who are these people sping on our team

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  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Ronny Wessel Krogsaether I love my owner

    February 23, 2009

    Doyuk Aysha Thank you , Do you want a bone ?

    February 23, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    oh yes, u better belive it!!!

    February 23, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    keep me on your list, and u make big bucks, thanks

    February 23, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Keep buying back your love , and she have more money and many more money ask your love to installed and buy your pets , then buy them back bring value to

    them , you have to alway's work the pets , most people dont no matter what size , andinthe future it will bring you buyer , they look at that , if your pets are worked

    come on buy her back , more fast , bring her up your love Come on buy her back , keep buying

    February 23, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    thanks for having me. and making me ritch. you are nice.... but I don`i like thenew name I have

    Thank u. now I can sleep well tonight... thanks m trying. how do get so much cash???? how are u my master Ayterion!!! thanks for making me interesting...

    February 23, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    You are welcome sir , and remember to buy back , and I keep buying her

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    bring up the value

    February 23, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Me , buying and buying my friends back and my sister , that the trick , and also we work together , we also ask the pets to buy to , if they dont I let them go , like your friend ask her with her to buy your pets and you buy

    back ,

    February 23, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Like globial trade , or buying local but think global , and I also have brought a lotof small pets and their to there higher value , the underdogs

    February 23, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    Thanks. for that.... sweet dreams

    February 23, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    heheheheh. no I have broken my ribbs, so I have problem to sleep..

    I think u have to bye me back..soon

    February 23, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    why , you ask for this lady to buy you , how did you brake your ribs

    February 23, 2009

    Ronny Wessel Krogsaether Thanks for making my time runing away from me.. I have to join in to dreamland. I hope u can raise my value.... u did good today In karate training last week... hurts, so Elin can sleep peaceful, I`m sitting her,

    time in norway are now 01.34

    February 23, 2009

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Doyuk Aysha Why thank you , I have to buy some one first then we do it ? The trick in getting your value higher is geting your pets value higher , then

    bigger buyers come ,so alway buy back , and they your friends so buy back ,

    February 23, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    I have to buy my cousin first , what wrong with this lady you asked to buy you , Get Elin to install so you can become partner , raise her value and have her raise

    the value of your pets , I help raise her real value What is , I have to look ,

    February 24, 20091. Doyuk Aysha+You2. Gmail3. Calendar4. Documents5. Photos6. Sites7. Search8. More1. perfectscience @ gmail.com



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  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    so now your her boy toy , I think you like being a boy toy , how old are you I am 14 years old , you dont mind being a friend to a teenager

    February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    so you do mind , no problem

    February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    yes I m a boy toy.. but if u have me I `m only Ronny, so,, are u.. No problem to be friends with u. if u controll your self

    February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    are u gonna buy me back soon???

    February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    I soon as I raise the money to buy my cousin back , so hold on I am short 20

    million , BuT I get it soon , Are you a bussiness man ,

    February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    I am working out the details with your owner

    February 24, 2009

    Ronny Wessel Krogsaether Thaks, yes im a bussiness man, why???

    February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    what kind of bussiness , big bussines , rain maker or trade well make me a deal ,

    February 24, 2009

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Ronny Wessel Krogsaether trade, stockmarked what kind of deal What deal are u working out with my owner???

    February 24, 2009

    Doyuk Aysha kinds how it done , not at first but after you meet, I must follow procall

    February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    can u speak english i don`t understand what u r saying February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    And yesterday was fate , today is busssiness , plus I notice you not working all

    your pets , in my book bad bussiness move February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Sorry about my english , can you speak Turkish February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    hahahahahahahahaha, no I understand.... so this is how it works... but I don`thave time to let all my pest work, u see I have too work.. if not no food on thetable... understand, but u can learn me how to survive in this jungle.....

