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  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    For other uses, see Life (disambiguation) and Life on Earth (disambiguation).

    Life (Biota / Vitae / Eobionti)

    !lants in the Rwenzori "ountains, #ganda

    $%ientifi% %lassifi%ation e

    &omains and 'ingdoms

    Life on Earth

     on*%ellular life+note -+note -

    Viruses+note -


    0ellular life


    &omain Ba%teria

    &omain 2r%haea

    &omain Eu'ar1a

    3ingdom !rotista

    3ingdom !lantae

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    3ingdom Fungi

    3ingdom 2nimalia

    4allpaper of a barren and inhospitable alien

    5his arti%le is one of a series on

    Life in the #ni6erse


    Life in the $olar $1stem

    Life on Venus

    Life on Earth

    Life on "ars

    Life on Europa

    Life on 5itan

    Life outside the $olar $1stem



    !lanetar1 habitabilit1

    0ir%umstellar habitable zone

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    6 t e

    Life is a %hara%teristi% distinguishing ph1si%al entities ha6ing biologi%al pro%esses, su%h as

    signaling and self*sustaining pro%esses, from those that do not, either be%ause su%h fun%tions

    ha6e %eased, or be%ause the1 ne6er had su%h fun%tions and are %lassified as inanimate. Various

    forms of life e8ist su%h as plants, animals, fungi, protists, ar%haea, and ba%teria. 5he %riteria %an

    at times be ambiguous and ma1 or ma1 not define 6iruses, 6iroids or potential artifi%ial life as

    li6ing. Biolog1 is the primar1 s%ien%e %on%erned with the stud1 of life, although man1 other

    s%ien%es are in6ol6ed.

    5he definition of life is %ontro6ersial. 5he %urrent definition is that organisms maintain

    homeostasis, are %omposed of %ells, undergo metabolism, %an grow, adapt to their en6ironment,

    respond to stimuli, and reprodu%e. 9owe6er, man1 other biologi%al definitions ha6e been

     proposed, and there are also some borderline %ases, su%h as 6iruses. Bioph1si%ists ha6e also

     proposed some definitions, man1 being based on %hemi%al s1stems. 5here are also some li6ing

    s1stems theories, su%h as the :aia h1pothesis, the idea that the Earth is ali6e; the former first

    de6eloped b1

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    s%ientifi% h1pothesis that li6ing organisms possess a =life for%e= or =6ital spar'=. 2biogenesis is

    the natural pro%ess of life arising from non*li6ing matter, su%h as simple organi% %ompounds.

    Life on Earth arose .>*?. billion 1ears ago. 7t is widel1 a%%epted that %urrent life on Earth

    des%ended from a R2 world, but R2 based life ma1 not ha6e been the first. 5he me%hanism

     b1 whi%h life began on Earth is un'nown, although man1 h1potheses ha6e been formulated, most

     based on the "iller@#re1 e8periment.

    $in%e appearing, life on Earth has %hanged its en6ironment on a geologi% time s%ale. 5o sur6i6e

    in most e%os1stems, life %an adapt and thri6e in a wide range of %onditions. $ome organisms,

    %alled e8tremophiles, %an thri6e in ph1si%all1 or geo%hemi%all1 e8treme %onditions that are

    detrimental to most other life on Earth. !roperties %ommon to all organisms are the need for

    %ertain %ore %hemi%al elements needed for bio%hemi%al fun%tioning. 2ristotle was the first person

    to %lassif1 organisms. Later, 0arl Linnaeus introdu%ed his s1stem of binomial nomen%lature for

    the %lassifi%ation of spe%ies. Fungi was later %lassified as its on 'ingdom. E6entuall1 new groups

    of life were re6ealed, su%h as %ells and mi%roorganisms, and e6en non*%ellular reprodu%ing

    agents, su%h as 6iruses and 6iroids. 0ells are the smallest units of life, often %alled the =building

     blo%'s of life=. 5here are two 'ind of %ells, pro'ar1otes and eu'ar1otes. 0ells %onsist of

    %1toplasm en%losed within a membrane, whi%h %ontains man1 biomole%ules su%h as proteins and

    nu%lei% a%ids. 0ells reprodu%e through a pro%ess of %ell di6ision in whi%h the parent %ell di6ides

    into two or more daughter %ells.

