welcome karen lee, parish nurse tales september 2012.pdfwelcome karen lee, parish nurse the...

Page 1 September 2012 15840 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239)437-2599 www.peaceftmyers.com www.facebook.com/PeaceFtMyers Peace Lutheran Church Monthly Newsletter Come Share God’s Love September 2012 Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012. The program of our congregation has been blessed by the partnership with Lee Memorial Health Systems. The vision of the program at Peace is to further the mission of the congregation through a ministry that opens the gifts of healing and wholeness to people’s health and faith issues. We are grateful for those who were able to assist with the process of selecting Karen to be our Parish Nurse, including Nancy Roberts, Manager, LMHS Parish Nurse Program, Forrest Jensen, David Miller, JoAnn Henricksen, Dick Zeaske, Pete Ekstrom, Sarah Muermann, Jean Prescott, and Jim Giesel. We look forward to the ministry that the congregation and Karen will build upon the parish nurse program at Peace! God has blessed me greatly by allowing me to serve as your Parish Nurse. Thank you for your hospitality and loving welcome. I look forward to our journey together as God leads us to connect and serve one another in His name. Thank you for a mem- orable commissioning ceremony and the delicious food afterwards! —Karen Lee

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Page 1: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 1 September 2012

15840 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239)437-2599 www.peaceftmyers.com www.facebook.com/PeaceFtMyers Peace Lutheran Church Monthly Newsletter Come Share God’s Love September 2012

Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve

as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012. The program of our congregation has been blessed by the partnership with Lee Memorial Health Systems. The vision of the program at Peace is to further the mission of the congregation through a ministry that

opens the gifts of healing and wholeness to people’s health and faith issues. We are grateful for those who

were able to assist with the process of selecting Karen to be our Parish Nurse, including Nancy Roberts,

Manager, LMHS Parish Nurse Program, Forrest Jensen, David

Miller, JoAnn Henricksen, Dick Zeaske, Pete Ekstrom,

Sarah Muermann, Jean Prescott, and Jim Giesel. We

look forward to the ministry that the congregation and

Karen will build upon the parish nurse program at Peace!

God has blessed me greatly by allowing me to serve as your Parish Nurse. Thank you for your hospitality and loving welcome.

I look forward to our journey together as God leads us to connect and serve one another in His name. Thank you for a mem-orable commissioning ceremony and the delicious food afterwards!

—Karen Lee

Page 2: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 2 September 2012

Dear Friends in Christ, As we anticipate the celebration of our 10th Anniversary of the Organization of our congregation, there are many holy moments of grace that blessed the planting of a new congregation. Last month I shared about the many pastors who helped to plant the congregation, some of whom will be preaching at Peace this coming year. This month I would share about our “Mission Partners.” These congregations and people blessed us always with prayer and often with financial

gifts. The prayers and gifts helped us to know that the establishment of a new congregation was led by God, and true to the Easter proclamation, the journey into the future had been opened by Christ. Who were the Mission Partners of Peace? They were:

11,000 congregations of the ELCA who through their benevolence support provided support for over three years tour congregation;

The Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA that worked with us on the site and building design and loans;

Local congregations from our conference who blessed us with a grant that helped us begin to develop programs, pay for the site and build our church;

Congregations and people from the Florida-Bahamas Synod who, through gifts to the Mission 100 program of $100 or more, provided over $33,000 to assist in the purchase of our site;

Many people beyond our congregation, who supported our ministry, purchase of our site, program development and our building program.

The wonderful people that God had gathered to help give birth to Peace were so encouraged by the Mission Partners. They knew that as we were being blessed, we too needed to share our blessings. We adopted “our” Mission Partner: Cross of Glory, Derby, Kansas, the new congregation of Ken and Shirley Cardwell. Every Sunday we prayed for each other’s ministry. We gathered Lenten Self-Denial Offerings and that of our Organization Celebration on January 19, 2003 as a Mission Partner gift to the congregation. They used the gift for cabinetry for their kitchen. They sent us a gift for our building. They continue to pray for us every Sunday because of their appreciation for the partnership! On September 9th I will be the Presiding Minister as a guest of Cross of Glory and Ken and Jean Cardwell. It will be such a blessing to be an ambassador of Peace, Ft Myers! As I reflect on the upcoming 10th Anniversary of our congregation, I celebrate that God is still equipping

us as disciples of Jesus Christ. Ministry that builds the kingdom comes from a partnership in fulfilling the vision that God has for every congregation. We celebrate, learn, forgive, hope and dream in the unity that is Christ in our midst. Paul wrote, “Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5.11)

Pastor Walter +

Page 3: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 3 September 2012

Leadership Council President’s Report August 2012

On August 5 Karen Lee was installed as our new parish nurse. Karen brings a great deal of love, knowledge, experience, and energy to this important ministry. I’m confident she will continue to build on the strong foundation laid down by her predecessors. When you have a chance, please introduce yourself and welcome Karen to Peace.

