woodside flange bolting stud

CONTROLLED DOCUMENT Title: FLANGE BOLTING STANDARD Controlled Ref No: W1000SM3131997 Revision: 2 Name Date Prepared by: G Ralls 8/1/09 Approved by: M Hamblin 13/1/09 Custodian: Godfrey Howard 28/1/09 Concurrence (Agreement that must be obtained if an item is prepared external to, but impacts, a department or division. If concurrence is required, it must be noted within the body of the item). 1. 2. 3. Woodside Management System Sub-processes MUST obtain concurrence endorsement from BopCom. The date of the BopCom meeting where endorsement is granted should be indicated below. BopCom Endorsement Meeting date when endorsement granted: REVISION HISTORY Revision Description Date Prepared by Approved by 00 Merged W8000MM001 and L0000AG143374 03/2007 D Gomes M Hackett 01 Clarification of bolting sequence 11/2007 M Davey M Hackett 02 Revised to allow use on external website 01/2009 G Ralls M Hamblin INFORMATION SECURITY CONFIDENTIALITY CLASSIFICATION (Check one box only) REVIEW STATUS (Check one box only) PREPARED (Check one box only) Unclassified (Shared without Restrictions) Review on/by (20/05/2011): By WEL Restricted (Freely Shared within Woodside and Associated Companies) Review Not Required For WEL Under PO/Contract No: Confidential (Shared With Selected Personnel) Most Confidential (Strict Need-to-Know Basis) This document is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced, adapted, transmitted, or stored in any form by any process (electronic or otherwise) without the specific written consent of Woodside. All rights are reserved. Controlled Ref No: W1000SM3131997 Revision: 2 Native file DRIMS No: 3131997 Page 1 of 53 Uncontrolled when printed. Refer to electronic version for most up to date information.

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Controlled Ref No: W1000SM3131997 Revision: 2

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Prepared by: G Ralls 8/1/09

Approved by: M Hamblin 13/1/09

Custodian: Godfrey Howard 28/1/09

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00 Merged W8000MM001 and L0000AG143374 03/2007 D Gomes M Hackett

01 Clarification of bolting sequence 11/2007 M Davey M Hackett

02 Revised to allow use on external website 01/2009 G Ralls M Hamblin


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Title: Flange Bolting Standard

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PREFACE Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) has developed a suite of Engineering and Technical Standards and Guidelines. It is intended that these reflect the most suitable engineering practices for use on all new WEL facilities as well as the modification of existing facilities. The application of the Standards is mandatory. The applications of Guidelines are to support the implementation of the Standards, and are considered best practice, but are not mandatory. The Standards are based on the experience acquired by WEL personnel and contractors during WEL’s involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of WEL processing units and facilities. Where appropriate, the Standards are based on or make reference to national and international standards and codes of practice. The objective of this publication is to ensure the overall integrity of engineering design and to achieve maximum technical and economic benefits through the standardisation of engineering and technical practices. The use by WEL contractors or manufacturers/suppliers of the Engineering and Technical Standards contained in this publication does not relieve them of any responsibility whatsoever for the quality of design, materials and workmanship that they have been engaged to provide. Where the standards to be used for a certain application are not provided for in this publication, WEL expects that the standards that are used will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in this publication. If WEL contractors or manufacturers/suppliers have any doubt as to the relevant standard to use, then they must consult WEL, however they will remain responsible at all times for the use of the most appropriate standard. Specific requirements may be added as an addendum to these Standards and Guidelines for various projects. Project specific requirements must not depart from the requirements of the Engineering and Technical Standards contained in this publication. Where changes or additions to these Standards are required, they must be raised as a deviation and presented to the WEL Technical Authority for consideration. WEL grants the right to use these Standards and Guidelines to WEL’s consultants, contractors and suppliers who are contractually authorised to do so and to any tier of contractor to its consultants, contractors and suppliers who are contractually required to comply with them. DISCLAIMER WEL and its joint venture partners disclaim any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any standard, combination of standards or any part thereof contained in this publication.

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1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 6 1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................. 6 1.2 Summary ........................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Aims of this Standard ..................................................................................... 6

2 BOLT STRESS LEVELS FOR ASME FLANGES.......................................... 7 2.1 Criteria for Selection of Bolt Stress for ASME Flanges................................... 7 2.2 Stipulated Bolt Stress Levels for ASME Flanges ............................................ 7

3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLANGE & CLAMP MAKE UP.................................. 8 3.1 ASME Flange Assemblies .............................................................................. 8 3.2 Gasket Selection ............................................................................................ 8 3.3 Bolt Tensioning Equipment............................................................................. 8 3.4 Bolt Torquing Equipment ................................................................................ 9 3.5 Sequence of Bolting ....................................................................................... 9 3.6 Making Up Clamp Connectors........................................................................ 9 3.7 The Use of Flange & Clamp Connector Checklists....................................... 10 3.8 Accuracy, Calibration and Care of Equipment .............................................. 10 3.9 Re-use of Stud Bolts and Nuts ..................................................................... 10 3.10 Re-use of Ring Tight Joints (RTJ) ................................................................ 11 3.11 Use of Threaded inserts ............................................................................... 11 3.12 Sight Glass Refurbishment ........................................................................... 11

4 GUIDANCE ON MAKE UP OF SPECIAL FLANGE TYPES........................ 12 4.1 Ameron GRE Flange Assemblies ................................................................. 12 4.2 DIN Flange Assemblies ................................................................................ 12 4.3 Non-steel flanges.......................................................................................... 12

5 PROCEDURE FOR HOT BOLTING ............................................................ 13 5.1 Hot Bolting to Replace Corroded Bolts ......................................................... 13 5.2 Hot Bolting to Replace Non-Corroded Bolts ................................................. 14

6 TIGHTENING OF LEAKING JOINTS UNDER PRESSURE ........................ 15 6.1 Instructions for Tightening Leaking Joints Under Pressure........................... 15

7 INSULATING FLANGES.............................................................................. 16

8 REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 18

APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................ 19

APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................ 20

APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................ 25

APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................ 28

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APPENDIX E ........................................................................................................... 30

APPENDIX F............................................................................................................ 33

APPENDIX G ............................................................................................................ 34

APPENDIX H ............................................................................................................ 35

APPENDIX I.............................................................................................................. 36

APPENDIX J............................................................................................................. 37

APPENDIX K ............................................................................................................ 48

APPENDIX L............................................................................................................. 51

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1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This document covers the philosophy and bolt stress levels for steel flanges and clamp

connectors. Other flange materials are not considered (eg. cast iron, plastic). Refer to the Mechanical Integrity Custodian for the make up of these flanges.

1.2 Summary It is important for flanges to be tightened up correctly to minimise problems such as

gasket deformation, leaks and misalignment. This standard outlines the procedures that shall be used within Woodside to

standardise the method in which flanges and clamp connectors are made up. 1.3 Aims of this Standard The objectives of this standard are:

• To specify a bolt stress level that can be safely applied to ASME flanges and Clamp Connectors for each flange and bolt material type.

• To develop a philosophy for the controlled bolt loading of ASME flanges and Clamp Connectors to include:

- Bolting procedures for different flange installations. - Procedures on the use of tensioning and torquing equipment. - Checklists for the correct installation of flanges, connectors and sight-

glasses. - Calibration requirements for equipment. - Instructions on the re-use of stud bolts. - Instructions on the use of threaded inserts. - Procedures for the refurbishment of sight-glasses.

