what's a fuglar

? ? (and why should you care) What is a FUGLAR What is a FUGLAR

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: What's a Fuglar

??(and why should you care)

What is a FUGLARWhat is a FUGLAR

Page 2: What's a Fuglar

The fuglar is a dangerous, conniving character,

hiding behind a mask of innocence.

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He strives to appear as the most innocentinnocent character

anyone can imagine.

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It may appear feeble and incompetent but it possesses the capacity for unspeakable evil..

This image represents the soul of the This image represents the soul of the fuglar. fuglar.

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He depends on your stupidity to


The fuglar is The fuglar is extremely sneaky. extremely sneaky.

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Seemingly harmless

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But at any given moment, theBut at any given moment, the


the lives of those around him.


fuglar will...fuglar will...


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The fuglar is like an unavoidable object, inexplicably The fuglar is like an unavoidable object, inexplicably cluttering the highway of life, often situated on the blind cluttering the highway of life, often situated on the blind

corner of a very sharp curve.corner of a very sharp curve.

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In a single instant, the lives of those who encounter the fuglar can be brought to a frustrating delayfrustrating delay, an agonizing digression agonizing digression or even—in

extreme cases—a screeching haltscreeching halt.


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Page 12: What's a Fuglar

He robs us of our assets and resources.

He’s the ultimate embezzler.

He’s like a thief on steroids.

He sucks up everything in his wake: time, space, money.

The fuglar is destroying our way of life.The fuglar is destroying our way of life.

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Why is the fuglar doing this?Why is the fuglar doing this?

What it boils down to is laziness and


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There’s something the fuglar wants and/or There’s something the fuglar wants and/or something that he doesn’t want to do...something that he doesn’t want to do...

That’s all there is to it.

People might get hurt, children could be maimed for life, animals could become extinct, the world could

come to an end...none of this matters to the fuglar.

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He’s allowed the laziness and greed {inherent in all of us} to completely take over his existence until he no longer

cares about anythinganything but his lazinesslaziness and greedgreed.

The fuglar might appear The fuglar might appear innocent, but don’t be fooled innocent, but don’t be fooled

by him.by him.

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Where are they?Where are they?

They’re everywhere

you look.

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Why should you Why should you care?care?

Because they’re sucking up all of our


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Even if YOU’RE a fuglar you should be concerned because the big offenders—the REALLY big offenders, like the

bankers and large corporation CEOs—are getting the BULK of available

resources. That doesn’t leave much for you.

(listen up fuglars)(listen up fuglars)

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(MORE fuglars equals LESS (MORE fuglars equals LESS resources)resources)

The hopelessness these heavy hitters leave behind cultivates the

potential fuglar in us all...

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In fact, due to the overwhelming success of the fuglar—virtually always getting away with their actions scott free—the fuglar is

becoming more and more toleratedtolerated, admiredadmired and emulatedemulated.

(everyone wants to be a (everyone wants to be a fuglar)fuglar)

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But if everyone’s a fuglar, who’s going to work to

provide all the resources?


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Think about it.Think about it.