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To all who are weary and need rest

To all who are friendless and desire friendship

To all who believe in God and wish to worship Him

To all who are grateful and would give thanks

To all who hunger for prayer and wish to pray

To all who know sin and need the Saviour

This Church opens wide its doors

And in the Name of the Lord Jesus bids



New ways to get in touch with us




[email protected]


O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love

and fellowship, narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and strife. Make its threshold

smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, nor to straying feet, but rugged

and strong enough to turn back the tempter’s power. God, make the door of this house

the gateway to thine eternal kingdom. Amen.

(Inscription over the door of a church)

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South Woodford,

E18 2PU

(H)Tel:0208523 4035

Our Vision: Please visit our website:

“United in God’s Love & in www.woodfordmethodist.org.uk

Service for the Glory of God!” _______________________________________________________________________________________

Joy comes in the morning!

When times seem dark and confusing, When wars, earthquakes, tsunamis rob us of our hope & all seems bleak; Christ is our Hope & our joy!

Events of the past few months may have left a bitter taste in our mouths. Russian plane downed by a bomb, senseless killing of people going about their business in Paris and Mali, beheading of people by jihadists etc. All sends shivers down the spine and creates a feeling of helplessness and wonder of what the future might hold. Yet in the season of advent, we gain a fresh hope of God not being far removed from us but rather fully involved in our plight and working His purposes out for our redemption from all these unsavoury elements. BUT, as God acts on our behalf, we’re not passive recipients of His benevolence. We are charged with sowing goodwill as best as we can to all around us. Part of that demands of us to speak good kind thoughts and encourage hope in a world so desperate that it may end up falling for anything. One of the ways we do that is by choosing to speak of all the good happening around us. I for one am refusing to engage in the doomsday talks of war reaching our shores or terror becoming the norm or even mentioning the name(s) of criminal, murdering organisations which claim their religion demands it of them. The more we put them in the media and they occupy our lips, the more they’re elevated to pride of place in our precious daily routines and therefore the more they feel bolstered in the affectation they have upon us. I refuse to spend any more of my time discussing their vile acts and I will not anymore even give them a label that is coined by their own manipulations of our language; thereby planting mental recognition within us of who they want us to think they are when in effect they’re just thugs, vile criminals who have no regard for human

The Methodist Church

Woodford Congregation in Forest Circuit


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decency or value for human life. God in His word says to us that things we profess with our mouths shall be made manifest in us (c.f. Romans 10:10). These times of feeling like we’re in the wilderness must call on us to become even more faithful and trusting of God’s grace that is always upon us. We must embrace the desert Psalm of David and remind ourselves of what God can do and is indeed ready to do for us when we trust and believe in Him unreservedly; c.f. Psalm 63 (especially verses 8-11).

When we’re made to live in fear and forced to change our Christian behaviour because of how these criminal elements will react, everything in me cries out for faithfulness to become our sanity. This is a season of joy and celebration for the coming redemption for all of humanity; yes even for these murdering thugs, should they repent and see the error of their ways; we may end up sitting next to one of them in the pews of heaven. So, while terror acts are vile and despicable, I say focus not on them and their perpetrators but rather on the good God is bringing for us in the birth of His Son Jesus Christ. We have a promise from God that can never be robbed out of us and we have a Messianic hope in the coming of Christ that frees us from concentrating on the negatives and allows us no longer to be captives to ideologies that are fallacious and have no eschatological hope for us.

Christmas brings for all a sense of belonging, a victory over forces of darkness, a coming of the age when heaven touches earth and an acceptance for all humanity that God loves us enough not to see us wallow in negative terrorism and its disastrous nature but rejoicing for Immanuel cometh! Evil will be destroyed and ours is to sing from the rooftops, with our all:

Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. (StF 706)

We are chosen by God to live on this earth for such a time as this. He makes no mistakes and has appointed for us to be the church gathered in these challenging times. Therefore it is incumbent on us to stand firm no matter the adversity. Whilst dark forces may seek to rob us of hope and joy in the night, we declare through faith that joy will come in the morning!

Make this a Christmas of hope and new beginnings. Make this a Christmas of joy and celebration Make this a Christmas of peace and reconciliation

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Make this Christmas, for all, a time of faith renewed; In God and His Son Jesus Christ our Saviour…

And let no one move you from this or tell you otherwise; God is in control and He has a brought us a joyful message of hope, restoration and salvation in the birth of His only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Have a Happy Christmas and a joyous New Year! May the joy of the Lord be yours and His blessings abound for you and all your family: Revd. Jongi (Dec. 2015)


Please pray for:

Doris & Bill Jackson, Phyllis, Dennis and family. Doris had a fall recently and broke

her femur in two places. Bill is 96 on Tuesday, 2nd December so we send our good

wishes to him as he cares for Doris at home.

Eunice & Cliff Grant. Hope and family. Eunice had an emergency operation and

another one on 18th November. She was admitted the day before her birthday – she

was in hospital on her birthday two years ago. Next year we will wrap her in cotton

wool around birthday time! At the time of preparing the magazine Eunice was still in

intensive care, as she had pneumonia. Morvah, her daughter who lives in the USA

came over earlier than planned so that will have given the family a boost.

