· als» hy...

tfs~*\r «?* *VT' -" 'J ...„._. ..„ .. ... . •i.' : - -*» \ - , < " * * " :_. -"•»'«sl wm m WW l&SP IT If P t»' u >** -J^. *f. ' i- 7 S "'*W" -«^ -^ r* ff i^r TrHr- JT ,-V? PT*"3 -VJ i y Hk _^L p* At< U ' ^."•j-W'-pT H-TjE^yffV JJ^V^P^ z^ r 7^ JT&& , .»-•«_. W»**»'T-' c Yen CANMf l.Ws;.A:w*.v. It; net as tl.<.»"L !rcrr;'tBt.r.-r--^ ^TiT'lSsifel *!^&.^?2=— ^^^.•SKSSStey- GBE&T t" At N V,. j JjU ,'i;tit;.j;Hfor»tVj-t'"! ivint'-nnd (.v,i-u.g • K8E&I M: r t^^.; iaiivm- v««uiti _(!&«! r-^s l, «i-< l.n mm r«Vi i i i i u d llipv '.vcrj. iipovee. - TJiey suru|j», s -^ wrestle for, the ascendency wHij thai I'niwiv lv of-vvY!l iinifcativ^'orTml. of tltfl iiiimors ''"'IC live HpOU thi-j tj.'l witjijfie world n; it with 'of'Vi Vil few w'h'b we're •ittrt-^on'P^ <H-' r . _ s t h . ; p o o " : t n d v n-cti\; I ray 'rro^&.c^-oi vk.^ir tlv; .East iwg ; 1 v f^roi-si ^ o l - u n J ' o t - t W - V , . - < i U \ - » ' i , , t n u n -..v. w„ v wiih'Jt ft" Itt-V/: 1, n - V' : " ,! '' l -!-'' l, '' , " !r ' more is IHIIKI iht-n- t; *1 '•<•> ff"M <'P ptw- nfur fiilo »f »-p«l'.li, .1-uv.i^s thtms-lvrs tlr« comfjns ofl'l'e, >«l«T -with vi>««-ifl- low-men niiout 'fiuittfT? of mere (loM+rs ntid •.ocfltsi'and wnlcinV or sleeping dream only nl gain I g&\n ! T h e tear of pity nev,yr gy»h- i-s up from th« soul in'sympathy for. the na'oriQii-ite Tfcw turtuioin hus long dry, end ili«so»l;i*hQ00d up in l.he ctisc ol i-M, too darkenfd for relief. WhBlo sat? mistake bttifa'l TTie'fti-arp who enjoys life, health, atid wealth to-d«iy. may loose oil to- morrow', and ero a fewyenrs al most f^mll f K.. « *-P * ot Celebrated FaMily Ointment, lsuvi.,i., .-a'.e^J h"6ri'iueHi1fiid"tIu' jjrvSntoet V*'t'cvi Hemcdy ever.used. It ift jtiup^aoil uf Heftotfil.Tf E; iwris ntift p-.sacsaas p.nwer utiej)«allsd in' tiiBiaitatils Aledieuii: K r t , i e t l , r e 9 1 ^iiQ a w.r»n'"J5 Oiseiiatn., ' It is UIIHCTSII'I'J-aoVncAxleilKetl to he-tw> vnfttlllule I »..i.ii..l.-in cver\ c<» M. VrjoTC i't ho^licoh faitMullv n' , ..uun siMtem, f™:^H||EMJBSB^^^^ . i'cn>pU'".i.'i' u. and is^i>v^UKblo|nlBIKBwl!T ! B 8 or»'t, lilosl>. •rJSutiTinte.t'.cera, UhjJ*K-*,'-e}ii}M*i^.Sd££ | T'nr^t.'ihirns; cuts, tutAvtei'l i v-ies, Si.rBPrewt.UisaBsegKf'tltEyi ] Klteuiiiatic Vifins, coiitructed ePrds, l-liaeU Hf.d irthsrjmtts ottlw sjstftn, l''rc*h bounds, VHes, Btidaif'?: Bi •'•>. -1. . r.-med/i't even b,CI1 !..iied,^.. puss fiway, the beggttf Wttl bft; plav^O*. bal i tairiicg the least particle of IiflB&uni t i f f f l i n j l l t s t o m b St<3[.I)fi', T h ' O y o a f l h t h a t Vin [ nently cure Las spent years Of t^il }ft Hoarding, at the cost 61 «idow'a. tearSj'onl orphan's siphs. ^.„„ imd opprewing.Jlla leBow rucii, .vvilL,he4' e ft Sluim>M^Mae».J F yowt^edaTrid^ , , . V j\ ". i~i •• •» „ /-/•' . , ty. and isputation, tf .wn?eli ttn— V>ehind and-' sewteteA fty str^ncer h a m ; ^ ' :»•- u - -' ••• • lie ennnot take it with. Wra" It is of this cc Lde,"- V- ^aBSaatzmni i^vx* ^ i.j^ It vN lid ] l'< •'•'» '' <". l lev it.* t u r u t u ' ii v.t'f <, in nil j\-c d'i,-eiisu> lot: \vhMi il It. ieetH4««ir- . ili'd. tiranUy mlh-tl l'*-1 mgle iVtnpiamts tnr «n'ir}*s*liiB ctliM niciluH ^f, .tifntijioKt In htiiif.'» -oi tilin'vl^Kg,,^ .\ i v t' 1 -i" 1 '" 'mil U-ii\inis...tlji«./>«.t.« w>, \;\ £."t V111M-.Ciimtiti •».— ' . |.ot nil inttr^tcd call mul i.l iiu» a 1-innpKU^. ^•oou'entaljiii t\ nmt'te •i'tpiid'. tibin tlj«,^.(Bti'e-| pBtitalile. '«fa;4;.' ,, f . he IwncCnaJre'nWnt; te use, t-.'liet.I.ier With i ietnwS-ft""n ,ll e W >' os - "lvo.'«fe1it'!iBtIlc»jrtu;- " oliiorv^h'tik". '' ' ;-m « Als» hy Di'ug&.tfratPU-ionW&eXeJaj'd, r »^S^fej -ftteaLattfl ?est Arvic^i f ..JS.TI •w.^«.ois^#s*o; , ai% LW-< ureil by tliip jrreat renpthu iiJ-.Al.IKG VIWVF:, I a fiict. autlientieatf.rhere.ivs ttu; State, and'indeed the \fhnle pestl nXi. M.. . W»l> ^jtutoSOJ: 'Svraeuj yroHuiT , % -foadjN-tty^IS.Y". ead II Mca«t?e7 world. Will iuili, with thft r< col'pctiou ol the unJBstaesa tt>feere\vith he gnftted some of h,-ii-fld the sorrow, trouble, a,nd misery, he has so rsytJry times uselessly caused tkuse wtth.whoTO h« has had dealings, tend to promote his. pence and happiness whtr. he is called to Tiedown upas the. bed of rfiath, with the realities of a n untriatv fujurd spe'ri^ ins tb'his view ?Conlfi b e sum ur^ from all the vasty records of. t h e past: tt single.. benevolent actiort' (hat would''in the lighten tip the dark page of the history of life what a gleitm of happy sunshine would it . Send upon his qtiit'ltening solil, only to h« a g a i a more deepLy...shrGUe«rd in g-loom in consequence of the tiMtny acts of deplorable injustice and wrong " he is guilty, of.' What n blessed thing it is that nil people" are not of the above stamp. If tbey Were. this life wxmld bis o n * ccntintin' wail of woe. There a?e many, Veryo-many in socii>tj who ate noble Exceptions to this class of m e n ; ;men to whom tlie plea of the de-stitute is never made in vain; rner who can sytfl^ pathise vtithtbetinfortunate; relieve the, op- , pressed; mPhgife their tears with" the distress- ed,^ nd respect the feelings oJ their fellow men, and tjieir own sbuLsy'more than rtiev, ,iz'e the acquisition of fifljiy lucre- ' Such- v^n, cause :I happiness to flow io-.'tbfi'' pttths, and peace abided) Iberein."— lYatcr- iown.Jttfartvief.-., '•'-'-.'. Hhtv WBGBDJV—In 1M7, our^rritorinl limits took in an>.nrea §f one million square miles, or .six iuindr-ed and--forty millions of oerec This was the extent of Uncle-Sam's farm when ire 6et up for himsFrT" Now his possession cm- ..'braoos three millions fotirhundred"" and twent y •rniltiohs of...nores. This is a pretty Fipart ae- etimolntion for "eevdnty yearn. By the treaty with Frttntje in 1803, aequirod one million fj squire^miles j by the cession ofFlorndn in 1S32 thirteen thousand square mi'ed ; hy the addition of T«xa»iHS5v-Mex+eo-afld^Gfrirfordia, tme mil- lion -four .huhdred thoua'and square mites. i«9. tjflSdd.Cj' iaSUy; hy «Iieir"l":taKiib' \irtnes,"M.pJ\ga^W .ml'-ncth.'se who are nr.ifiepo e i i a w s ^ * tmiul'ucthat comes alunjr• and jffHjisii'J- •ttinyi-d our endorseroeiiti vntil we lraS-e h>i mat,-.- assurance doubly aure, not uidSr hy l|»tj«inalhimraBlve^hut)frojntlie r te|trmiJnj . . ifierouaV" 1 "' 11 " 1 " f lhe '""""VHiiP" in S ft 1011 u lv"FJ uiiiwis (iiobo, April is. ldsoiHK*'!!) ' mm S?'l n."d.» CjtSnNUBB'TO HB COSSt'tTEB ' —, j OONFIDENTIAIiLY ^JP JOBTON STREET, AL^AT»V,,H f D R. COOKE'S ' WEMCAI. TUE.VT1ES, and patent life pTBSeTVor ngftinet eetninal «uakr ness. DrJOuuke'B Mechanical^r,e- ventive lnstrunii'iit for asaistirg the efforts of nature with mcdlWl means,beinj w perfeoted.pniVB' '. an important M well ayirseful adx^ iliary in the .peeoyreCoverey front m pteS I'tb'v aoolte fttho 1 organs. M$$M --H'l »L0'ATS*S Horse & Mttle flediclBe. gfayeisfB dv ot fhe<'L.a.i P*M Bk^l and Plate :ter old FSJ No Aieuicme iil r u«^ha.-i aoeoirtpli^'ed «o uiauy i'.x tra^o.i diiiary cures, and given' so'Iiitiv.erSftL Satisfaction may rest in every variety and's tape of -disease, or hna-tofjeten- -• =- - u: - sive atid rapid a sale,'"asgloaft's Ointment and condi- tion ^'owder. - - i w-^^ The Ointmeni. is art iftlv supcrcedinp nil all other 't)iiitiiit!Hts,-ai'd Linihiente for the "cure of Fresh W"trnds, Gall.s of alt kinds, SprainH, Bruises, cracked Heels Kinjtlione, winilcalb, Pol) Evil. Callnus, SRav- ins, Sweeney. Fistula, tiifiast, Strains, Lameness. Sand stacks, foundered Peot, Scratches or Groa*e, Jtiyiije and Horse I>isteinper. " - - The'comlition Towder will remove alt inrl'immation and fe^er, puril^'tlip hloodjuosen'thc stin, cleanse the water and fitrenirthen every part of the body . and has provcd,a sovereign remedy for the following Fi .niiilcr. Pistemper, nfde lionnd. Less of Appetite. '-fiVvi'a'rit cttTains, Ycljoyi- water, lnriamnja-tiftn of rhe iCvcs, l''atijme from fiafd exerei-e ; also ilheunaati?^i. ['Commonly called/Stiff comglaint] vyhich proves sn.fa Ui! to many valiiahlo hortes ^this country. It ia also a safe and'oertnin remedy for co.iifi.hs and "colds, which generate ao many fatal diseases. " « 'X'Jic^e rp'tuetlie* never injure anil alwa;s enre, ft. the dirj&tinns are follmved. plorturther pavtieulars and a multitude ofcertifi catcs of remarkable cures, get Pamphleti of agents. " . '• W;.4*. 6I.OAN. * Grand Ilepfot: -!fi l,alie St., Chicago, 111. -23J-A11 Medinires and Books advertised hy . li. SI.OAN,! are sold hy E . .. . Fox, sole ajrent fur Pains l.i. Stiliyvell & Co., Sand Bank, and by Merchants, D r u ^ i s t s , &.C.. in nearly every vto\vi) in the l : nited States and Canada'; " * V %. led Subj _..,..„es?#Ve. | "Ta?iiip*"**ns : . ftke, ...vM.vlay'Fl.iweft Also Lhe largest .••ssoMtfient of Parlor Stoves in this rriarlcet He dots not flatterhwaself tbathe'iiasa faculty of selling an old or-un- aaleable article for as much as a new and gnoo.. one is woifh: ft or does heipixin flour and s^alt, but-tnaftes his t:ade:his busi.nes«-, ajiil his tnends assured that oo-trickery-wrlibe r^W'Pfl t,> in this establishment—that #1 articles Will be warranted as recomtoetided, >~ JSLB.-Jot? work, done as if should be, on short, notice. Heavy Copper, work done in the best style, thisbeing the only place in town where you can- ^et your work done as il i-hould be. That s so, Pulaski, Feb. I, 1852. snoald , ued •ftrtyJ %otura >y/ tkot t«tivj 1' i?^*^' has invblitertand s.a curedJjEtettprs'pat. I'.liis'ninv and novtil instrument; a iffiwt trial of £bjcli will o1nninc.e''tli«j!ajLi6«5'f) , tHemf'iency.f- m. -Msl..Aef urei,,J>fui#8aiv#rreneilfBtijij»ti*e and Sit wtfliought moonveniencb, irritation or Hiring tV> tise.itisAmposBible fur an emla- IV**1 1 been iuatltutad for. tiw w'wsryp/ . , I 'to Iw^bio or tiny part.tb^W^"?*V , fi it ea'ilt tw.en»* Alhi '" ..-.. . - marked .< said 1 •of sail man i will i Sn itlve" and ^ w a S a ^ ^ ^ a ^ T h ^ as J frent'liby d«d^ie1*intT«^"*£W 18t: '?»5 F!W:4 '-~ A nril 18H, leaving after taking off «Te Mi 185 acres thereabouts, two hundred atfd'eigbty, five^res-or tbeteaboutsv Ue the sttth* more OT-leaa.•? H«W.*W'W^ fey . . . . . . ^ . . . , & & $ & $ & Dated at Adams March 3d, 1803. ^_ : .'.-• * ^.. Wl l.UA»LE. 8JNM-AKrJfelrtgogM. . V. SKIKNEP. Att'y. reaMertee Adarfls. N. TK. ^ pb'Uo;,teffi 00 m HERE IS YOUft^ENlEDY". 9 pirn; tie ftSm m .... jrtujoi all SJknt a meoMci retjirft'u WM" Ss-Btgraelioes inife'laKiefy tcfrttiiizingfheisniauspk soil when forsaken by man, hv ^sh growths^: fuliase sirriilady should man dol'iSregaiij.hisJof- reited heaUhC^iadleai- trealniem-shrmWi-in all in_stanees, tead to assist' nature, and not supercede her; and trie inventor claims ror-Namves lleme- dial thslt it will' assist nature in restorn-.g health and accomplishing wh'ai sheis too feeble to to on account of a continued abuse of hoi: laws .by toe sufferer. To sertentarv persons ft will be loutid ol gnat benefit in strencthenlng the V»ngs and spine, a- d-lreeptn!? tha system in a nearby tone In cases of pregf.ancv, to insure sale delivery and healthy-nffsprinu. 