wiiskiiaifite6 '' wb.,,( the' daily bulletin · tin, copper and sheet iron worker,...

w H." No. 2M. II. I., 13, OENT8 GUD80niPTI0N PER MONTH. m-.- i Ml I'll Pw J A. IH Y:;; fsl mi 5r 3.- Mil r I1" ' ? THE'" s ,1 I " .! CO ' I : r r , u ' , The Paily Bulletin Is JAiulfsIiwl every morning by tlio Daily Bulletin 1'ujii.tshino Co., nml circulated througliont the town, nnd forwarded to the other Islands by cv6ry opportunity. 50 cts. per month. G. Ciuisox Kknyox, . . Editor. All business to bo ml. dressed, Manager Dully HhIIcIIii, Post Onieo Box No. 14. Tclephouo 250. .T. G. Ci.nvion, Manager. A GOOD STORY THOUGH NOT TRUE Mnny Iinvo wondered why thcro liasliccn any hazing nt Harvard, for tlio past thrco months. In nil tlmt tiino thcro 1ms not been a etiso of hazing' reported, nnd soino have coiuo to tlio conclusion t)mt tlio hazcrs linvo met with a change of licnrt. It is not exactly a change of heart, but a chango of clothes that nils them. Wo arc informed that has been broken up'; Just after v Sullivan whipped ltyan ho was called to Harvnrd, and n plan of breaking up hazing was unfolded to him by tho faculty, and lid fell into it readily, Ho was to attiro himself as a Quaker young man, and apply for admission as n freshman, and let nature tako its, coursed ' On tho first day of April Mr. Sullivan appeared at the college under the name of Abija 'Watson, and was assigned to a room, nnd placed on the roll of freshmen. His appenrnnco waa commented op, nnd ns ho passed through tho collage groundsi with his peculiar garb, young fellows shouted, "Shoot tho lnit," "get on to his nibs," and other collegiate literature. It was all Mr. Sullivan could do to restrain himself from whipping a couplo of dozsn of then and, there, but ho" decided to wait until tho proper time, when ho ' would bo able to get enough for a mess. That evening howns by n young man who to bo his friend, and invited to accompany him to a room whero a fow boys wero going to open a fow bottlo of wine. Adija said verily he didn't go much on the sinful beverage, but to oblige his friend ho wctit with him to a lnrgc room where sovonty smnrt young follows were with all of tho for hazing. Sullivan says thcro were soventy, but, tho faculty only found sixtyfivo smart Alecks when tho door was opened,' but Sullivan thinks a fow might lmvof jumped out of tho wiudow-au- took to tho woods. It seems that when they got tho "Quaker" into tho room thoy looked tho door, and tho told the peaceful man to strip off his coat, vest, and shirt, lie objected, but finally took them off. Somo of the fellows who havo sinco got out of the hospital, say they noticed, when ho removed his slnrt, that he was put up liko a hired man. and they thought it queer that a Quaker should havo an arm as big ns a canvassed ham. Thoy then told him to "prepare to ncct his Quel," nnd got out tho iron to brand him on tho back, Ho told thorn tl)at ; hq' knew ho was in there power and was willing to submit to anything that wns right, but ho asked ns a favor not to bear on him too hard, as ho ,wus of a nervous and might faint. T.hcu. tljoy decided not to brand him until lutar, but would throw him up in a blanket first. So thoy got tho blanket' nnd tipped Sullivan over in twenty of the smartest hold of tho sides and tjaaad him up. When hecamo down lie knocked four followed senseless with his fists, kicked four moro ncross tho room, and then got on his foot and begam to knock them right nndTiloft. Ilo.liod knooked down about twenty, nnd hod stoppod to spit' on his hands, when the rest of tlio linzcrs huddled into a comer nud proposed to'put an oud to tho One said: "CTgood Mr. Qu'flkcrj plciiso lot us njpiio. Wo families, nnd won't ,d , so an more." SulUvnn looked at them, and snid: "It is lidzhig can tv.,P- - oa page.) ''wiiSkiiaifite6 " '"' WB.,,""( ' .1 DAILY BULLETIN HONOLULU, MONDAY, NOVEMBER ,1882.. Subscription, communications thpphazing. effectually; thbjttoyg approached pretended congregated, appliances ringleader tnipcramont itMiibout lmofstook slaughter. bolon'to'rcspoctablo yoz'.wnut. VolnTyoss (c'ontlUUcd B. F. EIILERS Vfe Co., All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 GOODS IMPORTERS, DELIGHTFUL NEWS! TO THE LADIES OF HONOLULU AND THE VARIOUS ISLANDS. MRS. A.M. MELLIS who is admitted to bo the lending Millinery and Drew-make- r, modesto In the Kingdom, begs hiivo to sny to her ninny numerous Lady friends that her now clock of Demit If til goods recently ordered nro now beginning to arrive, which iiieludo nil the very latest French nnd American fashions, In Ladles' and Childien's hats and bonnets nnd dress patterns of rich and rare designs. MRS. MELLIS strictly superintends nil work, nnd being nlwnys so thoroughly competent nnd particular with her patrons' orders, It Is not strnugc that all Ladles of fashion and tasto are her customers. Lndlcs with their children nro Invited to call nnd sco samples of tho new Fall and Winter styles lii'hcr Millinery department, and alo to see the new and Intest plumes, fcnthers'triirhnlngs, etc. Every pains taken to please the most fnstcdlous and all work guaranteed in ovcry respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. M. MELLIS, JPro2rictoi; Bargains will be sold at tlio above Estab-- 1 lisliment previous to the arrival of Holiday Goods ! A. M. MELLIS, 101 A. KltAFT, J EWELER, IOPTICI ANj Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities, more in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 lug, opposite the Bank. Chns. D. Gcmscli, Practical "Watchmaker. Hotel Street, onnoslte tlio 12a 3m International Hotel, -- a D, W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nice stock of SGfWatches, Clocks and JewolryTBa- - licpalrlng Watches and Clocks a Speci- alty, No. 55 Hotel Street. 32 Telephone, No. 240. Notice. DURING my absence from this King, Mr. Thomas Tannatt will net for me under a full Power of Attor- ney. D. W. CLARK. N.B. In order to make room for a larger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr. Tannatt will sell the clocks, &c., &c, now on hand, at greatly reduced prices. 22(i Artesian Ice Works qtHSHBsmtL ICE DELIVKBEI) to all parts of tho and snburbs. )rders from tho other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Ollleu nt W. E. FosTini's, Saddler, Fort street. 150 'TclcplionoNo. 111. 2m ICE 3LNUFACronV. HONOLULU to nil parts of tho City. Shipping supplied In quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 6. Ollleo at Wilder & Co.'s, 18 Irrigation I IRRIGATION, nfterthls dntc, is except between The lIourH or OtoHa. m. nnA 4 to O v. m. CHA8. B. WILSON, Superintendent Water Works. Approved: J:o. E. llt'sit, Minister or Interior. .Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1882, 120 DRY for ' : the Hecolvod by ovcry steamer Fost street, Honolulu. HS.THEGLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. Itobtrt Lcvtorf , (?. M. Cooke. L EWERS & COOKE, (succesors to Lowers & Dleksnn,) Importers nnd Dealers in LunnVr and all kinds of Duiltling Materials, Fort itrcct, Hoooliiln ' WILDER & Co., Dealers in Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st;., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers in Lumber nnd all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nnlls, etc. 71 BROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical GnsFittors and Copper- smiths, No. 16 Niiimnust., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 CIIR. GEltTZ, No. 80 Fort st. Impor'cr nnd dealer in Gent's. Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes nnd slippers. G3 BROWN & CO., Importers nnd In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. U Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 Jt HONOLULU IRON &4) Works Co. ,Stenm engines, sugar Vr mills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brnss nnd lead castings; machinery of every description niadu to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmitliing. Job work executed on short notice. I Ck WEST, Carriage f Builder. Ruggies, Cnrringes, Express Wagons nnd every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blncksmithlng, horse-shoein- g, and nil kinds of repairing dotic. Wilson Brothers, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a specialty A llrst-clas- s man being specially engaged for that work. Ship work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.201 TIIE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pak Aina," owned and edited by Kawainui Bros, ; has n weekly edition of 3,200 copies, nnd is tlio best advertising medium, Of- fice, No,' 0 Merchant ut. 1 . l' FORTS$REET. Commission Morchants. Geo. NY. Miicfiirlnnc. H. It. Macfarhuic. 0. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MEIt. CHANTS AM) Sutiav Factors, Flre-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen sticet, Honolulu. H. I. Aor.NTS for The Walkapti Sugar Plantation, Maul, Tiie Spencer Sugar I'litntntion, Hawaii, Tho lleeia Sugar Plnntntlf n, Oalui, initio nugar .mil, .nam, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maul, Puuloa Sheep Ibincli Co., Hnwnll, J. Fowler is Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway "Works, Leeds, Mlrrlccs. Watson & Co's Sugar Mitchln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Pnckets. 1W Clnnn Si'rcckiK Wm. (1. Irwin. WM. " G. IllWIN & COMPANY, ' Sugar Factors nnd Commission Agents, Honolulu. l XT HACKFELD & COMPANY, -- General Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. l AS. CLEGHORN &. Co., Importers Commission Merchants, Deal- ers in General Merchandise, Queen and Kaaliumniiii sts., Honolulu. 78 II. A. I. CAtlcr. p. c. Jonci", Jr. (1 BREWER & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. l T HEO. H. DAVIES ,t CO., Import- ers nnd Commission Merchants; ngents for Lloyd's and tho Liverpool Underwriters, British nnd Foreign In. surance Company, nnd Northern Assur. ancc Company. 71 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer nnd Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 jVT S. GRINBAUM & CO., "' Importers of Genornl Commission Mcrchunts H1.110I11I11. j TVT S. GRINBAUM & CO. , L1J- - Commission Merelinuts, 124 Cn ifotnln street, Snu Francisco, Cnl. j "P T. L II N E II AN & C O ., - Importers and Commission Mer-chant- s, Nuuniut st., Honolulu. l S. N. CaMlc. J, u. Athertoii. fl A S TLE & C f) O KE , Shipping and Commission Mer. chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen. end Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. 1 WO CHAN & Co., Importers ami General Dealers In English. American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. APio, white nnd colored con- tract matting, nil qualities and prices. BST No. 22 Ntiuniiu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. m No Bush Whackincr Hera. iiivja B.YYJsu ny pur. chasing your JsMT"' Horse Equipments From W. FENNELL. SZj3& Practical Mechanic, 02 King street. tSTNo Peter Funk stock here. 200 A. S. CLEGHORN & Co. Have received a large assortment of Colonial Saddles, to suit all classes of purchasers, per S. B. 181 Australia. JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gns Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock nnd metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. Cs Medium Bread, ex C.tlbailcn, for sale hi quantities to suit by Ob A. 8. Ci.Kflilonx & L'o. Just Received ex Kalnkaua, Tabic and Pio Fruits, Nice llrcaUust Goods, such as Candle Fish, Salmon and Pin Pork In 511). Tins, Suitable for families. For sale by 00 A. S, CLiiUltoiiN Co. Professionals. W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Lnw. Agent to take acknowledgments of Instruments. Kniihiininnu st., Honolulu. -'- Oil J. M. MONSARRAT, A' TTOItNEV ruiiiic. AT LAW nnd Notary Heal Estate in any part of the Kingdo bought, and leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Mcicliimt st. (Gazelle Block), 1UU Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Sll. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub- - No. l'i Kaahiiniiiiiu st. 1L T M. DAVIl)SON,Attonicy aiLm u 24 Mereluint street. Id pllANCfs M.HATcIl, Attornoy - at Law, 15 Kanhuinanu st. 23 Itr.SSr.M., Attorney at Law, Ollleu, corner of Foil and Merchant streets (up stairs') 1 15 Km AIM) V. B1CKEHTON, Attornpv mill nnllllMi.tlnr nf. T nw. Money to lend on Moitgages of Free- holds. Olllee, No. Jit Meicliiint st. 1 flECIL RROWNr A'lTORNET and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub- lic, ami Agent for taking Aekmm ledg-meu- ts of Iiis'.riihients for the Island ot Oaliu. No. 8 Kniihutimmi street, llono-lnl- u. 1 WILLIAM O. S.MITII, Lnw, No. 30 Merchant street. 7!) lm DR. G. TOU.SSEAU"beg7ti) noMfy friends that ho has retimed practice in Honolulu. Residence anil consulting rooms, No. 711 Puiiehbov,l st, opposite the inakal gate of the Queen's Hospital. CuiMilllii;: hours from 0 a.m to 12. Telephone No. ISM. CO lm KMr.KSON. residence and rooms at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 1 III. 53 2m "I O. BEItaEIl, KAAllt'StAXU HTIiliCT, General Agent for The N. Y. Lire Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(llmitd) Mnciiealu & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springllcld Gas Maehlnc Gns Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. ;w3 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Stieet, - . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape Xlioi:o"i;ixlCM,!i. ' itiO ly QIIARLES T. GULICK, NO'l'ARY PUBLIC, Agent to tnkc Aekiiowledginents to M Labor Contracts, 1) GENKKAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllee, InMakee's Bloek, corner Queen nud Kaahumauu stn-jt- s, Honolulu. 21 TTTILLIAM AULD, Agent to VY take Ackuowledgmeuts to Con tracts for Labor for the District of Komi Island of Oaliu, nt the olllee of Hie Hono- lulu Waterworks, fool of Nuuantt st. 18!) tf TOILN A. HASSINGER, " A 'cut tit ... tnkn ....... .,.......,...,,,. Ai'WnnwItMl'tnn'tiU .., . In. ,U Contracts for Labor. Interior '.'fllee, Honolulu. WC. AKANA, Cliineso nud Hawaiian Trans- lator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the nliovs languages ninilc with accuracy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 200 II. IIRUNS, Cooper and Ganger, Water Tanks of any dimensions, Cooperage, No. Ill Foil street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shook and Hoop Iron eon. 221 stnntly on hnnd and for sale, ly A FRESH LOT OF WATERS' Colonial Candies Just received nt A. S. Gloghorn & Co's, 181 per S.S. Australia. t3y Gent's Evening Dress Coats and Suits to be hud at the Honolulu Cloth. Ing Emporium of A. M. Mp.lms, No. 104 Fori street. 02 2w PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HOltN, Practical Confectionet, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel st. Tolophorn 74. RG. II. ROBERTSON, i. Drayman best teams In town. Tclcplwuo No. 05, IS w hJ, 11 ," .' 4r& .S! lr.! SW A m M v .u; Si W; "VS . !' 'ft tf a ''i' . w . (fy ft ri d K M ) - i it M m . f . 9; ,$ ,fc ,ji' , v

