayscanthelettersof thewordARISEbearranged? (a)90 (b)60 (c)156 (d)144 (e)Noneofthese 63. FindtheH.C.Fof18,24,36,48 (a)6 (b)8 (c)7 (d)9 (e)Noneofthese nd 64. If 22 January 2001 is Monday, then 14th December1997was (a)Sunday (b)Monday (c)Tuesday (d) Wednesday (e)Thursday1 65. Anumberincreasedby 37 % gives33.The 2 numberis (a)27 (b)25

67. Walkingat 34 ofhisusualspeed,amanis lateby 212 hours.Findusualtime (a)7hrs (b)8hrs (c) 712 hrs

(d) 714 hrs (e)Noneofthese 68. Theradiusofacirclehasbeenreducedfrom9 cms to7 cms. Theapproximate percentage decreaseinareais (a)31.5% (b)39.5% (c)34.5% (d)65.5% (e)Noneofthese 69. Acarcoversadistanceof816kmsin12hrs. Whatisthespeedofthecar? (a)60kmph (b)62kmph (c)64kmph (d)Cannotbedetermined (e)Noneofthese 70. Whatis456times121? (a)56453 (b)54167 (c)55176 (d)54155 (e)Noneofthese 71. ? + 29 = 2704 (a)23 (d)21 (b)529 (c)441 (e)Noneofthese



66. If by selling 110 mangoes, the C.P of 120 mangoesisrealized,thegainpercentis1 (a)11 % 9

72. The average of 5 consecutive odd numbers A,B,C,D,Eis45.WhatistheproductofBand D? (a)2107 (b)2205 (c)1935 (d)2021 (e)Noneofthese 73. 5 55 12 % 4 = ? 4 (a) 9 9 4 (b) 13 9 1 (d) 20 42

(b) 9%


(d) 9

1 % 11


40 (c)1 81


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0 974. 3040?=2100 (a)1.25 (b)1.50 (d)1.75 (e)None 75.7 2 x - 7 =0

IIIGeneralEnglish(c)2.50 DirectionsforQuestions81to85: Pickoutthemosteffectivewordfromthegiven words to fillon the blanks tomake the sentance meaningfullycomplete.

(a)7 (d)49 76. 2.25 25 ?

1 1 (c) 49 7 (e)Noneofthese


81. Countless Indians today use neem turgs, calleddatun,as............toothbrushes. (a)durable (b)extended (c)saturated (d)manageable (e)disposable 82. Ihavealwaysadmiredhis............knowledge andscholarship. (a)highest (b)flexible (c)provocatur (d)elemental (e)profound 83 Thefightforliberationbrings............thebest andthenoblestqualitiesinmankind (a)with (b)in (c)for (d)out (e)through

(a)25.25 (b)37.5 (c)56.25 (d)7.5 (e)None 77. IfninedinnerplatescostRs.1,174.Whatis theapproximatecostofasingleplate? (a)Rs.125 (b)Rs.135 (c)Rs.120 (d)Rs.130 (e)Noneofthese 78. Onaroadmap14cmsrepresent1km.Ifthe roadbetweentwoplacesis35cmslongonthe map,whatwouldbeitstruelengthinkm? (a)2.0 (b)2.5 (c)2.4 (d)2.6 (e)Noneofthese 79. DepatureofNasikNagpurexpressat11.00 pmfromNasik,itsarrivalisat11.50amonnext dayatNagpur.Ifonaparticulardaytrainleaves Nasikat1.20amandarrivesnextdaytoNagpur at4.40pmbyhow muchtimeitsarrivalis delayed?1 (a) 3 hrs 3 1 (d) 3 2 5 (b) 2 hrs 6 1 (c)1 hrs 3

84. Today,ascitizensofIndia,we............both ourdemocracyandoursecularism (a)Promote (c)establish (e)declare (b)cherish (d)champion

85. Socialcustomsandtraditionsdie............ (a)absolutely (b)hard (c)fundamantally (d)permanently (e)irhemantly DirectionsforQuestions86to85: Choose the word which is most nearly the SAMEinmeaningasthewordgiven 86. Took............for (a)sought (b)rembered (c)considered (d)offered (e)rejected