1 know o!-no articjc so pe- culiarly and emphaticaly calculated as--.Diuai.urea remedial, for wliile'it tends .o allay the longings, appetite, &c., it gives strength anp stability to the ' I havo used Nature's Remedial or Pile .Syrup in my practice and believe it has Riven evidence of posa- essinc prupertti-n .peculiarlv adapted to the cure ol teh Pilet, for whirbNJisease I know of nutningbetter. - Dtrrrmmvtlle, Au^afr 1061. J- P.-HBCTHKJ, M,U. ROME, Aua,Ui, 1851 fffJliS*ltkkftplace, 1'BSTlMONIAl.. -. in it m4y concern.—"For rnnrry years I imrnoVIepfb'y Swire WtoWjf^ Creek in the county of Oswego and Sta THE ROAD, TOHEAUTH .fURE O F A DlSCMtDEKF-'D UVE^.AKO"RAD ' " DIGESTION.. '• I Copy of a Lette> from 1»r. R. ty.-Kirfes, .chemist, -• 7, Prescot Street Liverpool, dated '6th Juhet,135l..) To Professor H0LI.04VAV, .. ." • '"4i< Slit:—yotic.Pll.lsarid.Ointment have ntntid the hijih- ost;on-our sale list of Proprietary Medicines f,,r some veaj - ^. "A castomer, to vvboml carr-referfor arty en- »quiriesi'deaire*mp to let you know the particulars of het-cjise.".' SbelliaS'been troubled for years vririi a *ii». /.reVe)red.,liver, aiidbaia digestion. On the last occa. siop, hovi-eyer, the virulence of the attack was so alar. min'& hutf .tfie infiaramatian".set in sjo severely, that ilotdftaiWefSAltfertoined of .her' being able to hem-up- luijdej "iti' fqr*ms{ely 6he*vy«91ndnced-t<5 : try your Pills and b W infbrrn's rda that after the first, and each sue- oedding/dose., she-had great relief! , She continued TO' t^ki -them,Jane*' altlnmir!) s^eTiril^Tised three Hoses, bee is now in, the enjoyment of perfect health. I eo'ii have sent you many more cases, but „the above from the .severity of the attack, and the speedy cure, J think, Buealis much in fitverof your astonishing Pill's, ' . "(Signed) R. "W. K1RKPS. AW EX-TnAORPTNARY CI'RF. OP RHEPMATIC *.,. [FEVER, IN 'VATS'DIEMAN'S LAND. ' ' [Copy of a Letter inserted in the Hobart Town cour- ier, of the 1st March, 1851, by Major ,T. Vofch. Margaret M'Connigan, nineteen years*f dge, resid. ing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever for upwards of two months, $rhich had entirely deprived her of the "use of her lrmbsVdWinfi tins period she vyas under the care of the most eminent medical raen-in Mobart Town, and by them .Ijer.c.nse i.vSBSoTfsttlei'ea lvop _ elesBT^ Atnctid-prevailedUiponJier. to try Holl'oway's celebrated Pills, which sue consent., ed to do, and, in an incredible short space of time they •effeeted.a«pe|&Qli.cur'e. ' > ' .• Oirc of.el p/iin andi-fghiTitqs in the- chckCand slom- •>ac]i ol a person 84 yevrs of age. •_ From ^lessrs. Ihew & Son, Proprietors of the Lynn., Advertiser, who can vouch forthe fqllowipg ata-te. merit—August 2d, 1801. ' "• To Professor HOLIIOWAY, Sin::—^Idesire to bear testimony to tlie good effects of Ilolloway's Tills. For some years I suffered se,- 'SS'eTely frem a painamtirightneRR in the stomach which was also accompanied by a shortness' of breath," that prevented mc from walking'abont. T am 8* years, of- ace, and notwithstanding hiy advanced- stnte of life, these Pills have so relieved me, that I am desirous tjiftt others should be made acquainted with their virtues, . I am now rendered by their meahs, comparatively-iic. tive. and can-take exercise without inconvenience or pain which 1 Could not do before. —._ (Signed) HEINRV COE; JSprth St,..Lynn,-NoiTulk. These celebrated Pills are wondertully efficacious in the followirjg.complaints.- Agne ' Fevers of all kinds fierofnla; or ' Asthma Fits'- King's Evil Billions CompVts C!Wt .,,,,„, Sore Throats Blotches on' tho Head.ache '*' Stone & Gravel Skin - Indigestion. Secondary BowelConipiainls Inflammation Colics Jaundice Constipation of, Liver Complaints 1»nmonf the tlqWels . 'Lumbago Ulcers Consumption 'Piles Venereal Affac- Debility . •. Rheumatism of all tions Dropsy kinds worms of all Dysentery rReWntion of Pripa . htrTds?- Erysipelas, Female Irregularities ahfl weakness, from whatever causa. &c. r-&e- ' Sold at the establishment of Professor Holhrwav, 241, Strand, (near Temple Bar, London.) and by all respectabW Druggists and Dealers in Medicines thro'. ., inut We British Einpire,.ftiid. of those of the -tlnited f<lafe8,mBorf«s»ftii t 5JiB.;-87o.,and$I50,oach. Whole- sale hy the principal Driig, bouses, in-tlte Union, and by Jlessrt, A. B. & ». SanjkjNoty Tfnrk.' . f&* .THere is a considerable s&viftg 1)y taking" the largersizos. * <• N.B.—DireetJotts for the guidande of patientein ev cry disirder are afBxed to each Bo*.', im FOR W1A-TBRI A .i,ARGESTQ ,'K of Ladies' V1CTOR1NE5 andCUPFS,' prices from 75 cents to S15, just received at A, H STEVETSS' Ual Cap find FurSttM^. Alsrj_SW-AiSa DO^fN TRi-MlN^ for Ladies'wear. PulaskivtJov.^-l' -• , ", •i^^__L , . __ :\ • : EJ^'PHE Lift-IST ABJUVAI,.^} CRAWFOROS, &. MURDOCK,... H AVING already annouiicd their return Irom theCily, nnd.che arrival 'of their tilock ol NEW GOOOS. would further say.that the! -.. -.'."p.aB.VEns esaasajv-e-f^ is now abumlantlyfilled wiih a lar^e and varied assortment,-ttt^anged in the several departments •ins manner inalerlallyto assist '.a ready inspec- tion and examination. The DRY GOODS DEpARTUi-irTembraces: •Holloway's. Ointment A most ymracucons aire of Bad Lsgs, Kfttll M VEAR3 ROrrKVIKO. [Extract of a letter fro:-' »'/• ^'»: 1 * " ^ ! I 0 ' St ' L , Mary's St., .Weymouth, i«tt>d ,May I-.', ISJI .] To Professor Ilo'lloway: . . . n\ X,.M » Sir-Attlie agaof Id mv wife twhp is now CI) caujcht a violent cold, which settled in lief )eg<«nd eveP«noo. that time they have been more ordess s..." 1 . ana greatly indamed. lleragnnies were distracting, anu f:™® 1 "" 3 together she W4S deprived entirely of rest and siCep.— Every rem»dy that medical men advised was. tried, nut without effect; her health suffered severely, and the W t o ofher Tegs SvoS tewtble. 1 bar; «ften-fead-yoii! 10,000 j . Pfints.Cambiicks, Gttn'ghams, Alpaccas, RiUbons, Lsces,^ . Carpeting, Shpwls Priliing, Tickijssv. Cn;tfan ynrn, Sheeiings, Muslins, i-Delains, Mulls, ' : Merinos. Silks, . :Par.aiiietlos, S'auins, . Cnshmeres, Bombazines, Pordins, Baraee-s, , Threads, incliiding.atso, every article in the line ol 'Dres> and Domestic Goods'ol the Falland Winter Style' In.the GROCEBV Department will belound, Teas.' ••".• Pe-pper, Dride b'ruit, ( Su?ar, "'" Snices, CodJPi-sh, Mnl."ses) BsgSalt, Mackerel, Ginger, Ila'sins, . Starch, Svnlptoms Tic'Douloiireux embracing wiih oibcr articles LoolrngfJIasses Stdlar lamps, Earthen Ware, Gi.a*s W a r e , Si one Ware, 'Poroelain, &c. The UA,BDWAUB Deparuntnl is vaiied and cm braces articles usualrycalled'rbr,amongwhichar shovels, .JUigChains, ftope Ua.hcrs, Manure forlrs, Bindinsdo "• .Corp'l. Tools, Hay do. Trace ' do Hcaes It cUles. Bed cords, . • Ha-lier- art, Wjbd'Saws, ' Arfd now cimes our Department for which is the most extensive in this section an contains, beslde-a loll and complete assortroet of every garment, a large stock ol Broadcloth, Ua'ls&Caps, Umbrellas, Oassimefs, Boots & Shoes, ffjy Goods, Vesfittga* Gloves, Itutibcrs, Hosiery, Mittens, Bull'alo Rubes, Cbmrorurrs, Bl.aiT^cls, Satchels, cvc. g^* The best wbrkmen'nhd the most experiee ced"G«M«er•affre'mpfoyed an this der.irtment, an any garment desired , will be made l_u order, ii the best and most fasiiih'fihble manne'ri and ever .article will be so warranted. There is also a MISCELLANEOUS Departmei which include" numerous aniclcs not'menfinncr but-make up I lie most complete s,tQcjt ol GOOD, in Pulaski,-am}IOT 't,QW-^pXllfcE'i,'""v5re_nre. rea dy to compete wjlh„any slorcin town on ifie'sa-nt Orntment; and, as a last resource, after ^very OlhJ: She cu'mmenced e|x weeks ago. ajid. strange to relate^ •is now in good healtli. Her legs are painless,wjtljout seairi or scan and her sleep is sound and uwUsturlu-i. could' y.m have witnessed the- 5sffe.-ing3 of rpy wife, I'.r.riag'thc laitlS vears, and contrast them with hef present enjoyment 'of health, you would indeed feel der lighted in having been the me'ans pf so greatly alfeviu. tinsr the sufferings of a fellow.creature. (Signed) ' .WILLIAM GALI'IM. .V P E R S O N 70 YRS OL.D..CURED OF'A BAD LEG, - b-F"»T"YEVh8' STltiinSG. [Copyol a letter from Mr. wm, Abbs, builder of Gas Overa, of KushelifTo, near Huddersfield, datcdMay 31st, 1B01.] , To Professor Holloway i- Sir—I suffered for a period of 30 .years from.» bad leg, the .result of two orthreadifTerentaccidents atgas works aecainnanied. by scorhntic symptoms^ I had recourse to a variety of medical advieeVAvithoutdoriv. iug any henvfit, and was even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition to-thatopinion, yoiu- Pills and Ointment have ettected a complete cure in so snort a time, that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fact:" (Signed) JwILLIAM A-B-BS. Thetruth of this statement verified by Mr. w.. P. England, chemist, 13,»Market St., UudderBfiold. DREADFUl. BAD BREAST CURED i s 1 Moti**. ..litflicted w'lthsStuninal. weoltWs'sJinduceil lfSaryfj-aHiSts to i*bich the youth are ex- t hasiMqifaseil witli my years and tuitici- ... ., iiianjiSMVuutil fur the-Inst few years 1 had mijial invfltaMary di.'etmrge every nigbt,/snd iery divy. Ibecame "emaciated, and woak- .ueh-anExtent by this constant drain of 1 he 11, conld not walk erect. In this state id'with distracted"mind, I applied to Dr. furnished me with one of his "Life Pre- servers'' against cemiual Emission*. It is ny.w aev-. jiil-weeks since I commenced its Use ; during.wiiicn time 1 have notbad an einisssiimtrrtb»d»yor-tHgbt. My cheeks are tuuv (lus)ied with health's choicest gems, and I now walkereot. l'feel like a-new mnn, and- tlmtntliBm is now a prospect of my becoining a ) rnaroher ofsccietjiJiHtead of being oivinniate ofthe lunatic asylum, r** ' It may n ot be improperbere to state, that I Used for along time, an Instrument-mi'le by an American [styled a_French,] Physician of the city of New York, tint to nu'pfirpose.. only an aggravation instead of pal- liation of symtome ; add that after I had exhausted all medicinal and mechanical means in'my power, this, tny last resort, is- the only auxiliary which h»« ever been beneficial to rr.e. and width 1 can cheer, fulty recommend to all whe suffer as-1 have do'no, AlbanVJuly B.lttOi. ... l'erwns wishing tin' above useful "prcventiive, will observe timt tly price of this instrument with accompanying directiiins, securely packed and sent in an envelope by mail, is.ten dollars. Medicinescnii be forward part of the .led bv express tnappttraBts-resitrmg in any , „- . - . - , „ „ , „ , „.3l T nited States hvenoliwing a fe'niittiinco; Hirvve been fitr more'than ton years afilicted with ] for w\^c^ another protMsionnl enquiries (in. this sut>- . , , , _...