Revd. Hilary Cheng and her husband Leo, who are both unwell at the moment.

‘Femi, Ken and family, as they travel to the Gambia, for son Stanley’s marriage to


STOP PRESS: Heard from Hope that yesterday (Friday), Eunice was chatting, alert

and making steady progress – ‘step by step’. Only family are visiting at present.

Your continued prayers are asked for:

Betty Kelly, Pat Petty & husband Alan. June Stone & family.

For all those who are having difficulties or feeling ‘under the weather’.

Congratulations to:

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To Frank Patient who celebrated a significant birthday recently.

To Salomey & Kwaku Hakeem on the birth of their son, Ibrahim, on Sunday, 8th


Welcome back to Comfort and Ellis Bulley, who have been in Ghana for a long while,

supporting family.

Occasionally we have family visiting their family here. Beatrice (mum to Maxine) and

Charity (mum to Nana) come from Ghana to visit Maxine, Nana and family. Every 3

or 4 years, Brenda and David visit us from Hong Kong. They visit their daughter and

family who live fairly locally.

It is lovely that people feel happy to come and worship with us.

I can only put in family news that I hear about, of course, but if you have any news

that you wish to share or prayers that you would like to add for someone or something,

please let Sheila know.



Thank you to all those who supported our Saturday ‘coffee, tea & cake time’ despite

the wet, windy and cold day; also to everyone who helped in any way on the day. The

amount raised on the day and from sale of cakes on the Sunday was £130.00

Family and Mission News

Arrangements for Christmas services and other events into the New Year are well in

hand. You will see elsewhere dates for our 140th Anniversary in July 2016. We

welcome the Rev’d, the Lord Griffiths of Burry Port to be our preacher on Sunday,

17th July.

Arrangements for services through Advent and up to Christmas Day are as follows:

Sunday 29th November – First Sunday in Advent our service will be led by Mr Jacob


Sunday 6th December is our Gift Service when we shall receive gifts for the

Whitechapel Mission & Operation Christmas Child. The service will be led by Mr

Tony Miller MBE who is the Director of the Mission, and the service will be All Age

Worship and include members of the Boys’ Brigade who will be parading. At the

present time the Mission is in need of the following items, but never turn anything

away. They are in particular need of winter clothing: coats, hats, gloves, scarfs, along

with padded shirts, t-shirts, men’s underwear, socks, jeans, rucksacks, trainers, shoes,

trousers (28” to 34” waist), towels, sleeping bags; toiletries: hand cream, face cream,

body wash, shaving foam, toothbrushes, razors, shampoo, deodorant, soap. In addition

they also need carrier bags and 35m film canisters – these last two items are becoming

harder to come by.

On Sunday 13th December, we shall be holding our joint Carol Service at Shern Hall

this year at 4:30pm.

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On Saturday 19th December there will be a Circuit Carol Service – 5pm at Wanstead,

An invitation has already been sent to local churches to attend a meeting in November

to plan this service and it is hoped as many folk from around the circuit will come and

share in this event.

The services over the Christmas period itself are:

Christmas Eve Holy Communion Service at 11:15pm at Shern Hall

Christmas Day service at 10:00am led by Rev’d Dr Jongikaya Zihle

New year’s Eve Watchnight Service at Shern Hall at 11:15pm.

The Annual Covenant Service will be on Sunday morning 10th January at 10:30am.

As yet, we have no details if there are any ecumenical events during the Week of

Prayer for Christian Unity in the middle of January; but please refer to the weekly


Phyllis Lloyd

Family and Mission Secretary.


Saturday, 19th December


We have a diverse circuit hence the theme of the service.

Please come to celebrate Christ’s birth and share in this service which will

incorporate our various cultures. As a unifying dress code it is requested that we

wear a scarf in one of the Christmas colours of red, green or gold. If you would

like to join with Shern Hall Choir on this occasion, please see Sheila.

Message from Mary

It was really lovely to see you all on the 13th and 15th November. We had a lovely

time and thank you very much for the welcome and lunch. I have settled here in

Wales now, and everyone has been so friendly and welcoming – some people still call

me ‘Auntie Mary’ as before I came Lynn and Greg used to say Auntie Mary will be

moving here soon!

Pembrokeshire is a lovely county, so if anyone wishes to visit, you only have to ask. It

only takes 5 hours to get here!

Best wishes to all

Mary Bolton, Lynn and Greg.



Sunday, 6th December 4.30pm at St. Thomas of Canterbury - Ecumenical Advent


On the same day at 4.30pm there is a Thanksgiving Service for the late Charles Green,

Circuit Steward, at Lighthouse Methodist Church.

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Sunday, 13th December United Carol service at Shern Hall at 4.30pm. If anyone

would like to join the Shern Hall Choir for that service, please see Betty Salter.

