-w^i^^m^k ®m& ^m^ms^mnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1885-05-28/ed-1/seq-2.pdf ·...

^•*KIitIi\rIS'toEJ;ti•^[iB;>E^ENBi;KT^ ' '•}m®&m&.% : m&f m> less. JAiirifa BXTSSEEI,. -Lbw-RW, declines tab .Qifeffid prpfeisorsHp-^hteli -Was tendered tobinii .:-.' .*..--,"•:•• •/. ' .-.-" ••' • . //. YrciX>"R': SXAKffi. Strsb, .-the IQus'trous '/Kerich poet'andautlroi-died itx Pans, on . Sund"a-iv -'.-''..'•'-;''. - . -; ; -"' '-• ; - ; -dMnfc; 'Jlott'do'ft,/the "Ijaliaiiy has been ' fnund gnaity at. murderIn the first degree id She Hejlt$Hiei'. county [ epurf -andfi^i-b'e; hung./'.-•/•--''-'"• •-..•' - • ' .- : : •-."•"-" •;•'• SiEiri : |he-Ieadai\ of ."the Northwestern .reblglion, is/toTbe Met;feyeburi-rnarfial,. arid it. is.Relieved" will" b/e'cnndebined/to- "death; ;•.: • "• ", r .-' /...-'•©BNE&ui; ©BANTseems' to-. continue. .«bout .the i^amej and works a.fitrle- -every d%,.oi'HsrnenKars which'are'now nearlv- 'W^rfy; for t&e press. ;.'•-. '• . ;•" VpAjKfc&ft'JpEi Br^SK Qf..Gqopers-tbw& f -ex ? . p!effc-.o| the"--Assemblyi;#nd'secretary, of /theI)e}ap.<^tfe.-'s^te eommlttee,. has beea appointed prated States marshal .for the- northern disi^cfc of i^ewvl/dsk:'.'. '-'. •-.' .. BB. 0;, HM^.JlESiaAai; *>f Locust .(•Jrovej: -l3ais. cdutttyy has: been ^pointed .--Chief of .'-fhb. iditisionZof"" eco'nomle qrhi--' •Saole&y' a n t e tire department, of igriculv ItaesaS ^ashliujtoui The- appbintrrientis. •deemed a:-gbod0ne,.and Ite. Merriam^vyhb' its en4nenft3f : qua]rBed: ioi fife'^ofk/- will -entirtfport MadufSesafione'e^ .• '. ,.. •''. ' : . Tag new' postal .card,., under- "the can.- , tract of l§§6i will be a delicate pink in ! lieu of fire present;, ereara ..color.- The t.exture of the paper is also, said to be an- i pawed.. Tie size will be tie saine as now ••in use. , . . . • • - . . ' . • • ' - , . . , ' . • . ;• . tk-EAS travelisnotyet free from win- '-'try perils. Oil the lfteh "hist, the." steamer ' (Sty of Berlin, struck sin iceberg, stem on, . in a dense, fog. • Slight .damage\yas done. ; The officers and crew behaved with" great /Coolness and bribery in ealipiug the' fears ! of ihe terrified passenger's, of -which' there j were mote than a thousand on board. •i~ Tits- Ameriean' Protetti&iM favors a t ticket' next fall with Witliain/IL .Rabert : '. son' of "Westchester, "for governor and- Dennis-McCarthy of Onondaga for lieu- tenant-governorC/ This would be a strong 'ticket,' but it:-is.-a. .safe" asssertibn that Judge Robertson WbuKt not permit his nttnJe to be used in connection .with, the governorship!. He believes as all thought- ful Republicans believe" in the selection of a. new man who has.had. no decided con- nection -with the , factional troubles so 'happily ended.' A. gobdystrong,new niam with a record as ,a citizen..-and as- a Re- publican, that no one could question would be a.Safe candidate for the goyern- •orship.; Such.d jnauwil'l.ijrobably be the' choice of the ; party and'of .the peoptej Senatof McCarthy appears to be the only •Bepublican who- is- openly announced as a, Biindrdate forthe lieutenant-goyernorship;' He has. elements of strength that make luai""a ; fbrrnid^blb.'• tnnffldate.--- J i?&»j( JQttmah'r . ••.-••• •- •'•:'.' -.- ; . •- '• - - -J'--." -.iu-^iseossfif newspajier the -bther, .d r dy- '•:• "fepoEted ap^#rninentci^ettrnii^ej:"ea. r po 'sSa$'- sUj^ri^' of; every bubj h^f^e^ : ica. •-• fusned up;%weekW.so afferwaidsaijdexj-' ,-' .-^Jained tl&tffie-paper.meant-to say ihari- •.".- lieaj-nbt^unlered,'- The-lSPew.yorfc Suiv ; ^qHated Qas bl%der'a few days since when. ... it referred ..to.tha^.^ruiiicd: 5 '^ .Bible" Snsfead. : :6fthe.^aTase9:"':Sirile. ;"':'' ^v-' '"• ."' W^_'pmiESpi JSL.jP. P'.^and.-Oharies: Fiti$)atEielr s ;|hjfemdv.ocifite-' who -flgutfid ; so 'donsjaeuously. in'.obtiijnirig".i tfiprieve. foif SJsdseue Baulet,- the,'B|ty StL.pauI nrurder-. - es>j has-e.beeii retaiheet jw- : cbunsel to' -de* fendIfieL\ They^haye-bcenseniA>r-.by T a •prbjriineht JFreacb.^^ Canadian, m^h^:nortli-; •west,;;who is" a great friend of"Mel's, and. ' wihb' has "fpturitfteted to meet all the .expen- -*esv""'.--/'-'••'. -•'.-.. : : .-'•.'•'•. -'..-'.'••• . ' " . •- :: Seiiiar*S's^ printing. .eittAlislttrienfc'iri Gittcinnattt' io<M .:&a ; lasff -Tiursdaj- "^ffenobn, -and"before; they; cbujd' -be. teacued- - fo.urteeri : . ^ds.'pecish;e.d iu' : ' ; tlie; .Same's.. 3 & SuHi«an,a broker of =the-pf sf ,- pri^tor, JE|ler;:^Tin^ : ihe..' : K^ i "Ssoniefi. by:i|t,t|ng=d|iwn * xope "ftbrri ibie mpfit^iira^elfidlled^by th¥ burning in .two 'of.&ersaiHe.rope; before he-«Quld fea^'• the^rbundi - ':• J t fe'thoughtths. lire- Martedf'from-a-"can' bfc'beararie <3n the ;.secondioon'4e"afrtrieyeyatoT. : . I ..',';•• .:.-.'." TH#fpHbwmg' 'goiderf sentences; front. " .fhe clos,e:6f^^-fefehoprSpaldiug's hrasterLy.ier -;•" ply-to lilizlrbeeh Gady. §fantoh%Sereaand' tpyust onslaught on religion;,; -.espr'essj'.. we - ;beHey% tfepositions of.agreiit iiiajbia%bf ;;. : the tiinMn*.Glirisliarj. p'epple.of 1 tsur- l*nd- : feiuehin v g; : th;e'rights'^of woin'eni -.'?&.Taw. ,;. ;that is'pnjnst to^hdr'shouiai'esiist'ii!. Qhiist-r' .-en&m.- . "'ae'SiQuId _; •anyfeareer tgat offers to;her-tfie^^ ineanS;..of. .'-«ahbni^ia*elih!0«'dy.'. *&mihe; saaie-worl? r. ine ; should receive ths satrie-'"wages.. aa n. -. . mm f ana-sSbul3-h;bia her'prbp-oi'tyiin''*HH.'; ,'..tiie-.Qf-'fiiosain&right^hai aec.iitea ,16" Mrii'' j'. thn pdsHessipri of-his owrt^.- ' •:;-.••. .' •. - •'-'_';..':TiEB extr*i6ssifin of the..Iej£$lata're wits. . : brbnght'ta -^.clbse; On. Fridayat i i jfc- The -. bnly ; bus|aess'donS was the ptosagft'of the :.'• identical ceisus biji wiMcE Screernoy Sp - hSd prewonsitr ^etod^^Th^:'";'".' ~'**-*.•»-. "•..exfe session.-of Ske fegishrf^i* nearly " "&otfflht 0isSeki&- ter '^^^S^Uf : •i^=.iW';.i? : «'^ i ^^- > f*^e^by this'. : -sBaHenV.and;''&S.moae-y : ..whieh i*.-!aa : s ".cdst. ;" .$b& st»te7w c si*.»wttfse. ffian; wasfe.rl.. / T i e . followingiaihe qos*.-bf-ffie-e'3Etra jsession: .?.."•;"'" .-" • : ' . : .'-' - 4SSBK3E(I.X •-. ,-'•"-"-'- • ' . . ' " . '3ljlea«e-oraneinbi5is;„ S\il^^:,... ,-•.--.;. .^si&s'ify . •Beriiem^s^otEmployes;;".',.„;',....Jli;. 2,470-%J. .•' : v." '^dtai#r;-a3aemM5-",v,.„ ;•>; w,;;.\ .;-.V.:::.;S6iii49j2. * : :--'.'-'-..' "" : .'" : '--. '-'ssiiJtisii-':"-' "'•' '-:••'; ':,•:.,. SRteage of-senateiV.s-.;v.;i.-. i-'.'.v.yA^S-.ffiS 20 •&?$iej&.p£t;b{-emplp£es±i.,:.. ^ .... iy. z:; 1,-824-»t: ToUaiiac Senate;1»».. :.ii. ; . Gr^i®fc>tal: .~j;.. s /J. J.-.;.,; ,...C...;$2;i9S-«.- .;.-.'..-.S9t3i7 06- >,j. The t^ore agare*.-a.o v nqfc iholttde Jrjnt r " : fcg posttge,;%hts;.aii*d' othet ihcidentol" i^Bipenses" whlbh *jpnTd bring' tfe'grarid: ;;tot^^pto : $f(^.(Joo;'>-.'--V'''';- V';.;:-.;:^- : "; -, •_' THRobjeetiyepQmt.tbWMdswMchEHS-- •\ i 44"isshi^g,-,ii'.Asia,;ig the-"ci't^u| Ser ; At,. .-•: < il#j^^'.is-¥5o^t-ol-'-igi^t'.'..imp^ia;nw;.: ._' tiptso njuQh'for yfhtd it is-.'m- itself m %^. '- -".. cause of' "its pbsijdbu^. It Js t£e :-;iey to ' 'indiai -. -- Mx army-pf': in*adiba from Seratr. •;, ^Guld'fiad'iittie;^^ difScultyin "-f6tcihg,|ts -^a.ytb; Qui^':and ; on'in"tQ ln^8; s 3s:atihy vstatjpged'afc-Herat- cptfld riotbii^ :rnetiac^" ;. thfr^BjdHsh.possessions,-butwoui4b64iasii. "Ijand.am|>%^ustamed'.byin.e: rich, and ; fertile"valley~ : in;:;wMei^fferit jWocited:, /. ^'En^psB .^terif : :3SartH^pefhVps r the ; ikst Ejxag^tithdntybn A e subjebfeir-hii^. ''.--seyeral7tiHieS'called^attention to4h&.fiiGt: ;, Jfofe ;Duly is .fhefe.abttndance ofvpftyislohs . $o-ras|a^ifcin"^ ;, pefes-also can %e~ oftsmed in any-quanfr ;. if. -jlktW-i^-fb^y-sijr-yesSBussia'ha's:. '^^Sdily; adlrakeed'i-iri all- one thousand; •; inileg—Sti now iheis only^abbut bne Inur" '^ 'dref infleiB-^fr^ intends ;|o occupy,- Herat. ;W& ironor: ©lad^ttuje : fbrnjsiearnest effor|s-&;^ertw4k;--'fle'}S , ^Sga^d^ina'.••^tenic'"iarjor t - But:«^.,d.0; tot ShiafeHussMpis sufficiehiiy'dttaizeSic-- ..'*i>JtrS!^ate. fiie '.a&antages:^^of peace.' Her; ;"^e^e9Sr^cers^l '.drive the C^atlintb; -"• ytMT t :M''po$sil3&. '•it-it is uyexink. "now^ tney '^tll-^copfciHe^^b>fe-«ggrsssive.poliey; ;iffil England Kfibirrpelied te,flgh^t'ih"s}ieeir. : '/«e;lfe-deferjEC&.'.-".;••*-•.:••;.--'";•:"'.'-;':' ; ". : .--.,"-:'.'""' . '•'•' :;-**¥.. of - ifee'.genei^i 1 'pHsi&esS-'^ituatibn- . - thrbu^onttttter^jritiy, haij.thjte tassay; ./• .'-; \'0n- fce.-^hole^ whifo-ira^e%duti.-'and; " iifit *%fefactbryin re>pec£ to.the'-dfinen^ .... ' fflbhs.;of'prqflts;:«ndbea'rHin^s r 'rth;erB'fe' i n"ot' -; V oni^ita&ili&f, : but^ ajso-fcinildvieMfncy;to; ;l - J wppfecaaiSoit in ; . cor&a^t^tka- '.very; .'ei- , i- Irenie &tra ; of fhebj|).okte;co»'ciitioH£iftsi. e y^as^.-andy; wMTe-.tfc'm^ "^Itherft.ate $m$l p,rpflts?-&ste^'..'p^;-larg;e; j.;•''..losses.. .-^e, :: geneial^^^ sitrmi3bli^|ia^. been' •.':.-.clearfedi of «y*as£amouu6 bj utwbund 'or -, da^erous;;'rflaterialj;and?the-: Jfi^uidation; : -Ibsus ;heen" ao.th'ortaigli-attd ;«bmp^ehensiy;e - '"_ ;ia'theforjcuef holding::«uS"i<x-. yal'ufes and: • "• >•• discouragingdperdtlo^^pr^enBhfes^i.Ris, ,- ': «rr :tho,whdie^-«' , si^atxG^'iB wbach -acoiit' - ftderice may iestaMish itself for ^ graduttl ' .-• a«p»rtutB '&"_#* di«^tiojL ; ofaBtivfty; aact^ " «.gpie<astipjfe-^a" atufffipn in wlidh $& : J»uragmg'deTelbpinenta^^.May-'wbrk- t>afc." rieeuperattis-e'. ifesuita. withvAe;^^afeuranee; -. |hat : r 1;he' tja^pinn&ig : of '.business! ha^, '£im& "sttfingtheiiei M§. i!&&SsxBS%0ie; i&~ •' ^aiJle/j^riS i n whjcriifc-wbuliba^a^generat;; yVetdiei thaifiierB^ia' inoxe. ^Mloifophy '-pt: j^s^aMy an^ap.preciatibnfiont.th'e'pres- mt^^ plane ; (st;Vafaatiotis,^^^thanatanyrfiaie." f jiiBd^tior 1 W-%e Jftte"; 4. e str^ctiye-aecline K>attafiignidatiGn;."'-V'-;-'"•? : '. .,.-•.;.-."-'.. '•';' ""' It.ia^quite'-evi'dettt. tKo'tihe."adTOea.tes;-of' canal 'transportation, do %piintend tg relax 'their egorfe in : b&half of waterattys of -the' St«fe :• vThe'GnrculaEs' -fust issued.' by. -the Seiv' York Board bf;Tradt and.- Trahspor; 'tatiph-i'SJhe 6rst to'wards-,«a- organized •movement to ;seeirre-; necessary- improve'-' nien^wHbhhftve b e e ^ bu^State-orSWr'sfor anumberbf years'past. 'A meeting-wifl;. shortl|- ,be" convened, at whiGh-.stetistics;-vsall be snbrrdjtt'ed whicii the friends of the canal believe will be eonvahcin^; enough t.o induce the State to keep.it inlgo&d repair-and ; .to. maKe sueh' iMprOvenients as: will stilt make.it an. ef-' fective-qbmpetitpr •tfitli.the riulroatjB for. mariy fears'to. cbine.;". That the canal has been. able, to fairly .hold ife owniathe face of j i e most 4isG0.uraging.-conditions there is. little xeason to; doubt;, Its Mends point, with .pride- to:'the"fkfct.tha;t during the-nav- igation Seasonrof ISS^'the^wlioie of.the- State w^ferwaJ5.:deii-ver.eu1..at;J;iie 'pprtSTi-.- Wlji^-bpSefeof grain,, the railroads for/' the Same period hauling but, Sg,:Q£9,020, .thus EJmning* behind-'trie-canals upwairda bf-'ninemllSon pushels.' .Thisia-a credit- able exhibit, especially in view of the fact th^at^^thebus^ess.depf.essign ! :wHeh,by. con T s^uenbe affects the "carrying".trade r redn'e4 ; ea,th&'. tonnage; amproye^.onwater'by (154 ,ffS8 tons as compared: with- the preceding yeivr,'8rid iri the Iglifr c^fehe'trunk lines as. £alMng-piE;ofmo'r<i.tt M; -fheiefore, such results'can he bbtftined i%'tWabseneebf im'prbyenientSjIh'e fiSends. cOf;the'cttmiJnatur»Hy'ar^ey.that It has hpt' outlived Its ,usefillhe'S3; 'The trunk lines, '^hm.point-out,"have had-th'&.ad.yantage.pf every kuprbvement WMdi.seiiSnc&aud; in-. -genKity-e"o.uM"srigg.esr-; : ' anci.-yet, .-with .eel- "grassiuipVdim-ent^.'lpcfc.detentibnSi bad banks-'- rQughV.|ottBm.s:'; iind -ibckiteaders^.. annpyanceSf the wattirwa-ya.have, moved" jriote gijiiri.;than'all; the ijunk.'-roads'- cens-. .tefihg at ijewTork combined.: Without, inquiring: infe-the respeclivre:- profits made-, last year during the-.navjgatibn- season by the'watetaud-iand.earners, it is. perhaps pfefinehfrib point' but.that..ifrjtlifij water' ^roiite hitd not been'ih existence the rail- roads Woutd;.have been: thfe'berterl'ciaTies - to jiyr.:^ W;fea^-i!^^^',fl0%4ai';-;'bush.eli.- : of ^freight, caljied afeaicKratteastiieabiHi 1 ?-^ Liie^^^Fiu^lidi-g^^ ro'aQp;'. .;^s:a^^iatw"-'^;;r!jte.sjther^^^^ ,Ca>al;' .has/ perfbriried.- m^aiuable- service, •^hat-the fui^e' ; wffl'4fe^opf .f.bweye"r t -it Is ; -'dinicuit^|p.-fcrese'e;.' : •-. Tie..-bqatmeh's; -pfbfi&Jastye.arHveceun'doubteS^^^ In" s'onie ca'se^ they barely earned: a living.v , Unless," thferSforei the-peopleibf'the" Sta¥ r " •who"for'better or worse-£Svie^'uiidertakeft to provide' for-fthe nialrtfenance of -the canals, are Willing.'tb^^ aT)andbri:-theni altoT-. •gether-/"we.do.nbt see thiitjth'eyj^hiiv&.any. aitenatiVe?|)Ut:tO'.Insi.St'upon.^ able and; jteeessary -irnprovements ; as: will iis'ur^their^'bontiiiued^^effieieiiey;.-, TJhe pop-. ular,"if-npfcraisleading, ; cry"pif. free'.canafs. it-wMle;agbU sugerse3'6daiowb^ : auapp3r- eirtly weH-foirnded" apprehension. '-.that if sbmethin^ ; &mb1b'-dbne in this.way.fweWhfd] sOOjh havehp-Caifals. aiall; .'frfie^.-or' .qth;er-; i • - FATAL Ql'AMRSZQms A .COW. j TWO F A W E K 3 MOn'HKt-S TO THE DEATH , , ONE WITH A CUTS AMD TUB OIHEB WITJI I A-KXI^E. PAKEKKB-nuRQ, W. i\, May 84r-*-On'' Thursday last, in Newark, Wirt coimty, a cow belonging to James. P. Bnffingfon, a fiwrnfflvbroke down, a panel-of fence sur- rounding the garden of.' Ahgust KUteau r and, entering the garden, destroyed the growing*. vegetables.. Kilteau. drove tlie cott? out with a club Just as the owner was passing. The two men. after bandy- ing epithets for a few moments, engaged in'a rough and tumble tight, in the course' of which Buffington was repeatedly struck with the club in the hands'of' Kilteau. Several men, including a Justice of the Peace, 'interfered and separated the rrien, but Btrffingtun drew a dirk knife and. rushed at.his antagonist. Kilteau struck him' on the head with Ms club,, knocking- hint down'.'' Bufflngton sprang-to his feet again, and stabbed Kilteau seven times in .various' pasts, of the body, leaving him in a. dying condition,: but not before he had jigairt ciubbea : Buffington, breaking four' of his ribs,, and fracturing his skull. "All this, time the spectator's were en- deavoring to stop the-fight,-hut their-' efforts.- -ivere: unsuecessful- -until the two men sank to the groun<i exliiiusted and eoyered with blood.froni head" to feet. They were taken to their homes, Where both'.are' reported to. have, -died lust' .night. ... • . , \ "• --. ; ; ;. ..'•'. -: . .; -; : .' -TBBHnfSSBiiqtsAp-Acms.'••' .' - : KILMKG SETT.LEES AMD THEIR IIORSTiS IN ..-...-; SE'V JtEXICO A^T» AltlZOS'A.- , CLIS-TOH,- Aria., JlJiy.3A.--4-coufier.rias; just aprived. from the upper '.6ila "with a letter-from: Wood Bog, which: says the Ih- dutus left ijagle <)reek, tluee miles north of Thompsons ranch, and> struck the. Blue River at- Benton's, ..forty'miles-north of Clifton, Old man .Brenton cannot be found, and.Dod, who followed up the In-. dians believes he- has been killed. ^ive iniles further on-the owner of German's ranch was found murdered and mutilated* Pod's horse shied often along the trail, on which, there were a nurnher of dead'horses, aiid he-believes' meiijilso. The Indiana crossed-the San JTranciscOjlive-rn-jles nofth-. of Alma," on I'rjday.' The settlers had not. "been notified of the outbreak, and many havexlpubtless been killed.. Pod says.that Cregeh aud- .$Ic$Urren startei back on Wednesday, for" Bampooa ranch, from wliich point no news has.- been received. He says that though the; Indians crosse'd. pxe San Francisco River pn the 16thi.nst., no troops had reached the river up to-the 20th'. - •.• ; • .'' -.. .""'. ^eteLISfQMWITSAXICBBme: THE BTJBAMER Cli^'CiP BEIlLfK KABBOWM ESCATES SiNEIKO A1? SBA,. ' . O&ftBGO'g VBFA Til. TLYCf TBmSUilES. Hfi. fJAl'S SEE.WeBeUIiA'rEp OS-THE'.ABVfCE OF HisTKrEST Aiaj.-tosy §^6,000. . OswEoo, May S3. —The PatMam pub- i&hes:,kn interview, with Titos. CraWfora,. the -.defaulting city'treasurer,, now in Hamilton, Out.-^CrawfbrdVstatement is that- -he;fbund himself short :$C0a.at the end of the first/year -as" treasurer. Hecbuld not -acebuntfbf ii and confided his - trou- bles to^ather. O'Couneii. a f St, John's church of this city nnel upon'his advice he eiigaged in margin" dealing hr-the h»pe of "making enough to make goocVthe fjhort- aa-e.c He riiad.e at first ii .small gaiii :but .subsequently.lost,.. For. two-...years "past- he. has' beeu'-.specuuttihg; with, the,-.city inoneyi -.generally losing and resulting in. .his fleeing'from the city: short ..