•,.,.. ^ addressfpost paidjflr. Geo. Copke, Ki5:3"NiSWiH. treat, Alba'nv, N. V., author ol ii large Mudjcalworh m the Difcasfsnf women anil cbildrcns yp,-rmn^or- ttier-'Piles, (both internal and external, j and foray-ear previous tu ttic first ot May la-it, I had not been free fmm tliem a single day. I have consulted many enn. , nentphysicioosand used rtianykiiulJ of medicines; Without any )«nnanent relief, until I commenceu usinK-NatuW's Kemedial or File Syrup. l.sJBEit " c : cordintTftWlirections, before I'bad used two quarts 1 ; levnd mysell Iree lrom the complaint,,.nnd remain so , still,- and have rio hesitation in attributing the cur« , to the use ol this medirine.' GEO S. 'J-HBALT. .[ For further particulars' see circulars left Xrtlh-i agents. Bold hv E. W . Fox,.-Pulaski;. C. Slmr, I Ivlexieo; S. W'illiams, Amboy; E. A. Sperry, j Williamsto vn, F. S..4-, Kasua'I, and H. Mur- , dock* Son, Pulaski.- . " J ,r:_^. ' j Grocevy and Provision Store. | BUMPU8 "A KN r (7WLT0N. .] KEEP on hand for s»Ie. nt the Sfoje ' litetroccupied by A. tt^-StRycneji. rhreaand Venereal Diseases, giving theit aynitoma,- with rtcipes in. plain English language lor their suc- cessful maimgem'ehf,, and a permanent recover.y.from , •nil genital maladies "f both sexes. Tlie price ni the bnnlts ia fifty cts. If sent by mail fiCty cents and five lettsrp'«. stftmps.-.'"l)riC.ooke'K Medical work can be ob'.aiue 1 aflhe Pulaski, Pink Store. nTT-OWDr. Cooke—be it knoWn—is the,, onjy nd- vertisln^PhyTieian. in the I'nhm who has cvp'rlrav- a)eJT>:i"tli«'Continent rtf Knrojie, France, IH-lgium. a- d Germany, and tfie only lias olsn vtsi-, Ve.o;-their-Hospitals and.Medicaljnsti,tution8. Office open mrSundaJ's^tliroughiinrtlie year? V i 7 GEORGE COOKE, M.D Albany, Aug. 9, '52. M ORTGAGE SAliE.-A-Befault baring boefl made In, the pavment of the moneys seeured tQ^Be^ paidby.aiuorlgng- ^ — * " " - "—'-*-»-«'»"' «•» townofWilliamsti .Joseph Allen "of 1,.., ,,--•-• .,„.h>v,, -^ mortgage is dated the flint day of-JonuMrft 1837,' oheT recorded in tli'e Clerk's Office ot Oswego-wamty Pe»- M«irv HV 18S7,_aji 1 o'clock. P. M. In,-tboTt I t . IQI mongages, page 391,' "ilpon whtcli mortgagelherb is claimedto be due at the time of the first -pablicotiofl of this notice tfiesmnofth-po buudred.-aolliK87 and no proceedings tit ittw' haw been insutrfittjd.-TOr -the recover}- ofthe same or any parf'*hmo^fi|iWUwmi*- eaire has boon -Jb& »*at™eW»;ra jmWWle* i<f JSvlstagton S e a S MoV, therefore, nflticeiajh,ejg, bv ci'von; tbtitwiurr'mBriP 0 of a powerttf-salajn. aaja - ifrurtttuged cnittaTOeuV^tbajmntteaged woroiseB-wU lie soldot public aacti.n ^ t b e ^ p i r ^ I n t e l m tfce o'cfckj A. Uf, of that daV.--The pr^misSsafb^de-- cri8edlnsaid--mortg*^'a8fbJlpwS! AlUli*at'c6rt«l'ti pTe«e or jrarcel of landsituateftyingJsin^Beingi''Jn5't!» towti of Williama'towii and'cbunWof iQSvfego, beino: all that part of Lot No* 1W in Seriba r s v -'?attei)«, trr Township No. 6 of said' Patent, .banfi^ed' *s' mnofrii beginning at t h e south eastHotirrtiarSFtrteisaiid' fot^anoT running theuco' ndrtli CO ° west 89 bUains„ a n d 27 links: thenoe north 21 s etist 24 cbaifls iarii}'3?1iS}<r. thenoe south GO o east 1.9chains and 66 linlBa'ta-^b* centcrof tl»o him.way l^o<tiog past ^acob Miner's. Jh* Williimi Hamilton's ;,tlience south l&° : 2B minutes 40 laws wtB^^see-««j^SSmiiurr<Mntaff^^ 2 ruqils-and 13 perches of land, as m-~,«j^2:ljj; A b e l •VVeatherly October 18, 1836: jnitli a, reaew"6»'^.tir- teen acresheretofoK deeded by tlie po)i(tjt^)rSf|i6 first part to JameslFilkinfffnim-.the^so»tb»#e»fr-t6t'HeS i of naid lot. Dated Mexico, April (S','1-858. WASHINGTON SEARLE, Assignee. 1^ n^PMiTit.nflHexico. Atfy. '2"t<I M "~~ORTGAG'E SALE.—Whe'rjaWrEpbWira FltcKiof Handy CrjBukin the'cftfinty of QswegO; on the' LSthday of Decembet-(..lSitg, executed his ^fta'n in- denture of mortgage bearing date-on .that„dtiK t«;Bela G. Muulton, also of Sandy.Cieek aforesaid,febn'veying the^remiioi hereinafter described as security for the LT..D. advertisenisawV-aud adriscd her to try_y,our PJS?.^iiai^nu'^'tVbsfve "assoriment of FAMILY-GRD 1 aod'the various aril* Ws of provi^^ons used in f?.?i ! Mec, !>T0t disposed to brag 'upjheir goods, or'boait'ol low prrcrt.they reipectfqjly ask tbt •bayefsih Pulaski and adjoining towns to call nrrd examine their stock and prices, pomisir.g to sell as low as they can afford to, which -they- believe quite as low as'like ifflielas can hchad elsewhere. T J, BCMPt'S. p. O •KNli'Wtfriit. •' Pulaski, Dec. 8 V852. .'_j_„ '_ _ _ __ -> Having added to thcprevious' large assortment a i number of .Varieties of fern & ^muTtfu'fol]''Cqjit, the Democrat Office is now prepared toex'ecute al kinds of l.ofi &nb ta^ 1 ^rmttng, in as good style as the sa-ms-can be done in this sectionoi'the state. Thjs.remark applies particu larly to Ball Tickets ana Cards; Donation TicWJts, for-mtire than six months^lid during;the whole.pcriod had the hest medical attendance;"but all to no use.— Having before healed an awful vyonud in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and IVi^'efore ga-va them a trial in her case, and fortunate it' WasI did so, for in less than a month-a perfect cure Was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived, from their use is rattlly astonishing. I'no'w. I stronp-ly recommend the'tn to all my friends. (Sign»dr. FREDERICK. TURNER. , | The Pills bo'uld be used conjointly with the Oint. msiit Irrptost of the Mtmvtng case* • - -- — • '- ! Bad Legs, Corns (soft) Rheumatism -Bad Hreas^tf,' CancerB i Scalds Burns, '' Contrsoted'.i;, Sore Nipples' Bunions, . ...Stiff Joints Sore Throats Bite of M « . Elephantiasis. Skin disoSses chetnes and Fistulas Scurvy Sand-flies, Gout Soreheads / Coco-bay, Glandular Tumours Ohi"ge-foot Swellings Ulcers ' Chilblains, lumbago wounds. "••Chappedhand Piles Yaws Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway,2tt, Strand, (near Temple Bar, London) and by a!]r«snec-' table flruggistfl ana dealers in i&edicmes throuvnout trie Dritish EtnpirO. and of those''of the UnitM States, in Pots at 37Jo, 87c, and $1,00 each, wholesale by the principal Drug housesin the Union,and by Messrs. A, B. & D. Sands, New York. fig?* There is a consldorabie-Baving by taking, the quality of'goods; we sell as'chep asjh'e^ebcaties". I'birger sizes. . v dn'd for ready pay atitMe cheaper. " 'i .j N. B. Directions for tbeeiudsnce ofpatientsin ev- ; -— " ^— ory diso/der are affixed to cacti Pot. " ' —« 10 O r T h e above medicine is for sale by H-.-M-. MURjBtOCtC^in Hievlllage of Pulaskf:, „., 1 fkJOflCE'OF r.)iST.iliBUTION—Noiicci is here- J JLj hy given, that the balance remttinirigof the pro- . L cecums of the sale of the real estate of.AmaziahDarrow suited to the Fa|l,?md Winter Trade, and wtH'b'e | late of the town of Orwell, in the county of Oswego, JONKS &*M.'UA il T Y on hand again ns usual al the ; W tfh-RlS we are nowv ieeeivinga"ruirsup-i)y'! j\j of Choice Goods, selected wijli care, antlicecdsiif'the sale of the real estate of.AmaziahDarrow, —* •' ' " ' " ' ' i-*™ ..r *x.~ * . A* -rv——ii t— il.„ ......~V..i..f/.\~. may kinds- ot PRESH SEEDS d at the Drug sto; ' fvt " ' - E, W. FOX. Tan^aric. a EOftQE T. PfiCKHAM win contract for •12ft0^0rds rieriv Tan Bark, to be delivered at •his T a a n e r y i M h e trlllage-ot Pttlaski Hie cpm- ilurseason. ' ... ' ' r If persons interjdlrig3p,pea IBatit, wtfl cojl on him, at his Tanner)', .tfiby wilT, vritliont dbttbt, be B'Hski, Afril 2jr lOT.^- sold as low as the lowest among us can sell, to all . such a*s are in the habit'pf paying for what they bay. Among our assortment may be found qear- |.y all kinds of Goods usualiy Irepi in this village. *' ' IDYA7I ©©©JDSj, Muslin DeLanes ,. Woolen Cloths ' AH wool DeLanes . Ca'SSImerwind Satinetta. Printsofall kinds '•" Fancy Jea*s nm| Tweeds Alpacas,Mohair Lusff's.Cotand"Wool Plaonels, Irish Silk Poplins, Wdolen Plaids, &c, . Cashmere and Woolen Long Shawls, llosiery, the best aSsoft,mcnt in tiiis tsiarkc'h Also a ^odd variety of BOOTS AND StfOES, Groceries, •0ru?*'s and'Medicines, Crockery,- Painm and Oils, •.Hard Ware,' Sash, a hd Glass, "" , Brass Kettles-, AVinds and Liquors. WfeaTfe also now receiving a rot of 'itew and splen- did patterns ot Cooktirg and Parlw Staved, never befqre<iflercd in thistnariel,a(rd all wilfbe sold at low Jlgures to good paying 'custom6r»:— fi Joye P i p e affd Tin Ware alwa,ys-on hand. JONES "& McOARTY. deceased, intestate lately made under the order ofthe Surrogate of said county, by Dorgb-sTiaiTow, the ad- ministratrix, wulA'bel Dnrrow, •the-ndrrtinistrator of all rind sinp^Hftr^tbe goods, cliattels and credits of tho said intestate, Will, be divided by th'4,saisl.Surre- gate among the creditors*of the siikl intestate, at the Surrogate'i.' Office in tho city pf-Oswego, on the 23d 'day'of May nox,t."at 10 o'clock? in the forenoon of that dav. .Dated this 28th day of Marclii A. D. 1853. 29:6w ' . ... J..'BROVVN, Surrogate." T ilE SUBSCRIBER has OD hand, a number of SLEIGHS andOUTTEUS.ithd aleotcverar "' WAGONS, made ii\t!he..bes|;and most fasliiqna^ ble manner, rind qf the best Ynalcrial, tvhttiofe •will sell-on as 1 good terms as ean'rje-purthas»d eW-iwhere in this county. Fafnre-ra and oth^r"- (n warll ot Sleighs or CutlerPj are paf licnlarly'kiv.r- tedtogi've him a call, as hefeeis.conJQderifolbe- ingnble to satisfy them. ft **.. Livery Stable. K KClt & ("RAKDALL, thankful for past la m^,^y^l(LsAy-to the publicthat hevsli v . „^.. v ,^ ,,„„,„ aj their sltir^,>jpETreT3Hitrfi?cT— " " W\\ pu ^h'Slr. ~ -^~-^~- ;U3PAIIUNG done op si ort notice and* in tbe bes^mannerj cheap. Produce received at fait pVi.ces. f- ' - Shop opposite Matliewson's Hotel, south side ofthe river. , l C. C. HARMON.,. Fregh Groceries,; "-• E. W . F O X '.'