80. Mohanisfourteenthfromtherightendin rowof40boys.Whatishispositionfrom theleftend? (a)25th (b)27th (c)24th (d)26th (e)None

HO:F2,OldNo:51,52,1stFloor,1stMainRoad,CITNagar,T.Nagar,Chennai600035. Tel:04442867788email:[email protected]:www.axiomacademy.com

0 1 087. Harassed (a)deceired (c)stolen (e)misled 88. Keen (a)careful (c)efficient (e)eager 95. ThoughIhadbeen(a)/hisfriendforquitea longtime,(b)/Irefusedtohelphim(c)/because hisillnature(d)Noerror(e). 96. Whenhehadbeen(a)/walkedalongtheroad (b)/awildandferociousdog(c)/hithimhard andknockedhimdown(d)Noerror(e). (b)perfect (d)bold 97. Iamgratefultoyou(a)/andallyourfriends (b)/forshowingsympathy(c)/andkindness withme(d)Noerror(e). 98. Theleaderwassoshrewd(a)/thathecould not deceive (b)/ by the words of (c)/ the sycophantcourtiers(d)Noerror(e). 99. Heistheman(a)/whoIknow(b)/hashelped myson(c)/inthefinalexamination(d)Noerror(e). 100. Ihavebeen(a)/livingin,Hyderabad(b)/at myuncle(c)/sincemybirth(d)Noerror(e). 101. Everyoneofusknow(a)/thatheisnotcapable of(b)/remainingunderwater(c)/forsucha longtime(d)Noerror(e). 102. Yourtelevisionset(a)/issuperiorto(b)/our televisionset(c)/byallrespects(d)Noerror(e). 103. Theboywhowasguiltfor(a)/havingbroken thewindowglass(b)/cameout(c)/withthe truth(d)Noerror(e). 104. Ramesh has been both (a)/ a dishonestly person (b)/ and a gambler (c)/ since his childhood(d)Noerror(e). 105. Thenumberofemployees(a)/reportingsick (b)/hasreducedsignificantly(c)/becauseof theincentive(d)Noerror(e). DirectionsforQuestions106to120: 94. Familiesare(a)/fortunateenoughtoown(b)/ ahouseinthecity(c)/ areveryfew(d)No error(e). Read the following passage carefully and answerthequestionsgivenbelowit.Certainwords

(b)troubled (d)frightened

DirectionsforQuestions89to90: Choosethewordwhichismostoppositein meaningofthewordgiven 89. Finally (a)usually (d)initially 90. Fast (a)slowly (d)loosely

(b)partially (e)timely


(b)lightly (e)steadily


DirectionsforQuestions91to105: Readeachsentencetofindoutwhetherthere isanygrammaticalerrorinit.Theerror,ifany,willbe inonepartofthesentence.Thenumberofthatpart istheanswer.Ifthereisnoerror,theansweris(e)i.e. NoError.(Ignoretheerrorsofpunctuation,ifany). 91. It was clear from the way (a)/ they were behaving(b)/thattheyhadbeen(c)/losttheir senses(d)Noerror(e). 92. Thatboyposses(a)/threebeautifulpens(b)/ buthewouldnot(c)/showthemtoanyone (d)Noerror(e). 93. Asmallpiece(a)/ofbreadis(b)/betterthan (c)/havingnothingtoeat(d)Noerror(e).