Saturday 9th January - 10 for 10.30am Exploring Methodism with Maureen & Kate


Sunday, 31st January - 6pm at Woodford Methodist Church. This is an opportunity

for pastoral visitors as well as those in the caring professions to meet informally

together for worship and support.



In 2016, we will meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. It depends on

the support for this evening slot as to whether we keep it in the evening or revert back

to 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 12.30pm. Everybody is welcome.

PASTORAL COMMITTEE - Thursday, 4th February - 7.30pm in the parlour.


Part of this day will be used to plan and prepare for the 140th Anniversary.

There will be more details about this in future notices and the next Contact but please

put the date in your diary now.


2016 –10am – 4.00pm. Winchester Road Meth. Church. This course is being run

by the Family Friendly Churches Trust. For more details see poster on the noticeboard.

THE ECUMENICAL LENT COURSE - Arrangements for this will be announced

in the weekly Notices.


‘Funderland’ event on Saturday 2nd July A Street Party with stalls,

dancing/music/singing together with a ‘Mad Hatters’ Tea Party’ for the children. A

mini-flower festival will be in the church.

An exhibition of the past 140 years for the church will be displayed from 2nd July


A former minister of this circuit in the 1980’s, the Revd. The Lord Leslie Griffiths will

preach on Sunday 17th July in the morning, followed by lunch, and again at 6.30, to

which the circuit churches will be invited to. This Sunday is the nearest day to the

laying of the foundation stone on 15th July, 1876.


ERNEST JOHN STICKLEY – 11.11.1922 – 18.9.2015

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Mark: At the beginning of this service, we sang the hymn: “The day Thou gavest

Lord is ended”. It reminds us that as darkness falls here, a dawn is breaking

elsewhere. Life is ever evolving, and as one life leaves our world, another life is born

into it; as the hymn says, “Earth rolls onwards into light.” We will never forget the

light that Dad brought into our lives, and that light will continue to shine through our

memories. Here are some of those memories:

Ernest was born in Woolwich in 1922, and grew up helping his family on their coffee

stalls by the North and South terminals of the Woolwich Ferry. He often told us

stories about the horse that pulled the stalls and the horse’s journey from one side of

the river to the other through the foot tunnel. I’ve always meant to check this one – is

it possible to get a horse through the foot tunnel?

He was very close to his father Albert from whom he got much of his sense of fun and

drama. They used to do novelty acts together for family parties. It is nice to think that

this love of performing has been passed on to the younger generations, particularly his

Grandson, Ralph.

As Dad grew up, he had ambitions to be an engineer and studied hard to fulfil that

ambition, eventually receiving professional registration as a Chartered Mechanical

Engineer in 1953. Dad’s work took him to Rhodesia (as it then was), Australia and

Switzerland, inspecting and, no doubt stealing ideas from, cable factories abroad.

Engineering remained a lifelong passion and after retiring, (with 45 plus years of

service) from Delta Enfield Cables, he took evening classes in carpentry and joined

Remap, a charity making equipment to help disabled people live more independent


Dad always seemed to be creating something, whether it was building a set for a drama

group production, inventing a new Christmas party game, or devising, as he did one

year, an unusual alternative Christmas tree with plates of reflective glass and changing

coloured lights. Of course, this was many years before computerised fairy lights, and

Dad’s lights were controlled by micro-switches activated by cams on a rotating shaft

driven by an electric motor. The mechanism is still working perfectly some 50 years

after he built it.

Another passion of Dad’s was walking. Anna has strong memories of watching his

back disappearing up the high street while Mum and the three children struggled to

keep up! We often said that Dad had more energy than the rest of us put together. He

was a life-long member of The Youth Hostel Association and didn’t mind staying in

basic shacks in pursuit of his love of the open air.

Ernest met our Mum, Eileen, through his cousin Joan. He proposed to her during a

walking holiday in Wales, on top of Mount Snowdon! They were married in 1950 and

had three children: Mark, Hugh and Anna. Dad seemed to be the disciplinarian parent

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out of the two. If we started fighting in the back of the car while he was trying to

drive, this great hand would come over to admonish the first person it came into

contact with! He would occasionally rant and rave, but it was hard to be too scared of

someone who let Anna tie red ribbons into his hair when he was pretending to be


Following Dad’s appointment at Enfield Standard Power Cables, the family moved to

Woodford in 1963, and joined The Woodford Methodist Church.

He was an active member of the church where he founded the drama group, sang in

the choir, and managed the halls lettings and general buildings maintenance. I

remember on one occasion, ankle deep in water in the boiler room, he said to me

‘Some day all this will be yours.)……. Even when he was becoming forgetful, he

found it hard to let go: Eleanor Jackson (the minister at the time) practically had to

wrestle the keys from him!

Ernest also met his second wife Rita through the church. They married in 1976, and

enjoyed 27 years of happy marriage before she passed away in 2003.

Hugh recalls: Our childhood was wonderful, full of drama, song and family parties.