•'•>' [JAS-fust received a good supply of G r o ceries, embracing all tbje leading articles in ...e line ' Tbey were brought on to be sold, and he is disposed to sell tbem atthe LOWEST LIV- ING PRICES, A general stogk of DRUGS & MEDICINES will also hi found at his stdre, etn- bracibgjhe leading .prepared and patent metLP cines. Pork, FJour.Lard, Cheese, Seeds, Paints and UilS, Syifit Gass7-arrd-<r gfea.t-va^ietj-4it otb~ er articles on hand. His goods have been seleo ted with care, with '.pa.riiculaj relercnae, to fhe quality, an8 he (eels- confident they will suit his customers. The patronage "of tlie public', of all •who pay for goods, is respectlully solicited. OstoPer 2,52. E. W. FQX. FasMenable Emporium. ~~ MAS. .FROWD, H A^ retured from New York, and having ta- ken unwearied pains in m'akihg choice se- lections, she is now exhibi'ing the most splendid assortments of MILLINERY GOODS fend "FRENCH STYLES, fars.uperior in" qljality to S-ny over brought in town, .sneh-as Sntlins, Vel- vets, China Silks, Embroideries ot every discfip- tion, Riband, Gloves, Mitts^Yelvet [liband,rr|orn- ingCollarsJ'Falls.and Love Veils^Galoons,-Cloak, and Press trimings, of all- kinds too numerous to mention. And'having employed the most com- petent help in the county,„she feels confident of pleasingairtfho.lia.Vfi..ex|iuiMle taste and good ,'udgement. Ladies, please" ficcept the tTia'nUsfit Mrs. J. Frowd forpjjst,,patfpnage. and call a.nd ex- amine tier new g o o d s . ,Pril.asliri-N5&rv. 1st, 18S9; TTtLOUR AND TVrEAL.?-' i KrfO'vy*LTON , S J IVllLL" has been repaired, every part put in the best order,'nn'd a com\petent Miller employed. Custom Grinding will be promptly Mieridea to Flonf and Meal kept on hand at the Mill, and at the-Store of B-JMP'US & K>t(iwi.TOM-y-aR'goo<V:u)n article, and at as low prices as can be lud else- .-where ir. town! D. O;'KNOWLTON. - Pulas-ki, February, .1. 1853. pat merit of three hundred and three dollars'ftiid thirty tour centttMia4!iion"> - before the expiration of four veurs from thc'TKtebTsaru? mortgage, with invest niinuallv'from the said l§th (lay.rf,BeBM'h»r*"l84i i --«' Hhiehsold'uoiTgnge is recorded ill the office jof'the Clerk of Oswego county'jji .hoqlt 26 of mortgag(SB.on pages HO'and'ltO.^Aml-'Vhereas^cielWnlthad b*ea -made fn-<he»payraent^fif the jmme^eenre"bVto-b")~paid : hy saSl n ortgago.aiid there Is claimed to'uadue> , 'ttien)- on at the time of the first -publication of jtbio notSco th< sum of three hundred and ninety two dollars and fTTncty eighrteltt37-{S392,9ft]-Tmd no prucReiHngs nt law h'nve'been jiftd tor thd* purpose of resHVoririS tbff same or any.part thereof., Now, therefore, tuSBep te hereby gixe, virtue pfo1is> of sale.'m s^id oaort. gage contained and of tlie statutes in stiori ease-inaae oss.i jiiwvrclEmtby prcmisirstlwcrib'eu^insnidme^&ilgef will be sold at puMic auction, at the ^a!fnptr ! River Hinisc now kept by E.-'BiEariiiih tlievilIageof*ulaii» ki, on tho 3d dnj of June next at It o'elock jo the. fore "VTJ ofTteat doy. The premises are described inaaiil :i' taa - « Substantially as follows,, i-iz: "All tbafcear. lAin'niec'e o r n ^ ^ 01 "fla»d being .and lying in the town York, known a n d : d ^ > V i - ' " . " d - M .^l^Sl«iSr .beginning at the north oast corner . f sM . * » " • § ™f""' ning from "thence paoferls.iiloRi—-^id neriv . luie *n | ! to the.cente.r'lrtli-e^9^<i4ioaai tu.-'ee smith I t i u ^ wes,t along sajd road. 12 e!i..ins th^nCo ,""'rth 75dpgs. west 17 chains Hi) links t' 'ho uoit lino olsfeja'lot;— " thence nortlicrly along shift '.i e relflxllts t;o Uie'pjrie of beginning, cintaminv ^cvi'it-Ml and sixty nflis htu»iredthn^.-.{..)v,rfi,"> j'-f 4 :i'i:ri, '••• I'IO same'more dr less. Date,', l'.ihskt K I. -i-irV 1- ".fi. Wti. llli.t t;. H;ti'iviiHiL,Mortgagee^ . MCCABTV & K ' M , At'.'yji.r'ttiv.liii. Oswego'co."N.Y. AJOTJCE is herel-y ^iven aic. rdlng to law, to all 1 > pOTsons,bay>ii(t chains against Stephen Taylor Tate , 'f the town of Uichiand in the County of Qswego dercased, that they >rc required to exhibit the'snme with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, the Exec- utor of the last will and testament of the.sald deceased mt his residence in the said town of Richland, on or before the 22d day of July next. Dated this.VJth day January, 1853. S T E P H E N TI^KFJt,:E;Le.<-utor N OTICE TO CREDITORS.— Notice is hereby given according-to law, to uH- persons Imving claims against Tjujuiyroman.iate of theiotvn of Has- , tings in-tlic coUnt^WOsyve go, deceased, tlintthey-are rcquir'e'cHb exltttrit^fifr^mje_with.jhe vouchers thereof' "i . WAitlUllTEB A CTT^ J ? ^ . Erysipelas', Salt-Itoeuhi, Scrof- ulous Humors, Livey.Com- , .plaints, Canker, and all Diseases arisingfrom-->, Etnpure Blood." These medicines are the Scientific preparations of a regular Physician. THE SYRUP is an article which stands iinrivalle J and unequalled in this or a'nv other country as a great Humor Medicine. If is entirely different from any pre 'pirarjonof Saraaparilla or lloekmnd is fM- better tluyi. tftiy or all of them. It has now been tested In more 'than-60,0.00 cases, embracing persons of both sexes,, all -ages-ttrid-iii every station -of lifewuMLfoiuffl- iSic-atiovs named diseases, and as yet to our knowledge there has not been thefirst instance Where it has not done thework just as it was stated It would do. More tbivn WO.OOO cases of humors inoll their formsjiave been, treated and permanently cured by it. , , " " " EfiYsirit'L^s.—Pstimjs wlio have syffered fro'm' this- t0-th% j, u « c rlber, the AdmM«atorof all and singular distressing complaint -foryears,have m- every known ; the g,uds-.,phatt6ls"^ntTcTedits qfthesniadecfeasSd,at ~"7. MEjqtOYjl V. A U- STEVENS has;cmoved,his Hat, Cap' «-ahd Fur Store-to the Brick Building four doorsndrth ofthe Pdst Ofiice. ; PMaski-,Nov,T8r>2.. '••..,." S iJiNKLEY'S PATENT BEDSTEAD'S—su- .' i |lfcrior,and soack'no-wledfredhyallwjfdhave rfsedtfiem, to anything heretofore' inveMed,now on hand ol various patterns and prices, and for terms. G. QJTRLEY^ -*>OTATOES A ; rSDUARLEY FOR'«JEliD> F LANNEL"S7=A"goriit*asSBrtment of Flannels suitable for winter .wcht—also Cotlpri. JPlnn- . nels, and a large stock of! Women Hoods 'jnny be ' ^JliiUli 11 1B ' '' 85 3' CLARKS VARIETV STORE. Thei' " "* """" examine the. The subscriber has sbout two hundrtd bush- e l s (if E A R L Y P O T A T O E S , and a quantity ol SEED BARLEY, which he will. Sell at fair pri- ces.. Residence2J miies north ef Pulaslfii .... "* 1. N . MEACFfAM. case been cured by these medicines. -•At least 00,000 Salf Rheum Patients have used the Syrup, together with the cerate, many of tbemVild and inveterate cases, and in ev,ery instance"effected a cure. Fos A«. SCROFULOUS -Hir&ioss.—Tho Syjjip for them has no equal in Sdrsaparilla or any thing else. JPEMALE ItaHEGULAiuTiES.—Mliero is no one Cause AyTlieli produces a greater-amount of suffering than the '<5tioiis.__ In,tlieggjt re..;,, stores to. healtbiSteength and vigor, and enables nature to assuine hcr-natnral peridas." s - KunsiNo'SoKE MotiTH.—This truly distressing dis. ease need no longer be the'drcad of nursing mothers, for there is now a reliablo remedy. The Syrup, together with {ho canker (lire, will at onco most effectually and permanently cure this disease. . VKsEEifiAi-TAtNis-AJHjJljiRocrcKAJiJliSKAsr.a, are poisonous impurities of the bloqd, >which through their effect upon the glands arc felt in every part of the human system. In such cases, if there Was ever a-iirnretficjor any disease, the Syrup is for this. . , -—^_.. * CAWIOK.—Neither of these articles are genuine with- out the signature of S. A. VY&AVKII & co: On the out. side wrapper. . r , .' Manufactured by S. A. WEAVER &, co., NevwLon. don. Conn, td'whom oil ordors must be addressed.' Soldby-H, MtmooCK & SON, Pulaski; tLgims. lVieic- icotS-G. Merriam, New Haven; H, &; F;'S. Stone 1 ,'' .Seriba; Monroe & Woolsy, &ndy Creek; Ead efVlSfi' der, Mttir|isville; G,M. Hopkinoon.Ellisburg. 4$' M.DUB0YS' RAT EXTERMINATOR. ?' S UEJiSTINpS, Shirtings'niid D'i»m£sllc"aond» (l Inige swprjr at Jhe lower! maikrt price, hi ThU preparation isiwarramcd lo exier.miijate llalsafrd-'Mice, frhjsnfi'renisecTksda'ecjed, and'to "leave no oiTerisiv'c stencfi on the premisls cleared of tliese'-annbying vermin. Its uso is,xerl'ectly safe in-any place and at all timesp whieh is not the case W,ith,ordiaary>emediesror lliiscvil, 1 Canition-i~bcwark ofcAuntcrJcils.--The extraordi- nary success of M.Dulioy's Rat Exterminator has excited the eupidity. of some dishonest persons to counterfeit it.. Inquiry (or M.Dn boy's Rat Ex'cr- minntof and lake naotlicr. In large-boxes at 25 cents each. Lvnde"ci.O;sburii, Rochester, N . Y.j bile American Agent's, to whom all orders should be addressed; JOJjfeS & McCARTY.'Agents. s •"".-*. - _ ^ ~ RTMUlgOCK, &SON,PulasUi.-* DISdOLUTjON, T HE Copartnersh-ln^kn'own . as Ri c harda : oi Waterbttfy is tbfs' day by mutttal consent dissolved. Al. acod%s'«nl"b- ( r8ei-tre''d , by'caJaV' his residence in theeai' til ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS." >< «• N OTICE is hereby given according to law, to- all persons bavjrig- -dlains agfllnst Thomas Soul, late of the 1 t o w n , 4 f Rich^OTid; in.Oswego •Cmrmy.'deceaserji'thudthey afe-requ'lred 16 ex- hibit lhe.same with the vouchers thereof tfi'thg subscriber one of the Administfators oi'the estate oi'the said deceased, at his residence tn the SEid; town of fljchland tin the 26th d&y of September' next at 10 o'cl ck in the forenoon of that dav,— Dared, this 16th day of March, 1853. ' ' ' / WORTHS WATERS'. The Place to Buy 0ieapt~ .ANGELtvSEELEY'"& CO. A Rd3-SELLING :OFF'the Largest and Best .stock of Goods eiter offered Jftytfjilaski, at lower prices for cash or ready pay tbjrj' dan be had at any other store lii OsWigb"(jo&»iy: : In their stock wall be feopd " •'•"f y -AVavMoaaMe^CUiixkaaa prm- Go'octg; * . of the more rich and costly, ftjutfcs^attd-'tfftfterns ftnd an ettdlcas variety ot Pijrlt§?G1tighaniB, D e - *. fittr«s,&o at priQeslhatdefycojnpetfHofl.' Shawls, Ribbons, Jjaoes;' Slteetingsj :>Steftt»^l4ttd..ft- aiJU. stock of Domestic and FancyGo'oaS.' '"-'•.'• "< Cloths au^ n e a t l y SWddd tJiotfiiiifeV " "j for Gentlemen and Boys—a better stock and ar. lower prices than canbe'wn. • - ©--.ID. m ^ u u &&; 'T"* Teas, SugniR, Molasses, Spices, Fish,Saif, Dried Frtrit, and every artjele desiffid in.i.heline.• GROCKERY,_ArVn" SHEtJ? HARD ARE, . ofthe mdst fashionable and lieaudM styles-r^a 'best assprtm.ent in town, -•_..• IROif, STEEL, NAILS, GLASS,/. .• Boots, Shoes ami Knbbers. HatoalKfeaws and* a.large variety oi other ar"tleieBrtoo Dum'efotisno ; mention, are kepfat- this-.Store; TJie'*crv> bSs 1 inurements 08e5edt6^ oiSsiora«rs, PKOptlCE C)F Att, KiNfi'S' received fn »eha%toi>Gjtfo'ds. PhrmJ6r^ ittshhii to dispose of prodOtfe'-vyiTllirfa iit irj'tJieir $&&& Rice and Wm/Witerhttry. |p 3/daysman such aceouhVwil'be l'elf «f tX 'ectipn. " JOHJJT'BOK.Jfl Pilaslt^,feb.17th, | E L F H A R D W 4 a E . - T h e sqb^ribers4aV !t»-fitie-assowiiient 6f .Cutlefy. Boot 1 TMni"- S. &c etnhrnrino- h f»sn.M.tir>.JiL«u Ji.di._i 'Wi wwm •^ [.er**.^.. '•• • ^»>x • „ - v , . ; * ''.Tiil»s' S Ttp ! *SSfe4L_'-'-'-«''.~-~^»»V> ; >,. ,...• • f,'V,',