• To set standards on hot bolting to replace corroded and non-corroded bolts.

• To set standards on tightening of leaking joints under pressure.

• To standards for correct gasket selection.

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2 BOLT STRESS LEVELS FOR ASME FLANGES 2.1 Criteria for Selection of Bolt Stress for ASME Flanges See W8000CM001 for discussion. 2.2 Stipulated Bolt Stress Levels for ASME Flanges The stipulated bolt stress levels are shown in Table 1.

Bolt Specification Bolt Material Minimum Bolt Yield


Req’d Bolt Stress Level

Percentage of Bolt Yield

A193-B7, A320-L7

and equivalent

Carbon steels Duplex Stainless Steels

Super Austenitic Stainless Steels Zeron

655 290 MPa 44% Min Yield

A193-B8M Class 2 316 Stainless Steel 345 174 MPa

50% Min Yield

Table 1: Stipulated Bolt Stress Levels

Note: The minimum yield value for bolts varies with the material grade and the bolt diameter. In

the bolt yield column above, the lowest minimum yield value is shown. e.g. For B7 bolts of diameter 2 1/2” and less, the minimum yield is 725 MPa. For B7 bolts of diameter greater than 2 1/2”, the minimum yield is 655 MPa.

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3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLANGE & CLAMP MAKE UP Experience has proven that the likelihood of a leaking joint following maintenance is significantly reduced if the joint is made up using controlled procedures and techniques. One of the aims of this document is to eliminate the practice of flogging up flanges in critical services and as such the following methods shall be used.

3.1 ASME Flange Assemblies

All flanges in critical services such as hydrocarbons, glycol and hot oil or rated 900 lbs and above non critical services shall have their bolts tightened to the stipulated stress levels for their piping material class and a Flange Checklist must be used.

a) Whenever physically possible all flanges with bolt diameters 1 3/8” and greater

shall be tensioned using Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning equipment. Refer to Appendix B for the offshore bolt tensioning procedure.

b) Whenever physically possible all flanges with bolt diameters 1 3/8” and greater

shall be tensioned using Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning equipment.

(Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning equipment produces a more accurate bolt tensile stress in flange make ups; however it does require additional stud length to facilitate the use of the specialised equipment, for this reason it may not be practicable to use on all WEL facilities)

3.2 Gasket Selection The appropriate gasket is selected by cross-referencing the P&ID line details with the

relevant Piping Material Specification. An example of gasket selection is provided in Appendix A for training purposes.

3.3 Bolt Tensioning Equipment Appendix B details the procedure to be used on tensioning equipment. This shall be

used in all cases. Also in Appendix B are two tables of hydraulic pressures to be used with:

a) Furmanite “Hydratight” bolt tensioning equipment.

b) Hedley Purvis “Hypur-Mate” bolt tensioning equipment.

These tables provide the recommended tool type and its corresponding pressure for each bolt size 1-3/8” and greater. Care must be taken to use the correct pressure for the listed equipment and tools as the hydraulic areas on different tools vary. (Note that the pressures have been calculated to obtain the bolt stress specified in Section 2.2.)

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3.4 Bolt Torquing Equipment

Appendix C details the procedure to be used on torquing equipment. This shall be used in all cases. Also in Appendix C is a chart detailing recommended bolt torques. This assumes a friction factor of 0.11 (This friction factor is based on the use of graphite based anti-seize and is not affected significantly by the respective stud and bolt surface treatment). The torque table can also be used to determine the pressures for the “HyTorc” equipment. Conversion charts are attached to Appendix D and for a bolt torque give a corresponding hydraulic pressure. It is important, however, that for a particular bolt size the correct pressure is used with the correct tool. There is potential for over/under torquing of bolts if pressures and tools are mixed.

3.5 Sequence of Bolting

Tightening sequence for flange make-up

3.6 Making Up Clamp Connectors Clamp connectors, such as Destec and Grayloc clamps, have not been used extensively

on offshore process piping, and their design is not controlled by a dimensional industry standard. Subsequently, all clamp connectors shall be assembled according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommended bolt torque values (see Appendices F to H).

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3.7 The Use of Flange & Clamp Connector Checklists Prior to the make up of any ASME flange or Clamp Connector, it should be inspected to ensure that the correct parts are being used and that there is no damage to the joint. An inspection check list (such as those attached in Appendix I) should be filled out for every joint made up in critical services. A checklist should be completed for:

a) All flanged joints in hydrocarbon service.

b) All flanged joints in chemical service.

c) All flanged joints in steam service.

d) All flanged joints for class 300 flanges and over.

e) All flanged joints for class 150 flanges, DN100 and above

3.8 Accuracy, Calibration and Care of Equipment

Two benefits of using tensioning equipment on flanges are that surfaces are pulled together squarely and that the load stress applied to each of the bolts is much more accurate than other methods. Typically, bolt tensioning is accurate to ± 10% when bolt length to diameter ratio is greater than 5:1. In comparison, the accuracy of bolt torquing is in the order of ± 30%. In order to obtain the best flange joints possible it is important that equipment is adequately maintained. Hired tensioning equipment should be serviced every 3 months by the manufacturer’s service representative. The content of this service can be as recommended by the service representative, however, should involve tool stripping, cleaning, checking of seals and a visual examination. The equipment should also be calibrated against a test gauge and a service record maintained. Similarly, Woodside owned hydraulic torquing equipment should be serviced every 3 months by Woodside personnel. The torquing equipment should be stripped, cleaned and calibrated to a calibrated test gauge. In addition to this, the torquing equipment should be lubricated prior to use. Note also that more frequent servicing may be required if the torquing equipment is being used on a daily basis.

3.9 Re-use of Stud Bolts and Nuts

Stud bolts and nuts (of all materials) can be re-used where necessary, subject to the following:

a) There is no noticeable degradation.

b) They are free from obvious defects (corrosion, cracks, etc.).

c) There is no sign of yielding (i.e. deformed threads, stud shaft, etc).

d) Nuts must run freely by hand on the bolt.

In addition to the above points, please note the following about the re-use of bolts:

a) 316SS (A4) bolts installed prior to 30/06/2000 are not to be re-used.

b) Carbon Steel bolts of size 5/8” and below are not to be re-used.

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For joint assemblies on the critical path of a maintenance or shutdown program (or where tight time schedules are to be adhered to), it is recommended that replacement bolting be made available in case the existing bolting is found to be unfit to return to service.

3.10 Re-use of Ring Tight Joints (RTJ)

316 SS RTJ rings may be re-used where necessary, subject to close inspection by an experienced pipe fitter provided there are no signs of damage to the ring such as corrosion, bruising, flat spots or scoring. For joint assemblies on the critical path of a maintenance or shutdown program (or where tight time schedules are to be adhered to), it is recommended that replacement RTJ rings be made available in case the existing ring is found to be unfit to return to service.

3.11 Use of Threaded inserts

Threaded inserts can be used provided:

a) A technical deviation is registered.

b) They are only used in steel based materials.

c) They are made only of Inconel X750 material.

d) The thread insert length is at least 1.5 times the bolt/stud diameter.

e) The manufacturer’s installation procedure is followed.

f) All threads are engaged.

g) Drilled and tapped holes with incomplete or damaged threads are not used.

h) The minimum remaining thickness (NOT pressure containing section) after drilling and tapping a hole is not less than 0.25 times the maximum diameter of the drilled and tapped hole.

