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BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic Why Manifesting Doesn’t Work & HOW TO GET IT TO WORK EVERY TIME

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BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

Why Manifesting Doesn’t Work & HOW TO GET IT TO WORK EVERY TIME

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ Manifesting is an exciting, controversial and juicy topic.

✴ It’s the latest spiritual fad.

✴ It is amazing if we can get it to work.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ Being able to create our ideal life through the power of our mind is revolutionary and liberating.

✴ Why are so many people not experiencing the manifestation of their creation?

✴ Why can’t they get it to work?

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ Manifesting only happens if you are manifesting from a soul level.

✴ From a soul level it happens effortlessly, and every time!

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

Most people tell you that you can create whatever you want...

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ This isn’t true.

✴ We can’t create everything we desire.

✴ We can only create that which is in alignment with our soul purpose.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

If you are trying to create something…

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ You are energetically designed to discover and live your greatest potential in life.

✴ You are energetically designed to discover your life purpose and live it.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

Your energy field consists of 12 chakras. Chakras 1 - 7 are dedicated to helping you:

✴ Heal yourself

✴ Learn to heal others

✴ Become psychic

✴ Get your life working

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

When you start to work with chakras 8 - 12, you discover and begin to live your life purpose.

You have the free will to choose whether you discover your greatest potential or not.

You have the free will to create a magical life of your dreams or not.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

BUT how your magical life looks, and what soul purpose you have, you do not create!

This was created by your soul before your incarnation.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

You have a destiny…

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ When we choose to incarnate on Earth, we disconnect from our soul.

✴ When we do this, we cease to see the world through the eyes of the soul.

✴ We see the world as fragmented, fractured and limited.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ We see it through the eyes of the “egoic self.”

✴ Programmed into your chakra 8 is your soul purpose… your potential.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

Manifesting doesn’t work when we don’t know that the manifesting process is controlled and guarded by the soul.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

It is only when your 7 chakras are strong, healthy and functioning properly…


That you can begin to manifest.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic


You have to trust, believe and have faith in the manifesting process, otherwise your wishes won't come about.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

I’d read about this for many years...

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ When you experience your “essential self” being energetic… you no longer doubt.

✴ You know you’re energy; and the entire cosmos consists of energy.

✴ You know you can manifest, so you trust and believe.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ Then it works for you. Every time.

✴ Your energy/vibrations must match the energy/vibration of that which you intend to create.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

If you want more love in your life, you need to give more love.

If you want more creativity, you need to give more creativity.

The Universe is a neutral field. Whatever you “give out” from yourself vibrationally, you attract.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

The quickest way to be able to manifest is to work on chakras 1-7.

If chakras 1-7 work:

✴ Your life works.

✴ Your energy moves into chakra 8.

✴ You start to communicate with your soul.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

That is when the magic carpet ride of life happens...

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

Other important things to understand about the manifesting process:

✴ Concentration

✴ Visualisation

✴ Law Of Opposites

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

✴ Forgiveness & Surrender

✴ Manifesting requires the left- and right-hand brain hemispheres

✴ Masculine & Feminine energy

✴ Ego will sabotage soul-level process!

It is also important to know about:

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic

Ready to awaken your inner witch?!Join us and change your life.

BELINDA DAVIDSON’S School of the Modern Mystic


Belinda Davidson is a well-known psychic, small business owner, author and public speaker. She is founder of the School of the Modern Mystic, a world class, online teaching facility dedicated to helping 'modern mystics' embrace spirituality and discover their life purpose.

She is also a mentor and consultant, and amongst her private clients are also celebrities, public personalities, doctors and business leaders. She is often referred to as the 'secret weapon,' because she has always been able to 'see into a person' and know what is not working.

Belinda is respected and adored for her practical approach to spirituality. She may be a full-fledged psychic, but there isn’t a woo-woo bone in her body.

Connect with Belinda at her website and on her Facebook page.

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