Everyone who came into the family got drawn in to the amateur dramatics. For

example, my partner Julie vividly remembers the first time she met Dad, when I

introduced them at Dad’s house one Sunday tea-time. Within half an hour he had Julie

dressed up in a goose costume. He wanted to check how it would look on, and Julie

was the right size! Fortunately for me, Julie accepted this strange behaviour as normal

for my family, and we're still together today.

I learned many things from my father, things like how to wire a plug, how to use tools,

and how to swim. In the last few days of his life, when Dad was very weak and could

hardly speak, he started making hand movements to illustrate what he was trying to

say. I eventually realised he was indicating swimming. (People of the church may

remember that Dad regularly used to go swimming with the late Jeanne Roughton).

He said that he loved swimming, and still wanted to do some more. We talked about

some of the places where we swam on family holidays and I felt very privileged that

despite his Alzheimer’s he still remembered going swimming with me.

We enjoyed many relaxing family holidays, but when Dad briefly became single when

we were teenagers, he started taking us on more adventurous holidays again. Some of

the highlights included camping in The Lake District and narrow boating on The

Oxford Canal. There he would be, one hand on the tiller, the other writing the ship’s

log, shouting to his young crew to “swab the decks!”

Dad was always active, and didn’t like to sit around for too long. In fact, when he was

getting older and prone to falling asleep in the afternoons, he rigged up an alarm

system that would go off when he fell asleep!

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Dad moved into The Spinney Care Home in November 2011 from where he enjoyed

the lovely view from his room, playing the piano and singing, and joining in the many

activities provided. The church community remained close, and we are grateful that

they took on a more caring role during Dad’s later years.

Dad was a bright spark in many senses of the word, and he retained his fighting spirit

right to the end. We are comforted that he lived for nearly 93 years and that he loved

and was loved throughout that long life.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Anna writes: The amount raised for Dad’s charity Remap was £399.59. Over half of

this was raised by the church (227.59). I would be grateful if you could thank everyone

for their contributions, and also those who came on the day, and those who were

unable to come, but still had Dad in their thoughts!


World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for

people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people

living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was

the first ever global health day, held for the first time in 1988.

This World AIDS Day, the National Aids Trust is challenging people to rethink

outdated stereotypes, challenge myths and be positive about HIV, with their ‘Think

Positive: Rethink HIV’ campaign. For more information see their website.

The NAT. have issued the following information: Why is World AIDS Day important?

Over 100,000 people are living with HIV in the UK. Globally there are an estimated

34 million people who have the virus. Despite the virus only being identified in 1984,

more than 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS, making it one of the most

destructive pandemics in history.

Today, scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, there are laws to protect

people living with HIV and we understand so much more about the condition. Despite

this, each year in the UK around 6,000 people are diagnosed with HIV, people do not

know the facts about how to protect themselves and others, and stigma and

discrimination remain a reality for many people living with the condition.

World AIDS Day is important because it reminds the public and Government that HIV

has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight

prejudice and improve education. World AIDS Day is an opportunity to show support

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to and solidarity with the millions of people living with HIV. Wearing a red ribbon is

one way of doing this.

The red ribbon is the universal symbol of awareness and support for those living with

HIV. The red ribbon has inspired other charities to utilise the symbol, for example

breast cancer awareness has adopted a pink version.

A Prayer for Healing

Oh Gracious God, who has given your church the mission to restore all people to unity

with you and one another in Christ, make our life together in this congregation, circuit,

district and connexion a sign of Christ’s love to this world, especially to those broken

in spirit and body by aids, that unity may overcome estrangement, forgiveness heal

guilt, and joy conquer despair; all of which we ask through the same Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen

Sunday Morning Coffee

You may not remember, or may not know, that the money you donate on Sunday

mornings when you collect your tea or coffee, goes to our Benevolent Fund, which

gives emergency help to anyone in need, and also makes grants to good causes during

the year. The only exception is on the first Sunday of each month, when the money

goes to the church flower fund. Until fairly recently we could reckon on £7 or £8 each

week, but for some reason just lately, the coffee money has only amounted to £2 or £3.

We are not asking you to pay very much, but could you please remember that the

money is put to good use – it doesn’t pay for the milk and biscuits; those on coffee

duty pay for those out of their own pockets. If you don’t have any change with you

don’t worry – the Benevolent Fund Police won’t be after you (though we know where

you live!), but please, if you can, just put a few pence in the dish. Incidentally, we

would still like a couple more volunteers on the Sunday morning coffee rota. Please

speak to one of the stewards if you think could join the rota.

Kate Poole

Thistles Musical Theatre Company presents


An evening of Christmas Entertainment here in the Church

7.30pm – Saturday, 5th December.

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Tickets £10 includes refreshments. Call 01708 476367



With winter drawing closer, we're looking forward to opening the night shelter on

Thursday 3rd December and offering hospitality to rough sleepers on the streets of

Redbridge during some of the coldest months of the year. Running until 4th March

2016, the shelter depends on dedicated volunteers who are committed to supporting

others in living life to the full. There's a number of different ways to get involved at

the night shelter depending on your availability and your

Evening team members (7pm-10.30pm)

Overnight volunteers (10pm to 8am)

Kitchen leaders (6am to 9.30pm, needed Thurs-Sun)

Volunteer Admin Support (between 10am and 4pm)

Supplies stockists (between 10am and 4pm)

More information about what these roles involve, as well as the application form, can

be found online at:



This year we're moving to online applications to support the team in processing

applications. If you have any difficulties with the new system, please call the office on

020 8478 2961 and ask to speak to Naomi or Rebecca, or email us at

[email protected]

We hope that you will be able to join us in showing hospitality and hope through the

shelter this winter. May God bless you.