3.12 Sight Glass Refurbishment

Appendix J contains a checklist for sight glass refurbishment.

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4 GUIDANCE ON MAKE UP OF SPECIAL FLANGE TYPES 4.1 Ameron GRE Flange Assemblies Due to the nature of the fibreglass construction material, all GRE flanged joints should be

assembled according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommended bolt torque values (see Appendix E).

4.2 DIN Flange Assemblies Guidelines for the make up of DIN flanged joints are currently under review. Should any

assistance be required regarding DIN Flange Assemblies, contact Technical Services and Integrity Group (Mechanical) – OZE4.

4.3 Non-steel flanges Only steel flange assemblies are covered by this document. Refer to the mechanical

integrity custodian (OZE4) for make up of other material flanges (eg. cast iron, plastic).

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5 PROCEDURE FOR HOT BOLTING 5.1 Hot Bolting to Replace Corroded Bolts

The practice of replacing corroded bolts one at a time on live systems is widespread in many industries. The major concern is of a gas leak rather than bolt failure during hot bolting. To check the integrity of the flange is not compromised during this operation, the Taylor-Forge method from ASME was used to generate the calculations in A8000CM001. Based on these calculations hot bolting shall only be carried out on Class 150 and 300 flanges that have 8 or more securing fasteners. Hot bolting on Class 600 and 900 flanges that have 8 or more studs is also acceptable if the operating pressures are limited to 8 MPa and 12 MPa respectively, due to inadequate bolting after allowance has been made for corrosion. On 4 bolt flanges it is feasible to hot bolt up to Class 900 based on the calculations, however, the possibility of a leak is quite high due to the large bolt spacing. It is therefore allowable to hot bolt flanges with 4 securing fasteners only with the installation of two external clamps. See Appendix K for guidelines on selection and placement. The flange clamps that are readily available in the market (Lindapter) are only suitable for Class 150 and 300 flanges. These clamps cannot be used on Class 600 or 900 flanges due to limited space and/or inadequate capacity. Therefore, hot bolting of the flanges with 4 securing fasteners is limited to Class 150 and 300. Hot bolting is not permitted on Class 1500 and 2500 flanges due to inadequate bolting strength and the heightened consequences of a leak developing. A table summarising the hot bolting procedure is given below.

Summary of Hot Bolting Procedure to Replace Corroded Bolts

Class 4 securing fasteners 8 or more securing fasteners

150 Yes (with clamps installed) Yes

300 Yes (with clamps installed) Yes

600 No Yes (limit pressure to 8 MPa)

900 No Yes (limit pressure to 12 MPa)

1500 No No

2500 No No

Hot bolting is considered to be a potentially hazardous practice and shall only be undertaken when all other options have been considered and there remains an outstanding, fully justified operational advantage.

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In all cases the tightening of joint fasteners shall be done by controlled means. The ‘flogging’ of fasteners is not permitted. The removal or existing studs should be done without applying excess strain, shocks or heat on the system. Hot bolting shall be controlled under the Permit to Work system. The possibility of a leak should always be considered and such scenarios should be fully developed, with personnel protection and support services available on stand-by. If leaks develop then it is permissible to ‘nip-up’ these joints whilst the system is pressurised in accordance with Section 5.0. It is preferred that every attempt be made to depressurise the line prior to attempting any tightening of leaking joints.

5.2 Hot Bolting to Replace Non-Corroded Bolts

Due to the extra capacity of the bolts when loss of bolt area to corrosion is not allowed for, hot bolting of non-corroded bolts is allowed on Class 600 and Class 900 flanges with more than 8 securing fasteners without limiting the pressures. This is the only change to the above procedure. A summary of the hot bolting procedure to replace non-corroded bolts is given below.

Summary of Hot Bolting Procedure to Replace Non-Corroded Bolts

Class 4 securing fasteners 8 or more securing fasteners

150 Yes (with clamps installed) Yes

300 Yes (with clamps installed) Yes

600 No Yes

900 No Yes

5B1500 No No

2500 No No

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6 TIGHTENING OF LEAKING JOINTS UNDER PRESSURE 6.1 Instructions for Tightening Leaking Joints Under Pressure

Under controlled conditions it is acceptable to tighten a leaking ASME flange or Clamp Connectors whilst under pressure. Leaking joints are mostly found during post maintenance commissioning activities such as leak testing using either nitrogen or hydrocarbons. Experience has proven however, that if the Flanges and Clamps are tightened under controlled conditions using approved procedures such as that detailed on the “Check Lists” then the number of leaking joints found will be significantly reduced to the order of 1% of all joints tested.

The results of trials undertaken by SIPM (see reference 12) support this view and prove

that tightening leaking joints even under full test pressure can reduce down time without compromising safety.

Procedures for tightening leaking joints will vary from case to case depending on the

operational constraints affecting a particular activity. The following criteria should be used

a) Bolts loads shall only be checked or tightened on a single bolt at a time. b) Tightening should be attempted with the system pressure at less than 4 MPa. c) Bolt loads shall only be applied using controlled techniques and equipment such

as torque wrenches, torque guns and hydraulic tensioning gear. d) The recommended bolt loads detailed in this standard can be exceeded as

follows: For ASME Flanges - all sizes 10 % For Destec Clamps - up to size G2 20%, - size G3 to G8 25%, - size G10 and above 30% For Grayloc Clamps - all sizes 50% For Galperti Clamps - all sizes 25% Note: Working outside the above instructions should not be attempted without prior

consultation with the appropriate Technical Authority.

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7 INSULATING FLANGES The sketch below shows a flange type insulation joint using an insulating gasket assembly to provide electrical isolation between dissimilar piping materials. Insulating joints are designed to prevent galvanic corrosion and/or cathodic current cross flow.

Flanges shall be free of pits, gouges, rust, debris, oil and grease. Surface finish shall be no greater than 250 RMS. Check and remove burrs from bolt holes and flanges. Ensure bolts and nuts are clean and nuts rotate freely along length of the stud. Minimise the possibility of steel washer distortion and subsequent damage to insulating washer. Nuts should be flat faced to maximise contact area with washer and minimise possibility of deflection. Steel washers should be flat and extra thick for strength. Open the insulating kit and confirm components are as specified. Check the gasket ID. It should be no greater than the flange ID. The insulating washers shall have sealed edges to prevent ingress of moisture. Insulating gaskets that lack history of successful application shall be tested to the satisfaction of the Principal; prior to being considered for evaluation along with already proven gaskets. Align flanges so they are concentric and parallel and insert gasket carefully. No lubricant, grease or adhesives shall be used on the gasket or flange faces. Do not damage sealing element. Line up bolt holes with non-tapered drift pins using preferably three at 120 degrees separation (large flanges) but at least two at 180 degrees separation. Insert bolt sleeves. Do not force! If force is needed recheck / realign flanges. Apply non-conductive lubricant to threads and the nut face contacting the steel washer. This will help to reduce galling of the insulating washer on the flange. WARNING: Do not use nickel based anti-seize. It is electrically conductive and will provide a path for current leakage across the flange.