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r«Vi i i i i u d l l i p v ' . vc r j . i ipovee. - TJ i ey s u r u | j » , s - ^ wres t l e for, t h e a s c e n d e n c y wHij tha i I 'n iwiv lv of-vvY!l i i n i f c a t i v ^ ' o r T m l . of tltfl i i i imors


l ive HpOU thi-j t j . ' l

wi t j i j f ie wor ld n; it


' o f 'V i V i l few w'h'b we're • i t t r t -^on 'P^ <H-'

r . _ s t h . ; p o o " : t n d v n - c t i \ ; I ray ' r r o ^ & . c ^ - o i v k . ^ i r tlv; .East iwg ;

1 v f roi-si ^ol-unJ 'ot- tW-V,.-<iU\-» ' i , , t n u n -..v.

• w „ v w i ih ' J t ft" Itt-V/:1, n - V' : " , ! ' ' l - ! - ' ' l , ' ' , " ! r ' m o r e is IHI IKI iht-n- t; *1 '•<•> ff"M <'P ptw-n f u r fiilo »f »-p«l'.li, .1-uv.i^s t h t m s - l v r s tlr« c o m f j n s ofl ' l 'e, >«l«T -with vi>««-ifl-l ow-men niiout 'fiuittfT? of m e r e (loM+rs ntid

• . oc f l t s i ' and wnlcinV or s l e e p i n g d r e a m on ly nl gain I g&\n ! T h e t ea r of pity nev,yr g y » h -i-s up from th« s o u l i n ' s y m p a t h y for. the na'oriQii-i te Tfcw turtuioin hus l o n g d ry , e n d i l i « s o » l ; i * h Q 0 0 d u p in l.he ctisc ol i-M, too d a r k e n f d for relief. W h B l o sat? m i s t a k e bttifa'l TTie'fti-arp w h o e n j o y s life, h e a l t h , a t id w e a l t h to-d«iy. m a y loose o i l to­morrow' , a n d ero a f e w y e n r s a l m o s t f^mll


• «

*-P *


Celebrated FaMily Ointment, l suvi . , i . , .-a' .e^J h"6ri'iueHi1fiid"tIu' jjrvSntoet V*'t'cvi

H e m c d y ever .used. I t ift j t i u p ^ a o i l uf Heftotfil.Tf E; i w r i s ntift p-.sacsaas p.nwer u t ie j )«a l l sd in' tiiBiaitatils Aledieuii : K r t , i e t l , r e 91 ^iiQaw.r»n'"J5 Oiseiiatn., '

It is UIIHCTSII'I'J-aoVncAxleilKetl to he-tw> vnfttlllule I »..i.ii..l.-in cver\ c<» M. VrjoTC i't ho^licoh faitMullv n'

, ..uun siMtem, f™:^H| |EMJBSB^^^^ . i'cn>pU'".i.'i' u. and is^i>v^UKblo|nlBIKBwl!T!B8or»'t, lilosl>. •rJSutiTinte.t'.cera, UhjJ*K-*,'-e}ii}M*i^.Sd££ | T'nr^t. ' ihirns; cuts, tutAvtei'l i v-ies, Si.rBPrewt.UisaBsegKf'tltEyi ] Klteuiiiatic Vifins, coiitructed ePrds, l-liaeU Hf.d irthsrjmtts ott lw sjstftn,

l''rc*h bounds , VHes, Btidaif'?:


•'•>. -1.

. • r.-med/i't even b , C I 1 ! . . i i ed , . . t l :o^ . .

puss fiway, the b e g g t t f Wttl bft; p l av^O*. ba l i tairiicg the least particle of IiflB&uni t i f f f l in j l l t s t o m b St<3[.I)fi', Th'O y o a f l h t ha t Vin [ nently cure Las s p e n t y e a r s Of t^ i l }ft H o a r d i n g , a t t h e cost 61 « i d o w ' a . t e a r S j ' o n l o r p h a n ' s s iphs . ^ . „ „ imd o p p r e w i n g . J l l a l e B o w rucii, .vvilL,he4'eft S lu im>M^Mae» . J F yowt^edaTr id^ , , . V j \ ". i~i •• •» „ / - / • ' . , ty. and isputation, tf .wn?eli ttn— V>ehind and- ' s e w t e t e A fty s t r ^ n c e r h a m ; ^ ' : » • - u - -' ••• •

l i e ennnot t a k e i t w i t h . Wra" It is of this

cc Lde,"-

V-^aBSaa tzmni

i^vx* ^ i . j ^

It vN lid ] l'< •'•'» '' <". l

lev it.* t u r u t u ' i i v.t'f <, in nil j\-c d'i,-eiisu> lot : \vhMi il It. ieetH4««ir- . ili'd. tiranUy mlh-tl l'*-1 mgle iVtnpiamts • tnr «n'ir}*s*liiB ctliM niciluH

f, .tifntijioKt In htiiif.'» -oi tilin'vl^Kg,,^ .\ i v t'1-i"1'"

'mil U-ii\inis...tlji«./>«.t.« w>, \;\ £."t V111M-.Ciimtiti •».— '

. |.ot nil i n t t r ^ t c d call mul i.l iiu» a 1-innpKU . ^•oou'entaljiii t\ nmt'te • •i'tpiid'. tibin tlj«,^.(Bti'e-|

pBtitalile. ' « fa ;4 ; . ' , ,f .

• he IwncCnaJre'nWnt; te use, t-.'liet.I.ier With i ietnwS-ft""n , l leW>' o s -

"lvo. '«fe1it ' ! iBtIlc»jrtu;-" oliiorv^h'tik". ' ' '



Als» hy Di'ug&.tfratPU-ionW&eXeJaj'd, r » ^ S ^ f e j

-ftteaLattfl ?est Arvic^i f ..JS.TI

•w. «.ois #s*o; , ai% LW-<

ureil by tliip jrreat renpthu „ iiJ-.Al.IKG VIWVF:,

I a fiict. autlientieatf.rhere.ivs ttu; State, and'indeed the \fhnle pestl

nXi. M. . . W»l>



yroHuiT ,% -foadjN-tty IS.Y".

e a d '«

I I Mca«t?e7

w o r l d . W i l l i u i l i , w i t h thft r< co l 'pc t iou ol t h e unJBs t ae sa tt>feere\vith he gnftted s o m e of h,-ii-fld t h e s o r r o w , t r o u b l e , a,nd m i s e r y , h e h a s so rsytJry t i m e s use le s s ly c a u s e d tkuse w t t h . w h o T O h« h a s h a d d e a l i n g s , tend to p r o m o t e his. p e n c e a n d h a p p i n e s s w h t r . h e is c a l l ed to T i e d o w n u p a s t h e . bed of rfiath, w i t h t h e rea l i t i e s of a n untriatv fujurd spe'ri^ i n s t b ' h i s v i e w ? C o n l f i b e s u m ur^ from all the vasty r eco rds of. t h e p a s t : tt s i n g l e . . b e n e v o l e n t act iort ' ( h a t w o u l d ' ' i n t h e l i g h t e n tip t h e da rk p a g e of the h i s to ry of life w h a t a g le i tm of h a p p y s u n s h i n e would it

. Send u p o n h i s q t i i t ' l t en ing solil, o n l y to h« a g a i a m o r e deepLy...shrGUe«rd in g-loom in c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e tiMtny acts of d e p l o r a b l e in jus t i ce a n d w r o n g " h e is guil ty, of.' • W h a t n b lessed t h i n g it is that n i l people" a r e not of t h e above s t a m p . If t b e y Were . t h i s life wxmld bis o n * ccn t in t in ' w a i l of woe . T h e r e a?e m a n y , Veryo-many in socii>tj w h o a t e n o b l e Except ions to this c l a s s of m e n ;

; m e n to w h o m tlie p lea of the de-stitute is n e v e r m a d e in va in ; rner w h o c a n sytfl^ p a t h i s e v t i t h t b e t i n f o r t u n a t e ; r e l i e v e the, op-

, p r e s sed ; mPhgife the i r t ea r s with" t h e dis t ress­e d , ^ nd respect the fee l ings oJ t h e i r fellow m e n , a n d tjieir o w n sbuLsy'more t h a n rtiev,

,iz'e the acqu i s i t i on of fifljiy l u c r e - ' Such-v ^ n , c a u s e : I h a p p i n e s s to flow io- . ' tbf i ' ' p t t ths , and p e a c e a b i d e d ) I b e r e i n . " — l Y a t c r -iown.Jttfartvief.-., '•'-'-.'.

Hhtv W B G B D J V — I n 1M7, o u r ^ r r i t o r i n l limits took in an>.nrea §f one million square miles, or

.s ix iuindr-ed and--forty millions of o e r e c T h i s w a s the e x t e n t of Unc le -Sam's farm when ire 6et up for himsFrT" N o w his possession cm-

..'braoos th ree millions fotirhundred"" and twent y •rniltiohs of...nores. T h i s is a pre t ty Fipart ae-etimolntion for "eevdnty yearn. By the treaty with Frttntje in 1803, aequirod one million f j squ i re^mi les j by t h e cession ofF lorndn in 1S32 th i r t een thousand square mi'ed ; hy the addition of T«xa»iHS5v-Mex+eo-afld^Gfrirfordia, tme mil­l ion -four .huhdred thoua'and square mi tes .

i«9. tjflSdd.Cj' iaSUy;

hy «Iieir"l":taKiib' \ i r t n e s , " M . p J \ g a ^ W .ml'-ncth.'se who are nr.ifiepo e i i a w s ^ * tmiul'ucthat comes alunjr• and jffHjisii'J-•ttinyi-d our endorseroeiiti vntil we lraS-e h>i mat,-.- assurance doubly aure, not uidSr hy l|»tj«inalhimraBlve^hut)frojntlierte|trmiJnj . .

ifierouaV"1"'11"1 " f l h e ' " " " " V H i i P " i n S ft1011™ ulv"FJ

uiiiwis (iiobo, April is. ldsoiHK*'!!) • ' mm

S? ' l





DR. COOKE'S ' WEMCAI. TUE.VT1ES, and patent life

pTBSeTVor ngftinet eetninal « u a k r ness. DrJOuuke'B Mechanical^r,e-ventive lnstrunii'iit for asaistirg the efforts of nature with mcdlWl means,beinj u « w perfeoted.pniVB'

'. an important M well ayirseful adx^ iliary in the .peeoyreCoverey front

m pteS I'tb'v

aoolte fttho s« 1 organs.


- -H ' l

»L0 'ATS*S

Horse & Mttle flediclBe.


dv ot fhe<'L.a.i


Bk^l and P la t e

:ter old


No Aieuicme iilru«^ha.-i aoeoirtpli^'ed «o uiauy i'.x tra o.i diiiary cures, and given' so'Iiitiv.erSftL Satisfaction m a y rest in every variety and's tape of -disease, or hna-tofjeten- -• =- - u : -sive atid rapid a sale,'"asgloaft's Ointment and condi­tion ^'owder. - - • i w-^^

The Ointmeni. is art iftlv supcrcedinp nil all other 't)iiitiiit!Hts,-ai'd Linihiente for the "cure of Fresh W"trnds, Gall.s of alt kinds, SprainH, Bruises, cracked Heels Kinjtlione, winilcalb, Pol) Evil. Callnus, SRav­ins, Sweeney. Fistula, tiifiast, Strains, Lameness. Sand stacks, foundered Peot, Scratches or Groa*e, Jtiyiije and Horse I>isteinper. " - -

The'comlition Towder will remove alt inrl'immation and fe^er, puril^'tlip hloodjuosen'thc stin, cleanse the water and fitrenirthen every part of the body . and has provcd,a sovereign remedy for the following

Fi .niiilcr. Pistemper, nfde lionnd. Less of Appetite. '-fiVvi'a'rit cttTains, Ycljoyi- water, lnriamnja-tiftn of rhe iCvcs, l''atijme from fiafd exerei-e ; also ilheunaati?^i. ['Commonly called/Stiff comglaint] vyhich proves sn.fa Ui! to many valiiahlo hortes ^ t h i s country. I t ia also a safe and'oertnin remedy for co.iifi.hs and "colds, which generate ao many fatal diseases. " «

'X'Jic^e rp'tuetlie* never injure anil a lwa;s enre, ft. the dirj&tinns are follmved.

plorturther pavtieulars and a multitude ofcertifi catcs of remarkable cures, get Pamphleti of agents. " . '• • W;.4*. 6I.OAN. *

Grand Ilepfot: -!fi l,alie St., Chicago, 111. • -23J-A11 Medinires and Books advertised hy . li.

SI.OAN,! are sold hy E . .. . Fox, sole ajrent fur Pains l.i. Stiliyvell & Co., Sand Bank, and by Merchants, Dru^ is t s , &.C.. in nearly every vto\vi) in the l:nited States and Canada'; " * V

%. led

S u b j

_ . . , . . „ e s ? # V e . | "Ta?iiip*"**ns:.

ftke, ...vM.vlay'Fl.iweft Also Lhe largest .••ssoMtfient of Par lo r Stoves in this rriarlcet H e dots not flatterhwaself t b a t h e ' i i a s a faculty of selling an old or-un-aaleable article for as much as a new and gnoo.. one is woifh: ft or does h e i p i x i n flour and s^alt, but-tnaftes his t:ade:his busi.nes«-, ajiil his t n e n d s

assured that oo-tr ickery-wrlibe r^W'Pfl t,> in this establishment—that # 1 art icles Will be warranted as recomtoetided, >~

JSLB.-Jot? work, done as if should be, on short, notice. Heavy Copper, work done in the best style, th i sbe ing the only place in town where you can-^ e t your work done as il i-hould be. T h a t s so,

Pu lask i , Feb . I , 1852.

snoald , ued


% o t u r a > y /



1' i?^*^'

has invblitertand s.a curedJjEtettprs'pat. I'.liis'ninv and novtil instrument; a iffiwt trial of

£bjcli will o1nninc.e''tli«j!ajLi6«5'f) ,tHemf'iency.f-m. -Msl..Aefurei,,J>fui#8aiv#rreneilfBtijij»ti*e and

Sit wtfliought moonveniencb, irritation or Hiring tV> tise.itisAmposBible fur an emla-


1 been iuatltutad for. tiw w ' w s r y p / . , I 'to Iw^bio or tiny pa r t . t b^W^"?*V , f i

it ea'ilt tw.en»*

Alhi '" . . - . . . -marked .< said 1 •of sail man i will i S n i t l v e " and ^ w a S a ^ ^ ^ a ^ T h ^ as J frent'liby d«d^ ie1* in tT«^"*£W 1 8 t : ' ?»5 F ! W : 4 ' -~ A nril 18H, leaving after t ak ing off «Te Mi 185 acres t h e r e a b o u t s , two hundred atfd'eigbty, five^res-or • tbeteaboutsv Ue the sttth* more OT-leaa.•? H«W.*W'W^

fey .

. . . . . ^ . . . , & & $ & $ & • •

Dated at Adams March 3d, 1803. ^ _ : .'.-• * ^ . . W l l . U A » L E . 8JNM-AKrJfelrtgogM. .

