wigan courier september 11th edition

25p where sold Courier Courier WIGAN WIGAN The The Courier Wigan’s Good News Paper EDUCATION SPECIAL PAGES 21 - 25 email: [email protected] September 11th 2012 Issue no 206 THOUSANDS of young people from across Wigan Borough are set to benefit from a new service in the heart of Wigan. WiganCouncil’sCabinetagreedonThursdayAugust30to granta125yearleaseoftheformerDrumcroonbuildingto WiganBoysandGirlsClubLtd.Grantingtheleasetotheclub atapeppercornratewillprovideastate-of-the-artfacilitywitha valueof£1.5million. Thenew‘JuniorYouthZone’willprovideactivitiesforchildren aged eight to 11 at evenings and weekends, complementing the existingYouthZoneadjacenttothesite,onParson'sWalk,opposite WiganandLeighCollege. Inaddition,theclubplanstoinvolveanexistingcharity,Hop,Skip and Jump, to provide a centre for young people with special educationalneedsduringthosehourswhenthecentreisnotbeing operatedastheJuniorYouthZone. Cllr Susan Loudon, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young Peoplesaid:“Thisisauniqueopportunityandaprimeexampleof WiganCouncil’scommitmenttoyoungpeople.Wecouldhavesold thebuildingforaround£225,000.Howeverthelongtermbenefitsof providingthisservicetochildrenacrosstheboroughfaroutweigh theneedtobringinthatcapitalreceipt. “Wearedelightedtosupportthisventure,whichwillundoubtedly enrichthelivesofthousandsofchildren.” MartinAinscoughfromWiganBoysandGirlsClubLtdsaid: “I’mthrilledthatthecouncilhasagreedtotransferthebuildingto theWiganBoysandGirlsClubcharity,asareBillAinscoughand Dave Whelan. It’s testimony to the council’s commitment of ensuringbrandnewfacilitiesareprovidedforyoungpeopleinthe borough. “This will now give us the opportunity to provide a facility specifically for children with special needs and respite care forparentsinconjuncitonwiththecharityHop,SkipandJump. “Subjecttoplanning,ourintentionistobuilda£1.5mextensionto thebuilding,providingfacilitiesforaJuniorYouthZoneforeight to11yearolds.Unlikemanyyouthzonesinothertownswhichare onlyopenfivenightsaweek,ourplanistoopenthemainbuilding sevennightsaweektoasenioryouthmarketforthoseuptotheage of19. “It’sveryexcitingnewsandwe’rekeentogetcrackingbecause there’slotsofhardworktodobetweennowandmid-tolate-2013 whenwehopethefacilitywillbeopen.” ThenewJuniorYouthZonewillbeanextensiontothemainyouth centrebuilding,whichissettobethelargestyouthzoneintheNorth West,boastingagym,musicsuites,aperformingartsstudio,sports pitchesandevenaclimbingwall. Enterpriseserviceswillalsobeavailableofferingeducationabout financeandwritingCVs.Themainbuildingisexpectedtoopenin March2013. TheHop,SkipandJumpFoundation’sTrustees,TheReverend CeliaCarterandMrsClarissaMitchell,sharedtheirdelightatthe news,saying:“TheHop,SkipandJumpFoundationarethrilledthat Drumcroonisnowavailableforacentretobebuilt,andtowork alongside the Youth Zone with the same generous sponsorshipofMartinAinscoughandDavidWhelan, togiveWiganandthesurroundingarea. “This centre will give flexible, immediate and sustaineddaycaretoallchildrenwithalifellimiting illnessoranyotherspecialneedshowevercomplex therefore,givingthefamiliesandcarersrepitesupport andtime.” Councilgivesgoahead fornewyouthservice SUMMER SALE DISPLAYSALE-SAVEUPTO50% Call in for details aqua: bathing excellence BESTVALUE ANDSERVICE INTHENORTHWEST HOTTUBS JGB Investment Park, Stephens Way, Goose Green, Wigan WN3 6PG 01942233211 www.thehottuboutlet.co.uk TO HIRE * Mimimum 3 days per week £265 per day * £55 TO BUY We have a stunning selection of tubs, at vastly reduced prices. DOMESTICAPPLIANCE CENTRE DOMESTICAPPLIANCE CENTRE YOUR LOCAL DYSON SPECIALIST Sales,Spares&Repairstomost... •WashingMachines•Cookers•Dryers•Fridges •Freezers•Dishwashers•Vacuums•Etc New and Reconditioned Appliances Always In Stock FREEDelivery,Connection&Removal ofOldAppliance 37HighStreet, Standish Wigan,WN6OHA www.standishdomestics.co.uk 01257473705 01257473705 1

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Page 1: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


where soldCourierCourierWIGANWIGANTheTheCourierWigan’s GoodNews PaperEDUCATION


email: [email protected] September 11th 2012 Issue no 206

THOUSANDS of young people from acrossWigan Borough are set to benefit from a newservice in the heart of Wigan.Wigan Council’s Cabinet agreed on Thursday August 30 togrant a 125 year lease of the former Drumcroon building toWigan Boys and Girls Club Ltd. Granting the lease to the clubat a peppercorn rate will provide a state-of-the-art facility with avalue of £1.5 million.The new ‘Junior Youth Zone’ will provide activities for childrenaged eight to 11 at evenings and weekends, complementing theexisting Youth Zone adjacent to the site, on Parson's Walk, oppositeWigan and Leigh College.In addition, the club plans to involve an existing charity, Hop, Skipand Jump, to provide a centre for young people with specialeducational needs during those hours when the centre is not beingoperated as the Junior Youth Zone.

Cllr Susan Loudon, Portfolio Holder for Children and YoungPeople said: “This is a unique opportunity and a prime example ofWigan Council’s commitment to young people. We could have soldthe building for around £225,000. However the long term benefits ofproviding this service to children across the borough far outweighthe need to bring in that capital receipt.“We are delighted to support this venture, which will undoubtedlyenrich the lives of thousands of children.”Martin Ainscough fromWigan Boys and Girls Club Ltd said:“I’m thrilled that the council has agreed to transfer the building tothe Wigan Boys and Girls Club charity, as are Bill Ainscough andDave Whelan. It’s testimony to the council’s commitment ofensuring brand new facilities are provided for young people in theborough.“This will now give us the opportunity to provide a facilityspecifically for children with special needs and respite careforparents in conjunciton with the charity Hop, Skip and Jump.“Subject to planning, our intention is to build a £1.5m extension tothe building, providing facilities for a Junior Youth Zone for eightto11 year olds. Unlike many youth zones in other towns which areonly open five nights a week, our plan is to open the main buildingseven nights a week to a senior youth market for those up to the ageof 19.“It’s very exciting news and we’re keen to get cracking becausethere’s lots of hard work to do between now and mid- to late-2013when we hope the facility will be open.”The new Junior Youth Zone will be an extension to the main youthcentre building, which is set to be the largest youth zone in the NorthWest, boasting a gym, music suites, a performing arts studio, sportspitches and even a climbing wall.Enterprise services will also be available offering education aboutfinance and writing CVs. The main building is expected to open inMarch 2013.The Hop, Skip and Jump Foundation’s Trustees, The ReverendCelia Carter and Mrs Clarissa Mitchell, shared their delight at thenews, saying: “The Hop, Skip and Jump Foundation are thrilled thatDrumcroon is now available for a centre to be built, and to work

alongside the Youth Zone with the same generoussponsorship of Martin Ainscough and David Whelan,to give Wigan and the surrounding area.“This centre will give flexible, immediate andsustained day care to all children with a lifellimitingillness or any other special needs however complextherefore, giving the families and carers repite supportand time.”

Council gives go aheadfor new youth service


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TEAM GB responded in goldenfashion this summer, 65 medals, thebest haul for a hundred years.The nation has been gripped with Olympic fever,

and Wigan has been no exception.It began with the torch relay which weaved its way

through the Borough and allowed us to showcaselocal heroes like Cameron Foster, the teenager whohas raised thousands of pounds for charity, andbrought hundreds of us out onto the streets in support.Wigan’s children have also been taking part in

sporting activities as part of the Olympic Get SetNetwork. The Olympics promised to create a legacyby inspiring future generations of young peoplethrough sport. When the Government abolished theSchool Sports Partnerships that provided suchamazing opportunities in schools the Olympic legacyseemed in doubt but Wigan schools have respondedbrilliantly to the challenge.Many other Wiganer’s played a huge part in

delivering the games themselves, working tirelesslybehind the scenes. They included wrestling coach

Roy Wood who trained the Olympic Wrestler MariaDunn from Guam at the Aspull Olympic WrestlingClub.Roy, who last year won the BBC Unsung Hero

Award, is well known for his contribution to wrestlingand his commitment to young people, and he couldn’tbe a more fitting person to play a part in the Games.In total more than 250 North West businesses won

£22 million of contracts to help deliver the London2012 Olympics, includingWigan businessAinscoughCrane Hire, which helped to ensure the bridges andAfter I became Wigan’s MP I spent 18 monthsworking as the aide to our shadow Olympics MinisterTessa Jowell. As part of that role I was keen to ensurethat the Olympics had benefits for people beyondLondon, in towns like Wigan and across the country.The 2012 Olympics did bring benefits toWigan, but

more importantly we have shown that towns like ourshave benefited the Olympics. It is a testament to thetalent we have in Wigan that we have played such abig role in delivering the Games and showcased thattalent on a global stage.

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THE MAYOR of Wigan, CouncillorMyra Whiteside, gave her support atthe opening of the Standish branch Co-operative funeral services. Local clergy, Gillian Watson Curator St Wilfrid’s,Andrew Holliday Rector at St.Wilfrid‘s, FatherJohn St. Maries, and Reverend Gordon Smith ofHindley, also attended to give a brief servicededicating and blessing in the new chapel of rest.

Local clergy bless chapel of rest

By Hannah SmithSTANDISH is in a time warp-gone is the 21st century, sayhello to the swingin’ 60’s. No state-of-the-art technology or latestgadgets in sight, just rock ‘n’ roll-welcome to Lankykats. The Lankykats concert, that entertains

crowds with rock ‘n’ roll music from the

50’s 60‘s and 70’s, is celebrating its firstbirthday. With no playlist, no recorded backing

sound, no spotlights and no miming, just rawmusic and in a candle- lit room, theLankykats concert most definitely capturesthe era of rock ‘n’ roll. Ex-band members have dusted their

guitars, rummaged through their garage tofind their drum kit hiding in a secluded

corner, and have warmed up their vocalchords to celebrate the music of rock ‘n’ rollbands, like The Rolling Stones and TheWho,“All the musicians who play at the concert

have loved music all their lives, but withfamilies and jobs they had to stop,” saidLankykats founder Bill Hart. “Now they aregetting their instruments out and playingagain. Lankykats is just a bunch of old

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codgers reliving theiryouth.”The fortnightly

Lankykats concert, heldat Standish Unity Club,Cross Street, hascertainly proved popularwith more than 80people attending theconcert for just £1, towatch three- four bands,from across Lancashire,perform. Now the concert is

celebrating its firstbirthday with a specialcharity concert in aid ofWigan and LeighHospice. Headlining the concert

is one of the mostpopular bands inMerseyside, TheDominoes. The rock ‘n’roll veterans arecelebrating 55 years inthe business and are stilltouring extensively. Local bands, Bluenotes

and The Bedrox will alsoentertain crowds as wellas rock duo, Hart-Carney. A special guestappearance from TV’sCash in the Attic’s PaulHayes.The special concert

will take place atStandish Unity Club,Cross Street, onThursday October 4 at8pm and tickets cost £2. To buy a ticket or for

more information call08450 94 87 95 or go towww.lankykats.com

Lankykats celebrates firstbirthday with rock ‘n’ roll party


Page 4: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


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THERE have been nocomplaints of being boredthis summer fromStandish’s youngsters,thanks to a weekly soccerschool organised byStandish4Youth.Throughout August four footballcoaching sessions, ran by WiganAthletic Community Trust, tookplace on Standish Rec.Standish4Youth, led by CouncillorGeorge Fairhurst and his colleaguesfrom Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust,also organised a skate and BMX rampat St. Marie’s Primary School, duringthe summer.

