what's up peeps?


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This is a history lesson about the seasonal Easter Peeps candy.


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For ages, when war arises, men and women are sent off to battle and even during peace times they are sent away for months at a time during deploy-ments and basic training.

During the past few years, the slo-gan “support our troops” has become extremely popular in the United States but what about supporting the families left behind?

Being separated from your signifi-cant other in any circumstance isn’t easy but being alone for months at a time with the fear of them never coming home is even more difficult. Often, the thought of “they’re doing something noble and good” isn’t comforting enough to cope for those long months of separation.

If you are in a relationship with someone in the military, here are some helpful tips to pass the long months ahead:

1. Stay Busy.The last thing you need to do is

sit around the house being miserable. Surround yourself with endearing peo-ple who support you. The more the peo-ple know what you’re going through, the better. Have lunch with an older military spouse who can advise you or friends who are going through the same thing. Also, spend time with your family. They want the best for you more than anyone. Don’t mope around thinking the worst even when you are out.

2. Write, Write, Write.If your significant other is in basic

training and doesn’t have access to a phone or computer, don’t wait to hear from them to start writing. Throughout the day, you’ll think of things you want to say to them but can’t because they don’t have a phone so write it. Write them every day. Another way to channel your emotions is to journal. It’s a great way to get feelings out that you don’t feel you can say to other people.

3. Plan for the Future.Just because your significant other

is gone doesn’t mean you can’t plan for their return. Make plans for surprise dates or family vacations when they come home. Instead of being sad that you are separated, get excited about how much stronger the relationship will be after enduring something this hard.

4. Pray, Pray, Pray.There is no such comfort like

God’s love. Trust in the fact that God knows what is going to happen every day before it happens and trust that He would never give you more than you can handle. Pray for His comfort and guidance for the hardships ahead and know that everything will be OK.

For dealing with the treacher-ous months, or in some cases years ahead, there are many things that can be done to remain positive. Whether it’s all prayer or a combination of the list above, know that men and women around the country are going through exactly what you are coping with and have been for centuries. You are not alone.

Long sunny days, pleasant weather and friends. These are the ingredients necessary for people to come together and enjoy a barbecue.

California Baptist University stu-dents are preparing for their summer break and many of them will no doubt be attendees of at least one barbecue.

Here are a few helpful hints to make this summer’s barbecue the best yet:

MeatGreat meat is the start to any barbe-

cue. It is always a wise decision to make quality a priority whenever possible.

- Start off by finding the most rea-sonable price for the freshest possible meat. If a local butcher can cut the meat right at the time of purchase, great! That ensures the freshest cut.

- If fresh cut meat is not available, local grocers have a meat section with meat that is packaged and priced ac-

cording to weight. Check the firmness of the meat. Fresh meat should be firm and not mushy. Also, check to see if blood has collected at the bottom of the meat. If there is blood, that means the cell walls of the meat have started to break down and it is not fresh.

- Look for fat. aFat is the white layer attached to the meat. Remember that fat adds flavor but some people care more about their figure and less about flavor, so cater to the guests as much as possible.

SeasoningSeasoning is varies depending on

the chef. However, try to use seasoning as a compliment to the dish so that it will not overpower other flavors.

- Salt is used to draw out flavors. The right amount of salt is key to getting that perfect taste to any meal but use it sparingly.

- There are different ways to sea-son meat. Different styles of seasoning require different amounts of time to be ready, so plan ahead to guarantee that

the seasoning has the right amount of time to work its magic.

Grill setupDifferent barbecue grills can affect

the taste of the meat. Charcoal grills have that unique smoky flavor, espe-cially when used in conjunction with a smoker. Gas grills provide a constant and steady temperature. Electric grills, like the George Foreman Grill, provide grilling opportunity even in a small space.

- Keep the surface clean. Not only does this prevent bacteria from grow-ing on the surface but a clean surface provides an even cooking surface for the meat to cook but barbecued meat looks professionally done when it has the grill lines cleanly burned on the surface.

- Good tools to use when grilling should include a sharp knife, a spatula/turner, tongs, a meat fork and a meat thermometer.

Cooking timesMake sure the meat is cooked

properly. Different types of meat have different cooking times and it is impor-tant to know these times so that meat is not undercooked and the risk of bacterial presence in the food is elimi-nated. Try to visit www.usda.org to learn more about health standards for cooking. Use the meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat before serving.

