windows app store optimization tips

App Store Optimization Tips

Upload: steven-james

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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App Store Optimization Tips

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Icon Title Screenshots Description Use of Relavent Keywords App Reviews Competitor Analysis Stick To Your Brand Name

Tips For App Store Optimization

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It is the first thing that user will come to see. Make it to look the best. Test it before submitting to the app store.


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Title should be optimized in terms of keyword phrases.

Once you have made the title, you can not change.


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If you want to draw more crowd towards your website, you must take an attractive screen shots.

Its banner ads are the most important to get popularity.

More clicks more popularity.


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It is the most important part of any app.If you want more download of your app, you must have to write an impressive description.


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Use of Relevant Keywords

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Keywords play the most important role in driving more users to any app.

You must know where to use those keywords.Do keywords reaserch and use shortlisted keywords only.

Use of Relevant Keywords

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App Reviews

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App reviews are important thing to be answered smartly.

Make friendly atmosphere while conversation to your customers.

App Reviews

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Competitor Analysis

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It is advisable to do competitor analysis before choosing keywords for your app.

Observe your competitors apps, to get more download of your app.

Competitor Analysis

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Stick To Your Brand Name

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Your app keywords must contain your brand name in proper way.

You can not change your brand name after submitting your app.

Stick To Your Brand Name

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