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Page 1: wiiSkiiaifite6 '' WB.,,( THE' DAILY BULLETIN · Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gns Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock nnd metals, House Furnishing


No. 2M. II. I., 13, OENT8GUD80niPTI0N


m-.- i








fslmi 5r





,1I " .!





r r , u'

, The Paily BulletinIs JAiulfsIiwl every morning by tlio

Daily Bulletin 1'ujii.tshino Co.,nml circulated througliont the town, nndforwarded to the other Islands by cv6ryopportunity.

50 cts. per month.G. Ciuisox Kknyox, . . Editor.All business to bo ml.

dressed, Manager Dully HhIIcIIii, PostOnieo Box No. 14. Tclephouo 250.

.T. G. Ci.nvion, Manager.


Mnny Iinvo wondered why thcroliasliccn any hazing nt Harvard, fortlio past thrco months. In nil tlmttiino thcro 1ms not been a etiso ofhazing' reported, nnd soino havecoiuo to tlio conclusion t)mt tliohazcrs linvo met with a change oflicnrt. It is not exactly a change ofheart, but a chango of clothes thatnils them. Wo arc informed that

has beenbroken up'; Just after v Sullivanwhipped ltyan ho was called toHarvnrd, and n plan of breaking uphazing was unfolded to him by thofaculty, and lid fell into it readily,Ho was to attiro himself as a Quakeryoung man, and apply for admissionas n freshman, and let nature tako its,coursed ' On tho first day of AprilMr. Sullivan appeared at the collegeunder the name of Abija 'Watson,and was assigned to a room, nndplaced on the roll of freshmen. Hisappenrnnco waa commented op, nndns ho passed through tho collagegroundsi with his peculiar garb,young fellows shouted, "Shoot tholnit," "get on to his nibs," and othercollegiate literature. It was all Mr.Sullivan could do to restrain himselffrom whipping a couplo of dozsn of

then and, there, but ho"

decided to wait until tho proper time,when ho ' would bo able to getenough for a mess. That eveninghowns by n young manwho to bo his friend, andinvited to accompany him to a roomwhero a fow boys wero going toopen a fow bottlo of wine. Adijasaid verily he didn't go much onthe sinful beverage, but to obligehis friend ho wctit with him to alnrgc room where sovonty smnrtyoung follows werewith all of tho for hazing.Sullivan says thcro were soventy,but, tho faculty only found sixtyfivosmart Alecks when tho door wasopened,' but Sullivan thinks a fowmight lmvof jumped out of thowiudow-au- took to tho woods. Itseems that when they got tho"Quaker" into tho room thoy lookedtho door, and tho toldthe peaceful man to strip off his

coat, vest, and shirt, lie objected,but finally took them off.

