wirral council admits that council tax is unlawful and sets a legal precedent

WIRRAL COUNCIL Admits that Council Tax is Unlawful and Sets a Legal Precedent. Posted October 7th, 2009 by john. This is taken from nocounciltax.com OK – so now the cracks are really beginning to appear. I am indebted to my good friend and fellow Freeman on the land, for allowing me to use his documentation for this:- Let me fill you in on the background so you have the case history:- “Jim” (As we will call him”) is a Freeman on the Land along with us (More on that here www.TPUC.org & www.thinkfree.ca) – and a few months back he decided (Like many of us) that he wasn’t going to pay the UNLAWFUL Council tax that they were trying to enforce upon him via thier unlawful statute legislation. So he stopped paying:- In due course he started receiving the threatening letters until one day the “summons” appeared on his doormat. (Note: A summons is merely an invitation to attend their place of business to discuss a punishment – its an offer – Read more - just as the Council Tax Bill is an offer to contract with them – read more on this) The “invitation” was to appear before Wirral Magistrates Court for a hearing concerning the issuing of a liability hearing. Now as we all now ALL magistrates courts are merely a trading styles of the “run for profit” company called “Ministry of Justice” – see below and you can get a copy of the document I have acquired clearly showing:- 1. The corporate status of the Ministry of Justice 2. The Directors (Lord Falconer of Thoroton & Others) 3. The fact that Ministry of Justice has County Court Jugements against it 4. The trading styles of MOJ (Top right – which includes “Magistrates Courts” MINISTRY OF JUSTICE IS A BUSINESS

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Are you still worried that you might have to pay council rates? Then read on..... How much more do you need to prove that rates and registration for animals is all illegal and unlawful. OK – so now the cracks are really beginning to appear. I am indebted to my good friend and fellow Freeman on the land, for allowing me to use his documentation for this:- Let me fill you in on the background....


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WIRRAL COUNCIL Admits that Council Tax is Unlawful and Sets a Legal Precedent.Posted October 7th, 2009 by john.

This is taken from nocounciltax.com

OK – so now the cracks are really beginning to appear.

I am indebted to my good friend and fellow Freeman on the land, for allowing me to use his documentation for this:-

Let me fill you in on the background so you have the case history:-


“Jim” (As we will call him”) is a Freeman on the Land along with us (More on that here www.TPUC.org &

www.thinkfree.ca) – and a few months back he decided (Like many of us) that he wasn’t going to pay the UNLAWFUL

Council tax that they were trying to enforce upon him via thier unlawful statute legislation. So he stopped paying:-

In due course he started receiving the threatening letters until one day the “summons” appeared on his doormat. (Note:

A summons is merely an invitation to attend their place of business to discuss a punishment – its an offer – Read more - 

just as the Council Tax Bill is an offer to contract with them – read more on this)

The “invitation” was to appear before Wirral Magistrates Court for a hearing concerning the issuing of a liability hearing.

Now as we all now ALL magistrates courts are merely a trading styles of the “run for profit” company called “Ministry of

Justice” – see below and you can get a copy of the document I have acquired clearly showing:-

1. The corporate status of the Ministry of Justice

2. The Directors (Lord Falconer of Thoroton & Others)

3. The fact that Ministry of Justice has County Court Jugements against it

4. The trading styles of MOJ (Top right – which includes “Magistrates Courts”


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Now call me blonde but I would say this is pretty damned conclusive that we are dealing with a corporate court

convened by a corporation to simply lift money from you and I.

So … “Jim” jotted the council a little letter which is shown below:-


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Jim sent this letter about THREE WEEKS before the date that the hearing was due to be heard on.

So … the DAY BEFORE the hearing, Jim received a phone call from the Wirral Council LEGAL DEPARTMENT and what they

said was staggering …

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1. Now this is incredible that on the back of one letter they decide to withdraw and more importantly

confirms the following:-

2. Council tax is UNLAWFUL, as you and I well know that if these leeches had once ounce of a lawful

case for taking this money then they would fight it to the death

They KNOW Council Tax is unlawful and are simply robbing those who haven’t woken up to the facts yet to the tune of

£140,000,000,000 per annum (thats 140 BILLION of our money!)

So, Jim being the experienced fellow he is – asked them to email him with confirmation that they were going to withdraw

and printed below is their email.




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Jim then asked for further clarification in a formal letter and here is the letter that they sent!



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Then Jim asked them to confirm in writing that because there was now NO LIABILY that the council tax was no longer


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This is the letter they and this is probably (in my opinion) one of THE single most important documents in the fight

against Council Tax as it PROVES beyond ANY DOUBT that we DO NOT HAVE TO PAY this UNLAWFUL COUNCIL TAX.

Look at the bit in red!



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So not believing a word of the Council or the courts Jim rocked up to the court on the morning of the Liability hearing and

standing as a Freeman on the Land asked the Judge to confirm the withdrawal of the other side which the Judge duly

confirmed. The judge then told Jim that he needn’t have turned up and then Jim hit with it.

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“I know that sir, but there is the small matter of mys costs”


BAM! – They were not expecting that one!



So, Jim has now duly entered a claim for costs of £1,400  against Wirral Council which is still ongoing at this time as the

courts are trying to play silly buggers with Jim – he has even had one judge step down and refuse to adjudicate in favour

of his costs – as you can see – its a stitch up!


Anyway – Jim has some other things planned and I will keep you abreast of developments but there you have it.

A UK Council running away from a court hearing because they KNOW they dont have a LAWFUL leg to stand on and the

whole Council Tax is a scam to relieve you and I of money.


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