Tropical storm Isaac passed by southwest Florida with no significant impacts. As a precaution and part of our hurricane preparedness plan, we closed Peace on August 27, the day the storm was expected to be at its worst for us. As it turned out, the storm moved further west than expected, so both the wind and rain were less than anticipated. Nevertheless, this has provided us with a good opportunity to execute the preparedness plan and continue to refine it. We give thanks that God has spared us from the worst of this storm and pray for those in Louisiana and the north gulf coast who are affected by Isaac.

The Service committee has scheduled a shortened Mission Servant Week for November 19 – 21 and full week for January 28 – February 1. Both of these weeks will include service at Gabriel House and Harry Chapin Food Bank. Additional dates to help out at HCFB and Salvation Army throughout the remainder of 2012 are already on the schedule with more likely to be added for 2013. I hope you will check the Peace calendar at our website, www.peaceftmyers.com, and keep these dates in mind as you plan your time in southwest Florida. I am immensely thankful for all of you who volunteer your time and talent for these community projects as well as to help out at Peace. This month the Leadership Council reviewed the Time and Talent sign up forms and it occurred to me that it is impossible to list all the opportunities for volunteer work at Peace. We are especially in need of people willing to take leadership roles. We continue to need planning help in the Fellowship, Service, and Small Groups committees; we are always looking for small group leaders; the Altar Guild needs a new chairperson; the Health Ministry needs members; and soon the Nominating Committee will begin its search for three new Leadership Council members. There are also opportunities much more limited in duration and commitment. I well understand the higher level of commitment required for leadership roles at Peace, so I ask that you will prayerfully consider if any of these roles is part of the Lord’s plan for you.

Come Share God’s Love, Forrest Jensen Leadership Council President

Page 4: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 4 September 2012

This chart helps to keep everyone informed of the steward-ship program of the congregation. We hope that everyone will keep the church in your prayers and be generous in your offerings as we enter late summer. Thank you for our gifts!!

Peace Service

September 21, 2012


We join with the United Nations Peace Day by celebrating our Annual Peace Service. Join us for Vespers as we pray and sing for peace in the world. All are welcome. Cookie reception will follow service.

Hola! ¿Como Estas?

Conversational Spanish at Peace!

Join Peggy Koppen as she teaches conversational Spanish Class at Peace. Classes will begin Tuesday, October 23, at 9:30am and every Tuesday thereafter thru April with the exception of holidays. Be sure to look for your opportunity to sign up on the Welcome Flyer.

Page 5: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 5 September 2012

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL  CHAIR:     Forrest Jensen –Property (239) 464‐2759 [email protected]  

 VICE‐CHAIR: David Miller ‐Mutual Ministry 

(239) 418‐0031 [email protected]       SECRETARY:    Peter Ekstrom ‐Stewardship (239) 768‐0068 [email protected]  Robert Cline – Service (239) 466‐4104 [email protected]  Lizz King ‐Worship & Music (239) 691‐2164 [email protected]  Grant Ellingson –Welcoming 

(239) 791‐9880 [email protected]   Victoria Chris anson ‐ (239) 540‐9693     Marke ng [email protected]  Stan Bielejeski  ‐Finance & Ins. (239) 558‐5679 [email protected]  PASTOR: Walter S ll (239) 437‐2599                         pastorwalter@ peace myers.com                           OUR MISSION:  To equip disciples of Jesus Christ for ministry and mission.

Sermons from Peace Soon to be On Line


Through the great work of the Vicki Christianson and Stan Bielejeski of the Marketing Committee, Ric Jaeggi, Director of Music and generous gift of a “snowbird mother, in honor of her daughters” the sermons that are preached at Peace will be available on our website beginning in early September. As Martin Luther utilized the printing press to share and open the Bible to his world, so the internet is making possible what one day was a dream. It is an exciting world that we live in!

On Sunday morning the audio of the Gospel and sermon will be recorded by the volunteers in the sound booth. Our church secretary will download the material to the web. People will be able to click a link on our website and listen to the service. Folks that are traveling, homebound, or would like to share a sermon with someone else will be able to utilize our web address:


It will be exciting to see how our congregation can be heard around the world! Thank you to everyone who has worked to bring about this step forward in our mission!

A note from the publisher...

Please remember that there is always room for what you want to see in the Peace publications line up. Submit photos, stories, and ideas to [email protected].

It has been a terrific summer seeing what you are doing and where you are doing it. Thank you for sharing in the Footprints in the Sand. You can continue to send photos and stories in for use in Dove Tales.

What are you looking forward to this fall? Let us know.

Thinking about leading a small group? Let us know. ...Come Share God’s Love.

Page 6: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 6 September 2012

Hello, or should I say “Peace” to you all! It has been a busy first 2 weeks here. God has blessed me by placing me here to serve as your Parish Nurse. I appreciate the warmth and sincerity that the community has extended to me.

I thought you might be curious to learn a little bit more about my background and how I became a Parish Nurse. Over the years I have worked in various jobs as an architectural drafter, graphic artist and marketing director. But around 25 years ago I became interested in nursing and took a job as a nurse’s aid in a local hospital to see if I liked it. I did, and went on to nursing school at Edison College here in Ft. Myers -graduating in 1990. I love nursing. Since the population here is mostly geriatric that became my field of expertise. I have come to see that getting older is not necessarily the “golden years” that we have been led to believe but has unique challenges. I have also seen wonderful examples of how to age gracefully.