Standish’s budding footballers with Councillor Fairhurst and Wigan AthleticCommunity Trust football coaches Adam Jones and Brian Kay

Standish Soccer School

A SOLDIER from Wigan hastravelled to South Africa with theDuke of Lancaster’s Regiment toreceive the Freedom of Ladysmith.

KingsmanAndrew Campbell, aged 22, wasone of 22 soldiers from the infantry unit’sthree battalions, which recruit from acrossthe North West, to take part in the trip to thehistoric city.He joined the Army in 2009 and, after 26 weeks atthe Infantry Training Centre in Catterick, NorthYorkshire, joined the 2nd Battalion which is nowbased at Weeton Barracks near Blackpool.Andrew, who has served in Afghanistan andCyprus, said: “I enjoyed representing the Regimentduring the parade, receiving the Freedom ofLadysmith and learning about the sacrifices ourantecedent Regiments went through during the BoerWar. My favourite parts of the trip were theadventure training package in the DrakensburgNational Park, especially the white water rafting andseeing Durban.”The Freedom of Ladysmith was awarded inrecognition of the sacrifice made by members of theDuke of Lancaster’s parent regiments during the

defence and eventual relief of the town during the1899 – 1902 Boer War.While there the soldiers took part in the Freedomceremony, parading with other military units fromSouthAfrica in the centre of the city before the city’sMayor Councillor M V Madlala and the Colonel ofthe Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment Brigadier MikeGriffiths.The trip also saw the party take in an extensivebattlefield tour, walking many historic sitesincluding the Spion Kop where the British lost 1,500soldiers. They also went adventure training, whichincluded abseiling andwhite water rafting.But among the mostdemanding of the trip’scommitments was theSwartkop Challenge; anextreme sport whereteams pull a 1,300kgartillery gun up a 130mincline before firing it.

LIBRARIES acrossWigan and Leigh are holdingweek of activities dedicated to health andwellbeing.Scores of events have been planned across the borough duringHealth Week, from Monday 17 September- Saturday 22September.Events such as story time sessions for under 5s centred arounddental health and being healthy, healthy eating cookerydemonstrations and a special Exercise Bike Challenge betweenWigan Library and Leigh Library to see which town can clock up themost miles during the week.Organiser Wendy Heaton from Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust(WLCT), who manage libraries on behalf of Wigan Council, said:“Many people visit libraries to access books and information on lotsof health issues such as quitting smoking or dieting but this is a

chance to speak to those professionals in person who can help youto achieve a happier, healthier lifestyle.”Health Trainers from Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHSTrust will also be on hand to offer advise and top tips on weight loss,quitting smoking, how to eat more healthily and drinking sensibly.Andi Sizer, Clinical Network Lead for Health and Wellbeing -Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “We aredelighted to be supporting this week of activities and information.“It is a great opportunity for people to pop along for some simpleadvice and find out about the range of free services that Bridgewateroffers to help local people improve their health and wellbeing.”Staff from WLCT’s Active Living service will also be on handthroughout the week promoting free health sessions taking placeacross Wigan and Leigh.Visit www.wlct.org or visit your local library for moreinformation.

Aweek of wellbeing inWiganWiganer, Kingsman Andrew Campbell awarded

Freedom of Ladysmith in South Africa

Soldier honoured in South Africa

Members ofAppley BridgeWI enjoyeda flower arranging demonstration anda recollection of Southport Carnivalfrom Joan Hardwick, last month.Joan retold tales from the carnival; successfullytaking part in the Boys Brigade, and winningseveral awards on a shoestring budget.She also demonstrated another of her talents-flowerarranging, making a lovely display which waspresented to the oldest member, Mrs Hilda Bashforth.Members also enjoyed a talk from Mr.GordonMedicott, “The Last Lighthouse Keeper”.The Appley Bridge WI’s walking group went fortour of Beacon Country Park, Upholland. The wardengave a two hour tour explaining the park’s flowers andweeds.The ground may have been wet but surprisingly westayed dry.

Appley BridgeWI

Appley Bridge WI Walking Groupenjoying a warden-led walk at BeaconPark, Upholland.

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Page 5: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Wigan band The Hermitagethe next big thing?

By SamOliverWITH musical influences asdiverse as alternative rockersTheSmiths and technical guitaristPaul Gilbert, Wigan four-piece‘TheHermitage’are fast creatingtheir ownniche in the competitiveworld of the unsigned band.The line-up was formed a year ago when

school friends rhythm guitarist OwenHughes and singer Tom Stott met drummerCharlie Gough and lead guitarist CharlieHopper.Ben Fielding was soon added as bassist, but

musical differences prompted the departure ofHopper and the band decided to continue as afour-piece. Fielding took the role of leadguitarist, with Stott on bass as well as leadvocals. Few bands could cope such a radicalchangewithin the first fewmonths of forming,but The Hermitage are a group whoseversatility matches their skill as musicians.Stott, in addition to providing the distinctive

vocals that make the band stand out frommany of their peers, is a multi-instrumentalist,able to play the bass, guitar and drums.Fielding is a grade eight guitarist, and Goughand Hughes are both exceptional musicians intheir own right; not bad for a group ofteenagers who are only 17 years of age.The Hermitage have done it the hard way,

producing their own material right from thebeginning instead of first performing coverversions of hit songs like many new-startingbands.Rhythm guitarist Hughes, from Standish,

said: “I can’t think of a time when we saidwe’re going to be an original band, it just sortof happened. When we do occasionallyperform cover songs, we try to put an originalspin on them so people remember us.’’Gough, also from Standish, added: “No-one

is really the chief songwriter, wewrite sectionsof the songs on our own and that’s where weget our different styles from. Then to get oneoverall style, we bring our ideas to bandpractise and blend them together.’’The bandwas recently given the opportunity

to perform at the world-famous ManchesterAcademy, which has hosted the likes ofNirvana, Coldplay and Radiohead before theybecame household names.“It was brilliant, it felt like you’d imagine it

to be playing at a big venue,” saidGough, whoalong with his band mates impressed theorganisers with their energy and enthusiasm.The possibility of another appearance at theAcademy is currently at the discussion stage.The Hermitage are also headlining the beer

and music festival in Crooke on the weekendof the 21st of September, along withforthcoming gigs at the Boulevard in Wiganand many local pubs.Despite being together for only a year, they

have already written seven complete songswith three currently in progress. And unlikemany unsigned bands who copy the style ofalready famous artists to compete for a shareof the limelight, The Hermitage are doing ittheir way, writing original songs with plentyof passion.Nevertheless, vocalist Stott recognises that it

isn’t going to be easy to make the band asuccess: “Every weekend is different, someweekend’s you’re doing nothing and the nextyou’re working Friday, Saturday and Sunday.“But obviously everyone hopes to be that

next big band, and I think that we do well forourselves considering that there is a lot ofmusic that has become generic; we’ve putourselves out there for people and tried to bethat little bit different.’’


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Page 6: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


By Hannah SmithTWOWigan-based youth groupscelebrated the achievements oftheir young members with aSummer Prom.Youth groups, YouTH INC andFutures, celebrated the hardwork of theborough’s young peoplewith an awardsceremony, a three course meal and adisco.YouTH INC, a 15 member-strong group for

young people affected by disability, andFutures, an education project to help youngpeople gain GSCE qualifications, are run atWigan Voluntary Youth Services Centre, byIan and Kelly Mills, Simon Lowe and JennaWhite.GSCE qualification certificates werepresented to members as well as awards suchas, the young person with the most contagiouslaugh and the person who is the most likely tobe a youth worker when they are older.Wigan Central Ward Councillor GeorgeDavies, who funded the awards evening with

his Brighter Borough funding, presented thecertificates to the award winners andcommended the young people for their hardwork.He said:”I’d like to thank the young peoplewho have worked so hard in achieving theseawards, to help their future lives and thisshould be commended. I would also like tothank the Voluntary Youth Service Team atPenson Street for their dedication andcommitment, givingWigan’s young people anopportunity to better their future.”The youth groups have also been workingwith Councillor Davies, to make walks fromthe centre to Mesnes Park safer.He added: “I’m involved with the council’sHighways Department to put in safetymeasures onBridgemanTerrace. This is goingto help all residents, children and people withdisabilities. who use Mesnes Park.”Youth group co-ordinator, Kelly Millspraised the young people for their hard workand enthusiasm, saying: “It is great to see somany wonderful people achieving GCSEqualifications. Their hardwork and dedicationhas paid off and so the awards evening is acelebration and a way of saying thank you.”Our photograph shows Councillor Davies,Kelly Mills and the Youth Team with theaward winners at Wigan Voluntary YouthServices Centre.

Wigan youth groupscelebrate success

THE YOUNG Derian House fundraiser Dylan Wilding,fromMarsh Green, has presented the money he has raised,£120, to the Hospice.Dylan went to Derian House with members of his family and wasgreeted by appeals office staff member Roya Khadem, who accepteda cheque for £120 from Dylan, his mum and dad and members of hisfamily.Dylan raised the money from a sponsored soccer and netball tournament heorganised for family, friends and neighbours.Our picture taken at Derian House shows, back, Daryl and Natasha Wilding,and front left to right dad Michael Wilding, Roya Khadem from the Hospiceappeals office, Dylan and mum Deborah Mason.

Wigan lad raisesfunds for Derian

Mesnes Park restorationis well underway

MESNES Park’s magnificentrestoration will continue at pace over thenext few months as some of the park’smost famous landmarks are restored.As part of Phase Two of the restoration,external work repairing the roof, chimneys,

stonework, brickwork, timber and lime-render panels to the LodgeBuilding is currently coming to an end and in the next few weeks thescaffolding will be removed.Work will then start on an extension to the building which will become aTraining Centre on site for budding horticulturalists.During the next few months a new pump and filtration system will be installedinto the Pulham Rockwork, alongside a full restoration of the Pulhamite featureincluding recreating the ponds linking the water feature. Meaning that for the firsttime in decades a waterfall will once again flow in the park!The Bowling Pavilion will also be restored during this time whilst re-bronzingand restoration of the Sir Francis Sharp Powell (former MP of Wigan) statue willalso take place. The hole in his foot, caused by generations of Wigan folk rubbinghis shoe for luck, will also be repaired in order to prevent water ingress creatingmore corrosion.In early 2013 work will begin installing a replica of the Coalbrookdale Fountainon the site. Constructed in 1878 the Coalbrookdale Fountain was filled in 1914and removed in 1921.Joanne Ramdewor, Mesnes Park Officer for Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust,who manage the site on behalf of Wigan Council, said: “Phase Two of Mesnes

Park’s multi-millionpound restoration will seelots of exciting work takeplace over the next fewmonths.“When Sir FrancisSharp Powell’s statue isrestored it will ensureresidents ofWigan will beable to rub his foot forluck for another 100years.”Phase One of MesnesPark’s restoration wascompleted in March 2012.Work to date has includedrefurbishing and restoringthe pavilion, bandstand,lodge building and DaltonSteps. A new children’s

play area has also been built.Phase Two of the restoration, including new footpaths, lighting, signage and bins,is scheduled to finish with a formal opening of the park in August 2013.Mesnes Park’s restoration has been made possible following a £6.1m investmentby the Heritage Lottery Fund, Big Lottery Fund,Wigan Council andWigan Leisureand Culture Trust.

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Page 7: Wigan Courier September 11th edition



Page 8: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


MEMBERS of FledglingsHoliday Club were treated toan afternoon with adifference.Woodfold Primary School’s fieldturned into a farm for the afternoon, assheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, ducksand even a cow visited the holidayclub.Members of the holiday club, aged 3years-12 years, were able to stroke, feedand learn about the animals, thanks to themobile farm, provided by Fishers Farm,Charnock Richard.