V. SKIKNEP. Att'y. reaMertee Adarfls. N. TK. ^


00 m


9 pirn;

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... .jrtujoi all SJknt a meoMci


WM" Ss-Btgraelioes inife'laKiefy tcfrttiiizingfheisniauspk soil when forsaken by man , hv ^ s h g r o w t h s ^ : fuliase sirriilady should man dol'iSregaiij.hisJof-reited h e a U h C ^ i a d l e a i - trealniem-shrmWi-in all in_stanees, tead to assist ' nature, and not supercede her; and trie inventor c la ims ror-Namves lleme-dial thslt it wil l ' assist nature in restorn-.g health and accomplishing wh'ai s h e i s too feeble to to on account of a cont inued abuse of hoi: laws .by toe sufferer. T o sertentarv persons ft will be loutid ol gnat benefit in s t renc thenlng the V»ngs and spine, a- d-lreeptn!? tha system in a n e a r b y tone

In cases of pregf.ancv, to insure sale delivery and healthy-nffsprinu. 1 know o!-no articjc so pe­cu l ia r ly and emphat ica ly calculated as--.Diuai.urea remedial , for wliile ' i t tends .o allay the longings, appeti te , &c., it g ives strength a n p stability to the

' I havo used Nature 's Remedial or Pile .Syrup in my practice and believe it has Riven evidence of posa-essinc prupertti-n .peculiarlv adapted to the cure ol teh Pilet, for whirbNJisease I know of nutningbetter. - Dtrrrmmvtlle, Au^afr 1061. J- P. -HBCTHKJ, M,U.

ROME, Aua,Ui, 1851

fffJliS*ltkkftplace, 1'BSTlMONIAl.. -.

in it m4y concern.—"For rnnrry years I

i m r n o V I e p f b ' y Swire l lo i ly . io WtoWjf^ Creek in the county of Oswego and Sta


. f U R E OF A DlSCMtDEKF-'D U V E ^ . A K O " R A D ' " • DIGESTION.. '•

I Copy of a Lette> from 1»r. R. ty . -Kir fes , .chemist, -• 7, Prescot Street Liverpool, dated '6th Juhet,135l..) To Professor H0LI.04VAV, .. ." • '"4i<

Slit:—yotic.Pll.lsarid.Ointment have ntntid the hijih-ost;on-our sale list of Proprietary Medicines f,,r some veaj-^. "A castomer, to vvboml carr-referfor arty en-

»quiriesi'deaire*mp to let you know the particulars of het-cjise.".' SbelliaS'been troubled for years vririi a *ii». /.reVe)red.,liver, aiidbaia digestion. On the last occa. siop, hovi-eyer, the virulence of the attack was so alar. min'& hutf .tfie infiaramatian".set in sjo severely, that ilotdftaiWefSAltfertoined of .her' being able to hem-up-luijdej "iti' fqr*ms{ely 6he*vy«91ndnced-t<5:try your Pills and b W infbrrn's rda tha t after the first, and each sue-oedding/dose., she-had great relief! , She continued TO' t^ki -them,Jane*' altlnmir!) s^eTiril^Tised three Hoses, bee is now in, the enjoyment of perfect health. I eo'ii have sent you many more cases, but „the above from the .severity of the attack, and the speedy cure, J think, Buealis much in fitverof your astonishing Pill's,


' [Copy of a Le t te r inserted in the Hobart Town cour­ier, of the 1st March, 1851, by Major ,T. Vofch. • Margaret M'Connigan, nineteen years*f dge, resid.

ing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever for upwards of two months, $rhich had entirely deprived her of the "use of her lrmbsVdWinfi tins period she vyas under the care of the most eminent medical raen-in Mobart Town, and by them .Ijer.c.nse i.vSBSoTfsttlei'ea lvop_elesBT^ Atnctid-prevailedUiponJier. to try Holl'oway's celebrated Pills, which sue consent., e d to do, and, in an incredible short space of time they •effeeted.a«pe|&Qli.cur'e. ' > ' .•

O i r c of.el p/iin andi-fghiTitqs in the- chckCand slom-•>ac]i ol a person 84 yevrs of age. •_

From ^lessrs. I hew & Son, Proprietors of the Lynn., Advertiser, who can vouch forthe fqllowipg ata-te. merit—August 2d, 1801. ' "•

To Professor HOLIIOWAY, Sin::—^Idesire to bear testimony to tlie good effects

of Ilolloway's Tills. For some years I suffered se,-'SS'eTely frem a painamtirightneRR in the stomach which was also accompanied by a shortness' of breath," that prevented mc from walking'abont. T am 8* years, of-ace, and notwithstanding hiy advanced- stnte of life, these Pills have so relieved me, that I am desirous tjiftt others should be made acquainted with their virtues,

. I am now rendered by their meahs, comparatively-iic. tive. and can-take exercise without inconvenience or pain which 1 Could not do before. —._ (Signed) HEINRV COE; JSprth St,..Lynn,-NoiTulk. These celebrated Pills are wondertully efficacious in

the followirjg.complaints.-Agne ' Fevers of all kinds fierofnla; or ' Asthma Fits'- King's Evil Billions CompVts C!Wt . , , , , „ , Sore Throats Blotches on' tho Head.ache '*' Stone & Gravel

Skin - Indigestion. • Secondary BowelConipiainls Inflammation Colics Jaundice Constipation o f , Liver Complaints 1»nmonf

the tlqWels . 'Lumbago Ulcers Consumption ' P i l e s Venereal Affac-Debility . •. Rheumatism of all tions Dropsy kinds worms of all Dysentery rReWntion of Pripa . htrTds?- • Erysipelas, Female Irregularities ahfl weakness, from whatever causa. &c.r-&e- '

Sold at the establishment of Professor Holhrwav, 241, Strand, (near Temple Bar, London.) and by all respectabW Druggists and Dealers in Medicines thro ' .

., inut We British Einpire,.ftiid. of those of the -tlnited f<lafe8,mBorf«s»ftiit5JiB.;-87o.,and$I50,oach. Whole­sale hy the principal Driig, bouses, in-tlte Union, and by Jlessrt, A. B. & » . SanjkjNoty Tfnrk.' .

f&* .THere is a considerable s&viftg 1)y taking" the largersizos. * <•

N.B.—DireetJotts for the guidande of patientein ev cry disirder are afBxed to each Bo* . ' ,


A . i , A R G E S T Q ,'K of Ladies ' V1CTOR1NE5 a n d C U P F S , ' pr ices from 75 cents to S15,

jus t received at A, H STEVETSS' Ua l Cap find F u r S t t M ^ . Alsrj_SW-AiSa D O ^ f N T R i - M l N ^ for Lad ies 'wea r .

P u l a s k i v t J o v . ^ - l ' -• , ", •i^^__L , . _ _ :\ • :

E J ^ ' P H E L i f t - I S T A B J U V A I , . ^ }

CRAWFOROS, &. MURDOCK,... HA V I N G already annouiicd their return Irom

t h e C i l y , nnd.che arrival 'of their tilock ol N E W G O O O S . would further say.that the!

-.. -.'."p.aB.VEns esaasajv-e-f^ i s now abumlantlyfi l led wiih a lar^e and varied assortment,-ttt^anged in the several departments •ins manner ina le r la l ly to assist '.a ready inspec­tion and examina t ion .

T h e D R Y GOODS DEpARTUi-irTembraces:

•Holloway's. Ointment A most ymracucons aire of Bad Lsgs,

Kfttll M VEAR3 ROrrKVIKO. [Extract of a letter fro:-' »'/• ' » : 1 * " ^ ! I0' S t ' L , Mary's St., .Weymouth, i«tt>d ,May I-.', I S J I .] To Professor Ilo'lloway: . . . n\ X,.M »

S i r -At t l i e agaof Id mv wife twhp is now CI) caujcht a violent cold, which settled in lief )eg<«nd eveP«noo. that time they have been more ordess s..."1. ana greatly indamed. lleragnnies were distracting, anu f:™®1""3

together she W4S deprived entirely of rest and siCep.— Every rem»dy that medical men advised was. tried, nut without effect; her health suffered severely, and the W t o ofher Tegs SvoS tewtble. 1 bar; «ften-fead-yoii!

10,000 j . Pf in t s .Cambi icks , Gttn'ghams, Alpaccas ,

RiUbons, L s c e s , ^ . Carpet ing, Shpwls Pr i l i ing , T i c k i j s s v . Cn;tfan ynrn, Sheeiings,

Muslins, i -Dela ins , Mulls , ' : Mer inos . Silks, . :Par.aiiietlos, S'auins, . Cnshmeres, Bombazines, Pordins, Baraee-s, , Threads , incliiding.atso, every art icle in the line ol 'Dres> and Domestic Goods'ol the Fal land Win te r Style'

In.the GROCEBV Department will belound, Teas . ' ••".• Pe-pper, Dride b'ruit, (

Su?a r , "'" Snices, CodJPi-sh, Mnl."ses) B s g S a l t , Mackerel , Ginger, Ila'sins, . S tarch ,

Svnlptoms Tic'Douloiireux

embracing wiih oibcr articles LoolrngfJIasses Stdlar lamps, Earthen W a r e , Gi.a*s W a r e , Si one Ware , 'Poroelain, &c.

The UA,BDWAUB Deparuntn l is vai ied and cm braces articles usual ryca l led ' rbr ,amongwhichar shovels, . JUigChains , ftope Ua.hcrs, Manure forlrs, B i n d i n s d o "• .Corp'l. Tools, Hay do . T r a c e ' do Hcaes It cUles. Bed cords, . • Ha-lier- art, W j b d ' S a w s , '

Arfd now c i m e s ou r Department for

which is the most extensive in this section an contains, beslde-a loll and complete assortroet of every ga rmen t , a large stock ol Broadc lo th , U a ' l s & C a p s , Umbre l las , Oassimefs, Boots & Shoes, ffjy Goods, Vesfittga* Gloves, Itutibcrs, Hosiery, Mit tens, Bull'alo Rubes, • Cbmrorurrs, Bl.aiT^cls, Satchels, cvc.

g ^ * T h e best wbrkmen'nhd the most experiee ced"G«M«er•affre'mpfoyed an this der. ir tment, an any garment desired , will be made l_u order, ii the best and most fasiiih'fihble manne'ri and ever .article will be so warranted.

There is also a MISCELLANEOUS Departmei which include" numerous aniclcs not'menfinncr but-make up I lie most complete s,tQcjt ol GOOD, in Pulaski , -am}IOT 't,QW-^pXllfcE'i,'""v5re_nre. rea dy to compete wjlh„any s lo rc in town on ifie'sa-nt

Orntment; and, as a last resource, after ^very OlhJ: She cu'mmenced e|x weeks ago. ajid. strange to relate^ •is now in good healtli. Her legs are painless,wjtljout seairi or scan and her sleep is sound and uwUsturlu-i. could' y.m have witnessed the- 5sffe.-ing3 of rpy wife, I'.r.riag'thc l a i t l S vears, and contrast them with hef present enjoyment 'of health, you would indeed feel der lighted in having been the me'ans pf so greatly alfeviu. tinsr the sufferings of a fellow.creature.


- b-F"»T"YEVh8' STltiinSG. [Copyol a letter from Mr. wm, Abbs, builder of Gas

Overa, of KushelifTo, near Huddersfield, datcdMay 31st, 1B01.] ,

To Professor Holloway i-Sir—I suffered for a period of 30 .years from.» bad

leg, the .result of two orthreadifTerentaccidents atgas works aecainnanied. by scorhntic symptoms^ I had recourse to a variety of medical advieeVAvithoutdoriv. iug any henvfit, and was even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition to-thatopinion, yoiu-Pills and Ointment have ettected a complete cure in so snort a time, that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fact:" (Signed) JwILLIAM A-B-BS.

Thet ru th of this statement verified by Mr. w.. P . England, chemist, 13,»Market St., UudderBfiold. DREADFUl. BAD BREAST CURED i s 1 Moti**.

..litflicted w'lthsStuninal. weoltWs'sJinduceil lfSaryfj-aHiSts to i*bich the youth are ex-t hasiMqifaseil witli my years and tuitici-

... ., iiianjiSMVuutil fur the-Inst few years 1 had mijial invfltaMary di.'etmrge every nigbt , /snd

iery divy. Ibecame "emaciated, and woak-.ueh-anExtent by this constant drain of 1 he

11, conld not walk erect. In this state id'with distracted"mind, I applied to Dr. furnished me with one of his "Life Pre­

servers' ' against cemiual Emission*. I t is ny.w aev-. jiil-weeks since I commenced its Use ; during.wiiicn t ime 1 have notbad an einisssiimtrrtb»d»yor-tHgbt. My cheeks are tuuv (lus)ied with health's choicest gems, and I now walkereot . l'feel like a-new mnn, and- tlmtntliBm is now a prospect of my becoining a

) rnaroher ofsccietjiJiHtead of being oivinniate ofthe lunatic asylum, r** ' •

It may n ot be improperbere to state, that I Used for a long time, an Instrument-mi'le by an American [styled a_French,] Physician of the city of New York, tint to nu'pfirpose.. only an aggravation instead of pal­liation of symtome ; add that after I had exhausted all medicinal and mechanical means in'my power, this , tny last resort, is- the only auxiliary which h»« ever been beneficial to rr.e. and width 1 can cheer, fulty recommend to all whe suffer as-1 have do'no,

AlbanVJuly B.lttOi. . . . l 'erwns wishing tin' above useful "prcventiive,

will observe t imt t ly price of this instrument with accompanying directiiins, securely packed and sent in an envelope by mail, is.ten dollars. Medicinescnii be forward part of the

.led bv express tnappttraBts-resitrmg in any , „ „ - . - . - , „ „ , „ , „.3lTnited States hvenoliwing a fe'niittiinco;

Hirvve been fitr more'than ton years afilicted with ] f o r w\^c^ ano the r protMsionnl enquiries (in. this sut>-. , , , _.. .•, . , . . ^ addressfpost paidjflr. Geo. Copke, Ki5:3"NiSWiH.

treat, Alba'nv, N. V., author ol ii large Mudjcalworh m the Difcasfsnf women anil cbildrcns yp,-rmn^or-

ttier-'Piles, (both internal and external, j and foray-ear previous tu ttic first ot May la-it, I had not been free fmm tliem a single day. I have consulted many enn. , nentphysicioosand used rtianykiiulJ of medicines; Without any )«nnanent relief, unti l I commenceu usinK-NatuW's Kemedial or File Syrup. l.sJBEit " c : cordintTftWlirections, before I'bad used two quarts 1 ; levnd mysell Iree lrom the complaint,,.nnd remain so , still,- and have rio hesitation in attributing the cur« , to the use ol this medir ine. ' G E O S. 'J-HBALT. .[

For further par t iculars ' see c i rcu lars left Xrtlh-i agen t s . Bold hv E. W . Fox,.-Pulaski;. C. S lmr , I Ivlexieo; S. W' i l l iams, A m b o y ; E. A. Sperry, j Wi l l iamsto vn, F . S..4-, Kasua ' I , and H. Mur - , d o c k * Son, Pulaski . - . " J , r : _ ^ . ' j

Grocevy and Provision Store. | BUMPU8 "A KNr(7WLT0N. .]

