wright-ups 0310

lD~ ~ ~ ~oJ 6vcw; cefe6ratinfJ 100 '}'ears Of Love &- Service Wright Congregational, United Church of Christ 4821 Franklin Rd. Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 343-0292 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: wrightucc.com Published Monthly, Mailed pre-paid at Boise, Idaho Permit No. 127 ** * Ministers: All of Us Pastor: Rev. Michael S. Black Secretary: Robin Canning Cboir Director: Ron Apperson Organist: Ginny Trapp Cbild Care Attendant: Justice Flaherty Board Cbairman: Will Patterson Moderator: Jo Elliott-Blakeslee Youtb Leader: Kate Hall Custodian: Robin Canning Pilgrim Cove Board Members: AI Busche Fall, Winter, Spring Schedule: 9:30 Adult Sunday Sch. 10:45 Worship & Children's Sunday Sch. Fellowship- Noon Communion Served the 1st Sunday of each month -No Sunday Schools Summer- June, July & August Worsbip at 10 a.m. The Wright-Ups Monthly Newsletter WELCOME TO MARCH! A MONTH OF SUNDAYS (PLUS ONE) AT WRIGHT CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 - SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School 10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service Sermon Theme: "Lent: Mileposts On The Road To Easter" Choir Anthem: "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked" SUNDAY, MARCH 7 - THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 10:45 AM - WORSHIP AND COMMUNION SERVICE Sermon Theme: "Lent: The Cross" Choir Anthems: "You Are Lord" & "As We Break The Bread" SUNDAY, MARCH 14 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Daylight Savings Time Begins - "Spring Ahead" 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School 10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service Sermon Theme: "Lent: Prayer, Fasting, and Giving" Choir Anthem: "Joy Returns In The Morning" ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING RECEIVED SUNDAY, MARCH 21 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School 10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service Sermon Theme: "Lent: Surrender" Choir Anthem: "Nearer The Cross" SUNDAY, MARCH 28 PALMSUNDAY 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School 10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service Sermon Theme: "The Week That Would Change The World" Choir Anthems: "Blessed Is He" & "Hosanna To The King" ******* Special Children's Moment Every Sunday During Worship K-6 Classes For Children Following Special Moment Youth Group After Church Child Care For The Little Ones Refreshments & Conversation Hour After Church

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Wright-Ups March 2010


Page 1: Wright-Ups 0310

lD~ ~ ~ ~oJ 6vcw;

cefe6ratinfJ 100 '}'ears Of Love &- Service

Wright Congregational,United Church of Christ

4821 Franklin Rd.Boise, Idaho 83705

(208) 343-0292E-Mail:

[email protected]: wrightucc.com

Published Monthly,Mailed pre-paid at

Boise, IdahoPermit No. 127

* * *Ministers: All of Us

Pastor:Rev. Michael S. Black

Secretary:Robin Canning

Cboir Director:Ron Apperson

Organist:Ginny Trapp

Cbild Care Attendant:Justice Flaherty

Board Cbairman:Will Patterson

Moderator:Jo Elliott-Blakeslee

Youtb Leader:Kate Hall

Custodian:Robin Canning

Pilgrim Cove BoardMembers:AI Busche

Fall, Winter, SpringSchedule:

9:30 Adult SundaySch.

10:45 Worship &Children's Sunday

Sch.Fellowship- Noon

Communion Servedthe 1st Sunday of eachmonth -No Sunday Schools

Summer-June, July & AugustWorsbip at 10 a.m.