By Hannah SmithNEW solar-powered pay and displaymachines are now in use in WiganTown Centre, along side the trialmobile phone parking scheme.The ticket machines are now up and runningin Library Street, Millgate and Hewlett Street,after a campaign to bring back the originalmachines to accompany the PayByPhone trialmachines.Wigan Central Councillor George Davies, whoheaded the campaign, said: “The new scheme wasdriving our shoppers and visitors away.“ I suggested to the council for a choice to begiven to our residents and visitors, to help ourtraders and I am delighted that the new pay anddisplay machines have been brought in along sidethe PayByPhone.”Our photograph shows Councillor George Daviesusing one of the new solar panel machine outsidethe Wigan Life building.

“BE inspired and helpChristies at the same time”-those are the words ofWiganathlete Jenny Meadows.Jenny who, due to injury, wasunlucky not to be part of Team GB,is urgingWiganers to enter theWiganRotary Club’s Run 4ALife event, onSunday September 23rd, at HaighHall.“By doing just 30 minutes of physicalactivity each day, even walking, canhelp you gain a number of healthbenefits,” says Jenny, “Why not start byentering the Wigan Rotary Club Run 4ALife event and walk 5Km (just over 3miles) round Haigh Hall.”Wigan Rotary President and retiredhospital consultant, Venk Mani said: “Itwill only take on average about onehour to walk the course and you will behelping us to make a bigger donation toChristies.“All the profits the club make fromthe event will help the hospital in men’scancer research via the Men MatterAppeal charity.“More than 2000 young men areaffected by testicular cancer each year,

and currentlyprostate cancerkills one manevery hour, yetonly half themoney is spenton men’s cancerresearch againstw o m e n ’ scancers.”Leigh MP andS h a d o wSecretary ofState forHealth, AndyBurnham issupporting theRun 4 A Lifeevent.He said: “I amdelighted to supportWigan Rotary Cluband wish all the runners success bothfor their fundraising and for the runitself.“It is vital that both funds andawareness are raised for cancers that donot always have the publicity that othercancers have. Good luck to you and allthe runners, helpers and supporters.”For training ideas visitwww.getactivewiganandleigh.co.uk

WWiiggaann RRoottaarryyCClluubb’’ss RRuunn 44 AA LLiiffee

Wigan AthleteJenny


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Page 9: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


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Page 10: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


IMAGINE it a holiday inMorocco, beautiful sand,beating hot sunshine, souks,camels, street markets,explosion of colour, tagine’s,mosques, riadd’s, beautifulmouth watering food,bazaars, mint tea, scarvesand then spice it up a bit.Add a team of emphatic people

with what can only be described as‘varied’ fitness into the middle of adesert, a trek of over 100km, up thetemperature because there’s not anice pool to cool off in or a bar tograb a luscious cocktail then realityis beginning to set in.Add sand rubbing between your toes

and the blisters! Imagine the miragesand constant need for water. Rememberthe fact it is going to take ten days.Now you are starting to understand

the level of sanity of this group ofpeople or commitment their charity –HCPT.The mission to trek across the Sahara

Desert to raise money for HCPT – ThePilgrimage Trust. HCPT takes more

than 2,500 children with social,emotional and physical needs toLourdes for the holiday of a lifetime, aholiday filled with love, laughter andopportunity. This experience isinvaluable to both the young people andtheir families.The Trek team have many fundraising

events underway to raise money forHCPT, including a charity dinner, aniPad raffle, an advertising book, carboot sale, quiz night, race night,adventure weekends, and many more tocome!The target for the trek team is to raise

£30,000! Currently we have raised 47per cent of our target so we still have along way to go.A race night has been organsied at the

Silver Tally pub, Shevington Moor,Standish, on Friday 5th October from8pm to fundraise for this fantasticcharity.Please come along to join us for a fun

filled evening and help us to raise somemoney for the charity too!To support and donate visit our just

giving site atwww.justgiving.com/teams/HCPTSahara2012 or donate by textingHCPT85 £5 to 70070.

ANEWplaque has been installed by the environment agencyat the Swinley dam, named The Changing Face of the RiverDouglas.Wigan Central Councillor George Davies, who supported the new Flood

Alleviation Scheme, said: “It’s a fascinating history lesson, which starts from 1700.Old photographs of the Old Sutton Mill Farm dating back to 1908 and a photographwith a view down Coppell Lane showing the original Bottlingwood are also shownon the new plaque.“This is for everyone and I would like to thank The Environment Agency and

everyone involved for this historical plaque for this area.”

Sahara Trekfor Standisher

History comes toSwinley Dam

Councillor Davies with The Changing Face of River Douglas

Olympic Torchbearer wins

inspiration awardWIGAN’S Olympic Torch bearer, CameronFoster has been recognised for his hard workat the Nickelodeon’s Fruit Shoot Skills Awards2012.Cameron, was presented with Fruit Shoot Inspiration

Award, after raising nearly £15,000 for specialist sportsequipment for disabled people.At the age of nine, Cameron suffered serious injuries from

a skiing accident, spending six weeks in a wheelchair.This inspired him to raise money for local Disability Sports

Organisations and his charity work hasn’t stopped since.Taking in part in countless sponsored runs, walks and even

abseiling down Old Trafford Stadium as well as volunteeringas a coach at English Karate Academy, Westleigh basketball,Wigan Sports Development and Leigh Cricket Club, it is nosurprise Cameron’s hard work has been recognised.Hosted at the ICC in Birmingham, Nickelodeon’s Fruit

Shoot Skills Awards 2012 celebrates the accomplishment,talent and dedication of kids from across the country in thisinaugural ceremony. Winners, from six categories including

“Coolest Moves,” “Rising Music Star” and “Big Talent,”were decided by an online public vote at nick.co.uk, soCameron really is the people’s champion!In addition to watching the awards, over 8,000 ticket

holders to the event were able to take part in a series ofactivities and visit various skill stations, including rockclimbing and basketball practice, at The ICC before theawards began.Cameron was presented with his award by The Voice’s

Tyler James, Britain’s Got Talent’s Ryan O’Shaunghnessyand The X factor’s Amelia Lily.

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Page 11: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


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WIGAN’S legendary sweets are making their way across the Pacific ocean, toJapan.Uncle Joe’s mint balls, made by Wigan sweet company Wiiliam Santus & Co LTD, have struck a deal

with Japan for the sweets to be sold there.The Wigan company is also in talks with Asia to sell the famous Wigan sweets, that ‘keep you all aglow.After supplying the mint balls as favours for a wedding in Japan, a couple found the sweets were so popular

that they approached William Santus with the idea of setting up a company to market them in the country.The announcement was made at the British Business Embassy Retail, Food, and drink summit in London, one

of 18 events organised by UK Trade & Investment during the Olympics and Paralympic games.

Mint Balls make it to Japan

THE future certainly looks bloomingforWigan’s three piece big noise band,Boomin.

The lads – brothers Adam and Edd and collegemate Rory – have played together for six years, andworked with some of the top names in thebusiness.And now, the first album is out on sale and the sound

of Wigan is set to hit a huge audience.“We’re going to give it all we’ve got,” said Rory

O’Grady, the band’s 26- year old bass guitarist. “Thehard work starts now and if something happens that’sgreat.”Chosen to headline the council’s bid for national

glory at Britain in Bloom, Boomin took centre stageat a busy launch day in Wigan town centre thisspring.Alongside the flowers and residents’ eco projects,

the band showed that using your talents for the benefitof the whole community is a big part of the ‘In Bloom’agenda. They were back on stage in town a fewweeks later as part of the major Diamond Fest eventsfor the Jubilee celebrations along with other localbands and sporting heroes.Cllr Chris Ready, cabinet champion for leisure, was

impressed with the band’s dedication to their Wiganfanbase.He said: “The town has a great history of musicians.

Boomin continue that, having been taught music inour local schools and colleges and wanting to carryon doing their bit for the community.”Boomin paid tribute to the quality of teaching at

school and at Wigan & Leigh College, where Adamand Edd Langmead met Rory O’Grady.

BBoooommiinn aarree BBlloooommiinn!! “We had some great teachers, including Peter Frampton and Andy Gleave,” Rory adds. “They brought outthe best in us.” These days the lads work alongside Pixie Lott, Craig David and McFly. Cllr Ready and Wigan MP Lisa Nandy

were in the audience for Boomin’s DiamondFest set. Lisa Nandy MP, said: “Boomin are a real credit to the town and the teachers who inspired them. They’re

already putting Wigan on the map, I wish them the best of luck with the new album which I’m sure will be ahuge success.”


Page 12: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


By Hannah SmithA MEMBER of StandishArt Group, has recentlyexhibited her work atBritain’s largest open,selling exhibition.Denise Gillaspy, exhibited hergorilla painting at The NationalExhibition of Wildlife Art, atGordale Garden Centre, SouthWirral.Artist’s work has to be appraisedby a team of five independentjudges before their work isaccepted to be displayed at theexhibition.She has also won a HighlyCommended Award in the recent‘Society for All Artists’ Artist ofthe Year 2012 competition, for herpainting of her dog.Denise has had a very successfulyear and it looks sets to continue-a selection of Denise’s work is tobe exhibited at The BoonricGallery at Inglenook Farm, St.Helens from September 2nd-16th.Denise told The Courier: “I have

been painting in pastels foraround 18 months and have beendrawing seriously for around twoyears.“Joining an art group is a great

help in keeping your interestongoing. No matter what levelyour abilites are they will improvewith regular encouragement andadvice from fellow artists.“I have only just joined StandishArt Club a couple of months agoand already feel at home there,everyone is so friendly andwilling to share their talents withyou.”Our pictures show Denise at theexhibition and her gorilla paintingwhich was chosen to be displayed.

ENTRANTS in the ShevingtonGardening Club’s Flower andVegetable Competition defied theweather at the club’s 28th annual show.Despite the poor weather during the growingseason, members presented exhibits in most of the30 vegetable classes and the 20 classes of theflower section.There were also good representation in Domestic,Photography and Arts and Crafts sections.The show took place at Shevington MethodistChurch and run in tandem with Shevington andDistrict Community Fete.Additionally, for 2012 only, and in keeping with theOlympiad theme of Shevington Fete, special classessuch as Olympic torch, Display of red,white and blueflowers, and Sporting theme photographs attractedentries.

Entrants who came first, second and third in theseven Olympiad classes were awarded Gold, Silverand Bronze medals.Congratulations to Alexander Hodge, who won theClub’s Eileen Longmore Trophy. This was donated byEileen for the achievement of “Most points in NoviceSection.”Club members are hoping that Alex will, in futureyears, be presenting a challenge to the moreexperienced exhibitors!The Club would like to thank local businesses whosponsored the individual classes and to the volunteerswho gave up their time to help set up and run the eventon the day.If you wish to join the Gardening Club or to beinvolved with next year’s show, please do not hesitateto get in touch with Ted Unwin email:[email protected] or with Eileen Longmoreemail: [email protected]

LOCAL bat expert and licensed bathandler, Harold Green visitedShevington WI for their July meeting.Mr Green is the local bat warden forthe Bat Conservation Trust andenthralled the ladies with details of hisextraordinary work.He brought with him all his specialist equipmentincluding a night scope, laser thermometer and batdetector and explained the fascinating lifestyle ofthe numerous species of bats found in the Wiganarea, and the importance of their conservation forus all.An average bat will eat 2-3000 midges and otherflying insects per night, saving the farmers the needto use pesticides and giving the rest of us a much morepleasant atmosphere.

Mr Green’s work is concerned with examining bathabitats and keeping them safe from development, thefine for killing a bat is up to £8,000 and/or 6 monthsin prison.His main aim is the protection of these fascinatingcreatures and educating everyone as to the crucial partthe bat plays in our environment.Jack Morris visited the WI in August to give a talkon ‘The Other Black Beauty’- black puddings. Jack,who is a champion black pudding maker, recountedmany tales of his long association with the famousLancashire dish which began when he took over hisBolton butchers shop in 1961. The next meeting onSeptember 26th will be a musical evening with TonyBostock and friends. The meeting will take placeShevington Methodist Church at 7.30pm. All ladieswelcome. To find out more please contact SylviaMcHugh on 01257 401963



Page 13: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Church Chatter...

