word n a- days cents the nev;stiives repr tative tei ephone · 2017. 12. 12. · delia m swartz....

THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S vr.i"i:si.Y, .ruin 21, jot.'.. 11 0 ry a 0 w ord N ews- - i 1 lines ant A- d- Days for Cents r m s a i j : m ot o i: c y ci.i :s. koii salh i -ri motorcycles. REPR TATIVE BUSINE 1014 F.13 S!nj:. Twin I!ar!iv-Iivi'Non- . .nij;jw.(i jir, ?1T, THE NEv ;stii ves ESEN lyi'J Sl.g, equipped Italian. 11.1 Twin SE. P.M2 Twin ?1 Trfii' sinjfio , $ ; 13 x eel a lor. Twln S11C Ctsh r I'avmM!iR. Hageihjkn .v weissteh. i:. jcfrr-o- n South lbnd. Ind. AND TEI EPHONE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH BEND Music Teachers Hardware Lumber Dry Cleaning Restaurants and Lunch Rooms Brule' Kestaurant, 763 s Mlcli. Awnings, Tents &. Wagon Covers II 1311. A. II. Crrtitzburg, T4S Leland Creamery and Wholesale Produce You'll Bend Creamery Co, 403 E Madion. Cleaning and Pressing FOU SAM; I'M.". :::.! 1 1 1 1 ry-- 1 i vM? on mo-toroyc- r.ll I!. S..s:;h "t. I'OIt SAI.K Al TOMOEIiMlS. O 1 H s.l.i; - .um delivery ear, .'heap. Hi r.. j. rr. rrt-i- . f 1'K SALE Five j,as.-4e)- r Detfoifor. Just overhauled. - t foinliTi"!). i iparp t!r nn-- 1 demountable rim, must be u,ld before My l'urk-- y Gar;:;;e. lbli roil SALE id li.!ri" power speedSter. First reasonable oflYr jjet.s It- - lix 1 New-Tlme- s. VvE HAM: ni..rr- - f..r used eats Can we r;ui I hav a ear to to-l- l or tr:id.' sh- - lis' at on.'-c- . Autoui'dd!' repair work, (.f all kin.! .l.ii- - ly first I.kh Tn.chanbs. Eat Side Gar.i;-- e A. Franklin Service Station. ,"os i:. f..inll- - :iv. Ilmne phone svai. " roi: sale l'a t n truck in A-- l s!i:ii. DAN Till: AI TO MAN. Hear of 117 Tellers oi Klvd. roil SALi:- - n,i- - pT- - yllinlT MIt-- h '.1 ; Ford; Krit K il -- fder. one five ; r one '"adiilae Motor Sales Co. Fni: SAFE Automobile, cheap. Dblnio-bile- . l'.'l.". model. ." .-r. Has been run H.1) miles. Call Home 1".T- -. i on sam: ii.:os I'UK SAM: -- 1.'.0 T'prlRht pi m. luap: a-- s new. Frt'iHh walnut raj. . r tasy u rnis. Call LIoll l'.';5; II ua; l i i i i" l'.ai'! aUM ' a ' niiiinm- - 1 i ln- - for iti.iiKiM am f u in 1 .1 n. A. nafe polish t" ii't. C. W. Col'l'. M1SIC SHH S. Mii)i-a- n st. Toll SAI.K ; I si'iarc piano, In pl:i-- I ill roinlitlori ; aNo one oraa. I'.otli for m vtTV ifaHonahl'. Also 10 larr' slid Piano txv. .1. M. Uns.'. ."11 S. Mi hij,'tn t. IIoiiu phono l'.'".".. l'c.'l pVmo ion sali-- : hmmj i:stah:. mi:aimu i!i:ihik i'ai:m si iumvisiun. I'.uy a lot in tlo count i y w lifif yon will l aniplo sp u-- to p!. nt your ardcii. iai' poultry. ft-- . T1j's' Iot ar' a No sj..-- . i;i lly wt-1- aolaittod for lonl.liu ltts und aro nur Stop 1 u tl'o Nilt-- s car lino, .V fare- - Aero lots, .Iio to ::.". on twin of . SUH. ilcwn aiol .S1.h) jr M-.-- iii ir-i- t acre lots. $70 to $110 on terms of .Sl.po oowu ainl o"' per week. South Ileiol lo'alty Co., JJ. S. Main st. l'.ell 1771, Home VACANT lotn for sale. .North Michigan st.. noar I.''per Park; South Mi-hiira- st . la'tweo!i Fox :uuL D nalil ; Diamond av. j ii -- 1 north f Michigan av. : Slivrman nv.. (".iio Mock vo'ltti of Michlrfau av.; Thomas M.. ") fn-t- . with laro house; Mar.iuottc a v.. Navarre plu-- . Win. II.) pp. lo:; Main st. Flther phone 1071. Full SALK. Store- - Imllilhitr. .shelves and counters. In e I condition; small house, lare ham, ui large lot. All for $U'VU0; $UM rash, ii.ilano- - on payimuts. A line opiiol'tuuity to o ia business. HASTINGS. Uls N. Michigan St. Homo M4-IMiO- iies l'.ell "11. I if tii e open ovniiuK. V. .1. WAKD is invited to the nrphoum Theater this week, except Sunday, as tlie truest u.f The News-Time- s. riioici; lot for salo loeaU-- vn Sixth St.. Kiver Fark. north of Mishawuka av. This lot is high aul i.s covered with line tree. Wm. lFipp, -- o. S. Mln st. FIther phone l.r71. FOll SALE. An SO-ae- re farm 0 miles from city, pool lulldluf:s; will sell cheap. an"U take prop- erty aa first payment. Also 10 acres tract; i: acre truct, and four acre traci all with Fxchanjo jjood Lotel for city property or farm. W. K. .VellFNKY. 115 S. Mam St r.oll phone, "."jU; Home, 5733 FOK SAI.K. 4 acre tract at liertrand stop on iuter-l;rhu- i. 10 acres. '2 mios ct of city limits. iJary proj.erty to exchange lor city jroj--it- y or firms. WIIITCoMn AND KI'LI.FK. lcffeion I'.ld. i'.oth Fi.oae i:;',7. FOll S AI.F-- Sl-roo- I.oiis.. to bo uioved. Inquire li:;o S. Main st. 1'OK SALE- - I'.arirain. .ottaire. Har- rison av. Gas. ciry water. G"od sized lot ; Kr:,P' arLtor, fruit trees. Roll ."7'J. I'OIt. HUNT 1WU.M. FOR KENT Small farm. k("1 buieliajrs. ood soil, lts of fruit at a bargain for r:'s!i reut. IPO' ihu J0o. X'OU KENT LL acres of rooI farm land closo to city on S. ilh.hiaa road; uo frulldlncs, J. r. Creed rou slvij r.viois. I nil SlU: l.V acTCS well fen-- e l. Kits; tlmher. Ho-jso- . bam and other build - ! lncs all in Soovi eo'Oltlon. Near ood mar- - kcl. Iuuuire -- '"' M. SLlmp, K. K. I ) j lirirr, lud. Homo p!ioi;e i',ra:;er 3011 SALU tore, 7 room house, pood barn, other buildi::, -- Mj rui'.ej wet of Magirs. near l and ehureh. aall payiueut down, $10 per mor.tU. E. ,1. Fogarty & J s liUtf-ll'om- e l'hone ron sAi.K on nxciiAXtJi:. l i.-I-l SAi.F. Oil TRADE-- Furniture tor ro.-.'uiin- Loum or lotel; wtll sell ih or laviueiits Al- -. 1 eh"' trl ho-- l sli:::. What I .lie )..u t trade? Will ler .i'.;to:no-- l iie. Addr.-v- s 11. N-- w s-- i :t:i . McIIenry (voice) Ingersoll (violin). H 7S Manufacturers of Toilet Preperation The LaRelco Co. 501 S. Mich. H 1183 Motorcycles FRANK ANDREWS SON, njcent for Excelsior Motorcycle. New and second- hand motorcycles always in stoek. J0. W, Sample st. Meat Markets Jimmle'M Market. 128 K. Jeff. II 5fil2. II 612. New Center Facklntr House Market. 110 W Division. II 543. II 3022. Jno Melber, 311 N Emerlck. 11898. H 332. M II Ewald, 504 Wenger. H 123-1- . H 2993. O V Darling. 503 Ohio. II 8673. Mccarty's Cash .Market. 729 Mich At. T 5631. R. t'rbanskl, 1031 Fisher, II 643S H. B. Shanafelt. 902 Sorln. II 5291 Gallys Market, 106 N Walnut II 1930 B 1594. Weslowskl. 301 S Walnut. II 8138 Frank Lsmh, 2020 Linden II 8932 Best Home Made Lard, 50 lbs. $6.25. Mattress Manufacturers Columbia Mattress Ce. 413 NT Emerlck B168 Machine Shop J B Haberle, 311 Hydraulic, 11 3321. B 321. Oliver Johnson. 