- Steaks, roasts, and fish need to be cooked to 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

- Pork and ground beef should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

- Poultry should be cooked to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

These are the basics to having a great and safe barbecue. Try different recipes with friends and family and show off these new barbecue skills.

Married to the military




April 15, 2011 · Volume 58 · Issue 13

Photo by Bonnie KoennThe sunny days ahead will provide a good time to grill some fresh cut meat.

PAY OFF YOUREDUCATIONTuition costs shouldn’t stop you from reaching your goals in life. By joining the Army National Guard, you’ll receive the money you need to help pay for college as well as the skills and training you need to get the career you want. If you’re looking to get through college, with the Army National Guard, you can!

SSG Michael Enriquez 951-329-8039 NATIONALGUARD.com


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April 15, 2011 · Volume 58 · Issue 13HEALTH Page B6

Photo by Nichelle Truelove

Vitamins are good, but vegetables can be better health wise.

Most people do not think about it but healthy nails are essential to your overall health. Since we use our hands for everything, clean and groomed nails are essential because they show how well you take care of your body. Plus, nails can show a lot about a person’s overall hygiene.

Clean and groomed nails can be a big deal in the professional world. Professions in business, sales, teaching, nursing and the food industry require that employees have healthy nails so they can gain the respect of the people around them. Think about it: You would not want food that was handled by hands with chipped nail polish, would you?

Nails tell a lot about a person’s overall health and appearance. In order to have healthy nails there are a few habits that you should avoid in order to make your nails look as good as possible.

Drinking alcohol and smoking makes your nails less healthy, believe it or not. Chemicals from smoking can go into your blood stream and into the tissues of your nails. This can make them brittle and

turn a yellowish color. If you want your nails to look as good as possible, pass on these bad habits.

It is also not a good habit to bite your nails because everything you touch, that everyone else has touched, goes right into your mouth.

Moreover, keep your nails dry. Prolonging the exposure of your hands to water causes nail weakness or fungus. To prevent this, wear rubber gloves when you do your dishes.

Strong nails are very important for handling things but if you have nails that are brittle or break easily there are many nail polishes such as Hard Nails by Sally Hansen that promotes growth and nail strength. Once they grow out you can file them weekly in order to maintain their shape.

Trimming your nails is essential to making your nails look neat and clean. When you clip your nails weekly or file them, they tend to grow faster and stronger. Instead of going to get a manicure consider buying your own at-home kit, which has tools such as a cuticle pusher, filer and fine scissors to remove dead skin cells.

You do not have to spend a lot of money to have healthy nails. There are things you

can do that may get costly like getting monthly pedicures or taking vitamins. However, vitamins are a good investment to overall health.

Biotin is a vitamin that has been proven to help strengthen nails and increase actual nail thickness. In a Nail M.D. scientific study report, a test was conducted in Sweden concluding that over 25 percent of people who took biotin saw a difference.

Our nails are made of keratin, which is a protein that forms our teeth, nails and skin. Without protein, nails can easily split and break. To maintain protein levels try foods such as fish, chicken, eggs, lentils or almonds.

Fatty acids are also essential for overall nail health. Foods such as soybeans, broccoli and pumpkin seeds all contain fatty acids. There is also the option to take fatty acids in the form of vitamins, such as Omega 3, which can be bought over-the-counter as well.

Since spring is here, having healthy, shiny, strong nails is important in the workplace, school and at home.

Take the time to take care of yourself and your nails so that your nails will look better than ever before.



Water bottles might pose health problems


College students develop new eating habits and learn how to survive on their own. However, taking vitamins no longer seems as important as it did at home with mom constantly advocating Flintstone vitamins.

The phrase, “Eat your vegetables,” is no longer as authoritative as many meals now consist of donuts and coffee for breakfast, pizza for lunch and a cheeseburger with fries for dinner.

Things will change over the course of time but keep in mind that both vitamins and vegetables are necessary to keep the body functioning properly.

Some people consider vitamins to be sufficient when they lack their daily intake of vegetables but there are many disadvantages in taking only vitamins and forgetting to eat vegetables. However, this does not mean that vitamins are useless.