Somo of the fellows who havosinco got out of the hospital, saythey noticed, when ho removed hisslnrt, that he was put up liko a hiredman. and they thought it queer thata Quaker should havo an arm as bigns a canvassed ham. Thoy thentold him to "prepare to ncct hisQuel," nnd got out tho iron to brandhim on tho back, Ho told thorntl)at ; hq' knew ho was in therepower and was willing to submit toanything that wns right, but hoasked ns a favor not to bear on himtoo hard, as ho ,wus of a nervous

and might faint. T.hcu.tljoy decided not to brand him untillutar, but would throw him up in ablanket first. So thoy got thoblanket' nnd tipped Sullivan over in

twenty of the smartesthold of tho sides and

tjaaad him up. When hecamo downlie knocked four followed senselesswith his fists, kicked four moroncross tho room, and then got on hisfoot and begam to knock them rightnndTiloft. Ilo.liod knooked downabout twenty, nnd hod stoppod tospit' on his hands, when the rest oftlio linzcrs huddled into a comernud proposed to'put an oud to tho

One said: "CTgood Mr.Qu'flkcrj plciiso lot us njpiio. Wo

families, nndwon't ,d , so an more." SulUvnnlooked at them, and snid: "It is

lidzhig cantv.,P- - oa page.)

''wiiSkiiaifite6" '"' WB.,,""( ' .1




thpphazing. effectually;









yoz'.wnut. VolnTyoss(c'ontlUUcd

B. F. EIILERS Vfe Co.,

All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71




MRS. A.M. MELLIS who is admitted to bo the lending Millinery and Drew-make- r,

modesto In the Kingdom, begs hiivo to sny to her ninny numerous Ladyfriends that her now clock of Demit If til goods recently ordered nro now beginningto arrive, which iiieludo nil the very latest French nnd American fashions, InLadles' and Childien's hats and bonnets nnd dress patterns of rich and raredesigns.

MRS. MELLIS strictly superintends nil work, nnd being nlwnys so thoroughlycompetent nnd particular with her patrons' orders, It Is not strnugc that all Ladlesof fashion and tasto are her customers.

Lndlcs with their children nro Invited to call nnd sco samples of tho new Falland Winter styles lii'hcr Millinery department, and alo to see the new and Intestplumes, fcnthers'triirhnlngs, etc. Every pains taken to please the most fnstcdlousand all work guaranteed in ovcry respect.


Bargains will be sold at tlio above Estab-- 1

lisliment previous to the arrival ofHoliday Goods !

A. M. MELLIS, 101


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities,more in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

lug, opposite the Bank.

Chns. D. Gcmscli,Practical "Watchmaker.

Hotel Street, onnoslte tlio12a 3m International Hotel, -- a

D, W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock of

SGfWatches, Clocks and JewolryTBa- -

licpalrlng Watches and Clocks a Speci-alty, No. 55 Hotel Street. 32

Telephone, No. 240.

Notice.DURING my absence from this King,

Mr. Thomas Tannatt willnet for me under a full Power of Attor-ney. D. W. CLARK.

N.B. In order to make room for alarger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr.Tannatt will sell the clocks, &c., &c,now on hand, at greatly reduced prices.


Artesian Ice Works

qtHSHBsmtLICE DELIVKBEI) to all parts of tho

and snburbs.)rders from tho other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Ollleu nt W. E. FosTini's, Saddler,

Fort street.150 'TclcplionoNo. 111. 2m

ICE 3LNUFACronV.HONOLULU to nil parts of thoCity. Shipping supplied In quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 6. Ollleo atWilder & Co.'s, 18

Irrigation I

IRRIGATION, nfterthls dntc, isexcept between

The lIourH or OtoHa. m.nnA 4 to O v. m.

CHA8. B. WILSON,Superintendent Water Works.

Approved: J:o. E. llt'sit,Minister or Interior.

.Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1882, 120

DRY for ' :


Hecolvod by ovcry steamer

Fost street, Honolulu.


Itobtrt Lcvtorf , (?. M. Cooke.

L EWERS & COOKE,(succesors to Lowers & Dleksnn,)

Importers nnd Dealers in LunnVr and allkinds of Duiltling Materials, Fort itrcct,Hoooliiln '

WILDER & Co., Dealers inPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort and Queen st;., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers inLumber nnd all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nnlls, etc. 71

BROWN & PHILLIPS, PracticalGnsFittors and Copper-

smiths, No. 16 Niiimnust., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

CIIR. GEltTZ, No. 80 Fort st.Impor'cr nnd dealer in Gent's.

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes nndslippers. G3

BROWN & CO., Importers nndIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. U Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

Jt HONOLULU IRON&4) Works Co. ,Stenm engines, sugarVr mills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brnss

nnd lead castings; machinery of everydescription niadu to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blacksmitliing.Job work executed on short notice. I

Ck WEST,Carriage f Builder.

Ruggies, Cnrringes, Express Wagons

nnd every kind of vehicles


Blncksmithlng, horse-shoein- g,

and nil kinds of repairing dotic.

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a specialty

A llrst-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.201

TIIE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPak Aina," owned and

edited by Kawainui Bros, ; has nweekly edition of 3,200 copies, nndis tlio best advertising medium, Of-

fice, No,' 0 Merchant ut. 1



FORTS$REET.Commission Morchants.

Geo. NY. Miicfiirlnnc. H. It. Macfarhuic.0. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


Sutiav Factors,Flre-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen sticet,

Honolulu. H. I.Aor.NTS for

The Walkapti Sugar Plantation, Maul,Tiie Spencer Sugar I'litntntion, Hawaii,Tho lleeia Sugar Plnntntlf n, Oalui,initio nugar .mil, .nam,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maul,Puuloa Sheep Ibincli Co., Hnwnll,J. Fowler is Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway "Works, Leeds,Mlrrlccs. Watson & Co's Sugar Mitchln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Pnckets.


Clnnn Si'rcckiK Wm. (1. Irwin.WM."

G. IllWIN & COMPANY,' Sugar Factors nnd Commission

Agents, Honolulu. lXT HACKFELD & COMPANY,

-- General Commission Agents,Queen street, Honolulu. l

AS. CLEGHORN &. Co., ImportersCommission Merchants, Deal-

ers in General Merchandise, Queen andKaaliumniiii sts., Honolulu. 78

II. A. I. CAtlcr. p. c. Jonci", Jr.

(1 BREWER & CO.,Shipping and Commission Merchants

Queen street, Honolulu. l

THEO. H. DAVIES ,t CO., Import-ers nnd Commission Merchants;

ngents for Lloyd's and tho LiverpoolUnderwriters, British nnd Foreign In.surance Company, nnd Northern Assur.ancc Company. 71

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer nnd Dealer In General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

jVT S. GRINBAUM & CO.,"' Importers of GenornlCommission Mcrchunts

H1.110I11I11. jTVT S. GRINBAUM & CO. ,L1J- - Commission Merelinuts, 124Cn ifotnln street, Snu Francisco,Cnl. j

"P T. L II N E II A N & C O .,- Importers and Commission Mer-chant- s,

Nuuniut st., Honolulu. lS. N. CaMlc. J, u. Athertoii.

fl A S T L E & C f) O K E ,Shipping and Commission Mer.

chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen.end Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. 1

WO CHAN & Co.,Importers ami General Dealers

In English. American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. APio, white nnd colored con-tract matting, nil qualities and prices.

BST No. 22 Ntiuniiu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. m

No Bush Whackincr Hera.iiivja B.YYJsu ny pur.

chasing your JsMT"'Horse EquipmentsFrom W. FENNELL. SZj3&

Practical Mechanic, 02 King street.tSTNo Peter Funk stock here. 200

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.Have received a large assortment of

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of purchasers, per S. B.

181 Australia.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gns Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock nnd metals,House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Cs Medium Bread,ex C.tlbailcn, for sale hi

quantities to suit byOb A. 8. Ci.Kflilonx & L'o.

Just Receivedex Kalnkaua,

Tabic and Pio Fruits,Nice llrcaUust Goods, such as

Candle Fish, Salmon and

Pin Pork In 511). Tins,

Suitable for families. For sale by00 A. S, CLiiUltoiiN Co.


W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorneynnd Counsellor at Lnw.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofInstruments.

Kniihiininnu st., Honolulu. -'-Oil



AT LAW nnd Notary

Heal Estate in any part of the Kingdobought, and leased, on


Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 Mcicliimt st. (Gazelle Block),1UU Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Sll. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub--No. l'i Kaahiiniiiiiu st. 1L

T M. DAVIl)SON,Attonicy aiLmu 24 Mereluint street. Id

pllANCfs M.HATcIl, Attornoy- at Law, 15 Kanhuinanu st. 23

Itr.SSr.M., Attorney at Law,Ollleu, corner of Foil and Merchant

streets (up stairs') 1 15 Km

AIM) V. B1CKEHTON,Attornpv mill nnllllMi.tlnr nf. T nw.

Money to lend on Moitgages of Free-holds. Olllee, No. Jit Meicliiint st. 1

flECIL RROWNr A'lTORNETand Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-

lic, ami Agent for taking Aekmm ledg-meu- ts

of Iiis'.riihients for the Island otOaliu. No. 8 Kniihutimmi street, llono-lnl- u.


