whs pr symposium: the challenges of preventing and treating obesity

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  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    1 st Obesity, Diabetes and Nutrition Summit

    The Challenges of Preventing andTreating Obesity

    Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhDObesity, Metabolism & N trition !nstit teMassa"h setts #eneral $ospital$arvard Medi"al %"hool

    LMKaplan partners.org

    'omen(s $ealth %o"iety, %an ) an, P erto *i"oNovember + , - +/

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Obesity by the N mbers

    Over0eight 1.%. ad lts2 3451.%. ad lts 0ith obesity2 635

    1.%. "hildren 0ith obesity2 +75 8nn al 1.%. health "are e9pendit res for obesity2 : ; - billion1.%. "ons mer e9pendit res for 0eight loss prod "ts2 : ; billion

    Daily deaths from obesity "ompli"ations : +,

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Disproportionate !n"rease in %evere Obesity

    %t rm *, P b $ealth, - 7

    Today, more than +.7 million 1% ad lts 0ith

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Compli"ations of Obesity




    %tr "t ral


    Degenerative 65

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Obesity is Co nterint itive

    $ides in plain sight Most obesity O! re"ogni>ed by physi"ians or the p bli"

    Did O! start in the past 6 years O! a problem of eating too m "h O! a single disorder

    Probably several do>en or more "lini"ally meaningf l s btypes This re"ognition is essential to solving the problem

    The problem is O! slo0ing do0n O! mainly in 8meri"a

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity



    $istori"al vie0 Lifestyle "hoi"e Chara"terologi"al fla0 A0illpo0er, psy"hologyB

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity



    $istori"al vie0 Lifestyle "hoi"e Chara"terologi"al fla0 A0illpo0er, psy"hologyB

    C rrent perspe"tive Dysf n"tion of a "omple9 physiologi"al reg latory system ?pidemi" from "hanges in modern environment 'idely re"ogni>ed as a disease $ ge b rden of asso"iated illness Devastating effe"t on effi"a"y and ality of life

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'eight and ?nergy

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'eight and ?nergy

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    8verage ad lts re ire appro9imately +6 ="alFday 8verage ad lts "ons me - G- ="alFday

    8verage ad lts therefore "ons me +. G- times as m "h food asre ired

    ?9"ess inta=e is available for physiologi"al emergen"ies Maintaining 0eight 0ithin - lbs. bet0een ages -+ and 3

    re ires mat"hing of inta=e and e9pendit re 0ithin .-5 Corresponds to a"" ra"y of /G ="alFday Less than oneGhalf potato "hip

    Maintenan"e of normal fat stores Aand body 0eightB re irespre"ise disposal of / G 5 of ingested "alories daily

    The Normal Physiology of ?nergy

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    #! *eg lation of Metaboli" n"tion


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity



  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'eight Loss C rve

    % mithran et al. N?)M - ++H 63 2+ I7G+3 /.

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    # t $ormone Changes Persistently OpposeDietGind "ed 'eight Loss

    % mithran et al. N?)M - ++H 63 2+ I7G+3 /.


    J J

    C C K

    8 m y l i n

    # h r e l

    i n

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Obesity res lts from a fail re of normal 0eightand energy reg latory me"hanisms

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    ?nvironmental !nfl en"es on Metabolism

    Dire"t !nfl en"eson

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Ma"roenvironmental !nfl en"es

    -/Gho r lifestyle ?"onomi" str "t re

    Time press res 'or=load Loss of do0ntime %peed of life #lobal stressors

    8menable only to so"ietal intervention

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Mi"roenvironmental !nfl en"es

    Types of n trients ?ating s"hed les Physi"al a"tivity %leep health Dr gs and medi"ations Lo"al stressors