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Install studs, steel washers, insulating washers and nuts. Cross-tighten bolts until flange to gasket contact has been made. Check for a flange segment that may show a gap or separation between gasket and flanges using a feeler gauge. If a gap exists the flanges are not parallel and shall be realigned. Misaligned flanges can result in excessive flange to gasket contact forces when nuts are tightened. The subsequent gasket damage may destroy electrical insulation properties. Tighten nuts as per section 3.1 Making Up ASME B16.5 Flanges WARNING: The non-conductive lubricant will have a different friction factor that invalidates the torque values listed in section 7.4. Seek engineering advice from the mechanical integrity custodian to determine appropriate torque values

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Item Number Title

1 R.D Tscheuschler, “The Basic Problem with Bolt Connections” Oil & Gas Aust. November 1985.

2 E.C Rodabaugh, “Background of ANSI B16.5 Pressure

Temperature Ratings” 1972 3 Hydratight - Various Publications 4 Furmanite - Various Publications

5 AS 1210 - 1989, “Unfired Pressure Vessels”

6 AS 2465 - 1981, “Unified Hexagon Bolts, Screws and Nuts” 7 AS 2528 - 1982, “Bolts, Studbolts and Nuts for Flanges and

Other High + Low Temperature Applications”

8 AS 3635 - 1990, “Unified Screw Threads, Associated Gauges, and Gauging Practices”

9 API 601 - 1988, “Metallic Gaskets for Raised Face Pipe

Flanges and Flanged Connections” 10 Shell DEP, “Piping General Requirements”

11 Shell DEP, “Equipment and Tools for Maintenance and Inspection, part 2, Bolt Tensioning”

12 D. Dykes, “Flange Bolt Tensioning - Avoid Rework.” Shell

Production Newsletter, March 1995

13 Shell UK Exploration and Production, “Maintenance and Inspection Code of Practice, No. 1.003, Bolting for Containment”, Maintenance and Inspection Management System, 3804-002.

14 Bickford, J.H, “An Introduction to the Design and Behaviour of Bolted Joints”, New York.

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APPENDIX A GASKET SELECTION EXAMPLE The line class and diameter specified on the P&ID is cross-referenced with the ‘Offshore Piping Material Specification’ to determine the correct gasket. E.g. Interpret the P&ID line details as follows:

P – 80 – X – 9A

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The new offshore piping class in the rationalised piping specification is selected using the ‘Cross Reference for Replaced Offshore Piping Classes’ table in W9000MX001 part 1. Eg. NRA piping class ‘9A’ is equivalent to piping class 91428 in the rationalised piping specification from the table:

Class Material Notes C.A. (mm)

Temp. Range GWA NRA

91428 CS 0°C min 1.5 0 / 250°C 9C1, 9C3 9A All relevant information pertaining to each piping class is contained within the data sheets. Eg. For piping class 91428

ITEM DESC DN 15 20 25 40 50 80 100


SWCI CLASS 900 10060927 10060928 10060929 10061055 10060931 10060921 1000922

Therefore, for an 80mm Class 9A flange assembly (corresponding to rationalised piping class 91428 in the new piping specification W9000MX001), the correct gasket selection is material no. 10060921. Note: prior to installation the gasket dimensions should be checked with the manufacturer’s catalogue to ensure correctness.

Service Designation

Line Size

Sequential Numbering

Piping Class

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Additional Precautions When Using Hydraulic Equipment.

1. Ensure that adequate safety gear is being worn and that work permit

requirements are being met. 2. Particularly ensure that glasses and thin gloves that do not restrict hand

movements are worn. 3. Before using the hydraulic equipment check for any defects. - Particularly check the hydraulic hoses for any cracks or damage. - Ensure that the hoses have been inspected and tagged within the last 3 months

4. When first applying pressure to the system recheck for any leakage of hydraulic fluid.

To be followed in conjunction with the “Flange Check List”.

1. Before torquing the bolts, ensure that the threads and the nut/flange contact face are coated with nickel based anti-seize. Anti-seize should not be applied to the gaskets. PTFE coated bolts should also be lubricated with anti-seize.

2. Install bolts and hand-tighten. Flanges should be squared and concentric using a

straight edge and verniers. Check for correct positioning of both the bolts and the gasket.

3. Ensure exposed stud bolt thread above each nut is at least 1.5 bolt diameters. This is

to accommodate the jacking nut of the hydraulic tensioning equipment. WHEN USING ENOUGH TENSIONERS FOR HALF OF THE BOLTS. (i.e. 50% TENSIONING)

1. Using the tables attached select the hydraulic pressures A & B along with the appropriate tool type for the bolt size to be tightened.

2. Fit tensioning tools to every other bolt and apply pressure A. Tighten nuts and relax

pressure. (Note that the nuts should be quite firmly tightened by hand using a Tommy bar. Nuts should be tightened as uniformly as possible.)

3. Reapply pressure A, tighten the nuts and relax the pressure. Repeat this step once

again. I.e. there should be 3 applications of pressure and relaxation before the next set of nuts is started.

4. Shift the tensioning tools to the other half of the bolts and apply pressure B.

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Tighten nuts and relax pressure.

5. Reapply pressure B, tighten the nuts and relax the pressure. Repeat this step once again. I.e. there should be 3 applications of pressure and relaxation before the next set of nuts is started.

6. Shift the tensioning tools back to the first half of the bolts and apply pressure B.

Check the nuts are tight. If any nuts require tightening repeat this step for the other half of the bolts. Continue this until no nut rotation occurs.


1. Using the tables attached select only hydraulic pressure B along with the appropriate tool type for the bolt size to be tightened.

2. Fit tensioning tools to the first set of bolts as per the diagram attached and apply 40%

of pressure B. Tighten nuts and relax pressure. (Note that the nuts should be quite firmly tightened by hand using a Tommy bar. Nuts should be tightened as uniformly as possible.)

3. Following the sequence on the diagram shift the tensioning tools to the next set of

bolts and apply 40% of pressure B. Tighten nuts and relax pressure.

4. Repeat step 6 for the remaining sets of nuts.

5. Repeat steps 5 - 7 for 75% and 105% of pressure B. (note that 105% allows for initial relaxation of the joint)

6. Finally to ensure even tensioning, repeat steps 5 - 7 at 100% of pressure B until all

nuts are tight.

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“HYDRATIGHT” Tool Pressures (in psi)

Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic SS &

Zeron B7, L7 & Equivalent Bolt Stress is 290 MPa

(42,000 psi)

316 Stainless Steel material B8M Class 2

Bolt Stress is 174 MPa

(25,000 psi)

Bolt Size Tool Type Pressure A Pressure B Pressure A Pressure B

1 3/8” 1 - Dk Blue 13,500 11,400 8,200 6,900

1 1/2” 2 - Orange 13,500 11,400 8,200 6,900

1 5/8” 3 - Black 11,800 9,800 7,000 5,800

1 3/4” 3 - Black 13,800 11,600 8,300 7,000

1 7/8” 4 - Red 12,100 10,000 7,300 6,000

2” 4 - Red 13,800 11,600 8,300 7,000

2 1/4” 5 - Grey 14,300 11,900 8,600 7,300

2 1/2” 6 - White 13,800 11,600 8,300 7,000

2 3/4” 7 - Brown 13,500 10,400 8,200 6,900

3” 8 - Lt Green 14,100 11,800 8,600 7,200

3 1/4” 8.5 - Lt Blue 14,100 11,800 8,500 7,200

3 1/2” 8.5 - Lt Blue 16,400 13,700 9,900 8,300

Note: These pressures are for “Hydratight” Equipment only. Tools for other equipment can

have different hydraulic areas which require different applied pressures to get the desired bolt loads.

For more information, contact Mechanical Integrity Custodian - OZE4.