^afyOoOv He says, he took ho money, to speak of TOthhim and-puts.theblame of.hiseoiu*se UQui? Fathe'r..O'.Connetl. : ' . ; . .: SMlia^Xiysari's SuHer^l, NEW YOBK, May 2S-? The steamer City .of Berlin.on the 19th.insfe., at,3-35.A. &., struck aniceberg, stem oa,'in a dense fog. The engines were going.-very slow at the time. .The bowsprit and -headwofk- were carried iiway,.'but no damage- *aa done be- low main-deck line: A t i jtS she proceed- ed slowly, at 0:24 she passed another ice- berg, .and' still another at 8.-50..". The steamer had 143 cabin and 1,135) steerage passengers abtwrd. , - A'P.ASSBN(iEn.'s STAtEMEE'K James O'ltourke, a cabin, passenger' on the steamer, says :dl went well until' they were' approaching, tlii* .bank.* ol" Sew Fotindhuul, when a Chick fog set in MI>H. : | day, the. isth inst.,. wliieli- eouljuuud until" the 20t'Ii. TIie;ship wasruu a' h;VU';Sp.eed' •duririy the.fo.ir, ku-.l the steiuu-whistk-.s- were' kept bfowiug. '.TtH'sday. inoming; about 3:20 th.- ship came in collii-i m with an immense iceberg which, carried away the jib-booni,bowsprit, iigjireheivd. and all the gear attached, stove in the t/uw, break- ing, the iron' plates,-deck .planking, iron railings, etc. Many ton*, of ice Ml' \ipon the forecastle deck, breaking it tltrough and. going down into the hold. The two-' men on. the lookout had a narrow escape with their lives,. .The.fog- being so -thick they..could not seethe Iceberg until it came tumbling on the. deck where, they were, •standing-and caused them to rnh^dt their, •lives.- .'^t;.the'.time of the sMqek' chief o'ffi : - eer. Tarjetbii- .and;-,secon'd. effleer." Barker Were -on cbaiy oh the bridge, and with'great .'-promptness Barker rushed' to :the bow- 'to. ascei-tain whether the -ship was.eut tlrrough ; below-the water linBfUtt the samefime.giv- i»g bidders- to'.cut 'aw.ay'.theirfshiftgs of-lifa rafts aji'd boats and prepare them, for : lo wer- •ingi'n ease the ship, should- sink.•-.-•T.tiro of tke'bbats. were swiuig,.0ut.aud others were- being put in readiness when it was d'is'boy-, ered-that.tlie.ship was', not mitlolng.' water and the order was countermanded..' The passengers, were"all asleep 'iii their, 'bertha afrthe tiajepf. tliecollisjon,hutIjeingawak- ened by the shock they immediately sought the deck and ran to and-fro screaming and praying, not knowing but that they would go-down with the ship in ttfew/niornenfe'.-; Tliere Were seventy-four cabin, sixty-nine •mtermedia.te.and JMJJS steerage passengers. and 142.i-ntlie-.erew," making a total -of -• 1,423 souls. -Whea it wms learned the, ves-r - sol was in no danger of sinking the excite- luent.subsided, - • - ." -. -. • . 1*HE ACCEDEXT ir.MAVOlDAKT.E; Cap't. Land says .the' accident' was una-' voidable: First, officer Tatleton and.third ; offii'cer Barker, by their proinpthess' and Jactayity^eakned the: fears of the passeu- .;gens*"- There-was no coflfusioii aniong.t'he brew. ' iiversr imin' obeyed' orders,.' and' we. were 'prepared to' -nj'ce't'-any; emergency. -The.d.am'age to. -thesteiiiiier .-amounts -to' ,45,00JX'- •!': ".. '. .... . ":..•'.•'. -" '. :•"•"' Jl£STOBLf&I>A&i;M'xffbj3ItA y I r K.%.' ALL ,DItPEK0S, fif IS SAtp^ tFONWIIAT irU,. VA>*I>Encn.T DECilEES.' •NEW' TO»-K, % May 33, —Efforts t(S refitore prfssCHiger'rates-oyer'the teiik- liBgs-.have- finally taken.sixcli'a shape that if rates are not restored' the responsibility for a .con*' lihuationofthewareanbedelinitely plnbT-' ed. .The PeDnsylvaoia railfqad, which is a (Jloieallyof'the' West Shore, and.whieh' has.-not- nitid,)' any ; sw'eeplng- rednft-iona ex- cept In immigrant rates,luJS been active in the matter of. securing.a r restor»fib.n;. and so 'have -the-'Comiianit'a_H»onBee(ihg "with the trunk lines. The first foi'mal reduc- tion was made by the West'Shore,and'c0n'-. Locke contributed^^ much to literattne. He . wroteessaysof great wortli... His-field of ; ihvestigatie-tt' was-medicine. Completed, his ' 'Essay on the Humairi I'nderstaHding"".' in 16&7-. Lh 1689'appeaied his fii?i.t letters"! on "-Toleration," aijdin 1600 he.published | his '''Essay.on,the Human Understanding.!'; In. .1691 appeared a'beautifill letter on , "Toleration,"; and his well-known "TreaiJ : tise on..Gbvernmettt r ! ?'. '-'• .... ' •'". -.': SHMS.VAC-HEWTOS. —1643r-17a7, -. j Among''the'«'wbiid*s great'thinkers,'! J who received a resting place in the ol.d : Westiaiiister Abbey, is. oneflfthe most prominent, men that the woridfever. knew ^•SirTsfl-ae STewtoti.' A- little .inore' than' twelve score years ago," onj-an jihvays h'ap- t jjy Clu-istmas d:iy, the old world received a Christmas present to two world's. L'pon. this day,. England but liCtle knew.of what the great .genius afterward breu'gllt. forth, ifewton w-as kiiovyn.asa celebrated, math- ematieiau '.. and.! philosopher. An apple, falling iixion his head.suggested universal, gravitiation. Kesults of.his discoveries are eonftiiried in ii treatise called; I>e Myiu C'irrjM'iuin. This: appeared more fully in 1087, entitled Flnlosupltke'NtduraUsPiin-. : ctj)ht,- MntJu'iuatuui, . Newton superinten- ded the jjabllbation .of Fiamsteed's Qreeu- wrich Observations, about 1700., '-• •.. Ctb' be continued,) '. '" • Studies iii the A>ife and -Iianffuaera of tiia - ' • ©reeks. '.'- -•- "'I,.ESSftK;X.: - ' ' . . ' • sequentiy that company has generally been •charged, with the resp'onslbilily of- the low f alx d play writer of Cromw#s time/ rates.' Its-Officers, Iw\vever,'have 1>>id be .fore .the.reorgatu/,ats<vJi «;oniMi-t-t.ets .of ili '.. JEnSTlisli; "Ifttfira.tui:e. -..W-^P '• BY AivrS.W ?rtJJtFoitD. VI. AGE OS' TttB, TBpitEOtORATK. ; •; - ; ' . . ;..162S-16PO;. ;.';..! The rulers of EirgJand.durhi^this short period Were:" •.-'-' ,.' ... Charles I;i-1625-1640 ...... [ ' Comnionweaith—164?-iS00. ; . '..'Cromwell ruled as '5Pr'otector"-;-i653- i e s u .-...'.' '• -.'•:: - • The Teign of Charks wi-s'.pite.of misfor- tune,^|&wa*Mn^'QVer^c(^indfti. the sanie tinie, arid his troubles were the. re- sult of Ids following the'-pjri.heiphs .iaf.-.his ' father, James L "He.'imi^o"a sad- mistake f by l erf..rnUBg-dUrIngh«l'«-gii,acts which 1 ( t ' C]l ^ tln{hi present .which soon proved w , erep..Mforned-'wlth inii;U.'iity, by t h e s a v - ' treigiia" bf the" l'4tliaiid' 15fli'-eeu.tviries. Charles endeavored.to inl-rad'uce a liturgy iti B'-otfiind about '.JO'SJ, which :-brought iiiui-i-nto a- great; civil-war, in', 1037. .Charles calleda pjirllament, but'.the tom- moiis.refnsed sujiplies. He called another parliament I n-lWrrO, whit-h-i.'nstead of grant.-' Ing supptiesi eondeuK)'ed ; his, minister Stratiord-tp death.- -A reproof'was then' handed Charles by the .commons," which, eontaincd'iill-.the''troubles-'the-.'nation had witnessed-since'the accession, of. James' I; Matters "continued to/'.grow'.'worse until arms were 'taken up.' .Thd' war" was; se-. verely contested, unStthe battle, of Jte's- tm Moor^ when •Ctoniwell : 'and..;Faij'ftix- gained a;.seVere'.-victory.:pver Charles. -The: war. conti'mied'until; 1H5, ;jtnd iu the bat-- tie of Jfas ; eby.'ihe king-'was completelydb-. feated aiid.lled, refusing-the final proposi- ISon- of .'tne- irmy-whlcit -raged • the.' 'I-nde- p-en'd-ents';.''" ©f -which Cromwell was the: , fojdig^o that' Jhe k|Vig; WJW -ea-^Vleiimed tb-.t£i;d, ' '."''*,. •**•'• , . • .'- ' .. Thtw-began one .of: the world's •reingfk- "ablt;;.'4vixvls.", Charles was 'eo'ndernnwl to .death Jan,.27:th^ -1^4!9,- and was".executed Ja;n/*30th;,.-1048-.- .;..JSs reign, ^was nothiug bdta terrible'.struggle, -'irad full of trouble .ah"d -disappointment, '•: The 'ttlal of King X'liartes was opened with groat scriousuess and was a solemn one. His-execution is oneof the most.seriqus,terrible and. wretch- ed iii.-the annals of^ English history:'. After Ids head was severed.from his body, one.' . of the executioners holding- it "up,* cried out.''This.is'thehead of. a .traitor'!'' - Many spectators, afterward testified their horror of the' woeful deed, in great expressions'of sorrow, ' . .For four year§"after the death of Charles,-, parliament conducted" the government, '•... Jjuriiig-.this time Oliver C)-oin^.clt w,as .'.establishiog a repntiition by--his military 'cari}er,.'-aiid.the", government was. slowly changing^ from th house of commons, to the military.'.-. In.' 1550" Cromwell" -was"..-pro-:- dairhed.'"protecfo)-.' H He.*as -now/king,, and .firmly- governed his subjects, during. his.-.2$5gnv': which .caused. .England, toVbe highly .looked" uponV;' V. .. \ . •;" ...-' ' Cromwell died Sept. 3d,'..ieSS^and. was'- .buried in Westminster Abbey; three'yeaTs later ills grave was fobbed.his body being taken up. and hanged, and thenburied be- neath, thegaikiws; btit his, head was fas?: tened;Upoh'.a.l"ong'pple^ and' placed upoii-. Westnijiistor |lall ... .CromwelI's:sbn Rich- ard held the office of .Protectorship, from 16S8 until April ;lfJ5fl, when he vias 'dis- missed by paTlikment.by his not-b'eing.a fit person, to/nianage th<j; amy. , : Such is a brief discussion of. the Englkh rule'fs ) <.lttr- ing .tliese/f brty-five years.-, -.:' '•.:.' : ,' Through .Byng.' 'bhtuies'; reign, as - well as J-ttiuesi; Puritauisni greatly cii^appeai'ed .in; English society'ami the house of eonl- .mons.- Sir William. Dearaiaut—rappointed joet laureate,..by the.death:of Ben., John- son, wiys a-very pro'nuuoht: -Engrish : poet •' C-HEESE EAt'TORX BLASKS, or rep»rtB "of sales tofcatrona, of most approvad -fomiit-priuted «!«SWly ana.'pfomptly.-at tlieomfie-of the low-- yiJlti eiatiis. , . - - - . " . . LowMUe Mariscet,•• '.Ck/iTeckrlandJlevised Weekly. . • / . ' 'L'9'YVi.i-E, May'23, 18S5. , ' ; ' "' - . BCTTBR;;' ; ' . ; ' • ' ."•'= •.' •.Creamery...'...;.,.-.-.,' .... ,.:,..',.,>...,:. 18 @— Cfiotce ...: ;..:: :,...,.;.;. is @— ftair to «ood. - - . 10.4613 EreHh,.iie\vvtn jars . , 13 @ _ ' ' . . • . ECifiS. '. ' ;"•-.•' &esfi,(eashprteeV. .. :..., i£^®_ 'fiETAlLyR."lCE.'Ct;BREXT. ~ " ' •• " > PLOPR. ' - • . Patent, new pvocesSi'.persack..... :.. : . $1'atfj, Pastry, extra w>it6 SvUsa't, p ^ stick . jjOttSi •,— lruiif{uj'ian-Ertlle'r,persaek.. ,! iiu. 1, spring.--...' ..... . '. VyfevK. Coffee, "A-' ! standard..:' ......... White extra. "0". ,...-. tJi-amilttte^ - •• Mapio sugar..: •-••:••. Butter ..: .... t'hBese PotatQes ...... . BUTXEE. "• CHEESE. 1 50@ 1 -35{&$1 -io'! • • "?"'©'•- ... GK£»- .. B.&- ... « -@M) .. 25' @- .-. M @- VE(?ETAB£ES, : ...... . 50. .®55... POKE. •". Hafts "..:.;.' FiU'k, elear, bbl...-.,... Pork.retail ..: .... .Wool. ..... SiaottS - ^> • • .' 11® — "•' -WOOL; -" ' : " • '.: :,...'..'.' .... iS .®S0'.. .'.-'•'. KEltOSEKB..'. • . ' • Kerosene oil., ..'...-, ...... i5 : @^-. .' ... .-•; ..WOOD. .:.". . ' . -a%'feet .-.:.:..;.•;,..;;';: ;.: '.;..,.'§3 25 Stove. j .... ; .... '.-..: .... ;...- .-.: ..... , 3 00 .' - . ailJES.AN-W-PELTS..-.. ••' . / ' Cfcfc.and" e o w h i d e s - , . . ; '..•..:.:'.'.':.•*..:,'.'.-: 6J4: Trimpied -~ .... :...:.:,.-, ,....•..: : . :. S}4 Ballliidesi.', ...... ; : ..,:.._,.:.: .... ':..•...:.., .... . 5- •.'Jiinnneel- .-. '..„..--..; .... -."- "..:.,.'.;. %% ef'iriisi'ur. -the' feii£>i.-'Tt:H.Tf'te <•>"}, :"'-- ! N:;^, :,-w.>y.-„.wffr , /^BEiaii^TirEiiTar./ - - :Tlt§' Prri;iJe : PfanB.race. in i'a.fis Sunday waa;-w.oii- by 'Bar-berMe,-.-• Diapiinc second, •SscarBouice third.';• :•..'•-_ T;;- ':•. ;•;',/•'' -- /.- /The wanton^defabefeeui,'probably/"by- employes,, of t i e .pictures. al "the:%cadeniy-; .in- L'pndoh. cbatBiues."• ./ .:-/,. '.:•/.. " : . •• -Jbhir Loqniis -ShocK, aged ; tweuiy-fiye,r ;8jheuteasfnt;%'-ihe,'.^ navy^; cornrnitted'suieide sit Blackii^th^' Eng;., Sunday/•;.,-. .'••'-._-.".".."'_v.-'' • "-.- ..'.:•-./--.-' r Thedyna,tniters ^nrtpn/ahd;/fTnrt"ijig- Jiam/weresecre't^-^ ,;ta:ChiitMr4 ? -isr' '^he/ liuthorfties received .warning ofva: jlbfc to" reseue'-tirbm.',: .' Tfie;femam.S'«|rV'ictbr Btugo.were con-; .vsyedto;Ate'Be:Tjgoniphe*;EariSj:Sanday : a'nb! iaij^^t^o^i^fairpfe. / "Tenny- Son ahd/miihy. other jto'efe^M -dtaniatists: <4ie> sending, wreath's of &UEela-rfd : inipibr-' ^ l l e s to/lie-Iaid. L on;-'Hug:o'a eoffe:"- : - '";-•• / Ib.5ji^asserted 1 thb/rbceht repbrts'/of;; an .butbreak ainOng.&e-nati$es on. the .upper- QOngb- were iiver-drawn.^".., Arittw; •• i'ateiy- •robbedsbtaeyfflagein^he "O^x^-^Mh^,'. ^pn.;1pMb/lWs-e^piaWd'. that'the 'Arsibs' -aeJied' «mtra*y.tO.:ordei:* stm.1. tha,Vtohad .jrutif' : ::l.:.;d..;/'.r3J.-:uIyd. thtTti, : "tle said he .deaired a p«aeefui eoraineree "and. Mend- •ship/^ith-.the'wlirtes.,-.. .. -/ .-.- "'.'*/- -•-.."- v vr eurT&d'-:t1iii«. a'fteradon' at-;' two -o'cibek/ ASnong thsse present. were. ex-President Arthur,. General Brewster,Senators Sewell : sud McPherson, - Governor Abbett, mbs 10f 'tlie state^udiciafyvthe Russian and Brazil- ian ministers,many state offfcersandpromi- nent .citizens.. - 'Colonel McMichael called in the in-ornirig-as a representative ofPre'sl-: depfiClevelandand tendered the president's /syinpathiesi ./and . expressed: regret- -that official' duties. prevented. his'.attendance, ,-Afte.r:pra.yer at'-the ' house by -Rev.. Dr, c .Campbelkthefuneral processionmovod to-, .theJSorth. Reform church, 5vhere'AX.great assemblage' had -gathered." . ' The streets "were lined .with people,. . A s the process-- ioji-entered/the" church thfe- or'gau -played a- dirge, and the choir sang '^jjfea'rd; a Voice .fTom.Heayeri.".- Bbv. /Dr.'' Waters; then, offereda-prayer,'andlRev,.Dr. 0. : E.Hart .read-a" seieefcion;from-: the''.Scriptures,- '• A. eulogy Was-prpnouneedby.Rev. I?r* Cham- bers of Ifew ;Taork^. and the hymn,.. i: 'Tiiere. is .'a green hill faraway;'!'and the tjeuedic-/ tibn concluded A e services. .. At tlie eour /elusion «f the/service^" the/body was taken - to'-.Mou'atpleasent.eenieteryfor'internmnt;^ JJerealarga.ei'o.wd had assembied.- -The- earth, tidcehfromthe'-gravfi was/ covered with a m.ass cif -white, fjbivers.-;- J3eyond : a. .prayer, thereiwas-tftoseryibe. at- the-.grave.' -. " . Postoffieeii Chaage&. • : ..."/Tir.e-lQllp.wingpoafof^^ .;jjhanges were mad%in:Kew : Ybrk/dur^^ ^gJti&^tfMLr/:^.":;_> h-.- • -'•'•'" ,' C YMttWtfieXs ''Ap^omt^^Mhita^Miiaaf ebjiiity, &%_ 0,'lieary ;.g8ecijord'Stotion, We^teh'es't'er^^^ 'cqu^1y,/,%nil'- .Ai--Sarrk; Fishbr^a ^andiHg/' Jefferson^^^pirnty, .&o. '^fl..iBreStebj.-{Jlenwobdy".. Erie.:bounty, Ailen/ -#,:- •'Biakely;; fibmowack;. - tjlite'r ^uirfe-/.ga^;.^.-.; ^b^ton^/Maldett Emdge^/ Columbia - : eounty/ jflcholas ":.&.' yeddbrr'Pameiia- Fo.ur/Cpiner^ ; '^«f|ersbtt- Tcpuaty^/-Seiali/|ii; ; feaawa^,^ff^b^. Westehrestef; cpunty,/' jaepfe v Bi . ddetl; "West.';Stbphen.t6wn: <Refis^ela^r . ebunfy; Jss; ©".^reenmari; '----;/;".-;;/' "./.. •.'' ./ Btorridy yes^'It is^that we.'ninst .suffer. fiWL 'djseale^but.irtfrn:' i&art;/pisease, .ueryousne^: and sleeplessness:,.-. pr. -6rafes' Searf'Regtdatb'rwSlgiye'you/immeb^iate. relief* thousands say:soV4l.'per bottle at drngg^tl!. ; .•.".':'.-./ - -49w3" = " -. 'G^ajasf:-pajerv borders;, eorhers - .and bentre:'..pieces, "for; decorating" ^urpages-—-• iiew' paterns and-de'sigas' Just received - at •tbeTi^ff-bopJcstore,: ''-•'•' •"< ' 39m3, CUf"passeiiger rates' to-the- j^resent bifeis ' 14ng : before i t inudb-'.it'a-formfil'redueMon.• .Ever since, the West. Shore.lias, expressed; Ifowllllnghess jo restore rates whene^efthe other lines would" dp so,but' the NeiV/Jork Ce.ntr.alhas.beeh a.ve'i«e totreaHng tlieWest" Shore-as a Gbutpetitbr.'iu any negotiations. The result of the present'elforts is that all "' the trunk'- lines have expressed their desire or williugi-iess to restore-rates- except the •Hew York.Gentral.---.:go;far-,as can'be.learn- e.l,-.':the operating officers-of that company are.iii'favor of the proposition, and -haye.. received it-. They cannot,., however, give: an answer until the executive bimimfttee flf the company has acted;- which "it- will-'da >vithin a-dUr pr;t(Vo.. : The 'impression', -is' that its aettoh:'\vjli''bft iar:g% ; gbvernbd-b5/. flie adyieu of wishes of W;; E.. Vanderbilf, ' who; cannot be•coinmunibated.witK before, his arrival in Qu'eenstown early next- wb'akj.' /Gould has-been actively engaged: in trying .-tafei.h'g • about a" settlement, .'•"•' ."'