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    5hough onl1 %onfirmed on Earth, man1 belie6e in the e8isten%e of e8traterrestrial life. 2rtifi%ial

    life is a %omputer simulation of an1 aspe%t of life, whi%h is used to e8amine s1stems related to

    life. &eath is the permanent termination all biologi%al fun%tions that sustain an organism, and as

    su%h, the end of its life. E8tin%tion is the pro%ess b1 whi%h a group of ta8a, normall1 a spe%ies,

    dies out. Fossils are the preser6ed remains or tra%es of organisms.

    0ontents +hide-


    . Biolog1

    .. 2lternati6e definitions

    .. Viruses

    . Bioph1si%s

    . Li6ing s1stems theories

    .. :aia h1pothesis

    .. onfra%tionabilit1

    .. Life as a propert1 of e%os1stems

    ..? 0omple8 s1stems biolog1

    ..A &arwinian d1nami%

    .. Cperator theor1

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    9istor1 of stud1

    . "aterialism

    . 91lomorphism

    . $pontaneous generation

    .? Vitalism


    ? En6ironmental %onditions

    ?. Range of toleran%e

    ?. E8tremophiles

    ?. 0hemi%al elements

    A 0lassifi%ation


    D E8traterrestrial life

    > 2rtifi%ial life


    . E8tin%tion

    . Fossils

    $ee also

  • 8/17/2019 world dan




    Further reading

    ? E8ternal lin's


    7t is a %hallenge for s%ientists and philosophers to define life.+-+-+-+?-+A- 5his is partiall1

     be%ause life is a pro%ess, not a substan%e.+-+D-+>- 2n1 definition must be general enough to both

    en%ompass all 'nown life and an1 un'nown life that ma1 be different from life on Earth.+-+-



    $ee also Crganism

    $in%e there is no uneGui6o%al definition of life, most %urrent definitions in biolog1 are

    des%ripti6e. Life is %onsidered a %hara%teristi% of something that e8hibits all or most of the

    following traits+-+-+-+?-+A-+-+D-

    9omeostasis regulation of the internal en6ironment to maintain a %onstant state; for e8ample,

    sweating to redu%e temperature

    Crganization being stru%turall1 %omposed of one or more %ells H the basi% units of life

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    "etabolism transformation of energ1 b1 %on6erting %hemi%als and energ1 into %ellular

    %omponents (anabolism) and de%omposing organi% matter (%atabolism). Li6ing things reGuire

    energ1 to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produ%e the other phenomena

    asso%iated with life.

    :rowth maintenan%e of a higher rate of anabolism than %atabolism. 2 growing organism

    in%reases in size in all of its parts, rather than simpl1 a%%umulating matter.

    2daptation the abilit1 to %hange o6er time in response to the en6ironment. 5his abilit1 is

    fundamental to the pro%ess of e6olution and is determined b1 the organismIs heredit1, diet, and

    e8ternal fa%tors.

    Response to stimuli a response %an ta'e man1 forms, from the %ontra%tion of a uni%ellular

    organism to e8ternal %hemi%als, to %omple8 rea%tions in6ol6ing all the senses of multi%ellular

    organisms. 2 response is often e8pressed b1 motion; for e8ample, the lea6es of a plant turning

    toward the sun (phototropism), and %hemota8is.

    Reprodu%tion the abilit1 to produ%e new indi6idual organisms, either ase8uall1 from a single

     parent organism, or se8uall1 from two parent organisms.