The Wright-UpsMonthly Newsletter



10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration ServiceSermon Theme: "Lent: Mileposts On The Road To Easter"

Choir Anthem: "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked"


Sermon Theme: "Lent: The Cross"Choir Anthems: "You Are Lord" & "As We Break The Bread"

SUNDAY, MARCH 14 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENTDaylight Savings Time Begins - "Spring Ahead"

9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service

Sermon Theme: "Lent: Prayer, Fasting, and Giving"Choir Anthem: "Joy Returns In The Morning"


SUNDAY, MARCH 21 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School

10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration ServiceSermon Theme: "Lent: Surrender"Choir Anthem: "Nearer The Cross"


9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service

Sermon Theme: "The Week That Would Change The World"Choir Anthems: "Blessed Is He" & "Hosanna To The King"

*******Special Children's Moment Every Sunday During Worship

K-6 Classes For Children Following Special MomentYouth Group After Church

Child Care For The Little OnesRefreshments & Conversation Hour After Church

Page 2: Wright-Ups 0310

Book Club & Library NewsThe Book Group will meet on Thursday, March 4, at

1:00 p.m. in the church library:"Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons",

by Lorna Landvik, will be discussed.The subject for April 1 is: "The Eagle Catcher"

By Margaret Coe1

Board of Directors meeting,Wednesday, March 17at 7 pm in the social hall

NEWS FROM THE WOMEN:Women's Fellowship will meet Wednesday, March 3 at 1:00p.m. in the church social hall. Hosting will be Mazie Archibaldand Phyllis Brown. All ladies are asked to bring an apron thathas a special meaning for you. We will share the stories andspecial memories of your apron during the meeting. At theApril 7 meeting a presentation by Carl VanSlyke will be given.

King's Daughters will meet March 11 at 1:00 at Mandarin Pal-ace. Hosting will be Maxine Briggs & Ilene McArthur.

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Sunday, :Marcli 7, 2010Po[wwing worsliip in tlie clioir room.

Pfease Gring tlie information needed to continue ourGa[[ro[Cingtoward tlie celebration:

:Memoria{gifts liave 6een givenTo Wriglit Cliurcli in Loving :Memory of

Marion Voorhees byMazie ArchibaldJanice Aagaard

Worship attendance on:Feb. 7-82Feb. 14-85Feb. 21-94

Feb. 28-

Ushers for March:Dale Ramsey, Chuck Pond

Bob Horn**After 50 years of service Tom Robbis retiring from ushering. We thankhim for all that he has done in the

ushering department. **

Communion-March 7

Liturgist:Amy Linkert

Prepare/Serve:Chuck & MeredithPond

Jerry & Carol Card

Caregivers:Danette Hunt, Laura Shockley,

Robin Canning, Dolores Wallace

Altar Care & Altar Flower Care Taker:Jane Penrod


Thursday,February 25=2010.

Sign Up sheet for you help will beavailable the Sunday before the

dinner. Please help.The cost per month for foods to serve our monthly

supper is approximately $100.00. Any and alldonations are greatly appreciated.

Please note Bench Supper on your check.

111'11rs 11III ClIIIII

Page 3: Wright-Ups 0310


Here's the answer to last month's question: "Wright Church took the ratherradical step of calling a woman to be their first minister-Rev. Minnie Dickinson, whoserved from 1910-1914. Who was the next woman to serve as a minister at Wright Church,and what were her years of service?

ANSWER: It took 71 years, but in 1985 the church called the Rev. Susan Huffman,along with her husband Rev. Ted Huffman, to be co-pastors of the church. She and heserved for ten years until 1995. Another woman, Rev. Susan Howe, served the church for ayear as Intern/Associate Minister, 1992-1993. (By the way, since leaving Wright Church,Ted and Susan have served for the last 14+ years as ministers of the First CongregationalUCC in Rapid City, South Dakota. Susan Howe continues to serve as minister of our UCCChurch in New Plymouth.)

THIS MONTH'S QUESTION: In 1945, one of our still-active members married thePreacher's daughter. Who was that young man? Who was his bride? And, who was herminister father?


We received very nice thanks you notesfrom the Women's & Children's Allianceand from the two families we sponsoredthrough the Giving Tree. This year, atotal of 93 families received gifts throughthis program. The Women's & Children'sAlliance provides a safe place for familiesin need, many of whom would otherwisehave to rely on homeless shelters. Ourhelp made the holidays a little easier forthese two families.