•';'-'--'/• of t h e . Dr-urv j: Sb«: ;5^?y»toyl-an:J&eaewiI Agaemfeiyy*. "'jGmcis^A'Et,' & } 'Mfty'SS.rr^Infhe :pre'H- bjterian : genbfal assembly/to-day.S; B. Biil,i>; D:,' ; of Misgouii'.oger'ed,reBoiiitions against Sunday newspapers and commit- ting'''Jhe .ehutch.to.-the poUcy.. of pye- hibitiOn>: -Tiiey- were/referred .-to- corn-' uiittees. The committee on. freedmea re- pprted.ieceipte .for;the year, $li6,^2iO. This . aftorirbou. judgfe/.Srake's ' Roman /CittBolic respljttibu is/a gpecial order,, the- ; assemhly ha;ving previously' adopted the' uaammous' report by., the' judicial com--, mittee to/v?lHbh >yas referred'.t-he'. appeat; fFoni.fhe synod of-jje^ York reconimeiid- ing|pJatrJieappeal/be. dishiis.sbd- : ou^the" ^gFOttttd: thaXthe.Ji-revious;'delive'ra-yyceM"of / the : general a*>;uiii',y. have left with the-, w- j -*..sIou-s' th* right, to- decide upoii- Jthe . validity of Roman'. Catholic •. baptism in particular eases. Thia appeal Was based on: the reqiureiaettt of'the-- Princeton church" th.at the appdlantjWho had been'.baptized, in -' the/Oaiijolic .'ehtrrbh, should be ' re- ba-i C Senator JSHJle*: pH..Anti-lH:cinop6ls-. yiTE G-KEEK. ASB. OTREK -ARVAX I.AN-" .'•-'-. •'. G.TJAGEs;. , :'•/', '•'• • A. 'fainiiy/bf.naMons:impl.ie's"a' family'of languiiges.;. acd to.' stpdy a.family of tongues-'is tfo-'go-iiifo'the prbfound^st. depths of.history. ". :•••'•. ."', The words mi'd tlie v.-ritfrtjjs of iiations, contain their .true history for, they repre- sent all that the,ir pebjile-hayegained and -lost." : '•'• ' . "•'"' . . ' -'••'•'' -Since the Aryans constitute the greatest of the'national, families, -'we'naturally ex- pect.-that their-languages are the most subtle and powerful- of earth's tongues.- •In- this we are'n'ot mistaken: and-to learn something of the richness and, strcngt-h of Aryan speech, ^ve ;wili tmce, through the Greek and' some-kindred.languages,' a few familiar words.- '• -"' "• We will begin with .4 i?,' the root from : ' which- the Aryan name has developed.." ' Reading'in a 'Sleek book," We cqwie.te the word «/w(I- xts'e .properly marked Eflglis.h-..tetters,-because the Greek Mters. •would not be understood:)-;' , ..- *..-.--;'• ' .-•" -From .the/Creek./dictiouary . aod'-gram- - mar'we/learn to'/translate the word, I phugh.. Tlie. lo;ng'o: at .tlie'-ehd/'of. the .word, shows that the speaker; the first person, performs the -act, But-a)',, the first:, part,.-the -root of tlbe 'word,: shows the essence;- the nature".of- t h e .-ac'ty-Which is to pUiighi' ' . ' : •' - , - ' '•_'. .'";••/ We next look into' the Latin which is a 'sister Aryirri tongue,- closely -'allied to-the, .Greek:"' There we find the word' ara,. and we learn.that."it-ineans, as' in- Greek,'/ ploicr/AYthfi <>r root still the same. •"' Then we. examine: our-own- .deaf Engv "lish,. and, turning to Webster's unabridged dietie-n^ry, we. find the y?ord A motile which,. :Webster-Kays,'nxb^ns -"Fitforpiowiug of tillage; hence, -often• .'applied to "-land which has been plowed br-.tilled." '-• -' ilei-e again. we .find 'theiitf le.-- ro.ot^ '-rtr (at the beginning-'.of Arable) , having the same 'j/imnjli '.«t««i&" as ' in. C-treek and ;j £'atin.1 ' . . "_. " .- ;". ' .' Then we go' .away"info .'InditL There we Mud mi old, dead." language eUlled Sariscrit.-" If is to,' the present languages el'fhdia as fe dvsttl Greek or Latin is *o the living English," French. ,_aud Gernj-an. A;mpng-. the northern nations; of Europe,' too,, people' -are-; tb-day -using ..words.'0f •wiiichar-istheessence! ."• / . . '" ©., what history is bpxiud up in. this lit- tle arV. We' call yeue'ral Grant famous.' B e h:a*bee« Cemhiander-in-cliief .of the tjnipri '.armies, twice president^ and once he traveled -arotihd the world. . This caus- ed his name to be'spoken "byinany. miUr iSFSW ~£&rk Maj&ets.; •. •' _8ooa l iSars.aparaia,:flie^ andrefiuiatingmedieliie,.iaeharicterizsdt'y tjn-eepe.enllarrftes/rxameiy^ ._• . : : ,;' . -••'/ .-'•...3Pae .cbmbinktlori of. the varldtiS- ; renieaial.agents»u'sed.: ; •;./ »• .:'.-". . the proportlpn in wMehtherools, . TierT)Si,Dar^8/etc. ) :are^xed.; '- ••-_.,:. She -proce'sa oy whfcfr'ihe active- laeaiclnal properties are secured.; Xho resmlfcls'aTOeBicineof^^injusual .strength*/ and/ctir : ative-power, wWeh-eifecttpures'here? r tofore unequalled. Ih'esepec'uUarities'helong ', eielusiv.ely to Hood's Sarsaparifia, .and^ are ynkriovim /to /OtKei^, Hood's - SarsapSrilla is prepared wiflv jup greatest' skiil ant: «ate, by .pharmacists. b'£. edueationand.long experience, Heiiceitls.a; niedieine werthy qf entire .confidence.' Ifcyou snffer from.scrbruia, salt fheum^"or aiiy dis- easeat the Dipod,.dysp;eps!a:, 1)HibuSness^Blek. headache, or kidney. andHver donipianitSi catarrii' or rhennjatism, do npt.ftiil.te'try 0 BBBl^^aoCIAMATI^ ^fdisret&.-a e'Qiirt pf pver tuid Terminer is.iab-- poiated' t6 be leld ia^nd ifbr thecdimty o£hems % On tBe-3St:day.b£ June; -1885;: proclamation if . tkerefore hereby madd: in conforinity *o * -jire^- ; ee^t to jnedir'eefed And -JelivfeEedby-tliie dUtriot -. - .-attorney of- Lewis cojinty, on the Sfib : ftqt J*»r, 18S5, to all persons b.ouud to app«w at Uie gala c0ur.tef oyer md iermlnefe, -by r«6ojslie«ne**r fftberwisa-td appear thetoit, iud : all Justice* of; the'iSeaqe., coronenr or -'other' offieewwhohive : •taken any reeapjizanccs tor-ibe appearaaos of .any person at sucn-ooiirt", orwho hare taken asy Inqnisiti'on'oi ; .theexahflnaflonoI?aiqf prisoner or -witness, are raquttbdv to retsiTs. •ocn-'Jwjpgnir-; ance, fiiqta^itidni "or exatainafljoti at tba opemnt, bflte first igyol said Sottrt." ..-• -• Dated atlowrille.tbia'ljMS &*t <**<*; M8» .: - '.-*.-.--•'-:.• : QKORfiE*.msiSte, :--.:" v •'•"; ShCTlff.pI;tlMG6iui)l)r»? £«f#te.; T^'GR^GfAOE^AI*.'. " I reboramend Hood's Sarsaparll%.±0 all my iriends is: .the hest Mood -purifier; on earth.":' -flTar, GAyy,- :drugg§tj:HiunntbhV.<),-. '"JSopd's Sarsaiparifia'aas-ctne'drflebt ulotis" humor, .ani} ;done "me worlds "bt good _ otherwise." 0. A-; AmxoiZr, Arnold, lie,-' -- A hbDk.eontaining''niftny -addttionat-Sbii^-.; "ments of cures willbesentto-all^WJodb^ire."-/ M&0<J% ^ai-sapartlta - ;Soid,by/all druggists..;51 j ^ j i far:$5i-^iS3A6 . only by-fi"' J. "HPQI> :.& GO'., 3S>weU;JIa>s.: . -. HpoarSSAHSAPABIiLA .-. : .V ' ' - SoldhyitoiTjs'oii & Jtoorcy.lpwvijls, N. Y. .USE OMET... He produced a. fine epic- pxje.m of 6,000 liissj--.*,-' eirtitl' •.'/•:" S-enJ.ar'a.at:'s;Gbnditi'On...' '. - ..Jffew/. toitk, '^ay.-8"">..^rs, 'jDoriglas." ^nd..Sh-rady''held'.a-CQr' ! sidtatibn/yest«fda^ .oyer ,.Seu'. '-.©rant's, case.. '• 'The';general's : -tlirbait"•' ,was-'' examined '- as/-'rainntelyr Vas pqssiij.lbi "b.ut'on -aeeouut' of its '-irrltafeii.lty'" arid,a ' slight 'stiffries's.-'iii'the ib'wer- Jaw;- little- of the'baek 'part of the throat -could be seen... There-.waa little, -if -any, ehange s.ince'.the. last consultation. ' Thb small/ growths in.fhe right-side, of the .irbof .:.of- the .mouth that'-showed "an''ominous- activity .'a. week ago had become q^es'cemV: The : pa|.at.)d curtain and: the back of the/ thrpat were inflamed'somewkat'lu conse- quence . of the discharge of .muscus. from .- the rear nasal p"assa;ge,; ".and; the haGklng cough--that .the^bSort fo/reuiove. it ;pro-.- duced.:"- The.probess. of infiltration is. ex-/ .•tending from -;tlie.-;Figlit -tbiisil-griuiualjy•'• backward.and dowmvard' iiito' the thrp'atv' He.' chaiige 'was-made in;, the trbatinent. Last- nig : lit.was the -best, "the-general, liag had-for twb weeks' He ; s1eptelght hours and;feels.gopd to-day. ; i '•-) • •' / / t'ane. Theater. ..'He/ivrote aud;aupenntunded plays until hisdeathfe. 1668,'" Froni-iC4f> : to466Q, ySluabie con- tributions t-o-Engiish literature'-.were.made. b y Fuller,, a popular English historian.aud. diyihe.- / ' - -• : - ' - -'.-'• - . . •../.'. ' : /' Jeremy Taylor, 0ue : of- tlie most.noted- meri-bf theEHglish'ehui'eh ilourished in this period, .He was a son of a Cambridge , . .. barber; appointed .chaplain to"the king;, j ions of pco.ple.;andy. thaf-ls indeed fame.. in 1638 was rector-'of-"Cpin'gham.. "Epis- i-ButJor".five;OF six thousand .years,, little copacy Asserted'' was his first <>r«at work-' f - 4 :R 3lft * lyafn ^ ^ uHered-by tiie-epunt; On account- of-'his; golden /elocpieme' he-; les-s-h.osts of Afyans, who.lia-ye- lived-and- h'twbeeu-styleatiie mpdern./'Chrysostom." I "died between, the'bbrdei-s/of the. Indian For'iibhneiss of fancy he'excelsmbsticcle-: P l *an, i.uid the shores pf those Wjiirers'that siastiqai \vriter.s.'. '."•'• . --' ••-. • '.'batiie.-the nbrthwestem -limlt'S.o'f Europe.i; ; ' 'His)>rsefuji-gtudias'! ! is- brie of Iris early" / ^ ^ this Is fame ImtoprtalJ '. This..js Jiis- p;roduption«;V"He : .was a.. p».»tor ; of.- great j.^ryiliiit-eutlwes'-tintt of ari&ies. and-gen^ Keaetal activity •'. - - : ' '-' , : | erals! -^'. '•.- ..-"-•••- -••-... .... / Wiliiani-Laud, •{^chbwhijpj a. raira.of '" Alt such; evidenpe^ otight-tp. teach.'u>- - part < '-. An'bther mttho.r'bf high/rankw^Henry i^ag'y(lM-%m^yj He-waV ehapiainto; James L and. CliaH&;li!; ..(jne'ofiuVgems. entitled "Life," shpw.s theac<iuarntne-ssof:, the. times in'whrclihe'llved-. -'•• S t p another.; great'.ito'et; of the court of'. Charies". £. -was- -Sir- Johp 8uelcling, ? Sviiose" -iVorks consisted. •of playjk' a treatise, entitled ?'An -Accouht/ -.of -ReTi'^iou -by Reasonj" .a "number Of -Let- .'te'rs' m^ poems,- but Ids fsnie. came:'from 'Ms songs- and-- ballads-.- Sis-pO'ern .' : .'The. Bride," is. an exquisite gem. In this age" lived Williani Harvey, disicbveror of/.the •; Cireul'atioir,ofv-the :blood,..who,-pr.esented: to.- .the world in .16.38 hk. treatise .entiiled,. •.^xp-Sktti(>- A>.utio'mi<it- (?<r--. if-*«:• £bT3h- et .jScmftti.wh: ,•"• . ' -.. :•-;•' ; ..' ; - ' . - . . . •• ;.to adore the Cfbd of-nations, who," in-ages- fbrgotten and- unRnewii, yvas"causingithe '•t'hitdreu.,df'.the .Aryan. Race;- -to'fashion-the: "ai?»M»j/»6f-'the*ell be'lo-vi'd'English- \viieh •,ye now speak.' ° '•./;••'•/-.. •-• : .:•"•/.• 'By'.this 1 view of tire whole .Aryan Farni- great 'ability, Ayhp- became conspicuous by .liti: antipathy ."'to Buritivnisni,- spent his time for'so;rAe,yeats-after:he>y'ag.appoint-; ed- chanclilipr^'af. tlie : -TJhivei:sivy of & f o r d r In vioie.ntiy.'op'])oslhg.Puii'tanisini / ' ' ,- •An. English :'w.riter of-tiavels,. by the . ... Wme.of SamuelPunma; lived-duringtbe'}-^ .early part of;this.%e..':.-" %-. /V"'." /"': '-'V' beyond (Ireeee andhe^rieh^kilsnguag^., libr-the.'f pundations' -of: those tttferahees' '.ahd.'insMt-.u'tt.bns- that nia'ke.us. 'wiser miH bettei/ik/fh'ese'-latter- days of-the -•-wpi'id.. /&eece.!'s only an- i'inpprr'ta'n|. "link in the; 'chain, oiliuinan evea.t§." -. -The '©reek's;are. -,to ''be.hpn'ored .ohly'.so'far .as.fhey^were ^s? .^strumental/in-taluhg -up, and')-raising.to Iugher''perfeGtiQn''fh'b'greatness apd-gopd-:: -ness of all that" •'Is expressed' in' ii-a word Aryan-•. '"• ."/•; -.'•"'."'• .'•-/'•- .- ' •' •' - :, .Lis'oNAiBD T.'.CoiiE, ' iewls Gountj- S. S, Association. . •-! ,". .'SijJi.T "Bo-.Tj.tti sifcALt, Pbx' Bfoswri-n;.-^ The- U-tSea;Se'mld of. Tuesday says: 'Wil- iain Creerf of-.Lowvllle, who h-aa. been working in this city for some-time -past, was.faken sick- recently.:.with the. measles.; He eihployed a. physioian tot' ii time,' but. , his money-gaVe-wit yesterday, and-as he-; .was- still'sjok and/unable to work-he- de-' -'bided to: go to the city-haspi-tal.-; With this eM/in view :he .applied at the'.bfli'ee'ofthb charity-cl'erk.forndfuissibnto .the'-hoHpitel arid *tf as told- to see' the lidspifcal. physician;. •He- did so,: arid'wasreferred to the. health 1 ,V«. .T&K H'RS'r.jRATt<>N :'Ai3-fi.~-llWA-l 709. j/'-"The-ri)l'<Ts of ; EjigKi;.j; -.';&«.: Ls-ju-^^jii; ]- ..4hiirJ-f:ll —-iiVeo-!«>."," / - - . , . ; ',"' '-• -" J-a^Il.'—J«>5''lC-''3 : . ..' '-. "' '"- /". Wia^.Afi::;/iriisa-ia6r-/ /•/- , "!' , ••• Dar)h.'.:tb..- teij*n .of 'CMte?il,- : €raniat--' " Tlie. sixteenth-annual :nieeting will be heidiii -the Presbyterian ehur'bh,,at.'Tui-in, '.ph$Mda.y,-;'-J:vine'5ta.,'.l§8S..- ' : / •'•.,•'"-' ;•; -.; ' - / ;"" simwi-s.G'-sjsssies';'.- ••_ -• /. I .; &3(hrf-*«w&»flid'Exerffef* and CoTrfe/-" '. ence "Meeetitiii.-... •'. -. ;•; -.••.•/,. •• •: .-"-.' ', -.' 'Hi'iII).- -Vi:..a : ds of, Weleomb b y Rev. £» .ii. Webber: EipOnde'd-tb-By'/"tieiPtesl- 'jjE-ntv MA:- jP. 'Lewis;-. ","..-.^,': .-; ; - " '. -,'- lu.af(-/-Tidiii^'febrA tlie-Schools,-- '.'.'' ', ''lft;i5^^Repprfs of Co'uuty-.dffi'cer.>!l- : '"' ' Icn'p^,t^t.'USms were but pooHyrecbived j ll;00--Ciur -work f«r-.the next ninety &* flu-y were. uubecbniiu«-in "mantusr ori (ul ys,' and" what' on'r:«. »- mostueed, lanytiaire. His reigu retarded the pR>gri.'Ss- .'of .-'Billeyietters..Qyolife. literaturef.f-Aud the fine arts-\v.ere Jiot'as' niuch. destroyed "dufing.the iireceding ag''e:.by :the blunders:, .and ••ovatfpn's.bf-'.the. e'biirt', as they .were, during' this reign by tip abominaMyjibomV •aa.^le licentibusness':tinJt^ra'sear^•ted pa- to ia-great exfeiitin the king's cpurt. /••.'/-'"'•' -Ware'-withV Holl-and,' -Dentoark .and/ France-;' and the -executions pf Russell and IX/H-W* YoitK, ^May-gl.^-Benator; Warner Miller niade a.short address-before the'anti- iSonap'o'iy league'to night. lib-expressed \ officer,;as/the ease. was : considered ron- ] Bidney; were: notable events of this -rehni. the opirdoa'that ;alLiahd laws except the'i taglou.s. 3Ir.' -Green . was. accordingly/.indolence and love Of pleasure, were- fea- hpmes'tba'd'act should' be repealed.' The;-'^-t'aken to the smalC pox. hospital, where he ' •• ' --• •-'" •- - - -'••-' •jgi*!hgb£land';to. railroads, he said,-was .a [will be cared for.. Tlie "board of, health/- 'great -mistake." ' The safb plan for arepub- ; wilt see that iie is made-sis ctiinfor'tabl.e; as. Iiean'-gbyernnibnt.to pursue: Was to make ]-,possible under the cik'uiu'stiuices,'but Itls as .nrany^itizeha tlieit "Own masters as/pos 1 i n b t tp.Be,ex:p"ecf ; ed- that he will be: as well •Sible; •••;. •-. ,0B^B3&E;S,-0OSaRQYE! : .-/"'• Whpj' has.not/been .ableto .attend to ..his business foi.years, was : . interviewed by our. ieporter;yesteftla:yi:'ahd.7)ays". .For years I waa troubled wdtkrBright's disease of the Ysv" The-.doctors' tiires of .Charles character/ •'.-•• Thc^overrairent.rapidly declined .after: the accfis'sjon of James If who ascended the throne aifiid great dissatisfaction. . .-' - . '.. jTow:where/ In" the- aim'als = of-- Eiig'lisii hwtprydo we find England andlts.in)lu-.; etiw.no low: as it" was ..during' the .reign, .of earedfor there as'he would be in the city' hospital,' which /has experienced nurses and- far-niore and better facilities for /& j/charl.es : ' til .Trouble was '-^.yerywheie" proper care of the sielc- • ".-' • ';" .' known, and cliazens- were..-rb-ady.at', any . Y-CXVOA.'B SAVE IT.' *. ,-' -; I'moment to take, up_afms.'•'£wb hundred "-'-' "My dear, whatwo.uid- I giye to 'herb j and Ji%,oue rebels Were execttted.''-' : ^ _ . ..g a y* H}'e" Up, j. y our lisxiti" is- of ten 'said by middle-aged:'{ Through^ m Eastern friend I obtained a j i ac ii es . fa> young ones. Xladam, you may fanUm. E h g Charles Ii ; bottle of:-' Sulphur Bitters.,.. I took. five {. ii av gj tw t such hair. Parker's H'siir Balsam -bottles :ahdnp>yI am'most welk , ^eith.-1. w -jii" give 'it-to you. ; It'%yill sfbp' your hah' sells iheia.-A0an JPtaneZsco- O/dL ; -49w-2 f from falling oil, restore the original color •4 and make It-long, Shick/ soft .and ;glossy.. You need not staud'helplesBly envying .the girls. /Ehe Balsaiii is not' oily,, not a dye,. but is an elegant aressing,.a»d-is especial- %' reepmnie'nde'd: for its cleanliness arid purity; . : / BAB IJKA-HfAfSE causes' much: sickness. Bad bippd/and iniprpper/ action., ofv.the fiver arid Icidheys is bad drainage to tire'. human systern r .which. Buirdock Blbod- sfiitters/will remedy, , •/'.'-. •:./.' •4?terte! ' The Earl^df.'Rochester in his riiocK epi- llei-e. lies our iiuttdii.oatlngr kiiig,. • • - .- Whose word no onerglies.'oti;. " ' " . ' " - . Hoiievcrsai-dafbolishtljing, ' •' Aadtoyeraid'aTvise'oiie.'-' '•"' . Thls'kaharsh.b'ut deser\tii;g : orMeism. Wiiliajn ; rri ;was the 'p-ririee. of Ora'nge } wrib'defeated, the'forces.ef.-James at the battlebfBoyne; 'JJuring.thisperibd:John ;A. y.en.eral Biscussiou.'.:.-;-.-.. .. .... .; i t ;#ft-^Ap'pbin-tmeut of 'Comniittees and other business,."'