    5hese %omple8 pro%esses, %alled ph1siologi%al fun%tions, ha6e underl1ing ph1si%al and %hemi%al

     bases, as well as signaling and %ontrol me%hanisms that are essential to maintaining life.

    2lternati6e definitions

    $ee also Entrop1 and life

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    2t a higher le6el, li6ing beings are thermod1nami% s1stems with an organized mole%ular

    stru%ture+>- that %an reprodu%e itself and e6ol6e as sur6i6al di%tates.+-+-

    5hermod1nami%all1, life has been des%ribed as an open s1stem, whi%h ma'es use of gradients in

    its surroundings to %reate imperfe%t %opies of itself.+- 9en%e, life is a self*sustained %hemi%al

    s1stem %apable of undergoing &arwinian e6olution.+-+-

    Cthers ta'e a s1stemi% 6iewpoint that does not ne%essaril1 depend on mole%ular %hemistr1. Cne

    s1stemi% definition of life is that li6ing things are self*organizing and autopoieti% (self*

     produ%ing). Variations of this definition in%lude $tuart 3auffmanIs definition as an autonomous

    agent or a multi*agent s1stem %apable of reprodu%ing itself or themsel6es, and of %ompleting at

    least one thermod1nami% wor' %1%le.+?-


    2deno6irus with i%osahedral diagram

    "ain arti%le Virus

    4hether or not 6iruses should be %onsidered as ali6e is a %ontro6ersial Guestion. 5he1 are most

    often %onsidered as ust repli%ators rather than forms of life; but sometimes the abilit1 to

    repli%ate is %onsidered as the %ru%ial propert1 of life.+A- 5he1 ha6e been des%ribed as

    =organisms at the edge of life,=+- sin%e the1 possess genes, e6ol6e b1 natural sele%tion,+D-+>-

    and repli%ate b1 %reating multiple %opies of themsel6es through self*assembl1. 9owe6er, 6iruses

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    do not metabolize and the1 reGuire a host %ell to ma'e new produ%ts. Virus self*assembl1 within

    host %ells has impli%ations for the stud1 of the origin of life, as it ma1 support the h1pothesis that

    life %ould ha6e started as self*assembling organi% mole%ules.+-+-+-


    5o refle%t the minimum phenomena reGuired, other biologi%al definitions of life ha6e been

     proposed,+- with man1 of these being based upon %hemi%al s1stems. Bioph1si%ists ha6e

    %ommented that li6ing things fun%tion on negati6e entrop1.+-+?- 7n other words, li6ing

     pro%esses %an be 6iewed as a dela1 of the spontaneous diffusion or dispersion of the internal

    energ1 of biologi%al mole%ules towards more potential mi%rostates.+-+>- 7n more detail,

    a%%ording to ph1si%ists su%h as

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    of geolog1, but his idea of a li6ing Earth was forgotten in the intense redu%tionism of the th

    %entur1.+>- 5he :aia h1pothesis, proposed in the s b1 s%ientist

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    () e8plains it, life is a propert1 of an e%ologi%al s1stem rather than a single organism or

    spe%ies.+?- 9e argues that an e%os1stemi% definition of life is preferable to a stri%tl1

     bio%hemi%al or ph1si%al one. Robert #lanowi%z () highlights mutualism as the 'e1 to

    understand the s1stemi%, order*generating beha6ior of life and e%os1stems.+?D-

    0omple8 s1stems biolog1

    "ain arti%le 0omple8 s1stems biolog1

    $ee also "athemati%al biolog1

    0omple8 s1stems biolog1 (0$B) is a field of s%ien%e that studies the emergen%e of %omple8it1 in

    fun%tional organisms from the 6iewpoint of d1nami% s1stems theor1.+?>- 5he latter is often

    %alled also s1stems biolog1 and aims to understand the most fundamental aspe%ts of life. 2