    February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    nice is the word February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Ok , then free the ones that are not installed , and your love did not install yet , Food is what we talking about , I am school learning , if you dont feed them then

    you not getting feed , So I see

    February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    what u mean by free them.... February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Yes when they are not installed , you push for gift , or put on sale ,

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    People in this game dont like to buy uninstalled pets , You free them or refunded them , because they are a bad buy Your are a pet shop , or a stock , and you are selling unless the pets put private

    on , which mean no can buy and you cant get your money back or your

    investment February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    we studing this in our school , bussiness trade February 24, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    how do u installed them?? do I have any of those bad buys February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    You push them , untill you see there face book , and send them a message toinstall your going to make them rich , ask them most will

    February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    This is a program that was created to use , or teach it works the same way intrade in Saudi Arabia , ( and I do know this ) even tho I am still a kid

    It works as a help those around you , but think globial , but a virtual practice

    February 24, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Also there are rule , like in trade that are not written down but know for those inthe know , common sense

    February 25, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    ahhha,now I understand,,, I`m too old.. a litle to slow u see, but thanks, I tell her.. February 25, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    She must buy your small pets , and you buy she buys , and your still not workingthen , you must to get on top , if you just buy and sell you get caught and cantmove ,

    also you can gifts her your friend who are playing one a day , she must have pets

    , or the uninstalled , but she must work them or no one will let into the 200 million range , and I tell you more old man , It the same in trade , I have a commerical web store since I was 9 years old and

    selll all over the world . February 25, 2009

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Ronny Wessel Krogsaether I`m working them. what do u mean by if I just sell and buy, I get caugt and cant

    move??? February 25, 2009 Ronny Wessel Krogsaether

    can u help me get up the prize for my cheap ones February 25, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    Yes , what price points

    February 25, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    The pets , are they installed , give one a day to your queen , as a gift and put on sign not for sale gift

    February 25, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    You moved , February 25, 2009 Doyuk Aysha

    She has to buy from you tell which one put a sign on their head going up and ask them also to buy , in other help

    June 27, 2009

    Doyuk Aysha My uncle was murder

    Write a reply...

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Her Majesty's Government

    This list was last updated on 17 October 2011 by the House of Commons Information Office, Tel020 7219 4272. We aim to update this list within one working day of changes being announced.

    Her Majesty's Government is a coalition government formed of the Conservative Party and theLiberal Democrat Party.

    The CabinetPosition Minister

    Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the

    Civil Service

    Rt Hon David Cameron

    MP (Con)

    Deputy Prime Minister, Lord President of the Council (with

    special responsibility for political and constitutional reform)

    Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP


    First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Foreign and

    Commonwealth Affairs

    Rt Hon William Hague MP


    Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Rt Hon George Osborne

    MP (Con)

    Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice

    Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC

    MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for the Home Department; and Minister for

    Women and Equalities

    Rt Hon Theresa May MP


    Secretary of State for Defence

    Rt Hon Phillip Hammond

    MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

    Rt Hon Dr Vincent Cable

    MP (LD)

    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

    Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith

    MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

    Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP


  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Secretary of State for Health

    Rt Hon Andrew Lansley

    CBE MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for Education

    Rt Hon Michael Gove MP


    Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

    Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP


    Secretary of State for Transport

    Rt Hon Justine Greening

    MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

    Rt Hon Caroline Spelman

    MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for International Development

    Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell

    MP (Con)

    Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP


    Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

    Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP


    Secretary of State for Scotland (and providing ministerial support

    to the Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet Office)

    Rt Hon Michael Moore MP


    Secretary of State for Wales

    Rt Hon Cheryl Gillan MP


    Chief Secretary to the Treasury

    Rt Hon Danny Alexander

    MP (LD)

    Minister without Portfolio (Minister of State) (Unpaid)

    Rt Hon Baroness Warsi*


    Leader of the House of Lords, Chancellor of the Duchy of


    Rt Hon Lord Strathclyde


    Also attending Cabinet meetings

    Position Minister

    Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General

    Rt Hon Francis Maude MP**


    Minister of State Cabinet Office (providing policy advice to

    the Prime Minister in the Cabinet Office)

    Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP**


  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Minister of State (Universities and Science) Department for

    Business, Innovation and Skills

    Rt Hon David Willetts MP**


    Leader of the House of Commons, Lord Privy Seal

    Rt Hon Sir George Young

    Bt MP** (Con)

    Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Whip

    Rt Hon Patrick McLoughlin

    MP (Con)

    Also invited to attend Cabinet meetings when required

    Position Minister

    Attorney-General Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP*** (Con)

    Departments of State and Ministers

    Attorney General's Office

    20 Victoria StreetLondonSW1H 0NFTel: 020 7271 2492Website: http ://www .attorneygeneral.gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Attorney-General Rt Hon Dominic Grieve MP*** (Con)

    Solicitor-General Edward Garnier QC MP (Con)

    Office of the Advocate General for Scotland

    Dover HouseWhitehallLondonSW1A 2AUTel: 020 7270 2492

    Website:http ://www .oag .gov .ukEmail: http ://www .oag .gov .uk /oag /49.html

    Position Minister

    Advocate General for Scotland Rt Hon Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC (LD)

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    1 Victoria StreetLondonSW1H 0ETTel: 020 7215 5000Website:http ://www .bis .gov .uk /Email: http ://www .bis .gov .uk /contact

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

    Rt Hon Dr Vincent Cable

    MP** (LD)

    Minister of State (Universities and Science)

    Rt Hon David Willetts MP**


    Minister of State (Business and Enterprise)

    Mark Prisk MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Further Education, Skills and Lifelong


    John Hayes MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Cities) Rt Hon Greg Clark MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Employment

    Relations, Consumer and Postal Affairs)

    Edward Davey MP (LD)

    Minister of State (Trade and Investment) (Jointly with the

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office)

    Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint


    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Intellectual Property)

    Baroness Wilcox (Con)

    Cabinet Office

    70 WhitehallLondonSW1A 2ASTel: 020 7276 3000Website:http ://www .cabinetoffice .gov .ukEmail: [email protected] Prime Minister:www .dpm .cabinetoffice .gov .uk

    Position Minister

    Deputy Prime Minister, Lord President of the Council (with special

    responsibility for political and constitutional reform)

    Rt Hon Nick Clegg


    Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General

    Rt Hon Francis

    Maude** (Con)

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Minister of State (providing policy advice to the Prime Minister in the

    Cabinet Office)

    Rt Hon Oliver Letwin

    MP** (Con)

    Parliamentary Secretary (Political and Constitutional Reform) Mark Harper MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Secretary (Civil Society) Nick Hurd MP (Con)

    Minister without Portfolio Baroness Warsi

    Department for Communities and Local Government

    Eland HouseBressenden PlaceLondonSW1E 5DU

    Tel: 0303 444 0000Website:http ://www .communities .gov .ukEmail: http ://www .communities .gov .uk /corporate /contact

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

    Rt Hon Eric

    Pickles MP**


    Minister of State (Decentralisation, Big Society, Planning Policy)

    Rt Hon Greg Clark

    MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Housing and Local Government)

    Rt Hon Grant

    Shapps MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Community Cohesion, Race

    Equality, Building Regulations, Big Society, Housing and Regeneration)

    Andrew Stunell

    OBE MP (LD)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Fire and Resilience, Thames

    Gateway and Olympics, Local Government and Planning)

    Bob Neill MP


    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Productivity, Procurement and

    Value for Money, Transparency and Data, Climate Change and

    Sustainable Development, Ordnance Survey, QEII Conference Centre)

    Baroness Hanham

    CBE (Con)

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport

    2-4 Cockspur StreetLondonSW1Y 5DH

    Tel: 020 7211 6000Website:http ://www .culture .gov .uk /

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Email: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport

    Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt

    MP** (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Tourism and Heritage)

    John Penrose MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Sport and the Olympics)