1913 W. Wash. II 3410. I". Schafer & Sons, 1003 S. Lafayette II 8140 Motor Repairs Fnlon Elri Mfg Co, 113 W Colfax P .ones Nickel Plating Kwanton's Plating Wks Oak Fk Ct 11 7530 Notions Wholesale E. B. Rupel, 821 5. Mich. II 3770 Nurses, Mr F Whiteman, 1001 E Madison. II 13W, II 511. Delia M Swartz. 611 K Bronson. B 3317. Office Equipment & Typewriters Typewriter Shop 119 W Wash B 019 II C170 Oil Companies South ilend. Oil Co. II 2373 II 1244 Overall Manufacture 1 he L. C. Gross Co. "Wizard Brand" II 6011 Opticians C. K. Clauer Co., 103 S. Mich. H 5748 B 621 Optometrist Dr. J. H. Ellis, 312 J. 31. 8. Bldg. II 2299 Osteopathic Physicians Dr Geo V N'ienstedt, Osteopathic I'hysi-clan- . Both Phones. Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers I W Lower Dec Co, 120 S .Mich. L. Chclmlniak, 1109 W. Division St. Piano Moving S A Beach. 105 Vistula. II 5754. B 604. Plumbing and Gas Fitting W J llraunsdorf, 221 St I'eter. Painting, Paper Hanging, Glazing II 89C7, Datid Altmaai, 307 Chapln. Pianos H 8024 Geo. W. Herrlck, 128 N. Lafayette Piano Tuning Frank Ji. linger, l'iano Tuner, II 828 Pianos and Musical Instruments V W Copp, 22H S 3Iich. 11 6C50. Plumbing and Heating W H Burke, 214 E Jiff. John G Ivestler, 430 N Allen. H IK53. Thos Williams. 122 L Jeff Blvd. National Healing Company. BeH 307 Home C222. J II Hawblitzcl, 1G12 Miami. 11 7320. B 4038 W. W. Sibley Co., 125-12- 7 S. St. Joe. T1IIL3IAN BEOS. LET US 1IGLHE WITH Kit-- Let us give you au estimate on your plumbing and heating job, sewering and gas tittmg in connection. Both phone II. 041b, B. 3710. 1CKNACES, 1 FUN AC E.s, FLKNACES. Now ia the time to lnsta'l them. Buy the furnace with a reputation. 5XJ satis- fied customers ln South Bend. Expert In- stallation guaranteed. HOLLAND FETES" ACE CO., J. 31. McKay, Itesident Manager. 501 Michigan av. Home phone 8379 " C. E. I'AVEY Heating and Plumbing Contra tor. 716 Blaine a. Home phone 6E0, Bell 1319 Physicians Dr. It. II. Calvert, 111 S. Mich. II 5632 B 208'J. Hours 8 to 10, 1 to S. 7 to 8 Dr. A. E. Stonecipher, 5 Amer. Trust Bldg. 11 2300. Hour U to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Picture Framing and Wall Paper Freyeruiuth Art Store, Hi N. Michigan 21aklelkl Art Shop, 118 N. Main Both 24O0 W. J. Neldhart. 114 E. Jefferson UHd. Rubber Stamps and Stencils D. Ariustroni:. 122 L. Colfax. Fullerton-Powe- ll Hardwood Lumber Co. Hotels LaFayette Hotel, S30 S Mich. II 5329. Hotel Sheridan, 233 NT 3IIchlgan St. Garrick Hotel and Har, 212 N Mich. New Nickel Hotel, 119 N. Midn II 6740 Avenue Hotel 112-11- 4 YUtula II 1214 Hotel Windsor, Lafayette & SJUth II 5103 Hardware J K MiKudarfer, 828 S Mich. Harness, Saddles, Etc llufiswurm Bros, 113 E Wash A v. Hardware and Furniture Martin Kaniewski, 2101-120- 3 W. Division Hardware Stoves Urugger Hdw. Co., 1230 W. Wash. H C339 Hardware and Tin Shop John Haumgartner 727 Mich A? H 1092 Hair Dressing Manicaring and champooing, chiropody and elcctrolysi treatment a specialty. Courteous treatment and pre nipt service out motto. 503-50- 4 J. M. jj. Illdg. Home phone 6191, Hell 637. The Comfort Shop. , Ice Cream Manufacturers Hollingsworth-Turne- r Co., 831 S. Main Infants' Furnishings The llaby Shop, 808 Cottage Grove. Ice Vacuum Ice Co. 11 6123. B 2221. Beck & Ray, 1121 S. Main. II 5663. Jewelers Frank C Toepp, 210 W Jeff .Blvd. II 5472. Calvin K Clauer, 103 S Mich. 11 5748. 11621. Job Printing Moore, the Printer, 110 E Wash. Baile & Elliott, 218 S Michigan, Kear. Home Mountain Ptg Co, 752 Cottage Grove Jewelers and Opticians than M Scbuell, 218 S Mich. II 6245. Kodaks Finishing and Supplies South Bend Camera to, with J Burke & Co. Opticians. 230 S Mich. II 2091. Ladies' Tailors L. Goldberg, 218 W. Jeff. Lumber and Building Material bxnogor Lbr Co. 407 Laurel. II 5122. B 122. Lumber McErlaln & Jackson Co, cor Tutt & Carroll. ZieKler-i?ande- r, 818 N". Emerlck. 11 5369, B 419. Livery Greif's Livery, 210 N" Mich. B 207. II 5207. H Joe Livery, 1023 W DIv. II 5378. B 121. I. Ghier, II CO 27 B 2G81. 202 S. Chapln. Laundry Dry Cleaning Davits' Laundry. Phones 859. 5859. Ideal Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co, 426 8 Mich. H 5209. B 285. Slick's Laundr. Co, 120 S 31ain. Lawnmowers Sharpened. 'oveJty Ilepair shop, C09 E. Jefferson. . Called for and delivered. H. 8503. Locksmiths D. Armstrong, 122 E. Colfax. Life insurance Ccnserative Life of America, 11. 2947 H CG1S Western & Soutliern, 410 Jeff Bldg B 2360 Public Savings Ins. Co., 30.'! Dean Bldg. The People's Life of Illinois, 725 J. 31. S. Standard National Life Insurance Co. 601 Citizens' Bank Bldg. Home 1818 Millinery 3Ir M A FUnn, 231 S. Mich. II C03. B 1813. Van Gordcr's New Location 223 N 3Ilch. Masons Supplies ! Builder,' Supply & Spec Co, 243 E Tutt. f II Defrees, 315 Taj lor. 11 327if B A Sraogor A: sons. 151J W DHlMon. H 5i72. Ml .. Division, II 2454. Milk B 754 Cream Products Corp. II 1073 ( r hIrkf Ulyz w Colfax. South Bend Sanitary 3111k C. 1225 S 3Ialn Heme 5693 Bell 2399. Merchant Tailors A C 3Iurdock, 218 S Mich. Sunnan & Gerber, 136 S 3IIch St. Musical Conservatory 8B Conservatory both phs 'J07-21- 1 S 3Ialn Motorcycles and Supplies 3Iotorryrlo 3Ilkes Garage, 211 N 3Ilch. G. H. Synder, 226 W". Wash., Indian mo- torcycles, pedalcyeles and supplies. Monuments C N Kdward. 411 S4 Mich. A L Ceyer, 124 E Jeff. II 5518. n 793. Delivery Wagons Wlnkler-Grem- m Crp. XVaah. At. It 77T9 Dray Lines John Wel, City Dray Line, II 180 Engravers Slick' Card Co, 12fl K Main. Electric Machines and Repairs Kline's Electric Co. Home 63fl3. Electric Wiring and Supplies B I) Moran. 421 8 Mich. II 107. II 6217. Electrical Contracting & Supplies WE William, 121 E Jefferson Blvd. Foundry Castings Sibley Machine Tool Co, 200 E Tutt. Fruits and Confectionary Cha Glomi'g Famous Olive OH. Furniture, Rugs and Stoves I, M Schwartz, 421 S Chapln. Home 8217. Furniture A II Heller, 116 S Mich. Florists Williams & Co. 138 S Mich. II 2227, li 769 South Iteud Floral Co. 216 S. Michigan. Flour and Feed Wesley Miller Flour & Feed Co, 420 8 Mich. II 5U(, li 853; 216 L Tutt, II 5102, It 8K5. Starr Milling Co. Home 5097, Hell 97. South Hend Grain Co, 615 Prairie ar. 11 53C9. B 39. Furniture and House Furnishings Feistkorn Fur Co, 130 N Main. II 1421, B 1194. Smith & Wherrett, S26-32- 8 Mich. Groceries Bright' Gro., 643 Laporte.. U 7717, B 3-0- 7 O K Cash Grocery. Bell 3953. New 2lHi3. 