ST. WILFRID’S Church,Standish is once again hostingits Arts and Music Festival inOctober.From Saturday October 6th- Sunday

October 14th, the Grade I listedbuilding is playing host to manyevents, celebrating local talent.With its 16th century nave, splendid

oak roof, its early 17th century pulpit anddark interior, St. Wilfrid’s is the perfectlocation to enjoymusical concerts, danceshows and art exhibitions.Saturday’s Matinee performance, a

Song Recital, by Alexandra Tiffin andMark Millington will open the festival.Friday night’s concert, ‘By George’

with Micheal Lunts will celebrate all thequirks of the English.On Wednesday, local schools and

colleges are presenting the festival’sSchool Day. Performances fromWoodfold, St. Marie’s and St. Wilfrid’sJunior Schools will take place in theafternoon, followed by an evening ofsongs by Standish High School and St.John Rigby College.To close the curtain on the final day of

the festival, a Songs of Praise concert, ledby the combined church choirs ofStandish, Shevington & Appley Bridge,will take place in the church on SundayOctober 14th.Exhibitions from Standish Art Group

and Wigan Photographic Society are onshow in the church throughout thefestival.Due to the financial climate, ticket

prices are to be kept the same at £5 foradults and £1 for children and students.Ticket prices for Standish Chorale maydiffer.

Diary of Events:Saturday October 6th10.30am Church Tour withAlan Stone3pm Song Recital AlexTiffin & Mark Millington7.30pm (Parish Hall)Standish ChoraleSunday October 7thChurch Services8am Holy Communion10am Family Communion6.30pm Choral EvensongMonday October 8th12.15pm HolyCommunion7.30pm St. Wilfrid’sChurch Lads & ChurchGirls’ Brigade Band withsupporting artistsTuesday October 9th2pm Church Tour with JoeBazeley7.30pm Wayne Gorner &Young MusiciansWednesday October10th Schools’ Day10am Holy Communion2pmWoodfold, St. Marie’s

and St. Wilfrid’s JuniorSchools7.30pm Standish HighSchool and St. John RigbyCollegeThursday October11th2pm Church Tour with JoeBazeleyFriday October 12thFeast of St. Wilfrid’s7.30pm Concert withMichael LuntsSaturday October13th2pm Christine RaynorSchool of Dance7.30pm WiganIntermediate & WiganYouth Brass BandsSunday October 14thChurch Services &Patronal Festival8am Holy Communion10am Family Communion& parade11.15am Sung Mattins6.30pm Songs of Praise

CHURCHES across the borough arepreparing for a special Back to Churchservice on Sunday September 30.“Back to Church Sunday”, founded in Greater

Manchester in 2004, is now in its eighth year andaims to reach people who are not currently part ofa church community.Members of church congregations are urged to bring

someone along to the service who are not connectedto a church, to encourage participation.The service has proved successful with 4,200

churches taking part in 2011- a 20 per cent increase onthe previous year.Organisers hope that this will inspire 5,000 churches

to take part in 2012 “Back to Church Sunday”,continuing the upward trend in participation andaverage returner numbers.Since the first “Back to Church Sunday” in 2004,feedback suggests about 230,000 people have comeback to the church after going to the service.TheArchbishop of Canterbury, Dr RowanWilliams isurging calling on all churches across the UK to jointhe nation- wide service, urging church participation.To register your church for the “Back to ChurchSunday” visit www.backtochurch.co.uk

ST. MATTHEW’S Parish Hall isholding a table top sale on SaturdayOctober 6th, from 9am-1pm, to raisefunds for the parish rooms.Tables cost £8. Refreshments will be available.Car parking is is also available on both the

Church and Church Hall car parks.The Parish Hall, on Billinge Road, Highfield,

is situated on the 631 and 632 bus route.Pre-booked tables only. To book a table please

call 01942 222905


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Page 14: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


OUR well-e s t a b l i s h e d ,f a m i l y - r u nbusiness DeReveoffers fourdifferent servicesin the local area.DeReve Kitchensand Bathrooms,which has offered itsservice for many years,has its own team ofworkers, offering a fullkitchen & bathroomcad design service, freehome measure surveysand project managejobs at competitiveprices.All kitchens are

manufactured bythemselves at thereMill at Wrightington,doors are hand-paintedand cabinets areconstructed in our millat Wrightington.DeReve Stoves andFires Surrounds,Billinge, is hetasregistered to fit logburning stoves,specialising in woodburning stoveinstallation, flueinstallations, sales,spares, maintenanceand repairs. Fullplumbing and heatingservice. Gas SafeRegistered.All stoves installed

are defra approved forsmokeless areas.C l a s s i c ,

contemporary andtraditional stoves, fires,fireplaces, accessoriesand installation serviceare provided at DeReveStoves and FiresSurrounds.For more than 23

years, the company hasalso run, BoltonP r o p e r t yDevelopments, whichu n d e r t a k e sr e f u r b i s h m e n t s ,renovations, extensionsand conversion.The company hasrecently launched,DeReve Electrical

and Building, whichprovides extensionselectrical rewires andgeneral homeimprovements.So why not visit one

of our showrooms andsee for yourself whatwe have to offer.We are open 6 days a


De Reve is growing!

ST. ANNE’S Parent and ToddlerGroup have bought a a whole range ofnew toys, thanks to the Dragon’s atWigan Rotary Club.The Parent and Toddler Group, based at St.

Anne’s Community Church Hall on Beech Hill,applied for funding for the toys, at this year’sDragon’s Den competition, organised by WiganRotary Club, and was successful.Run by volunteers, the group provides a safe

environment for toddlers, parents andgrandchildren to play.The group is run every Tuesday morning from

9am- 11.15am in school term times.For more information call Mrs Howarth on 01942


New toys forSt. Anne’s

toddler groupKitchens, Bathrooms, Fires & Fireplaces

Visit our showrooms at:De Reve Kitchens & Bathrooms34 Main Street, Billinge. 01744 808969 or

Mossy Lea Road,Wrightington. 01257 423666Email: [email protected]

We are open 6 days a week


• We will come out to your home, design yourperfect kitchen, bathroom, stove or fireplacethen quickly and carefully carry out all worksand for the best possible price.

• De Reve will ensure all work from structural tofinal fix and any remedial work is completed inthe best possible manner.

• We will arrange a convenient time to visit youat home, to discuss your ideas and aspirations.

• We will then design within a few days. Don'tworry, if this is not what you envisaged we willwork with you to make it perfect.

• This service is completey FREE.

All day breakfast £3.49Mains From £3.498oz Gammon Steak & Chips £5.258oz Rump Steak & Chips £5.95

Open 12noon - 11pm. Food served 12noon - 2pm and 5pm - 8pm


Now offering a new food menu

Burgerand a drinkfor £5.255pm - 8pmTuesday

Curryand a drinkfor £4.955pm - 8pmWednesday

Grilland a pint

for £5.955pm - 8pmThursday

1 Wigan Road, Standish, Wigan, WN6 OBGTelephone: 01257 368545

The Horseshoe


Page 15: Wigan Courier September 11th edition



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Page 19: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


By Hannah SmithCONFIDENT children,literate for life- this is themantra spreading acrossthe borough thanks to thelocal branch of a nationalreading charity.The West Pennine Branch of

charity, Volunteer Reading Help,offers literary support for childrenaged 6-11, by providing two 90minute visits perweek to a school,helping 3 pupils, one-to-one, withtheir reading, confidence and selfesteem.Starting in 1973, the national

charity has grown from strength tostrength with 17 branches nowestablished in England and hasmade a huge improvement tochildren’s reading ability.Sixteen schools across the

Borough are participating in thescheme,with twenty-five volunteerscurrentlyworkingwith 78 pupils, ona weekly basis- and Wigan pupils

are certainly reaping the benefits.One local schoolwho is part of the

scheme is Aspull Church PrimarySchool and Head Teacher, JennyClarke is astounded by the pupilsreading improvement.“I’ve been so impressed with

VoluntaryReadingHelp’s scheme,”she said, “reading results areimpressive and their love forreading, self esteem and confidencehas improved beyond allexpectations.“The volunteers are respected by

the children and display a verycaring and nurturing attitude, whichis lovely to see.”It’s not just the teachers that are

seeing a difference, parents havealso seen a vast improvement intheir child’s reading skills.Michelle Lee, who’s daughter

attends Canon Sharples PrimarySchool, said: “I have seen adifference in my child’s readingover the last couple of weeks, she isa happy reader now. She is muchmore confident, and is happy to try

to work out words that she findshard to say.”The one-to-one sessions are

broken into different sections,starting with a short discussionabout their choice of book, followedby 15 to 20minutes of reading, thena brief talk about what they haveread and then, to close, a 10 minutegame.Newly-appointed Shadow

Children’s Minister, Wigan MP,Lisa Nandy visited Canon SharplesPrimary School to see the charity’swork in action.She said: “It was inspiring to see

local volunteers helping Wiganchildren develop reading skills andconfidence. Canon Sharples areleading the way with such anexciting scheme and it’s great newsfor the town.”EmmaMitsonVolunteer Services

Manager for the West PennineBranch is looking for morevolunteers to help with the scheme.She told the Courier: “I really enjoymy job, I work with very dedicatedvolunteersworkingwith children ona weekly basis, and seeing thedifference that they are making tothe child’s future and opening aworld that could possibly not havebeen made available to them isgreat.”If you are interested in

becoming a volunteer, are able tocommit to a minimum of 12months to do 2 x 90 minutesessions during school term time,like books, and enjoy workingwith primary school children on aone-to-one basis, then log ontowww.vrh.org.uk or call EmmaMitson or Lucy Sutcliffe on01204 532421.

Volunteers helpWigan’s children to read

Wigan MP Lisa Nandy at Canon Sharples PrimarySchool with Volunteer Reading Help

You really have to see ImagineKitchens to believe it!Billy and his team provide their

customers with high quality, bespokeservices from designing to installingthe finest kitchens in the area.Imagine Kitchens has consistently

offered their clients some of the bestkitchen products on the market.Imagine Kitchens offer you a fullinstallation service by their in houseteam of plumbers, tilers, plasterersand electricians. All work carried outby qualified tradesmen.Mr and Mrs Deardon are very

satisfied customers: "We are reallypleased with our new kitchen. Thequality of the units and appliances isexcellent. We were extremelyimpressed with every aspect of the‘package’ - from the planning/designstage through to the final fitting.”Mr and Mrs Spicer commented,

“The manner of all the work forcewas extremely good. All worked to avery high standard and wereconsiderate and respectful at alltimes. We are delighted with our newkitchenThis is just a couple of our many

glowing recommendations thathave been accredited to Imagine.As customers of Imagine know, the

company caters for all tastes

incorporating modern andcontemporary to traditional andpractical but far more importantlythey always focus on the quality of theproduct and installation.There is a wealth of exquisite stock

to view and all kitchens are made toorder and built by cabinet makers,no mass production here!The kitchen of your dreams is

available under one roof, all it takes isa no fuss 30 minute home survey withnone of the pressure of the hard selltactics.With the help of the experts let your

imagination run wild and give Billy acall on 01257 403003

High Spec Kitchen Units!• Solid, robust cabinet• Hand built 18mm rigidcarcase with solid 18mmbacks

• Colour co-ordinatedcabinets to match doors

• Made to any size

No sales gimmicks - quality kitchens at realistic prices.

Use yourimagination!


We now offer bathrooms

Due to popular demand we now offer youour same bespoke service for bathrooms!

Our clients who visit our kitchen showroomhave been so impressed with the way we

handled the planning and designing of theirkitchen. That we are now being constantly

asked for a fitted bathroom service.AT IMAGINEWE NOWOFFER THIS SERVICE.