    Hugh Robertson MP


    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Culture,

    Communications and Creative Industries)

    Ed Vaizey MP (Con)

    Ministry of Defence

    5th Floor, Zone AMain BuildingWhitehallLondonSW1A 2HBTel: 020 7218 9000Website:http ://www .mod .ukEmail: http ://www .mod .uk /DefenceInternet/ContactUs /AskAMinister .htm

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Defence Rt Hon Phillip Hammond


    Minister of State (Armed Forces) Nick Harvey MP (LD)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (International Security


    Gerald Howarth MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Defence Personnel,

    Welfare and Veterans)

    Rt Hon Andrew Robathan

    MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Equipment, Support

    and Technology)

    Peter Luff MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Lord Astor of Hever DL*(Con)

    Department for Education

    Sanctuary BuildingsGreat Smith StreetLondon

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    SW1P 3BT

    Tel: 0870 000 2288Website:http ://www .education .gov .uk /Email:http ://www .education .gov .uk /help /contactus

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Education Rt Hon Michael Gove MP**


    Minister of State (Children and Families) Sarah Teather MP (LD)

    Minister of State (Schools) Nick Gibb MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Further Education and Lifelong Learning) John Hayes MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Children and


    Tim Loughton MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Schools) Lord Hill of Oareford CBE


    Department for Energy and Climate Change

    3 Whitehall PlaceLondonSW1A 2AW

    Tel: 0300 060 4000

    Website:http ://www .decc .gov .uk /Email: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP** (LD)

    Minister of State (Renewable Energy) Charles Hendry MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Climate Change) Gregory Barker MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Lord Marland* (Con)

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

    Nobel House17 Smith SquareLondonSW1P 3JR

    Tel: 08459 33 55 77

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Website:http ://ww 2.defra .gov .uk /Email: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

    Rt Hon Caroline Spelman MP**


    Minister of State (Agriculture and Food) Rt Hon James Paice MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Natural

    Environment and Fisheries)

    Richard Benyon MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Lord Taylor of Holbeach (Con)

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    King Charles StreetLondonSW1A 2AH

    Tel: 020 7008 1500Website:http ://www .fco .gov .uk /en /Email: http ://www .fco .gov .uk /en /ministerial-feedback -form

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

    Rt Hon William Hague

    MP** (Con)

    Minister of State (Europe and NATO)

    Rt Hon David Lidington

    MP (Con)

    Minister of State (South East Asia/Far East, Caribbean,

    Central/South America, Australasia and Pacific)

    Jeremy Browne MP (LD)

    Minister of State (International Energy Policy)

    Rt Hon Lord Howell of

    Guildford* (Con)

    Minister of State (Trade and Investment) (Jointly with the

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)

    Lord Green of

    Hurstpierpoint (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Africa and the United


    Henry Bellingham MP


    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Afghanistan/South Asia,

    counter terrorism/proliferation, North America, Middle East and

    North Africa)

    Alistair Burt MP (Con)

    Department of Health

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Richmond House79 WhitehallLondonSW1A 2NS

    Tel: 020 7210 4850

    Website:http ://www .dh .gov .uk /en /Email: http ://www .info .doh .gov .uk /contactus .nsf/memo ? openform

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Health Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP**


    Minister of State (Care Services) Paul Burstow MP (LD)

    Minister of State (Health) Simon Burns MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Public


    Anne Milton MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Quality) Lord Howe (Con)

    Home Office

    Direct Communications Unit2 Marsham StreetLondonSW1P 4DF

    Tel: 020 7035 4848

    Website:http ://www .homeoffice .gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for the Home Department and Minister for

    Women and Equalities

    Rt Hon Theresa May MP**


    Minister of State (Crime Prevention and Antisocial Behaviour


    Lord Henley (Con)

    Minister of State (Immigration) Damian Green MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Policing) (jointly with the Ministry of Justice) Nick Herbert MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Crime and Security)