10 lbs Sugar for 51c wth SI order. Martin Bros., 412 N Lafayette. II o801. B 3110 J. N". Beass, 323 W Marlon. 11 5345. F. AV. .Mueller, 217 E Jefferson Blvd. Geo Sommerer, 534 E tedfax. II 5340. U 1757. A J Korpal, 325 Walnut. B 1192. II 2498. L II Schuster, 1C02 Leer. 117218. HS374. J F E Zinuner, 925 Blaine. II 7786. B 2922. Frank (jooley, 1023 Mich Av. II 544. l red Hostler, 731 Mich Av. 11 5311. C H Baird, 904 Portage, II 5811. B 559. B 4388 Mrs. J. T. Murphy, 602 N Frances Fred Hathaway, 708 Sorln. 11 1564 D F Bailey & Co, 819 3 Mich. l'hones: Bell 155; Home 5153. II. St eg man, 502 Wenger. II 5303. Home made dill pickles 15c per doz. Groceries Wholesale Whiteman Bros. Co., 702-1- 4 S. Mich. Groceries and Confectioneries W 31 feteller, 1524 Miauil. 11 7559. Groceries and Meats ltulo & Teeter, 224 E. 3Ionroe. 11 53C9. B 309. WA ITagle, 1811 S Mich. B 1100. II 7335. J t Fox, 627 E. Jeff. Ture Spring Wheat Flour 2 4V. 49 uud 100 lbs. at 95c. S1.90 and .3.C0. Special on Flour and Swift's Bacon and Hams this week. 31 Balm, 230 S Chapln II 2053. Van Gilder, 602 W. Division. 11 6301 B 4317 The Point Grocery and 3Iaxket, 331 Mich At. 11 1169. B 1705. DUou & Locker, 2202 311sh. B 109, II 3333 Beliable Grocery A. Mkt. II 1406. B 933. 3L DuMont, 319 N. Hill. B. 3931. H. llorka, 1922 3Ilch. Av. II 8105 B 2501 L. Hunimcr 705 Vistula II U57U B 568 General Repairing I i. V. ALLEN, 431 L. Lasalle. Goods I tailed for and delivered. Bell 3329. Garages W. G. Nlles A-- to Station, 107-lU- O NT. St. Joe st., near Washington, II. I. )i29. AL'TO.MOBILE HEPAIllING BV EAFEItT 3ILCH AN1CS. No job too large, no Job too small. Autos storage and washing. Both phones. Lincoln Garage, Kcpair & .Machine Shop, 220-22- 8 S. Lafayette st. MAIN ST11EET GABAGE Automobile re pairing by expert mechanU s. Autos petent drivers. Home phone 2440, BeU 510. Desonla and Labadie, 333 S. 3iain. Groceries and Gen. Mdse. Krelghbaum Store, 1214 Van Buren. H 7755. Gross Bros. 435 S Chapln St. 11 6617 Albert Sledilkow ski, 1143 W Division. General Mill Work and Turning Novelty Planing .Mill Co, 319 N Lnierick. General Merchandise M Gilbert 1' Son 807 S Chapln 113700 B10C5 House Moving and Wrecking City 31oinr A-- W iixur -- su o"t fy LaureL Bennett's tule, lil W DitUlvo. Kable's Lunch, lot N Mich, 202 S Mich, Inlun Cafe and Bar, 333-33- 3 H. Mich. Repairing FMBHELLAs, loiks, baby cabs. D. Ana-stron- g, 122 Last Colfax. Real Estate and Insurance U' B t a.lv. rt, 115 LVoji Ulug. II WK lcllenry, lis S .Main. 11 37. H Janieii A JuJie, 112 S Main. S. M. IUblnon JC Son, lii i Main It 61 It J. A. Met ollough 235 b Mich. II 11 ii II. A. Tohulka, 6 Amer. Bldg. II 1313 B 31 Amer. Trust to.. Ins. Dept., It 61 II (, W. 1" -- urej, 122 S. Main. Home 3ii. Patent Attorney Geo J OUsc'i, 711-1- 2 J M S Illdg. II 6110. Sewing Machines Havcrttock, the White Man. Sewing ' chines and Dress Form. 2iH . it a Sheet Metal and Furnaces Jno N 1 rank, 4oi N Scott. H 1356. Shoe Repairing Nelson & Marks. 127 E. J Uuallty Shoe ICepalr Co, 130 N Mich. South Bend uick Repair, Ur, 1; ,eff Sporting Goods (ins Haslanger, 811 s. Miih.. II 5591 Second Hand Stores S. Tnslng, 134 li. Main II 5383 Sign Painting Kale Sign Co. 225 S. St. Joe H 8oO n 4021 Sand and Gravel. Geo J Hoffman Co. Both phone 1536- - Second Hand Stores A. Pomeranz, 1237 W. Wash. II 3161 Sheet Metal and Tinning M Klnscherff, 223Vi S Mich. Hear. 11 8JW9. B 2735. AA Century Furnace. Soda and Mineral Waters Wm Grlesenger, 406 N" Scott. Specialists SI'KCIAL treatment of the eye, nose, throat and ear. Now it the time: to- morrow may be too late. Dr. A. Wick-liM.n- i, Suite No. 608 .1. V. S. Building. Transfer and Delivery II. J. Perkins, Home l'hone CC07. Tanks S. B. Welding Co., 220 S .Midi, rear, II 3414 C G I'olsom 31 1 Co, 613 S Scott Theaters Majotlc 129 N. 311tJi. 11 G373 Tailors Wm Spreng, 221 S 31ain, opp Y 31 C A. Transfer and Storage II 8537 Frank hhafer, 227 t Cttrrol, rar Teachers of Piano larolen A. Walhridge, Director Eitenhion Iept., Sherwood Music Sthool. Cliicugo. Traasfer and Delivery (has L Llliot, 113 E Wash. 11 113. II 5130 Ireland Transfer to , II 1073 Zimmer Dumbacher, Home 5171 Loughman & Loughman. H l.'U H 5127 I CITY MOVING and WHFCKING CO. does house ciotlag, boUting and hauling fafo, ooilt-r- , tc. W e also buy old haute. )itle, 407 S. Laurel st. llouie phoue 5122, Bell 122. lit ANSI i; It it EN G cf all kLnd. Safes, pi-aa- cs ajid housLold goods rioved wita the besi of tare. Huiiie liouo 5.91, Bell 4'k-1- :. i'rowipt 1t.11 d 'ourtiuun erii- - our moltu. DowLiog; A. Hrvuxv IMi h. fraiaplf t. Taxi Servict WHY walk when you an ride aaviher in the city, any time, day or nijht, for a quarter. Cull the Iwo-l- ut lil ervle, 101 W. Monroe. Home Sjal. lkE 3754. .Milton G. .niith, l'topractor. Undertakers e'sou L Jones, Wayne and st Joseph. L V MfGana x Co. l uion Made Lloo kli ciusive. A 31 ItusselE -- 07 S 31Ictu Harry L Ycrritk. 219 S St Joe. Varnish Manuiacturers O'Brien Yaruish Co. 101 Jobnoa II i'JJ Violin Maker and Repairer Frederick C. Walllams, 5 Toepp Bbig. Veterinarian Koy II Wolfe, 316 W JeJ. H 3112. B 441. Window Cleaning Am Window Cleaning Co, 111 L Wajce. Wholesale Liquors The Jloore Liquor Co. 41 S Chapln. Edward Mueel. 116 YUluU Ave. Home Llo.oe to, 4i8 S. Mihlgan. Wholesale Fruit and Produce St-hule- Klingt-- 1 Jt Co. C.eo Butibach. 3Igr, L. L. Hler l. C-- 'J cott. 11 3oCJ B Ol Awninrs AU'M.N'GS, Tent, Porch Curtains. Wagon Covrrpt. Indiana Canras (io.nM Co., 108 XV. DiU;on t. Bell phone 2507. Auto Tires and Vulcanizing Tlioniit IIuMipr Vule Co. 131 VUtala. Auto and Carriage Painting South Urn (I Spring A'wcon & Cnrrlace Co. 214 N M Jo-- . II 5 :. II 183rt. Auto Livery I.inroln iar:itJ, Hejmlr & Macliine Shop, 22R S. Lufuyrtlc Sleplienxon'w, 120 Lincoln Way 'K. Automobiles Ilinklo Motor Car Co, 31. K Jeff. Ko.i .Martin's Gar. & Hep. Shop. 200 K Jeff Auto Truck Manufacturing Co. Mith ISeiil Motor Cur Work. Itdl 2011. Ai'to Trimmings I.oomU & Stephens, 220 S LuTayette. n 2001. Auto Top aril Seat Cover. Attorneys at Law W'ritrlit A" II uliu. ?I( .1 M If f It r!1 1 C IVrKus, 233-- 6 Jeff Ilhlff. II ."JflSO. 