why our society is injust

Social Justice

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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A presentation dealing with the question of why the society is said to be unjust and a professional's whereabouts while dealing with social injustice


Page 1: Why our society is injust

Social Justice

Page 2: Why our society is injust

???why is our society INJUST???

• All might have experienced it• All might have seen it around us• The feeling of failure of the institution • People are deprived to their rights• …….• ……….• ………….

Page 3: Why our society is injust

If not this group, and those who have got all the privilege

• Still the answer would be same because people are informed.

This group is not a unique group but most of the population feel so. One variable why we all feel similar is age… because it is young…. There is a desire to change…

Page 4: Why our society is injust

What is social justice



Page 5: Why our society is injust

Role of change agents

It is critical and very important

Page 6: Why our society is injust

Is it possible to have Social Justice????

The confusion will be there for the remaining time/s as well

But on a scale if you compare nations, states within nation, cities within states, neighborhood within cities

you will find that there is one better placed on the parameters as defined than the others

So its possible, the point is that at what scale we are looking at

An it also depends on how we Defining social justice in your own situation will be very important

Page 7: Why our society is injust

Experiences of injustice

Sharing firsthand experiences………………………………


Page 8: Why our society is injust

Defining a problem statement for Social Injustice

• Recognize that there are groups in society and therefore one root cause lies in relationships.

• Another point is relationship with technologies.

Page 9: Why our society is injust

Working on social Injustice requires ingredients

• Strong sense of clarity of purpose…

(The effective ones are those who have short term goals…)

• Strong element of organization…

(Organizations ARE needed to deal social Injustice…)

• Resources are very important…

• Communication…

(“You Cannot NOT Communicate”)

• Integrity…

Page 10: Why our society is injust

Difference between solving Problem and solving Issue

Solving a problem is good but it should not be ameliorating (Quick relief)…

For social justice you need to be Systemic and Structural…

Scale: at least 400million poor people… one cannot talk about local examples… cannot limit action to civil society initiatives…

Civil society initiatives are not going to solve the issue… then who??? If u want to work on changing at scale: government

and market…

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In the beginning the first speaker from both the groups present their thought the next speakers can counter the points of the other speaker

Voting at the end of the debate to decide whether the motion is upheld or downed

Page 12: Why our society is injust

….Deciding my whereabouts….

Page 13: Why our society is injust

In any Social Justice work….You will find yourself in…….

…………..in any of these groups

Page 14: Why our society is injust

Working on Social Justice means……

Working together with……….

Page 15: Why our society is injust

Scale and Complexity………….Natural outcome for this would be…………….

• Complexity of the situation and• Scale at which the solution is delivered

Always…Compare scale with scale &Complexity with complexity

Every complex problem will have complex solution…………..

Page 16: Why our society is injust

How to deal with it?????

• Evolve social Institutions

Social Institutions are the networks…..

Because…. No single organization can bring social change at scale….

A Social Institution is an “organization of organizations”

Page 17: Why our society is injust

What will be as important as action to scale up…..

• Impact (on “x” axis)

• Documentation and Communication (on “y” axis)

• The progress curve will move rapidly…

Page 18: Why our society is injust

Several Approaches to work on social justice…..

• Rights based Approach

• Policy driven Approach

• Market based Approach

• Education/Awareness creation Approach

• Enforcement based Approach