.' . •-.' '•'-,./ . .' A,d-joar'nmC'uf..;': ' . •• . . ''•'*..-•-' -.',"• -.;-.. ./ •' - .u?fE«sc>0S:SEssif>jjf..-. .-. .- / - : ' .'i:M—-Devotional.'Exereises." ~ ' " . -. .-", STO'O;—Report ai'.jflomiriitteeH and" Elec-/ . tioa'o'f'GfiicSrs; -' •: • •• -' " '• .2:15—.Discussion—The paation pf ;fee .Bible'-in-thq-S.-B-"'. •/ • . ' .-"-. :. ; arfs^Essay. - : -' •.;,'.;• • .-; :3 ;00—Topic Discipline—Its. need .in-the f's/a V •-'• .; : :'" ''','.' : - ' •'.: / 3;86—Topie—Lit.tk''Thingfi,."Ho-tv they ! Help_ or .Kinder in the S, ^ - • ..'' -•'.-. ; "iiOO-r^Adipurjinieirt,- : :-.••/• -../.' . ' ' / . ' -" ./llYEKINe SE8SIGK. . '.{. -,•.'• -..' ' .-/ .'?f. ; .B. t'U-PECil,'--...,' / ... A •.'".'•: '-. '• 7:fii;-rJpraise; Scripture and Prayer Ser- ' vice.;/ .."' -,.•.' '• •;-...---.;: '.- .*?--i-JJ.——Address tp tlie 1st— Children;. ' 'gild— Parents; '3rd—S..!?, Workers. •''* PastoiTsand Sup.erinteutlenfs are re»j.uest- ,' cd-fo give notice of-this meeting,-' Let' : all come prepared to take, some part !. - Teams will be-in- waiting-at Lyons Falls '•for-the-niorning traiu go'i"ng-Kouth.-.- : -Thb' people- of Turiri 0Xtend a hearty invita- 'tioiite.all/and.fhasewMeipect to .attend- are requested- to .send- their names to H. •M, 'Riggs,or:$; pi Ifoiden, Tuiiii.''.- /'. -'; •'• ' '. : -.'. '3 : Ew".>Y6Kfc3Iay-3'3, •• -. Bu-WEB. —Receipts -for theweek,'/39,--. : 058 packages;'bxporis :6Q packaged. There .have beert thousands of packages.of "gbed -sound yellow-grass-make-Old butter sold.! , thiW.. sprhig. at [email protected]. . A'lpi of- 23 tubs of Uelaware- county .sold, this' week. at.'T-je-.-. A westernCTbaineryof 33. tubs old-butter sold.-at 10a. ,Hew : York state .butter went, at 8c,., and there is considerable -classed us grease, for wMclvpuly 5#0e. - is^bid. . So goes, out the old butter .about as the crop of. 18?7 went- out id the spring of 18TO, aftei- which, came' the- marketaag.-of-the- make of the season of ISKS,"-at. the lowest prices experienced with in, the last.twenty, years. In June and July" of 1878 the' top prices for finest creamery-butter ranged at froin- [email protected].,",.-with private dairies at 15 @18.c.;, arid butter, was"not only law.thro'.- the"- surhmer but-Sept irregular and "low-- prieed ail thro' the year, and.-finally had-a surplus left over whicll had to 'be cleaned- up in the spring at 6@[email protected] •' T & msir;- ket.tliis. week -on fresh butter has'ieea difficult and 'declining, arid closes' weak- with S2'c.'for the quotable' top, and l ; e"<^ 10c, accepted for a .good'.s'hare of the ar-r '.rivals, .and poor'-hay-mako,eitrier'creaHiiery' or dairy,-/ selling, fft from 10@'i54 . The market close's, depipralfesd- and with.-quite/ a portion .of- the- .'iveek's.report's- carried. ever uusold, •'• We quote; .-..-/ '.'••/ . - ' .... ' . . . ' - . - ' ..Fancy. Pbae; FajiltS... Creamery'make N. T . .-= '—(gs« JS®80.. 10®15 Creamery.westera..'.::..'.,. 1SS519- l^&iS- 10@15-: New state dairy ..... -..' .... iiJ@ett }5@iS - W@15. •\Srease.... ' .... :».'.,.,...;...-•.'. —@(i' r-^'5. -HE'4. CirK.KSE.-^-Receipts for the week,' 33, - ."83 boxfes; exports^6.635. boxes, A ffew- -boxes' of old" cheese are .pB.ddled off .at-.8@ '9(^'10c. by.tke five br-six dozen boxes' at t3je..'time,. but -to ojjer'.rbnnfl lots -of •'i'O to' 100 bpxes would .mean niubh lower-prices,; and, -in. fact v epiranbn;,bld .stock is'setting; -way down. We even'-s'aw 80- to. 96 boxes of damaged' old .'cheese-offered at'SOc* per. ; box. • The past has been the most 'dL»ast--' rous year In the English cheese mWkets- for:many;years.-- Blocks'of cheese by the huhdreds and thousandseosfing here 16<§y ; lie.: .have sol4' tfeere^tt- SOS^SlOf.'," neffiri'g "Sot mubh-nibre than-half theiteost.'.. ; All' •spebuIati'vespMt has- thus been coaiplbtel-y taliefi-btit ef shipping, and the market is flat down .to actual prdersforactual wants. The" element of i a i t h Is eM-'miriated, and without'.faith aud bojfe it's-a daA cheese market ahejid. This week vfhere. .lV-ere .Orders enough,' to take. ueai;ly. all. .the. "olfefingff. and in'the middle of .the week. •there wiis some. Me and spirit, and g|@S|c.. was made, for fancies; .and the arrivals are pretty well cleared, but at the-elose' there is a lelapse, and SJe, isns .high as could' fie- made,'"'with.ri%ht.'skinis". selling at about .'5c., and. a good-inany carried oyer ainsold. Full skims are hot .worth makiug, and''we hear of some' factories that have" stopped their make and are" making'butter Exclusively,.' 'They; are-.-.bifered .'here .at •li@3e;.'. ;We quote ••'.; •-.:-•- "-.,-.."/ '•'.. '":'-' ' '-"" "-:•"' 'Faliey,. Flne/^aiilrv, '.Faetory,-.fuU:eream • ' e@ffh ' 7&'TA '«t>U .^at-torysfiimmed-,:-..^..: .4®j5 '. •;8@"3}a' lty-i': .'' Efias:^-Reeeipts' for-the -wgek,- -1^:20^, bbls.;:'..^[ewf York state eggs in eases were : pr|ered- : .-af'1.4|e.V and had:,i$c...-bid.,-10 : bbls.'of'.western. eggs v W^. L) 13. -inark;; sold at -13|c;;-Ipsfet; cases.. We're offerd" a.t i3%ti:. 'Market was firm'at ife:y.;and'"l#i : c .for •choice uriirks and strictiy 'fre'skuear-by: oggs'sell.a'fis^glfie.- !W.e quoter Sfear-by •maifc,''%sh/l'aid,/p'e'r -dot'.,] [email protected]; .southern; and Western,-- "fresh laid per. dbz..,. .J3|@l^^ : --^ //-.."'/' ... '.'/-••"-;'•:; -•'/•' -' - .'I)"AVIE = 'W.-EEWIS ife. Co.:'.' '^«it6M';06^'': : /Perfeetiy Pure. WpiTII-TiBAT>. TlIE W-HtTSST ANT) BEST jlAJQiK-rBADi- ;V Por sale by all 'dealers and.ukde.".oiuy by BBobKLyjv'WjnTE'LfcmcpMPANs:, ' . tatecoUlS'aokSCNew-Y'brk. •'• ' '. " BK00KttK4FHlyE-iaSAB "• '-49w4 Sold by Morrison'<friio9«,]kiwVille;.K,y. .' B EAPNESS and howl cute It, by one who was for "as years, A successful home treatment* AddressT.-S:PAGE,' No. jSa EastSBtfi. St".,-Kew - -WlieKas, default has boenmadalB-Biapayiueut ofthe ihoney Secured ;by a Biortgag* dated pm flrst.d'ay 0f'l>ieccmb^"l!fcT*:e*6cntMbyatiai»*.-. Q'Heam arid-ifargarei '(PHeara,' hit -!rife,jm4 ' J6Kn.esBeatii,.thfiii: : »dij, of tjfie towii^f OJc8t*t:. > '.connty of ievfis, and: State"6TN»w.-york v trnto^-"' -.IbomteEowneB.pf.&ctowitcff Motva.ei t aa&\-: - .da,.cb\mtyi-Newl'o*;fc&thBstmiof^SSS, MmW •: iaid.mortgagewas -fecoirded^n the c-lert'i offico. -of flie comi% of ttwis, "iai'^Ue 14th ^ayof-lisiu? '•> - itryi 18T0; at S evelcK*, ai Ml iaUbif 7,.itmorfe ""•- -gagesipage277. -• • -. •'-. -"--". - . - . AiiawiereaffiSaidifi6rtg«Bee,^bma«il)6-»nie»;. departed this life op Pr : aboutthe 29th-of yebru*;- ary, lS80,,liiteiitatev'and-;the^^suTworibes,"WiHIam'- H; Dorrancei Wiia oil or about tbo Mtti day'.of April, .3880, duly.^onstitutea ind : Appointed 'idi .-'.'- miuistrator of the-estatevof said 33i6mas-Dbwn«i, •:- bythe-Surrotate of Oneida: cbnrity.. and .he ha* daly'quaMed and is now-act^ff ^.suohftdnflniSr ' featpr;-, jind the-said mortgageia abwleld-tijcjiiar eriaccOTiatand-B^vijttoebf hisiwidtriat. : . A*d-wheteas,d8fauBiIiia^b.een^iae4nthe3»fo v . ineiit of the amohnii dueinid:ifeeai'©4 la Se patl by said mortgage- aiaforeasid, aid there 3* iibw due .aud-owwg tp saidadmihiBtra^br^oxffieettate . of -said iiiortgagee, npba and by vtrthe; of «S| ; " ;mortgag:e,*tthe date:of--$ie first publication bt .'this-jiotjce,.thc B'ain sof t e n i u n d r e d y twontjfc&im'-: and ^J00. dollars, fo T^jti 'Ihe -wtcdt! of "4^iM 'pnncipal, -and theium di$»I,-30ofinfertit pMtifr- '. an, which. :is th'e whole", amount secured by and retBiiiiing .unpaid upon ^said mortgage; « M n o salt, prMeeditiK or action at law or otherw)«« baa - 'been 5nsrltnted.-to-.r^covec'-ffie'--jw4di-»ort(p^ 'debtor ahy.part.tEereof.;. •-" . - 1 :.-.'.-- -•'.».:*' -•-• "-"> ..- Nowirithe'refore, notice 3»:hereby j(iy,eafli«t. rijr/:. Tirtue of said power bfiafe,, iuid in puna»n«« -<&': :t"ne statute; the said mortEage ,-wffl be foreclolfia . -bya^aTepf.-:iHie mortgaged jreiniiei, whkkare : leiBinafter flescriB.ed.. at :pubhc-»«oaoti iafc tl>4 : , - front door of the dwelling houie, on taldpremfces in thp.tdwhef G6ceSla,"J.awis: coauth Sfc T.,,-.«ai th'e^ithday ofcluiy, 3^B,:at iSifeloetnoour ' : ,. The following ifeadeiieripliibn Of i&exaoiigagiti: -prem'feeBto:b0 iold-to afores»id:tecohttoetln . sa;id;mpftgage,"tPSnfcj^An.thattractorparo3«f - lahd'situats inthetown^of 'Gscepla, lbwoship.lt: eounty-:of - Xewi«, .and gtate of New Xbife aid. known as the northwest corner of lot Ho. UlSf •; one hundred and ibr^-iiilit, :in;.«aid township aiid feaundea asfsaidws-iBeginnihgSit thenertt- easteonie]: of saidlot*t'«.bnffer-nut treeiuark* vi-mi, ]U3^lSiani-MSj thenceTiorth SO degree", West on;the original line of lots' i? chafe*ijtlntkt to a Make and stone. in. eenter of the hiehwar, tnenca .south 10 degreei,. wist i«-ciijahi to'a •staKer 17 lints norttt, 85 decrees eaisfc of ajaiple marked W. IK-'-thehc.e-' south 86:de?*ee»::ea«*.It' eltains. amd 72 lfflu t o ^ ^ line of .fiaid.lot.?iarked W. Mr, thenoeoJa th«;xiri#- irial line north ICf-degreea/ east 56 chatnr r io ; ih»' place i)'f. ; beMnifag4-ic6ntaiiun|r'. fri)i iseYeotjMiu* a«re8:'onand.indrbOTJeBii'. --."".'. .T)atediAprUS3,i886.:L \;- :•- ..: -'- M-St . :- .: .:-•••: WJOaiAMrtt.D&SlttHCBi ~-.; - Administrator etc., of Thomas Dow.nei,deoe«» ' .'. ed, mortgageej . i ...;- '.'^ .-," EoBBBT.3Cpis»,-Atforhey» Camdeh.-N. T.'.-" •i-^lrt .-49W4. 200 POCNDs" OV Ohp .TEPE.FOB BABBrifr STETAL; FOUSAtE &TTHEaSrS'S.QEFldE:' ' - .';•-.-" . 'm^W^W^totmpti- '•; ' : '' •"•: ^ethorhairwaa^fri-ayi: SKettedPadceriJaaip- Balsam^ aftd-now-Ber hair is 8bft aSairbwii.- .Only SOb.i - - . - , . • - • - " - ' '--' • -•-'-.' -"• PABEEH'SHAlEBAXSAlt ' . '. • / - : :"«** - -. Bold by3for4feQ?i-&5H6bre, I^SwyilIe;^.;Y>.: f p.'p"." i,Axsixe ws£LexvM'sv?4.i' sm&wm A.-ltNi'- '••-.--.' ;' .,' •'" SopS-.' : : . ' " ' '. ••'." --';. 'fKvmtlie"SyatervfIle'-#mes;j '.: .There has-been .little br. n'othing/'.doln.g'.. here diiring-tlie past- few days..' One or two sales .oequred: at. lJJ@lMe, bitt-tliB best grades.'havo liot'ehanged'hands- .'There- is verylilfie^life/to the market here,at this writing';. Gtrowers. remain tjuitefirai.The weather' is hot and suuity, -and-work. in'the yards goes.- rapidly furw4rd»'.' The' .'.yards, itre-.doiugwelt..- •.•"'.-'' •..,./•'•,- '.-• : - '•'• 'Tin? New Tj>rM:-i-ntrkof.hasbeeri'-%litti&.< iu«iv.tb/«re, but the -latest .advlees-.plaee-it': back on. a •'firni-, /'steady and/-unchanged plaue, and'/go'ods cotfld be had; .there -yes'- rterday fpr -a littl'e less-mOifey jhari-'in the. middle of'last: week,-when tbie market for a- tirne 'exhibited, renewedstrength. - .../...- - -:• Londbn'sews w v as'-nio:re.'ericoAiraging'th'c latter part of last week.,..but tlie Improve- 'ment was not of sufficient mbiuent to cte- tfte a booui; and later/news" reports it fiim- and steady-.-'. . ' : . . ' - • ' . ' . " " ;.-... Fcm-m-'Ei?Y'FI\TI. BOI^^ :-" ! . ' . ... . - - -. CHA^EH WI^'I*:BE.OlSrVE A'TIC'EEI.- OBBSIOpEOF '. ._•'•,' -.:/-. •-' '" './=' '" ISTHE'-'v^BY^ST^^'Ari^ PARitEK Ll^tNG AT A filSTANCE."RTtL BIND IT:FOK"THSri{.iN!f£BBSf : tEd : • ." '• pAIJi"QK t;s:"/tf(jGDS;-B35tiyEEED-;. - . / - . ' ; . : ' ' . / : / . ' • ' . ' . / . - ' - / ;;'. -;.'..;'.-•'-'•..//• _•;.-.;:-•;"»• •; ; W-^-t^^^O^&m^-"- Jtts Gome./-. B'sa.B%: r Mas -"W^i^^M^k . A5r;iMjf E-NsmsE* sEKisre: "STOCK pi:'. ®m& ^m^mS^m 'Mvexf W a n t SiippHefll _•'••''•".•.-..' "'"••- --' /.'•'• :'-•• •"^•'''v/-;'-:/:.:^' '..':." ,, .livery Taste- <SialiiifledT:' - ', •-/ -".-;.-•. .'-".- :.:-/:-.-: '/.. :•'>•- '•• • ^^y.3iiy^-'.33cWgii : ted3';/ . Tie widest range for selection. •Tielatest^tyles. 'The most«liable:j:ood3; -''^TaT t theI.bwe#i." Prices. . ' ; . •'. . .. •'. •'.;"- : -.- .'.-.•. - : : ,".:.-' '^[--.'- ::'--'J:::;' : 'f._-. : ',--'.."•: / Wl.ASiB.SOJill-Af^MlS \FCm Hptd^B00^S/|^^^fMp -,,'] / ; [ W|0a/^C3^||:|§1/ A Fine'Line always en hand. " Be sure andsee these gaoda for they are the bestte-ihPTparket.' These are facts, our goods "and prices prove the.m. Oomeandsee. ..- . - . - . -"::. .: - ... .-,•',- .-. .' , 2fd'.:l Ay^irue, SiQwyJHe, # . X" - Bi^fflVT^E-BBOg. 'Iiibafy aaad Hall 3LaD3:J)S, Chariael'ici^iland andStand Lamps* lamp-Efx- tures,-.fite. ' ..: '•'. - - - - - ; . - -. : ..." ChamMv.Sets,-.• '.'.. .".- Tea- Sets,. Toilet 'Sets, YaseS;' eieC ^ye'eariy a- Large Stock of- . -.-'•- -,.'•-.•'.. ,J,--and-G..ME>fiqN'S-IROJfSTQJfB VfimA.; "SJIrteh- 'are' acKnowledged t o b e .the best;maim- f a e t u r e d . -- •..- -.- . -\ -•.' .... '.-• . : - '-. Plain .aiid/Fahgy/Flower Eots,,'- Cjispadots.'iiraniteaiid Hock : ingharii'W:ai:e, Stone- ware, ctel '.'• . '"• ..'••. . • ' • . - , - :"."• - MBdWmi^m gaa*gi; JtgfiaSffAtQf AND-BttlARPlPM And-the largest line of" IS.-TOW2?.; •: Achoicejlne of•'-"' _-• MMicB 1st, 1AS5, And all Wnds of Bruits in: their-JSeoson;.: "IjJTG SbmS ABOffi'EEiijQGG. HOt?SE.- '. - •Airb.irtjr^eass'Senteiicev "..-._'.-. "i/Tii-A, ">Iay/33!~^ybertFprdj, juajried,',, wlioiissaulfed. .a highly- respected "school teacher near.- Lee-Benter;.. May 1-StTr,. and robijed'hej*; was' : arrested the same bight,' ludiefed May-. 13tk, arraigned'. -May.2pth : 'and -pleaded guilty to rape.aiid robbery i n the first degree,- was. to'day sehtenced by' Judge -Kerinedy to Auburn- prison for gfl years' for'rape and JO' years' for robbery. - ' - ' -31, L. Blair,. -AUleniian .ith War4,- .SMatitou-jPa.; stated NM-;'-9, 'g3:Hle:had .usctMJr,- Tiahiis*'TSlecfrie'OU : for'sprsiius,; cuts,': braises and rheumatism:' Cured every tijuc: '.' - Fp^Beitfer—Jroi"' "Worse.'. ' . ifAflitXtf-'-FLANiVERS-A-t the,- 31. i, parson- -agtvwest. Hartinslmtgh, MaylBtli.-lsss, bv Rev. Jleiuy Ernst,- .Mr. K<iw.-ird. Failtug -yf- Mmrfcagu-e, and Sliss- Jeu'jrte 1C. -Flanders' -,>f Jlartinsburgh. (ttilSTEAP-m'UHES-At (h-aat Beml. Jla'y •14th, iSsS; by A. T. Oartep. Esq., Mr. Joseph A. •.UlmsteaU'ofUlen.dale,.aud Miss iiary A. Hughes, •of" aiartijisbBrgli... . . . . - •-,.'.-' ^Tjilf JSNS-MA'SSLE^'la HiWrisville,.Jfi)V. Uh, 1KS3; bv Jltev. C. W. Wfield, Mr, WillratnU.Stevens. of- J'imiiww.and. Mr%- Xtezip Mantle, .of. Harris-: viHe. • - .' --:- -. - : -'.' V- ' '." " 3@$m&& {Bww^o^r 1885/ -&sm -NBW* (SQGM- 3$: ^88^; -W"e'aremvvyrfeceiviilg alarge and complete st'oek;efBootsi Shoes' andUnbbers tor the Sprineand : ; Summer Trade.. WchaVe: a splendid line of .Gentlemen'sSntton, Gongress-andliaoe-.Shoes.which.-'we •• : shall sell cheaper than they have ever beensold uvLawyiUe... . ,Our.ass6r±mesit of-.the-lateststyleg ef : Ladie^'awd Jtiss'es l'iue Sho.es and flippers .are 1?orf4ct Beauties,, and shauld-."be' seen by-e^eiyla'dy--,:.' and yo'unijHiss in htrb-is eounty..6efore buying their warni- weather Shoes r and Slippers;-.w e h a m - ' thees-i.-lusivesale.iniiOWVitteOf - ,"." '.' . " ' ,'". ..-" '.--. .-.-• ••". ."'. ' ''•-.' .-' '". ,- .- ; :- We ean assure seasoji-by "E0Fib.ola's.Br.otlieys , '^ .Deletedated/%tiic.a-?^e/Sli#s.^"- "-r.- .•" e-bur patreus that Boots'and Shoe's never.were soj^-as ohesp-aSih^. wilkbe-sfoMthia-; " ' •• ' ./ 'S\- i'V'^-." i' -/J01&;^,BSSfe^/:// / 'Jorrrnai : aMlfe Oiir A^sdrtmeat M "Sarge ana'-geleetM- wftH Cafe/" -BoiigM for Gasb..' (..'•-.-/;•.'-.'."''.- '••it^tt#raees.a/iar;^e.Ij ".'--„'.'/" ' . '• •"'. : - ; KHAE-DWAK-E, STOTBS, lt;4SG^S..A^''i?iKWA»i3,'-''• -'--/ •'.'""-.•'""• ;""" ' /.' '. -. .' /'/-V/' ;. , HANBA«k-i<5t r i/fPHAEraPL-EitESTs,'- •-- . ... ...-•.•-••;•..-."---.-, -..-.- :.-", i • •<" , i£EESEFaOl i ORT.S0PPtIESvDAttTATPAKA'Er;S, . .-,-. ; ..-.-.---/.^:. : -'-:.:- / , . - - •STfiAH'A^a'lVAl'EB'I'ITSffiSSifi' '-; •• ,".:""•' '::'"-. -- .-' .':."-- :-. - • -' ' - IltaN-A'SB m i & ' H P E , : '-"..,.-. '.'"..."•'--. -. --.-."..--• - - :- LEATHER AND K-CTBER BBIiTINCJ,- •!•: L i - " - ' ...:•.- ... :- -.'"•• nm'RSRmx>s.&xr$To8.&-p&<im8G i ^ -.•- ... -, , i Bt)M'H,>TT.s..A^nWASHEKS J '. "- > ' IWBBBfe HOSE, lACE-XEAJHBIt,/ ' '•'. " •--:•: rAKPlSJfTEirS TOOLS, PmrPS," ' .-..."- •: UKAINTl£E;,BA?iIROJf <: - '• . RWPE, T\YtjJlf AS-D'OOBDAGE, . ..'..- ''."..'•..;-.."-' -r : '-.'.-. ' '•" •.T^A30>'S6A4^E-H-OSMNB : v' - '..-.•.•-•.-•-' - ...••-- ...'.- , . -...-.- MASiO?ACT,tmj&S:is-Ti&••• •: .-.-;•. ^-.- ; ,:"-'•: .•'•..•;.'••- "->-::- :• . .-.. -•• - ..-•-.. .-• -'sei,E AGENTS-FOB fioSD'S-^A^BTowspiows,. 1-.'"••'-." ' -'DtrNN^De^ETdOieOMPATreS'CXIpPiaiASBe..;. The coriibiuation, proportion, and" pro- cess.used, in the pi'dparatien of ; Hood's 8aisaparilla,are peculiar: to this- medicine; and-unknbwn'to-others-... -. /•:••.• .''. ! ESiABLISSBI). '1860. mw7Wm:%¥« -y.. :