1" J Houlihan, 122 Main. Title Hldsr. Loans, Insurance, Ileal Ktate. II 6133. Heroth & Moon, 130-13- 8 X Main St. Frank Gilmer and Frank II Hall.iKan, 220 Jeff Hldg. Homo o2Hl. 11,11 2121. W. N. Hersan, S25 Jeff Hid. II.CU3S. H 523 Graham & Crane Oddfellow' Illdg. Harry Scunlon, 201-3-U- -7 Jcfferon llldg. Oare Geyer 30 1- -3 J. M. S. II 8029 H G2 Artistic Decoratin' Loehr & Raiisherger, 214 N Mich. II 5772. Artistic Photography Harry liaghy, 113 E Jefferson Hlvd. Abstracts of Title St Joseph Abstract Co. Cltl7.cn' Itk lUdg. Automobile Bodies S. W. Nicholson Mfg. Co., II 13S1. Artbt-Photographe- rs Orpheum Studio, Orphcum ltldg. II a528 Auditing and Accounting Amorican EflUicncy to. H 61; II 6G20. Brewers and Bottlers Jacott Hoffmann, 231 N. Mich. Jl 55i)l, II 2373. Bottling Works Coca Cola Co., 431 S. Fellows 11 6010 Brewers and Bottling Assn, South Hend Hrewing Ass'n. II 7780. II 780. Battery Testing and Repairing Fleet re Garage. 521 W. Wah. Books, Stationery, Etc. Miller' Hook store, 121 S Mich. Banks First National, 01itr Hotel Uldg. Business Colleges Kellev Husines School, 120 E Wayne. Hell ifl3. Home 2181. Bakery and Restaurant. Sevmour's. 319 S .Mich. II 3991. B UU91. Bakers Inlque Bake Shop 405 S. Michigan (Bran Bread.) August Jahnke. 801 S Mich. Weiss Bakery, 123 N' .Michigan St. C N Koeler, 402 W Marion II 5320. II 520 lluse t o. IK6 l'ortage. II 1667. B 4081. Building and Loan Associations St Joseph CounCy Loan a: aing -- vssoua- Don. 211 W Jeff. 7T. ; ruun " - - -- - - Builders' Supplies Staples-Hildebran- d. lit i:. Colfa. II 1114. Corset Shop I.oduska Corset shop, 130 S Main. Coffee &. Tea Wholesale, Retail Grand I nion Vej Co, 4J1 S Mich St. Coffee and Tea I J llrenuan, H03 S MUh. Cash Register 119 W. Colfax National Cash llegister Co. Coal and Transfer G C Hartman, 405 E Madls'in. li G531. II 7a Contractors snuigor Lbr Co, 407 Laurel. 115122. B 122. Cigar Mfgrs. 31 Hazinskl, Zoi s Chapln. 115527 11 533, Cleaners and Dyers sti.rr lry ( l?unr. i too. II 531 Paris Dry Cleaning Co, 532 N Emerlck. Waltcr. 121 W. aro. H IHCOWN'S DICV fLEAMNT. S1IOI doe work Just a little better, just a little cheaper. ;pt our price. Home phone 4T4, Hell phone 1S71. 127 N'. Iaifayette nt , ' next to V. W. C. A. I HKNCII DKV CLEAN! NO AND DYKING. WOUIv CALLK1) I'OIt AND DKLIVKU- - i;n. iioMi: riioxi; r.-i- M. iikll vj3. a. I.. GI'VKIl. THE C LEANER, 121 EAST JH1TKHSOX. VOT CAN cet the best by jrUlnj? us n tt. CKXTKAL IlKV CLKA XINIi, Vistula and Washlnfiton uvn. Home phone 8000. Guy V. Wood. Proprietor. Chiropractors Harry II Smith, 218 W Wayne. C It Ithineliart, C03 Citizen' Hank IJldg:. ( HIKOritACTIC in the Science of Remov- ing nerve implgnment by ptnal ailjust-nien- t, thereby removing' the cause of dis- ease. A. V. Snyder, Chiropractor, 110 Wayne tt. Hell MO I. Mary 11. 1 lower, 1. C. 223 S. Main. Clairvoyants DR. CRAVEN'S See him at his own home in ()ceola, Ind., where he will give read- ings daily and cure the kick without medi- cine. At home at all hour. Celebrated $3 readings, &1. AH interurban car otop in front of hi door. Yon will not always have Dr. Craven with you. Hour 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. Other hour by appoint- ment. Hell phone 1. Heals hick without medicine. Cigars Billiards Sidney l uger, 116-11- 8 K. Jeff. Coal and Feed W I) Shlnip, 1C13 W WasTi av. Confectionery, Ice Cream and Cigars 1'uUchen's, 1P09 S. Mich. It 1213 11 7503 Cedar Chests Acin Mfg Co, 320 Sycamore. Coal and Junk Schulman & Frank, 311 Scott. II 5CS7. Coal and Wood Staple & Harilman, 612 Diamond. II 7711. Coffee Roaster HasucllN toffee Ranch, 133 N Mich. Confections, Ice Cream, etc. l'hone Emerlck's II 2134 We Deltver Coal and Transfer Dick JohBAon. Coal. II 58 SO II 3170 Confectionery and Ice Cream W. S. Stoop, 413 I'enn Av. II 8158 Coal, Feed and Cement IHxon & Locker, 2203 Mlsh. II 108M II 3333 Coal and Ice Rlter Park Fuel & I ced Co., 812 17fh Cigars and Billiards Hios Mosh, 803 Mtcli. Coal, Coke and Wood Arthur Miller, 520 E Sample. ) Loughmun & Loughman, 801 S. Main Dentists 5812. 8SG, Dr. J. A. Stoeekley, 511 J 31 S i B 2357 Dr. S. S. Clark, 110 W. Wash. Carson & Hosier, 302 S 31ich over Sax store Dr. D. E. Cummins. 129 W. Colfax II 5052 B 313 7ank I. llager. 102 Dean Bldg. II 6560 B ;:I99; 8:30 to 5:30 dally, Thurs. Sat eve. Ad vaiue Dental Co.. 102 S. Mich. l 2006 E. Pavson ID S 3i0 S. .Mich. II 2138 Drugs Wholesale Coonley Drug Co., 101 S Mich. 11 26 II T026 Drugs and Religious Supplies Nicholas .Vhllling. 303 S .Mich. Drug and Photo Supplies It II Kuss, i)07 S 3?i?b. The Cut Hate Drug Store, 121 N Mich. Otto Bastian. 209 S .Mich. Drugs G A Senrich & Co. 216 W Wah II 5144 A W Buff. 801 Mich Av. 11 L Spohn, 1323 S 3Ilch. L A Kolupa Co, 407 S Chapln. Modern Pharmacy, 803 S Chapln. II 2102 Amerban Drug t o, 133 N Main St. II E 1 reehafer Co, 1248 W Wash. White's Pharmacy. 1301 W Wash. II 5307. Krehller' Pharmacy. 801 S 3Iich. 31 Tomasiewskl, 1136 W DHlsIon. II 5881. G 1- - Cimmeriiian, 902 l'ortage. H 2114. B 1271. J J Klaer. -- 30 E Lasalle. II 1658. L. J. Steinkold. C01 South Bend Ale. Detective Agency Weaver Det. A gey 201-- 2 JefT Ilblg II 391J Dairy Lunch Hergus Lunch. 133 N. 3IUh B 3141. Bostn Dairy Luanda. 125 W. JeT B 193S o felt SALE Oil EXCHANGE Ten acre tract of land with uev ten roo:u I.o.:sc liid bara. two n:il.s rortl.oa.st vf MIh-aks- . Will accept vacant It or iui-p- r owd pro;vrtv as part pa UieiiL HASTINGS. IIasrinif HulhilTiC. -- IS N. Mh-h- St. liee C ia-l'lio- l;eS- lkll -- H- O FOR SAI.F. oil EXCHANGE On y payUiOiit, IS acre farrv. G-- buildings, olL J vt k.T fruK. Isjuire S. L,od Ucil phoi;e lJU'w pill SALE nil EXCHANGE 0 non f ;r:u ia MloLlgs 1 fv.r S-- utL Ee:;d di ..r 't acre suburban ";4liie $2.mi. ''ear. Warl clvar. W. 1L Smlt o-- S n . Fmerbk. l'AUM MOHTliAliMS. I am laalu? ni r.cy 1 r p'ojile outsb'.e if thli stab oL iariu aiid city properties It m l-- r t'iit. 1 l.ae s a.e for you. YHJTOli M. CUUK. iastla UiiZ- - Home CH0.