WILLIAM O. S.MITII,Lnw, No. 30 Merchant

street. 7!) lm

DR. G. TOU.SSEAU"beg7ti) noMfyfriends that ho has retimed

practice in Honolulu. Residence anilconsulting rooms, No. 711 Puiiehbov,l st,opposite the inakal gate of the Queen'sHospital. CuiMilllii;: hours from 0 a.mto 12. Telephone No. ISM. CO lm

KMr.KSON. residence androoms at No. 2 Kukul st.,

corner of Fort.Telephone No. 1 III. 53 2m

"I O. BEItaEIl,

KAAllt'StAXU HTIiliCT,General Agent for

The N. Y. Lire Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(llmitd)Mnciiealu & Urban Safes,Tho Celebrated Springllcld Gas MaehlncGns Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Stieet, - . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

Xlioi:o"i;ixlCM,!i. 'itiO ly


Agent to tnkc Aekiiowledginents toM


Olllee, InMakee's Bloek, corner Queennud Kaahumauu stn-jt- s, Honolulu. 21

TTTILLIAM AULD, Agent toV Y take Ackuowledgmeuts to Con

tracts for Labor for the District of KomiIsland of Oaliu, nt the olllee of Hie Hono-lulu Waterworks, fool of Nuuantt st.

18!) tf

TOILN A. HASSINGER," A 'cut tit... tnkn....... .,.......,...,,,.Ai'WnnwItMl'tnn'tiU.., . In.,UContracts for Labor. Interior '.'fllee,Honolulu.

WC. AKANA,Cliineso nud Hawaiian Trans-

lator and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the nliovslanguages ninilc with accuracy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 200

II. IIRUNS, Cooper and Ganger,Water Tanks of any dimensions,

Cooperage, No. Ill Foil street,Honolulu.

Oil Casks, Shook and Hoop Iron eon.221 stnntly on hnnd and for sale, ly


Colonial CandiesJust received nt

A. S. Gloghorn & Co's,181 per S.S. Australia.

t3y Gent's Evening Dress Coats andSuits to be hud at the Honolulu Cloth.Ing Emporium of A. M. Mp.lms, No. 104Fori street. 02 2w



F. HOltN, Practical Confectionet,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Tolophorn 74.

RG. II. ROBERTSON,i. Drayman best teams

In town. Tclcplwuo No. 05, IS











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Page 2: wiiSkiiaifite6 '' WB.,,( THE' DAILY BULLETIN · Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gns Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock nnd metals, House Furnishing

' .




91 ;r





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rfPfg JY7Tr:WHPH' JWPRfmw-whhmfn- . $r. wi

iSxJKmMiimit.: '" Kwf&fKuS.in9?!k hxir' -- .Trigpstiifej

'MONDAY, NOV. 13, 188-- '.


Ilnrmony Lodge, I.O.O.F.. 7:00.Anatolia Lodge, T.O.O.T., 7:00.G.A.lt.,K. of P. Hall, 7:30.

the Home of santa claus.On Kutimlny inorniiig Mr. Thrum's

Fort Street Stoic wns asndveitised to display llio Cliribltunsnovelties illicit Mr. Thrum hadordeied on liia recent visit to thoCoast.

The. first thing noliccnblc was abeautifully decorated sign paintedby Mr. G. C. Slraleineycr, giving aportrait of our old friend SantaClaus as a liussiau peasant, andconveying the information that thiswas tho head-quarte- rs of SantaClaus.

The inauku window was lilted witha tastefully ariangcd sample of the

oiuv.iv insult uuuivcj,

cards, boxes, &e., distributed injoybus profusion waked the appe-

tite of the passer-b- y. The tnakaiwindow w'sis devoted to att statues,fiamcs, pictuics fdled the smallspace, and seemed to overllow in alldiieetions. Central in this windowwas the beautiful coloied pictureMorning Glories.

Ou entering the shop appeared tohave no place to plant the foot,everything becmed to be ciowdedwith beautiful ohjets de vcrltt.Tables were loaded with a profusionof toys, books, statuary and bronzes.The Hi si thing Ave noticed was theelegant display of work baskets anduicknacks in leather, plush, wood&c. in a show-cas- e opposite thedoor. Our special fancy in thisline was a neat olivcwood glove andwoik-bo.- v, aitistically curved andopening by a neat mechanical

Then we passed on to the tables,slopping not longer than to cursorilyglance over tho piles of to3's" dolls,some of which wcie in neat littleboxes accompanied by a full ward-

robe, velocipedes, paint boxes, teaand dinner sets, kaleidoscopes,btcrcoscopcs and engravings. Finallywe came to the object of our search

the books.And we were well 1 awarded for

our lioublcs for hcic were hundicdsand bundieds of books in all stylesof litcratuio and vaiicd methods of

binding, books in cloth, book in

boxes, books in libiaiies, in factbooks cvciy way you wanted them.

"Wo have taken 11 few notes ofwhat wc saw in the book line asspecially woilhy tho attention of ouricadeiB which wc present in the

rough f01 m wc noted them down :

Children's libraries in ash cases,Cosy corner seiies, The Little Sun-shin- e

seiies, with many other boxesof books, will biing joy to the familythey aic taken into.

Two finely illustrated gift booksfor tho drawing room table aic,"Washington nnd The Gicat Paintersof Chiistcndom. What marvels ofbinding, cngiaving and lcttcr-pies- s

aie pioduced in these days. Nextw c came across a beautiful case as a

present for n devout friend. The De-

vout Clnssieb. Then the llcntiiccUirthday book designed last year by

II. H. II. Piinccss Beatrice ofEngland, which has been pioducedin all uly royal stylo from its bind-

ing in vellum cloth and gold to tho

artistic colored paintings, which

adorn its contents.Lucille, by Owen Meredith, is a

truly gorgeous setting a splendidpoem. Ticc-cal- f binding, steel en-

graving, apd tho cuiniingest littlewood cuts scattered through tholetler-pics- s, make this a veritableedition de luxe.

Transput cut photographs on glass

next caught our attention. Then11 beautiful gift book, Indian Sum-

mer. Autumn poems and sketches.Science was icmcbontcd by anelaborate disquisition ou tho Horsein motion illustrated by Muybridgc'sphotographs. Famous Pinks andGardeis of the world shows us

what KapiolauiPaik maybe in time.Tile JMctlltemuiwu, Illustrated,

.. ;...mVLdfe

Oxfoul Bibles from Nelson & Sons,Teachers' editions, some of themwith patent indexes which arc justthe thing to enable you to find anyplace you want at a, moment'snotice. All these and more arcciowded into our mcmoiies.

Then wo looked at the collectionof Cluistmas cards which this yeararc marvels of ait of some of themwc can say that they arc fit to bethe sole ornament of a room theyarc so divinely beautiful. Then thonovelties in book binding wcicbhown us, tho Christmas stocking,Cluistmas bell, the Cross, each ofwhich is stamped out in the shape ofits name, and bcais poetical extractsrelative to tho season. The purpleand gold leaflets tied together witha knot of purple libbou arc samplesof what icsthcticism has done forbooks. Aldinc Autograph Albums,photos of Ideal heads, devotionalbooks in limp hand painted covers,lace patterns for borders of Christ-

mas cauls, all mix themselves upconfusedly in our memory, but wc

must say Mr. Thrum has done n

gi cat deal for the education of thecountry, by bringing into it such avaried display of art and ait treas-

ures for distribution amongst us.Wo hope his enterprise will be amplylepaid.

SHIPPING NOTES.The schooners Jennie Walker and

General Scigcl will be hove down.The Mokolii left yesterday morn-

ing for Koolati. She will return onWednesday.

The Likelikc yesterday brought310 bag? of sugar.

LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS.Mil. A. G. Kllis sold 5 shares of

Star Mills at $500 each on Satur-day.

Ik you want to sec a duck pondon the street, go to Queen street,malcai of the Government Building.

It appears that thcro is no moneyin the Treasury. Nobody can gettheir bills paid.

A lot of new books have been re-

ceived and placed in the Govern-

ment Building Library.

Gin:i:x scum is on a pool in Fortstreet, opposite the Library. Whereaic our street scrapers?


Wnv doesn't the Gcrmania Mar-

ket make anj more bolognas? That'swhat the people say. '

There arc only about 30 soldierslest in the Hawaiian Army. Thorest have quit soldering ami gone towork.

Wc bear that Mr. Lincoln is thesuccessful tenderer for the new OahuCollege building at 822,.r)0D.


TiirnsDAY is the attraction of allminds. Knots of young men standat every corner and discuss theraces.

-- -Tin: File Dcpnitmcnt ought to

hurry up with getting those new .en-

gines. Fiiday showed they wereneeded.

Work has been pretty well stoppedon the Palace. No money to paywages and the Government arc re-

fused credit by builders.

Mit. Thrum lias for sale a blotter,which will be appreciated by busi-

ness men. In addition to the usualfacilities it contains an alphabeticallist of words and names likely to .bo

d. It is called " Dreka'sblotter."