We will receive our One Great Hour ofSharing special offering on March 14. TheOne Great Hour of Sharing offering sup-ports programs in the U.S. and throughoutthe world. Check the bulletin inserts formore information or you can visit:http:j jwww.ucc.org.oghsj.


, I


As part of our tOoth Anniversary Celebration, we are inviting everyonewho ever sang in the Wright Church Choir to join us for a reunion and joyousperformance on Pentecost Sunday, May 23. Choir Director Ron Appersonhas chosen a wonderful song for us to learn and sing. Come to the church at9:30 AM, enjoy old and new friends, and then we'll make Joyful Noise duringthe 10:45 AM Service! And, if you know others who may not get ourNewsletter, invite them to join us!


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Haiti Update - One Month Later


After one month in Haiti, United Church of Christ donations reach 150,000+ people

Since the earthquake hit parts of Haiti January 12, the UCC supported ACTAlliance has assisted more than 150,000 people. The majority of people areassisted with ongoing support such as water, sanitation, shelter or regularfood supplies/meals. Others have received relief items such as cash, familykits or hygiene sets. Others have benefited from medical assistance andsupplies to health clinics.

The ACT Alliance, working with numerous local organisations, is assistingsome of the most vulnerable among the victims of the earthquake in Port-au-'Prince (including Bel Air and Cite Soleil), Gressier and in Jacmel and Bainetin the south.

The network of churches saved livesChurches and other civil society networks in Haiti and in the DominicanRepublic are working with members of the ACT Alliance on both sides of theborder. While difficult to quantify at this time, their efforts, particularly inplaces not reached by international humanitarian actors, are crucial for the survival and relative well-beingfor tens of thousands of earthquake survivors in the cities and not least in rural parts of Haiti, where morethan 450,000 people have sought refuge. In these areas local community networks and self help groups areoften the sole providers of assistance. Working with them made ACT able to care for and support thesurvivors from the moment the earth quake hit Haiti.

200 people, one toiletDespite weeks of efforts by local and international humanitarian actors, the needs in the earthquakeaffected parts of Haiti continue to be enormous. Conditions for most of the estimated 1.2 million peopleliving in improvised camps and shelters remain unbearably crannned and poor. The United National hasidentified large gaps in provision of shelter and sanitation. Only 280,000 people have received someshelter material. That's less than 25% of the target. Only 120,000 have received transitory shelter, muchless than the 620,000 people who need it. Equally, only 3,000 latrines have been provided to people intemporary settlements, a far cry from the 18,000 toilets needed. Often 200 people have to share one toilet.

Those who fledVery little is known about the conditions of the large group of people who have fled to the rural areas-only a general sense that food prices are increasing dramatically and that the hosting communities havegreat difficulties assisting the newcomers out of their own meagre resources. To make matters worse,nobody knows how long they have to live like this as rehabilitation oftheir homes and neighbourhoodsappear to be a very long way off.

Within the next month, UCC supported ACT members will continue to increase the number of peoplebenefitting from their activities with a continued focus on shelter, water, sanitation, psycho-socialactivities as well as food and non-food distributions.

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The following ACT Alliance members are working in Haiti; Lutheran World Federation,Norwegian Church Aid, Christian Aid, Church W orId Service, Diakonie Katastrofehilfe,Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and Church of Sweden. Watch a video of ACT in Haiti.