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“HYPUR-MATE” Tool Pressures (in psi)

Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic

SS & Zeron B7, L7 & Equivalent Bolt Stress is 290 MPa

(42,000 psi)

316 Stainless Steel Material

B8M Class 2

Bolt Stress is 174 MPa (25,000 psi)

Bolt Size Tool Type Tool Marking Pressure A Pressure B Pressure A Pressure B

1 3/8”UN8 PS2 HPP-2-Serial No. 16,200 13,000 9,700 7,700

PS3 HPP-3-Serial No. 11,100 8,900 6,600 5,300

1 1/2”UN8 PS3 HPP-3-Serial No. 13,500 10,800 8,100 6,,400

PS43 HPP-4-Serial No. 9,000 7,200 5,300 4,300

1 5/8”UN8 PS3 HPP-3-Serial No. 16,200 12,900 9,600 7,700

PS4 HPP-4-Serial No. 10,700 8,600 6,400 5,100

1 3/4”UN8 PS4 HPP-4-Serial No. 12,600 10,100 7,500 6,000

1 7/8”UN8 PS4 HPP-4-Serial No. 14,700 11,800 8,700 7,000

2”UN8 PS4 HPP-4-Serial No. 16,900 13,500 10,100 8,000

PS5 HPP-5-Serial No. 13,100 10,500 7,800 6,200

2 1/4”UN8 PS5 HPP-5-Serial No. 16,800 13,500 10,000 8,000

PS6 HPP-6-Serial No. 14,400 11,500 8,600 6,900

2 1/2”UN8 PS6 HPP-6-Serial No. 18,000 14,400 10,700 8,600

2 3/4”UN8 PS7 HPP-7-Serial No. 16,100 12,800 9,600 7,600

3”UN8 PS7 HPP-7-Serial No. 19,300 15,400 11,500 9,200

PS8 HPP-8-Serial No. 16,400 13,100 9,700 7,800

3 1/4”UN8 PS8 HPP-8-Serial No. 19,400 15,500 11,500 9,200

3 1/2”UN8 PS8 HPP-8-Serial No. 21,800 17,400 12,900 10,400

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Note: 1. These pressures are for “Hedley Purvis Hypur-Mate” Equipment only. Tools for other equipment can have different hydraulic areas which require different applied pressures to get the desired bolt loads. 2. If bolt length:diameter ratio varies from approximately 6.5:1 then OZE4 should be consulted for modified pressures. 3. PS4 head will clash if used on a DN350, class 900 flange which requires a 1 1/2” bolt. PS3 is acceptable. PS4 is acceptable for a 1 ½” bolt with large flange. PS3 should be strongly considered.

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Additional Precautions When Using Hydraulic Equipment. 1. Ensure that adequate safety gear is being worn and that work permit

requirements are being met. 2. Particularly ensure that glasses are being worn and thin gloves, that do not

restrict hand feel or movements are worn. 3. Before using the hydraulic equipment check for any defects.

- Particularly check the hydraulic hoses for any cracks or damage. - Ensure that the hoses have been inspected and tagged within the last

3mnths. 4. When first applying pressure to the system recheck for any leakage of hydraulic

fluid. Caution: be careful not to trap fingers between the flange and tool reaction bar.

To be followed in conjunction with the “Flange Check List”.

1. Before torquing the bolts, ensure that the threads and the nut/flange contact face are coated with nickel based anti-seize. Anti-seize should not be applied to the gaskets. PTFE coated bolts should also be lubricated with anti-seize.

2. Install bolts and hand-tighten. Flanges should be squared and concentric using a

straight edge and verniers. Check for correct positioning of both the bolts and the gasket.

3. Obtain the final bolt torque setting from the tables attached.

4. Torque the bolts first to 30% of this setting following a standard star pattern across

the flange. This is VERY IMPORTANT to ensure that the flange remains aligned.

5. Repeat step 5 for 60% and then 100% of the torque setting.

6. Finally, starting at bolt number 1 and proceeding clockwise around the flange, re-torque each bolt to 100% of the setting. Continue until all bolt torques are even.

7. Ensure the stud protrudes past the nut i.e. at a minimum the thread on the stud is

partially exposed.

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Bolt Torque Level (all Studs) Coated with Nickel based Anti-Seize

Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic SS & Zeron

B7, L7 & Equivalent Bolt Stress is 290 MPa

(42,000 psi)

316 Stainless Steel B8M Class 2

Bolt Stress is 174 MPa

(25,000 psi)

Bolt Size Nm Ft-lb Nm ft-lb

1/2” 50 40 30 25

5/8” 100 75 60 45

3/4” 175 130 105 80

7/8” 280 200 165 130

1” 410 300 250 180

1 1/8” 600 440 360 270

1 1/4” 840 620 500 370

1 3/8” 1,130 830 680 500

1 1/2” 1,480 1,100 890 660

1 5/8” 1,900 1,400 1,150 840

1 3/4” 2,400 1,770 1,450 1,050

1 7/8” 3,000 2,200 1,800 1,350

2” 3,650 2,700 2,200 1,600

2 1/4” 5,200 3,850 3,150 2,300

2 1/2” 7,200 5,300 4,350 3,200

2 3/4” 9,700 7,100 5,800 4,300

3” 12,600 9,300 7,600 5,600

3 1/4” 16,100 11,900 9,700 7,200

3 1/2” 20,200 14,900 12,200 9,000

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Notes 1. The above bolt torque values assume a friction factor u = 0.11, and have been rounded for

ease of application. (This friction factor is based on the use of graphite based anti-seize and is not affected significantly by the respective stud and bolt surface treatment)

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HYTORC ULC-SERIES Pressure / Torque Conversion Chart (- in ft-lb)

Pressure (psi) HY-4ULC HY-7ULC HY-10SL

1000 310 765 1,100

1200 380 920 1,320

1400 440 1,075 1,540

1600 500 1,225 1,765

1800 560 1,380 1,980

2000 620 1,535 2,200

2200 680 1,685 2,425

2400 740 1,840 2,645

2600 810 1,995 2,860

2800 870 2,145 3,080

3000 940 2,300 3,305

3200 1,000 2,450 3,525

3400 1,060 2,605 3,745

3600 1,120 2,760 3,960

3800 1,180 2,910 4,185

4000 1,250 3,065 4,405

4200 1,310 3,220 4,625

4400 1,380 3,370 4,845

4600 1,440 3,525 5,065

4800 1,500 3,680 5,285

5000 1,560 3,830 5,505

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HYTORC ULC-SERIES Pressure / Torque Conversion Chart (- in ft-lb)

Pressure (psi) HY-4ULC HY-7ULC HY-10SL

5200 1,620 3,985 5,725

5400 1,690 4,140 5,945

5600 1,750 4,290 6,170

5800 1,800 4,445 6,385

6000 1,850 4,595 6,605

6200 1,910 4,750 6,825

6400 1,980 4,905 7,045

6600 2,040 5,060 7,270

6800 2,110 5,210 7,485

7000 2,170 5,365 7,710

7200 2,230 5,515 7,930

7400 2,290 5,670 8,145

7600 2,340 5,825 8,370

7800 2,400 5,975 8,590

8000 2,470 6,130 8,810

8200 2,520 6,285 9,030

8400 2,590 6,435 9,250

8600 2,650 6,590 9,470

8800 2,710 6,745 9,690

9000 2,770 6,895 9,910

9200 2,840 7,050 10,130

9400 2,910 7,205 10,350

9600 2,980 7,355 10,570

9800 3,050 7,510 10,790

10000 3,120 7,665 11,010

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Additional Precautions

1. Ensure that adequate safety gear is being worn and that work permit requirements are being met. Particularly ensure that glasses are being worn and thin gloves, that do not restrict hand feel or movements are worn.