TitKi:-i'i.AXT- ix is going on in theMakiki slopes. Several of the youngtrees arc ahead' appearing aboveground- - About 700 holes arc dugevery day, nnd in each several speeds

arc planted. They arc short of seedsof Hawaiian forest trees, such askoa. The last laborers' cottage wasfinished on Satuuhry.

.A Hiioi door was left bolted so tho

employees thought on Friday night,but one of them wns waked by apoliceman, who told him the shopdoor was open. It had been boltedwithout seeing that, tho door wasclobed to. Nothing1 was 'missed,

j however, '", , v

I1 .. ., j'jWKOiaaM.,,,1' t'rr

There will be a post mortem heldon a recent death, probably wo heartho body is to bo disititcricd to-da-

. .

Wk have from time to time inthese columns urged upon tho at- -'

tcntion of the police numerous cases,of cruelty to animals. Why couldn'tn policeman bo stationed on thewharves whoso special duty would be- -

to superintend the loading of drays.Just fancy one horse, having to pull1000 feet of redwood or Nor' west,whether tlic roads were muddy ordry.

Oxi: thing much needed here is anautomatic electric circuit to give afire alarm simultaneously at all theengine houses, police station, etc.,the moment it is known at the Central OHIcc. It would not only savemuch nnnoyance, but would, in theend, save much valuable propeityby giving tho alarm almost instan-


Wi: hear that more than half thepatients in the Leper Hospital arcincurable. Why, then, doesn't theBoard of Health recognize its res-

ponsibility in tho matter, nnd havethem shifted to Molokai, where theyought to bc While these lepers arcleft so near the town and others al-

lowed to wander in the streets andlive amongst their friends the Board

is morally responsible lor anyfurther spread df the disease.

i ' ,

J66f Plain Sateens all colors, atChas. J. Fishcl's Leading ' Millinery'House. 235

827" Good unbleached cotton11 yards, for only & 1.00, at Chas.J. Fishcl's Leading Millinery House.

-- -BSy4000 yards of Qunchco all wool

flannel, from octs. up, at Chas. J.Fishcl's Leading Millnery House.

BSJVbite? open front shirts, atChas. J. Fishol's Leading MillineryHouse.

JBQTEx Zcalandia, Gents fineTweed Suits, at Chas. J. Fishcl's.

A few days ago a large limestonerock was being blasted at Emporia,Kansas, when a small cavity that hadbeen conpletely enclosed was opened,in which was a little worm or larva;,apparently bleached and lifeless. Itis now developing into a first-cla- ss

worm or butterfly, and is doing somelively wiggling. The lock in whichthe insect was found is from a ChaseCounty quarry, and the ledge waslive feet in thickness and abouttwenty feet below the surface of theground. The insect is about one-ha- lf

an inch long and ribbed acrossthe back, ws pure white when firstfound, but is now assuming a brown-ish color, and there can bo no doubtthat tho enclosure was complete, andthat this is one of the most remarka-ble cases of suspended animation onrecord.

In a gambling saloon One of thebystanders exclaims : "I' take backone loiiis." The banker repliesseverely: " Pardon, monsieur, butyou have not deposited anything.""" Oil, then I'll take back what Isaid." lie Fi(j(tro.

The moment a man is satisfiedwith himself evcibyody else is dis-

satisfied with him.

17(011 BALK,to

a MULE C A 11 T

10- -' II. Hnekfelil & Co

Thanksgiving Turkeys !



Hear of No. 20 School Street.212 lw

Bliss Proscoii'H SchoolPor Girls and Boys,

(Fcrniimk'.'s new Cottntu), King street,' IS NOW OPEN.Acronunmlntion for a few boardlnjj pn11N. ina lw

NOTICE All persons owing money,&c., to Her Highness Until

Kecllkoliuil aie Jicrehy lequested toniiikc their payments to

21!) lm H. A. WIDEMANX.j-- n

Crmede la Creme,rriHE Ice Fncloilcn aie in full blast,X and so aie

ITAllT'SElite Ice Oreara Parlors!

They arc Just ficclng, which Is

Wutt you want in this Weatherx and don't you forget it I

jl Ice Cream can bo had from 11 a. m.. IU 11 II, III. Ill

KAUT BROS.,Elite Ice Cicani Parlor,

177 " m Hotel street.-

!.... i

C.A.R. Attention I

TJ GEO. W. I)u LONG kPOST,Apr1 ' 15, G. A. It. Meet at K. of

P. Hall, onZoiulny

tMrt!Nov. liitn, nt 7:iHJ o'ciock: ""

lir Per order,11. W. LAINE, 1'. U.

By P. TUBBELL, Ailj'l. 2fil2t



J. T. Waterh.ori.se ...

Has epeelally iiupoited a large tjuantllyol goods,

Suitable lor Presentsfor lioth old and young.

Beautiful Pictures in sp!cndiJ gilt frames,

Gilt Ilmcket andChlppi- - 'WliiU.nott,

Won; Doxes and Ilaskcls,I)tsk. DicshImj Cum'.x, lnkhtaud,

Glove and lliimlUercliief l)ocs,Eook Slides, Satchel",

, Minors, Bronzes,Smoker-)- ' Tabic,

Card TablesAlbum Stands,

Chrbtmas Cards, wood nnd metal,


How and Arrows, 81 Ton Cannon,Papier Mache Card Tiny,

DOLLS!Prom 5 cents to $25, dressed & undrcss'dDoll's Tiousseaux and every requisite,

Parlor Gaines,Comncndlums, Stnr Ilingolettc,

(' Triple UowllngUalancc Game, &c

'fTT'Evcrything will be found to pleasethe most laMidlnus 1 11 Mi', and no

stocking need go empty forwant of a present. '

No. 10 Fort Street.040

.For Sale,One New Basket Phaoton,

Complete In every respect, with the verylatest Improvements.

241 lw O. WEST.

For Male, , ,

i A CORDS FIREWOOD, already r.utXJ and split for stoyc size. Pricelow. Must be .old.

CAYENAGII'S AGENCY,242 88 King street.

1TOR SALE, nt Cavcnngh's Agency,King street:

1 Good 'Milch Cow, qalf at foot,1 California Cow, superior breed.1 Quiet. ,Saddlo Hor.--e trial, given-- will

cany a lady. 2;J1)

Notice.my lemnoraiy absence from

this Island, Mr.(A. Gauti'ukuowill act 'for me under a full Power ofAttorney.

240 CHAS. J. FISHEL. ,

Notice.DURING the temporary absence of

G. Irwin fioni this King,doni, Mr. W. M. Uiw.um will attend tothe business of our house.

22(1 2m AVM. G. IRWIN & CO.

To the JiUdic !

ELEGANT FANCY "WORKror Tin: iiomuvys.

taken and lessons given InChenille, Silks, and Crewel Em-

broidery. Wnilc to be teen everydayfrom 10 a. m. to 2 11. 111., at 181 Fort Strcc't(next door to Dr. iliodlc). 242 Sim


No. 0,00.''piIE Offlccrs and Members of ,tlicX above Lodge are heieby untitled to,

attend the nu.U Regular Meeting,On Tuesday, Novembor 14th, 1802,

at 7:1)0 p. in.,In tho Knights of Pythias Hall, as therewill bo business of great Importance.

Visiting lliethrcn arc coulially Invlted to attend.

Uy older,E. A. HART,

240 lw Chief Ranger.



Per Stmr Snez,"-F-OU-

FRAWK GERTZ.21W 114 Port Street. Ijw


V deneo and Medical Room andStables, near tho coinur of Victoria ht.,on Ueielania btrcet.

Cures all kinds of "Dumb Animals.All Horses and Cnttlo perfectly cured

or no compensation asked.My Diploma wns granted by tho "Ley.

den'1 University, at Holland,CSETLeavo oiilcrs at J. E. WisemohV,

Ouice, Merclmut otrcet, or ut my.resl.UVIH.V1 - muu nn

'N:7vtvBmimn,-Mmheii--v,),mfi'-or-'t- , . . .... ? ,.:. . , ?mmmmWmmMm irmfTrStfff - lirVirr- -

T I fit you want to ko tho '

1 Largest Stock of Leather. In the Kingdom,

Uo (o lit tuccn Htreet.- ..--

If. you want to sco

Tho Boat Quality of1 LoatherIn the Kingdom,

Mo to 4it 0.nccn Htreet.

If you want to

Buy Loather at tho LowoBtPrices in the Kingdom,

'o lo 4a O.urcn Htreet.

If you want to Uuy tho 'Best Quality of Groceries

In the Kingdom, .--

tin to tli luron Htreet.

If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere In

the Kingdom,

G-- o to 42 Queen St.M. W. McCHESNEY &SON.

230 tf(I I

'oJ3 THE -- ac



lj 'fit 11 ."I . I'. .. - ! .

Millinery & Fancy Articles

Received by every steamer.