United Church of Christ Partner updates

The Rev. Felix Ortiz, Global Ministries Area Executive for Latin America & Caribbean, paid a pastoralvisit to GM partner, CONASPEH, shortly after the earthquake. He is returning this weekend along withDaniel Gourdet, former GM Missionary with CONAPEH and a native of Haiti, to again visit CONASPEHand House of Hope, gather assessment information of damage and destruction to property and programsand work with CONASPEH and House of Hope leadership as they continue to develop plans for theimmediate, near and long-term future. Patrick & Francois Villier, leaders of CONASPEH and PolycarpeJoseph, Director of House of Hope, have chosen to live in the out-of-doors in solidarity with the Haitianpeople. The Villiers and Joseph have organized community kitchens which are daily providing hot mealsto 60 and 600 people, respectively.

lMA World Health has shipped Medicine Boxes with medications and supplies to treat common illnessesfor 1,000 people up to 2 months. Also provided have been Safe Motherhood Kits containing basic surgicalsupplies for childbirth.

CWS Refugee Resettlement affiliates in Miami, Tampa, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Newark, New York Cityand Boston are providing assistance to injured Haitian's who have been medically evacuated to hospitalsin these cities. UCC volunteers are needed to assist in hosting and extend extravagant hospitality.

UCC members and friends have donated over $1 million dollars in support of the Haiti Earthquake Relieffund, with more gifts arriving each day. Thanks to this generous outpouring oflove and compassion, theUnited Church of Christ is now able to financially accompany our Haitian sisters and brothers on the longroad to recovery.

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--Great thanks to all the youth group members who so beautifully led our worshipservice on Sunday, February 21! Those participating included: Justice Flaherty, JeffreyFlaherty, C. J. LaTulippe, Peter Busche, Jacob Busche, Alex Bastow, J. J. McNeil, andYouth Leader Kate Hall. Your presence and leadership were an inspiration to us all!

--So glad to report that Nancy Hyder is "up and around", back in church, and willnot have to have part of her leg amputated, as earlier feared. She and we all thank God forhis merciful presence!

--After more than two months' recovery, we're delighted to be able to report thatJoan Marks is home! She is now living at the house next door to her previous hnme-e-thenew address is 4020 Neel St. Her phone number remains the same.

--Tom Robb is home and recovering from recent emergency surgery for anintestinal blockage. Best wishes and prayers to him for complete healing.

--So sorry to get the word that Lois McCurdy took as serious fall at home last week.We pray for her recovery and health.

--Do you have a special prayer need, and would like others to offer their prayers aswell? Our Prayer Chain would be honored to serve you. To initiate your prayers, callNancy Miller at 362-2927-or, if she doesn't happen to be available, call Mike. Unless youspecify otherwise, all prayers going through the chain will be kept confidential.

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From The Idaho Statesman, January 15, 1940"The members of Wright Community Church, one of the oldest and largest churches

of the Boise Bench area, were today planning to rebuild after fire destroyed their place ofworship in the Franklin district Sunday afternoon. The fire started while about 40 membersattended an annual dinner in the church basement. Several men worked furiously to save theparsonage, located next to the church. At left is the Rev. F. J. Renz, shown as he watches hischurch burn. Flames started on the roof near the chimney, right, which is shown spoutingsmoke from the hot furnace. The building was burned in less than an hour. "

From "The Franklin News", January 17, 1940(Subscription Price, 75 cents per year)

"Just after Communion Service, just before a feliOwShip~dinner, a neighbor rushedinto the crowded dining room of Wright Community Church and nnounced that the churchwas on fire. There was n~panic. There were many who simply d d not believe that there wasafire. But afew men we t out, came back, and ordered everyone out of the building ... It wassoon obvious that nothing could be done to save the church building. But there was time tocarry out much of the fur iture and other valuables. The piano was carried out The pulpit,communion table, and the pulpit chairs and bigpulpit Bible were all saved ....

"The real battle then shifted to trying to save the parsonage ...Heroic action by fourmen on the roof fought every spark that touched a shingle ...A bucket brigade brought waterfrom every house within several blocks of the scene ... and the parsonage was saved. (Note: Atthe time, the church was outside the Boise City limits, and therefore there was no flrefightingcoverage!)"