From professionally planning anddesigning your bathroom our team willthen complete the job including wallremovals, electrics, plastering, tiling

through to the ceiling lightsyou may require.

Give us a call or call into showroom todiscuss your requirements.

We will be happy to help and give youour professional advice.

NEW Bathroom Service


Page 20: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


DispensingNHS prescriptions promptly with advice on how to get the most benefit from yourmedicines.Medicine Use ReviewsYou can make an appointment with our pharmacist to discuss your regularmedicines and learn more about your medicines.New Medicines ServiceA service to help you understand your condition and get the most out of your newmedicine.Stop Smoking ServiceWe can help you to stop smoking with our one-to-one smoking cessation service.Minor Ailment SchemeAdvice and treatment for a range of conditions from our pharmacists. Nowaiting for an appointment and you can get your medication (if appropriate)free if you do not normally pay for your prescriptions.Free Medicines Delivery ServiceA free medicines delivery service at times convenient to you.Caring for CarersIf you are a carer and wish to register for this free service telephone 01257 252753

Shevington Community Pharmacy

Shevington Surgery, Houghton Lane, Shevington, WN6 8ET Telephone: 01257 252753

Monday7am to 10pmTuesday

7am to 10pmWednesday7am to 10pmThursday

7am to 10pm

Open early to late7 days a week

Friday7am to 10pmSaturday

7am to 10pmSunday

10am to 8pm

Enjoy Dinner And A Life Changing Storyat The Mercure Oak Hotel, Orchard Street Wigan, WN1 3SS

With Guest Speaker Harry ShawMonday 24th September 2012 - 7.15pm for 7.30pm

When two vicars told Harry that God was speaking to them about him,he thought “what a pair of clowns”

A concreter from Colne,Harry had no interest in church or religion,but his experience of God was about to change.

Come and hear Harry's down to earth, but miraculous story, of how a builder from Colnesees people healed in everyday life, and be ready for God to touch and speak to you!

£12.50 payable on the night or complimentary for new guestsRSVP by Thursday 20th September

Telephone 01695 623557Or contact Stuart Jones on 01942 495316 Mobile: 07980536566

Hosted by The Business Men's FellowshipBringing Good news to the workplace, home and community

By Hannah SmithWIGAN education charity BETAcelebrated the opening of theParalympic Games with an exhibitionof Wigan’s history.BETA, Basic Education and Training for Adults,

is an education initiative, that offers free basiceducation and skills building to people withphysical and learning disabilities.The students organised an exhibition, Romans to

18th Century, displaying images, videos and postersshowing the different historical times.Established in 1991 by Eileen Bithell and Eileen

Walsh, the charity, supported by Wigan Council, hasset up an internet cafe, BETANetc@fe, on King Street,offering free tutor help with internet and computerskills.Eileen Bithell told the Courier: “BETA is all about

ability not disability, with our help, the students haveproduced two books about Wigan’s history which isfantastic.”Wigan MP Lisa Nandy and Deputy Council Leader

of Wigan Council David Molyneux visited theexhibition in Wigan Town Hall.Lisa NandyMPpraised the organisation, saying: “It’s

fantastic that Wigan has such an organisation whicheducates and celebrates Wigan’s history.”

BETA displaysWigan’s history

Our photograph shows BETA co-ordinators Eileen Bithell and Eileen Walsh withthe students, alongside Wigan MP Lisa Nandy, Wigan Council’s Deputy LeaderDavid Molyneux and Wigan Ward Councillor George Davies.


Page 21: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Standish Community HighSchool GCSE Results A*- GAinscough J 14.5, Allmark D12, Andrew J 12, Andrews 13,Ashcroft M 12, Ashton B 14,Ashurst J 12, Ashurst J 12,Aspinall K 12.5, Atherton A 11,Atkinson T 12, Bailey B 10,Barnes A 12.67, Baybutt K 11,Bean L 11, Bell J 12, Bendelow J13, Bewley A 12, Bibby J 11.5,Bibby K 4.5, Bint J 13, Birch R12, Blackledge N 11, Bland L 12,Bland L 11, Bolton C 12,Boulton J 14, Bradshaw L 13,Brady C 14, Brokas C 12,Brookes J 11, Brown H 12, BuddA 13, Burgoyne B 12, BurwoodB 13, Cain L 14, Callow G 12,Cannon A 12, Cant J 12, CarterC 13, Carter M 11, Carter S 12,Chu L 13, Chungi N 12, ConnellL 12, Cottam J 13, Counsell A12, Coupe J 11, Court L 12,Cowap M 11.5, Cowell J 11,Coxhead A 12.5, Crooks B 12,Culshaw D 11.5, Cunningham P11, Curwen B 11, Dakin C 12.5,Dalton A 14, Darbyshire G 13,Davis J 12, Dawber J 11.5,Dawber R 12, Dennis R 12,Derbyshire R 14, Dibble M 12,Dillon K 12, Djali C 12, DobbsR 13, Donnelly A 13, Doran B11, Duffield C 11, Eccleston N13.5, Eckersley S 12, Evans A14.5, Evans L 11, Fairhurst K11.5, Fielding J 12, Finch R 12,Foster J 12, Foy J 11, FrodshamJ 9.5, Gallagher J 12, Gallimore

R 12, Gambles L 12, Gaskell S13, Gibbons H 12, Gibson K 12,Goulding D 13, Green D 11,Green E 12, Green N 12,Gregson N 13, Grindley L 11,Gummerson M 12, Hall K 12,Hamilton M 13, Hanson T 10,Hardy E 14, Harrison D 12,Harrison L 10, Heaton J 11,Higgins M 11, Hill A 12, Hilto J12.5, Hodges J 13, Holland I 12,Holmes A 13, Hornby R 11,Hough F 12, Hudson Z 11, HullM 13, Hunter J 13.67, HurstK 13, Hutchings F 12, HutchingsR 12, Innocent O 13, Ismail M12, James P 12, Jennion J 12,Jones B 8, Jones D 13, Jones E12, Jones O 13, Jones R 12.67,Kale R 11, Kearns A 12, KeebleH 8.5, Kelly R 11.5, Khan H 12,Khan W 12, Kinsella B 13,Knowles A 12, Knowles J 11,Knowles M 12, Laithwaite C 10,Lawton R 13, Lowe J 11, LoweT 12, Makinson B 12, MakinsonS 12, Maltby L 12, Marshall L11, Mason D 13, Mather C 12,McDermott K 12, McGibbon P12, McIlwaine B 15, McNally D12, McName J 9, McNamee J10, Melling M 12, Mitchinson T12, Moore A 9, Moorfield N11.5, Moran H 10, Morris A 12,Morrison Z 12, Nasim-Mohi A14, Naylor A 15, Naylor J 12,Naylor K 12, Nelson K 11,Nixon J 13, Norris D 13,Oderinde A 9.5, Owen M 12,Parker B 13, Parr M 12, Patten N

12, Peet R 13, PenkE 13, PenkS 12, Peters M 13, Phillips E 12,Phillips-Bolton O 12, Phipps V12, Platt E 11.5, Powell B 11,Powell J 12, Price C 11.5, PriestM 11, Prince O 11.5, Pritchard R11, Prole H 12, Purdham 13,Purdham N 12, Redrobe I 12,Richards J 12, Richardson J12.67, Richardson R 10, Rigby B13, Roper C 10, Roper J 10,Roper M 12, Saoudi H 9,Schlautmann N 12, SeabridgeW12, Seddon E 12, Seddon J 11,Seddon N 11, Seddon T 12.67,Shaw B 11.5, Shaw C 9.5, ShawR 9.5, Shields R 10.5, ShorrocksJ 12, Simm K 13, Simpson L 12,Sinclair C 12, Siyani J 13, SmartR 12, Smith D 12.5, Smith J14.5, Smith N 13, Smullen P 12,Speakman M 10, Stafford K 11,Stafford O 13, Stewart T 13,Stokes E 12, Straw S 12,Sturgess L 12, Stuttard J 12,Sullivan R 9.5, Sutton-Webb H12, Swift M 12, Taylor A 11,Thompson N 12, Tickle R 11,Tinsdale-Gallery Z 11, TraynorA 13, Uniack T 12, Valentine S12, Walker J 12, Webb E 12,Wheele R 11,White K 13,WhiteM 12.67, White T 12,Whitehouse S 12, Wiggans J 12,Wilcock C 12, Wilson D 12.67,Wilson J 14.5, Winnard M 12,Winstanley A 12, Winstanley J11, Wood B 9, Wood F 12,Woodcock A 10, Yates B 11,Yates C 12, Young L 12.

A FANTASTIC day at StandishCommunity High School saw studentscelebrating results which are the best inthe school’s history!Intensive preparation, hard work, commitmentand no end of talent resulted in students beingrewarded for their endeavours- and theythoroughly deserved it.From June toAugust, students, parents, teachers andGovernors were anxiously awaiting the results andthese outstanding achievements were certainly worththe wait.Achievements across the board were phenomenal:an incredible 84 per cent of students gained at least 5A*-C GCSE passes including English andmathematics – The Government’s ‘Gold Standard’representing a significant increase of 17 per cent onour 2011 results.

45 per cent of the whole cohort gained at least 3A*/A GCSE passes, while 93 per cent of the wholecohort gained five or more A*-C and 100 per centgained five or more A*-G gradesA delighted Head Teacher, Lynne Fox, commented:“All the tremendous work and commitment have paidoff for our fantastic students and I am thrilled for them.While our results reflect well on the school, moreimportantly, they provide students with theopportunity to go on to the next steps in their lives andwe wish them all the very best of luck.”Many students achieved outstanding personalresults, a great reflection of their abilities and thesupport of those teachers that have nurtured themduring the time at Standish Community High School.Some of Standish’s top performers include, AdamNaylor, Phoebe McGibbon, Mohamed Ismail,Deborah Wilson, Nicola Patten, Katherine White,Arianna Barnes, Jade Cant, Rachael Finch, ZoeMorrison, Amy Knowles, William Seabridge.

Gold standard success for Standish students

From left- right: Year 11 Head Mrs L Barker, Mohamed Ismail, Arianna Barnes, JadeCant, Rachael Finch, Nicola Patten, Phoebe McGibbon, Deborah Wilson, Amy Knowles

and a delighted headteacher, Mrs Lynne Fox celebrate pupils top results



Page 22: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


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'KS1 and KS2 recognisedSchemes of Work for PPA time'

ON September 4th MaharishiSchool started its second year asa Free School.As part of our planned growth, pupil

numbers have increased over last yearand, as before, applications exceededclass places.After Easter the Secondary School

occupied its own newly-converted and fittedout building. Both pupils and staff lovebeing in their state-of-the art facility.The move also enabled us to expand the

Primary School, which is also being

improved. Over the summer the playingfield was re-grassed and the last portacabinwas removed.We’re also pleased to report that Education

Secretary Michael Gove recentlyhighlighted Maharishi School as one of thenew Free Schools offering an excellentquality of education.Here at the school we put much of our

success down to our unique system ofConsciousness-based Education, whichincludes twice daily periods ofTranscendental Meditation (TM) aspart of the curriculum.

More than 700 scientific studies withabout half published in peer-reviewedjournals demonstrate how effective TM is.Amongst other things it is shown to removestress, develop creativity and intelligenceand harmonise behaviour – all great for amore fulfilling educational experience.In September 2013 Maharishi School will

be expanding again, recruiting for Receptionand all years from 3 to 7. So don’t miss out,apply this year for a place at this pioneeringschool.

Right: Members of one of Le Club’s Saturday morningclasses having fun learning Spanish

Below: The Saturday Gold Course students had a goodtime performing Cendrillon (Cinderella) in French

Maharishi School goes from strengthto strength as Free school

ST. MARK’S Primary School is looking for Wiganers tohelp collect empty yogurt pots for recycling as part of theTop of the Pots collection contest.The school are currently in fifteenth place for a chance to win up to £200.St. Mark’s is currently participating in a national recycling fundraising scheme

where they save waste packaging that would otherwise have ended up in landfill,raising funds that go to the school.They have, so far, raised £28.82 through the scheme.