There is a difference between the two and the advantages and disadvantages include the following.

VitaminsVitamins are simply supplements

and are not sufficient for the day. It is meant to be taken along with other sources of nutrients.

“Do not solely rely on your supplement,” Dean of the College of Allied Health Charles Sands said. “Fresh fruits and vegetables are what we need to push in our diet.”

Everyone needs vitamins but the nutrients and fiber that vegetables supply the body with are not replaceable. A vitamin is basically a pill that has the nutrients of both fruits and vegetables but is processed to make it easier for people to consume.

Since a vitamin does not have any calories, the mere inherence of a daily multivitamin is not enough. Vegetables on the other hand are not only fully equipped with nutrients but also contain fiber which helps the process of eliminating body waste.

Moreover, taking a daily vitamin with any caffeinated drink prevents the body from absorbing the nutrients it needs for various parts of the body.

“Take your vitamins with juice or water. Do not drink them with caffeinated

drinks,” Sands said. “Caffeine blocks the absorption of the vitamin.”

Vitamins can be taken on a daily basis, however it will take a while to feel the effects because it does not work efficiently unless taken over a long period of time. Also, pay attention to the expiration date as this dictates whether or not the vitamin still contains the elements it was meant to have.

VegetablesVegetables are a natural source of

vitamins and should be consumed on a daily basis. Plus they provides nutrients directly to the body. A balanced diet must consist of different fruits and vegetables.

“Count the colors on your plate. If you have the same colors, you need to balance out your diet,” Sands said.

If you eat the same vegetables all the time, you are not getting the balanced nutrients that your body needs but instead absorb an excess of only one set of nutrients.

Every vegetable is dense however there are only a few that are color dense and those are the ones that supply the body with the highest amount of nutrients. These vegetables include avocados, asparagus, bell peppers and eggplant.

“The difference in color means there is a difference in nutritional value,” Sands said.

Therefore, if you eat a variety of color dense vegetables you are receiving the vitamins your body needs.

“You can eat vegetables and not vitamins but our diet should consist of a variety of vegetables,” Sands said. “If you eat a well-rounded diet, you don’t need a vitamin supplement.”

Kill two birds with one stone by substituting junk food with vegetables and fruits so that you can have something delicious and nutritious. Get creative with your veggies so you will want to eat them and not dread them. Some fun vegetable snacks include carrots and ranch dip or celery with peanut butter.

While both vitamins and vegetables are necessary, it is much more efficient to eat vegetables than to take vitamins.

Vitamins vs. vegetables


Plastic water bottles are a convenient way to get clean water on the go but recent studies have shown that they may lead to serious health risks in the future. Many plastic water bottles contain Bisphenol A, also known as BPA.

BPA is known to mimic the female hormone, estrogen which can cause serious health effects on fertility and cause breast and uterine cancers. Other effects include kidney and heart problems.

A recent study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that urine samples of subjects who drank cold beverages out of plastic water

bottles, versus stainless steel bottles had higher BPA levels by 69 percent.

When the plastic in the water bottles experience heat, the BPA level raises significantly. Mothers should be aware that most plastic baby bottles are made of BPA, which risks infants to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and liver problems later on in life. The amount of estrogen from BPA also affects the developmental process of young children.

The risk of BPA consumption is increased when water bottles are reused or heated.

The use of water bottles in general is also less than environmentally responsible. Although they are recyclable, millions find themselves in landfills across the United States every day.

Plus, the making of water bottles is an expensive process that emits toxic pollutants and contributes to global warming.

With the amount of bad publicity about water bottles’ carbon footprint and the health risks, one doctor said that this seems to be the nail in the coffin for plastic water bottles. Many researchers recommend using reusable stainless steel water bottles or plastic water bottles that specifically say “BPA-free” which eliminates health risks as well as reduce the amount of waste.

BPA-free water bottles can be found just about anywhere these days, sports equipment stores, Target, Wal-Mart, even Bed Bath and Beyond has a wide variety of stainless steel water bottles and water bottles made of BPA-free plastic.

So the next time you go to take a swig out of your plastic water bottle, consider the health risks and your carbon footprint by using them. Try a stainless steel water bottle, not only does it take up less space in your fridge, it costs less and is a lot healthier for you in the long run.

BPA not a-okay

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