why do prophetic people have a hard time in relationships

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  • 8/18/2019 Why Do Prophetic People Have a Hard Time in Relationships


    Newsletter, David Hino, May 20, 2011, updated April 3, 2013

    What would a prophetic church look like? Would the church run smoothly because everyone was listening to God? It

    sounds good in theory but in reality it is very challenging. Like the Corinthian church in the first century, the postle

    !aul faced some difficult problems including disunity among the believers. "irst Corinthians #$, the chapter on love,was not written for weddings but for the prophetic people at Corinth to get along. %oo often people read "irst

    Corinthians #& on spiritual gifts, skip over "irst Corinthians #$ and 'ump to "irst Corinthians #( on tongues and

    prophecy. If "irst Corinthians #$)#* were a sandwich, then "irst Corinthians #$ is the beef and "irst Corinthians #&

    and #( are the slices of bread. %oo many prophetic ministries have blown up in the past for the lack of love.

    !rophecy without love is +noise and +nothing. -I Cor. #$ %he church is too /uick to dismiss the prophetic because

    they believe it is too divisive and prone to error. 0ather than throw prophecy out of the church instead increase in

    love and maturity. !rophetic people are human beings who make mistakes 'ust like everyone else and sometimes

    are in need of maturing.


    1ere are si2teen reasons why prophetic people have a difficult time. 3any /uotes in these areas come from some of

    the leading teachers in the prophetic such as 4ohn !aul 4ackson, 4ack 5eere, 0ick 4oyner, Graham Cooke and many



    1.Prophetic people usually think in “concepts more than in +details. !rophetic people are more right brain and

    while most people have been trained to be left brain thinkers. !rophetic people often hear words from God in

    images and ideas. 0ick 4oyner  says that concept)oriented people and detailed oriented people often clash and

    sometimes /uestion each other6s motives.


    2.A critical spirit is not the gift of prophecy. Prophets too often believe they know what is right and wrong. If you

    want to prophesize a critical word, it is probably not prophecy, it is criticism. If your prophecy is hurting people,

    then you are likely being critical and not prophetic.


    If we find it easy to give negative words, then we have no understanding of the grace and goodness of od!

     "raha# $oo%e, Developing &our 'rophetic ifting p!()*


    3. Learning to live with frustration. !rophetic people must learn to deal with frustration.  "rustration is when

    nothing happens or things get worse for the recipient after you give a prophetic word. "rustration is when others

    /uestion your theology due to your prophetic gifting. "rustration is listening to strong prophetic people who are

    telling you five different and contrary things to do.



  • 8/18/2019 Why Do Prophetic People Have a Hard Time in Relationships


    +rustration is an ene#y to the prophetic #inistry! It will always color our thin%ing, infect the word we have, and

    give us a aundiced perspective on the life of the church! If we are to represent od-s heart and .e good servants,

    we #ust learn to #aster our frustration! "raha# $oo%e, Developing &our 'rophetic ifting, p!(/*


    'rophetic #inisters see# to have #ore disappoint#ent with od than the average person! hey often see clearlyhow things should .e or how od plans for the# to .e! ut they have to wait in faith for a longer ti#e .ecause

    they have seen further ahead! hey are #uch #ore prone to the 'rover.s 1312 difficulty Hope deferred #a%es

    the heart sic%! ecause their e4pectations are typically higher, they are #ore deeply disappointed5! 6very ti#e

    7ere#iah opened his #outh he got in trou.le! He was perple4ed, he was ridiculed, and he wanted to 8uit!

    Nevertheless, the word of the 9ord was li%e a fire .urning within hi#, and he could not hold it .ac% "7er 20:*!

    ;o#e of that pain co#es with the calling! "Mi%e ic%le, rowing in the 'rophetic, p!130*!

    he prophetic spirit is not worried a.out the ti#ing of the prophetic word! It lin%s with the heart of od and

    declares his heart! e patient, stay with od, stay with his heart! "

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    If, as the prophetic person involved, we #ove out of a sense of frustration with events, or reection in the #inistry,

    then it is easier to prophesy our own opinions! Also we #ust ensure that we are not living with any negative

    influences over our own lives that can infect the prophetic word5 9eaders too can .e at fault in this area! here is

    a need to care for our prophetic people, to give the# love, accurate feed.ac%, loving %indness and a fra#ewor% of 

    discipleship "raha# $oo%e = Developing &our 'rophetic ifting p!:(*!