Courier EDUCATIONYogurt pots wanted for contest


Page 23: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Our Open Evenings can help you make the rightdecision about your future studies and will showyou why our students think that St John Rigby

College is a great place to learn.

St John Rigby College students achieved afantastic set of results in August 2012. The overallpass rate on Level 3 courses climbed above 99%

- a record high.

A stunning 26 out of 34 subjects achieved a 100%pass rate, many achieving this for the fourth

consecutive year. In addition to an overall passrate of nearly 100% the number of students

obtaining the very highest grades (A*, A or B) wasalso a new College record.

St John RigbyCollege

Gathurst Road, Orrell, Wigan, WN5 0LJTel: 01942 214797

Email: [email protected] www.sjr.ac.uk

St John Rigby CollegeVisit us on one of our

Open EveningsWednesday 10th October 2012

Tuesday 13th October 2012Tuesday 13th November 2012


Page 24: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Abernethy A 9, Adejumo S 10.5, Ahmed F 10.5,Ainsworth J 12.5, Alker J 10.5, Ascroft G 10.5,Ashall S 10.5, Ashcroft J 11, Ashcroft S 8.5,Ashurst L 8.5,Aspey G 11.5,AzimyA10.5, Ball D12.5, Ball M 9.5, Balmer L 11.5, Bamber D 8,Bannister D 8, Bannister S 8, Barker P 10.5,Bartlett S 9.5, Beard K 9, Bishop C 11, Bithell K10.5, Blackshaw G 10.5, Blakeley R 10.5, BoltonB 9.5, Bolton O 10, Bone C 9.5, Boulton J 3,Boulton S 11.5, Bradshaw L 11, Brady H 10.5,Briscoe T 12.5, Brookfield H 11.5, Brooks C 12.5,Brown A 10.5, Brown B 5, Brown G 10.5, BrownL 11.5, Brown N 9.5, Brown S 11.5, Buckley M10.5, Burns J 8, Burns P 7, Calladine H 9.5,Campbell S 11, Carletti D 11.5, Carr B 9.5, Carr L9.5, Charnock L 11.5, Charnock R 11.5, Clark A11, Clark D 9.5, Clark M 3, Clarke A 10.5, ClarkeJ 10.5, Clarke K 0, Cleary L 8, Clitherow E 10.5,Clossick S 9.5, Cooksey R 9.5, Cooper S 11,Coram M 10.5, Corner B 11, Corrigan A 10,Coventry J 9, Cowhie C 10.5, Culshaw J 6,Cunliffe J 9, Curran P 9.5, Daly L 10.5, DarbyshireL 10.5, Davison C 11, Dawber J 10.5, DeanA12.5,Dean F 9.5, Dempsey C 3, Derbyshire L 10.5,Dermott A 10.5, Dermott J 9.5, Doran S 9.5,Drotsevitch V 11.5, Duckworth A 10.5, Duffy P11.5, Dutson S 8, Eadie E 10.5, Edwards R 10,Elsey T 9, Ely J 7, Fagan L 9.5, Fairhurst C 12,Fairhurst C 5, Fishburn A 11, Fishwick Z 9.5,Fitzsimmons M 10.5, Foster E 11.5, Foster N 10.5,Foy V 10.5, Gaskell M 8, Gaskell S 10, Gaskell T11.5, Glover S 8.5, Grady C 12.5, Gray J 9.5, GrayS 10.5, Gray S 9.5, Green C 11.5, Green M 9.5,Greenall J 9.5, Gregory T 10.5, Gregson R 11.5,Griffin J 10, Hall C 10.5, Hamilton O 10, HardmanM 10.5, Hardman R 9.5, Harrop G 10.5, Hart J 9,Hartney S 11.5, Harvey D 8.5, Hayes-McCoy E 10,Haywood S 10.5, Heath J 9.5, Heaton K 6,Henderson-Banks J 11.5, Hendry J 10, HepworthL 10.5, Herring S 10.5, Hilton A 10.5, Holden B10.5, Holden L 9, Holmes N 10.5, Holmes R 12,Hough R 11.5, Houghton R 11.5, Hughes S 9.5,

Hull T 10.5, Jackson M 9.5, Jayne O 8, Johnson A9, Jones C 11.5, Jones M 10.5, Kay G 10, Kelly M9.5, Kelsall A 11.5, Kenyon L 9, Kinane S 10.5,Langwieser S 11.5, Lawless C 11.5, Lawless C 10,Leach R 7, Lethbridge A 10.5, Leyland M 10.5,Linke K 10.5, Lombe I 9, Lynskey-Markland J10.5, MacLure B 9.5, Magwenzi F 9, Major J 9,Marsh N 9, Marsh T 11, Mc.Callum E 12.5,McIntyre N 9, McKay S 12.5, McPherson S 10.5,Melling A 12.5, Melling A 11, Mercer J 9, MerrillC 10, Middleton D 5.5, Millington T 8, Mitchell B8, Moffitt A 8, Moore O 8, Moss C 10.5, Mostyn S4, Newbury P 12, Noble J 10.5, Omer A 11.5,O’NeillA10.5, Oyeniyi E 10.5, Pakalne J 8, ParkerJ 10.5, Parkinson L 9.5, Parr K 10.5, Parrish D 9,Parsonage T 10, Peacock E 10.5, Pendlebury J 10,Penman A 10, Penman M 9, Pennington L 11.5,PlattA 10, PrescottA10.5, Price B 11.5, Price M 9,Pritchard M 7, Quayle L 10.5, Quigley A 10,Ralphs D 9, Ralphs S 10, Rees Gara L 11.5,Rennox K 11.5, Revell B 8.5, Reynolds A 10,Richards D 9.5, Riley N 10.5, Robinson L 9,Robson-Deluce E 11.5, Rodden J 11, Rothwell C11.5, Rothwell D 9, Seddon L 9.5, Selby A 12,Sharples C 12, Sharrock A 6.5, Sharrock L 10.5,Shaw A 10.5, Shepherd S 10, SimmA 11.5, SimmJ 12, Simpson B 9, Singh J 10.5, Singleton D 9,Slater C 10.5, Smith J 10, Smith J 10.5, Smith K10.5, Smith T 9, Spargo T 5, Stanbury S 9,Steventon-Crinks B 10.5, Stockley A 11.5, StokesS 8, Stringman D 10, Sutcliffe J 9, Sweeney-JonesO 10.5, Sweeney J 11.5, Tate R 9.5, Taunton E10.5, Taylor D 9, Taylor L 10.5, Taylor R 11.5,Teasey J 11.5, Terry P 10, Thomas S 8, Thornley L11, Thornton M 9, Topping C 8.5, Trow S 10.5,Tudor J 11.5, Turnbull L 10.5, Unsworth C 10.5,Walker M 10.5, Walley S 10.5, Wareing L 11,Waring C 8.5, Waterworth L 12, Watts A 9, WebbL 9.5, Webster R 9.5, Whittle G 10.5, WiddowsonE 9.5, Wilding A 4, Wilkie S 10.5, Williams J 9.5,Williams J 11.5, Williams S 4, Wilson S 10,Winstanley C 10.5, Wood S 8, York A 11.5

Deanery High School GCSE Results A*- G


THIS year’sGCSE resultsreveal that moreyoung people thanever before areachieving their

potential.Figures show that the

percentage of pupilsachieving five or moreA* to C grades,including English andMaths, in Wigan

Wigan’s GCSEresults- best ever!

St Joseph’s CatholicPrimary School

Mossy Lea Road, WrightingtonTel: 01257 423092

St Joseph’s School:Living life to the full

The school is holding an

open evening on


NNoovveemmbbeerr 1133tthh


3.30 pm & 7.00 p.m.

Visitors will be made very welcome!

Borough has reached64 per cent this year,marking an increase onlast year of almostseven per cent.Figures have improved

substantially andcontinuously over thepast seven years.During this period,

there’s a been asustained upward trend,with a 25 per centimprovement in gradesin 2012 compared to2005 when 38.3 per centof the borough’s youngpeople were achievingfive or more A* to Cgrades.Wigan Council’s

Cabinet Member forChildren and YoungPeople, Cllr SusanLoudon joined pupils tocongratulate them ontheir good news.She said: “I am thrilled

that more young peoplethan ever before areachieving their potential.These results aretestament to all theirhard work, as well as tothe dedication shown byparents, teachers, staff,

governors and the localauthority in their drive toimprove standards andtheir commitment toprovide our youngpeople with better lifechances.”Wigan Council’s

Corporate Director forPeople, Nick Hudson,commented: “I applaudpupils, schools andfamilies for the effortthey have invested inorder to achieve theseexcellent results.“We recognise how

tough it is for youngpeople given the currenteconomic climate.Wigan Council iscommitted to workingclosely with schools,colleges and trainingproviders to ensureyoung people haveaccess to opportunitiesfor further education,training or employmentso that they have theconfidence to tacklefuture challenges andtake that vital next stepforward.”


Page 25: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Wigan school’s show the wayto become eco-friendly

AS THE borough gears up for the nextstage in its recycling revolution, localschools have been commended forleading the way towards a truly greenborough.

92 per cent of all Wigan Schools are nowregistered on the national Eco Schools programme– this places the borough second in the country.

Nearly a third of our schools have achieved the

prestigious Green Flag Award, which means WiganBorough is first nationally for the numbers of schoolswith a Green Flag.

Cabinet champion for young people, Cllr SusanLoudon, said: “This is a remarkable achievement andonce again confounds the critics. For Wigan Boroughto have the most Green Flags, for us to be representingthe north west at Britain in Bloom and, in just a fewyears, to have moved from no kerbside recycling to afull range of services is testament to the real positivemood of eco awareness we have right now.”

Standish Under FivesNursery and Pre-Schoolbased in grounds of

Standish Community High

Every Thursday1.15 p.m - 3.00 p.m.£2.50 per child

Mother &ToddlerGroup

Please contact the NurseryManager Katieon: 07730230476

There are nine projects in the Eco Schoolsportfolio. Participants have to satisfy the judgesacross issues involving waste, litter, energy, water,biodiversity, school grounds, transport, healthy livingand global citizenship. It’s an international awardprogramme that helps schools to make sustainabilityan integral part of school life, as well as linking withthe curriculum and get the whole school unitedbehind something important.

Wigan Council environmental education officersprovide lively and practical lessons in school,including appearances by recycling mascot WasteWarrior teaching all about what happens to people’swaste, which, it is hoped, will enable the children totake their eco messages home as well. Their parentswill be gearing up for the biggest change in refusecollections this week as a revised collection servicesbegin.

Cllr Loudon added: “I’m really proud of all ourschools who have achieved a bronze, silver or greenflag award. Let’s make this the year that we push forall our schools to get started on the programmebecause what’s great about the children is howenthusiastic they are to share their eco skills at schooland at home and help create a really green future forus all.”

Open Day for prospective pupils on Wednesday 21st November 2012The day will be split into two sessions:

Our Lady’s R.C. Primary SchoolHolly Road, Aspull, Wigan, WN2 1RU

Tel: 01942 832299www.aspullourladys.wigan.sch.ukemail: [email protected]

OUR SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS• OFSTEDMathematics subject inspection 2012 - "Pupil's behaviour isexcellent in lessons...","Pupils make good progress throughout KeyStages 1 and 2.""The school provides good quality individual and group support fordisabled pupils and those with special educational needs, enablingthem to make good progress."

• OFSTED 2010, “Pupils Spiritual, Moral, Social & Culturaldevelopment is Outstanding” and “Pupils make an Outstandingcontribution to their school and wider community”.

• An Eco School and a Healthy School.

• New Reception outdoor play area.

• Bright stimulating learning environment.

• Breakfast Club. • Vibrant work displays.

• Beautiful setting with tree trail,and outdoor play equipment.

• Dedicated Nurture room that has achievedthe coveted Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark.

