writing sample_ herndon year end report

WELCOME MESSAGE I made some great friends along the way, many supported me in the face of overwhelming odds, and others learned that I truly had the best interest of the community at heart. Although I thought I knew what it took to be a councilman, I have been surprised to find how PXFK , GLGQ·W NQRZ DQG DP learning every day. I want to share what we have accomplished this year, from Northeast Denver Leadership Week to Redistricting to Young Americans Financial Literacy. I am proud of the work we have done in the district and the impression the community has made on me. Always, Chris I was thrilled to be apart of the ribbon cutting at Swigert-McAuliffe International School; 6WDSOHWRQ·V ILUVW DQG RQO\ International Baccalaureate School which opened in August 2011. April 2011 marked the groundbreaking event for West Denver Preparatory LQ *UHHQ 9DOOH\ 5DQFK , MRLQHG '36 6XSHULQWHQGHQW 7RP %RDVEHUJ 0V (YLH *DUUHWW 'HQQLV DQG 0D\RU 0LFKDHO % +DQFRFN IRU WKLV H[FLWLQJ HYHQW :HVW 'HQYHU 3UHSDUDWRU\ LV VFKHGXOHG WR RSHQ LQ -DQXDU\ LW LV WKH WK EXLOGLQJ DQG ODWHVW DGGLWLRQ WR WKH (YLH 'HQQLV &DPSXV Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Groundbreaking

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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W E L C O M E M E S S A G E I made some great friends along the way, many supported me in the face of overwhelming odds, and others learned that I truly had the best interest of the community at heart. Although I thought I knew what it took to be a councilman, I have been surprised to find how

learning every day. I want to share what we have accomplished this year, from Northeast

Denver Leadership Week to Redistricting to Young Americans Financial Literacy. I am proud of the work we have done in the district and the impression the community has made on me.


I was thrilled to be apart of the ribbon cutting at Swigert-McAuliffe International School;

International Baccalaureate School which opened in

August 2011.

April 2011 marked the groundbreaking event for West Denver Preparatory

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


2 Lorem Sit !onth ""# """"

future and we must make sure to prepare them for success. I created a one-week program for high school students

from the far northeast.

doubled the number of participants from 10 to 20 during the one-week program of intense

2012 NE Denver Leadership Week Participants with Gov. John Hickenlooper

Americans Bank and started a Financial help area kids become

more mindful of budgeting, saving and spending money. The camp also focused on personal economics and general financial concepts.

to attend the camp due to full scholarships

inauguration, I created the Stapleton Tower Committee so that Stapleton residents could help develop the tower from

Stapleton Tower

Through dozens of meetings and countless City Council

passed a map that I sponsored which reunified neighborhoods and kept more

communities of interest.

Tour of the Tower

Councilman Herndon with President Obama

2012 Northeast Denver Leadership Week

Re-Districting Denver

Financial Literacy Camp

Vision for Stapleton