welcome to sixth form parents’ evening tuesday 16 september 2014

Welcome to Sixth Form Parents’ Evening Tuesday 16 September 2014

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Page 1: Welcome to Sixth Form Parents’ Evening Tuesday 16 September 2014

Welcome to Sixth Form

Parents’ Evening

Tuesday 16 September 2014

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Welcome to Sixth Form Parents

• Making the Step up to Sixth Form

• Pastoral Support

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

• Qualities of a successful student





Locus of control – move to internal

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form• Our Year 13 students – key factors for success

1.Understand increase in challenge – from day one!

2.Keep up-to-date with work

3.Talk to teachers


5.Use non-contact time

6.Correct balance between school and outside of school

7.Get it right this year – difficult to improve next year

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

• Supporting students to achieve success

Curriculum Team

1.Students on right courses

2.Regular Monitoring and assessment

3.Supervision - supervisors


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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

1. Students on right courses

• Students on 4 courses

• Importance of entry requirements

• One opportunity to change – this Thursday (18 September)

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form


•Students will remain on 4 courses until January monitoring round

•Students must have 3 subjects AS grade D (or BTEC Pass) in order to continue on into Year 13

•85% completed 4 courses this summer

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

2. Three Rounds of Monitoring and Assessment of students – key dates on slides to come

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

October First Round

•Conversation with teacher

•Initial assessment of the extent to which students have made the Step up to Sixth Form

•What they still have to do

24 October Summary to Parents

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

Target Grade

Understanding Assessment Homework Deadlines

In-class Class notes

Attendance Relationships

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

January Second Round

•Performance summary

March Third Round

•Performance summary plus written report

•Follows mock exams

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Interpreting monitoring reports

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Interpreting monitoring reports

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

How we act on data

•Departments will individually work with students who are a concern – drop ins, contact home, recommend for supervision

•Curriculum Team will timetable students into supervision, meet students of concern in more than one subject, meet students of particular concern with parents, review curriculum & entries

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Assessment Weeks, monitoring reports & parents’ evenings

•Take assessment weeks seriously•Predicted grades are based on assessment information•Role of Curriculum Advisors•Role of Supervisors•All reports available on e-portal•Protocols

Year 12 Calendar:

Key Events

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Importance of mock exams

•Must be taken seriously•For a number of students, who have been a concern earlier in the year, mock exams will determine whether they are entered for their exam(s) this year

Year 12 Calendar:

Key Events

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AS Exams & returning to Y13

•Students will be expected to achieve D grades in at least 3 subjects (or BTEC Pass) to continue to Y13. •Advice & guidance will be offered to students who pass but significantly underachieve to determine whether they should continue to Y13

Year 12 Calendar:

Key Events

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Other key dates:•Block Timetable Weeks•Progression events

– Higher Education Evening

– Next Step conference– Progression Week

Year 12 Calendar:

Key Events

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

Protocols – see Sixth Form Guide

•Curriculum Protocol – framework for advice and guidance on option choices Year 11 to Year 12 and Year 12 to year 13

•Achievement Protocol – expectations for student achievement within the Sixth Form

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

3. Supervision and Supervisors• Available in larger cohort subjects but

restricted to those it will benefit most• For students of all abilities who are

working hard and who would benefit from extra support to meet their minimum target grade

• One hour a week extra with a subject specialist

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Making the Step up to Sixth Form

4. Events:

Logs of meetings between student and teachers, Curriculum Team and Pastoral Team

Available on ePortal for parents and student to view

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Student Events

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• https://w1.qehs.net:8020/eportal/

• If you have difficulty logging on, contact Sue Boath or James Rainford:

[email protected][email protected]

Checking monitoring data, reports, attendance and “events” on e-portal

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Checking monitoring data, reports, attendance and “events” on e-portal

Timetable Student Events Monitoring


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• Attendance – text

• Monitoring – e-portal

• Events – e-portal

• Information – Sixth Form Bulletin

• Parentmail

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Sixth Form Bulletin

• Every week or two weeks

• By Parentmail

• Covers enhancement, university, apprenticeship, Gap Year information

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Celebrating Success

• 153 applicants to university (116 from Year 13 and 37 from Year 14)

• 3 into Oxford and Cambridge

• 41% of entries this year into Russell Group Universities

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Celebrating Success

• Increasing numbers applying for vocational courses

• 11 Engineering

• 4 Nursing

• 5 Teaching and social work

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Celebrating Success• But not just university:

• Gap Years

• Apprenticeships

• Volunteering

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Freshers’ Fair

• Lower School Hall Tuesday 23 September

• 2.00pm – 3.15pm

• all the different opportunities available outside and inside of school for extra-curricular and enhancement activities

• Last year 93% of students already had or took up an enhancement activity

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Thank You

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Making the Step Up to Sixth Form

• Supporting students to achieve success

Pastoral Team

1.Pastoral needs of students

2.Attendance management

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Pastoral Support

• To support student learning through mentoring, and attendance management

• To offer support with emotional well-being– physical & mental health issues, – bereavement – listening & counselling

• Financial support

• To provide a working partnership between home and school

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Additional school support

In conjunction with the pastoral team, support

for students is offered by:

• Subject teachers, Curriculum Leaders and Supervisors

• Curriculum team

• Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

• Careers Advisor

• School Health Advisor

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Financial Support: 16-19 Bursary Fund• Mandatory bursary

– For young people in care / on income support/ on DLA

– £40 per week• Discretionary Bursary

– For students on free school meals – £20 per week– Apply / check via NCC website

• Additional support (Exceptional circumstances)– One off payment up to £100 e.g. for fieldtrips

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A sixth form timetable

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Attendance & studying

• Attendance at all subject lessons is compulsory• Private study periods spent ideally in LRC, A10 study

room, Sixth Form Centre & home (if practicable).• Staff absence- Sixth Form lessons are not covered if a

member of staff is absent. However students should attend as work will always be left by departments for students to complete.

• Students or parents should notify the pastoral office in advance for planned absence and on the day for unplanned. Absence line 01434 610310.

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Absence Notification – by text

{Student name} was absent for one or more lessons yesterday. Please call 01434 610310 to provide the reason or it will be marked unauthorised.


We cannot receive texts in reply

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Absence Notification – by text

{Student name} was absent for one or more lessons yesterday. Please call 01434 610310 to provide the reason or it will be marked unauthorised.

Student reasons:

“I was there”

“I was late”

“The teacher

never turned up”

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Absence management procedures

• See Absence Management Protocol in the Sixth Form Guide (page 15)

Please note:• When absence first becomes a problem our initial

contact is with the student in order to provide them with the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning (Level one of procedure).

• You can check your son/daughter’s missed lessons in a weekly report in e-portal. Please ignore the pie chart in e-portal, this is not applicable to sixth form.

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Please complete the following form if necessary

• Additional pastoral information.

You may complete this at home then return to the Pastoral Office in an envelope marked FAO Mr. Whitfield

Please collect your information pack from the back of the room