Old Established Millinery Establishment,

181 103 Port strccU IS



OWNERS of Real Estate will lray,lo their advantage to plnro

their li6ucs nnd lauds In my rnro fordiMiosal.as I am tho only acknowledged-Rea- l

Estate Broker on the Island ,' Agents nnd'Plnnters, and all other rm.ployers of mechanics nnd laborers willdo well to notify me when vacancies r.

Leases, deeds, bonds, mortgages, nndall other legal paqcrs di awn in properform.

Jtllls Collected,Rooks and accounts kept,

Custom entiles,Letters and Engrosshig done,

and general business ofllcc work ofevery description attended to and alwayson the most reasonable terms.

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,Omcc 37 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Telephone 172. P. O. Hox,'81o

Notice."VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO1 all persons that at a meeting heldOct. 21st, 1882, or rs to tho'stock of the Onomea Sugar Co., It wasvoted to accept a Chatter of Incotpora.Hon granted to them and their associatesand successors, under the corporate nameand stylo of thu Onomea Sugar Co., on,the 20th day of October, 1882, and thattho corporation, under said Charter,thereupon organized Itself and electedthe following named ofllceis of theCompany:

S L AUSTIN PresidentJ AUSTIN Vice-Preside-

P C JONES, Jn SecretaryOH ROSS TreasurerJO CARTER Auditor

Notice Is further given that pursuant totho terms of said Charter, "No 8tockholder shall Individually be liable forthe debts of the eoiporatlon beyond theamount which shall be duo upon Innshare or shares held or owned br him.fell. P. C. JONES, Jit., Sco'y.

Notice. '"

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO,that at a meeting held

on tho 21st day Oct.. 1882, of subscribersto the stock of the Paukaa Sugar Co., itwas voted to acecpta Charter of Incornoration granted to them and their asso-ciates and successors, under tho corporatename and style of the Paukiia Sugar Couon tho 20th day of Oct., 1882, and tliAtho eoiporatlon, under, said Charter, 1

thereupon organized itself and elected 'the following named offlccrs of the I

' ' 'Company!J. Austin. J ., .President,S. L. Austin v. Vice Piesldent,P. O. Jonur, Jil...Buc'yfc Treasurer,.J. O. 0.um:it 1 Auditor,

Notieo Is father given that pursuant, .

to the terms of said Charter, " No Stock,holder shall individually bo llablo forthe debts of tho corporation beyond thoamount which shall bu due unon theshare or shares held or owned brhimself. '

JM T.O.Josi, Jn.Scc'y."PFpfoKiTTO LET, on the

SWO floor of tho building Willed, RobwtsQH & Co lW




Page 3: wiiSkiiaifite6 '' WB.,,( THE' DAILY BULLETIN · Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gns Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock nnd metals, House Furnishing

-- ,yt


wl f--,,

. m v "!? K'r mw "" ,"1 "sp'fT f "" ,rsrV 'j. .,.


Dlmond He.ul, Nov. 13, 0:30 a.mLight N.K. wind.Schr Liholilio 12 miles off.

Ti ' . ARRIVALS.Nov. 12

Stmr Likelikc from windward portsSclir Knnla from Koolnu


Sclir Cntniitia for Jlatialcl


Stmr Lcluia for Molokai and MauiStmr Kilatica lion for KauhululSclir PdhoiU'i for I'min

. i....n..- - ii ) j I.

PASSENGERS.From Mmit and Molokni, per Lc-lui- .i.

Nov 10 J II Mack, I)r Fitch,TKCIaik, wife ami 3 childicn, 1Dnllon, W I) Alexander, llobcitUiiggs, Capt Ihitlon, and about 25deck.

From windward potts, per Like-lik- e,

Nov 12 Hon S G Wilder, IIC Austin, F W Felilbclir, A Bolster,II Ilcrbcit, L Vontcmpsky, Mis F1' Hastings, Mrs J Unca, Miss Pltliodes, Miss K Mnkco, G W Fill-p- o

.ajul .wife, Mrs G Sandcrmannand 2 childicn, S .Stupplcbun, FWelder,,, Mrs J 1) Holt and child,Mrs Kin Nahaolclua and child.G C BetklEyl'itrac'r.L -

VESSELS IN PORT.Hklnc Jane A FalkinburgAm 5chr Clans Bprcckclslltuvbilg Nlnito, CameronUrljiW.U. Irwin.Am bark Hope, AspolctTern Kit ap ; ' , ? ,

Ilkflie Ella, DrownBktno EurekaIlk Itcvorcs . fHark Kidak.uin, Mlllor 1 , ! L XB.irk BifcnaS'islit "

VESSELS EXPECTED.Ills Ttiunc 1'ioin DuoBklnc Emma Augusta, tin l'tQnmlilc for

Knhitlin, Oot 7111 It stui Sue.. Doild, fin S F. Nov 17Stnir.Zcahindla, fioin S. F, Nov 20Btny.City of Sydney, fin Sydney, Nov 20Bk Allien Bee, from Portlmuf, dueB.irlf Lizzie Marshal, fin Pt GambleBr bk Ullook fin Li vcrpool, DeoBk Alicr Aiium fm Glasgow, DecBktno DUcovcrv, fm S F., Nov 14Am bktac Kllkit.it,Bk North Stai,,Jrom NewcastleBr ship Ambassador, fm NewcastleBark Amy Turner from BoMonGcr bk Ltvlneoton from Ilonskons 'Am bklnc Amelia from Port GambleSclir Joseph Russ from Humboldt duoBk Emma, fiom PugtySomid, vAug 18

J3aRTNERS and Purchasers wantedin various Hi.cs of bin!,

n ' (old established). Prlnelpils mayc .amine list. Apply at

. . fOAVKNAGH'S AGENCY,,21JV'j Iving-htrcct-.


BROKER, w 111 buy or sellSTOCK Slock, Bonds, and

' t Other 'Mnrkct.iblo Securities,At thelr.muikct valuu for cash.215 Ofllco w 1th E..P. Adam". Auct'r.


08 Merchant Street,NO. Honolulu, II. ISugar Plantation Rulhoad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar1 Securities Bought' i and Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Slock Securities.

Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 214ttd.,Ht4l. Ui'f ' -

Elegantly Furnished EoomsTO LET,

OR, FAMILIES or SINGLE GEN.E tTLEMEN, w 1th all the onvenlcn-cesnn- d

coipforts of n,home, with

Use of Parlor.Rooms aio largo and well rntiln'tcd.

Terms, Strictly Moderate.M 'MRS. SdHRADER.

Coiner of Hotel and Alakea sticcts.172 0m

;v '

NOTICE. Having purchased frdmW. Busli, all hi right, title

mid interest in the Grocery Business, onFoil street, it is my intention to carryon thivsanio under the firm name of S.

J. LEVEY & Co., and I hone, by strictattention to business, and the wants ofmy .customer, to merit a share of tholiberal ' patronage bestowed upon mypredecessor. Mr. A. W. Bush.2251m S. J. LEVEY.


I hereby give notlco thatNOTICE. disposed of my GroceryBusiness to Mr. S. J. Levey. All accounts due mild business are to bo paidtolling'

Thariking tho public for tho liberal? patiohjgn they hrtb been pleased to be.' etownnon me, T would lespcctfully ask

K.uccisor. A. W. BUSH.C2?7'Ordcr9, for tho Union Feed Coinp.

any vvlll bo received as usual, andprompt delivery guaranteed. 2251m

A SPLENDID Opportunity isnow olleicd to buy tho Popu.lar LoduIiiL' Hoiiko mtiitlv

occupied and conducted by Mr. White,at 125Ui'ort street. The premises contain1 (.tore, 17 bedroom, kitchen, dining andbath room. Tho rooms aro all nicelyfurnished and In peifcct order. Forfurther particulars apply to present pro.prietor, F. W. WALLACE, 123 Fort t.,Honolulu, , f

. 315

fc.l'AClF10 piAIIf.Stonin'tSb B'HP Company.

FOR SAN FllANOISOO,The Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dcaiborn . Commander,Will lenvo Honolulu for San Francisco

on or about Nov 20.

FOll SYDNEY via AUCKLAND' Tho Splendid Steamship

Zoalandia,Webber, . Commander,

On or about Nov. 20,For f 1 eight or passage apply to

II. IIacm'i:i.u ifc Co., Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.THE A 1

Iron Steamer Suez,1101)1), - - COMMAXDElt

Will lc.-n- Honolulu


For f 1 eight or pni:iKc, having superioraccomodations, apply to124 W.m. G. Inwis &. Co,, Agents.


JSaGESiy- - Tlnjcllppcr barkKalakaua,

Miller, .... master,Will hae quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For freight or passago apply to

' F. A. SciiAKFint & Co., Agents.


The clipper bgtno.