    %losel1 related approa%h to 0$B and s1stems biolog1, %alled relational biolog1, is %on%erned

    mainl1 with understanding life pro%esses in terms of the most important relations, and %ategories

    of su%h relations among the essential fun%tional %omponents of organisms; for multi%ellular

    organisms, this has been defined as =%ategori%al biolog1=, or a model representation of organisms

    as a %ategor1 theor1 of biologi%al relations, and also an algebrai% topolog1 of the fun%tional

    organization of li6ing organisms in terms of their d1nami%, %omple8 networ's of metaboli%,

    geneti%, epigeneti% pro%esses and signaling pathwa1s.+?-+A-

    &arwinian d1nami%

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    7t has also been argued that the e6olution of order in li6ing s1stems and %ertain ph1si%al s1stems

    obe1 a %ommon fundamental prin%iple termed the &arwinian d1nami%.+A-+A- 5he &arwinian

    d1nami% was formulated b1 first %onsidering how ma%ros%opi% order is generated in a simple

    non*biologi%al s1stem far from thermod1nami% eGuilibrium, and then e8tending %onsideration to

    short, repli%ating R2 mole%ules. 5he underl1ing order generating pro%ess for both t1pes of

    s1stem was %on%luded to be basi%all1 similar.+A-

    Cperator theor1

    2nother s1stemi% definition, %alled the Cperator theor1, proposes that Ilife is a general term for

    the presen%e of the t1pi%al %losures found in organisms; the t1pi%al %losures are a membrane and

    an auto%atal1ti% set in the %ellI,+A- and also proposes that an organism is Ian1 s1stem with an

    organisation that %omplies with an operator t1pe that is at least as %omple8 as the %ell.+A?-+AA-

    +A-+AD- Life %an also be modeled as a networ' of inferior negati6e feedba%'s of regulator1

    me%hanisms subordinated to a superior positi6e feedba%' formed b1 the potential of e8pansion

    and reprodu%tion.+A>-

    9istor1 of stud1


    "ain arti%le "aterialism

    !lant growth in the 9oh Rainforest

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    9erds of zebra and impala gathering on the "aasai "ara plain

    2n aerial photo of mi%robial mats around the :rand !rismati% $pring of Kellowstone ational


    $ome of the earliest theories of life were materialist, holding that all that e8ists is matter, and that

    life is merel1 a %omple8 form or arrangement of matter. Empedo%les (? B0) argued that

    e6er1thing in the uni6erse is made up of a %ombination of four eternal =elements= or =roots of

    all= earth, water, air, and fire. 2ll %hange is e8plained b1 the arrangement and rearrangement of

    these four elements. 5he 6arious forms of life are %aused b1 an appropriate mi8ture of elements.


    &emo%ritus (? B0) thought that the essential %hara%teristi% of life is ha6ing a soul (ps1%he).

    Li'e other an%ient writers, he was attempting to e8plain what ma'es something a li6ing thing.

    9is e8planation was that fier1 atoms ma'e a soul in e8a%tl1 the same wa1 atoms and 6oid

    a%%ount for an1 other thing. 9e elaborates on fire be%ause of the apparent %onne%tion between

    life and heat, and be%ause fire mo6es.+-

    !latoIs world of eternal and un%hanging Forms, imperfe%tl1 represented in matter b1 a di6ine

    2rtisan, %ontrasts sharpl1 with the 6arious me%hanisti% 4eltans%hauungen, of whi%h atomism

    was, b1 the fourth %entur1 at least, the most prominent ... 5his debate persisted throughout the

  • 8/17/2019 world dan


    an%ient world. 2tomisti% me%hanism got a shot in the arm from Epi%urus ... while the $toi%s

    adopted a di6ine teleolog1 ... 5he %hoi%e seems simple either show how a stru%tured, regular

    world %ould arise out of undire%ted pro%esses, or ine%t intelligen%e into the s1stem.+-

     H R. A) is a

    me%hanisti% e8planation for the origin of spe%ies b1 means of natural sele%tion.+-