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Post on 26-Mar-2020




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^•*KIitIi\rIS'toEJ;ti•^[iB;>E^ENBi;KT^ '

'•}m®&m&.%: m&f m> less.

• JAiirifa BXTSSEEI,. -Lbw-RW, • declines tab .Qifeffid prpfeisorsHp-^hteli -Was tendered

• t o b i n i i .:-.' .*..--,"•:•• • / . ' .-.-" ••' • .

/ / . YrciX>"R': SXAKffi. Strsb, .-the IQus'trous '/Kerich poet'andautlroi-died itx Pans, on . Sund"a-iv - '.-' '.. '• '-;''. - . -; ;-"' '-• ;- ;

• -dMnfc; 'Jlott'do'ft,/the "Ijaliaiiy has been ' fnund gnaityat.murderIn the first degree id She Hejlt$Hiei'. county [ epurf -andfi^i-b'e; hung . / ' . - • / • - - ' ' - ' " • • - . . • ' - • ' .- : : • - . " • " - "

•;•'• SiEiri :|he-Ieadai\ of ."the Northwestern .reblglion, is/toTbe Met; fey eburi-rnarfial,. arid it. is.Relieved" will" b/e'cnndebined/to-"death; ;•.: • "• • ", r.-'

/...-'•©BNE&ui; ©BANTseems ' to-. continue. .«bout .the i amej and works a.fitrle- -every d%,.oi'HsrnenKars which'are'now nearlv-'W rfy; for t&e press. ;.'•-. ' •

. ;•" VpAjKfc&ft'JpEi Br SK Qf..Gqopers-tbw&f-ex?. • p!effc-.o| the"--Assemblyi;#nd'secretary, of /theI)e}ap.<^tfe.-'s^te eommlttee,. has beea appointed prated States marshal .for the-northern disi^cfc of i^ewvl/dsk:'.'. '-'. •-.'

.. B B . 0;, HM^.JlESiaAai; *>f Locust .(•Jrovej: -l3ais. cdutttyy has: been ^pointed

.--Chief of .'-fhb. iditisionZof"" eco'nomle qrhi--' •Saole&y ' a n t e tire • department, of igriculv ItaesaS ashliujtoui • The- appbintrrientis. •deemed a:-gbod0ne,.and Ite. Merriam^vyhb' its en4nenft3f:qua]rBed: ioi fife'^ofk/- • will

-entirtfport MadufSesafione'e^ .• '. ,.. •''. '

• : . Tag new' postal .card,., under- "the can.-, tract of l§§6i will be a delicate pink in ! lieu of fire present;, ereara ..color.- The • t.exture of the paper is also, said to be an-i pawed.. T i e size will be t i e saine as now ••in use. , . . . • • - . . ' . • • ' - , . . , ' . • .

;• . tk-EAS travelisnotyet free from win-'-'try perils. Oil the lfteh "hist, the." steamer ' (Sty of Berlin, struck sin iceberg, stem on, . in a dense, fog. • Slight .damage\yas done. ; The officers and crew behaved with" great /Coolness and bribery in ealipiug the' fears ! of ihe terrified passenger's, of -which' there j were mote than a thousand on board.

•i~ Tits- Ameriean' Protetti&iM favors a t ticket' next fall with Witliain/IL .Rabert:

'. son' of "Westchester, "for governor and-Dennis-McCarthy of Onondaga for lieu-tenant-governorC/ This would be a strong

'ticket,' but it:-is.-a. .safe" asssertibn that Judge Robertson WbuKt not permit his nttnJe to be used in connection .with, the governorship!. He believes as all thought­ful Republicans believe" in the selection of a. new man who has.had. no decided con­nection -with the , factional troubles so 'happily ended.' A. gobdystrong,new niam with a record as ,a citizen..-and as- a Re­publican, that no one could question would be a.Safe candidate for the goyern-•orship.; Such.d jnauwil'l.ijrobably be the' choice of the ; party and'of .the peoptej Senatof McCarthy appears to be the only •Bepublican who- is- openly announced as a, Biindrdate forthe lieutenant-goyernorship;' He has. elements of strength that make luai""a ; fbrrnid^blb.'• tnnffldate.---Ji?&»j( JQttmah'r . ••.-••• •- •'•:'.' -.-; . •- '• - -

-J'--." -.iu-^iseossfif newspajier the -bther, .drdy-'•:• "fepoEted ap^#rninentci^ettrnii^ej:"ea. rpo

'sSa$'- sUj^ri^' of; every bubj h^f^e^:ica. •-• fusned up;%weekW.so afferwaidsaijdexj-' ,-' .-^Jained tl&tffie-paper.meant-to say ihari-•.".- lieaj-nbt^unlered,'- The-lSPew.yorfc Suiv ; ^qHated Qas bl%der'a few days since when.

... i t referred ..to.tha^.^ruiiicd:5'^ .Bible" Snsfead. • : :6fthe.^aTase9:"':Sirile. ;"':'' ^ v - ' '"•

."' W^_'pmiESpi JSL.jP. P'.^and.-Oharies: Fiti$)atEielrs ;|hjfemdv.ocifite-' who -flgutfid ;so 'donsjaeuously. in'.obtiijnirig".i tfiprieve. foif SJsdseue Baulet,- the,'B|ty StL.pauI nrurder-.

- es>j has-e.beeii retaiheet jw-:cbunsel to' -de* fendIfieL\ They^haye-bcenseniA>r-.byTa

•prbjriineht JFreacb. ^ Canadian, m^h^:nortli-; •west,;;who is" a great friend of "Mel's, and. ' wihb' has "f pturitfteted to meet all the .expen-

- * e s v " " ' . - - / ' - ' • • ' . - • ' . - . . : : . - ' • . ' • ' • . - ' . . - ' . ' • • • • . ' " .

•-:: Seiiiar*S's^ printing. .eittAlislttrienfc'iri Gittcinnattt' io<M .:&a; lasff -Tiursdaj-"^ffenobn, -and"before; they; cbujd' -be. teacued- - fo.urteeri:. ^ds.'pecish;e.d iu':'

;tlie; .Same's.. 3 & SuHi«an,a broker of =the-pfsf

,- pri^tor, JE|ler;:^Tin^:ihe..':K^ i "Ssoniefi. by:i|t,t|ng=d|iwn * xope "ftbrri ibie

mpfit^iira^elfidlled^by th¥ burning in .two 'of.&ersaiHe.rope; before he-«Quld fea^'• the^rbundi - ':• J t fe'thoughtths. lire-Martedf'from-a-"can' bfc'beararie <3n the

;.secondioon'4e"afrtrieyeyatoT.: . I ..',';•• •

.:.-.'." TH#fpHbwmg' 'goiderf sentences; front. " .fhe clos,e:6f^^-fefehoprSpaldiug's hrasterLy.ier -;•" ply-to lilizlrbeeh Gady. §fantoh%Sereaand'

tpyust onslaught on religion;,; -.espr'essj'.. we - • ;beHey% tfepositions of.agreiit iiiajbia%bf ;;.: the tiinMn*.Glirisliarj. p'epple.of1 tsur- l*nd-

:feiuehinvg;:th;e'rights'^of woin'eni -.'?&.Taw. ,;. ;that is'pnjnst to^hdr'shouiai'esiist'ii!. Qhiist-r' • .-en&m.- . "'ae'SiQuId _; •anyfeareer tgat offers to;her-tfie^^ ineanS;..of. .'-«ahbni^ia*elih!0«'dy.'. *&mihe; saaie-worl?

r. ine ; should receive ths satrie-'"wages.. aa n. -. . mmf ana-sSbul3-h;bia her'prbp-oi'tyiin''*HH.'; ,'..tiie-.Qf-'fiiosain&right^hai aec.iitea ,16" Mrii'' j ' . thn pdsHessipri of-his owrt^.- ' • : ; - . • • . .' •. -

•'-'_';..':TiEB extr*i6ssifin of the..Iej£$lata're wits. . :brbnght'ta -^.clbse; On. Friday a t i i jfc- The -. bnly;bus|aess'donS was the ptosagft'of the :.'• identical ceisus biji wiMcE Screernoy S p - hSd prewonsitr ^etod^^Th^:'";'".' ~'**-*.•»-. "•..exfe session.-of Ske fegishrf^i* nearly

" "&otfflht 0isSeki&- ter '^^^S^Uf : • i ^ = . i W ' ; . i ? : « ' ^ i ^ ^ - > f * ^ e ^ b y this'. : -sBaHenV.and;''&S.moae-y:..whieh i*.-!aa:s ".cdst.

;" .$b& st»te7wcsi*.»wttfse. ffian; wasfe.rl.. /T ie . followingiaihe qos*.-bf-ffie-e'3Etra jsession:

• .?.."•;"'" .-" • : ' . :.'-' - 4SSBK3E(I.X •-. ,-'•"-"-'- • ' . . ' " . '3ljlea«e-oraneinbi5is;„ S\il^^:,... ,-•.--.;. .^si&s'ify

. •Beriiem^s^otEmployes;;".',.„;',....Jli;. 2,470-%J.

.•' :v." ' dtai#r;-a3aemM5-",v,.„ ;•>; w,;;. \ .;-.V.:::.;S6iii49j2. *::--'.'-'-..' "":.'":'--. '-'ssiiJtisii-':"-' "'•' '-:••'; ':,•:.,. SRteage of-senateiV.s- . ;v. ; i . - . i-'.'.v.yA^S-.ffiS 20 •&?$iej&.p£t;b{-emplp£es±i.,:.. ^ ....iy. z:; 1,-824-»t:

ToUaiiac Senate;1»».. : . i i . ; . Gr^i®fc>tal: .~j;.. s /J. J.-.;.,;

,...C...;$2;i9S-«.-.;.-.'..-.S9t3i7 06-

>,j. The t^ore agare*.-a.ovnqfc iholttde Jrjnt r" : fcg posttge,;%hts;.aii*d' othet ihcidentol" i^Bipenses" whlbh *jpnTd bring' tfe'grarid:

;;tot^^pto:$f(^.(Joo;'>-.'--V'''';- V';.;:-.;:^-:";

-, •_' THRobjeetiyepQmt.tbWMdswMchEHS--•\i44"isshi^g,-,ii'.Asia,;ig the-"ci't^u| Ser;At,. .-•:<il#j^^'.is-¥5o^t-ol-'-igi^t'.'..imp^ia;nw;.: ._' tiptso njuQh'for yfhtd i t is-.'m- i t se l fm %^. '--".. cause of' "its pbsijdbu^. I t Js t£e :-;iey to

' 'indiai -. -- Mx army-pf': in*adiba from Seratr. •;, ^Guld'fiad'iittie;^^ difScultyin "-f6tcihg,|ts -^a .y tb ; Qui^':and;on'in"tQ ln^8; s3s:a t ihy vstatjpged'afc-Herat- cptfld r iotbii^ :rnetiac^"

;. thfr^BjdHsh.possessions,-butwoui4b64iasii. "Ijand.am|>%^ustamed'.byin.e: rich, and

; fertile"valley~:in;:;wMei^fferit jWocited: , /. ^ ' E n ^ p s B .^terif ::3SartH^pefhVpsrthe ;

ikst Ejxag^tithdntybn A e subjebfeir-hii^. ''.--seyeral7tiHieS'called^attention to4h&.fiiGt: ;, Jfofe ;Duly is .fhefe.abttndance ofvpftyislohs . $o-ras|a^ifcin"^ ;, pefes-also can %e~ oftsmed in any-quanfr ;. if. -jlktW-i^-fb^y-sijr-yesSBussia'ha's:. '^^Sdily; adlrakeed'i-iri all- one thousand; •; inileg—Sti now iheis only^abbut bne Inur" ' 'dref infleiB-^fr^ intends

;|o occupy,- Herat. ;W& ironor: ©lad^ttuje:

fbrnjsiearnest effor|s-&;^ertw4k;--'fle'}S , ^Sga^d^ina'.••^tenic'"iarjort- But:«^.,d.0;

tot ShiafeHussMpis sufficiehiiy'dttaizeSic--..'*i>JtrS!^ate. fiie '.a&antages: ^of peace.' Her; ; " ^ e ^ e 9 S r ^ c e r s ^ l '.drive the C^atlintb; -"• ytMTt :M''po$sil3&. '•it-it is uyexink. "now^

tney '^tll-^copfciHe^^b>fe-«ggrsssive.poliey; ;iffil England Kfibirrpelied te,flgh^t'ih"s}ieeir.


. '•'•' :;-**¥.. of - ifee'.genei^i1 'pHsi&esS-'^ituatibn-

. - thrbu^onttttter^jritiy, haij.thjte tassay; ./• .'-; • \'0n- fce.-^hole^ whifo-ira^e%duti.-'and; " iifit *%fefactbryin re>pec£ to.the'-dfinen^

....' fflbhs.;of'prqflts;:«ndbea'rHin^sr'rth;erB'fe'in"ot' -; V oni^ita&ili&f, :but ajso- fcinildvieMfncy; to; ;l -J wppfecaaiSoit in ;. co r&a^ t^ tka - '.very; .'ei-, i- Irenie &tra;of fhebj|).okte;co»'ciitioH£iftsi.

e y^as^.-andy; wMTe-.tfc'm^

"^Itherft.ate $m$l p,rpflts?-&ste^'..'p^;-larg;e; j.;•''..losses.. .-^e,::geneial^^^ sitrmi3bli^|ia^. been' •.':.-.clearfedi of «y*as£amouu6 b j utwbund 'or

-, da^erous;;'rflaterialj;and?the-: Jfi^uidation; : •-Ibsus ;heen" ao.th'ortaigli-attd ;«bmp^ehensiy;e -

'"_ ;ia'theforjcuef holding::«uS"i<x-.yal'ufes and: • "• > •• discouragingdperdtlo^^pr^enBhfes^i.Ris, ,-

': «rr :tho,whdie^-«',si^atxG^'iB wbach -acoiit' - ftderice may iestaMish itself for ^ graduttl

' .-• a«p»rtutB '&"_#* di«^tiojL;ofaBtivfty; aact^ " «.gpie<astipjfe-^a" atufffipn i n wlidh $&:

J»uragmg'deTelbpinenta^^.May-'wbrk- t>afc." rieeuperattis-e'. ifesuita. withvAe;^^afeuranee;

-. |hat :r1;he' t ja^pinn&ig : of '.business! • ha^,

'£im& "sttfingtheiiei M§. i!&&SsxBS%0ie; i&~ •' aiJle/j^riS i n whjcriifc-wbuliba^a^generat;; yVetdiei thai fiierB^ ia' inoxe. Mloifophy '-pt: j^s^aMy an^ap.preciatibnfiont.th'e'pres-mt^^ plane;(st;Vafaatiotis,^^^thanatanyrfiaie."

f jiiBd^tior1 W-%e Jftte"; 4.estr^ctiye-aecline K>attafiignidatiGn;."'-V'-;-'"•?:'. .,.-•.;.-."-'.. '•';'

""' It.ia^quite'-evi'dettt. tKo'tihe."adTOea.tes;-of' canal 'transportation, do %piintend tg relax 'their egorfe in: b&half of waterattys of -the' St«fe :• vThe'GnrculaEs' -fust issued.' by. -the Seiv' York Board bf;Tradt and.- Trahspor; 'tatiph-i'SJhe 6rst to'wards-,«a- organized •movement to ;seeirre-; necessary- improve'-' nien^wHbhhftve b e e ^ bu^State-orSWr'sfor anumberbf years'past. 'A meeting-wifl;. shortl|- ,be" convened, at whiGh-.stetistics;-vsall be snbrrdjtt'ed whicii the friends of the canal believe will be eonvahcin^; enough t.o induce the State to keep.it inlgo&d repair-and;.to. maKe sueh' iMprOvenients as: will stilt make.it an. ef-' fective-qbmpetitpr •tfitli.the riulroatjB for. mariy fears'to. cbine.;". That the canal has been. able, to fairly .hold ife owniathe face of j i e most 4isG0.uraging.-conditions there is. little xeason to; doubt;, Its Mends point, with .pride- to:'the"fkfct.tha;t during the-nav­igation Seasonrof ISS^'the^wlioie of.the-State w^ferwaJ5.:deii-ver.eu1..at;J;iie 'pprtSTi-.-W l j i ^ - b p S e f e o f grain,, the railroads for/' the Same period hauling but, Sg,:Q£9,020, .thus EJmning* behind-'trie-canals upwairda bf-'ninemllSon pushels.' .Thisia-a credit­able exhibit, especially in view of the fact th^at^^thebus^ess.depf.essign!:wHeh,by. conT

s^uenbe affects the "carrying".trader redn'e4 ; ea,th&'. tonnage; amproye^.onwater'by (154 • ,ffS8 tons as compared: with- the preceding yeivr,'8rid iri the Iglifr c^fehe'trunk lines as. £alMng-piE;ofmo'r<i.tt

M; -fheiefore, such results'can he bbtftined i%'tWabseneebf im'prbyenientSjIh'e fiSends.

cOf;the'cttmiJnatur»Hy'ar^ey.that It has hpt' outlived Its ,usefillhe'S3; 'The • trunk lines, '^hm.point-out,"have had-th'&.ad.yantage.pf every kuprbvement WMdi.seiiSnc&aud; in-.

-genKity-e"o.uM"srigg.esr-;:' anci.-yet, .-with .eel-"grassiuipVdim-ent^.'lpcfc.detentibnSi bad banks-'- rQughV.|ottBm.s:'; iind -ibckiteaders^.. annpyanceSf the wattirwa-ya.have, moved" jriote gijiiri.;than'all; the ijunk.'-roads'- cens-. .tefihg at i jewTork combined.: Without, inquiring: infe-the respeclivre:- profits made-, last year during the-.navjgatibn- season by the'watetaud-iand.earners, it is. perhaps pfefinehfrib point' but.that..ifrjtlifij water' ^roiite hitd not been'ih existence the rail­roads Woutd;.have been: thfe'berterl'ciaTies- to jiyr.:^ W;fea^-i!^^^',fl0%4ai';-;'bush.eli.- :of ^freight, caljied afeaicKratteastiieabiHi1?-^

Li ie^^^Fiu^l id i -g^^ ro'aQp;'. .;^s:a^^iatw"-'^;;r!jte.sjther^^^^ ,Ca>al;' .has/ perfbriried.- m^aiuable- service, •^hat-the fui^e';wffl'4fe^opf .f.bweye"rt-it • Is;-'dinicuit^|p.-fcrese'e;.': •-. Tie..-bqatmeh's; -pfbfi&Jastye.arHveceun'doubteS^^^ In" s'onie ca'se^ they barely earned: a living.v

, Unless," thferSforei the-peopleibf'the" Sta¥r" •who"for'better or worse-£Svie^'uiidertakeft to provide' for-fthe nialrtfenance of -the canals, are Willing.'tb^^ aT)andbri:-theni altoT-. •gether-/"we.do.nbt see thiitjth'eyj^hiiv&.any. aitenatiVe?|)Ut:tO'.Insi.St'upon.^ able and; jteeessary -irnprovements; a s : will iis'ur^their 'bontiiiued^^effieieiiey;.-, TJhe pop-. ular,"if-npfcraisleading, ;cry"pif. free'.canafs. it-wMle;agbU sugerse3'6daiowb^ :auapp3r- • eirtly weH-foirnded" apprehension. '-.that if sbmethin^;&mb1b'-dbne in this.way.fweWhfd] sOOjh havehp-Caifals. aiall; .'frfie .-or' .qth;er-;



PAKEKKB-nuRQ, W. i \ , May 84r-*-On'' Thursday last, in Newark, Wirt coimty, a cow belonging to James. P. Bnffingfon, a fiwrnfflvbroke down, a panel-of fence sur­rounding the garden of.' Ahgust KUteaur

and, entering the garden, destroyed the growing*. vegetables.. Kilteau. drove tlie cott? out with a club Just as the owner was passing. The two men. after bandy­ing epithets for a few moments, engaged in'a rough and tumble tight, in the course' of which Buffington was repeatedly struck with the club in the hands'of' Kilteau. Several • men, including a Justice of the Peace, 'interfered and separated the rrien, but Btrffingtun drew a dirk knife and. rushed at.his antagonist. Kilteau struck him' on the head with Ms club,, knocking-hint down'.'' Bufflngton sprang-to his feet again, and stabbed Kilteau seven times in .various' pasts, of the body, leaving him in a. dying condition,: but not before he had jigairt ciubbea :Buffington, breaking four' of his ribs,, and fracturing his skull. •

"All this, time the spectator's were en­deavoring to stop the-fight,-hut their-' efforts.- -ivere: unsuecessful- -until the two men sank to the groun<i exliiiusted and eoyered with blood.froni head" to feet. They were taken to their homes, Where both'.are' reported to. have, -died lust'

. n i g h t . ... • . , \ "• --. ; ; ;. ..'•'. -: .

.; -;: .' -TBBHnfSSBiiqtsAp-Acms.'••' . ' -:


CLIS-TOH,- Aria., JlJiy.3A.--4-coufier.rias; just aprived. from the upper '.6ila "with a letter-from: Wood Bog, which: says the Ih-dutus left ijagle <)reek, tluee miles north of Thompsons ranch, and> struck the. Blue River at- Benton's, ..forty'miles-north of Clifton, Old man .Brenton cannot be found, and.Dod, who followed up the In-. dians believes he- has been killed. • ^ive iniles further on-the owner of German's ranch was found murdered and mutilated* Pod's horse shied often along the trail, on which, there were a nurnher of dead'horses, aiid he-believes' meiijilso. The Indiana crossed-the San JTranciscOjlive-rn-jles nofth-. of Alma," on I'rjday.' The settlers had not.

"been notified of the outbreak, and many havexlpubtless been killed.. Pod say s.that Cregeh aud- .$Ic$Urren startei back on Wednesday, for" Bampooa ranch, from wliich point no news has.- been received. He says that though the; Indians crosse'd. pxe San Francisco River pn the 16thi.nst., no troops had reached the river up to-the 20th'. - •.• ; • .'' -.. .""'.



' . O&ftBGO'g VBFA Til. TLYCf TBmSUilES.


OF HisTKrEST Aiaj.-tosy §^6,000.