W. G. Irwin,Turner, -- ; , - - tnator,

Will flmvc (pilck dlspatchfor tlio'abovopoit. For freight or p.iss.igu apply to

Wm. 0. Inwi.v H Co., Agents.


gg-g-gr The clipper bktno

Jane A,Falkinburg,Foibcs, .... Master,

Will hae quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For freight or passage apply to

CAsri.K it Cooki:, Agents.

tf2T For Hongkong.The clipper B.irk

, "Aldcn Bosse,"A.Xoyc', Masfcr,

Is dally expected from Portland, boundfor, Hongkong direct. Will taken fewCbin6sc alow rate.

For particulars apply to Bdm.i R & Co.

rf?fc. Steamer Likelike,safgSafc King, Master. ':

Lcnves Honolulu each Tueadnynt'4 p.m., touclilug at J,almlim, Man-lne- a

Hay, Mnkciin, Muliukoiin,Laupabochou and Hllo.

Itotuinlug, will touch at all thoalovp poity, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. . - 1

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'rf

Line of Steamers&Z5&

The Iwalani,Batj:,, Conininndcr

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Timo Table:

Lkaviis Honolulu at 1 onThurbday, Oct. fi Monday, Nov. 27Monday, Oct. 1(1 Thin sday, Dec. 7Thnisthiy, Oct. 20 'Monday, Dec. 18Monday, Nov. 0 Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

Ar.iavi:s at Honolulu:Friday, Oct. l Friday, Nov. 24Tue-tla- v. Oil. 2t Tuesday, Dec. 5Frid.iy, Nov. U Friday, Dec. 15Tucbday, Nov. 11 Tuesday, Dec. 20

The O. R. Bishop,Kerry, Commander

Lkavi:s Honolulu kvhiiyMonday, nt 5 r.M., for Nnwiliwili,Koloa, Elcele, and SVniinen, Kauai.

Rliukninu lkavj:sNawiliwili every Friday overling.


Sohooner Ehukai5223& win 11111 icguiariy

TO WAIALUA EVEUY MONDAY,itetiirning on Thursday, weather

pc, mining.For freight or p.issngc apply to tho

Captain on boaul, or to181 A. F. Cookk, Agent.

Sohoqner , KAl JVy M Emma,"Will leavo Honolulu EVERY TUES- -

DAY at 4 p. 111.,

TOR WAIALUA AND WAIANAE.llcturiiingSiiluidiiyH.

Tor ficlghtorpass.igc, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to--

15 1 M.MTAIU. INK ii Co.


Office, comer Nuuanitnnd Queen streets,Honolulu, 11. L,

Agent for tho following FockotaiWullcle, tju Waloli,Wnicliu, jip&W Wniniulu.Maloln, -- 6kM ICaluna,Maua, -- Bk Julia,

Ka Mol, and Ehukai.

Rod' Flctfj, with Whito BrII.ii


Franklin Stove Coal !

In any quantity,

AVliolcNtile or ICetall,nr

Wilder & Co. im

Tho Hawaiian Cook Book,

Published by tho

Iiiulicn of Fori Street Church,For S.dc by

E. O. HALL & SON,237 2w and T. G. THRUM.


WALL PAPERS,Coiling Decorations,




A splendid and varied assortment



Manila Cigars,Evutmr "Madras,"

lVov Xjfiiid.ing--,

Cases of thoo line Manila Cigars, 250 inthe box.

Something Superiorto what Is usually sold in tills market.

Cases of Manila Cigars, fioO in a Lox,nil of which wc guarantee to be

Ithc Genuine Manilanindo article.

For Salo by238 lm BOLLKS & Co.

I in liAiinin,



' WARE-HOOM- Nos. 50 and 58




FUKNITUREIn the Kingdom,

which will bo

Sold at the Lowest Rates.




Made to order at short notice.

. E. P. ADAMS,


'i"" f

,TclephoncNo.'7J. '207t,

,1 ' , I'. i ' 'Jt ' ' ' w

Ex Imrlc KaljikainiAnd bktno Ella,

Qoldon Gato Extra TamilyAM)

ELDORADO FLOUR.Ciihca Bruwu, Cases Macon,

Clinks Whlttakcr'H Star Hutu?,

HalcH of liny, Ac, Ac,Just to baud, and for wile by

2!)Qltn UOLLEtjvSbCo.



Call attention to tholr Complclo Slock ol Jcv.clcry ol all kinds, in Gold & Silver

embracing many New and Nuel Designs In Roman, Engraved,Enameled, and 1'Iiiln Designs, consisting, In purl, of Sets,

Lace Pins, llracclcM, Lockets, Chains, MecvoDuttons and Links, Eai.Rings, Scarf Pius

and Rings, Thimbles, Charms,Studs, Rlngfi, &(., &c.

Dlnmoiul, Fcnrl mid Stone 5ood In grent variety.Gold and Silver Walchcs, Waltbani and other makes.

CSTCjII and c.xnniliic. Oulois from the other Islands promptly attended




.22 KJ! "it




cLadies' and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches No

ActualJttHt to lmud.

of Goldi

Every Watch wnrrntilcil as Gross Wetlcpiescntcd.



. HtlBTOCUIIfTtkatHiii;niwTTawni no.

kimM swfc4 surer srxiMo Ci

sJK35?irmaur s

Fac-siinil- e ot bllver Cases.



A Lrgc Stock" of Fine Fuiniluic will be clcucd out '

to make 100111 for our , , , ,j

Largo Stock of Holiday Goods to arriyeper steamer. Tills stock Includes ''

Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, Lounges I

E.iey Chaiis, TuikHi Chair.s, Wnrdiobc, '" '

SpiingMattresH-s- , Ollko and Dining.iooin Chillis, vc&c, '

All of wliich will be sold tat auuion prices, or lens.

Call and c.Miminu at

Wells' Music Store,177 10") and 107 Pint Strict, Honolulu.

PLANTATION GOODS.Simple lk'lting,

Helvetia Laccri,"Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Claiiller.,

Piro Clay,

llcnin Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Rabbit Metal,Uarbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steels,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cnno Knives, with or without hooks,Hand and Smith Hammers,

'-- She-) els, Axes,, .,

, , JacKscrcws, Vices,' Steam-plp- Ilrushes,

Potent Steam-plp- Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Ralls, ,

Sugar and Coal Dags,Twlni', ic, &.

Por biilu by

II. HAOKFEU) & Co.Oct. lUth

Tiitlro. ,

IW. RICHARDSON will not he ro- -

for any debts ( ontrnclwlby my ifc on or after this dale.

Uouululu, Nov. 1, m-i-. ' ' ','117 lv


j V iiHBWiBi


M. Mclnerny, 'V.

Agent for this KingdomN. R. Rcwaic of imitn-- "'

tions, as I liave discoveredsevetal silver watelics bear-in- j;

tlie name of " WnlthamWatelics," whtcli are of SwissManufactuie, and arc sold asgenuine Wnltham watches.

XVxniftitifitJtatlho mwiw mi toV J BftW1"1 cjtfpmgKti i QftTtrTKAO t UA9KY iffKAla JUNTKO STATES MmiMX7

FiK-rtlii- .l uold Cases


WULL PMR!A Largo Assortment' ,

or tiii:


Fine Wall PaperAM)

BORDERS!Jiitti(.culcd, and for sale by ( "


H3i. Call and cnnibiu. 147

"Waiter Notice.Olllco Knp't Water Works, f

Honolulu, July I), 188i.prisons having Water Privileges

aionotllhd that their Water Rates1110 payable wnii.nnuiiiilly, In advance,at tliu olllco of tl c Supcriiitundcul ofWnter Woikn, foot of Nuuanii Mrcet,upon tho 1st dav of .laniiai v and July ofeach year. 0lIAH.ll. WlLSON. -

Sup't AVnti-- Works.S. K. Kaai, MlniKler of Interior. 204

TTNIOX FELD COMPANY, A. W.U llusii, Mau.ijjc'1. Sco udvuttlie- - ,

uiyut uu other page. 'JSis--

' f ri v' .VBR-1!'"-1

ti k "iii -'-4. kifc. J'trf" .!

f v T"i&



. '


A' fid11SSX.H

., -- Ai, I? 11

t ft




V $'?

W"5- -.

'Jy ( !.r Jk" flirt

, r

Page 4: wiiSkiiaifite6 '' WB.,,( THE' DAILY BULLETIN · Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gns Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock nnd metals, House Furnishing

v :

VJ '


- f.





&& -


if v.



lgpv"Established 1SS0.


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Binders,Nob. 10 nnd 21 Merchant stroot,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment In the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of)lank Hooks, of nil descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal mill Hill Cap,Journal nnd Tilnl Halancc Papeis,

Linen Fnpcrnnd Envelopes, nil sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones.Muulluo in nil sd.es, especially adapted to this climate;

Drawing l'nper nnd Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth,

Tianxlt llooks, Field and Level llooks, adapted for the two 'of Surveyor and Engineers;

Memorandum and Pass Hooks,Silver and Pcrfoialcd Card Hoard,

Shipping Taps Shipping Receipt Hooks and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in a xccll kept stock

MUSBC! MUSBC!We have made Mich arrangements with our Music Agents, as will enable us

hereafter to keen on lunula full assortment, nnd also to receive the lnloi pieces asthey arc published. Any special order will receive our best and prompt ntten.tion. 182

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,Nos. 113 nnd 115

Splendid New Stock of Solid

Eteflant Gold andSilver-plate-

d Wire, &c., &c.