    James Brokenshire MP


  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Equalities and

    Criminal Information)

    Lynne Featherstone MP


    Department for International Development

    1 Palace StreetLondonSW1E 5HE

    Tel: 0845 300 4100Website:http ://www .dfid .gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for International Development Rt Hon Andrew

    Mitchell MP**


    Minister of State (Asia, Middle East, Caribbean and Overseas

    Territories, International finance, Trade, Corporate Performance


    Rt Hon Alan

    Duncan MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Malaria, Africa, European

    Union, Policy (including climate change, health, education, population,

    water and sanitation, governance and food & agriculture), Research,

    Non Governmental Organisations)

    Stephen OBrien

    MP (Con)

    Spokesperson in the Lords Baroness Verma


    Ministry of Justice

    102 Petty FranceLondonSW1H 9AJ

    Tel: 020 3334 3555Website:http ://www .justice .gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice

    Rt Hon Kenneth

    Clarke MP**


    Minister of State (Constitutional matters, human rights and civil liberties,

    freedom of information, data protection and data sharing, legislation and

    Rt Hon Lord

    McNally (LD)

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    law reform, public law and public legal issues, EU and international

    business, crown dependencies, Land Registry, National Archives, Law


    Minister of State (Criminal justice strategy) (jointly with the Home Office) Nick Herbert MP


    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Prisons and Probation, youth

    justice, criminal law and sentancing policy, criminal justice)

    Crispin Blunt

    MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Legal Aid and legal services, HM

    Courts Service, tribunals and administrative justice, Office of the Public

    Guardian, Offices of Court Funds, official solicitor and public trustee,

    Offices of Court Funds, family justice, coroner reform and burial policy,

    Criminal Cases Review Commission, Criminal Injuries Compensation

    Authority, Parole Board)


    Djanogly MP


    Office of the Leader of the House of Commons

    26 WhitehallLondonSW1A 2WH

    Tel: 020 7276 1005Website:http ://www .commonsleader .gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Leader of the House of Commons Rt Hon Sir George Young Bt MP**(Con)

    Parliamentary Secretary (Deputy Leader of the


    David Heath CBE MP* (LD)

    Office of the Leader of the House of Lords

    26 WhitehallLondonSW1A 2WH

    Tel: 020 7219 3200Fax: 020 7219 3051Email: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Leader of the House of Lords, Chancellor of the Duchy of


    Rt Hon Lord Strathclyde (Con)

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Deputy Leader of the House of Lords Lord McNally (LD)

    Northern Ireland Office

    11 Millbank

    LondonSW1P 4PNStormont EstateBelfastBT4 3SH

    Tel: 028 9052 0700Website:http ://www .nio .gov .ukEmail: http ://www .nio .gov .uk /index /contact-us /enquiry -form .htm

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP** (Con)

    Minister of State Rt Hon Hugo Swire MP (Con)

    Privy Council Office

    2 Carlton GardensLondonSW1Y 5AATel: 020 7747 5310Website:http ://www .privy -council.org .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Lord President of the Council Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP (LD)

    Scotland Office

    Dover HouseWhitehallLondonSW1A 2AU1 Melville CrescentEdinburghEH3 7HW

    Tel: 020 7270 6754 (London)Tel: 0131 244 9010 (Edinburgh)Website:http ://www .scotlandoffice .gov .ukEmail: http ://www .scotlandoffice .gov .uk /scotlandoffice /58.html

    Position Minister

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    Secretary of State for Scotland Rt Hon Michael Moore MP** (LD)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Rt Hon David Mundell MP (Con)

    Spokesperson in the Lords Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC

    Department for Transport

    Great Minster House76 Marsham StreetLondonSW1P 4DRTel: 0300 330 3000Website:http ://www .dft.gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Transport

    Rt Hon Justine Greening MP**(Con)

    Minister of State (Rail and Aviation) Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Regional and

    Local Transport)