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sharing re source s. changing live s.www.onegreathourofsharing.org

In his final moments with his disciples, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, asks Peter: "Doyou love me?" "Yes," Peter replies. Then, "Feed my lambs," Jesus tells him-three times.Jesus passionately repeats his instruction, pressing his followers: If you love me, take careof the people I love.

The members of the family of God, including those in parts of the world we maynever visit, are God's flock, the sheep of God's pasture. Yet, God's flock is often forcefullyscattered as people are chased from their homes and livelihoods by natural disasters, brutalwars, or as communities ground down by unrelenting hunger, disease, and poverty.

On Sunday, March 14, we'll all have an opportunity to offer our gifts to the annualOne Great Hour Of Sharing, empowering the United Church Of Christ and all our missionpartners to offer disaster relief and refugee aid, meeting basic needs in Christ's namethroughout the world-with this year's ..!!ffering focused on helping the devastated peopleof Haiti to recover after the tragic earthquake.

In challenging times, we often wonder how much we can afford to sacrifice to helpfeed Jesus' beloved sheep, when our own needs remain pressing. Remember the feeding ofthe 5,000? When Jesus asked the disciples to feed the hungry crowd, the disciplesdespaired. The five loaves and two fish seemed insignificant compared to the massive need.Yet when each gave sacrificially from what they had, through God's blessing, their giftsturned into a miracle of compassion for all.

Through the One Great Hour Of Sharing, our gifts meet compelling needs, whilealso bringing the blessing of compassion into our own lives. The current economicsituation is challenging to many of us. But, for many others, it has pushed beyondchallenging to become life-threatening. Let's all heed Jesus' call to feed his sheep withgenerous, even sacrificial, gifts to OGHS on March 14. Sharing our resources, we'll changelives-including our own.

Together In Christ,Rev. Mike BlackJim Morrow, Mission & Outreach Chair

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Notes from the Board

God helps! God helped me find this Church and God helps meevery day. Jim Morrow opened our Board Meeting reminding usthat God is here for us, and God helps us in ways we know and inways we do not know. Knowing God will help us and guide us,we conducted the business of the Church.

One Great Hour of Sharing will be here soon. This is anopportunity for us to help in the WorId. Please share of yourabundance.

www.wrightucc.com. Have you gone online to check ourwebsite? Do you have any ideas as to content for our web site?Weare continuing to develop our site; are there any web masterswho would like to be part of this project? If so see TrevorMakinson or Lisa Cheney -Jorgensen.

10-10-10 - One hundred years of Wright Church. You are part ofthe history of Wright Church, whether your family was here on thefirst day 100 years ago, or this is your first day at Wright. Thisyear we are celebrating the many ways Wright Church hascontributed to our lives and times for the last century.

What a great group of young people we have in our Church. Wethank Kate and our youth group for leading our Church service thislast week. You can be proud of the youth of our Church.

Our Church is a wonderful Church filled with imperfect people,whom God helps every day.

Respectfully submitted,Will Patterson, Board Chair

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Stewardship Message from Carl Van Slyke


"So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old haspassed awcry,see everything has become newf' Romans 5:17

Lent has traditionally been a time for cleaning house; in fact thepractice of "Spring Cleaning" may be related to the religious practiceof clearing the kitchen of fat on Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday.Shrove Tuesday is meant to be only the beginning of a time of takingstock in every part of our lives. In Lent we are called to consider notonly the excesses of our material existence that need to be purged, butalso anything in our spirits or minds that needs reassessment andclearing out.

Instead of understanding Lent as a grim and joyless period, we mightremember Paul's encouragement and see Lent as a time of becomingnew. As a person who has moved from one house to another often inher life, I know that before you enter the new house, you need toclean out the old one, decide what is to be kept and what is to bediscarded, and discern what new items you might need to acquire fora new situation in life.