This will be an opportunity foryou and your child to visit ourschool and see our school inaction. You will have the

chance to visit all classes, askquestions and meet the staff& other children. We look

forward to the opportunity ofoffering you a warm welcome

to our school.

Our Lady’s R.C.Primary School, Aspull

Taster Day Open to Parents and Children

09:30Welcome from the Headteacher09:45 – 10:15Whole School Tours10:15 – 10:45Visit to Reception Class10:45 – 11:30Buffet from our School Kitchen

Drop in Twilight SessionsFrom 4pm until 6pm – SchoolTours and meet members ofthe staff.



Page 26: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


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THE AVERAGE age of carsis up, according to data fromBritish Car Auctions.According to figures realised by

British Car Auctions (BCA), theaverage age of cars on UK roads hasrisen to 7.44 years, as drivers feel thepinch.Since 2008, when the average age of acar was 6.93 years, there has beendecreasing numbers in the new carmarket.Approximately seven million cars onthe road sit in the six- eight year old agebracket, whilst 13 million cars are nineyears old or more.Sales of cars aged nine years or morehave increasing by 7.5 per cent sincelast year.Tim Naylor, Editor of the BCA UsedCar Market Report, said: “A slowdown

in the new car market from 2008onwards has certainly had an impact onthe availability of good quality usedcars for motorists to buy.“But crucially, company fleets have

been holding onto their cars for longerand changing them less frequently andthis has affected the supply of cars agedup to five years old. As a result motordealers are buying older vehicles fortheir forecourts.BCA also claimed that financial

pressures brought on by the recessionwere the main reason for people buyingolder cars.“The squeeze on household spendingmeans motorists are looking at differentways of managing their travel costs.Some are deciding to choose slightlyolder, cheaper cars when they changetheir vehicle,” he said.

AZURE BLUE, with acontrasting white tridionsafety cell, and have 15-inch white alloy wheels.The Iceshine is available as acoupe or cabriolet, with hardtopmodels getting a panoramic roofas standard, while cabrioletmodels get a black soft top.The interior of all Iceshine models

includes leather-effect seats, airconditioning, an MP3-compatiblestereo and electric windows.It also offers a large range ofequipment optional extras for the

ForTwo Iceshine, including, and theassistance package, which includescruise control and trip computer,electric power steering, ambientlighting and a surround soundsystem.Only 155 Smart ForTwo Iceshine

models will be sold in the UK.Buyers have the choice two petrolengines – the 71bhp mhd or 84bhpturbo.The Smart ForTwo Iceshine isavailable to order now, with firstdeliveries in October, and prices startfrom £10,500 – a £1,300 premiumover the standard Smart ForTwoPulse.

Limited-edition Smart ForTwo Iceshine getsblue paint and extra equipment

Average car age up

New Saab 2014!A NEW Saab will be in showrooms in 2014 after thebankrupt brand’s new owner confirmed it has bought themajority of the maker’s assets.The new Saab will be an electric car based on the Saab 9-3, manufacturedby National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB (NEVS), which is owned byChinese firm, National Modern Energy Holdings.While the new modelwill use the Saab name, it won’t be wearing the Griffinlogo or font type, as NEVS agreed not to use it after discussions with truckmaker Scania and the aerospace division of Saab, which are separate to thecar making business.“The acquisition includes intellectual property rights for the Saab 9-3,intellectual property rights for the Phoenix platform, tools, the manufacturingplant, and test and laboratory facilities,” the official statement said.It was this clause that allowed the NEVS purchase of Saab’s automotivebusiness.Saab filed for bankruptcy in December 2011 after a deal between formerowner, General Motors, and Chinese firm Youngman, fell through.


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LANDRover has revealed full details of the new RangeRover, which not only weighs 420kgs less than itspredecessor but is also more luxurious, better on-road,more capable off-road and full of advanced technology.Despite all of the improvements the new Range Rover will start from£71,295 – almost exactly the same as the outgoing model.That price is for the new entry-level V6 diesel model, which is actuallyfaster than the V8 in the old Range Rover thanks to the drastic weight loss.With 254bhp, it launches the Range Rover from 0-60mph in 7.4 seconds– compared to 7.5 seconds for the old V8.The 4.4-litre diesel V8, which puts out 334bhp, completes the 0-60mph

sprint in 6.5 seconds. The supercharged 5.0-litre V8petrol still sits at the top of the range.The new, lower kerbweight brings benefits to runningcosts too, with the V6 capable of 37.7mpg andproducing 196g/km of CO2.Previously the cleanest Range Rover only managed30.1mpg and 253g/km of CO2. A diesel hybrid will beadded in 2013, hoping to achieve 169g/km.There’s a fresh design for the exterior whichhelps make this the most aerodynamic RangeRover yet and the interior now feels muchmore luxurious than ever before too.There’s also 118mm more legroom for rearseat passengers and the option of an Executiveseat pack, which includes two large massageseats. Buyers can even specify a 29-speakerMeridian stereo.Personalisation is a big theme for the newRange Rover, so there’s now a choice of 17interior colour themes, three veneer choices,three headlining colours and a choice of seatcolours too.The outside can be specified with a

contrasting roof, 37 different paints for the body, a choice of threecolours for the side vents and eight alloy wheel designs.On road driving has been boosted with the addition of an anti-body roll system and uprated suspension and sound-deadening.Land Rover claims the changes make the Range Rover morerefined than a Bentley Flying Spurand about as comfortable as aMercedes S-Class. The outgoing Range Rover wasalready impressive off-road but thenew model is improved in every way.It has better approach and departure

angles for steep hills, it can wade through water 90mm deeper than beforeand there’s a new Terrain Response system too. It now features an Autosetting that allows the car to tweak the car’s responses depending on theterrain.The new Range Rover is being produced at Land Rover’s Solihull plantin the UK at the moment and customers are able to order it now. Firstdeliveries will be at the beginning of 2013.

New Range Rover details revealed



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Sport - for the Cultural Olympiad in 2011-2012For more information email [email protected] or call 01942 828508 or visit www.wlct.org/Culture/olympiad/olympiad.htm

WIGAN finally laid their Tyldesleybogey to rest as they turned on the stylefor the 2nd week at Douglas Valley andprogressed to the quarter final of theBrian Leigh Lancashire Trophy.They raced into the lead with two AndyWhittle penalties and a try fromMartin Gambleswho skilfully controlled Phil Carter’s deft chip,dribbled to the line, and touched down.Following the early onslaught, Tyldesley foughtback as their pack carried well but their effortsfoundered on a resolute defence. Crucially, and withthe break approaching, Gambles masterminded someincisive interplay involving Lloyd Hughes, and thisgave flanker Josh Beever the opportunity to crashover.

Any hopes of a Tyldesley comeback wereextinguished 12 minutes after the restart, Mike Rigbypicked up at the back of a ruck and powered over from10 metres. Whittle converted.Shortly afterwards, Gambles was again the provideras he took full advantage of a ball against the head ata scrum. Darting towards the posts his perfectlyflighted pass found Steve Peacock approaching atspeed and he muscled his way over by the posts.Whittle converted and was soon back in action asskipper Peter Rigby strode through to the line havingfollowed another Gambles break.The scoring was completed when Jon Blan wasimpeded as he was about to touchdown in the cornerand the referee awarded a penalty try givingWhittle a16 point haul.In a performance with many positives, props ChrisLowton and Stuart Knight carried well, whilst SimonBarton proved a steadying influence.Youngster Tim Grundy also made a good impressionbefore retiring with a chest injury and Danny Hornbyran Gambles close for the Man of the Match award.

Wigan turn on the styleWigan 46 Tyldesley 0

Pictures byMarc Taylor

Martin Gambles pushes off rival

Danny Hornby tackled my defence

Wigan players get stuck in

Gambles eases past Tyldesley

Mike Rigby gets past Tyldesley defence to score a try for Wigan

WELLIT’S been quite aseason for WiganWarriors, and anundeniable triumph forShaun Wane, who hasnow completed his firstever league programmeas head-coach at theDW, and must be veryproud.There were quite a fewdoubters whenWane was firstappointed to replace Aussiemaestro, Michael Maguire –no great hostility, but somecorners of fandomwere a littleconcerned about his lack offirst-grade coachingexperience.He’s certainly put paid to allthat.Wane’s Wigan team hasarguably has been less star-studded than Maguire’s was –there has been no Ryan Hoffmanfor instance, and no AmosRoberts, while veteran playerslike George Carmont and BrettFinch were all a year older; on topof that, Stuart Fielden was againabsent for most of the year, whileWigan mainstays Pat Richardsand Tommy Leuluai suffered verydamaging injuries at vital stagesof the campaign and missed longperiods of action. YetWigan havestill won the League Leaders’Shield, which Maguire failed todo in his second season. And inaddition, they’ve done it withsome style.

The Wane version of theWarriors has been noticeably lessdefence-oriented than theMaguire version was (perhaps atad unusual given that Wane wasa forward as a player), but theyhave really thrown the ball widein attack, producing someexhilarating football.Certain players have also comeof age under Wane.Wigan’s deadliest attacker, SamTomkins – always a favouriteamong the Cherry and Whitefaithful – now seems to beappreciated on a much broaderfront. Everyone in the gameseems to have great things to sayabout Sam these days, but Isuppose the real test will come

when the next Man of Steel isannounced. Sam should have wonit hands-down last time, if yourecall, but somewhat laughably itwent to Castleford’s Rangi Chase.Meanwhile, youngsters JoshCharnley and Lee Mossop haveboth emerged from the juniorranks to truly cement themselvesinto the first team, and both,deservedly, have been rewardedfor some barnstormingperformances by being selected inSteve McNamara’s England EliteTraining Squad. Only slightlyolder, but for me the realrevelation of the season, is three-quarter Darrell Goulding, who,playing in his preferred positionof centre, has put on a real showthis year, looking lethal with ballin hand and tackling like a Trojan.Darrell’s future at Wigan is nowassured, though his omissionfrom the England squad isdisappointing and somewhatmystifying.

Overall, the Wigan team hasbeen in great form in 2012.At onestage of the season they went onan unstoppable rampage, beatingtop chasers Huddersfield 12-32,St Helens 46-16 (Magicweekend), Leeds 8-50 andCatalan 14-36 all away fromhome.They were even being likenedto the ‘old school’ of the late80s/early 90s – the ‘Invincibles’,as they were known, the‘Ultimate Warriors’.But it became obvious a littlelater in the season that this tag hadbeen applied prematurely. Andthat’s not a churlish observation –it would have been difficult forany team to maintain suchstandards of rugby in the modernage.Without doubt, the majordisappointment of 2012 wasWigan’s dismissal from theChallenge Cup at the semi-finalstage, 28-39 at the hand of aLeeds team they had thoroughlygot the measure of earlier in theyear.In the view of some fans, it wasa case of the Warriors losing thisone rather than the Rhinoswinning it. Well … it’s a mootpoint, but the outcome was stillthe same. Wigan were spectatorswhen the Wembley final kickedoff, an infuriating state of affairs

for coach Wane and chairmanLenagan, who, in the face ofstrange modern-day mumblingsabout Wembley not being theevent it used to be and the GrandFinal carrying more weight, hasgone on record several times tomassively endorse the ChallengeCup Final as one of the majorevents of the Rugby Leaguecalendar.Another area where theWarriors have been less thaninspiring is in their rivalry withcurrent main challengers,Warrington Wolves.Going far back into history,there have been some ding-dogbattles between Wigan andWarrington. Even duringWigan’sinvincible period, when Wirewere nothing to write homeabout, such was the intensity ofthis fixture that it could easily goeither way and frequently did. Butthat hasn’t been the case in 2012.Thus far this year it’s been a solidtale of Warrington dominance.Even though Wigan finished firstin the league table, Warringtonhung onto the bragging rightshaving beaten the Cherry andWhites 30-10 last month and 20-22 last March.