    8menable to individ al a"tion

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Obesity Treatment

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Overall Treatment %trategy

    Typi"al 8lgorithmAprogress thro gh algorithm as "lini"ally re iredB

    PostGs rgi"al Combination Therapies

    'eight Loss % rgery

    8dd Medi"ations

    ProfessionallyGdire"ted Lifestyle Change

    %elfGdire"ted Lifestyle Change

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Composition of Pop lar Diets

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Ma"ron trient Distrib tion $as Minimal ?ffe"t

    at2 Lo0 A- 5B vs. high A/ 5B

    Carbohydrate2 Lo0 A6 5B to high A3 5B Protein2 8verage A+ 5B vs. high A- 5B

    %a"=s et al., N?)M - IH 63 24 I

    Con"l sion2 No differen"e in o t"ome amongdiets of different "omposition

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Physi"al 8"tivity ?9tends 'eight Loss

    Loo= 8$?8D Trial

    -3minF0= 4minF0= +/IminF0= -47minF0=

    Loo= 8$?8D *esear"h #ro p. Obesity - IH +727+6

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    ?ffe"ts of Chroni" ?9er"ise

    De"reased food inta=e 8ltered food preferen"es

    To0ard healthy foods

    !n"reased bro0n fat development ?nhan"ed energy e9pendit re *eGreg lation of energy set point

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Lifestyle %trategy

    Keep the goal in mind2 signifi"ant and d rable 0eight loss

    8ssess patient(s " rrent lifestyle and habits !dentify greatest opport nities for lifestyle "hange

    o" s on "hanges that infl en"e the obesogeni" environment, not the"ardiovas" lar or other ris=

    P rs e se ential appli"ation of limited lifestyle "hanges Determine effe"tiveness of ea"h individ al "hange !n"l de nonGdiet, nonGe9er"ise interventions Asleep, stress, "ir"adianB

    1se "lassi" strategies of habit "hange Aopport nity, " e, reinfor"ementB 8nti"ipate need for the additive effe"ts of m ltiple lifestyle "hanges

    8im for "lini"ally signifi"ant 0eight loss

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Pharma"ologi"al Therapies

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Medi"ationGind "ed 'eight #ain

    Medi"ations a""o nt for G+ 5 of obesity in the 1.%.

    !n ea"h relevant "ategory, remove or s bstit te0eight gainGpromoting medi"ations 0ith 0eight

    ne tral or 0eight lossGpromoting alternatives

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'eight Loss from Other Medi"ations

    Medi"ation !ndi"ated 1ses Comments

    < propion Depression 8void in bipolar disease

    Topiramate%ei> resMigraines

    Mood disordersMay prod "e ne rologi"al sideeffe"ts

    onisamide%ei> res

    Mood disorderse0 st dies

    MetforminType - diabetes

    PCO% *are liver to9i"ity

    Liragl tide. ?9enatide Type - diabetes !n e"table

    Pramlintide Type - diabetes !n e"tableH na sea "ommon

    Canagliflo>in Type - diabetes

    %trategy2 8im for Do ble

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Optimal Pharma"ologi"al %trategy

    Optimi>e the patient(s " rrent medi"al regimen 8void 0eight gainGpromoting medi"ations % bstit te a more 0eightGfriendly alternative

    Personali>e the "are2 find the best treatment for ea"h patient P rs e se ential trials of different medi"ations Minim m threshold for longGterm se2 5 0eight loss < ild to -G6 dr g "ombinations as needed

    8im for s bstantial Anot minimally importantB 0eight loss 1se in "on n"tion 0ith ongoing lifestyleGbased therapy

    8nti"ipate lifeGlong se of s ""essf l regimens

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    $eight oss &aries $idely "mong 'atients

    8dapted from $ansen DL et al ., !)O - +H - 2/I3

    *esponder Tail

    %ib tramineGind "ed 'eight Loss

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    56PraderG 'illi syndrome

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'hat Differs 8mong Different Obesity % btypes

    X Timing of obesity onsetX at lo"ation and distrib tionX Metaboli" "onse en"esX Phenotypi" differen"es

