what i have learnt from my research


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Page 1: What i have learnt from my research

What I have learnt from

my researchMedia Studies- Horror Genre

Page 2: What i have learnt from my research

History of Horror

I began with the research into the history of the entire horror genre to

establish key areas of codes and conventions apparent to each decade of

horror. This allowed me to understand the beginnings of horror with roots in

classical literature beginning with author Horace Walpole, 1764, who

introduced the concept of ‘horror’ with the novel ‘The Castle of Otranto’.

This sparked many authors to add their own perceptions of horror adding

tension and suspense which continued the gothic style literature craze

through to the early nineteenth century. This includes the literature

Frankenstein, Dracula and Dr Jekyll and Hyde. It was important for me to

understand where the horror genre began in order to process how it has

become what it has today. The next era was the silent style movies

influenced by spirit photography and the German expression which was

created two years after the first world war and highly inspired by events of

WW1. Many other crazes of the decades included Monsters and Mad

Scientists, 1930s, Primal animals (influenced by the second World War,)

1940s, Mutant creatures and alien invaders, 1950s, Ghosts, Zombies and

Satanism 1960s, Charles Manson's influence and Hammer Horror 1970s,

Slasher Movies and Video Nasties, 1980s, Gore 2000s. When looking at the

whole genre it is evident that the versatility and change over the years is

important. It is always adapting to the consumer needs/ fears which are

pivotal in the development of the horror genre.

Page 3: What i have learnt from my research

Narrative Theory

Whilst researching the horror genre it was important to look at

key theories and apply and analyse them in in regards to certain

horror films which I looked at. The first theory to consider was

theory of Narrative Structure opposed by Todorov, as he states

within his theory The story begins with an equilibrium in which

all opposing forces are balances, allowing the viewer an insight

into the lives of the main characters. Then an event occurs

which causes the disruption of the equilibrium. In which the

characters recognise the disequilibrium and try to resolve the

problem, then finishing with new equilibrium being established.

It was vital to see if this theory was relevant to two films which

we watched in class and one independent film. Whilst The

Wrong Turn and The Crazies do mostly follow this narrative

structure, Halloween does not. Halloween challenges the key

conventions and demonstrates that this can be an effective style

to a film. Halloween does not include the new equilibrium, as it

leaves the audience on a cliff hanger with the main antagonist

escaping allowing the suspense and mystery to increase and also

allowing motive for a sequel, which was is important to

understand whilst I was researching the codes and conventions

of the horror genre.

Page 4: What i have learnt from my research

Character Theory and Binary Oppositions

In addition to the theory of narrative it was also important to consider

Propp’s character theory. Propp proposed 7 character roles within horror

films this included the (male) hero who eventually saves the princess

whilst falling in love with her, the villain constantly causing conflict with

the hero. The donor whose role is to supply the hero with a piece of

information/ object to help them to prepare for the quest, the helper

who assists the hero acting as a ‘sidekick’, the dispatcher who sends the

hero on their quest and finally the false hero who appears to be a ‘good

guy’ however has an evil plan. It is important to understand than not all

7 character roles will be evident within every horror film but they do

help us to recognise certain vital characters and their motives within the


Binary oppositions are also important to understand in horror films. They

are evident in every horror film and allow the audience to make quick

decisions on the characters and the situations of the characters. Levi

Strauss states that the most common binaries include Science vs. Nature,

Good vs. Evil and Monsters vs. Humans. It has been interesting to look

into the binaries of existing horror films and has allowed me to use this

when creating my own horror trailer.

Page 5: What i have learnt from my research

Representation of Women

Once of the most interesting and important aspect of horror which I have

learned is the representation of women. Females within horror are often

objectified as they are being portrayed sexually for the male gaze, often

with their deaths being exaggerated close up and very gory. The male

gaze is the idea that horror films are shot from a male perspective, for

their own pleasure watching women in distress, this is a theory opposed

by Laura Mulvey. There are many stereotypes which are evident when

looking at the portrayal of women within the horror genre. This includes

the theory by Carol Clover and the final girl. E.g. in order for a young

female to survive a film they are expected to be virginal, have an

androgynous name, dedicated and hard working student, not a drinker or

a smoker. Although this is not the case in every single horror movie it is a

theme in many including Halloween. Some horror films challenge the

theory of the male gaze and allow males in horror films to also be shown

in a sexualised way. This has been important to my study as I have now

got the relevant information for the stereotypes of genders in order to

conform or challenge within my trailer.

Page 6: What i have learnt from my research

Film Trailers

Analysing the film trailers allowed me to understand

many things when considering my own trailer, this

includes how much to give away, e.g. not showing the

whole story with the new equilibrium at the end of the

film. It also allowed me to understand that certain

aspects do need to be established e.g. main characters/

protagonists and the villain/ antagonist, the locations/

misc en scene e.g. the location needs to have a spooky/

horror genre feel e.g. large house, isolated, etc. Binary

oppositions will need to be considered and used to the

best of mine and my groups ability.

Screenshots taken from film trailer Don’t

Breathe narrative was established along

with key characters and conventions and

new equilibrium was not shown.