Of course this is somethingWigan may yet get a chance toput right as the play-offs loom. Infact, given the mindset of ShaunWane and his team, it’s anopportunity they’ll relish.On the subject to the play-offs,whoever gets to the Grand Final–Wigan orWarrington, or maybeboth of them – they’ll certainlyhave earned their place.When theWarriors reached Old Trafford in2010, the route they took to getthere was indescribably difficult.You may remember it. Havinglost the play-off qualifier toLeeds, they had to beat Hull KRat home and then play Leedsagain, away, before finallymeeting Saints in the final andbeating them.Talk about doing things the hardway.Wigan could make life a loteasier for themselves this year bynot squandering the potentialshort-cut to Old Trafford thatfinishing first in the league offers:winning their qualifying play-offgame, and then winning thequalifying semi-final (theopponents in which they’ll haveselected by Clubcall).Of course it’s all easier said thandone, but as always this will be anamazing tournament – andWiganwill again be at the heart of it.What better way could the CherryandWhites find to crown this firsttriumphant season for ShaunWane than by making it to OldTrafford?For regular Warriors gossip,

look out for my column,TERRACE TOPICS, in the WiganWarriors match-day programme.

Paul Finch is

TThhee IInnssiiddeerrWigan Warriors from

the Inside Out...

PAUL FINCH looks back at ShaunWane’s first year at the DW




Undeniable triumphfor Warriors boss


Page 31: Wigan Courier September 11th edition


Sport - for the Cultural Olympiad in 2011-2012For more information email [email protected] or call 01942 828508 or visit www.wlct.org/Culture/olympiad/olympiad.htm

GOING on holiday to aforeign country hasseveral advantages,including guaranteed sunand afternoons spent bythe sea on golden sandybeaches.However it also has a fewdisadvantages, such as not beingable to watch a Wigan game.Anxious to know how the Latics

got on against Southampton, I wasrelieved to get a text from a friendinforming me of the comfortable2-0 win.I then promptly relaxed….until

the following Saturday when weplayed Stoke, which I also misseddue to our flight home; sitting in astuffy departure lounge is nosubstitute for a match at the DW.As we clambered into our taxi at

Liverpool Airport, I asked thedriver about the match. Had wewon? Scraped a draw? Did we geta chance to see the heightdifference between the lanky PeterCrouch and our mini-dynamoAlbert Crusat?He revealed the score, 2-2,

before telling me to watch MatchOf The Day as goalkeeper Ali AlHabsi had apparently made anoutstanding save to deny thevisiting Potters the win.

I sat throughAlan Shearer’s longand tedious ramblings about tacticsthat evening until eventually thepenultimate match finally arrived:Wigan V Stoke.Minutes from the end with the

score-line tied at two all, CharlieAdam stands over a free-kick onthe edge of the area with a steelydetermined look on his face. Eventhough I already knew the score, Icould barely watch.

He fired the ball in like a missile,deflecting off Gary Caldwell andlooked certain to hit the back of thenet; but Al Habsi, stretched backon himself towards his right handside and got a fingertip to the ball,tipping it wide and denying theincredulous Scotsman. The Taxidriver was spot on!Securing anything from our

opening game against Chelsea wasalways going to be a big test, withthe Champions League winnershigh on confidence after lastseason’s European exploits.We played well for the last 83

minutes, but for the first seven wewere dreadful. We failed to retainpossession in the middle of thepitch putting unnecessary pressureon the defence, giving EdenHazard the chance to weavehimself about and set up the firstgoal for Ivanovic.The misery continued as

debutant Ivan Ramis gave away a

penalty that allowed Lampard toscore from the spot. But credit tothe players, they kept calm and forthe rest of the game and lookeddangerous going forward.Our first ever trip to St. Mary’s

was a prosperous one, with newboy Arouna Kone forming aneffective strike partnership withFranco Di Santo to each getthemselves on the score sheet andsecure a solid 2-0 win for theLatics against Southampton.With the departure of Victor

Moses to Chelsea less than 24hours earlier, Kone showed thatthe future is bright for the Laticswith the bottle-blonde African’shairdo only just outshining hisperformance.

The game against Stoke wasalways going to be a physicalaffair, but the frustrating fact is thatwe were ahead twice and failed tocapitalise on our lead.Maloney buried the first goal of

the game, a penalty, before Stokeequalised just before half time.Di Santo, set up by Kone, scored

a sublime goal that seemed tosqueeze its way past the sprawlingStoke goalkeeper Begovic.It had to be Peter Crouch to spoil

the party though, didn’t it? Thegangly striker equalised for Stoketo make it 2-2, with Al Habsimaking the aforementionedbrilliant save to deny the visitorsthe win.Our next fixture against Man

United at Old Trafford would be atough match for any team, but thepositive morale in the Wigandressing room could prove acrucial factor. If Caldwell andRamis put the shackles on VanPersie, you get the feeling that wemight just spoil Fergie’s weekend.

In Bobby we trust!

Sam Oliver reflects on the positivestart made by Roberto’s boys

Report by Anton TadeusiakWigan Robin Park 0-5 CongletonTownWIGAN were unable to bounce backafter their five match unbeaten runcame to an end against Glossop NorthEnd during the week, as Congletoncame away with all three points onwhat was the visitor’s first visit toRobin Park Arena.Despite Congleton kicking off, it was the home

team that spurred into action in the openingminutes. A through ball found striker Tom Oakeswho beat the onrushing keeper only to see the ballcleared agonizingly off the line.Wigan almost punished the visitors again

moments later for failing to clear the resultingcorner, but the ball fired into the side netting fromclose range.Unable to capitalise on their early pressure, the

Robins found themselves behind when Congleton

captain Michael Koral scored from inside five yardswith goalkeeper Jason Foulds rooted to the spot. Therest of the half was very much end to end with bothteams creating excellent chances. It was Congletonthat proved the more clinical; Jack Graham’s sterlingcross from the right hand side found Chris Smithwhose powerful header doubled their goal tally.Two minutes from the break, Wigan was provided

with a late opportunity to redeem themselves, butHoward’s penalty struck the post.All was quiet after the interval until the visitors

broke away on the counter attack on 64 minutesfollowing a Wigan free kick in the opposing half.With the home team outnumbered three to one,

Graham added to his assist with a simple tap in pastthe helpless Foulds.Five minutes later, the Congleton keeper Matthew

Conkie’s long upfield punt was superbly controlledby Koral who passed to Smith who in turn made itfour.With an arguable penalty for Wigan brushed off by

the referee, the rout was completed on 88 minuteswhen Geoff Basford’s lucky deflection from justinside the penalty box met the back of the net.

Wirral 26 Leigh 17Despite a good opening quarter and dominatingterritory and possession for much of the secondhalf, Leigh are still searching for that 'scoring touch'as they went down 26-17 away to Wirral in NorthOne West.Early forward pressure on the Wirral line sucking in

fringe defenders brought the opening try,Adam Dysonfinding space out wide to cross with ease.Unfortunately for the visitors the home side came

back with three converted tries to take a 21-10 leadbefore Chris Morgan went in for Leigh, again forwardpressure creating the opportunity for the flanker to toattack the line from the centre to make it 21-10 at thebreak.A try by Wirral shortly after the re-start extended

their lead but although Leigh began to take control,handing errors and strong defence prevented the breakthrough until from a five metre scrum No8 CalvinCrompton forced his way over for a try converted byElliot Ryan.Orrell 17 Bowden 14Orrell got their home season underway with a closefought win over Bowden.Orrell opened the scoring with a penalty by Sam

Armstrong and went further ahead just before thebreak, Jon Pegg breaking through the Bowdendefence and although tackled close to the '22' quicklyrecycled ball put Armstrong over for the first try. Thefullback added the conversion for 10-0 to Orrell at halftime.Bowden came back in the second half, a series of

pick and drives close to the Orrell line bringing aconverted try but with just under 15 minutesremaining Alex Simpson went 25 metres from theback of the ruck, breaking through two tackles toscore, Armstong again converting to re-establishing a10 point lead.Although in the final 10 minutes Bowden were down

to 14 they managed to cross for a converted try instoppage time.Broughton Park 34 Wigan 0Wigan's promising start to the season was derailedas they were comprehensively beaten at BroughtonPark.In a nightmare 1st half they conceded three tries to

go 20 points adrift as the Park pack monopolisedpossession and created the platform for some theirincisive running from their backline.Wigan's cause was not helped by their failure to

retain possession and some uncharacteristicallysuspect defence.In the second period Wigan managed to put some

phases together but their efforts foundered on a solidand well organised Park defence. Mike Rigby wasprominent in attack whilst Lloyd Hughes showed goodstrength in extricating himself from some difficultsituations.Inevitably, the Park backs had the last word as they

added two further tries in the final quarter.Aspull went down 34-7 away to Garstang 2nds

Geoff LightfootRaging Bull Rugby Union Leagues

There were mixed fortunes for Wigan teams in theRaging Bull leagues on Saturday September 8th.Orrell 2nds went down to a heavy 58-17 away defeat

at Eccles 2nds in Division 2 North, having won theirfirst game of the season at home the previous week toBolton 2nds 24-10. Wigan 2nds made it two out oftwo, following up an opening victory 46-5 at Oldham2nds with a 37-18 win against Sedgley Park 3rds athome.Aspull 1sts played their first league game of the

season on Saturday at Garstang 2nds, and found thehome side too hot to handle, going down 34-7. Wigan3rds, in the same division, had a resounding 75-6victory at home over Tarleton 2nds, after an openingday defeat ay BAEWarton by 35-5.

WIGAN girl Natalie Craddock,headed south to the StewartbyWater Sports Centre, Bedfordshire,with Lancashire Powerboat RacingClub for the National SprintChampionship.A trio of titles were awarded to

the club members after aweekend of gutsy competition,from forty powerboat teams allmaking their challenge for thetitles and sixteen year old, NatalieCraddock from Winstanley, wasthe star of the show, securing herfirst win in her GT30.The first race saw Natalie having

to settle for third place in a nail-biting close race. In the second heatit was all change, and Natalie gotthe break she needed and put in agreat challenge for the title,claiming victory in the final twoheats.This gave her the overall prize

and awarded her with the 2012RYAPowerboat GPGT30 NationalTitle.After claiming her National Title a

beaming Natalie, said: “I had adisappointing start to the seasonwhile the team struggled to get the new boatperforming at its best. Going into the SprintChampionship, we have been doing lots of testing andI knew the boat was now running and handling well.I hoped we had done enough to crack it, so then it wasover to me to drive at the best of my ability."Lancashire's second victory came for Bill Owen,

from St. Helen. Bill, a member of the Last of theSummer Wine Racing Team, managed to fend offMike Pillow, from Welshpool, to take first place.Bill, a powerboat driver for more than 39 years, said:

“It was a really tough race- we were all determined toget the win this weekend as the Sprint Title is one thatis notorious and can go anybody’s way.

“We are all so closely matchedby speed, it could have goneanybody’s way so I knew if I gotout in front I had to do all that Icould to stay there. I was reallypleased to get the win in the firstheat and this then spurred me onto keep up the challenge and stayahead of the rest for the otherraces.”Thirty year-old, Malcolm

Goodman powered to victory inpractice and gave LancashirePowerboat Racing Club its thirdvictory.In the first two races in his JPL

Racing Team boat, Malcolmdemonstrated what a class-act heis by building up a clear leadover the competition and rest ofthe field. In the final heatMalcolm finished second, butthis was enough to win the overalltitle.After the race, Malcolm

Goodman, said: "This is a doublevictory for me, as although I have tried hard at everyrace this season the luck has not been going my way.Not only does this give me the F2 RYAPowerboat GPNational Title, which I have never won before, it alsohelps me improve my position and move up the pointstable in the British National Championship which Iwould love to retain for a second year.”

Opinionstraight fromthe goalmouth

By our LaticscolumnistSam Oliver



Natalie Craddock, of Wigan,2012 RYA Powerboat GPGT30 National Title.

Rugby Round up

Robin Park FC thrashed at home

Wigan girl crownedPowerboat GP GT30 champion


Page 32: Wigan Courier September 11th edition