2. When first applying pressure to the system recheck for any leakage.

1. Before torquing the bolts, ensure that the threads are clean and are coated with nickel-

based anti-seize. Lubricated washers should be used under the nuts and bolt heads to protect flange back-facing. Anti-seize should not be applied to the gaskets. PTFE bolts should also be lubricated with anti-seize.

2. Install bolts and hand-tighten. Flanges should be squared and concentric using a straight

edge and verniers. Check for correct positioning of both the bolts and the gasket. 3. Obtain the final bolt torque setting from the tables attached. 4. To prevent unnecessary stresses on the fibreglass flanges, tighten the bolts in a

staggered sequence as indicated in the diagram below. It is important that the torque increments specified in the table overleaf are not exceeded.

Tightening sequence for GRE flange make-up

5. After all nuts have been tightened to the recommended torque value, recheck the torque

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on each bolt in the same sequence, since previously tightened bolts may have relaxed. Caution: Excess torque can prevent sealing and can damage moulded flanges.


Bolt Torque (all Studs) Coated with Nickel based


Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic SS & Zeron


Flange Size

mm in

B7, L7 & Equivalent PTFE Coated & Uncoated

Nm (ft-lb)

25 – 100 1 – 4 27 (20)

150 – 300 6 – 12 41 (30)

350 – 400 14 – 16 68 (50)

450 – 500 18 – 20 81 (60)

600 – 900 24 – 36 102 (75)

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Flange Size

mm in

Torque Increments Nm (ft-lb)

25 – 100 1 – 4 7 (5)

150 – 300 6 – 12 14 (10)

350 – 400 14 – 16 14 (10)

450 – 500 18 – 20 27 (20)

600 – 900 24 – 36 34 (25)

Note: all Bondstrand flanges listed in the piping specification mate with other Bondstrand flanges and flat-faced steel flanges using these bolt torque values. Moulded flanges should not be connected to wafer valves or raised-face steel flanges.

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Bolt Torque (all Studs) Coated with Nickel based Anti-Seize

Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic SS & Zeron


316 Stainless Steel material

Clamp Size

Bolt Size

B7 & Equivalent

Nm (ft-lb)

B7 & Equivalent

PTFE Coated Nm (ft-lb)

B8M Class 2

Nm (ft-lb)

B8M Class 2

PTFE Coated Nm (ft-lb)

G1 1/2” 16 (12) 11 (8) 16 (12) 11 (8)

G1 1/2 5/8” 31 (23) 22 (16) 31 (23) 22 (16)

G2, G3 3/4” 54 (40) 38 (28) 54 (40) 38 (28)

G4, GC 7/8” 139 (102) 98 (72) 130 (96) 92 (68)

G5 1” 207 (153) 146 (108) 194 (143) 137 (101)

G6 1 1/8” 303 (223) 213 (157) 285 (210) 200 (147)

G8 1 1/4” 530 (391) 371 (274) 399 (294) 279 (206)

GX8 1 3/8” 718 (530) 500 (369) 540 (398) 376 (277)

G10 1 5/8” 1,216 (897) 842 (621) 914 (674) 633 (467)

G12 1 3/4” 1,533 (1,131) 1,059 (781) 1,153 (851) 796 (587)

GZ16, GZ18

1 7/8” 1,902 (1,403) 1,310 (967) 1,430 (1,055) 985 (727)

GP, GX12, GZ20

2” 2,324 (1,715) 1,599 (1,179) 1,748 (1,289) 1,202 (887)

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Bolt Torque (all Studs) Coated with Nickel based Anti-


Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic SS &

Zeron materials

Clamp Size Bolt Size

Bolt Length B7, L7 & Equivalent PTFE Coated & Uncoated

Nm (ft-lb)

1 1/2” 3 1/2” 23 (17)

1 1/2 5/8” 5” 48 (35)

2, 2 1/2 - 3 3/4” 5 1/4”, 6” 75 (55)

4, C, B 7/8” 7”, 6 3/4” 122 (90)

5, D, E 1” 8 1/2” 190 (140)

6, F 1 1/8” 9 3/8” 278 (205)

8 1 1/4” 10 1/2” 393 (290)

XF 1 1/8” 11 3/4” 448 (330)

X8, G 1 3/8” 11” 529 (390)

H, 10H, X14 1 5/8” 14 1/4”, 14 1/8”, 17” 854 (630)

X10H, 12M, X16 1 3/4” 16”, 19 1/2” 1,180 (870)

X18 1 7/8” 21 1/2” 1,586 (1,170)

P, X12M, X20 2” 16 1/2”, 18 1/2”, 24 3/4” 1,762 (1,300)

X24, 30, 3V 2 1/4” 27”, 20 3/4”, 24” 2,535 (1,870)

S, U, 32, 36, 3W, 5P 2 1/2” 22”, 31”, 29 1/2”, 20” 3,485 (2,570)

Y 2 3/4” 28 3/4” 4,745 (3,500)

40 3 1/4” 35 1/2” 9,626 (7,100)

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Bolt Torque (all Studs) Coated with Nickel based


Carbon Steels, Duplex SS, Super Austenitic SS & Zeron


Clamp Size

Bolt Size

B7, L7 & Equivalent PTFE Coated & Uncoated

Nm (ft-lb)

4 7/8” 187 (138)

6 1 1/8” 374 (276)

8 1 1/4” 499 (368)

10H 1 5/8” 1,158 (854)

12M 1 3/4” 1,367 (1,010)

AP 2” 1,951 (1,439)

16B3V 2 1/4” 4,080 (3,009)

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BOLT TORQUE TABLES FOR API FLANGES Tabulated bolt torque differs to those given in API documentation as a friction coefficient of µ = 0.11 is used here.

Low Pressure Flange (2 ksi, 3 ksi)

Medium - High Pressure Flange

(5 ksi, 10 ksi, 20 ksi)

Bolt stress = 290 MPa If Bolt Size > 2 1/2" then Bolt Stress = 340 MPa otherwise

Bolt Stress = 390 MPa

Bolt size Nm Bolt

size Nm

1/2" 50 1/2" 70 5/8" 100 5/8" 135 3/4" 180 3/4" 235 7/8" 280 7/8" 370 1" 420 1" 550

1 1/8" 610 1 1/8" 800 1 1/4" 845 1 1/4" 1,110 1 3/8" 1,130 1 3/8" 1,500 1 1/2" 1,480 1 1/2" 1,950 1 5/8" 1,900 1 5/8" 2,500 1 3/4" 2,350 1 3/4" 3,100 1 7/8" 2,950 1 7/8" 3,850

2" 3,600 2" 4,700 2 1/4" 5,150 2 1/4" 6,750 2 1/2" 7,050 2 1/2" 9,300

2 3/4" 11,200 3" 14,600 3 1/4" 18,600 3 1/2" 22,600

Note: Bolt material to be used as specified in API 6A.