A view from the back benches.....

We live in troubled times with terrorist atrocities being a daily occurrence. It is not just

Paris, or Mali or the Russian aircraft bomb and many others that get less publicity. As

Christians, we are encouraged by those ordained to avoid violence and support

negotiation as a route to peaceful conclusion. Let me explain why I think this to be a

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flawed strategy. For a start, the pacifist assumption is that terrorism originates from

the minds of human beings. The planners of such atrocities have, in my view, lost their

rights to be considered as human. Hitler was a terrorist of his era and the strategy in

the late 1930s of politicians "sitting on their hands" at that time could well be

replicated nowadays. The reality is that Hitler had to be dealt with by being targeted

and eliminated and, sadly in those latter days of the war, many innocent people were

killed because the task proved to be very challenging. However, the outcome was

successful, for a while at least. It is my belief that, in the interests of the majority, the

roots of today's terrorism need to be eliminated and sadly that does mean

innocent casualties. As long as we tolerate those who preach hate on the basis that we

advocate freedom of speech, I see little changing. The bible is a useful reference point

as it contains many stories about terrorists of different eras and their elimination. So,

as Christians, what approach should we support in 2015?

Mick Higgins



Harvest Gifts – Foodbank Thank you very much for the many, many contributions

for Harvest and also for consistently contributing to the foodbank.

Children in Need – The cake sale raised £155.00 which included Sunday & Tuesday

coffee money. Thanks to those who made cakes and also to those who bought them to

raise this amount. The television event raised nearly £37,100,687 million pounds –

over 4 million more than last year. Thanks again for your support.

Children in Need fund a health care support worker at Haven House Children’s

Hospice in Woodford Green. A Radio 2 presenter, Jo Whiley, visited the children’s

hospice and recorded a programme at Haven House ahead of the BBC’s Children in

Need Appeal. Jo spoke to children, families and staff at the hospice and they told their

stories, in a short film and radio broadcasts in the weeks leading up to the appeal.

“It was inspiring to visit Haven House and see first-hand how the funds are spent and

the difference Children in Need is making in the local community. It was lovely to

spend time with the children and their parents and find out exactly how Haven House

supports them.” Haven House say of the charity “we think you're amazing!”

Shoe Boxes - Operation Christmas Child - We hope to fill a few boxes and take

some items to be added to boxes at the checking point which may be a bit sparse or

have items in them which are not suitable and need to be removed. Thank you in

anticipation of your contributions. Soft toys, finger puppets, tennis balls, yo-yo’s

building blocks, small musical instruments, trucks, cars, small dolls, felt pens, pens,

pencils, sharpeners, erasers, colouring books, notepad, picture or puzzle books, pencil

case, stickers, tooth paste, toothbrush, hairbrush, comb, hairclips, flannel, soap, sweets

(sell by date no later than March 2016), gloves, scarf, sunglasses, cap, hat, bangles,

necklace, clip on earrings. (No liquids)

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Parkinson’s UK would be grateful for any used postage stamps as a means of raising

money. Please leave a quarter inch border on the stamps. The box is on the window sill

in the Haven

One person in every 500 has Parkinson's. That's about 127,000 people in the UK.

Symptoms and how quickly they progress are different for everyone. No-one knows

why people get the condition. There's currently no cure, but drugs and treatments are

available to manage many of the symptoms.

Parkinson’s UK fund research into finding better treatments and ways to improve the

quality of life for people with Parkinson's. They are a support and research charity and

are leading the work to find a cure.

The Very First Christmas Day

His parents had no money, although He was a King—

An angel came to Joseph one night as he dreamed.

"Don't be afraid to marry her, this child is God's own Son,"

And with these words from God's messenger, their journey had begun.

They travelled to the city, their taxes to be paid—

But when Christ was born they found no place for the baby to be laid.

So they wrapped Him up and used a lowly manger for His bed,

With nothing else but straw to place beneath the Christ-child's head.

The shepherds came to worship Him, the wise men travelled too—

Led by a star up in the sky, they found the baby new.

They gave him gifts so wondrous, their incense, myrrh, and gold,

Thus completes the greatest story of a birth 'twas ever told.

He was just a tiny baby, born in a stable far away—

They had no reservations, and nowhere else to stay.

But His birth was so majestic, in a simple sort of way,

A baby born in Bethlehem on a very special day.

It was the Saviour born in Bethlehem, on the very first Christmas Day.