    Norman Baker MP (LD)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Roads and


    Mike Penning MP (Con)

    HM TreasuryCorrespondence & Enquiry Unit2/W1 HM Treasury1 Horse Guards RoadLondonSW1A 2HQTel:020 7270 4558Website:http ://www .hm -treasury .gov .ukEmail: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Rt Hon George Osborne

    MP** (Con)

    Chief Secretary to the Treasury

    Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP


    Financial Secretary Mark Hoban MP (Con)

    Exchequer Secretary David Gauke MP (Con)

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    Economic Secretary Chloe Smith MP (Con)

    Commercial Secretary Lord Sassoon

    Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Whip

    Rt Hon Patrick McLoughlin

    MP (Con)

    Lord Commissioner (Whip) James Duddridge MP (Con)

    Lord Commissioner (Whip) Michael Fabricant MP (Con)

    Lord Commissioner (Whip) Brooks Newmark MP* (Con)

    Lord Commissioner (Whip) Angela Watkinson MP (Con)

    Lord Commissioner (Whip) Jeremy Wright MP (Con)

    Assistant Whip Stephen Crabb MP (Con)

    Assistant Whip Philip Dunne MP* (Con)

    Assistant Whip Robert Goodwill MP (Con)

    Assistant Whip Mark Hunter MP (LD)

    Assistant Whip (and Chief Parliamentary and Political Adviser

    to the Deputy Prime Minister)

    Norman Lamb MP (LD)

    Assistant Whip Greg Hands MP (Con)

    Assistant Whip Shailesh Vara MP (Con)

    Assistant Whip Bill Wiggin MP (Con)

    Wales Office

    Gwydyr HouseWhitehallLondonSW1A 2NPTel: 020 7270 0534Website:http ://www .walesoffice .gov .ukEmail: http ://www .walesoffice .gov .uk /contact/

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Wales Rt Hon Cheryl Gillan MP** (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State David Jones MP (Con)

    Department for Work and Pensions

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Caxton HouseTothill StreetLondonSW1H 9DATel: n/aWebsite:http ://www .dwp .gov .uk

    Email: [email protected]

    Position Minister

    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP**


    Minister of State (Employment) Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP (Con)

    Minister of State (Pensions) Steve Webb MP (LD)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Disabled


    Maria Miller MP (Con)

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Welfare


    Lord Freud* (Con)

    HM Household

    Position Minister

    Treasurer of HM Household (Deputy Chief Whip) Rt Hon John Randall MP (Con)

    Comptroller (Deputy Chief Whip) Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP (LD)

    Vice Chamberlain (Whip) Rt Hon Mark Francois MP (Con)

    Captain of the Honourable Corps of the Gentlemen at

    Arms (Lords Chief Whip)

    Rt Hon Baroness Anelay of St

    Johns DBE (Con)

    Captain of The Queens Bodyguard of the Yeomen of

    the Guard (Deputy Lords Chief Whip)

    Rt Hon Lord Shutt of Greetland

    OBE (LD)

    Baroness in Waiting Baroness Garden of Frognal* (LD)

    Baroness in Waiting Baroness Northover* (LD)

    Baroness in Waiting Baroness Rawlings (Con)

    Baroness in Waiting Baroness Verma (Con)

    Lord in Waiting Earl Attlee (Con)

    Lord in Waiting Lord Astor of Hever DL* (Con)

    Lord in Waiting Lord De Mauley TD (Con)

  • 7/31/2019 Who are these people sping on our team


    Lord in Waiting Baroness Stowell of Beeston MBE


    Lord in Waiting Lord Wallace of Saltaire (LD)

    Second Church Estates Commissioner, representing ChurchCommissioners

    Position Spokesperson

    Second Church Estates Commissioner Tony Baldry MP (Con)


    * unpaid** attends Cabinet*** attends Cabinet when Ministerial responsibilities are on the agenda paid as a Parliamentary Secretary unpaid Parliamentary Secretary

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