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Post on 28-Mar-2021




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Page 1: word N A- Days Cents THE NEv;stiives REPR TATIVE TEI EPHONE · 2017. 12. 12. · Delia M Swartz. 611 K Bronson. B 3317. Office Equipment & Typewriters Typewriter Shop 119 W Wash B

THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S vr.i"i:si.Y, .ruin 21, jot.'.. 11

0ry a 0 word News-- i


lines ant A-d- Days for Centsr m sa ij : m oto i:cy ci.i :s.

koii salh i -ri motorcycles. REPR TATIVE BUSINE1014F.13


I!ar!iv-Iivi'Non- .

.nij;jw.(i jir,?1T, THE NEv;stiives ESEN

lyi'J Sl.g, equippedItalian.

11.1 Twin SE.P.M2 Twin ?1Trfii' sinjfio , $ ;

13 x eel a lor.Twln S11C

Ctsh r I'avmM!iR.Hageihjkn .v weissteh.i:. jcfrr-o- n

South lbnd. Ind.

AND TEI EPHONE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH BENDMusic TeachersHardware LumberDry Cleaning Restaurants and Lunch Rooms

Brule' Kestaurant, 763 s Mlcli.

Awnings, Tents &. Wagon Covers

II 1311. A. II. Crrtitzburg, T4S Leland

Creamery and Wholesale ProduceYou'll Bend Creamery Co, 403 E Madion.

Cleaning and Pressing

FOU SAM; I'M.". :::.! 1 1 1 1 ry-- 1 i vM? onmo-toroyc- r.ll I!. S..s:;h "t.



1 H s.l.i; - .um delivery ear, .'heap.Hi r.. j. rr. rrt-i- . f

1'K SALE Five j,as.-4e)- r Detfoifor.Just overhauled. - t foinliTi"!). i

iparp t!r nn-- 1 demountable rim, must beu,ld before My l'urk-- y Gar;:;;e.lbliroil SALE id li.!ri" power speedSter.

First reasonable oflYr jjet.s It- - lix 1New-Tlme- s.

VvE HAM: ni..rr- - f..r used eats Canwe r;ui I hav a ear to

to-l- l or tr:id.' sh- - lis' at on.'-c- . Autoui'dd!'repair work, (.f all kin.! .l.ii- - ly first I.khTn.chanbs. Eat Side Gar.i;-- e A. FranklinService Station. ,"os i:. f..inll- - :iv. Ilmnephone svai."

roi: salel'a t n truck in A-- l s!i:ii.

DAN Till: AI TO MAN.Hear of 117 Tellers oi Klvd.

roil SALi:- - n,i- - pT- - yllinlT MIt-- h '.1 ;

Ford; Krit K il --

fder.one five ; r one

'"adiilae Motor Sales Co.

Fni: SAFE Automobile, cheap. Dblnio-bile- .

l'.'l.". model. ." .-r. Has beenrun H.1) miles. Call Home 1".T- -.

i on sam: ii.:osI'UK SAM: -- 1.'.0 T'prlRht pi m. luap:

a-- s new. Frt'iHh walnut raj.. r tasy u rnis. Call LIoll l'.';5; II ua;

l i i i i" l'.ai'!aUM ' a ' niiiinm- - 1 i

ln- - for iti.iiKiM am f u in 1 .1 n. A.nafe polish t" ii't.

C. W. Col'l'. M1SIC SHHS. Mii)i-a- n st.

Toll SAI.K ; I si'iarc piano, In pl:i-- I

ill roinlitlori ; aNo one oraa. I'.otli form vtTV ifaHonahl'. Also 10 larr' slidPiano txv. .1. M. Uns.'. ."11 S. Mi hij,'tnt. IIoiiu phono l'.'".".. l'c.'l pVmo

ion sali-- : hmmj i:stah:.mi:aimu i!i:ihik i'ai:m si iumvisiun.

I'.uy a lot in tlo count i y w lifif yon willl aniplo sp u-- to p!. nt your ardcii.iai' poultry. ft-- . T1j's' Iot ar' a No

sj..-- . i;i lly wt-1- aolaittod for lonl.liu lttsund aro nur Stop 1 u tl'o Nilt-- s car lino,.V fare- - Aero lots, .Iio to ::.". on twinof . SUH. ilcwn aiol .S1.h) jr M-.-- iii ir-i- t

acre lots. $70 to $110 on terms of .Sl.pooowu ainl o"' per week. South Ileiollo'alty Co., JJ. S. Main st. l'.ell 1771,Home

VACANT lotn for sale. .North Michiganst.. noar I.''per Park; South Mi-hiira-

st . la'tweo!i Fox :uuL D nalil ; Diamond av.j ii -- 1 north f Michigan av. : Slivrman nv..(".iio Mock vo'ltti of Michlrfau av.; ThomasM.. ") fn-t- . with laro house;Mar.iuottc a v.. Navarre plu-- . Win. II.) pp.lo:; Main st. Flther phone 1071.

Full SALK.Store-- Imllilhitr. .shelves and counters. In

e I condition; small house, lare ham,ui large lot. All for $U'VU0; $UM rash,ii.ilano- - on payimuts. A line opiiol'tuuityto o ia business.

HASTINGS.Uls N. Michigan St.

Homo M4-IMiO- iies l'.ell "11.I if tii e open ovniiuK.

V. .1. WAKD is invited to the nrphoumTheater this week, except Sunday, as

tlie truest u.f The News-Time- s.

riioici; lot for salo loeaU-- vn Sixth St..Kiver Fark. north of Mishawuka av.

This lot is high aul i.s covered with linetree. Wm. lFipp, -- o. S. Mln st. FItherphone l.r71.

FOll SALE.An SO-ae- re farm 0 miles from city, pool

lulldluf:s; will sell cheap. an"U take prop-erty aa first payment. Also 10 acres tract;i: acre truct, and four acre traci all with

Fxchanjo jjood Lotel for city propertyor farm.

W. K. .VellFNKY. 115 S. Mam Str.oll phone, "."jU; Home, 5733

FOK SAI.K.4 acre tract at liertrand stop on iuter-l;rhu- i.

10 acres. '2 mios ct of city limits.iJary proj.erty to exchange lor city jroj--it- y

or firms.WIIITCoMn AND KI'LI.FK.

lcffeion I'.ld. i'.oth Fi.oae i:;',7.

FOll S AI.F-- Sl-roo- I.oiis.. to bouioved. Inquire li:;o S. Main st.

1'OK SALE- - I'.arirain. .ottaire. Har-rison av. Gas. ciry water. G"od sized

lot ; Kr:,P' arLtor, fruit trees. Roll ."7'J.


FOR KENT Small farm. k("1 buieliajrs.ood soil, lts of fruit at a bargain for

r:'s!i reut. IPO' ihuJ0o.

X'OU KENT LL acres of rooI farm landcloso to city on S. ilh.hiaa road; uo

frulldlncs, J. r. Creed

rou slvij r.viois.I nil SlU: l.V acTCS well fen-- e l. Kits;

tlmher. Ho-jso- . bam and other build - !

lncs all in Soovi eo'Oltlon. Near ood mar- -

kcl. Iuuuire --'"' M. SLlmp, K. K.I ) j

lirirr, lud. Homo p!ioi;e i',ra:;er

3011 SALU tore, 7 room house, poodbarn, other buildi::, --Mj rui'.ej wet of

Magirs. near l and ehureh.aall payiueut down, $10 per mor.tU. E.

,1. Fogarty & J s liUtf-ll'om- e


ron sAi.K on nxciiAXtJi:.l i.-I-l SAi.F. Oil TRADE-- Furniture tor

ro.-.'uiin- Loum or lotel; wtll sell ih orlaviueiits Al- -. 1 eh"' trl ho-- l sli:::. WhatI .lie )..u t trade? Will ler .i'.;to:no-- l

iie. Addr.-v- s 11. N-- w s-- i :t:i .

McIIenry (voice) Ingersoll (violin). H 7S

Manufacturers of ToiletPreperation

The LaRelco Co. 501 S. Mich. H 1183


FRANK ANDREWS SON, njcent forExcelsior Motorcycle. New and second-

hand motorcycles always in stoek. J0.W, Sample st.

Meat MarketsJimmle'M Market. 128 K. Jeff. II 5fil2. II 612.

New Center Facklntr House Market. 110W Division. II 543. II 3022.

Jno Melber, 311 N Emerlck. 11898. H 332.

M II Ewald, 504 Wenger. H 123-1- . H 2993.

O V Darling. 503 Ohio. II 8673.

Mccarty's Cash .Market. 729 Mich At. T 5631.

R. t'rbanskl, 1031 Fisher, II 643S

H. B. Shanafelt. 902 Sorln. II 5291

Gallys Market, 106 N Walnut II 1930

B 1594. Weslowskl. 301 S Walnut. II 8138

Frank Lsmh, 2020 Linden II 8932Best Home Made Lard, 50 lbs. $6.25.