    ;in produces in our heart a critical, negative spirit, which #a%es us despise whole categories of people! ut the

    sin we hate the #ost in others, we are sensiti@ed to .y our own guilt!

  • 8/18/2019 Why Do Prophetic People Have a Hard Time in Relationships


    $hrist, which does not de#and the right of self=pro#otion and self=preservation! "Dr ill Ha#on, 'rophets 'itfalls

    and 'rinciples p!G:*

    9. !oo often pastors and prophets do not get along. !rophets want to move too fast and deal with sin now.

    !astors see the whole picture and move at a much more deliberate pace. !astors want to protect people whileprophets want to blow things up. 3isunderstandings between the two are common. When the pastor resists, the

    prophet pushes harder and a cycle of reaction is set in motion. !astors and prophets have to give each other

    grace and love.


    Many prophetic people get in touch with their giftings long .efore they cultivate the corresponding wisdo#,

    hu#ility and character that is necessary to succeed in prophetic #inistry! In the .eginning, they #ay appear

    arrogant or pushy .ecause of their @eal! As years go .y, their pushiness usually increases .ecause of fear, hurt

    and reection! he average person who has .een in prophetic #inistry for 10 years is pretty .eat up and .ruised!

    his is especially true if the prophetic gift was active in their early years! y the ti#e they are G0 or C: they are

    often very guarded and suspicious of authority figures! "Mi%e ic%le, How 'astors >elate to 'rophets*

    10. !he "hurch and Prophetic.  e.ellion now!

    If you cant sit under authority today, you will .e a pain in the nec% to to#orrows leaders too! Deal with your

    re.ellion now, or #iss out! Its that si#ple! I .elieve a lot of pro.le#s could .e caused .y roa#ing lone ranger

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     prophets in the co#ing #ove of od = even worse than today! ell #e friend, do you have the #a%ings of .eing

     ust such a lone rangerEE "Andrew ;tro#*

    12. !he Spirit of "ontrol. %he 4e8ebel -control spirit can easily become a part of the prophetic ministry and control

    people through prophetic words.


    6very church that e#.races a prophetic #inistry will have to contend with the [email protected] spirit .ecause it #i#ics the

     prophetic gifts and callings of od! his spirit co#es to destroy the prophetic gift! $onse8uently, since it wor%s

    covertly, its activities are e4tre#ely treacherous! "7ohn 'aul 7ac%son, n#as%ing the [email protected] ;pirit p!123*

    Many prophetic fol%s .egin to ta%e the#selves too seriously, or they love the feeling of having such influence over 

    others! hey are te#pted to #a%e the#selves loo% and sound #ore spiritual, holy and sensitive than they really

    are! I encourage the# to throw a cloa% over their prophetic #ysti8ue and deli.erately refuse to utili@e it to gain

    favor, praise, opportunities, sy#pathy, trust, affection or #oney! ;tay i#pressed with od and His power without

    .eco#ing i#pressed with the#selves! "Mi%e ic%le, rowing in the 'rophetic, p!)2*

    13. !he Spirit of $ealousy. %he prophetic gifting as one of the supernatural and visible gifts can easily be idoli8ed.

    !rophetic people can often become 'ealous of each other. 5o you envy the gifts of others? 5o you secretly

    re'oice when other ministries fail?


    #(. Se%ual &mmorality. %he Corinthian church also had problems in se2ual temptation and so do prophetic people.

    4ohn !aul 4ackson gives great wisdom in this regards.

     Any #inistry can fall prey to any sin, .ut prophetic people see# to .e especially prone to se4ual sin! 'erhaps one

    reason is .ecause of the heightened sensitivity that co#es with the prophetic gift!

  • 8/18/2019 Why Do Prophetic People Have a Hard Time in Relationships