. OswEoo, May S3. —The PatMam pub-i&hes:,kn interview, with Titos. CraWfora,. the -.defaulting city 'treasurer,, now in Hamilton, Out.-^CrawfbrdVstatement is that- -he;fbund himself short :$C0a.at the end of the first/year -as" treasurer. Hecbuld not -acebuntfbf ii and confided his - trou­bles to^ather . O'Couneii. a f St, John's church of this city nnel upon'his advice he eiigaged in margin" dealing hr-the h»pe of

"making enough to make goocVthe fjhort-aa-e.c He riiad.e at first ii .small gaiii :but .subsequently.lost,.. For. two-...years "past-he. has' beeu'-.specuuttihg; with, the,-.city inoneyi -.generally losing and resulting in. .his fleeing'from the city: short .. afyOoOv He says, he took ho money, to speak of TOthhim and-puts.theblame of.hiseoiu*se UQui? Fathe'r..O'.Connetl. : ' . ; . .:

SMlia^Xiysari's SuHer^l,

NEW YOBK, May 2S-? The steamer City .of Berlin.on the 19th.insfe., at,3-35.A. &., struck aniceberg, stem oa,'in a dense fog. The engines were going.-very slow at the time. .The bowsprit and -headwofk- were carried iiway,.'but no damage- *aa done be­low main-deck line: A t i jtS she proceed­ed slowly, at 0:24 she passed another ice­berg, .and' still another at 8.-50..". The steamer had 143 cabin and 1,135) steerage passengers abtwrd. , -


James O'ltourke, a cabin, passenger' on the steamer, says :dl went well until' they were' approaching, tlii* .bank.* ol" Sew Fotindhuul, when a Chick fog set in MI>H.: | day, the. isth inst.,. wliieli- eouljuuud until" the 20t'Ii. TIie;ship wasruu a' h;VU';Sp.eed' •duririy the.fo.ir, ku-.l the steiuu-whistk-.s-were' kept bfowiug. '.TtH'sday. inoming; about 3:20 th.- ship came in collii-i m with an immense iceberg which, carried away the jib-booni,bowsprit, iigjireheivd. and all the gear attached, stove in the t/uw, break­ing, the iron' plates,-deck .planking, iron railings, etc. Many ton*, of ice Ml' \ipon the forecastle deck, breaking it tltrough and. going down into the hold. The two-' men on. the lookout had a narrow escape with their lives,. .The.fog- being so -thick they..could not seethe Iceberg until it came tumbling on the. deck where, they were, •standing-and caused them to rnh^dt their, •lives.- .' t;.the'.time of the sMqek' chief o'ffi:-eer. Tarjetbii- .and;-,secon'd. effleer." Barker Were -on cbaiy oh the bridge, and with'great .'-promptness Barker rushed' to :the bow- 'to. ascei-tain whether the -ship was.eut tlrrough

; below-the water linBfUtt the samefime.giv- • i»g bidders- to'.cut 'aw.ay'.theirfshiftgs of-lifa rafts aji'd boats and prepare them, for :lo wer- •

•ingi'n ease the ship, should- sink.•-.-•T.tiro of tke'bbats. were swiuig,.0ut.aud others were-being put in readiness when i t was d'is'boy-, ered-that.tlie.ship was', not mitlolng.' water and the order was countermanded..' The passengers, were"all asleep 'iii their, 'bertha afrthe tiajepf. tliecollisjon,hutIjeingawak­ened by the shock they immediately sought the deck and ran to and-fro screaming and praying, not knowing but that they would go-down with the ship in ttfew/niornenfe'.-; Tliere Were seventy-four cabin, sixty-nine •mtermedia.te.and JMJJS steerage passengers. and 142.i-ntlie-.erew," making a total -of

-• 1,423 souls. -Whea it wms learned the, ves-r -sol was in no danger of sinking the excite-luent.subsided, - • - • ." -. -. •


• Cap't. Land says .the' accident' was una-' voidable: First, officer Tatleton and.third

; offii'cer Barker, by their proinpthess' and Jactayity^eakned the: fears of the passeu-.;gens*"- There-was no coflfusioii aniong.t'he brew. ' iiversr imin' obeyed' orders,.' and' we. were 'prepared to' -nj'ce't'-any; emergency.

-The.d.am'age to. -thesteiiiiier .-amounts -to' ,45,00JX'- •!': ".. '. . . . . .":..•'.•'. -" '.

:•"•"' Jl£STOBLf&I>A&i;M'xffbj3ItAyIrK.%.'

ALL ,DItPEK0S, fif IS SAtp^ t F O N W I I A T irU,. VA>*I>Encn.T DECilEES.'

•NEW' TO»-K,% May 33, —Efforts t(S refitore prfssCHiger'rates-oyer'the teiik- liBgs-.have-finally taken.sixcli'a shape that if rates are not restored' the responsibility for a .con*' lihuationofthewareanbedelinitely plnbT-' ed. .The PeDnsylvaoia railfqad, which is a (Jloieallyof'the' West Shore, and.whieh' has.-not- nitid,)' any;sw'eeplng- rednft-iona ex­cept In immigrant rates,luJS been active in the matter of. securing.arrestor»fib.n;. and so 'have -the-'Comiianit'a_H»onBee(ihg "with the trunk lines. The first foi'mal reduc­tion was made by the West'Shore,and'c0n'-.

Locke contributed^^ much to literattne. He . wroteessaysof great wortli... His-field of ; ihvestigatie-tt' was-medicine. Completed, his ' 'Essay on the Humairi I'nderstaHding"".' in 16&7-. Lh 1689'appeaied his fii?i.t letters"! on "-Toleration," aijdin 1600 he.published | his '''Essay.on,the Human Understanding.!'; In. .1691 appeared a'beautifill letter on , "Toleration,"; and his well-known "TreaiJ

:tise on..Gbvernmetttr!?'. ' - ' • . . . . ' •'". -.':

SHMS.VAC-HEWTOS. —1643r -17a7 , -. j

• Among''the'«'wbiid*s great'thinkers,'! J who received a resting place in the ol.d:

Westiaiiister Abbey, is. one flf the most prominent, men that the woridfever. knew ^•SirTsfl-ae STewtoti.' A- little .inore' than' twelve score years ago," onj-an jihvays h'ap-

t jjy Clu-istmas d:iy, the old world received

a Christmas present to two world's. L'pon. this day,. England but liCtle knew.of what the great .genius afterward breu'gllt. forth, ifewton w-as kiiovyn.asa celebrated, math-ematieiau '.. and.! philosopher. An apple, falling iixion his head.suggested universal, gravitiation. Kesults of.his discoveries are eonftiiried in ii treatise called; I>e Myiu C'irrjM'iuin. This: appeared more fully in 1087, entitled Flnlosupltke'NtduraUsPiin-.

:ctj)ht,- MntJu'iuatuui, . Newton superinten­ded the jjabllbation .of Fiamsteed's Qreeu-wrich Observations, about 1700., •

'-• •.. Ctb' be continued,) ' . '" •

Studies iii the A>ife and -Iianffuaera of tiia - ' • ©reeks. •

'.'- -•- "'I,.ESSftK;X.: - ' ' . . ' •

sequentiy that company has generally been •charged, with the resp'onslbilily of- the low f a lxd play writer of C r o m w # s time/ rates.' Its-Officers, Iw\vever,'have 1>>id be .fore .the.reorgatu/,ats<vJi «;oniMi-t-t.ets .of ili

'.. JEnSTlisli; "Ifttfira.tui:e.

-..W-^P '•

BY AivrS.W ?rtJJtFoitD.


; •; - ; ' . . ;..162S-16PO;. ; . ' ; . . !

The rulers of EirgJand.durhi^this short

period Were:" •.-'-' , . ' . . . Charles I ; i - 1 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 0 . . . . . .

[ ' Comnionweaith—164?-iS00. ; . '..'Cromwell ruled as '5Pr'otector"-;-i653-i e s u . - . . . ' . ' ' • -.'•:: - •

The Teign of Charks wi-s'.pite.of misfor-tune,^|&wa*Mn^'QVer^c(^indfti. the sanie tinie, arid his troubles were the. re­sult of Ids following the'-pjri.heiphs .iaf.-.his ' father, James L "He.'imi^o"a sad- mistake

f bylerf..rnUBg-dUrIngh«l'«-gii,acts which 1 ( t 'C ] l^ t l n { h i present .which soon proved w,erep..Mforned-'wlth inii;U.'iity, by thesav- ' treigiia" bf the" l'4tliaiid' 15fli'-eeu.tviries. Charles endeavored.to inl-rad'uce a liturgy iti B'-otfiind about '.JO'SJ, which :-brought iiiui-i-nto a- great; civil-war, in', 1037. .Charles calleda pjirllament, but'.the tom-moiis.refnsed sujiplies. • He called another parliament I n-lWrrO, whit-h-i.'nstead of grant.-' Ing supptiesi eondeuK)'ed; his, minister Stratiord-tp death.- -A reproof'was then' handed Charles by the .commons," which, eontaincd'iill-.the''troubles-'the-.'nation had • witnessed-since'the accession, of. James' I; Matters "continued to/'.grow'.'worse until arms were 'taken up.' .Thd' war" was; se-. verely contested, unStthe battle, of Jte 's-tm Moor^ when •Ctoniwell:'and..;Faij'ftix-gained a;.seVere'.-victory.:pver Charles. -The: war. conti'mied'until; 1H5, ;jtnd iu the bat--tie of Jfas;eby.'ihe king-'was completelydb-. feated aiid.lled, refusing-the final proposi-ISon- of .'tne- irmy-whlcit -raged • the. ' 'I-nde-p-en'd-ents';.''" ©f -which Cromwell was the:

, fojdig^o that' Jhe k|Vig; WJW -ea-^Vleiimed tb-.t£i;d, ' ' . " ' ' * , . •**•'• , . • .'- '

.. Thtw-began one .of: the world's •reingfk-"ablt;;.'4vixvls.", Charles was 'eo'ndernnwl to .death Jan,.27:th^ -1 4!9,- and was".executed Ja;n/*30th;,.-1048-.- .;..JSs reign, ^was nothiug bd t a terrible '.struggle, -'irad full of trouble

.ah"d -disappointment, '•: The 'ttlal of King X'liartes was opened with groat scriousuess and was a solemn one. His-execution is oneof the most.seriqus,terrible and. wretch­ed iii.-the annals of English history:'. After Ids head was severed.from his body, one.'

. of the executioners holding- it "up,* cried out.''This.is'thehead of. a .traitor'!'' - Many spectators, afterward testified their horror of the ' woeful deed, in great

• expressions'of sorrow, ' . .For four year§"after the death of Charles,-,

parliament conducted" the government, '•... Jjuriiig-.this time Oliver C)-oin^.clt w,as

.'.establishiog a repntiition by--his military 'cari}er,.'-aiid.the", government was. slowly changing^ from th house of commons, to the military.'.-. In.' 1550" Cromwell" -was"..-pro-:-dairhed.'"protecfo)-.'H He.*as -now/king,, and .firmly- governed his subjects, during. his.-.2$5gnv': which .caused. .England, toVbe highly .looked" uponV;' V. .. \ . •;" ...-'

' Cromwell died Sept. 3d,'..ieSS^and. was'-.buried in Westminster Abbey; three'yeaTs later ills grave was fobbed.his body being taken up. and hanged, and thenburied be­neath, thegaikiws; btit his, head was fas?: tened;Upoh'.a.l"ong'pple^ and' placed upoii-. Westnijiistor |lall... .CromwelI's:sbn Rich­ard held the office of .Protectorship, from 16S8 until April ;lfJ5fl, when he vias 'dis­missed by paTlikment.by his not-b'eing.a fit person, to/nianage th<j; amy. ,: Such is a brief discussion of. the Englkh rule'fs)<.lttr-ing .tliese/f brty-five years.-, -.:' '•.:.' : , '

Through .Byng.' 'bhtuies'; reign, as - well as J-ttiuesi; Puritauisni greatly cii^appeai'ed .in; English society'ami the house of eonl-.mons.- Sir William. Dearaiaut—rappointed joet laureate,..by the.death:of Ben., John­son, wiys a-very pro'nuuoht: -Engrish: poet

•' C-HEESE EAt'TORX BLASKS, or rep»rtB "of sales tofcatrona, of most approvad -fomiit-priuted «!«SWly ana.'pfomptly.-at tlieomfie-of the low--yiJlti eiatiis. , . - - • - . " .

. LowMUe Mariscet,••

'.Ck/iTeckrlandJlevised Weekly. . • / . '

'L'9'YVi.i-E, May'23, 18S5.

, ' ; ' "' - . B C T T B R ; ; ' ; ' . ; ' • ' ."•'= • . ' •.Creamery...'...;.,.-.-.,' . . . . , . : , . . ' , . ,> . . . , : . 18 @— Cfiotce . . . : ; . . : : : , . . . , . ; . ; . i s @— ftair to «ood . - - . 10.4613 EreHh,.iie\vvtn jars . , 13 @ _ ' ' . . • . ECifiS. '. ' ; " • - . • ' &esfi,(eashprteeV. . . : . . . , i £ ^ ® _

'fiETAlLyR."lCE.'Ct;BREXT. ~ " ' •• " > PLOPR. ' - • .

Patent , new pvocesSi'.persack.....:.. :. $1'atfj, — Pastry, extra w>it6 SvUsa't, p ^ stick . jjOttSi •,— lruiif{uj'ian-Ertlle'r,persaek.. , ! iiu. 1, spring.--... '

..... . '. VyfevK. Coffee, "A-'! standard.. : ' . . . . . . . . . White extra. " 0 " . , . . . - . tJi-amilttte^ - •• Mapio s u g a r . . : •-••:••.

Butter . . : . . . . •


PotatQes.. . . . .



1 50@ 1 -35{&$1 -io'!

• • "?"'©'•-... GK£»-. . B.&-. . . « -@M)

.. 25' @ -

.-. M @ -VE(?ETAB£ES,

: . . . . . . .50. .®55... POKE. •".

Hafts "..:.;.' FiU'k, elear, bbl. . .- . , . . . Pork.retail ..:....


..... SiaottS - ^> • • .' 11® — "•' -WOOL; -" ' : " •

'.: : , . . . ' . . ' . ' . . . . iS .®S0'.. . ' . - ' • ' . KEltOSEKB..'. • . ' •

Kerosene oil., . . ' . . . - , . . . . . . i 5 : @^-. .' . . . .-•; . . W O O D . . : . " . . ' .

-a%'feet .-.:.:..;.•;,..;;';: ; . : ' . ; . . , . ' §3 25 Stove. j . . . . ; . . . . ' . - . . : . . . . ; . . . - . - . : . . . . . , 3 00

.' - . ailJES.AN-W-PELTS..-.. ••' . / ' Cfcfc.and" eow hides- , . . ; '..•..:.:'.'.':.•*..:,'.'.-: • 6 J 4 : Trimpied -~... . : . . . : . : , .-, ,....•..: :. :. S}4 Ballliidesi.',......; : ..,:.._,.:.: .... ':..•...:..,.... . 5 -

•.'Jiinnneel- .-. ' . .„. .--. . ; . . . . -."- " . . : . , . ' . ; .%%

ef'iriisi 'ur. -the' feii£>i.-'Tt:H.Tf'te <•>"}, :" ' -- !N:;^, :,-w.>y.-„.wffr

, /^BEiaii^TirEiiTar./

- - :Tlt§' Prri;iJe : PfanB.race. in i'a.fis Sunday waa;-w.oii- by 'Bar-berMe,-.-• Diapiinc second, •SscarBouice third.';• :•..'•-_ T;;- ':•. ;•;',/•'' • -- /.-

/ T h e wanton^defabefeeui,'probably/"by-employes,, of t i e .pictures. al "the:%cadeniy-; .in- L'pndoh. cbatBiues."• . / . : - / , . ' . : • / . . ":

.•• -Jbhir Loqniis -ShocK, aged;tweuiy-fiye,r ;8jheuteasfnt;%'-ihe,'.^ navy^;

cornrnitted'suieide sit Blackii^th^' Eng;., Sunday/•;.,-. .'••'-._-.".".."'_v.-'' • "-.- ..'.:•-./--.-'

rThedyna,tniters ^nrtpn/ahd;/fTnrt"ijig-Jiam/weresecre ' t^-^ ,;ta:ChiitMr4?-isr' '^he/ liuthorfties received .warning ofva: jlbfc to" reseue'-tirbm.',:

.' Tfie;femam.S'«|rV'ictbr Btugo.were con-; .vsyed to; Ate'Be:Tjgoniphe*;EariSj:Sanday :a'nb! i a i j ^ ^ t ^ o ^ i ^ f a i r p f e . / "Tenny-Son ahd/miihy. other jto'efe^M -dtaniatists: <4ie> sending, wreath's of &UEela-rfd:inipibr-' ^lles to/lie-Iaid.Lon;-'Hug:o'a eoffe:"- :- '";-•• / Ib.5ji^asserted1 thb/rbceht repbrts'/of;; an .butbreak ainOng.&e-nati$es on. the .upper-QOngb - were iiver-drawn.^".., Arittw; •• i'ateiy-•robbedsbtaeyfflagein^he "O^x^-^Mh^,'. ^pn.;1pMb/lWs-e^piaWd'. that ' the 'Arsibs' -aeJied' «mtra*y.tO.:ordei:* stm.1. tha,V to had .jrutif':::l.:.;d..;/'.r3J.-:uIyd. thtTti, : " t l e s a i d h e

.deaired a p«aeefui eoraineree "and. Mend-•ship/^ith-.the'wlirtes.,-.. .. • -/ .-.- "'.'*/- -•-.."- v

vr eurT&d'-:t1iii«. a'fteradon' at-;' two -o'cibek/ ASnong thsse present. were. ex-President Arthur,. General Brewster,Senators Sewell

: sud McPherson, - Governor Abbett, mbs 10f 'tlie state^udiciafyvthe Russian and Brazil­ian ministers,many state offfcersandpromi­nent .citizens.. - 'Colonel McMichael called in the in-ornirig-as a representative ofPre'sl-: • depfiClevelandand tendered the president's /syinpathiesi ./and . expressed: regret- -that • official' duties. prevented. his'.attendance, ,-Afte.r:pra.yer at'-the ' house by -Rev.. Dr,c

.Campbelkthefuneral processionmovod to-,

.theJSorth. Reform church, 5vhere'AX.great assemblage' had -gathered." . ' The streets "were lined .with people,. . A s the process--ioji-entered/the" church thfe- or'gau -played a-dirge, and the choir sang '^jjfea'rd; a Voice

.fTom.Heayeri.".- Bbv. /Dr.'' Waters; then, offereda-prayer,'andlRev,.Dr. 0 . : E.Har t .read-a" seieefcion;from-: the''.Scriptures,- '• A. eulogy Was-prpnouneedby.Rev. I?r* Cham­bers of Ifew ;Taork . and the hymn,..i:'Tiiere. is .'a green hill faraway;'!'and the tjeuedic-/ tibn concluded A e services. .. At tlie eour

/elusion «f the/service^" the/body was taken -to'-.Mou'atpleasent.eenieteryfor'internmnt;^ JJerealarga.ei'o.wd had assembied.- -The-earth, tidcehfromthe'-gravfi was/ covered with a m.ass cif -white, fjbivers.-;- J3eyond: a.

.prayer, thereiwas-tftoseryibe. at- the-.grave.'

- . " . Postoffieeii Chaage&. •

:..."/Tir.e-lQllp.wingpoafof^^ .;jjhanges were mad%in:Kew :Ybrk/dur^^ ^gJti&^tfMLr/:^.":;_> h-.- • -'•'•'" ,'C YMttWtfieXs ''Ap^omt^^Mhita^Miiaaf ebjiiity, &%_ 0,'lieary ;.g8ecijord'Stotion, We teh'es't'er ^ 'cqu^1y,/,%nil'- .Ai--Sarrk; Fishbr^a ^andiHg/' Jefferson^^^pirnty, .&o. '^fl..iBreStebj.-{Jlenwobdy".. Erie.:bounty, Ailen/ -#,:- •'Biakely;; fibmowack;. - tjlite'r ^ u i r f e - / . g a ^ ; . ^ . - . ; ^ b ^ t o n ^ / M a l d e t t Emdge^/ Columbia - :eounty/ jflcholas ":.&.' yeddbrr'Pameiia- Fo.ur/Cpiner^;'^«f|ersbtt-Tcpuaty^/-Seiali/|ii; ; f e a a w a ^ , ^ f f ^ b ^ . Westehrestef; cpunty,/' jaepfevBi . ddetl; "West.';Stbphen.t6wn: <Refis^ela^r . ebunfy; Jss; ©".^reenmari; '----;/;".-;;/' ". / . . •.''

./ Btorridy yes^'It is^that we.'ninst .suffer. fiWL 'djseale^but.irtfrn:' i&art;/pisease, .ueryousne^: and sleeplessness:,.-. p r . -6rafes' Searf'Regtdatb'rwSlgiye'you/immeb^iate. relief* thousands say:soV4l.'per bottle at drngg^tl!. ; . • . " . ' : ' . - . / - -49w3" = "

-. • 'G^ajasf: -pajerv borders;, • eorhers - .and bentre:'..pieces, "for; decorating" urpages-—-•

iiew' paterns and-de'sigas' Just received - at •tbeTi^ff-bopJcstore,: ''-•'•' •"<' 39m3,

CUf"passeiiger rates' to-the- j^resent • bifeis ' 14ng:before i t inudb-'.it'a-formfil'redueMon.• .Ever since, the West. Shore.lias, expressed; Ifowllllnghess jo restore rates whene^efthe other lines would" dp so,but' the NeiV/Jork Ce.ntr.alhas.beeh a.ve'i«e totreaHng tlieWest"

• Shore-as a Gbutpetitbr.'iu any negotiations. The result of the present'elforts is that all "' the trunk'- lines have expressed their desire or williugi-iess to restore-rates- except the •Hew York.Gentral.---.:go;far-,as can'be.learn-e.l,-.':the operating officers-of that company are.iii'favor of the proposition, and -haye.. received it-. They cannot,., however, give: an answer until the executive bimimfttee flf the company has acted;- which "it- will-'da >vithin a-dUr pr;t(Vo.. : The 'impression', -is' that its aettoh:'\vjli''bft iar:g%;gbvernbd-b5/. flie adyieu of wishes of W;; E.. Vanderbilf, ' who; cannot be•coinmunibated.witK before, his arrival in Qu'eenstown early next- wb'akj.' /Gould has-been actively engaged: in trying .-tafei.h'g • about a" settlement, .'•"•' ."'•';'-'--'/•

of the. Dr-urv

j : S b « : ;5^?y»toyl-an:J&eaewiI Agaemfeiyy*.

"'jGmcis^A'Et,' &} 'Mfty'SS.rr^Infhe :pre'H-bjterian :genbfal assembly/to-day.S; B. Biil,i>; D:,';of Misgouii'.oger'ed,reBoiiitions against Sunday newspapers and commit­ting'''Jhe .ehutch.to.-the poUcy.. of pye-hibitiOn>: -Tiiey- were/referred .-to- corn-' uiittees. The committee on. freedmea re-pprted.ieceipte .for;the year, $li6,^2iO. This . aftorirbou. judgfe/.Srake's ' Roman /CittBolic respljttibu is/a gpecial order,, the-;assemhly ha;ving previously' adopted t he ' uaammous' report by., the ' judicial com--, mittee to/v?lHbh >yas referred'.t-he'. appeat; fFoni.fhe synod of-jje^ York reconimeiid- • ing|pJatrJieappeal/be. dishiis.sbd-:ou^the" gFOttttd: thaXthe.Ji-revious;'delive'ra-yyceM"of / the : general a*>;uiii',y. have left with the-, w-j-*..sIou-s' th* right, to- decide upoii- Jthe . validity of • Roman'. Catholic •. baptism in particular eases. Thia appeal Was based on: the reqiureiaettt of'the-- Princeton church" th.at the appdlantjWho had been'.baptized, in -' the/Oaiijolic .'ehtrrbh, should be ' re-ba-i

C Senator JSHJle*: pH..Anti-lH:cinop6ls-.