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Flange Details: No.: Flng Size: Rating: Pipe Class:

Bolting Details: Qty: Stud Size: Nut Size: Stud Mat'l:



1 Is either flange made from a material other than steel? (eg. cast If yes or unsure, refer to mechanicaliron, plastic) integrity custodian (OETM)

2. Check both Flange Faces are Clean, Damage Free and that the Gramaphone Finish is in Good Condition

3. Ensure that there is no:- Circumferential Scoring deeper than the Depth of Machining- Radial Scoring Longer than 1/4 the Raised Face Width- Localised Defects more than 2mm Deep or Wide

4. Are the Flanges Aligned within Tolerance, see the Chart Below (Record the Maximum Angular Mis-Alignment in the Comments Column)

5. Are the Flanges parallel within Tolerance, see the Chart Below (Record the Maximum Parallel Mis-Alignment in the Comments Column)

6. Confirm the Nut Seating Area on the Flanges is Clean, Smooth and Free of Paint.

FOR THE GASKET AND STUDS:7. Check the Gasket is the Correct Size and Type for the Pipe Class

and SWGF Gaskets have both an Inner and Outer Ring made of 316SS

8. Is the New Gasket Free of Damage, check for defects in theSpiral Windings or Scoring of the RTJ Surface

9. Check that the Studs are in Good Condition and are the Correct Size and Material for the Pipe Class

MAKING UP THE FLANGE:press. A press. B


11. TORQUEING- Confirm approved Anti-seize has been Applied to the Studs and the Nut Seating Area.- Torque Studs at: 30% N.m (for DN > 20" only)

60% N.m100% N.m

- Confirm all studs 100% tight

##Pipe Size: Tolerance:

"B & C"Up to 4" 1.0mm6" to 10" 2.0mm

10" to 24" 3.5mm

Angular mis-alignment Parallel mis-alignment #REF!




A + B



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Destec Hub No.: ___________________ Size: __________ Rating: _______________



. Check all Destec hubs and clamps are Clean and damage free.

2. Check the hub sealing surfaces are in good condition and that there is no : - Circumferential Scoring - Radial Scoring - Localised Defects

3. Ensure that the Hub to Seal Ring Stand-Off is within tolerance. Refer to the separate table for tolerance data.

NOTE: Record the Stand-Off in the Comments column.

4. Are the Destec Hubs Parallel and Aligned

NOTE: Any mis-alignment should be reported to your Supervisor.

5. Confirm that the nut seating area on the Destec clamps is clean, smooth and free of paint.


6. Check the seal ring is the correct size and type for the pipe class.

7. Is the seal ring free of damage, check for defects in the sealing surfaces.

8. Apply dry lubricant/anti-scuff to old seal rings if they are to be reused. (Molykote D321R or equivalent)

9. Check that the studs are in good condition and are the correct size and material for the pipe class.

Line Number/Description :__________________________________________________



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0. Confirm that nickel based anti-seize has been applied to the studs and the nut seating area.

1. TORQUE GUN / WRENCH - Torque Setting :_______ Ensure that all studs are tight.


Note : M is-alignment M UST be corrected PRIOR to fitting of the clamps.

CHECKED BY :_______________________________ DATE :____________





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Stand-Off (in) Stand-Off (in)

Seal Ring Size

New Seal Rings

Minimum for Re-Use

Seal Ring Size

New Seal Rings

Minimum for Re-Use

7, 8 .016 .006 76 .108 .042

11 .020 .010 87 .123 .060

14 .017 .008 91 .125 .062

16 .018 .009 97 .134 .065

20 .022 .010 106 .139 .072

23 .025 .013 112 .150 .072

25 .027 .014 122 .160 .077

27 .030 .014 130 .168 .080

34 .036 .016 137 .178 .083

40 .039 .020 144 .177 .088

46 .044 .022 154 .188 .094

52 .050 .025 170 .212 .100

54 .053 .026 182 .224 .105

62 .093 .030

66 .087 .043

72 .104 .040

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Grayloc Hub No.: ___________________ Size: __________ Rating: _______________



1. Check that both Grayloc hubs and clamps are clean and free of damage.

2. Check that the hub sealing surfaces are in good condition and ensure that there is NO: - Circumferential scoring deeper than the depth of machining. - Radial scoring longer than 1/4 the raised face width. - Localised defect more than 2mm deep or wide.

3. Ensure that a small clearance, or stand-off exists between the ring rib hub face. NOTE: If no stand-off is present, use a new seal ring.

4. Are the Grayloc hubs parallel and aligned? NOTE: Any misalignment should be reported to your Supervisor. For misaligned systems, it is acceptable to apply an external load to the mating piping (using jacks, comealongs, etc.) to align the hubs prior to assembly.

5. Confirm that the nut seating area on the Grayloc clamps is clean, smooth and free of paint.


6. Check the seal ring is the correct size and type for the pipe class. Check and record the material type.

7. Is the seal ring free of damage? Check for defects in the sealing

8. Check that the studs are in good condition and are the correct size and material for the pipe class.

9. Ensure that stud length is correct and that studs do not bottom out.

10. Check that the nuts run freely for the full length of stud thread.

11. Check that the studs have a sliding fit into the body before torquing.


12. Install the seal ring in the sealing surface of the hubs. NOTE: The seal ring should rock slightly (ie. the seal ring rib to firmly contact the hub face). If it does not rock, use a new seal

Line Number/Description :______________________________________________________

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Title: Flange Bolting Standard


(Yes) (No)

13. Install the clamps around the hubs.

NOTE: Apply lubrication to the hub-clamp contract area to reduce will aid assembly.

14. Confirm that Nickel based anti-seize has been applied to the studs nut seating area.

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NOTE: When applying lubricant, tak e special care to ensure that no solid or particles are present in the lubricant. Also, tak e care to prevent damage to the seal ring and the hub sealing surfaces.

15. Insert the stud bolts into the bolt holes of the clam

p ears. Install the ensurin g that the spherical surfaces of the nuts and the clamp are in position for mating.

TOR 16. QUE GUN/WRENCH - Torque Setting: (REF: Appendix H)

NOTE: To prevent damage from distortion to the other components of the the maximum torque applied to the connection should not be more that given in the Appendix.


17. ghten the bolting in a criss-cross pattern (ie. bolt #1, #3, #2, #4) to each half of the clam p at a similar distance apart along each stud.

NOTE: Assembly should include jarring the clamps during the bolting sound blow to the back of the clamp with a soft hammer (torque, jar, jar, etc.) until bolt torque does not change after jarring.

8. Ensure that the hub faces will sit with the shoulder flush against the ring rib at full make-up.


CHECKED BY: _______________________________ DATE: ____________

TE: Misali



NO gnment MUST be corrected PRIOR to fitting the clamps.

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Stand-off dimensions for both new and re-used seal rings must be within the minimum and maximum limits provided below:

Stand-Off (in) Stand-Off (in)

Seal Ring Size Min. Nom. Max.

Seal Ring Size Min. Nom. Max.