This Lent, then, we are offered the cleansing opportunity ofexamining our lives on every level, both material and spiritual. Whereare the excesses we need to clear out? What do we need to reassessabout priorities, relationships, possessions and time management inorder to be ready to live into a resurrection discipleship? On Easter,when the risen Christ calls us to new life, what might be weighing usdown and keeping us from responding quickly, with joy, as stewardsof the good news?

Rochelle A. Stackhouse is the Senior Minister of The Church of the Redeemer,United Church of Christ, New Haven Connecticut.

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i A special thank you to Janice Aagaard for the ~~donation of a case of 8 1/2 x 11 copier paper for l~the office. It is greatly appreciated by all, espe- iI cially the office budget! ~

r-"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_O._ •• _o._ •• _ •• -"-. .

; NEW DIRECTORIES ARE HERE i';~ And are available in the Narthex, Downstairs and in the l

office. Be sure and pick up on for your household. i

.-"-" - .._ ..-" _ .._ .._ .._ ..- ..- ..- .._ .._ .._ ..--;

. .'- .._ ..-.._ .._ .._ .._ ..- .._ .._., _ .._., -_. _ .._ ..-

:- .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ ..- .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._.'1"I Did you know that Wright Church collects . ~i Campbell soup labels, pop can tabs, old eye glass, glass ~~ cases and hearing aids? i~ Save them up and bring them to the church. You may place i~them on the card table in the Narthex (outside the sanctuary) by the ~: window. They will be taken and donated to the Ronald ~~ McDonald House in Boise. .~ "I . . .:- ..-..-.._ ..-.._ ..-.._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._. .._ ..- .. .....:

idJ~~~-:WriBii;cfi~~-;~'iii~k;;iii; c~~;;;i~t~~';;,j~;;~;;;;j_..!~2Mi~ (jJfack.; ~

rtfianR..;youfor the scholarship, it liefpea greatlY in my ~600Rfurul So far everytfiing at Wfiitwortfi lias been gooa. I ~am especia{[y e:zciteafor my spring classes, wliere I wi{{6e tak; ~ing some sports mea classes , a possible new major. I wi{{~ep itrying to.fint! my callinq. rtfianRJ again !

. Sincerely, )Inna Tominaqa iI ::_ •. _ .• _ •. _ .. _ •• _ .. _ •. _ .. _ •. _ •. _ •. _ .. _ •• _ .• _ •• _ .. _ .• _ •. _ •• 1

j'-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-";: Corrections and additions for our ,1 2010 directory: I1 Becky & Jim Erickson have gone to cell phone only. IIPlease remove their land line number and put in: :. Becky & & Jim d ~Please add to the directory: Charly & Ryan ~Mecham, ~

I '- son Shane William. ~Please change Joan Marks to ~••••• same phone number. ~

_"_"_"_00_"_00_"_",Don't forget our food :

pantry during this ~! winter season. !

._ ..~....~....~....~....~....~':~':: .._.._..i".~ Sign up for Altar :

i Flowers sponsor and ~:-: Coffee HostsI •••• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ ••• to.../

GO TO: ••www.wrightucc.com •• to see the new website.Thanks to Trevor and Lisa for all their hard work


For Mar~h will he annoUD~edsoon. Hosting will he Lois Tay.lor. Please wat~h the Sundaybulletin for more information.



From the Treasurer:

Month of JanuaryGeneral Fund incomePrepaid for 2010


$10,765.77- 12,020.05


The month of January the 2nd installmentof our Liability Insurance was paid alongwith scholarships to our college students.In February we received our check fromthe De Beaumont Fund which was joy-fully more than we had budgeted bynearly $900.00. Next month we shouldsee a positive number on the balancesheet. Thank you all for your generousgifts to your church.

