wood preface and chapter 1 lecture preface and introduction ca301 part 2

Wood Preface and Chapter 1 Lecture Preface and Introduction CA301 Part 2

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Wood Preface and Chapter 1 LecturePreface and Introduction

CA301Part 2

Our area of emphasis:  Interpersonal communication.

Small group and teams Public communication Performance, including

stories (narratives). Australian Country Song


Media and new technologies.  Media reinforce cultural stereotypes about race and ethnicity.  Media can distort reality.

Organizational communication, including the personal relationships among coworkers, organizational culture (identity and codes of thought and action that are shared by members of an organization).

Intercultural communication.  Less obvious are cultural differences between people who speak the "same" language.  Within the US there are distinct communication cultures based on race, gender, affectional preferences, and ethnicity.

Careers in Interpersonal Communication

Research Public Relations Advertising Education Human Relations Management

Review chapter 1Explain in your own words or give a personal example!

fantasy theme An idea that spins out in a group and

captures its social and task foci.

interpersonal communication

Communication between people. Interpersonal communication exists on a continuum ranging from impersonal (between social roles) to highly personal.

Let’s talk about group work in this course:

Responsibilities in a Small Group* Be committed to the group’s goals Fulfill individual assignments Avoid interpersonal conflicts Encourage full participation Keep the discussion on track *Lucas, S. E.  (2004).  The art of public

speaking.  (8th ed.)  Boston, MA:  McGraw-Hill.

Try It Out

Question 1:  For the next day, pay attention to the way you talk to yourself. When something goes wrong, what do you say to yourself? Do you put yourself down with negative messages, blaming yourself for what happened? Do you generalize beyond the specific event to describe yourself as a loser or as inadequate? The first step in changing negative self-talk is to become aware of it. The second step is to challenge it when it occurs.

Try It Out

Question 2:  Interview a professional in the field you plan to enter, and find out what communication perspectives and skills she or he thinks are most important for success. Which of the perspectives and skills do you already have? Which ones should you learn more about? How can you use this book and the accompanying course to develop the understandings of communication that will help you be effective in your career?

Read Case 1 for Next Class


  Learning theory suggests that students learn more if they review what

they have just learned and if they preview and prepare for what they plan to learn. 

  1.  Take several minutes to talk with your partner or group about what

you have learned today.    2.  Also, look ahead to what you need to do to prepare for the next

class meeting.  What do you already know about the next course topic?  Discuss your experiences related to this topic.  What assignment do you need to prepare for the next class meeting (e.g., reading, writing, speech)? 

If there is no specific assignment, what do you need to do to mentally prepare before class so you are an active learner?

  "The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous."

Shana Alexander

Case 1 Thought and Reflection

What are the reasons Madeline and Martin give for their married-name preferences?

Considering both Madeline’s and Martin’s perspectives, what are the possible decisions this couple might make?

In what ways do married-name choices suggest different types or styles of marriage relationships? Identify the characteristics of marriage for Martin and for Madeline.

To what degree can cultural issues affect married-name choices?

In this relationship what role does self-disclosure play in defining power and control in the process of decision making?