. ' • - ' - . •'. G.TJAGEs;. , : ' • / ' , '•'•

• A. 'fainiiy/bf.naMons:impl.ie's"a' family'of languiiges.;. acd to.' stpdy a.family of tongues-'is tfo-'go-iiifo'the prbfound^st. depths of .history. ". :•••'•. ."',

The words mi'd t l i e v.-ritfrtjjs o f i i a t ions ,

c o n t a i n t h e i r . t rue • h i s t o r y f o r , t h e y r e p r e ­

s e n t a l l t h a t t h e , i r p e b j i l e - h a y e g a i n e d a n d

- lost ." : '•'• ' . " • ' " ' . . ' - ' • • ' • ' '

-Since the Aryans constitute the greatest of the'national, families, -'we'naturally ex-pect.-that their-languages are the most subtle and powerful- of earth's tongues.-•In- this we are'n'ot mistaken: and-to learn something of the richness and, strcngt-h of Aryan speech, ^ve ;wili tmce, through the Greek and' some-kindred.languages,' a few familiar words.- • '• • -"' • "•

• We will begin with .4 i?,' the root from :' which- the Aryan name has developed.." • ' Reading'in a 'Sleek book," We cqwie.te the word «/w(I- xts'e .properly marked Eflglis.h-..tetters,-because the Greek Mters. •would not be understood:)-;' , ..- *..-.--;'•

' .-•" -From .the/Creek./dictiouary . aod'-gram-- mar'we/learn to'/translate the word, I phugh.. Tlie. lo;ng'o: at .tlie'-ehd/'of. the .word, shows that the speaker; the first person, performs the -act, But-a)',, the first:, part,.-the -root of tlbe 'word,: shows the essence;- the nature".of- the .-ac'ty-Which is to pUiighi' ' . ' : •' - , - ' '•_'. . ' " ; • • /

• We next look into' the Latin which is a 'sister Aryirri tongue,- closely -'allied to-the, .Greek:"' There we find the word' ara,. and we learn.that."it-ineans, as' in- Greek, ' / ploicr/AYthfi <>r root still the same. •"'

Then we. examine: our-own- .deaf Engv "lish,. and, turning to Webster's unabridged diet ie-n^ry, w e . f ind t h e y?ord A motile wh ich , .

:Webster-Kays,'nxb^ns -"Fitforpiowiug of tillage; hence, -often• .'applied to "-land which has been plowed br-.tilled." ' -• -' ilei-e again. we .find 'theiitf le.-- ro.ot '-rtr

(at the beginning-'.of Arable) , having the same 'j/imnjli '.«t««i&" as ' in. C-treek and

;j£'atin.1 ' . . "_. " • .- ;". • ' .' Then we go ' .away"info .'InditL There we Mud mi old, dead." language eUlled Sariscrit.-" • If is to,' the present languages el'fhdia as fe dvsttl Greek or Latin is *o the living English," French. ,_aud Gernj-an.

A;mpng-. the northern nations; of Europe,' too,, people' -are-; tb-day -using ..words.'0f •wiiichar-istheessence! ."• / . . '"

©., what history is bpxiud up in. this lit­tle arV. We' call yeue'ral Grant famous.' B e h:a*bee« Cemhiander-in-cliief .of the tjnipri '.armies, twice president^ and once he traveled -arotihd the world. . This caus­ed his name to be'spoken "byinany. miUr

iSFSW ~£&rk Maj&ets.; •.

•' _8ooaliSars.aparaia,:flie^ andrefiuiatingmedieliie,.iaeharicterizsdt'y • tjn-eepe.enllarrftes/rxameiy^ .._• . :: ,;' . -••'/

.-'•...3Pae .cbmbinktlori of. the varldtiS-; renieaial.agents»u'sed.: ; •;./ »• .:'.-".

. the proportlpn in wMehtherools,

. TierT)Si,Dar^8/etc.):are^xed.; '- ••-_.,:.

• She -proce'sa oy whfcfr'ihe active-laeaiclnal properties are secured.;

Xho resmlfcls'aTOeBicineof injusual .strength*/ and/ctir:ative-power, wWeh-eifecttpures'here?

r tofore unequalled. Ih'esepec'uUarities'helong ', eielusiv.ely to Hood's Sarsaparifia, .and are

ynkriovim /to /OtKei^, Hood's - SarsapSrilla is prepared wiflv jup

greatest' skiil • ant: «ate, by .pharmacists. b'£. edueationand.long experience, Heiiceitls.a; niedieine werthy qf entire .confidence.' Ifcyou snffer from.scrbruia, salt fheum "or aiiy dis­easeat the Dipod,.dysp;eps!a:, 1)HibuSness Blek. headache, or kidney. andHver donipianitSi catarrii' or rhennjatism, do npt.ftiil.te'try

0 B B B l ^ ^ a o C I A M A T I ^

• ^fdisret&.-a e'Qiirt pf p v e r tuid Terminer is.iab--poiated' t 6 be l e l d i a ^ n d ifbr thecd imtyo£hems % On tBe-3St:day.b£ June; -1885;: proclamation if . tkerefore hereby madd: in conforinity *o * -jire^-;

e e ^ t t o jnedir'eefed And -JelivfeEedby-tliie dUtriot -. -.-attorney of- Lewis cojinty, on the Sfib:ftqt J*»r, 18S5, to all persons b.ouud to app«w a t Uie gala c0ur.tef oyer m d iermlnefe, -by r«6ojslie«ne**r fftberwisa-td appear t h e t o i t , i u d : all Justice* o f ; the'iSeaqe., coronenr or -'other' o f f ieewwhohive : •taken any reeapjizanccs tor - ibe appearaaos of .any person a t sucn-ooiirt", o r w h o h a r e taken a s y Inqnisiti'on'oi ;.theexahflnaflonoI?aiqf prisoner or -witness, a re raquttbdv t o retsiTs. •ocn-'Jwjpgnir-; ance, fiiqta^itidni "or exatainafljoti a t tba o p e m n t , b f l t e first igyol said Sottrt." . . - • -• D a t e d a t lowr i l l e . t b i a ' l jMS&*t<**<* ; M8» .:

- '.-*.-.--•'-:.• : QKORfiE*.msiSte, :--.:" v •'•"; ShCTlff.pI;tlMG6iui)l)r»? £«f#te.;

T 'GR^GfAOE^AI*.'.

" I reboramend Hood's Sarsaparll%.±0 all my iriends is: .the hest Mood -purifier; on earth.":' -flTar, GAyy,- :drugg§tj:HiunntbhV.<),-. • '"JSopd's Sarsaiparifia'aas-ctne'drflebt

ulotis" humor, .ani} ;done "me worlds "bt good _ otherwise." 0. A-; AmxoiZr, Arnold, lie,-' - -

A hbDk.eontaining''niftny -addttionat-Sbii -.; "ments of cures willbesentto-all^WJodb^ire."-/

M&0<J% ^ai-sapartlta -;Soid,by/all druggists..;51 j ^ j i far:$5i-^iS3A6 . only by-fi"' J . "HPQI> :.& GO'., 3S>weU; JIa>s.: . -.

HpoarSSAHSAPABIiLA .-. : .V ' • ' - SoldhyitoiTjs'oii & Jtoorcy.lpwvijls, N. Y.


H e p r o d u c e d a. fine epic- pxje.m of 6 ,000

liissj--.*,-' e i r t i t l '

•.'/•:" S-enJ.ar'a.at:'s;Gbnditi'On... ' '.

- ..Jffew/. toitk, '^ay.-8"">..^rs, 'jDoriglas." ^nd..Sh-rady''held'.a-CQr'!sidtatibn/yest«fda^ .oyer ,.Seu'. '-.©rant's, case.. '• 'The';general's :

-tlirbait"•' ,was-'' examined '- as/-'rainntelyr Vas pqssiij.lbi "b.ut'on -aeeouut' of its '-irrltafeii.lty'" arid,a ' slight 'stiffries's.-'iii'the ib'wer- Jaw;-little- of the'baek 'part of the throat -could be seen... There-.waa little, -if -any, ehange s.ince'.the. last consultation. ' Thb small/ growths • in.fhe right-side, of the .irbof .:.of-the .mouth that'-showed "an''ominous-activity .'a. week ago had become q^es'cemV: The :pa|.at.)d curtain and: the back of the/ thrpat were inflamed'somewkat'lu conse­quence . of the discharge of .muscus. from .-the rear nasal p"assa;ge,; ".and; the haGklng cough--that .the^bSort fo/reuiove. it ;pro-.-duced.:"- The.probess. of infiltration is. ex-/ .•tending from -;tlie.-;Figlit -tbiisil-griuiualjy•'• backward.and dowmvard' iiito' the thrp'atv' He.' chaiige 'was-made in;, the trbatinent. Last- nig:lit.was the -best, "the-general, liag had-for twb weeks' He;s1eptelght hours and;feels.gopd to-day. ;i '•-) • •' / /

t'ane. Theater. ..'He/ivrote aud;aupenntunded plays until hisdeathfe. 1668,'" Froni-iC4f>:to466Q, ySluabie con­tributions t-o-Engiish literature'-.were.made. b y Fuller,, a popular English historian.aud. diyihe.- / ' - -• : - ' - -'.-'• - . . • . . / . ' . ' : / '

Jeremy Taylor, 0ue: of- tlie most.noted-meri-bf theEHglish'ehui'eh ilourished in this period, .He was a son of a Cambridge , . .. barber; appointed .chaplain to"the king;, j ions of pco.ple.;andy. thaf-ls indeed fame.. in 1638 was rector-'of-"Cpin'gham.. "Epis- i-But Jor". five; OF six thousand .years,, little copacy Asserted'' was his first <>r«at work-' f - 4 : R 3 l f t* l ya fn ^ ^ uHered-by tiie-epunt; On account- of-'his; golden /elocpieme' he-; les-s-h.osts of Afyans, who.lia-ye- lived-and-h'twbeeu-styleatiie mpdern./'Chrysostom." I "died between, the'bbrdei-s/of the. Indian For'iibhneiss of fancy he'excelsmbsticcle-: P l*an, i.uid the shores pf those Wjiirers'that siastiqai \vriter.s.'.'."•'• . --' ••-. • '.'batiie.-the nbrthwestem -limlt'S.o'f Europe.i; •;' 'His)>rsefuji-gtudias'!! is- brie of Iris early" / ^ ^ this Is fame ImtoprtalJ '. This..js Jiis-p;roduption«;V"He:.was a.. p».»tor; of.- great j.^ryiliiit-eutlwes'-tintt of ari&ies. and-gen^ Keaetal activity •'. - - : ' '-' , : | erals! - ^ ' . '•.- ..-"-•••- - • • - . . . . . . .

/ Wiliiani-Laud, •{^chbwhijpj a. raira.of '" Alt such; evidenpe^ otight-tp. teach.'u>-

- part < '-. An'bther mttho.r'bf high/rankw^Henry i^ag'y(lM-%m^yj He-waV ehapiainto; James L and. CliaH&;li!; ..(jne'ofiuVgems. entitled "Life," shpw.s theac<iuarntne-ssof:, the. times in'whrclihe'llved-. -'•• S t p another.; great'.ito'et; of the court of'. Charies". £. -was--Sir- Johp 8uelcling,? Sviiose" -iVorks consisted. •of playjk' a treatise, entitled ?'An -Accouht/ -.of -ReTi' iou -by Reason j " .a "number Of -Let-.'te'rs' m^ poems,- but Ids fsnie. came:'from 'Ms songs- and-- ballads-.- • Sis-pO'ern .':.'The. Bride," is. an exquisite gem. In this age" lived Williani Harvey, disicbveror of/.the

•; Cireul'atioir,ofv-the :blood,..who,-pr.esented: to.-.the world in .16.38 hk. treatise .entiiled,. •.^xp-Sktti(>- A>.utio'mi<it- (?<r--. if-*«:• £bT3h- et .jScmftti.wh: ,•"• . ' -.. : • - ; • ' ; ..' ; - ' . -... ••

;.to adore the Cfbd of-nations, who," in-ages-fbrgotten and- unRnewii, yvas"causingithe

'•t'hitdreu.,df'.the .Aryan. Race;- -to'fashion-the: "ai?»M»j/»6f-'the*ell be'lo-vi'd'English- \viieh •,ye now speak.' ° '•./;••'•/-.. •-• : . : • " • / . •

'By'.this1 view of tire whole .Aryan Farni-

great 'ability, Ayhp- became conspicuous by .liti: antipathy ."'to Buritivnisni,- spent his time for'so;rAe,yeats-after:he>y'ag.appoint-; ed- chanclilipr^'af. tlie:-TJhivei:sivy of &ford r

In vioie.ntiy.'op'])oslhg.Puii'tanisini / ' ' ,-•An. English :'w.riter of-tiavels,. by the . . . .

Wme.of SamuelPunma; lived-duringtbe'}-^ .early part of;this.%e..':.-" %-. /V"'." /"': '-'V' beyond (Ireeee andhe^rieh^kilsnguag^.,

libr-the.'f pundations' -of: those tttferahees' '.ahd.'insMt-.u'tt.bns- that nia'ke.us. 'wiser miH bettei/ik/fh'ese'-latter- days of-the -•-wpi'id..

/&eece.!'s only an- i'inpprr'ta'n|. "link in the; 'chain, oiliuinan evea.t§." -. -The '©reek's;are.

-,to ''be.hpn'ored .ohly'.so'far .as.fhey^were ^s? .^strumental/in-taluhg -up, and')-raising.to Iugher''perfeGtiQn''fh'b'greatness apd-gopd-:: -ness of all that" •'Is expressed' in' ii-a word Aryan-•. • '"• ."/•; -.'•"'."'• . ' • - / ' • -

.- ' •' •' -:,.Lis'oNAiBD T. ' .CoiiE,

' i e w l s G o u n t j - S . S , A s s o c i a t i o n .

. • - !

,". .'SijJi.T "Bo-.Tj.tti sifcALt, Pbx' Bfoswri-n;.-^ The- U-tSea;Se'mld of. Tuesday says: 'Wi l -iain Creerf of-.Lowvllle, who h-aa. been working in this city for some-time -past, was.faken sick- recently.:.with the. measles.; He eihployed a. physioian tot' ii time,' but.

, his money-gaVe-wit yesterday, and-as he-; .was- still'sjok and/unable to work-he- de-' -'bided to: go to the city-haspi-tal.-; With this eM/in view :he .applied at the'.bfli'ee'ofthb charity-cl'erk.forndfuissibnto .the'-hoHpitel arid *tf as told- to see' the lidspifcal. physician;. •He- did so,: arid'wasreferred to the. health

1 ,V«. .T&K • H'RS'r.jRATt<>N :'Ai3-fi.~-llWA-l 709.

j/'-"The-ri)l'<Ts of;EjigKi;.j; -.';&«.: Ls-ju-^^jii; ]- ..4hiirJ-f:ll —-iiVeo-!«>."," / - - . , . ;',"' '-• -"

J-a^Il. '—J«>5''lC-' '3 :. ..' '-. "' '"- /". Wia^.Afi::;/iriisa-ia6r-/ /•/- ,"!',••• Dar)h.'.:tb..- teij*n .of 'CMte?il,-:€raniat--'

" Tlie. sixteenth-annual :nieeting will be heidiii -the Presbyterian ehur'bh,,at.'Tui-in, '.ph$Mda.y,-;'-J:vine'5ta.,'.l§8S..- ' : / •'•.,•'"-' ;•; -.; ' - / ;"" simwi-s.G'-sjsssies';'.- ••_ -• / .

I .; • &3(hrf-*«w&»flid'Exerffef* and CoTrfe/-" '. ence "Meeetitiii.-... •'. -. ;•; -.••.•/,. •• •: .-"-.' ', -.' 'Hi'iII).- -Vi:..a:ds of, Weleomb b y Rev. £» . i i . Webber: EipOnde'd-tb-By'/"tieiPtesl-

'jjE-ntv MA:- jP. 'Lewis;-. ","..-.^,': .-; ; - " '. -,'- lu.af(-/-Tidiii^'febrA tlie-Schools,-- '.'.''

' , ''lft;i5^^Repprfs of Co'uuty-.dffi'cer.>!l-: '"' '

Icn'p^,t^t.'USms were but pooHyrecbived j ll;00--Ciur -work f«r-.the next ninety &* flu-y were. uubecbniiu«-in "mantusr o r i ( u l ys , ' and" what' on'r:«. »- mostueed, lanytiaire. His reigu retarded the pR>gri.'Ss-.'of .-'Billeyietters..Qyolife. literaturef.f-Aud the fine arts-\v.ere Jiot'as' niuch. destroyed "dufing.the iireceding ag''e:.by :the blunders:, .and ••ovatfpn's.bf-'.the. e'biirt', as they .were, during' this reign by t ip abominaMyjibomV •aa.^le licentibusness':tinJt^ra'sear^•ted pa- to ia-great exfeiitin the king's cpurt. /••.'/-'"'•' -Ware'-withV Holl-and,' -Dentoark .and/ France-;' and the -executions pf Russell and

IX/H-W* YoitK, ^May-gl.^-Benator; Warner Miller niade a.short address-before the'anti-iSonap'o'iy league'to night. lib-expressed \ officer,;as/the ease. was: considered ron- ] Bidney; were: notable events of this -rehni. the opirdoa'that ;alLiahd laws except the'i taglou.s. 3Ir.' -Green . was. accordingly/.indolence and love Of pleasure, were- fea-hpmes'tba'd'act should' be repealed.' The;-' -t'aken to the smalC pox. hospital, where he ' •• ' - - • •-'" •- - - - ' • • - '

•jgi*!hgb£land';to. railroads, he said,-was .a [will be cared for.. Tlie "board of, health/-'great -mistake." ' The safb plan for arepub- ; wilt see that iie is made-sis ctiinfor'tabl.e; as. Iiean'-gbyernnibnt.to pursue: Was to make ]-,possible under the cik'uiu'stiuices,'but I t l s as .nrany^itizeha tlieit "Own masters as/pos1 inbt tp.Be,ex:p"ecf;ed- that he will be: as well •Sible;

•••;. •-. ,0B^B3&E;S,-0OSaRQYE!: • .-/"'• Whpj' has.not/been .ableto .attend to ..his business foi.years, was:. interviewed by our. ieporter;yesteftla:yi:'ahd.7)ays". .For years I waa troubled wdtkrBright's disease of the

Ysv" The-.doctors'

tiires of .Charles character/ •'..-•• Thc^overrairent.rapidly declined .after: the accfis'sjon of James If who ascended the throne aifiid great dissatisfaction. . .-' - . '.. jTow:where/ In" the- aim'als = of-- Eiig'lisii hwtprydo we find England andlts.in)lu-.; etiw.no low: as it" was ..during' the .reign, .of

earedfor there as'he would be in the city' hospital,' which /has experienced nurses and- far-niore and better facilities for / & j/charl.es:' til .Trouble was '- .yerywheie" proper care of the sielc- • ".-' • ';" .' • known, and cliazens- were..-rb-ady.at', any

. Y-CXVOA.'B SAVE IT.' *. ,-' -; I'moment to take, up_afms.'•'£wb hundred "-'-' "My dear, whatwo.uid- I giye to 'herb j and Ji%,oue rebels Were execttted.''-':

^ _ . . .g a y* H}'e" Up, j . y o u r lisxiti" is- of ten 'said by middle-aged:'{ Through^ m Eastern friend I obtained a j iaciies.fa> young ones. Xladam, you may fanUm. E h g Charles I i ;

bottle of:-' Sulphur Bitters.,.. I took. five {. i i a vgj t w t such hair. Parker's H'siir Balsam -bottles :ahdnp>yI am'most welk , ^eith.-1. w-jii" give 'it-to you. ;It'%yill sfbp' your hah' sells iheia.-A0an JPtaneZsco- O/dL ;-49w-2 • f from falling oil, restore the original color

•4 and make It-long, Shick/ soft .and ;glossy.. You need not staud'helplesBly envying .the girls. /Ehe Balsaiii is not' oily,, not a dye,. but is an elegant aressing,.a»d-is especial-%' reepmnie'nde'd: for its cleanliness arid purity; . :

/ BAB IJKA-HfAfSE causes' much: sickness. Bad bippd/and iniprpper/ action., ofv.the fiver arid Icidheys is bad drainage to tire'. human systernr .which. Buirdock Blbod-

sfiitters/will remedy, , • / ' . ' - . • : . / . ' •4?terte!

' T h e Ea r l^d f . 'Roches t e r i n h i s riiocK e p i -

llei-e. lies our iiuttdii.oatlngr kiiig,. • • -.- Whose w o r d no onerglies.'oti;. " ' " . ' " -

. Hoiievcrsai-dafbolishtlj ing, ' •

•' Aadtoyeraid'aTvise'oiie. ' - ' '•"'

. Thls'kaharsh.b'ut deser\tii;g: orMeism. Wiiliajn ;rr i ;was the 'p-ririee. of Ora'nge}

wrib'defeated, the'forces.ef.-James at the battlebfBoyne; 'JJuring.thisperibd:John

;A. y.en.eral Biscussiou.'.:.-;-.-.. .. .... .; i t ;#ft-^Ap'pbin-tmeut of 'Comniittees and

• other business,."'.' . •-.' '•'-,./ . .' A,d-joar'nmC'uf..;': ' . •• . . ''•'*..-•-' -.',"• -.;-.. . / •' - .u?fE«sc>0S:SEssif>jjf..-. .-. .- / -:' .'i:M—-Devotional.'Exereises." ~ ' " . -. .-", STO'O;—Report ai'.jflomiriitteeH and" Elec-/ . tioa'o'f'GfiicSrs; -' •: • •• -' " '•

.2:15—.Discussion—The paation pf ;fee .Bible'-in-thq-S.-B-"'. •/ • . ' .-"-. : .

; arfs^Essay. -:-' • . ; , ' . ; • • .-; :3 ;00—Topic Discipline—Its. need .in-the

f's/a V •-'• .; : :'" ''','.' : - ' •'.: / 3;86—Topie—Lit.tk''Thingfi,."Ho-tv they ! Help_ or .Kinder in the S, ^ - • .. ' ' -•'.-.; "iiOO-r^Adipurjinieirt,- : :-.••/• -../.' . ' ' / . ' -" . / l lYEKINe SE8SIGK. . '.{.

- , • . ' • -..' ' .-/ .'?f.;.B. t'U-PECil,'--...,' / ... A •.'".'•:

'-. '• 7:fii;-rJpraise; Scripture and Prayer Ser-

' v i c e . ; / .."' - , . • . ' '• • • ; - . . . - - - . ; :

'.- .*?--i-JJ.——Address tp • tlie 1st— Children;. ' 'gild— Parents; '3rd—S..!?, Workers. •''* PastoiTsand Sup .e r in teu t l enfs a re re»j.uest-

,' cd-fo give notice of-this meeting,-' Let' : all come prepared to take, some pa r t !. - Teams will be-in- waiting-at Lyons Falls '•for-the-niorning traiu go'i"ng-Kouth.-.-:-Thb'

people- of Turiri 0Xtend a hearty invita-'tioiite.all/and.fhasewMeipect to .attend-are requested- to .send- their names to H. •M, 'Riggs,or:$; pi Ifoiden, Tuiiii.''.- /'.

-'; •'• ' '. : -.'. '3:Ew".>Y6Kfc3Iay-3'3, •• -. Bu-WEB. —Receipts -for theweek,'/39,--.