Mattress ManufacturersColumbia Mattress Ce. 413 NT Emerlck B168

Machine Shop

J B Haberle, 311 Hydraulic, 11 3321. B 321.

Oliver Johnson. 1913 W. Wash. II 3410.

I". Schafer & Sons, 1003 S. Lafayette II 8140

Motor RepairsFnlon Elri Mfg Co, 113 W Colfax P .ones

Nickel PlatingKwanton's Plating Wks Oak Fk Ct 11 7530

Notions WholesaleE. B. Rupel, 821 5. Mich. II 3770

Nurses,Mr F Whiteman, 1001 E Madison. II

13W, II 511.

Delia M Swartz. 611 K Bronson. B 3317.

Office Equipment & TypewritersTypewriter Shop 119 W Wash B 019 II C170

Oil CompaniesSouth ilend. Oil Co. II 2373 II 1244

Overall Manufacture1 he L. C. Gross Co. "Wizard Brand" II 6011


C. K. Clauer Co., 103 S. Mich. H 5748 B 621

OptometristDr. J. H. Ellis, 312 J. 31. 8. Bldg. II 2299

Osteopathic Physicians

Dr Geo V N'ienstedt, Osteopathic I'hysi-clan- .

Both Phones.

Painters, Decorators and PaperHangers

I W Lower Dec Co, 120 S .Mich.

L. Chclmlniak, 1109 W. Division St.

Piano MovingS A Beach. 105 Vistula. II 5754. B 604.

Plumbing and Gas Fitting

W J llraunsdorf, 221 St I'eter.

Painting, Paper Hanging, GlazingII 89C7, Datid Altmaai, 307 Chapln.

PianosH 8024 Geo. W. Herrlck, 128 N. Lafayette

Piano TuningFrank Ji. linger, l'iano Tuner, II 828

Pianos and Musical InstrumentsV W Copp, 22H S 3Iich. 11 6C50.

Plumbing and HeatingW H Burke, 214 E Jiff.John G Ivestler, 430 N Allen. H IK53.

Thos Williams. 122 L Jeff Blvd.

National Healing Company.BeH 307 Home C222.

J II Hawblitzcl, 1G12 Miami. 11 7320. B 4038

W. W. Sibley Co., 125-12- 7 S. St. Joe.


you au estimate on your plumbing andheating job, sewering and gas tittmg inconnection. Both phone II. 041b, B. 3710.

1CKNACES, 1 FUN AC E.s, FLKNACES.Now ia the time to lnsta'l them. Buy

the furnace with a reputation. 5XJ satis-fied customers ln South Bend. Expert In-

stallation guaranteed.HOLLAND FETES" ACE CO.,

J. 31. McKay, Itesident Manager.501 Michigan av. Home phone 8379


C. E. I'AVEYHeating and Plumbing Contra tor.

716 Blaine a. Home phone 6E0, Bell 1319

PhysiciansDr. It. II. Calvert, 111 S. Mich. II 5632

B 208'J. Hours 8 to 10, 1 to S. 7 to 8

Dr. A. E. Stonecipher, 5 Amer. Trust Bldg.11 2300. Hour U to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8

Picture Framing and Wall PaperFreyeruiuth Art Store, Hi N. Michigan

21aklelkl Art Shop, 118 N. Main Both 24O0

W. J. Neldhart. 114 E. Jefferson UHd.

Rubber Stamps and Stencils

D. Ariustroni:. 122 L. Colfax.

Fullerton-Powe- ll Hardwood Lumber Co.


LaFayette Hotel, S30 S Mich. II 5329.

Hotel Sheridan, 233 NT 3IIchlgan St.

Garrick Hotel and Har, 212 N Mich.

New Nickel Hotel, 119 N. Midn II 6740

Avenue Hotel 112-11- 4 YUtula II 1214

Hotel Windsor, Lafayette & SJUth II 5103

HardwareJ K MiKudarfer, 828 S Mich.

Harness, Saddles, Etcllufiswurm Bros, 113 E Wash A v.

Hardware and Furniture

Martin Kaniewski, 2101-120- 3 W. Division

Hardware StovesUrugger Hdw. Co., 1230 W. Wash. H C339

Hardware and Tin ShopJohn Haumgartner 727 Mich A? H 1092

Hair DressingManicaring and champooing, chiropody

and elcctrolysi treatment a specialty.Courteous treatment and pre nipt serviceout motto. 503-50- 4 J. M. jj. Illdg. Homephone 6191, Hell 637. The Comfort Shop.

, Ice Cream ManufacturersHollingsworth-Turne- r Co., 831 S. Main

Infants' FurnishingsThe llaby Shop, 808 Cottage Grove.

IceVacuum Ice Co. 11 6123. B 2221.

Beck & Ray, 1121 S. Main. II 5663.

JewelersFrank C Toepp, 210 W Jeff .Blvd. II 5472.

Calvin K Clauer, 103 S Mich. 11 5748. 11621.

Job PrintingMoore, the Printer, 110 E Wash.

Baile & Elliott, 218 S Michigan, Kear.

Home Mountain Ptg Co, 752 Cottage Grove

Jewelers and Opticiansthan M Scbuell, 218 S Mich. II 6245.

Kodaks Finishing and SuppliesSouth Bend Camera to, with J Burke &

Co. Opticians. 230 S Mich. II 2091.

Ladies' TailorsL. Goldberg, 218 W. Jeff.

Lumber and Building Materialbxnogor Lbr Co. 407 Laurel. II 5122. B 122.

LumberMcErlaln & Jackson Co, cor Tutt & Carroll.ZieKler-i?ande- r, 818 N". Emerlck. 11 5369,

B 419.

LiveryGreif's Livery, 210 N" Mich. B 207. II 5207.

H Joe Livery, 1023 W DIv. II 5378. B 121.

I. Ghier, II CO 27 B 2G81. 202 S. Chapln.

Laundry Dry CleaningDavits' Laundry. Phones 859. 5859.

Ideal Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co, 426 8Mich. H 5209. B 285.

Slick's Laundr. Co, 120 S 31ain.

Lawnmowers Sharpened.'oveJty Ilepair shop, C09 E. Jefferson.

. Called for and delivered. H. 8503.

LocksmithsD. Armstrong, 122 E. Colfax.

Life insuranceCcnserative Life of America, 11. 2947 H CG1S

Western & Soutliern, 410 Jeff Bldg B 2360

Public Savings Ins. Co., 30.'! Dean Bldg.

The People's Life of Illinois, 725 J. 31. S.

Standard National Life Insurance Co.601 Citizens' Bank Bldg. Home 1818


3Ir M A FUnn, 231 S. Mich. II C03. B 1813.

Van Gordcr's New Location 223 N 3Ilch.

Masons Supplies! Builder,' Supply & Spec Co, 243 E Tutt.

f II Defrees, 315 Taj lor. 11 327if B

A Sraogor A: sons. 151J W DHlMon. H 5i72.Ml .. Division, II 2454.


B 754 Cream Products Corp. II 1073

( r hIrkf Ulyz w Colfax.

South Bend Sanitary 3111k C. 1225 S 3IalnHeme 5693 Bell 2399.

Merchant TailorsA C 3Iurdock, 218 S Mich.

Sunnan & Gerber, 136 S 3IIch St.

Musical Conservatory8 B Conservatory both phs 'J07-21- 1 S 3Ialn

Motorcycles and Supplies3Iotorryrlo 3Ilkes Garage, 211 N 3Ilch.

G. H. Synder, 226 W". Wash., Indian mo-torcycles, pedalcyeles and supplies.

MonumentsC N Kdward. 411 S4 Mich.

A L Ceyer, 124 E Jeff. II 5518. n 793.

Delivery Wagons

Wlnkler-Grem- m Crp. XVaah. At. It 77T9

Dray Lines

John Wel, City Dray Line, II 180

EngraversSlick' Card Co, 12fl K Main.

Electric Machines and RepairsKline's Electric Co. Home 63fl3.

Electric Wiring and SuppliesB I) Moran. 421 8 Mich. II 107. II 6217.

Electrical Contracting & SuppliesW E William, 121 E Jefferson Blvd.

Foundry CastingsSibley Machine Tool Co, 200 E Tutt.

Fruits and ConfectionaryCha Glomi'g Famous Olive OH.

Furniture, Rugs and StovesI, M Schwartz, 421 S Chapln. Home 8217.

FurnitureA II Heller, 116 S Mich.

FloristsWilliams & Co. 138 S Mich. II 2227, li 769

South Iteud Floral Co. 216 S. Michigan.

Flour and FeedWesley Miller Flour & Feed Co, 420 8

Mich. II 5U(, li 853; 216 L Tutt, II 5102,It 8K5.

Starr Milling Co. Home 5097, Hell 97.

South Hend Grain Co, 615 Prairie ar.11 53C9. B 39.