Janice Aagaard, Treasurer

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March 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridav Saturday

D 1 2 3 4 5 610:30 Morning I 8:30 Men's I1:OO--Women'sLenten Bible Study Breakfast

Fellowship1-Book Club 10:00 BUGS

7:00 Alanon-Alateen '~<"".-:~,~,~.t,~ ,\~,... ",. ,',*'''' 7p.m. Susan Medlin

7- Choir Rehear. Kitchen/Social Use

lzJ t;,. ~ ,{ ...~ .~3rd Sunday of Lent 8 9 10 ':~ ..,.l_ 11 '11! 12 13.,

No Adult Sunday Sch. 10:30 Morning "'~ 'If

10:15 Choir Warm Up i(&: ' Lenten Bible Study 10:00 BUGS

10:45- Worship,Communion 6:00 Huntington's King's Daughters

Noon: -Fellowship Group Meeting At Mandarin Palace

100th Anniversary Meeting 5:30 BUGS board 1:00 p.m.

Youth Group7- Choir Rehear.

7:00 Alanon-Alateen

1'141 4th Sunday of Lent 15 16 17 18 19 209:30 Adult Sunday Sch. Sl. Patty's Day 9:00 BUGS

10:15 Choir Warm up 10:30 Morning10:45 Worship, OGHS Lenten Bible Study

Sunday SchoolNoon: Fellowship

7-Choir RehearsalYouth Group


7:00 Alanon-Alateen 7pmI 7:00 Board of I Anne BurkholderDirectors Meeting piano recitals

CJ'c"''"" ':C-"'~'

f2il 5th Sunday of Lent 22 23 24 25 26 269:30 Adult Class 10:30 Morning 10;00 BUGS

10:15 Choir Warm UpLenten Bible Study

10:45 Worship withSunday School

Noon: Fellowship,

7:00 Alanon-AlateenII 6:00 Community 1II Bench Supper7-Choir Rehearsal

128;1 I Palm Sunday I 29 30 31 April 1 April 2 April 3

9:30 Adult Sunday Sch.10:15 Choir Warm Up,

10:45 Worship, ~Sunday School !_

Noon: Fellowship .. ,.'. .'Youth Group ~I'll

I EASTER I . [4J7:00 Alanon-Alateen 7-Choir Rehearsal



No Adult Sunday 5ch.10:15 Choir Warm Up,

I .' 10:45 Worship,Family CommunionNoon: Fellowship Ii.

Youth Group Igf:f!;,;;

Page 12: Wright-Ups 0310

February 16, 2010BUGS 2010NEWS

First of all, we would like to express our gratitude for our wonderful relationship with the Wright Congregational Church. BUGS hasnow been in existence for seven years and it would not have been possible without the commitment and generosity of Mike, Robin,Jack, and many other church members.

"BUGS is a place where food is grown as it should be." Samantha, BUGS student, summer '09

Summer Program Recap 2009: It was an amazing season of growth for all of us- the staff, the students, and of course, our garden.Our 26 BUGS students participated in seven weeks of hands-on study in the garden and kitchen, exploring connections between thefoods they grew, the surrounding soil and water sources, insect and animal life, and themselves. Arts integration at its finest occurredthroughout the program as students explored natural media and utilized artistic means of expression as they made meaning ofecological concepts and plant and insect biology. In the kitchen culinary arts blossomed; students each spent a week creating, tasting,experimenting, and feeding all of us each day with a delicious local organic lunch! Seven experienced Spread Your Roots studentsgardened across the street from BUGS (in the yard of Mike and Melissa Chambers); they began in April and saw their plots throughuntil the end of October, relishing in their independence and empowered by the ability to decide what, where and when to plant. Asanother group of students moves through BUGS, I yet again reflect on the importance of grounding in our food.

Food is the core of the Boise Urban Garden School curriculum, ensuring that human and environmental health play an important rolein our children's education. BUGS fills a growing need and is a unique, local resource available to schools and individuals wishing tohelp youth reconnect to fresh food and local agriculture through the development of urban gardens. BUGS integrates the growing,harvesting, preparing, cooking and selling of our agricultural products and empowers young people to act responsibly, meaningfullycontributing to the creation of an environmentally sustainable and healthy community.