Brenda Thompson Davis


Please, please, could those of you with church responsibilities write/type out the

procedure that enables you to do that role (e.g. secretaries of committees, rota

compilers, worship leaders etc.) and let me have a copy. I am compiling a procedure

manual so that any person taking over knows what is involved. I have managed to do

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some off the top of my head but it would save me a lot of time and brain power if you

could please help me by providing the exact information. Despite numerous reminders

in 2014, I have had only one response.. You may not think it necessary for your

particular role to be laid down but if you move unexpectedly it is harder for someone

to take over and things do get missed. There has been a stewards’ procedure for a

number of years. That is being updated but the old one has given the new stewards an

idea of what is expected of them to fulfil their role. If you’re not sure that a procedure

is needed or you need help, please ask me. I really would like to complete this soon.

Thank you.

Sheila Platt

“Check this out. It’s a poster made

by the British Government to raise

morale during World War 2.


“Oh yeah! I have one just like it!”


“That’s a little different”.

“I adhere to it often!”

MISSION IN BRTAIN – ADVENT 2016 This Advent Offering Appeal “Keeping Hope Alive” focuses on the Parson Cross

Initiative (PXI) in North Sheffield. Workers and volunteers at PXI serve people to

bring change. Instead of poverty, PXI wants people to experience fulfilment. Instead

of injustice and hardship, PXI helps people to receive respect and dignity. Laura,

Helen and Michelle, whose stories feature in Keeping Hope Alive, have all

experienced real change through PXI. Find out how at www.methodist.org.uk/advent

This Advent season give thanks for Jesus-shaped hope fuelled in people like Laura.

Use Keeping Hope Alive to join with the whole Connexion in enabling an even greater

work locally and throughout Britain.


Laura first came to Parson Cross Initiative last year. “When I came to Sheffield I was

in a period of severe bi-polar illness that led me to lose everything I had.” Laura

became separated from her two children, lost her job, her home and her support

network that she had grown over years in London. She was feeling increasingly

isolated and vulnerable.

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“One day I discovered an art group run by Parson Cross Initiative (PXI). The people

running PXI offered me acceptance, friendship, practical support, home-cooked soup

and love.”

One of Laura's passions is music and she is a qualified music therapist, but sadly is

unable to practice at the moment. As a result, as well as attending the art group, the

creative writing group and gardening club – Parson Cross Initiative has now been able

to give her the opportunity to use her musical talents and expertise in a voluntary


She is also about to become a member of one of the Methodist Churches in the area.

“Sometimes…hope is like a candle flame that has almost gone out; it doesn't go

out but sometimes I need friends to remind me that it is still there.”

The Advent Offering is a chance for Christians to worship God and reflect on the

transformational work of the Fund in communities across Britain. Hundreds of

churches support the Advent Offering because they know that support for mission at

home is needed now more than ever.

The Mission in Britain Fund supports a wide spectrum of mission:

• Mission alongside the Poor

• Chaplaincy

• Sharing the gospel with all ages

• Ministering opportunities at Methodist Heritage sites

• Using church properties to serve local communities



North Chingford’s Annual Christmas Tree Festival will be held on Saturday, 12th

December. The theme is ‘A Sweet Christmas’ and all money raised is for Action for

Children. Ours will be based on the story of “Hansel and Gretel” complete with a

gingerbread house, courtesy of Maureen.


The post box will soon be in the Haven (until 18th December) for your Christmas cards

to friends at Church. Donations would be appreciated, for “Action for Children”


Royal Mail

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When using Royal Mail for Christmas cards, I don’t need to remind you to choose

religious stamps this year. All the denominations of Christmas stamps feature the story

of the birth of Christ, from the Annunciation to the journey of the Magi.


Michael and Betty Brennan will again this year not be sending individual Christmas

Cards but wish all their friends at Derby Road a Very Happy Christmas and Peaceful

and Healthy New Year.

Christmas in Trafalgar Square

Each year since 1947, a Christmas tree has been given to the people of London from

the people of Norway in gratitude for support for Norway during World War II. For

many Londoners the Christmas tree and carol singing in Trafalgar Square signal the

countdown to Christmas.

The Christmas tree in the square provides a central focus for carol-singing in the

evenings, when different groups perform Christmas carols in the square, raising funds

for voluntary or charitable organisations.

The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is usually a Norwegian spruce (Picea abies) over

20 metres high and 50-60 years old. It is selected from the forests surrounding Oslo

with great care several months, even years, in advance. The Norwegian foresters who

look after it describe it fondly as 'the queen of the forest'.

The tree is felled in November during a ceremony in which the Lord Mayor of

Westminster, the British ambassador to Norway and the Mayor of Oslo participate. It

is brought to the UK by sea, then completes its journey by lorry. A specialist rigging

team erects it in the square using a hydraulic crane. It is decorated in traditional

Norwegian fashion, with vertical strings of white lights - energy-efficient light bulbs

are used.

The Christmas tree remains in Trafalgar Square until just before the Twelfth Night of

Christmas, when it is taken down for recycling. The tree is chipped and composted, to

make mulch

There is a torch-lit procession on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields, as the choir and

clergy bless the Crib in a special ceremony in Trafalgar Square. The Crib is designed

by Tomoaki Suzuki with figures inspired by London’s diverse population. It will be on

display in the square throughout December.