Furniture and House FurnishingsFeistkorn Fur Co, 130 N Main. II 1421, B


Smith & Wherrett, S26-32- 8 Mich.

GroceriesBright' Gro., 643 Laporte.. U 7717, B 3-0-


O K Cash Grocery. Bell 3953. New 2lHi3.10 lbs Sugar for 51c wth SI order.

Martin Bros., 412 N Lafayette. II o801.B 3110

J. N". Beass, 323 W Marlon. 11 5345.

F. AV. .Mueller, 217 E Jefferson Blvd.

Geo Sommerer, 534 E tedfax. II 5340. U 1757.

A J Korpal, 325 Walnut. B 1192. II 2498.

L II Schuster, 1C02 Leer. 117218. HS374.

J F E Zinuner, 925 Blaine. II 7786. B 2922.

Frank (jooley, 1023 Mich Av. II 544.

l red Hostler, 731 Mich Av. 11 5311.

C H Baird, 904 Portage, II 5811. B 559.

B 4388 Mrs. J. T. Murphy, 602 N Frances

Fred Hathaway, 708 Sorln. 11 1564

D F Bailey & Co, 819 3 Mich. l'hones:Bell 155; Home 5153.

II. Steg man, 502 Wenger. II 5303. Homemade dill pickles 15c per doz.

Groceries Wholesale

Whiteman Bros. Co., 702-1- 4 S. Mich.

Groceries and ConfectioneriesW 31 feteller, 1524 Miauil. 11 7559.

Groceries and Meats

ltulo & Teeter, 224 E. 3Ionroe. 11 53C9. B 309.

W A ITagle, 1811 S Mich. B 1100. II 7335.

J t Fox, 627 E. Jeff. Ture Spring WheatFlour 2 4V. 49 uud 100 lbs. at 95c.S1.90 and .3.C0.

Special on Flour and Swift's Bacon andHams this week.

31 Balm, 230 S Chapln II 2053.

Van Gilder, 602 W. Division. 11 6301 B 4317

The Point Grocery and 3Iaxket, 331 MichAt. 11 1169. B 1705.

DUou & Locker, 2202 311sh. B 109, II 3333

Beliable Grocery A. Mkt. II 1406. B 933.

3L DuMont, 319 N. Hill. B. 3931.

H. llorka, 1922 3Ilch. Av. II 8105 B 2501

L. Hunimcr 705 Vistula II U57U B 568

General RepairingI i. V. ALLEN, 431 L. Lasalle. GoodsI tailed for and delivered. Bell 3329.


W. G. Nlles A-- to Station, 107-lU- O NT. St.Joe st., near Washington, II. I. )i29.


too small. Autos storage and washing.Both phones. Lincoln Garage, Kcpair &.Machine Shop, 220-22- 8 S. Lafayette st.

MAIN ST11EET GABAGE Automobile repairing by expert mechanU s. Autos

petent drivers. Home phone 2440, BeU510. Desonla and Labadie, 333 S. 3iain.

Groceries and Gen. Mdse.

Krelghbaum Store, 1214 Van Buren. H 7755.

Gross Bros. 435 S Chapln St. 11 6617

Albert Sledilkow ski, 1143 W Division.

General Mill Work and TurningNovelty Planing .Mill Co, 319 N Lnierick.

General Merchandise

M Gilbert 1' Son 807 S Chapln 113700 B10C5

House Moving and WreckingCity 31oinr A-- W iixur --su o"t fy LaureL

Bennett's tule, lil W DitUlvo.

Kable's Lunch, lot N Mich, 202 S Mich,

Inlun Cafe and Bar, 333-33- 3 H. Mich.

RepairingFMBHELLAs, loiks, baby cabs. D. Ana-stron- g,

122 Last Colfax.

Real Estate and InsuranceU' B t a.lv. rt, 115 LVoji Ulug. II

W K lcllenry, lis S .Main. 11 37. H

Janieii A JuJie, 112 S Main.

S. M. IUblnon JC Son, lii i Main It 61 ItJ. A. Met ollough 235 b Mich. II 11 iiII. A. Tohulka, 6 Amer. Bldg. II 1313 B 31

Amer. Trust to.. Ins. Dept., It 61 II (,

W. 1" -- urej, 122 S. Main. Home 3ii.Patent Attorney

Geo J OUsc'i, 711-1- 2 J M S Illdg. II 6110.

Sewing MachinesHavcrttock, the White Man. Sewing '

chines and Dress Form. 2iH . it a

Sheet Metal and FurnacesJno N 1 rank, 4oi N Scott. H 1356.

Shoe RepairingNelson & Marks. 127 E. JUuallty Shoe ICepalr Co, 130 N Mich.

South Bend uick Repair, Ur, 1; ,eff

Sporting Goods(ins Haslanger, 811 s. Miih.. II 5591

Second Hand StoresS. Tnslng, 134 li. Main II 5383

Sign PaintingKale Sign Co. 225 S. St. Joe H 8oO n 4021

Sand and Gravel.Geo J Hoffman Co. Both phone 1536- -

Second Hand StoresA. Pomeranz, 1237 W. Wash. II 3161

Sheet Metal and TinningM Klnscherff, 223Vi S Mich. Hear. 11 8JW9.

B 2735. AA Century Furnace.Soda and Mineral Waters

Wm Grlesenger, 406 N" Scott.

SpecialistsSI'KCIAL treatment of the eye, nose,

throat and ear. Now it the time: to-morrow may be too late. Dr. A. Wick-liM.n- i,

Suite No. 608 .1. V. S. Building.

Transfer and DeliveryII. J. Perkins, Home l'hone CC07.

TanksS. B. Welding Co., 220 S .Midi, rear, II 3414

C G I'olsom 31 1 Co, 613 S Scott

TheatersMajotlc 129 N. 311tJi. 11 G373

TailorsWm Spreng, 221 S 31ain, opp Y 31 C A.

Transfer and StorageII 8537 Frank hhafer, 227 t Cttrrol, rar

Teachers of Pianolarolen A. Walhridge, Director EitenhionIept., Sherwood Music Sthool. Cliicugo.

Traasfer and Delivery(has L Llliot, 113 E Wash. 11 113.II 5130 Ireland Transfer to , II 1073

Zimmer Dumbacher, Home 5171

Loughman & Loughman. H l.'U H 5127I CITY MOVING and WHFCKING CO. does

house ciotlag, boUting and haulingfafo, ooilt-r- , tc. W e also buy old haute.)itle, 407 S. Laurel st. llouie phoue 5122,Bell 122.

lit ANSI i; It it EN G cf all kLnd. Safes, pi-aa- cs

ajid housLold goods rioved witathe besi of tare. Huiiie liouo 5.91, Bell4'k-1- :. i'rowipt 1t.11 d 'ourtiuun erii- - ourmoltu. DowLiog; A. Hrvuxv IMi h. fraiaplft.

Taxi ServictWHY walk when you an ride aaviher

in the city, any time, day or nijht, fora quarter. Cull the Iwo-l- ut lil ervle,101 W. Monroe. Home Sjal. lkE 3754..Milton G. .niith, l'topractor.

Undertakerse'sou L Jones, Wayne and st Joseph.

L V MfGana x Co. l uion Made Lloo kliciusive.

A 31 ItusselE --07 S 31Ictu

Harry L Ycrritk. 219 S St Joe.

Varnish ManuiacturersO'Brien Yaruish Co. 101 Jobnoa II i'JJ

Violin Maker and RepairerFrederick C. Walllams, 5 Toepp Bbig.

VeterinarianKoy II Wolfe, 316 W JeJ. H 3112. B 441.

Window CleaningAm Window Cleaning Co, 111 L Wajce.

Wholesale Liquors

The Jloore Liquor Co. 41 S Chapln.

Edward Mueel. 116 YUluU Ave.

Home Llo.oe to, 4i8 S. Mihlgan.

Wholesale Fruit and ProduceSt-hule- Klingt-- 1 Jt Co. C.eo Butibach. 3Igr,

L. L. Hler l. C-- 'J cott. 11 3oCJ B Ol


AU'M.N'GS, Tent, Porch Curtains. WagonCovrrpt. Indiana Canras (io.nM Co., 108

XV. DiU;on t. Bell phone 2507.

Auto Tires and Vulcanizing

Tlioniit IIuMipr Vule Co. 131 VUtala.

Auto and Carriage Painting

South Urn (I Spring A'wcon & Cnrrlace Co.214 N M Jo-- . II 5:. II 183rt.

Auto Livery

I.inroln iar:itJ, Hejmlr & Macliine Shop,22R S. Lufuyrtlc

Sleplienxon'w, 120 Lincoln Way 'K.


Ilinklo Motor Car Co, 31. K Jeff.

Ko.i .Martin's Gar. & Hep. Shop. 200 K Jeff

Auto Truck Manufacturing Co.

Mith ISeiil Motor Cur Work. Itdl 2011.