This school year BUGS received a grant from the Idaho Women's Charitable Foundation to work with W.H. Taft Elementary Schoolto begin the process of creating a school garden with students, teachers, and community members. BUGS will support teachers' plansto use the garden in the classroom - and as a classroom. We began in August with an initial advisory council meeting, worked ondesign workshops with faculty and staff to create a "master plan," have been working with teachers on grade level curriculum brainstorming and connecting to state standards, and will continue to work closely with teachers and students to ensure a smooth transitionto breaking ground later this spring.

This spring we are excited to embark on a partnership with Peaceful Belly Farm. Peaceful Belly farmers Clay and Josie Erskine will beteaching a weekly course for adults at the BUGS garden starting in March and lasting through October. Our garden coordinator,Melissa Frasier, will be working directly with these adults as well as coordinating with all BUGS youth programs.

Opportunities to come check out the garden and volunteer:• March 13th lOam-1pm• March 271h 1Oam-l pm• April 10th lOam-1pm• April 24th lOam-lpm

Skeletal History:• BUGS began in 2003 as a seven-week summer gardening, culinary and literacy program for young people ages 11-17.• Each year BUGS provides scholarships to approximately half of our 30 summer program students.• In 2007/2008 we expanded our programs and provided four elementary school classrooms the opportunity to experience

''BUGS in the Schools," a series of four workshops on small-scale gardening strategies for urban backyards and schools.• In 2008/2009 we provided this workshop series to eleven Treasure Valley elementary school classrooms.• We began our adult/ family workshop series in 2008, offering six workshops throughout the year: backyard chickens, square

foot gardening, composting, pest management, and preservation I and II.• In 2009 we expanded the summer program and now provide the program, "Spread Your Roots," for ages 13+older BUGS

students who are gardening off-site (April-October) and participating in community outreach throughout the year.• During academic year 2009-2010 we are partnering with W.H. Taft Elementary School to create an edible schoolyard on

school property.

"I enjoyed the hand's-on, small-group, imagineering. It really felt like we were responsible for the success or failure of ourgarden, as well as putting forth new ideas." Conrad, Spread Your Roots participant

BUGS vision is to transform our community's connection to food through knowledge, skills, and practices that support a secure, localfood system.

Please come out and wander through the garden after church or stop by the farm stand on Wednesdays from mid-June throughSeptember.

Thank you for your continued support of the BUGS program. We appreciate you!

Becky MorganExecutive Director, Boise Urban Garden School

Please contact me at [email protected] visit our website at www.boiseurbangardenschool.org

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Wright Community Congregational ChurchUnited Church of Christ4821 Franklin RoadBoise, 10 83705(208) 343-0292

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Palm Sunday, March 28

Happy BirthdaysMarch 2010

2-Aubrey Balfour5-Dorothy Horn

Bill Spiva9-Julie Patterson10-Kirsten Becker12-Lupe Tauati15-Joan Wenske17-lda Lovin20-Ray Sievers

Bob Brown22-Dale Shoemaker24-Marion Niece26-Tom Robb

Happy AnniversaryMarch 2010

8-Mike & Nancy Hyder25-Dick & Maxine Palmer30-Clay & Laura Shockley

I Return Service Requested I


Thanks to everyone who agrees to help out on Sunday Mornings,as of this writing these folks are covering these areas:

March 7:Greeters: Gil & Dorothy HaskinsFlowers: Kim Salwasser & family

Coffee Hour:

March 14:Greeters: Perry Ackerman & Carol Johnson

Flowers: Tom & Jane EubanksCoffee Hour:

March 21:Greeters: Viola Cegnar & Audrey Beckstead

Flowers: Laura ShockleyCoffee Hour: Ann Durand & Joy Chapman

March 28:Greeters: Frank & Jama CapshawFlowers: Larry & Sandi Gillmore

Coffee Hour: Larry & Sandi Gillore