K E E P on h a n d for s»Ie . nt the Sfo je ' l i t e t r o c c u p i e d by A . tt^-StRycneji.

rhreaand Venereal Diseases, giving theit aynitoma,-wi th rtcipes in. plain English language lor their suc­cessful maimgem'ehf,, and a permanent recover.y.from , •nil genital maladies "f both sexes. Tlie price ni the bnnlts ia fifty c t s . If sent by mail fiCty cents and five lettsrp'«. stftmps.-.'"l)riC.ooke'K Medical work can be ob'.aiue 1 a f lhe Pulaski, Pink Store.

nTT-OWDr. Cooke—be it knoWn—is the,, onjy nd-vertisln^PhyTieian. in the I 'nhm who has cvp'rlrav-a)eJT>:i"tli«'Continent rtf Knrojie, France, IH-lgium. a- d Germany, and tfie only lias olsn vtsi-, Ve.o;-their-Hospitals and.Medicaljnsti,tution8. Office open mrSundaJ's^tliroughiinrtlie year?

V i 7 GEORGE COOKE, M.D Albany, Aug. 9, '52.

MORTGAGE SAliE.-A-Befault baring boefl made In, the pavment of the moneys seeured tQ^Be^

paidby.aiuorlgng- ^ — * " " - " — ' - * - » - « ' » " ' «•» townofWilliamsti .Joseph Allen "of 1, . . , , , - - • - • .,„.h>v,, - ^ mortgage is dated the flint day of-JonuMrft 1837,' oheT recorded in tli'e Clerk's Office ot Oswego-wamty P e » -M«irv HV 18S7,_aji 1 o'clock. P . M. In,-tboTt I t . IQI mongages, page 391,' "ilpon whtcli mortgagelherb i s claimedto be due at the t ime of the first -pablicotiofl of this notice tf iesmnofth-po buudred.-aolliK87 and no proceedings tit ittw' h a w been insutrfittjd.-TOr -the recover}- ofthe same or any parf '*hmo^fi | iWUwmi*-eaire has boon -Jb& » * a t ™ e W » ; r a jmWWle* i<f JSvls tagton S e a S MoV, therefore, nflticeiajh,ejg, bv ci'von; tbtitwiurr'mBriP0 of a powerttf-salajn. aaja -ifrurtttuged cnittaTOeuV^tbajmntteaged woroiseB-wU lie soldot public aacti.n ^ t b e ^ p i r ^ I n t e l m tfce

o'cfckj A. Uf, of that daV.--The pr^misSsafb^de--cri8edlnsaid--mortg*^'a8fbJlpwS! AlUli*at'c6rt«l'ti pTe«e or jrarcel of landsituateftyingJsin^Beingi''Jn5't!» towti of Williama'towii and'cbunWof iQSvfego, beino: all that part of Lot No* 1W in Seribarsv-'?attei)«, trr Township No. 6 of said' Patent , .banfi^ed' *s' mnofrii beginning at the south eastHotirrtiarSFtrteisaiid' fot^anoT running theuco' ndrtli CO ° west 89 bUains„ and 27 links: thenoe north 21 s etist 24 cbaifls iarii}'3?1iS}<r. thenoe south GO o east 1.9chains and 66 linlBa'ta-^b* centcrof tl»o him.way l^o<tiog past ^acob Miner's. Jh* Williimi Hamilton's ;,tlience south l&° :2B minutes

40 laws wtB^^see-««j^SSmiiurr<Mntaff^^ 2 ruqils-and 13 perches of land, as m-~,«j^2:ljj; Abel •VVeatherly October 18, 1836: jnitli a , reaew"6»'^.tir-teen acresheretofoK deeded by tlie po)i(tjt )rSf|i6 first part to JameslFilkinfffnim-.the^so»tb»#e»fr-t6t'HeSi of naid lot. Dated Mexico, April (S','1-858.

W A S H I N G T O N SEARLE, Assignee. 1^ n^PMiTit.nflHexico. At fy . '2"t<I

M"~~ORTGAG'E SALE.—Whe'rjaWrEpbWira FltcKiof Handy CrjBukin the'cftfinty of QswegO; on the'

LSthday of Decembet-(..lSitg, executed his ^ f t a ' n in­denture of mortgage bearing date-on .that„dtiK t«;Bela G. Muulton, also of Sandy.Cieek aforesaid,febn'veying the^remiioi hereinafter described as security for the


advertisenisawV-aud adriscd her to try_y,our P J S ? . ^ i i a i ^ n u ' ^ ' t V b s f v e "assoriment of FAMILY-GRD 1 a o d ' t h e v a r i o u s aril* Ws of provi^^ons used in f?.?i!Mec, !>T0t disposed to brag ' u p j h e i r goods, o r 'boa i t ' o l low p r r c r t . t h e y reipectfqjly ask tb t •bayefs ih P u l a s k i and adjoining towns to call nrrd e x a m i n e their stock and prices, pomisir.g to sell as low as they can afford to, which -they- believe qui te as low as ' l ike ifflielas can hchad elsewhere.

T J, BCMPt'S. p . O •KNli'Wtfriit. •' P u l a s k i , Dec . 8 V852. .'_j_„ '_ _ _ __ ->

H a v i n g added to thcprevious ' large assortment a i n u m b e r of .Varieties of

fern & ^muTtfu'fol]''Cqjit, the Democrat Office is now prepared toex'ecute al k inds of

l.ofi &nb t a ^ 1 ^rmttng, in a s good style a s the sa-ms-can be done in th i s sec t iono i ' the s ta te . Th j s . r emark applies par t icu l a r l y to Ball T i c k e t s ana Cards ; Donation TicWJts,

for-mtire than six months^lid during;the whole.pcriod had the hest medical attendance;"but all to no use.— Having before healed an awful vyonud in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and IVi^'efore ga-va them a trial in her case, and fortunate i t ' WasI did so, for in less than a month-a perfect cure Was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived, from their use is rattlly astonishing. I'no'w.

I stronp-ly recommend the'tn to all my friends. (Sign»dr. FREDERICK. TURNER. ,

| The Pills bo'uld be used conjointly with the Oint. msiit Irrptost of the Mtmvtng case* • - -- — • '-

! Bad Legs, Corns (soft) Rheumatism -Bad Hreas^tf,' CancerB i Scalds

Burns, '' Contrsoted'.i;, Sore Nipples' Bunions, . ...Stiff Joints Sore Throats Bite of M « . Elephantiasis. Skin disoSses

chetnes and Fistulas Scurvy Sand-flies, Gout Soreheads /

Coco-bay, Glandular Tumours Ohi"ge-foot Swellings Ulcers ' Chilblains, lumbago wounds.

"••Chappedhand Piles Yaws Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway,2tt, Strand, (near Temple Bar, London) and by a!]r«snec-' table flruggistfl ana dealers in i&edicmes throuvnout trie Dritish EtnpirO. and of those''of the UnitM States, in Pots at 37Jo, 87c, and $1,00 each, wholesale by the principal Drug housesin the Union,and by Messrs. A, B. & D. Sands, New York.

fig?* There is a consldorabie-Baving by taking, the quality of 'goods; we sell as 'chep asjh'e^ebcaties". I'birger sizes. . v

dn'd for ready pay atitMe cheaper. " 'i .j N. B. Directions for tbeeiudsnce ofpatientsin ev-; -— " ^— ory diso/der are affixed to cacti Pot. " ' —« 10

O r T h e above medicine is for sale by H-.-M-. MURjBtOCtC^in Hievl l lage of P u l a s k f : , „.,

1 f k J O f l C E ' O F r.)iST.iliBUTION—Noiicci is here-J JLj hy given, that the balance remttinirigof the pro-

. L cecums of the sale of the real estate of.AmaziahDarrow suited to the Fa|l ,?md Winter T r a d e , and wtH'b'e | late of the town of Orwell, in the county of Oswego,

J O N K S & * M . ' U A i l T Y on h a n d again ns usual al the ;

W tfh-RlS we a re now v ieeeivinga"ruirsup-i )y ' ! j \ j of Choice Goods, selected wijli care, ant l icecdsi i f ' the sale of the real estate of.AmaziahDarrow,

—* •' ' " ' " ' ' i-*™ ..r *x.~ * . A* -rv——ii t— il.„ ......~V..i..f/.\~.

may kinds- o t P R E S H S E E D S d at the D r u g sto; ' fvt " ' - E, W . F O X .

Tan^a r i c .

aE O f t Q E T . P f i C K H A M win contract for •12ft0^0rds rieriv T a n Bark, to be delivered at

•his T a a n e r y i M h e trlllage-ot Ptt laski Hie cpm-ilurseason. ' . . . ' '

r I f persons interjdlrig3p,pea I B a t i t , wtfl cojl on him, at his Tanner) ' , .tfiby wilT, vritliont dbttbt, be

B'Hski, Afril 2jr l O T . ^ -

sold as low as the lowest among us can sell, to all . such a*s are in the habit 'pf paying for what they bay. A m o n g ou r assortment may be found qea r -

|.y al l kinds of Goods usualiy Irepi in this village.

*' ' IDYA7I © © © J D S j , Muslin DeLanes ,. Woolen Cloths ' AH wool DeLanes . Ca 'SSImerwind Satinetta. P r in t so fa l l kinds '•" Fancy Jea*s nm| Tweeds A l p a c a s , M o h a i r Lusff 's.Cotand"Wool Plaonels , Irish Si lk Popl ins , Wdolen Plaids , &c, . Cashmere and Woolen Long Shawls , l l o s i e ry , the best aSsoft,mcnt in tiiis tsiarkc'h Also a ^odd variety of

B O O T S A N D S t f O E S , Grocer ies , •0ru?*'s and'Medicines, Crockery,- Painm and Oils,

• .Hard W a r e , ' Sash, a hd Glass , " " , B ras s Kettles-, AVinds and Liquors .

WfeaTfe also now receiving a rot of 'itew and splen­did pa t te rns ot

Cooktirg and Parlw Staved, never befqre<iflercd in th is tnar ie l ,a ( rd al l wilfbe sold at low Jlgures to good paying 'custom6r»:— fiJoye P i p e affd T i n Ware alwa,ys-on hand.

J O N E S "& M c O A R T Y .

deceased, intestate lately made under the order ofthe Surrogate of said county, by Dorgb-sTiaiTow, the ad­ministratrix, wulA'bel Dnrrow, •the-ndrrtinistrator of all rind sinp^Hftr^tbe goods, cliattels and credits of tho said intestate, Will, be divided by th'4,saisl.Surre-gate among the creditors*of the siikl intestate, at the Surrogate'i.' Office in tho city pf-Oswego, on the 23d 'day'of May nox,t."at 10 o'clock? in the forenoon of that dav. .Dated this 28th day of Marclii A. D. 1853. 29:6w ' . ...„ J..'BROVVN, Surrogate."

Ti l E SUBSCRIBER has OD hand, a number of S L E I G H S a n d O U T T E U S . i t h d a l e o t c v e r a r "'

W A G O N S , made ii\t!he..bes|;and most fasliiqna^ ble manner , rind qf the best Ynalcr ial , tvh t t io fe •will sell-on as1 good terms as ean'r je-purthas»d eW-iwhere in this county. Fafnre-ra and oth^r"- (n warll ot Sleighs or CutlerPj a re paf licnlarly'kiv.r-t ed tog i 've him a call, as hefeeis.conJQderifolbe-ingnble to satisfy them. ft

**.. Livery Stable. K KCl t & ( " R A K D A L L , thankfu l for past la

m ^ , ^ y ^ l ( L s A y - t o the p u b l i c t h a t h e v s l i v . „ ^ . . v , ^ , , „ „ , „

aj their sltir^,>jpETreT3Hitrfi?cT— " " W\\ pu ^h 'S l r . ~ -^~-^~-

;U3PAIIUNG done op si ort notice and* in tbe bes^mannerj cheap. Produce received a t fai t pVi.ces. f- ' -

Shop opposite Matl iewson's Hote l , south side ofthe r iver . ,l C. C . H A R M O N . , .

Fregh Groceries,; "-• E . W . F O X '.'•'•>'

[JAS-fust received a good supply of Gro ceries, embrac ing all tbje leading articles in

...e l ine ' T b e y were brought on to be sold, and he is disposed to sell tbem a t the L O W E S T L I V ­I N G PRICES, A general stogk of D R U G S & M E D I C I N E S will also h i found at his stdre, e tn-b r a c i b g j h e l ead ing .prepared and patent metLP cines. Pork , F J o u r . L a r d , Cheese, Seeds, Pa in t s and UilS, Syifi t Gass7-arrd-<rgfea.t-va^ietj-4it o t b ~ er articles on hand. H i s goods have been se leo ted with c a r e , with '.pa.riiculaj relercnae, to fhe qual i ty , a n 8 he (eels- confident they will suit h i s customers. T h e patronage "of tlie public', o f all •who pay for goods, i s respectlully solicited.

OstoPer 2,52. E. W . F Q X .