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0 1 1havebeenprintedinboldtohelpyoulocatethem whileansweringsomeofthequestions. Bhaskarwasawealthyworldlywisemerchant. Onhisdeathbed,hecalledhisonlyson,Nakul,gave him some advice. When you do business and traveltoan unknown land,makesureyouknowthe localculturewell.Trytogainasmuchinformation asyoucan.Thisandpresenceofmindwillcometo your rescue. Bhaskar died a few days later and Nakulbeganlookingafter thebusiness.Oncehe travelledbyshiptoadistantcountrywherehestayed ataninn.Hebegantalkingtotheownerandended uptellinghimallabouthislifeandthebusinesshe hadcometo conduct. Thefollowingday,Nakulwasheadingtothe bustlingmarketwhenaonearmedmanrushedupto himandsaid,Yourfathertookoneofmyarmsasa loan.youmustreturnittome.Notknowingwhatto do,Nakulaskedthemantomeethimthenextday.A littlelater,awomancameuptoNakulandsaid,Your fathermarriedmeandwouldsendmemoneyevery month. This responsibility is now yours.Again Nakulaskedforadays respite andwalkedon.On thewayhestoppedatatavernandatebreakfast. Whilepayingforhismealtheownersaid,Theonly paymentwantisforyoutomakemehappy.Though hehadtopayonlytwocoins,Nakulgavetheman five, but the man still maintained that he was unhappy.ThateveningNakulmetamanwhoinvited himtoagameofdice.Unawaretheywereplaying withtrickdice,helosteverygame.Thewinnerset himanunusualcondition,Drinkallthewaterinthe seaorgiveallthegoodsonyourship.Nakulsaid hewouldgivehimhisdecisionthenextday.That nightasNakullayonhisbed,herememberedhis fathersowords,Inaforeignlandonlyyourwits willcometoyouraid. Thenextmorning,assoonashereachedthe marketplace,theonearmedman appeared.Nakul smiledwhenhesawhimandsaid,Myfathertook manysuchloansandourhouseisfullofhands.I shalltakeyourotherarm,findthematchingone andrepayyou.Theman ranawaypetrified.He thenapproachedthewomanwhoclaimedtohave beenmarriedtohisfather.Myfatherwaswrong nottotellusaboutyou.Comehomewithmeand helpmymotherinthefields.Thewomanleftwithout aword.Next,Nakulwenttothetavernandstanding outsideshouted,HailtheKing!YourKingisgreat! I am happy to hearyou say that, was the only responsethetavernownercouldgive.Ifyouare happy,continuedNakul,Ihavepaidformymeal. Nakulthensoughtoutthemapwhohadwondice thepreviousnight.Ishallgladlydrinkallthewater intheseaprovidedyoubringmethewaterinjugs, Themanmadeaquickgetawaywhenheheardthis. Nakul returned home after conducting much business.Hewasfarricherinwisdomtoo. 106. WhichofthefollowingisTRUEinthecontext of the passage? (P)Nakulpreferredsailingtoworkinginthe fieldswithhismother. (Q) Bhaskars second wife was a greedy woman. (R) Bhaskar did not have faith in Nakuls abilitytosuccessfullyrunthebusiness. (a)Only(P) (b)Both(P)and(R) (c)Both(Q)and(R) (d)Only(Q) (e)Noneofthese 107. WhydidNakulvisitafarawaycountry? (a) Itwashisfathersfinalrequest (b)To acquire knowledge about a different culture (c) Tomeetsomeofhisfathersacquaintances (d)Totradeanddobusiness (e) Noneofthese 108. HowdidNakulmanagetodealwiththepeople whotriedtoswindlehim? (P)Hisfatherprovidedhimwiththesolution inadream. (Q) Hethreatenedthemwithdirepunishment (R) Hegaveintotheirdemandsandpaidthem off

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0 1 2(a)Only(P) (b)Only(Q) (c)Only(R) (d)Both(P)and(Q) (e)Noneofthese 109. Why wasnt Nakul able to win any of the gameswhilegambling? (a)Hewasnotaskilfulplayer (b)Hewasdistractedwhileplaying (c) The other players were cheating with a trickdice (d)Hewasnotwellversedwithlocalrules (e)Noneofthese 110. Whichofthefollowingbestdescribestheone armedmansreactionwhenhemetNakulfor thesecondtime? (a) He was upset because Nakul refused to honourthedebthisfatherownedhim (b)HewasangryatNakulforlaughingathis plight (c) He was frightened since Nakul had threatenedtocutoffhisremainingarm (d)HewasworriedaboutwhatactionNakul wouldtakeagainsthimfortryingtocheat him (e) HeadmiredNakulforoutwittinghim 111. WhydidNakulconfiedintheinnkeeper? (a) The innkeeper was an old friend of his father (b) He was drunk and unaware he was confidinginastranger (c) Hewasstillupsetbyhisfathersdeath andwantedtotalktosomeone (d)Byconfidingintheinnkeeperhehopedto getinformationaboutthelocalcustoms (e) Noneofthese 112. WhydidNakulpaythetavernownerfivecoins insteadoftwo? (a) Notbeingfamiliarwiththeforeigncurrency hemadeamistake (b)Nakuldidnothavetheexactchange (c) Heleftatiptoshowhisappreciationfora goodmeal (d)Hethoughttheextramoneywouldmake theinnkeeperhappy (e) He wanted to create a favourable impression 113. Which of the following can be said about Nakulsfather? (a) Hewasadventurousandhadtravelledall overtheworld (b)Hewasrichandexperiencedintheways oftheworld (c) Hewasprosperousbecausehehadduped alotofpeople (d)HefavouredNakulamongallhischildren (e) He was poor and knew about various cultures. 114. WhydidNakul haveagoodopinion ofthe Kingofthefarawaycountry? (P)Heencouragedtradeandhissubjectswere prosperous (Q) Heensuredthatvisitorsweretreatedwith hospitality. (R) Thereweremanyfacilitiesforentertainment there. (a)Only(P) (b)Only(Q) (c)Both(P)and(Q) (d)Only(R) (e)Noneofthese