4$It $h 1HdhfcMONDAY, NOV. 13, 1882.

have plinty;" nnd ho went nt them,nnd in aodut fifteen minutes hncurded up the whole gang and hazingwas broken up in Harvard College.As he threw his coat and shirt across.his nnn and walked out of the roomand met the faculty in tho hall, hosaid: 'Throw water in their facesand the will all rcgnin conscious-ness in from ten minutes to half anhour;" and ho shook hands with thofaculty, rncicved his $300, and leftfor New York with his trainer, liillyMadden, who was sitting on thefenco outside waiting for hnn.

"Fotkindofa time did yoz havewid do b'yB?" asked Mr. Madden,ns he helped Mr. Sullivan on with hisshirt and changed the Quaker hatfor another.

"Verily, friond "William," saidQuaker Sullivan, as ho counted theroll of bills to see that tho facultyhad not shoved any counterfeits onhim, "it was the season; it is goodexercise." And they btarted forCornell University at ithaca. Milmtxtkee Sun.

A "Western paper telles this storyof a distressed iigiicultmist: "Afarmer dropped in on Wednesdaylait to pny his rent, putting on along face to correspond with thetiniest On entering the house, hetold tho landlord that, times beingso bad, he could not raise the moneynt till, and dashed a bundle of green-backs qn the table. 'There,' saidlie, ' that is all I can pay., Themoney was taken up and counted bythe landlord, who said, 'Why, this istwice asuiueli as you owe!' 'Dangmo, give it mo again!' cried thefarmer. 'I'm blamed if I ain't tookit out of the wrong pocket!' "

T. s

Arrival of the Second Lot'

. -ov-I- VJSW


BAILEY & Go'sGreat 10 Cent Store.

Immense Block of'HOUSE-KEEPING-!


CoiuIMlngof moro than

l?.Voo AxrriCLUsis expected on or about the -- 0lh lust.


JOT (li-f-- a 4w IW Fort tt.



Book -'J

FoitSticct, Honolulu.

Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DIAS & GONSALESNo. 07 Hotel Street.

INLAID WORKFrom Madclrn:

"Work Boxes nnd Tables,Parlor Tables, "Writing Desks,

Paper Knives, Rulers,Glove, Handkerchief, & Jewelry Boxes,

flair Chains, Necklaces,Bracelets, Ear-rin-

. Broodies, &c, &c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,"Willow Chains,

Embroidery and Crochet "Work,

All the above will bo found in greatvariety, and excellent, quality,

together with 'all theusual stock of a

Dry GoodK Establishment.A call will y you handsomely for

thetiouble. 210 ly


begs to notify to the public of Honolulu nnd tinvcllcr.s to and fiom

all foreign ports that

Ho has Purchased j

the Business and Stock in Undo of the

Honolulu & San Francisco Express &

Transfer Company,

And that ho piopoucs to cany on thebusiness in good style; in fact

everything will be done

"Up to the Handloi"All persons requiring furniture, bag.

gngu or goods of any description shift-ed- ,luinHfcrrcd or shipped will find It to

their advantage to apply to him at hisoffice, King street,

Telephone No. 130,as low rates as possible. 187

FOB SAI.K, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGiiuds from 0 to 10 tons per day.

A1m, pulleys, belts, etc., all In fjoodorder; can bo inn by Ntcuin or honopower, just the aitlele for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Whont, Hran, Barley, Whole ami

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS OIIKAP AS THE CHEAPEST'

,00 LAWK Co., ai Tort fit.

... v?t. i


Hardware Agricultural Implements,j House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c.' ' Have made large additions to their stock of goodsI To which they Invito tho nttcntion of buyers. '

-- cstou's DDilTereiitial XMilley Blocks.


u nMMJralfei 2MmwE.!mh b &aMmmt&mmrT r t wibcjiBiWinzzmniiymimimmsr&x i- - atwsi suo kmrrm.-rn"',- '

BmmfVMkWmKrrtJJ'lVii IWkZjMtSSSI


wSC5?aRliBlr t b isfsiK'tii?jii,aftp toK oroseno Oil,

For family ue, the highest lest oil in the


I A full line of Tinware, nndCall and examine our stock.

rj.UEAT ADDITIONS to our formervX stock, ex Suez, Kitluknua, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp ainnlln, cotton duck,Flax canvas, llnx mill twine, beeswax,Illocks, oars 8 to 24 ft j

lUles of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, rowlocks,Iron strap blocks, mast bend, shicves,Melallne and patent bushingx,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,IJrlght And black varnMics, wire riggingMarline, seizing houscllne, ratlin,Spunyarn, caulking irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, connecting links.Marl in spikes, caulking mallets,Mast hoops, hand spikes, pitch mops,Tar brushes, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds nmlculom;Pacific lluubcr Paint, a new lot, includ.

all the ym ions colors;Brushes Pamt, vnrnlsh, pencil, white- -

wnt.li, paste, artist, shoe, scrub, andsash a good asioitmcnt of each;

Axes nnd hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s the llegu--

latiou article:

Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of lino groceries,

some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table" pie fruits, jams nnd jellies, a newnrtlcle, put up by a new firm, nndwe can highly recommend them nsbeing something really nice;

A new lot of Teas, Including some supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugar Itelincd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curried fowl, curried oysters,Plum pudding, kits salmon bcllle'o, '

Kits mackerel, kits tongues nnd sounds,Codfish, cheese, Oxford sausnuw, ill tins;Italsins, in M, if and i boxes"Raisins, in tlm; currants In 4 & 71b tinsPickles, In 1 gal., i gal., n.ts, & 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,.Maenroul, dried apples, prunes, plums,

peaches nnd pears.

FLOUR AND DREAD.Golden Gate extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Graham, oat nnd corn mealMedium luead, assorted crackers,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot biead,Soda bihcuits, rice and collee,Whale and speim oil,Sperm candles, 4s nnd Cs.

All bfthdetbove will leUoldt tileBest Market Jtatcs,

Buyers nic most respectfully invited tocall and examine our stock.


THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

IIakt Hitos., : : Proprietors.

Rfl E ALSServed unJn llivst-cla- style at all hourf

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, ttc. Also,

Iccdl Xxiuls!IF YOU WANT




Boavor Eefreshment Room,Finest Brands of Tobacco,

Cigars, Cigarettes, etc,

Always in stock- -

lee cold Bodawatcr and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE, '209 tf Proprietor.

""13 grille EIbUoi-'-s


So favorably known throughout tho1 Hawaiian Iulnnds. . Sold by lilt I

respectable dealers.'No. 10 LiUUu uU, Honolulu. "71

i - -

Importers and Dealers In00.


many Novelties, new to this market, too numerous to mention. ' '

(177) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street:' '






Bruce Cartwrlght. "V. S.


Largest and



ofHarrows, Cultivators,





Of All description, guarantees to supplyconstantly on hand.

ilSrScnd A. V. BUSH, Fort Honolulu.

J. Go's

WE nic prepared receive further for any ttiigazine publishCanada, and Europe.

,iimn.,lh" t we receive by every over hundredta ,,,c WW. .,,,.&

rLEORGE LUCAS.1A .tiBy- vumiuuui rrW..iHilMK

and Buildcr,3?5fl!?iHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all klndu Mouldings,

Brackets, 'Window Frames, Blinds,Sas-hc- Doors, nnd nil Wood-work Mulish. Turning, .Seiollnnd BandSawing. All. kinds Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing; nnd Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and woikguaranteed. Orders from the other




At $10 per Coid.


A. F. Cooke,215 Uni Foot of Nuuanu street.


--A.t 10 a Cord.Apply

S. M. CARTER,137 T. M. Wharf.

clJust Received,Per hktno Eurekfti a full lino'of

811k, lnerlifd and cotton.

Ifrjanm gtiitg, Etc.. ,

01 a. w. Uleliardbou CO.i

t.iji . j ..Jn.C . its--.




iJD Lnro Invoices for r.nln..... t i.i..14111 iuuijiiiiu lunup.

New styles Plows, f

' .!

Luce. W. Bush.


Best Stock "j




i h $ $ ,1




Feiulnuts, andStand Ijaiuii.s,

nnd variedJust Opened I

SAMUEL NOl'T, ,EST Tort Street. -

h b .b h hsaoiy



and keep a full

orders to St.,


Subscription. Departmentto orders Paper or

ed in Callfoinin.thaEaMcnitJtatc-- s

timu mall onescanr,i;;!K;;,Sn2:,nM'



kinds of





8. S.






A- -


t' J


? l

's; 1

rli .



!;'i 1



m& i




For sale at m28 A, Y. llicnAitusoK'a ',' M $