    X $ nger X %atietyX *e0ardGbased eatingX ?nergy e9pendit re

    X *esponse to environmental "a ses

    X ?atingX ?9er"iseX %tressX %leep deprivationX Cir"adian disr ption

    X *esponse to therapies

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'eight Loss

    N m

    b e r o f

    % b e "

    t s

    $eterogeneity of *esponse

    $ighlyresponsives bgro p

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    8lgorithm ?9ample + OffGLabel 1se

    Phentermine+ G6 mgFd to "lini"al effe"t

    TopiramateA- G- mgFd to "lini"al effe"tB

    (nade)uate $eight oss inimum "de)uate $eight oss



    A- G- mgFd to "lini"al effe"tB

    PhentermineMetforminA+ G6 mgFd to "lini"al effe"tB


    < propion


    Naltre9one%e"ond agent

    Liragl tide


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    8lgorithm ?9ample - 8pproved 1se

    Phentermine+ G6 mgFd to "lini"al effe"t

    (nade)uate $eight oss inimum "de)uate $eight oss


    AtopiramateFphentermineBAes"alate to "lini"al effe"tB Phentermine

    Lor"aserinAes"alate to "lini"al effe"tB



  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    % rgi"al Therapies

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'eight Loss % rgery

    #astri" Combination

    8d stable#astri"

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Metaboli" % rgery

    8d stable#astri"

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    8verage ?ffe"tiveness of Obesity Treatments

    %0edish Obesity % b e"tsDiabetes Prevention Program

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    % rgery De"reases LongGterm Mortality

    + 4 gastri" bypass patients and mat"hed "ontrols 7.+ year mean follo0G p #astri" bypass gro p e9hibited overall / 5 red "tion

    in mortality %pe"ifi"G"a se mortality after gastri" bypass

    35 red "tion from C8D I-5 red "tion from type - diabetes 3 5 red "tion from "an"er

    1tah %t dy

    8dams et al., N#+ - 7

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    #ly"ated $emoglobin

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    #ly"ated $emoglobin 8d sted by

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    'hy is bariatri" s rgery so effe"tiveY

    h i f i i %

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Me"hanisms of

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    The effe"ts of bariatri" s rgery are f ndamentallyand broadly different from the effe"ts of other

    types of 0eight loss

    #! ? d " i * *J#

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    #! ?ndo"rine *esponses to *J#e the obesity

    Meas re and follo0 0eight and

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    ?mbra"e Modest 'eight Loss C rrent nonGs rgi"al 0eight loss therapies are generally

    an ad3uvant treatment for obesity "omorbidities o" s on 0hat is a"hievable and s stainable

    1nderstand that there are biologi"al limits to ea"h therapy

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    #o %lo0 and Try Different 8pproa"hes Test therapies se entially P rs e "ombination therapies in"l ding "ombinations of spe"ifi"

    lifestyle "hanges 0ith more "lassi"al medi"al approa"hes

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    Parting Tho ght Obesity Prevention

    The lessons from the development of effe"tiveobesity therapies 0ill be the best g ide for moreeffe"tive obesity prevention strategies, in"l ding2

    *e"ognition of m ltiple, differing "a ses of obesity ?9pe"tation that different approa"hes 0ill benefit different

    s bpop lations

    The same need for m ltiple, varied and "ombinatorialapproa"hes as for obesity treatment

    1 st Obesity Diabetes and Nutrition Summit

  • 8/10/2019 WHS PR Symposium: The Challenges of Preventing and Treating Obesity


    1 st Obesity, Diabetes and Nutrition Summit

    The Challenges of Preventing andTreating ObesityLee M. Kaplan, MD, PhDObesity, Metabolism & N trition !nstit teMassa"h setts #eneral $ospital$arvard Medi"al %"hool

    LMKaplan partners.org

    'omen(s $ealth %o"iety, %an ) an, P erto *i"oNovember + , - +/