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0 1 3115. WhatwasNakulsoverallexperienceinthefar away country? (a) Itwasanunpleasantoneandhedecidedit wouldbehislasttrip (b)Itwasaprofitableoneandhelearntalot (c) Itwasstressfulandhewasgladtoreturn home (d)It was sad since people kept recounting memoriesofhisfather (e) Noneofthese DirectionsforQuestions116to120: Rearrangethefollowingsixsentences(I),(II), (III),(IV),(V)and(VI)inthepropersequenceto form a meaningful paragraph then answer the questionsgivenbelowthem I. II. Atseventyeightherfingersbecametoostiff toholdaneedlesoshebeganpainting. I decided to tell this boy the story of Ann Moses. 119. Whichofthefollowingwillbethe SECOND sentenceafterrearrangement? (a)II (b)III (c)IV (d)V (e)Vi 120. Which of the following will be the third sentenceafterrearrangement? (a)I (b)II (c)III (d)V (e)VI

ComputerAptitude/Marketing Aptitude121. DeviceusedtostoretheProgramsanddatais (a)MemoryUnit (b)ControlUnit (c)ArithmeticandLogicUnit (ALU) (d)Noneofthese 122. Device such as magnetic disks, hard disks, andcompact disks,which areused tostore informationare (a)Secondarystoragedevices (b)Primarystoreddevices (c)Processor (d)Noneofthese 123. Dataincomputersarerepresentedby (a)BinarydigitsorBits (b)Decimaldigits (c)Alphanumericdigits (d)Noneofthese 124. An ASCII codeis: (a) The codes used to represent each character. (b)It includes codes for English alphabets bothcapitalsandsmallalphabetsandalso decimaldigits (c) Itincludescodesfor,32specialcharacters, and symbols used to control operation whicharenonprintable (d)Alltheabove 125. Thebaseofbinarynumbersis (a)One (b)Two (c)Eight (d)Sixteen

III. Shebeganacareerateighty,soifyoubelieve inyourselfanythingispossible,Iended. IV . V . At the age of twentyseven, a boy was discouragedabouthiscareer. Shestruggledhardtoraisefivechildrenby doingembroideryandworkingonafarm.

VI. Shewentontopaintover2000pictureswhich becamefamous. 116. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentenceafterrearrangement? (a)II (b)III (c)IV (d)V (e)VI 117. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentenceafterrearrangement? (a)I (II)II (c)III (d)IV (e)V 118. Which of the following will be the LAST (SIXTH) sentenceafterrearrangement? (a)I (b)II (c)III (d)IV (e)V