4 0.003 0.009 0.019 72 0.035 0.052 0.085

5 0.003 0.009 0.019 76 0.033 0.054 0.091

7 0.005 0.011 0.021 82 0.036 0.058 0.095

11 0.006 0.011 0.021 84 0.038 0.060 0.096

13 0.008 0.013 0.024 87 0.036 0.061 0.102

14 0.008 0.012 0.022 91 0.055 0.080 0.121

16 0.007 0.012 0.021 94 0.040 0.065 0.106

20 0.006 0.011 0.027 97 0.042 0.067 0.108

23 0.008 0.013 0.028 102 0.044 0.069 0.109

25 0.008 0.014 0.031 106 0.068 0.093 0.134

27 0.009 0.015 0.032 112 0.046 0.075 0.119

31 0.008 0.015 0.034 114 0.033 0.058 0.099

34 0.011 0.018 0.036 120 0.050 0.078 0.122

40 0.011 0.019 0.038 122 0.048 0.080 0.128

42 0.021 0.030 0.050 125 0.036 0.064 0.107

46 0.014 0.022 0.040 130 0.051 0.084 0.132

50 0.013 0.023 0.045 134 0.055 0.088 0.135

52 0.014 0.025 0.046 137 0.057 0.089 0.137

56 0.016 0.027 0.049 140 0.053 0.086 0.134

62 0.029 0.047 0.080 144 0.061 0.093 0.141

64 0.044 0.061 0.095 152 0.061 0.097 0.148

67 0.025 0.043 0.076 160 0.097 0.132 0.184

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1. Check all Galperti hubs and clamps are clean and damage free.

2. Check the hub sealing surfaces are in good condition and that there is no : - C ircumferential Scoring - Radial Scoring - Localised Defects

3. Ensure that the Hub to Seal Ring Stand-O ff is within tolerance. Refer to the separate table for tolerance data. Record the Stand-O ff in the comments column.

4. Are the Galperti Hubs Parallel and Aligned NOTE: Any mis-a lignment shou ld be reported to your Supervisor. For misa ligned systems, it is accep tab le to app ly an externa l load to the mating p ip ing (using jack s, comealongs, etc.) to a lign the hubs prior to assembly.

5. Confirm that the nut seating area on the clamps is clean, smooth and free of paint.


6. Check the seal ring is the correct size and type for the pipe class.

7. Is the seal ring free of damage, check for defects in the sealing surfaces.

8. Apply dry lubricant/anti-scuff to old seal rings if they are to be reused. (Molykote D321R or equivalent)

9. Check that the studs are in good condition and are the correct size and material for the pipe class.

ine N umbe r/D e scription :__________________________________________________alpe rti Hub N o.: ___________________ Size : _________ R ating: ____________


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1 0 . C o nfirm tha t nick e l b ased anti- se ize has b een ap p lied to the hub - clamp co ntact a rea .

1 1 . C o nfirm tha t nick e l b ased anti- se ize has b een ap p lied to the stud s and the nut seating area .

1 2 . Insta ll the seal ring, c lamp and stud s.

1 3 . TO RQ U E G U N / W REN C H - To rq ue S e tting :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ To rq ue stud s in a criss- cro ss p a tte rn (ie . stud # 1 , # 3 , # 2 , # 4 ). K eep sp acing b e tw een c lamp halves ap p ro ximately eq ual. N O TE : A sse m b ly sh o u ld in c lu d e ja rrin g th e c la m p s d u rin g th e b o l t in g p ro c e d u re . A p p ly a so u n d b lo w to th e b a c k o f th e c la m p w i th a so ft h a m m e r. R e -t ig h te n stu d s a fte r ja rrin g .

1 4 . A fter a ll stud s a re tightened , ensure tha t a gap exists b e tw een the c lamp ha lves. Refer to the sep ara te tab le fo r no minal gap w id th.


N o te : M is -a lig nme nt M U S T be co rre cte d PR IO R to fitting o f the c la mps .

C H EC K ED BY :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D A TE :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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Stand-Off (mm) Stand-Off (mm)

Seal Ring Size

New Seal Rings

Minimum for Re-Use

Seal Ring Size

New Seal Rings

Minimum for Re-Use

34 0.75 0.38 82 1.35 0.68

40 0.80 0.40 94 1.40 0.70

52 0.90 0.45 102 1.70 0.85

62 1.10 0.55 106 1.70 0.85

67 1.10 0.55 120 1.80 0.90

72 1.10 0.55 170 2.50 1.25

NOMINAL GAP BETWEEN GALPERTI CLAMP HALVES for ASSEMBLED CONNECTOR (Note: Gap will vary with dimensional tolerance limits and seal ring condition)

Clamp Size Bolt Size Nominal Gap


4 7/8” 9.6

6 1 1/8” 15.8

8 1 1/4” 19.4

10H 1 5/8” 19.4

12M 1 3/4” 19.4

AP 2” 25.4

3V 2 1/4” 25.4

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TAG Number: ___________________ Size: __________ Rating: _______________



1. Check that both cover faces are clean, free of damage and in good condition

2. Ensure that there is NO: - Circumferential scoring deeper than the depth of machining - Radial scoring longer than 1/4 the raised face width - Localised defect more than 2mm deep or wide

3. Confirm the nut seating area on the cover is clean, smooth and free of paint


4. Check that the NEW sightglass are the correct size (34mm) and type (transparent, clear or reflex)

SAFETY NOTE..... The sightglasses should NOT be re-used, evenwhen they appear in perfect condition. Replace them with new ones.

USED GLASSES ARE POOR SAFETY RISKSChipped or scratched glass should not be used because such

defects become points of high stress concentration. Even thougha used glass may look perfect, it is not reliable as a new one. Best

practice is to always use a new glass.


5. Check that the NEW cushion and gasket are the correct size and type (Klingersil C4430)

6. Ensure that the NEW cushion/gasket free of damage

7. Check that both the cushion and gasket fit snugly in the cover and chamber recesses so that they can NOT be offset on assembly


8. Check that the bolts are in good condition and the correct material has been used (Duplex)

9. Ensure that bolt length is correct and that bolts do not bottom out

10. Check that the nuts run freely for the full length of bolt thread

11. Check that the bolts have a sliding fit into the body before torquing

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12. Repaint the sightglass gauges according to the Woodside Offshore Petroleum "Protective Coatings Specification", W9000SM001

13. Assemble the gauges, confirming that the following items are used: (a) NEW Duplex bolting (b) Loctite Nickel Anti-seize lubricant applied to the bolts (c) NEW transparent sightglass (34mm) (d) Klingersil C4430 cushions and gaskets

14. Tighten as per the manufacturer's procedure (see Table below) (a) Finger-tight (b) 25% torque (c) 50 % recommended torque (d) 75 % recommended torque (e) 100% recommended torque

15. Leave the sightglass for 12 hours to allow the gaskets to settle

16. Recheck the bolt torques

17. Nitrogen pressure test to 1.5 x Design Pressure - hold for 2 hours

18. Recheck bolt torques. If the torque values have fallen, repeat from step 14

19. Attach a suitable tag to identify the sightglass as "refurbished"

Parts Lis t

CHECKED BY: _______________________________ DATE: ____________

Torque Proce dure

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Page 52: Woodside Flange Bolting Stud


2015 25

300 1

150 1

1 2

1 1

40 50 80


2 3 4

Note: Clamps should be placed so that the clamp bolt is as close as possible to the flange whilst still leaving clearance for the wrench. Caution: Do not use clamps on tapered flanges.

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Bolt Size

Safe Working Load*

Tensile (kN) (per single bolt)

Torque (Nm) Dimensions (mm)

Clamp Number

Z Bolt Grade 4.6 Bolt Grade 4.6 X W V T S

1 M10 1.96 20 25 19 - 42 13 19 24 2 M12 2.8 39 35 26 - 60 17 24 30 3 M16 5.6 93 43 29 - 69 21 28 35 4 M20 8.4 177 51 32 - 82 25 35 44

* Safety factor of 5

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