Ai'to Trimmings

I.oomU & Stephens, 220 S LuTayette. n2001. Auto Top aril Seat Cover.

Attorneys at LawW'ritrlit A" II uliu. ?I( .1 M If f It r!11 C IVrKus, 233-- 6 Jeff Ilhlff. II ."JflSO.

1" J Houlihan, 122 Main. Title Hldsr.Loans, Insurance, Ileal Ktate. II 6133.

Heroth & Moon, 130-13- 8 X Main St.

Frank Gilmer and Frank II Hall.iKan, 220Jeff Hldg. Homo o2Hl. 11,11 2121.

W. N. Hersan, S25 Jeff Hid. II.CU3S. H 523

Graham & Crane Oddfellow' Illdg.

Harry Scunlon, 201-3-U- -7 Jcfferon llldg.

Oare Geyer 30 1- -3 J. M. S. II 8029 H G2

Artistic Decoratin'Loehr & Raiisherger, 214 N Mich. II 5772.

Artistic PhotographyHarry liaghy, 113 E Jefferson Hlvd.

Abstracts of TitleSt Joseph Abstract Co. Cltl7.cn' Itk lUdg.

Automobile Bodies

S. W. Nicholson Mfg. Co., II 13S1.

Artbt-Photographe- rs

Orpheum Studio, Orphcum ltldg. II a528

Auditing and Accounting

Amorican EflUicncy to. H 61; II 6G20.

Brewers and Bottlers

Jacott Hoffmann, 231 N. Mich. Jl 55i)l, II2373.

Bottling WorksCoca Cola Co., 431 S. Fellows 11 6010

Brewers and Bottling Assn,

South Hend Hrewing Ass'n. II 7780. II 780.

Battery Testing and Repairing

Fleet re Garage. 521 W. Wah.

Books, Stationery, Etc.

Miller' Hook store, 121 S Mich.

BanksFirst National, 01itr Hotel Uldg.

Business CollegesKellev Husines School, 120 E Wayne.

Hell ifl3. Home 2181.

Bakery and Restaurant.Sevmour's. 319 S .Mich. II 3991. B UU91.

BakersInlque Bake Shop

405 S. Michigan (Bran Bread.)

August Jahnke. 801 S Mich.

Weiss Bakery, 123 N' .Michigan St.

C N Koeler, 402 W Marion II 5320. II 520

lluse t o. IK6 l'ortage. II 1667. B 4081.

Building and Loan Associations

St Joseph CounCy Loan a: aing -- vssoua-Don. 211 W Jeff.

7T. ;

ruun " - - -- - -

Builders' SuppliesStaples-Hildebran- d. lit i:. Colfa. II 1114.

Corset Shop

I.oduska Corset shop, 130 S Main.

Coffee &. Tea Wholesale, Retail

Grand I nion Vej Co, 4J1 S Mich St.

Coffee and TeaI J llrenuan, H03 S MUh.

Cash Register119 W. Colfax National Cash llegister Co.

Coal and TransferG C Hartman, 405 E Madls'in. li G531. II 7a

Contractorssnuigor Lbr Co, 407 Laurel. 115122. B 122.

Cigar Mfgrs.

31 Hazinskl, Zoi s Chapln. 115527 11 533,

Cleaners and Dyers

sti.rr lry ( l?unr. i too. II 531

Paris Dry Cleaning Co, 532 N Emerlck.

Waltcr. 121 W. aro. H

IHCOWN'S DICV fLEAMNT. S1IOI doework Just a little better, just a little

cheaper. ;pt our price. Home phone4T4, Hell phone 1S71. 127 N'. Iaifayette nt , '

next to V. W. C. A.


i;n. iioMi: riioxi; r.-i-M. iikll vj3. a.


VOT CAN cet the best by jrUlnj? us n tt.CKXTKAL IlKV CLKA XINIi, Vistulaand Washlnfiton uvn. Home phone 8000.Guy V. Wood. Proprietor.


Harry II Smith, 218 W Wayne.

C It Ithineliart, C03 Citizen' Hank IJldg:.

( HIKOritACTIC in the Science of Remov-ing nerve implgnment by ptnal ailjust-nien- t,

thereby removing' the cause of dis-ease. A. V. Snyder, Chiropractor, 110Wayne tt. Hell MO I.

Mary 11. 1 lower, 1. C. 223 S. Main.


DR. CRAVEN'S See him at his own homein ()ceola, Ind., where he will give read-

ings daily and cure the kick without medi-cine. At home at all hour. Celebrated $3readings, &1. AH interurban car otop infront of hi door. Yon will not alwayshave Dr. Craven with you. Hour 10 a.in. to 3 p. m. Other hour by appoint-ment. Hell phone 1. Heals hick withoutmedicine.

Cigars Billiards

Sidney l uger, 116-11- 8 K. Jeff.

Coal and FeedW I) Shlnip, 1C13 W WasTi av.

Confectionery, Ice Creamand Cigars

1'uUchen's, 1P09 S. Mich. It 1213 11 7503

Cedar Chests

Acin Mfg Co, 320 Sycamore.

Coal and JunkSchulman & Frank, 311 Scott. II 5CS7.

Coal and Wood

Staple & Harilman, 612 Diamond. II 7711.

Coffee Roaster

HasucllN toffee Ranch, 133 N Mich.

Confections, Ice Cream, etc.

l'hone Emerlck's II 2134 We Deltver

Coal and TransferDick JohBAon. Coal. II 58 SO II 3170

Confectionery and Ice CreamW. S. Stoop, 413 I'enn Av. II 8158

Coal, Feed and CementIHxon & Locker, 2203 Mlsh. II 108M II 3333

Coal and Ice

Rlter Park Fuel & I ced Co., 812 17fh

Cigars and BilliardsHios Mosh, 803 Mtcli.

Coal, Coke and Wood

Arthur Miller, 520 E Sample.) Loughmun & Loughman, 801 S. Main

Dentists5812. 8SG, Dr. J. A. Stoeekley, 511 J 31 S

i B 2357 Dr. S. S. Clark, 110 W. Wash.

Carson & Hosier, 302 S 31ich over Sax store

Dr. D. E. Cummins. 129 W. Colfax II 5052B 313

7ank I. llager. 102 Dean Bldg. II 6560B ;:I99; 8:30 to 5:30 dally, Thurs. Sat eve.

Ad vaiue Dental Co.. 102 S. Mich. l 2006

E. Pavson ID S 3i0 S. .Mich. II 2138

Drugs WholesaleCoonley Drug Co., 101 S Mich. 11 26 II T026

Drugs and Religious SuppliesNicholas .Vhllling. 303 S .Mich.

Drug and Photo SuppliesIt II Kuss, i)07 S 3?i?b.

The Cut Hate Drug Store, 121 N Mich.

Otto Bastian. 209 S .Mich.

DrugsG A Senrich & Co. 216 W Wah II 5144

A W Buff. 801 Mich Av.

11 L Spohn, 1323 S 3Ilch.

L A Kolupa Co, 407 S Chapln.

Modern Pharmacy, 803 S Chapln. II 2102

Amerban Drug t o, 133 N Main St.

II E 1 reehafer Co, 1248 W Wash.

White's Pharmacy. 1301 W Wash. II 5307.

Krehller' Pharmacy. 801 S 3Iich.

31 Tomasiewskl, 1136 W DHlsIon. II 5881.

G 1- - Cimmeriiian, 902 l'ortage. H 2114.B 1271.

J J Klaer. -- 30 E Lasalle. II 1658.

L. J. Steinkold. C01 South Bend Ale.

Detective AgencyWeaver Det. A gey 201-- 2 JefT Ilblg II 391J

Dairy Lunch

Hergus Lunch. 133 N. 3IUh B 3141.

Bostn Dairy Luanda. 125 W. JeT B 193S


felt SALE Oil EXCHANGE Ten acretract of land with uev ten roo:u I.o.:sc

liid bara. two n:il.s rortl.oa.st vf MIh-aks- .

Will accept vacant It or iui-p- r

owd pro;vrtv as part pa UieiiLHASTINGS.

IIasrinif HulhilTiC. -- IS N. Mh-h- St.liee C ia-l'lio- l;eS- lkll -- H-


payUiOiit, IS acre farrv. G-- buildings,olL J vt k.T fruK. Isjuire S.L,od Ucil phoi;e lJU'w

pill SALE nil EXCHANGE 0 non f ;r:uia MloLlgs 1 fv.r S-- utL Ee:;d di ..r

't acre suburban ";4liie $2.mi.''ear. Warl clvar. W. 1L Smlt o-- Sn . Fmerbk.


I am laalu? ni r.cy 1 r p'ojile outsb'.eif thli stab oL iariu aiid city propertiesIt m l-- r t'iit. 1 l.ae s a.e for you.

YHJTOli M. CUUK.iastla UiiZ- - Home CH0.