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0 1 4126. Mousehasausein (a)GraphicalUserInterface (GUI) (b)Applicationsasinputdevice (c)Both(a)and(b) (d)Noneofthsdes 127. MagneticInkCharacterRecognition (MICR) isan (a)Inputdevice (b)Outputdevice (c)Processingdevice (d)Noneofthese 128. Hereacharactertobeprintedismadeupofa finitenumberofdotsnametheprinter (a)Dotmatrixprinters (b)Inkjetprinters (c)Laserprinter (d)Noneofthese 129. Thetimetakentowriteawordinamemoryis knownas (a)Writetime (b)Accesstime (c)Readtime (d)Noneofthese 130. ARAMisthememorythatis (a)Permanent (b)Erasable (c)Noneerasable (d)Noneofthese 131. 1KBisequivalentto (a)2560bytes (b)210bytes (c)220bytes (d)Noneofthese 132. A set of programs associated with the operationofacomputeriscalled (a)Hardware (b)Software (c)Liveware (d)Noneofthese 133. Itisatranslatorprogramusedtotranslatean AssemblylanguageprogramintoaMachine languageprogram. (a)Compiler (b)Assembler (c)Interpreter (d)noneofthese 134. TheVacuumTubearerelatedto (a)Firstgenerationcomputers (b)Secondgenerationcomputers (c)Thirdgenerationcomputers (d)Fourthgenerationcomputer 135. Thefollowingwasthefirstelectroniccomputer (a)ENIAC (b)MarkI (c)EDVAC (d)UNIVACI 136. Themicroprocessorwasintroducedin (a)Firstgenerationcomputers (b)Secondgenerationcomputers (c)Thirdgenerationcomputers (d)Fourthgenerationcomputer 137. ALGOListhe (a)Highlevellanguage(b)Lowlevellanguage (c)Machinelanguage(d)Noneofthese 138. Ahighlevelprogramminglanguagenamed after AdaAugusta, coworker with Charles Babbage (a)Augustan (b)Babbage (c)Ada (d)Charlie 139. A sequence of precise and unambiguous instructionsforsolvingaprobleminafinite numberofoperationsisreferredas (a)Address (b)Algorithm (c)Advice (d)Noneofthese 140. Socialmarketingapproachisbasedon (a)Systemofbusinessactivity (b)Marketingisanartandscience (c)Marketingisnotonlyasale (d)Marketingisaprocessofutilitycreating (e)Allofthese

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0 1 5141. The physical distribution activity of marketingis (a)Storage (b)Grading (c)Selling (d)Purchasing (e)Noneofthese 142. WhoisthefatheroffourPsofmarketing? (a)McCarthy (b)LipsonandDarling (c)AlbortW.Frey (d)Stanton (e)P.F.Drucker 143.Whichistheelementofmarketingmixasper LipsonandDarling? (a)Product (b)Sellcondition (c)Distribution (d)Communication (e)Allofthese 144. Which is the external factor of consumer behaviour? (a)Lifestyle (b)Culture (c)Socialclasses (d)Group (e)Allofthese 145. Theprimarybuyingmotivesare (a)Eatinganddrinking (b)Safety (c)Desireforthesupremacy (d)Socialapproval (e)Allofthese 146. Bargainingmeans (a)Toreducethequality (b)Toreducetheprice (c)Toreducethemarket (d)toreducetheproduct (e)Motives 147. Which is the cause of the development of marketsegmentation? (a)Technologicaldevelopment (b)Selfservice (c)Qualityoftheproduct (d)Substituteproduct (e)Allofthese 148. Nondurableproducthave (a)Limitedlife (b)Singletypeuse (c)Perishablenature (d)Allofthese (e)Noneofthese 149. The entire product complex of a firm is calledits (a)Marketmix (b)Costmix (c)Productmix (d)Promotionmix (e)Salesmix 150. ISOstandsfor (a)Indianschooloforganisation (b)Indiansoaporganisation (c)Indiansoapoffice (d)International organisation standardisation (e)noneofthese 151. Abrandisa (a)Name (d)Design


(b)Term (c)Symbol (e)Allofthese

152. Trademarkisa (a)Machine (b)product (c)Service (d)Brand (e)promotionTechnique

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0 1 6153. InPIC,Pstandfor (a)Promotion (b)Product (d)Price (e)Policy 154. PLCstandfor (a)ProductLowerCost (b)ProductLifeCycle (c)PromotionLabourCost (d)ProductLifeCode (e)ProductionLawCost 155. Whichispricesettingmethod? (a)Cost+PricingMethod (b)MarginalCostPricingmethod (c)GoingRatePrice (d)SealedBidPrice (e)Allofthese 156. B2Badoptedby (a)CityBank (b)BankofMadura (c)TATA IBM (d)ABCIndia (e)Allofthese 157. Creditcardisexampleof (a)B2B (b)B2C (c)C2C (d)C2B 158. RIDSACisa (a)Buyingprocess (b)Marketingmethod (c)Sellingprocess (d)Producttype (e)Service 159. Which is a essential of a good advertising copy? (a)Attractingattention (b)Arousinginterest (c)Understandable (d)Relievable (e)Allofthese 160. Thenewconceptofmarketingisbasedon (a)Customeroriented (b)Productoriented (c`)Costoriented (d)Planningoriented (e)Managementoriented