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Pause For Thought - From Canon Ann Easter, Chaplain to the Queen:

I was watching television on Friday evening, (13th November) marvelling at the

generosity and fortitude of all those people who had, by dancing, cycling, driving

buses and all sorts of other means, raised an enormous amount of money for Children

in Need, when the news of the massacres in Paris burst onto the screen. Ordinary

people who had been out on a November evening watching football, enjoying music

and eating together in one of the world’s most elegant capital cities had been murdered

and injured. I felt sick to see such vivid juxtaposition of good and evil.

Paris is very near and I couldn’t help but wonder – where next? What should we do in

the face of such blatant violence and hatred? Our primitive human instincts of fight

and flight prompt us both to call for immediate violent retaliation while at the same

time checking our own loved ones and wondering whether we really need to go out

today. But neither of those will do.

On Saturday, I went to our library where a local family originally from Yemen sold

loads of luscious home-made cakes to raise money for children in Syria; then it was

time for my youngest granddaughter’s birthday party. As is the norm in east London,

her friends of many different cultures and faiths passed the parcel and bounced on the

castle together, whooping and laughing. Straight from there to take part in a Diwali

festival with our Hindu neighbours and then to call for a fundraising barn dance to

raise money to send some British young people to Mozambique to help build a school.

Multiculturalism is not always easy or straightforward but I believe it’s the way we’re

strongest. I’d rather see our diversities as a blessing to be celebrated than a division to

fight about.

In church yesterday, we said the prayer set for the day - ‘Oh God, You long for the

world’s salvation, stir us from apathy, restrain us from excess and revive in us new

hope that all creation will one day be healed.’

It’s almost as if the angels knew that’s what we’d need to say.

West End to Broadway

In January 2012, the congregations of Trent Vale and Wesley Epworth Street

Methodist Churches sold their buildings and came together with the vision to build a

new church and community cafe in the centre of Stoke on Trent.

At the time, the churches were looking at three potential sites, but to everyone's

surprise, it was an old, derelict pub, The West End, that came up trumps. Many of the

middle-aged members actually remember going there to celebrate their twenty-first

birthdays. After two years of planning and fundraising and six months of building

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work, the West End Methodist Church Community Centre and Cafe opened in January


It has been “jam crammed full” every Sunday since, according to the minister, the

Revd Nichola Jones. ‘The kingdom of God has come on chocolate biscuits and cake,'

joked Nichola.

At the first of the openings, 95 year old Ilona Parkes cut the ribbon, saying ‘I prayed to

God every day I'd live to see this day'. At the community opening over 900 turned up

and the church ‘did not know what to do' – there wasn't a room in the place that wasn't

crammed but there was an ‘atmosphere of joy bubbling all the way through,' said

Nichola. The Lord Mayor even commented, ‘you can feel there is love here.'

On the corner of the church there is a brand new community café. “It's a hugely

popular venue,” remarks Nichola. “The staff only has to turn the lights on and people

come in. When they come in, they're stunned by the quality of the work, a testament to

the builders, who knew they were building something beautiful for God.”

West End Methodist Church is growing. There are only 80 seats in the church but

on Easter Sunday they had to shunt the children upstairs to free up space for more

people. The church is raising funds to build more cupboards, so they can run a


A Connexional property grant of £173,000 helped make the project possible, and the

church was immensely encouraged by the Connexion's confidence and generosity. The

church itself raised £83,000 in three years, and numerous secular grant givers have

also given grants to it.

The West End cafe has met many needs – providing good, affordable food, and a

safe space to find new friends. One lady was asked what made her come to the cafe

and said, “I was so lonely; I just hoped someone would talk to me – and they did! This

is such a happy place to be!” Another individual shared his joy on finding the cafe: “I

came looking for good food, but I found something better. I found Jesus!”

There are many budding church initiatives like The West End Methodist Church that

need your ongoing support. Please pray and give towards our Mission in Britain to

release their potential.

Mission in Britain team


we praise you, O loving God, who gave your very self in human form,

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your majesty born into our poverty, your love lying in an out-house.

We thank you that, amidst Bethlehem's noisy rush, we find in you a focus

for our activity, a hope for your humanity, a love for all eternity.

But we confess that Christ's birth has gone unnoticed.

Now, as then, we have not made room in our day to day lives.

Now, as then, we have mislaid your message of reconciling love.

Now, as then, we have ignored the stillness of your presence.

Gift-giving God, forgive us. Free us from our self-centredness.

Help us to accept your love so freely given that we may live

as you have called us to live. Amen.

(Source not known)


Lord, whether we are leaving behind a year of joy

and blessing or trials and difficulties, we pause to give thanks.

We thank you that you are always with us every single day of every single year.

Please remind us of your presence in the year ahead even when life is busy.