: 058 packages;'bxporis :6Q packaged. There .have beert thousands of packages.of "gbed -sound yellow-grass-make-Old butter sold.! , thiW.. sprhig. at [email protected]. . A'lpi of- 23 tubs of Uelaware- county .sold, this' week. at.'T-je-.-. A western CTbainery of 33. tubs old-butter sold.-at 10a. ,Hew:York state .butter went, at 8c,., and there is considerable -classed us grease, for wMclvpuly 5#0e. - is^bid. . So goes, out the old butter .about as the crop of. 18?7 went- out id the spring of 18TO, aftei- which, came' the- marketaag.-of-the-make of the season of ISKS,"-at. the lowest prices experienced with in, t he last.twenty, years. I n June and July" of 1878 the' top prices for finest creamery-butter ranged at froin- [email protected].,",.-with private dairies at 15 @18.c.;, arid butter, was"not only law.thro'.-the"- surhmer but-Sept irregular and "low--prieed ail thro' the year, and.-finally had-a surplus left over whicll had to 'be cleaned-up in the spring at 6@[email protected] •' T & msir;-ket.tliis. week -on fresh butter has ' ieea difficult and 'declining, arid closes' weak-with S2'c.'for the quotable' top, and l;e"<^ 10c, accepted for a .good'.s'hare of the ar-r

'.rivals, .and poor'-hay-mako,eitrier'creaHiiery' or dairy,-/ selling, fft from 10@'i54 . The market close's, depipralfesd- and with.-quite/ a portion .of- the- .'iveek's.report's- carried. ever uusold, •'• We quote; .-..-/ '. '••/ . -

' . . . . ' . . . ' - .- ' ..Fancy. Pbae; FajiltS...

Creamery'make N. T . .-= '—(gs« JS®80.. 10®15 Creamery.westera.. ' . : : . . ' . , . 1SS519- l^&iS- 10@15-: New s ta te da i ry . . . . . - . . ' . . . . iiJ@ett }5@iS - W@15.

•\Srease....'....:».'.,.,...;...-•.'. —@(i' r - ^ ' 5 . -HE'4. CirK.KSE.-^-Receipts f o r t h e week, ' 3 3 , -

. " 8 3 boxfes; e x p o r t s ^ 6 . 6 3 5 . b o x e s , A ffew-

-boxes' of old" cheese are .pB.ddled off .at-.8@ '9(^'10c. by.tke five br-six dozen boxes' at t3je..'time,. but -to ojjer'.rbnnfl lots -of •'i'O to' 100 bpxes would .mean niubh lower-prices,; and, -in. factv epiranbn;,bld .stock is'setting; -way down. • We even'-s'aw 80- to. 96 boxes of damaged' old .'cheese-offered at'SOc* per.

; box. • The past has been the most 'dL»ast--' rous year In the English cheese mWkets-for:many;years.-- Blocks'of cheese by the huhdreds and thousandseosfing here 16<§y

; lie.: .have sol4' tfeere^tt- SOS SlOf.'," • neffiri'g "Sot mubh-nibre than-half theiteost.'.. ;All' •spebuIati'vespMt has- thus been coaiplbtel-y taliefi-btit e f shipping, and the market is flat down .to actual prdersforactual wants. The" element of iaith Is eM-'miriated, and without'.faith aud bojfe it's-a daA cheese market ahejid. This week vfhere. .lV-ere .Orders enough,' to take. • ueai;ly. all. .the. "olfefingff. and in'the middle of .the week. •there wiis some. Me and spirit, and g|@S|c.. was made, for fancies; .and the arrivals are pretty well cleared, but at the-elose' there is a lelapse, and SJe, isns .high as could' fie- made,'"'with.ri%ht.'skinis". selling at about .'5c., and. a good-inany carried oyer ainsold. Full skims are hot .worth makiug, and''we hear of some' factories that have" stopped their make and are" making'butter Exclusively,.' 'They; are-.-.bifered .'here . a t •li@3e;.'. ;We quote ••'.; •-.:-•- "-.,-.."/ '•'.. ' " : ' - ' ' '-"" "- : •" ' 'Faliey,. F lne/^a i i l rv ,

'.Faetory,-.fuU:eream • ' e@ffh ' 7&'TA '«t>U .^at-torysfiimmed-,:-..^..: .4®j5 '. •;8@"3}a' lty-i': .'' Efias:^-Reeeipts' for-the -wgek,- -1^:20^, bbls.;:'.. [ewf York state eggs in eases were

•:pr|ered-:.-af'1.4|e.V and had:,i$c...-bid.,-10 : bbls.'of'.western. eggsv • W . L) 13. -inark;; sold at -13|c;;-Ipsfet; cases.. We're offerd" a.t i3%ti:. 'Market was firm'at ife:y.;and'"l#i:c .for •choice uriirks and strictiy 'fre'skuear-by: oggs'sell.a'fis^glfie.- !W.e quoter Sfear-by •maifc,''%sh/l'aid,/p'e'r -dot'.,] [email protected]; .southern; and Western,-- "fresh laid per. dbz..,. . J 3 | @ l ^ ^ : - - ^ / / - . . " ' / ' ... ' . ' / - • • " - ; ' • : ;

-•'/•' -' - .'I)"AVIE='W.-EEWIS ife. Co.:'.'


/Perfeetiy Pure. WpiTII-TiBAT>.


Por sale by all 'dealers and.ukde.".oiuy by

BBobKLyjv'WjnTE'LfcmcpMPANs:, '

• . t a t e c o U l S ' a o k S C N e w - Y ' b r k . •'• ' '. "

B K 0 0 K t t K 4 F H l y E - i a S A B "• ' - 49w4 Sold by Morrison'<friio9«,]kiwVille;.K,y. .'

BEAPNESS and h o w l cute It, by one w h o was for "as years, A successful home treatment*

AddressT.-S:PAGE,' No . jSa EastSBtfi. St".,-Kew

- -WlieKas, default has boenmadalB-Biapayiueut o f the ihoney Secured ;by a Biortgag* da t ed pm flrst.d'ay 0f ' l>ieccmb^"l!fcT*:e*6cntMbyatiai»*.-. Q 'Heam arid-ifargarei '(PHeara, ' h i t -!rife,jm4 ' J6Kn.esBeatii,.thfiii::»dij, of tjfie towii^f OJc8 t* t : . > '.connty of ievf is , and: State"6TN»w.-yorkvtrnto^-"' - . IbomteEowneB.pf.&ctowitcffMotva.ei taa&\-: -.da,.cb\mtyi-Newl'o*;fc&thBstmiof^SSS, M m W •: ia id .mor tgagewas -f ecoirded^n the c-lert'i offico. -of flie comi% of ttwis, "iai'^Ue 14th ^ayof- lisiu? '•> -itryi 18T0; a t S evelcK*, ai Ml i a U b i f 7 , . i tmorfe ""•-

-gagesipage277. -• • -. •'-. -"--". - . - . • • AiiawiereaffiSaidifi6rtg«Bee,^bma«il)6-»nie»;. departed this life op P r : a b o u t t h e 29th-of yebru*;-ary, lS80,,liiteiitatev'and-;the^^suTworibes,"WiHIam'-H; Dorrancei Wiia oil or about tbo Mtti day'.of April, .3880, duly.^onstitutea ind : Appointed ' id i .-'.'-miuistrator of the-estatevof said 33i6mas-Dbwn«i, •:-by the-Surro ta te of Oneida: cbnrity.. and .he ha* daly 'quaMed and is now-act^ff ^.suohftdnflniSr ' featpr;-, jind the-said mor tgage ia abwleld-tijcjiiar eriaccOTiatand-B^vijttoebf h i s iw id t r i a t . :

. A*d-wheteas,d8fauBiIi ia^b.een^iae4nthe3»fov . ineii t of t h e amohnii dueinid:ifeeai'©4 la S e p a t l b y sa id mortgage- a iaforeas id , a i d there 3* i ibw due .aud-owwg tp saidadmihiBtra^br^oxffieettate . of -said iiiortgagee, n p b a and by vtrthe; of « S | ; " ;mortgag:e,*tthe date:of--$ie first publication b t .'this-jiotjce,.thc B'ain sof t e n i u n d r e d y twont jfc&im'-: and ^ J 0 0 . dollars, fo T^jti ' I h e -wtcdt! of "4^iM

'pnncipal, -and t h e i u m di$»I,-30ofinfertitpMtifr- '. an, which. :is th'e whole", amount secured b y and retBiiiiing .unpaid upon ^said mortgage; « M n o salt, prMeeditiK or action a t law or otherw)«« baa -

'been 5nsrltnted.-to-.r^covec'-ffie'--jw4di-»ort(p^ ' d e b t o r ahy.part.tEereof.;. •-" . -1:.-.'.-- -•'.».:*' -•-• "-"> ..- Nowirithe'refore, notice 3»:hereby j(iy,eafli«t. rijr/:. Tirtue of sa id power bfiafe,, iuid in puna»n«« -<&': :t"ne statute; the said mortEage ,-wffl be foreclolfia . -bya^aTepf.-:iHie mortgaged j re in i ie i , w h k k a r e : le iBinaf ter flescriB.ed.. a t :pubhc-»«oaoti iafc tl>4:, -front door of the dwelling houie, on taldpremfces in thp . tdwhef G6ceSla,"J.awis: c o a u t h Sfc T.,,-.«ai t h ' e^ i t hday ofcluiy, 3^B,:at iS i f e loe tnoou r • '

: , . The following ifeadeiieripliibn Of i&exaoiigagiti: -prem'feeBto:b0 i o l d - t o a f o r e s » i d : t e c o h t t o e t l n . sa;id;mpftgage,"tPSnfcj^An.thattractorparo3«f -lahd'si tuats in the town^of 'Gscepla, lbwoship. l t : • eounty-:of - Xewi«, .and gtate of N e w Xbife a i d . known a s t h e n o r t h w e s t corner of l o t Ho.UlSf •; one hundred and ibr^-iiilit, :in;.«aid township aiid feaundea asfsaidws-iBeginnihgSit t h e n e r t t -easteonie]: of saidlot*t '« .bnffer-nut t r ee iua rk* vi-mi, ]U3^lSiani-MSj thenceTiorth SO degree", West on;the original line of lots' i ? chafe*ijtlntkt t o a Make a n d s tone. in. e en t e r of t h e hiehwar , tnenca .south 10 degreei,. w i s t i«-ciijahi t o ' a •staKer 17 l in ts norttt, 85 decrees eaisfc of a j a i p l e marked W . IK-'-thehc.e-' south 86:de?*ee»::ea«*.It' eltains. amd 72 lfflu t o ^ ^ line of .fiaid.lot.?iarked W.Mr, thenoeoJa th«;xiri#-irial l ine nor th ICf-degreea/ east 56 chatnr r i o ; i h » ' place i)'f.; beMnifag4-ic6ntaiiun|r'. fri)i iseYeotjMiu* a«re8:'onand.indrbOTJeBii'. - - . " " . ' . .T)atediAprUS3,i886.:L \;- :•- ..: -'- M-St

. :- • .: .:-•••: WJOaiAMrtt.D&SlttHCBi ~-.; -Administrator etc. , of Thomas Dow.nei,deoe«» '

.'. ed, mortgageej . i . . . ; - ' . ' ^ . - , " EoBBBT.3Cpis»,-Atforhey» Camdeh.-N. T.'.-"




- .';•-.-" . 'm^W^W^totmpti- '•; ' :'' •"•: • ^ethorhairwaa^fri-ayi: S K e t t e d P a d c e r i J a a i p -Balsam^ aftd-now-Ber hair is 8bft aSairbwii . -.Only SOb.i - - . - , . • - • - " - ' '--' • -•-'-.' -"•

PABEEH'SHAlEBAXSAlt ' . '. • / - : : " « * * • - -. Bold by3for4feQ?i-&5H6bre, I^SwyilIe;^.;Y>.:

f p.'p"." i,Axsixe ws£LexvM'sv?4.i' sm&wm A.-ltNi'-

• '••-.--.' ; ' .,' •'" SopS- . ' • :: . ' " ' '.

••'." --';. 'fKvmtlie"SyatervfIle'-#mes;j '.:

.There has-been .little br. n'othing/'.doln.g'.. here diiring-tlie past- few days..' One or two sales .oequred: at. lJJ@lMe, bitt-tliB best grades.'havo liot'ehanged'hands- .'There- is verylilfie^life/to the market here,at this writing';. Gtrowers. remain tjuite firai. The weather' is hot and suuity, -and-work. in'the yards goes.- rapidly furw4rd»'.' The' .'.yards, itre-.doiugwelt..- •.•"'.-'' •..,./•'•,- '.-•:- '•'•

'Tin? New Tj>rM:-i-ntrkof.hasbeeri'-%litti&.< iu«iv.tb/«re, but the -latest .advlees-.plaee-it': back on. a •'firni-, /'steady and/-unchanged plaue, and'/go'ods cotfld be had; .there -yes'-rterday fpr -a littl'e less-mOifey jhari-'in the. middle of'last: week,-when tbie market for a-tirne 'exhibited, renewedstrength. - . . . / . . . -- -:• Londbn'sews wvas'-nio:re.'ericoAiraging'th'c latter part of last week.,..but tlie Improve-'ment was not of sufficient mbiuent to cte-tfte a booui; and later/news" reports it fiim-and steady-.-'. . ' : . . ' - • ' . ' . " " ; . - . . .

• Fcm-m-'Ei?Y'FI\TI. BOI^^ : -" !

. '. ... . - - -. • CHA^EH WI^'I*:BE.OlSrVE A'TIC'EEI.- O B B S I O p E O F ' . ._•'•,' -.:/-. •-' '" './='

• '" I S T H E ' - ' v ^ B Y ^ S T ^ ^ ' A r i ^

PARitEK Ll^ tNG AT A filSTANCE."RTtL BIND IT:FOK"THSri{.iN!f£BBSf :tEd : • ." • '• pAIJi"QK t;s:"/tf(jGDS;-B35tiyEEED-;. - . / - . ' ; . : ' ' . / : / . ' • ' . ' . / . - ' - /

;;'. -;.'..;'.-•'-'•..//• _•;.-.;:-•;"»• •; • •; W-^-t^^^O^&m^-"-

Jtts Gome./-. B'sa.B%: rMas -"W^i^^M^k . A5r;iMjf E-NsmsE* sEKisre: "STOCK pi:'.

®m& ^m^mS^m 'Mvexf W a n t SiippHefll _•'••''•".•.-..' "'"••- --' /.'•'• • :'-•• •"^• ' ' 'v/-; ' - : / : . :^ '

'..':." ,, . l ivery Taste- <SialiiifledT:' - ', •-/ -".-;.-•. .'-".- :.:-/:-.-: ' / . . : • ' > • - '•• • ^^y.3iiy^-' .33cWgii : ted3';/

. Tie widest range for selection. •Tielatest^tyles. 'The most«liable:j:ood3; -''^TaTttheI.bwe#i." Prices. . ' ; . •'. . .. •'. • ' . ; " - : -.- .'.-.•. - : : ,".:.-' '^[--.'- ::'--'J:::;':'f._-. :',--'.."•: /

Wl.ASiB.SOJill-Af^MlS\FCm H p t d ^ B 0 0 ^ S / | ^ ^ ^ f M p -,,']

/; [ W | 0 a / ^ C 3 ^ | | : | § 1 / • A Fine'Line always e n hand. " Be sure a n d s e e these gaoda for they are t h e best te-ihPTparket . '

These are facts, our goods "and prices prove the.m. Oomeandsee . ..- .-.-. -"::. .: - ... .-,•',- .-. .' ,

2fd'.:l Ay^irue, SiQwyJHe, # . X" - Bi^fflVT^E-BBOg.

'Iiibafy aaad Hall 3LaD3:J)S,

Chariael'ici^iland andStand Lamps* lamp-Efx-tures,-.fite. ' . . : '•'. - - - - - ; . - -. :

..." ChamMv.Sets,-.• '.'.. .".-

Tea- Sets,. Toilet 'Sets, • YaseS;' eieC ^ye 'ea r iy a-Large Stock of- . - . - ' • - - , . ' • - . • ' . .

,J,--and-G..ME>fiqN'S-IROJfSTQJfB VfimA.;

"SJIrteh- 'are' acKnowledged t o b e .the best;maim-faetured. -- •..- -.- . -\ -•.' . . . . '.-• . : -

'-. Plain .aiid/Fahgy/Flower Eots,,'-

Cjispadots.'iiraniteaiid Hock:ingharii'W:ai:e, Stone­ware, ctel '.'• . '"• ..'••. . • ' • . - , -

:"."• - MBdWmi^m

gaa*gi; JtgfiaSffAtQf A N D - B t t l A R P l P M

And-the largest line of"

• IS.-TOW2?.;

•: Achoice j lne of•'-"' _-•

MMicB 1st, 1AS5,

And all Wnds of Bruits in: their-JSeoson;.:

" I j J T G S b m S ABOffi'EEiijQGG. HOt?SE.-

'. - • A i r b . i r t j r ^ e a s s ' S e n t e i i c e v "..-._'.-.

• "i/Tii-A, ">Iay/33!~^ybertFprdj, juajried,',, wlioiissaulfed. .a highly- respected "school teacher near.- Lee-Benter;.. May 1-StTr,. and robijed'hej*; was': arrested the same bight,' ludiefed May-. 13tk, arraigned'. -May.2pth:

'and -pleaded guilty to rape.aiid robbery i n the first degree,- was. to'day sehtenced by' Judge -Kerinedy to Auburn- prison for gfl years' for'rape and JO' years' for robbery. -'-

' -31, L. Blair,. -AUleniian .ith War4,-.SMatitou-jPa.; stated NM-;'-9, 'g3:Hle:had .usctMJr,- Tiahiis*'TSlecfrie'OU:for'sprsiius,; cuts,': braises and rheumatism:' Cured every tijuc:

'.' - Fp^Beitfer—Jroi"' "Worse.'. ' . ifAflitXtf-'-FLANiVERS-A-t the,- 31. i , parson-

-agtvwest. Hartinslmtgh, MaylBtli.-lsss, bv Rev. Jleiuy Ernst,- .Mr. K<iw.-ird. Failtug -yf- Mmrfcagu-e, and Sliss- Jeu'jrte 1C. -Flanders' -,>f Jlartinsburgh.

( t t i l S T E A P - m ' U H E S - A t (h-aat Beml. Jla'y •14th, iSsS; by A. T. Oartep. Esq., Mr. Joseph A. •.UlmsteaU'ofUlen.dale,.aud Miss i i a ry A. Hughes, •of" aiartijisbBrgli... . . . . - • - , . ' . - '

^Tjilf JSNS-MA'SSLE^'la HiWrisville,.Jfi)V. Uh, 1KS3; bv Jltev. C. W. Wfield, Mr, WillratnU.Stevens. of- J'imiiww.and. Mr%- Xtezip Mantle, .of. Harris-: viHe. • - .' --:- -. - : -'.' V- ' '." "

3@$m&& {Bww^o^r





^88^ ;

-W"e'aremvvyrfeceiviilg a l a rge and complete st'oek;efBootsi Shoes' a n d U n b b e r s t o r the Spr ineand : ; Summer Trade.. WchaVe: a splendid line of .Gentlemen'sSntton, Gongress-andliaoe-.Shoes.which.-'we •• : shall sell cheaper than they have ever beensold uvLawyiUe... .,Our.ass6r±mesit of-.the-lateststyleg e f : Ladie^'awd Jtiss'es l'iue Sho.es and flippers .are 1?orf4ct Beauties,, and shauld-."be' seen by-e^eiyla'dy--,:.' and yo'unijHiss in htrb-is eounty..6efore buying their warni- wea the r Shoesr a n d Slippers; -. we h a m - ' thees-i.-lusivesale.iniiOWVitteOf - ,"." '.' . " ' ,'". . . - " '.--. .-.-• ••". ."'. ' ''•-.' .-' '" . ,- . - • ; :-

We ean assure seasoji-by

"E0Fib.ola's.Br.otlieys,'^ .Deletedated/%tiic.a-?^e/Sli#s.^"- "-r.- .•"

e-bur pa t reus t ha t Boots'and Shoe's never .were soj^-as ohesp-aS ih^ . wilkbe-sfoMthia-;

"'••'./ 'S\- i'V' -." i' -/J01&;^,BSSfe^/:// / 'Jorrrnai :aMlfe

Oiir A^sdrtmeat M "Sarge ana'-geleetM- wftH Cafe/" -BoiigM for Gasb..' (..'•-.-/;•.'-.'."''.- '••it^tt#raees.a/iar;^e.Ij ".'--„'.'/" ' . '• •"'. :-;

KHAE-DWAK-E, STOTBS, l t ;4SG^S. .A^ ' ' i? iKWA»i3, ' - ' ' • - ' - - / •'.'""-.•'""• ;""" ' /. ' '. -. .' / ' / - V / ' ;. , HANBA«k- i<5 t r i / fPHAEraPL-Ei tESTs , ' - •--. ... . . . - • . • - • • ; • . . - . " - - - . - , - . . - . - : . -" , i • •<" , i£EESEFaOl iORT.S0PPtIESvDAttTATPAKA'Er;S, . .-,-. ; . . - . - . - - - / . ^ : . : - ' - : . : - / , • . - - •STfiAH'A^a'lVAl'EB'I'ITSffiSSifi' ' - ; •• ,".:""•' ' : : '"-. -- .-' . ' : . " - - :-. -• -' ' - • • I l taN-A'SB m i & ' H P E , : '-"..,.-. ' . '"..."•'--. - . - - . - . " . . - - • • - - : - LEATHER AND K-CTBER BBIiTINCJ,- •!•: L i - " - ' . . . : • . -

... :- -.'"•• nm'RSRmx>s.&xr$To8.&-p&<im8Gi^ -.•- ... -, , i Bt)M'H,>TT.s . .A^nWASHEKS J ' . "- > ' IWBBBfe HOSE, lACE-XEAJHBIt,/ ' '•'. " •--:•:

• rAKPlSJfTEirS TOOLS, PmrPS," ' . - . . . " - •: UKAINTl£E;,BA?iIROJf< :-'• . RWPE, T\YtjJlf A S - D ' O O B D A G E , . . . ' . . - ' ' . " . . ' • . . ; - . . " - ' -r : ' - . ' . - .

' ' • " •.T^A30>'S6A4^E-H-OSMNB :v' - '..-.•.•-•.-•-' - ...••-- . . . ' . -, . - . . . - . - MASiO?ACT,tmj&S:is-Ti&••• •: .-.-;•. -.-; , : " - ' • : .• '•..•;. '••- "->-::-

:• . . - . . -•• - ..-•-.. .-• -'sei,E AGENTS-FOB fioSD'S-^A^BTowspiows,. 1 - . ' " • • ' - . " ' - ' D t r N N ^ D e ^ E T d O i e O M P A T r e S ' C X I p P i a i A S B e . . ; .

The coriibiuation, proportion, and" pro­cess.used, in the pi'dparatien of; Hood's 8aisaparilla,are peculiar: to this- medicine; and-unknbwn'to-others-... -. /•:••.• .''.


ESiABLISSBI). '1860. mw7Wm:%¥«