GeneralAwareness161. IndiasfirstneutronreactorKaminiisbuiltat thenuclearresearchcentrelocatedat (a)Chennai (b)Kalpakkam (c)Kolkata (d)Trombay 162. ThecontroversialbookShivajiaHinduKing inIslamicIndia,isauthoredby (a)SalmanRashdie (b)ShobhaDe (c)DominiqueLapierre (d)JamesW.Laive 163. IMF provides loans to member countries mainlyfor (a)Infrastructuredevelopment (b)Reconstructionanddevelopment (e) Allofthese (c)Balancestabilisation (d)InternalDebtBurden 164. Thewordswe, thepeopleofIndia inthe Preamble to the Constitution of India were modeledfromtheformatof (a)BritishConstitution (b)IrishConstitution (c)AmericanConstitution (d)FrenchConstitution 165. Which of the following rivers, crosses the Equatortwice? (a)Amazen (b)Nile (c)Zaire (d)Orinoce

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0 1 7166. Thebusinesstycoon,whowontherightfor thecommonmantoflytheIndianNational Flagis (a)NavinJindal (c)RusiModi (b)AnilAmbani (d)YNmodi 172. Wartimepricecontrolsleadto (a)Inflationgap (b)deflation (c)suppressedinflation (d)recession 173. WhichhookbythetravellerMegastheneshas thenameasacarmadeinIndia? (a)Indica (b)Ambassador (c)Zen (d)Flat 174. Which Seat number is missing from most internationlpassengeraircrafts? (a)1 (b)13 (c)113 (d)3 175. Who isthe authors of thebook Emotional Intelligenceapathbreakingbook? (a)GaryHamel (b)JamesLavelle (c)CharlesHandy (d)DanielGolemen 176. WorldNo.1staffingagencyAdeccooriginally belongs to (a)Sweden (b)Switzerland (c)Austria (d)Germany 177. Which among the following Indian businessmen has been appointed as the honorary economic advisor for the east ChinesecityofHangzhou? (a)RatanTata (b)KumarManglamBirla (c)AzimPremji (d)NandanNilekani

167. ThelargeoildiscoverymadebyCairnEnergy ofBritainatJagasarianearBarmerhasbeen namedas (a)BhawaniI (c)SampadaI (b)Trishul (d)MangalaI

168. TheauthoroftheclassicTheAdvanturesof HuckleburyFinnis (a)CharlesDickens (b)MarkTwain (c)JamesJoyce (d)JKRowling 169. Thenationalyouthdayobservedeveryyear th onJanuary12 isthebirthdayof (a)RajivGandhi (b)KalpanaChawla (c)SwamiVivekanand (d)ShaheedBhagatSingh 170. After the government who among the followingisthelargestshareholderofICICI bank? (a)GovernmentofJapan (b)UTI (c)LIC (d)GovernmentofSingapore 171. Whichoneofthefollowingisnotanegotiable instrument? (a)Cheque (b)BillofExchange (c)Promissorynote (d)F.D.receipt