FasMenable Emporium. ~~ M A S . . F R O W D ,

HA ^ retured from New York , and having ta­ken unwear ied pains in m'akihg choice se­

lections, she is now exhibi ' ing the most splendid assortments of M I L L I N E R Y GOODS fend

" F R E N C H S T Y L E S , fars.uperior in" qljality to S-ny over brought in town, . s n e h - a s Sntlins, Vel­vets, China Si lks , Embroider ies ot every discfip-tion, Riband, Gloves, Mitts^Yelvet [liband,rr|orn-ingCollarsJ 'Falls .and Love Veils^Galoons,-Cloak, and Press t r imings , of all- k inds too numerous to mention. A n d ' h a v i n g employed the most com­petent help in the county,„she feels confident of pleasingairtfho.lia.Vfi. .ex|iuiMle taste and good , 'udgement. Ladies , please" ficcept the tTia'nUsfit M r s . J. F rowd forpjjst,,patfpnage. and call a.nd ex­a m i n e tier new goods. ,Pril.asliri-N5&rv. 1st, 18S9;

T T t L O U R A N D TVrEAL.?- ' iKrfO'vy*LTON ,S J IVllLL" has been repaired, every part put in the best order,'nn'd a com\petent Miller employed. Custom Gr ind ing will be promptly Mieridea to Flonf and Mea l kept on hand at the Mill, and at the-Store of B-JMP'US & K>t(iwi.TOM-y-aR'goo<V:u)n article, and at as low prices a s can be lud else-.-where ir. town! D. O ; ' K N O W L T O N .

- Pulas-ki, February, .1. 1853.

pat merit of three hundred and three dollars'ftiid thirty tour cen t t tMia4! i ion"> - before the expiration of four veurs from thc'TKtebTsaru? mortgage, with i n v e s t niinuallv'from the said l§ th (lay.rf,BeBM'h»r*"l84ii--«' Hhiehsold'uoiTgnge is recorded ill the office jof ' the Clerk of Oswego county'jji .hoqlt 26 of mortgag(SB.on pages HO'and'ltO.^Aml-'Vhereas^cielWnlthad b*ea

-made fn-<he»payraent^fif t h e jmme^eenre"bVto-b")~paid:

hy saSl n ortgago.aiid there Is claimed to'uadue>,'ttien)-on at the time of the first -publication of jtbio notSco th< sum of three hundred and ninety two dollars and fTTncty eighrteltt37-{S392,9ft]-Tmd no prucReiHngs nt law h'nve'been jiftd tor thd* purpose of resHVoririS tbff same or any.part thereof., Now, therefore, tuSBep te hereby gixe, virtue pfo1is> of sale.'m s^id oaort. gage contained and of tlie statutes in stiori ease-inaae oss.i jiiwvrclEmtby prcmisirstlwcrib'eu^insnidme^&ilgef will be sold at puMic auction, a t the ^a!fnptr! River Hinisc now kept by E.-'BiEariiiih tlievilIageof*ulaii» ki, on tho 3d dnj of June next a t It o'elock jo the. fore

" V T J ofTteat doy. The premises are described inaaiil : i ' t a a - « Substantially a s follows,, i-iz: "All tbafcear. lAin'niec'e o r n ^ ^ 0 1 "fla»d being .and lying in the town

York, known a n d : d ^ > V i - ' " . " d - M . ^ l ^ S l « i S r .beginning at the north oast corner . f sM. * » " • § ™f""' ning from "thence paoferls.iiloRi—-^id neriv . l u i e * n | ! to the.cente.r'lrtli-e^9^<i4ioaai tu.- 'ee smith I t i u ^ wes,t along sajd road. 12 e!i..ins th^nCo ,""'rth 75dpgs. west 17 chains Hi) links t' 'ho uoit lino olsfeja'lot;— " thence nortlicrly along shift '.i e relflxllts t;o Uie'pjrie of beginning, cintaminv ^cvi'it-Ml and sixty nflis htu»iredthn .-.{..)v,rfi,"> j'-f 4:i'i:ri, '••• I'IO same'more dr less. Date,', l'.ihskt K I. -i-irV 1- ".fi. Wti.

l l l i . t t;. H;ti'iviiHiL,Mortgagee^ . MCCABTV & K ' M , At'.'yji.r'ttiv.liii. Oswego'co."N.Y.

A J O T J C E is herel-y ^iven aic. rdlng to law, to all 1 > pOTsons,bay>ii(t chains against Stephen Taylor Tate , 'f the town of Uichiand in the County of Qswego dercased, that they >rc required to exhibit the'snme with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, the Exec­utor of the last will and testament of the.sald deceased

mt his residence in the said town of Richland, on or before the 22d day of July next. Dated this.VJth day

January, 1853. S T E P H E N TI^KFJt,:E;Le.<-utor

N OTICE TO CREDITORS.— Notice is hereby given according-to law, to uH- persons Imving

claims against Tjujuiyroman.iate of theiotvn of Has-, tings in-tlic coUnt^WOsyve go, deceased, tlintthey-are rcquir'e'cHb exltttrit^fifr^mje_with.jhe vouchers thereof'

"i . WAi t lUl lTEB A CTT^ J ? ^ .

Erysipelas', Salt-Itoeuhi, Scrof­ulous Humors, Livey.Com- ,

.plaints, Canker, and all Diseases arising from -->,

Etnpure Blood." These medicines are the Scientific preparations of a

regular Physician. T H E S Y R U P is an article which stands iinrivalle J

and unequalled in this or a'nv other country as a great Humor Medicine. If is entirely different from any pre

'pirarjonof Saraaparilla or lloekmnd is fM- better tluyi. tftiy or all of them. It has now been tested In more 'than-60,0.00 cases, embracing persons of both sexes,, all -ages-ttrid-iii every station -of lifewuMLfoiuffl- iSic-atiovs named diseases, and as yet to our knowledge there has not been thefirst instance Where it has not done thework just as it was stated It would do. More tbivn WO.OOO cases of humors inoll their formsjiave been, treated and permanently cured by it. , , " " "

EfiYsirit'L^s.—Pstimjs wlio have syffered fro'm' this- t0-th% j ,u« cr lber, the AdmM«a to ro f all and singular distressing complaint -foryears,have m- every known ; the g,uds-.,phatt6ls"^ntTcTedits qfthesniadecfeasSd,at

~ " 7 . MEjqtOYjl V. •

A U- S T E V E N S h a s ; c m o v e d , h i s H a t , Cap' «-ahd F u r Store-to the Brick Bui lding four

doorsndrth o f the Pdst Ofiice. ; PMaski-,Nov,T8r>2.. ' • • . . , . "

SiJiNKLEY'S P A T E N T BEDSTEAD'S—su-.'i|lfcrior,and soack'no-wledfredhyallwjfdhave

rfsedtfiem, to any th ing heretofore' inveMed,now o n hand ol va r ious pat terns and prices, and for sa leon . reasor .ab le terms. G. Q J T R L E Y ^

- * > O T A T O E S A ; r S D U A R L E Y FOR'«JEliD>

FLANNEL"S7=A"goriit*asSBrtment of Flannels suitable for winter .wcht—also Cotlpri. JPlnn- .

nels, and a large stock of! W o m e n Hoods 'jnny be ' ^JliiUli1 1 1 B ' ' ' 8 5 3 ' C L A R K S V A R I E T V S T O R E . T h e i ' " "* """" examine the.

T h e subscr iber has sbout two hundrtd bush­e l s (if E A R L Y P O T A T O E S , and a quant i ty ol S E E D B A R L E Y , which he wil l . Sell at fair pri­c e s . . R e s i d e n c e 2 J miies nor th ef Pulaslfii ....

"* • 1. N . MEACFfAM.

case been cured by these medicines. -•At least 00,000 Salf Rheum Patients have used the

Syrup, together with the cerate, many of tbemVild and inveterate cases, and in ev,ery instance"effected a cure.

Fos A«. SCROFULOUS -Hir&ioss.—Tho Syjjip for them has no equal in Sdrsaparilla or any thing else. J P E M A L E ItaHEGULAiuTiES.—Mliero is no one Cause

AyTlieli produces a greater-amount of suffering than the '<5tioiis.__ In,tlieggjt re..;,, stores to. healtbiSteength and vigor, and enables nature to assuine hcr-natnral peridas." s - — • KunsiNo'SoKE MotiTH.—This truly distressing dis.

ease need no longer be the'drcad of nursing mothers, for there is now a reliablo remedy. The Syrup, together with {ho canker (lire, will at onco most effectually and permanently cure this disease.

. VKsEEifiAi-TAtNis-AJHjJljiRocrcKAJiJliSKAsr.a, are poisonous impurities of the bloqd, >which through their effect upon the glands arc felt in every part of the human system. In such cases, if there Was ever a-iirnretficjor any disease, the Syrup is for this. . , -—^_.. *

CAWIOK.—Neither of these articles are genuine with­out the signature of S. A. VY&AVKII & co: On the out . side wrapper. . r, .' Manufactured by S. A. W E A V E R &, co., NevwLon.

don. Conn, td'whom oil ordors must be addressed.' Soldby-H, MtmooCK & SON, Pulaski; tLgims. lVieic-

i co tS -G . Merriam, New Haven; H , &; F ; 'S . Stone1,'' .Seriba; Monroe & Woolsy, &ndy Creek; Ead efVlSfi' der, Mttir|isville; G,M. Hopkinoon.Ellisburg. 4$'




SUEJiSTINpS, Shir t ings 'ni id D'i»m£sllc"aond» (l Inige swprjr at Jhe lower! maikrt price, hi

T h U p repa ra t i on is iwarramcd lo exier.miijate llalsafrd-'Mice, frhjsnfi'renisecTksda'ecjed, and ' to

"leave no oiTerisiv'c stencfi on the premisls cleared of t l iese'-annbying vermin. Its uso is,xerl 'ectly safe in-any place and at al l t imesp whieh is not the case W,ith,ordiaary>emediesror l l i i scv i l , 1 Canition-i~bcwark ofcAuntcrJcils.--The extraordi­nary success of M.Dulioy's Rat Exte rmina tor h a s excited the eupidity. of some dishonest persons to counterfeit it.. Inquiry (or M . D n boy's Rat Ex ' c r -minntof a n d lake naotlicr. In large-boxes a t 25 cents each. Lvnde"ci.O;sburii, Rochester, N . Y.j bi le Amer ican Agent's, to whom all orders should be addressed; JOJjfeS & M c C A R T Y . ' A g e n t s . s

•"".-*. - _ ^ ~ R T M U l g O C K , & S O N , P u l a s U i . - *

D I S d O L U T j O N ,

TH E Copartnersh-ln^kn'own . a s R i c h a r d a : o i Waterbttfy is tbfs' day by mutttal consent

dissolved. Al. acod%s'«nl"b-(r8ei-tre''d,by'caJaV'

his residence in theeai' t i l '

N O T I C E T O C R E D I T O R S . " >< «•

NO T I C E is hereby given according to law, to-all persons bavjrig- -dlains agfllnst T h o m a s

Soul, late of the1 t o w n , 4 f Rich^OTid; i n . O s w e g o •Cmrmy.'deceaserji 'thudthey afe-requ'lred 16 ex­hibit lhe.same with the vouchers thereof t f i ' thg subscriber one of the Administfators oi ' the estate oi'the said deceased, a t his residence tn the SEid; town of fljchland tin the 26th d&y of September' next at 10 o'cl ck in the forenoon of that dav,— Dared, this 16th day of March , 1853. ' ' '

/ W O R T H S W A T E R S ' .

T h e Place to Buy 0 i e a p t ~ . A N G E L t v S E E L E Y ' " & C O .

ARd3-SELLING : O F F ' t h e Largest a n d Best .stock of Goods eiter offered Jftytfjilaski, at

lower p r ices for c a sh or ready pay tb j r j ' dan be had at any other store lii OsWigb"(jo&»iy: : In their stock wall be feopd " •'•"f • •

•y-AVavMoaaMe^CUiixkaaa prm- Go'octg; * . of the more rich and costly, ftjutfcs^attd-'tfftfterns ftnd an ettdlcas va r i e ty ot Pijrlt§?G1tighaniB, De- *. fittr«s,&o at priQeslhatdefycojnpetfHofl. ' Shawls , Ribbons, Jjaoes;' Slteetingsj :>Steftt»^l4ttd..ft- aiJU. stock of Domestic a n d FancyGo'oaS. ' '"-'•.'• "<

Clo ths a u ^ n e a t l y SWddd tJiotfiiiifeV • " "j for Gent lemen a n d Boys—a better s tock and ar . lower pr ices than c a n b e'wn. •

• • - ©--.ID. m ^ u u &&; 'T"* Teas , SugniR, Molasses , Spices, Fish,Saif, Dried Frtri t , and every artjele desiffid in.i.heline.•

GROCKERY,_ArVn" SHEtJ? H A R D A R E , . o f the mdst fashionable and l i e a u d M s t y l e s - r ^ a 'best assprtm.ent in town, - • _ . . •

IROif, STEEL, NAILS, GLASS,/ . .• Boots, Shoes ami Knbbers . H a t o a l K f e a w s and* a.large variety oi o ther ar"tleieBrtoo Dum'efotisno ;

mention, are kepfa t - this-.Store; TJie'*crv> bSs1

i n u r e m e n t s 08e5edt6^ oiSsiora«rs, P K O p t l C E C)F Att, KiNfi'S'

received fn »eha%toi>Gjtfo'ds. PhrmJ6r^ ittshhii to dispose of prodOtfe'-vyiTllirfa iit irj'tJieir $&&&

Rice and W m / W i t e r h t t r y .

| p 3 /daysman s u c h a c e o u h V w i l ' b e l'elf « f tX 'ectipn. • " JOHJJT 'BOK.Jf l

Pilaslt^, feb. 17th,

| E L F H A R D W 4 a E . - T h e s q b ^ r i b e r s 4 a V !t»-fitie-assowiiient 6f .Cutlefy. Boot1 TMni"-

S. & c etnhrnrino- h f»sn.M.tir>.JiL«u Ji.di._i

'Wi wwm

• ^ [ . e r * * . ^ . . '•• • ^»>x • „ - v , . ; * ''.Tiil»s'STtp!*SSfe4L_'-'-'-«''.~-~^»»V>;>,. ,...• • f,'V,',