We are so thankful that we serve a God who makes things new and gives

us the grace of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Be glorified in our lives this year. In Jesus’s name. Amen

Heather King (a convert to Catholicism,

freelance writer and recovering alcoholic)


Tuesday 1 Coffee Morning in the Haven 9.30am – 12 noon

Thursday 3 Thursday Club – Visit to Harlow Garden Centre – 12.00pm.

Friday 4 St Mary's lunch 12noon – 2pm

Sunday 6 Gift Service – Parade Service 10.30am Mr. Tony Miller

Ecumenical Advent Service at St. Thomas of Canterbury 4.30pm

Circuit Thanksgiving Service for Charles Green, Circuit Steward @

Lighthouse Methodist Church 4.30pm

Tuesday 8 Coffee Morning in the Haven 9.30am – 12 noon

Sunday 13 Morning Worship (S) 10.30am Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

Carol Service @ Shern Hall 4.30 pm Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

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Monday 14 Lunch Club in Church Hall 12 – 1.15pm

Tuesday 15 Coffee Morning in the Haven 9.30am – 12 noon

Saturday 19 Circuit Carol Service @ Wanstead Methodist Church 5pm

Sunday 20 Morning Worship Local Arrangement/Carols

Contemporary Worship @ Winchester Road

Methodist Church 4pm Revd. Hilary Cheng

(to be confirmed – check notices) Planned 6.30 service has been cancelled

Thursday 24 Christmas Eve Communion Service Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

at Shern Hall Methodist Church 11.15pm

Friday 25 Christmas Day Service – 10.00am Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

Sunday 27 Morning Worship 10.30am Mr. Alec Hendley

No Evening Service

Thursday 31 Watchnight Service @ Shern Hall Meth Church

11.15pm Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle



Sunday 3 Morning Worship - 10.30am AAW Mr. Martin Lawford

Saturday 9 Exploring Methodism with Maureen & Kate Poole 10 am for


Sunday 10 Covenant Service – 10.30am Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

Healing Service @ Shern Hall 5pm Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

Evening Worship @ Winchester Rd. Methodist Church 6.30pm

Revd. Dr. Ebute Obiabo

Monday 11 Lunch Club in Church Hall 12 – 1.15pm

Tuesday 12 Coffee in the Haven 9.30am – 12 noon

Thursday 14 Bible Study in the vestry 7.30pm – 9pm

Sunday 17 Morning Worship – 10.30am Mrs Cynthia Bonds

. Circuit Service – Café Worship @ Loughton - 6.30pm

Tuesday 19 Coffee Morning in the Haven 9.30 – 12 noon

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Sunday 24 Morning Worship 10.30am Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

No Evening Service

Tuesday 26 Coffee Morning in the Haven 9.30 – 12 noon

Thursday 28 Bible Study in the vestry 7.30pm – 9pm

Sunday 31 Morning Worship – 10.30am Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

Pastoral Support Gathering for Pastoral Visitors

and those in the caring professions 6pm

Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle

The editor for this edition was Mrs. Sheila Platt. Contributions for the next

edition to be sent to Mrs Ann Hunter, 27 Balliol Avenue, Chingford, E4 6LX

(tel (020) 8527 6089 email: [email protected]) by midday on Tuesday,

19th January, 2016 please.

Edition No. 216

The views expressed in the Contact are not necessarily those of the Methodist

Church or the Editors.

Activities day by day

Sunday 10.30 - 11.30am Worship Service

6.30 - 7.30pm Worship Service (3rd in month)

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(Check notices and poster)

Monday 12.00 - 1.30pm Lunch Club (2nd in month)

2.00 - 4.00pm Singing for Fun U3A (3rd in month)

6.00 - 7.30pm Brownie Pack (term time)

8.00 - 9.00pm Karate Class

Tuesday 9.30 - 12noon Coffee in the Haven

1.30 - 3.30pm Flower-arranging U3A(2nd in month)

4.15 - 5.45pm Tudor Rose Dancing Class

7.30 - 9.00pm Ultrasound Ladies Choir

6.30 - 8.05pm Boys’ Brigade (Anchor Boys & Juniors)

7.45 - 9.45pm Boys’ Brigade (Company Section)

Wednesday 9.45 - 12.00noon Pilates Class

9.30 - 12.00noon Monkey Music (term-time)

10.00 - 11.00am Music & Movement U3A

(2nd & 4th in month)

4.15 - 7.30pm Tudor Rose Dancing Class

7.30 - 9.30pm Woodford Singers

8.00 - 9.30pm Zumba Exercise Class

Thursday 10.30 - 11.15am Hey Diddle Diddle

7.30 - 9.00pm Bible Study (2nd & 4th in month)

2.30 - 3.30pm Thursday Club for Ladies (1st in month)

4.15 - 5.45pm Tudor Rose Dancing Class

8.00 - 9.30pm Knit and Natter (1st & 3rd in month)

Friday 4.15 - 8.30pm Tudor Rose Dancing Class

Saturday 9.30 - 2.30pm Tudor Rose Dancing Class

When preparing for a show The Thistles Musical Theatre Company

meet Monday and Friday 8.00pm – 10.00pm plus occasional Sundays.