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0 1 8178. NationalincomeofIndiaisestimatedmainly through (a)productionmethodalone (b)expendituremethodalone (c)productionandexpendituremethods (d)productionandincomemethods 179. Best measure of the economic growth of a countryis (a)GNP (b)GDP (c)Netrevenue (d)Noneofthese 180. Inourcountry,whichofthefollowingaffects povertylinethemost? (a)Levelsofprices (b)Productionquantum (c)Percapitaincome (d)Quantumofgoldreserve 181. Rateofgrowthofaneconomyismeasuredin termsof (a)percapitaincome (b)industrialdevelopment (c) number of people who have been lifted above the poverty (d)nationalincome 182. LargestrevenueinIndiaisobtainedfrom (a)Salestax (b)Directtaxes (c)Exciseduties (d)Noneofthese 183. TheprincipalsourceofrevenuetotheState GovernmentinIndiais (a)Incometax (b)Salestax (c)Stateexciseduties(d)Landrevenue 184. Fiscalpolicyisconnectedwith (a)issueofcurrency (b)exportsandimports (c)publicrevenueandexpenditure (d)Noneofthese 185. Exciseddutiesaretaxeson (a)saleofcommodities (b)exportofcommodities (c)Productionofcommodities (d)Importofcommodities 186. MODVAT relates to rationalisation of tax sturcturein (a)Salestax (b)Incometax (c)Exciseduty (d)Gifttax 187. FiscalPolicyisconcernedwith (a)Publicreveue (b)Publicexpenditureanddebt (c)Bankratepolicy (d)Both(a)and(b) 188. Monetarypolicyisregulatedby (a)Moneylenders (b)Centralbank (c)Privateenterpreneurs (d)Governmentpolicy 189. A crossed cheque is one, which can be encashed only (a)Bythedrawee (b)Throughabank (c)AttheStateBankofIndia (d)After it has been transferred to another person 190. Whoamongthefollowingismostbenefitted frominflation? (a)Governmentpensioners (b)Creditors (c)SavingsBankAccountholders (d)Debtors

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0 1 9191. SEBIisa (a)Statutorybody (b)Advisory body (c)Constitutionalbody (d) Nonstatutory body 192. Mainaimofthefifthfiveyearplanwas (a)Povertyelimination (b)selfreliance (c)Both(b)and(c) (d)Noneofthese 193. TheheadquartersofWorldBankisat (a)Manila (b)WashingtonDC (c)NewYork (d)Geneva 194. WhichIndianCommercialBankbecamethe firstinprovidingmobileATMservice? (a)ICICIBank (b)IDBIBank (c)HDFCBank (d)SBI 195. RBIdoesnottransactthebusinessofwhich stategovernment? (a)Nagaland (b)Jammu&Kashmir (c)Punjab (d)Assam 196. Birthratemeasuresthenumberofbirthsduring ayearper (a)100ofpopulation (b)1000ofpopulation (c)Millionofpopulation (d)Noneofthese 197. ThePlanningCommissionofIndiaisa/an (a)Statutorybody (b)Advisory body (c)constitutionalbody (d)Independentandautonomousbody 198. Whichinstitutioniscalledsoftloanwindow? (a)IFC (b)IDA (c)IMF (d)IndianDevelopmentForum 199. IncomeTaxinIndiawasintroducedby (a)SirCharlesWood (b)LordMacale (c)JamesWilson (d)WilliamJones 200. RBIwasnationalisedin (a)1969 (b)1947 (c)1945 (d)1949

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0 2 0

Answers SBIClericalExam1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. d b e a c b d a c b d b e d c a a c d b e d e d b c a e b b c 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. d c e a b d b d b d a d c b b c c a e d b e a e b d a a d e e 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. a a c d c e e c b d c d c b d b e d e e d b b a b e d d c a e 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. a d b d b c c a d a b b a d e c

110. c 111. e 112. d 113. b 114. e 115. b 116. e 117. d 118. c 119. a 120. d

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0 2 1121. c 122. a 123. a 124. d 125. b 126. c 127. a 128. a 129. a 130. b 131. b 132. b 133. b 134. a 135. a 136. d 137. a 138. c 139. b 140. e 141. a 142. a 143. e 144. e 145. e 146. b 147. e 148. d 149. c 150. d 151. e 152. d 153. c 154. b 155. e 156. e 157. b 158. c 159. e 160. a 161. b 162. d 163. c 164. c 165. c 166. a 167. d 168. b 169. c 170. d 171. d 172. c 173. a 174. b 175. d 176. b 177. a 178. d 179. a 180. c 181. d 182. c 183. b 184. c 185. c 186. c 187. d 188. d 189. b 190. d 191. a 192. c 193. c 194. a 195. b 196. b 197. b 198. b 199. c 200. d

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