I worked for a number of years in a hospital, also as a psychiatric nurse at an inpatient facility and eventually settled into home health nursing. I worked as a case manager for patients experiencing medical and/or psychiatric illnesses in their homes. As a Case Manager I coordinated care with doctors, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. It has been very rewarding. Occasionally as a home health nurse I would hear about “my parish nurse” and was curious about who and what they were.

At a seminar I met Nancy Roberts who is the manager of the Parish Nurse program at Lee Memorial Hospital and she informed me of an upcoming class. The Lord led me to attend where I met 11 other nurses, each one with a different background, but all with the same desire to serve our Lord through this nursing specialty.

I hope and look forward to getting to know you personally, but please forgive me if I call you by a wrong name or forget your name completely. You see I too am dealing with

the aging process! Please feel free to call or visit me at the church to discuss your personal health issues or concerns. I am also available to visit you in your home or, if you wish, attend your doctor visits. In the future I will use this space to share health information. Please let me know of specific interests you would like addressed.

Let’s celebrate the Lord, grateful for his incredible gift of mercy and love.

Your Parish Nurse,

Karen Lee, RN, FCN Karen Lee, RN, FCN

Parish Nurse

Page 7: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 7 September 2012

How does one commence a newsletter article from the confines of time away?

How does one find something profitable and edifying when one is looking for nothing, doing less and caring not one iota if it happens? [can nothing be found or actually happen? Or if it happens can it be nothing since “something” happened? It can be oh so confusing]. Anyway, the word of the day is Unique. As in, how

do you catch a rabbit? You Neak up on it. Spare me the long hared tales ok? It tends to bugs the bunny if you tell too many jokes about long eared furry animals. I have a hutch, um, er, hunch, that this should cease about now. But, back to unique. I was privileged to attend worship at a PCUSA church yesterday. While the form and substance was most comforting, debts, debtors and only one forever and a Gloria Patri and Doxology, I recalled the uniqueness of PLC. And then the uniqueness of the Presbyterian church I was attending and then the unique “in the park” service being held across the street and the Mass being celebrated across the “other” street and the unique services being held in thousands of other places. Each one was unique. Each one IS unique. So. Here is the question I have for you--- If each is unique, does that mean they are all the same since they are all unique? I know. A bit odd. Quite a bit Ric. But I ask it in all seriousness. For me, it answers the odd notation of it is the same, only different. Sigh. What does that truly mean? Let me suggest that we are all Children of the Heavenly Father. No matter what we look like, or act like or believe or don't believe or if we use the word Sins or Trespasses or Debtors. And the best part

is we are all highly favored in the sight of God who loved us and prepared for us some form of eternity and the means to get there, whether by Baptism, or a personal decisive date of acceptance or a combination of dedication at birth, tutoring through confirmation or just plain hard knocks of life opening eyes to God's saving grace. While I am not positive the word unique truly informed this article, my prayer is this. May the uniqueness that each of you represent assist and allow you to continue to

Share God's Love at PLC, in the neighborhood, in the state, in the USA and in the world. Go in peace and serve in your OWN UNIQUE way.

In Joint Ministry through Music,


PS......September has 5 Sundays. See you at the hymn sing! PICK OUT A HYMN! And by the way, December has 5 Sunday's also and will be, amazingly enough, the final 5th Sunday hymn sing of 2012. THAT day will include the singing of the entire Christmas Hymn, From Heaven above to earth I Come. What a way to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas-----mark it down! Come join the choir and add you uniqueness to our little collective. Just a suggestion!

Ric Jaeggi Director of Music, Organist and Choir


Page 8: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 8 September 2012

Random thoughts about our trip to New Orleans for the ELCA National Youth Gathering

By Alex and Lizz King

Orange: the color of hope and service – and the color of t-shirt worn during into New Orleans on Justice (public service) Day.

33,000+ people make for one huge, joyful communion service.

What does an older white man, a black woman from the inner city, a guy wearing dreadlocks, a recovering drug addict covered in tattoos, a kid from Southwest Florida, and a guitar-strumming musician have in common? Each is a sinner and a saint simultaneously – Wow!

Leymah Gbowee, 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner: “I decided my theme for tonight would be ‘You are the hope.’ You are the hope…the world in my opinion is turned upside down – and there is little in some communities. H-O-P-E is non-existent. People don’t believe in the world hope anymore…We’re always looking for the Kings and the Gandhis amongst our people. I am too little. I am too slim. I am too fat. We have all of the excuses...I needed Jesus to come and save me. My message to you tonight is you are the hope. Each and every one of you; each and every one of us that God created have something unique in us. Everyone has a light.”

It’s cool to watch traffic stop as 35 buses pull out to take volunteers into New Orleans to serve others – and we were the fifth group of the day. Imagine how many buses and volunteers that was – about 11,000 in a day.

Bishop Hanson: Has a Twitter account (@bishophanson). He repeatedly encouraged youth to end the bullying of people different than themselves. “When God shows up lives will be changed, faith will be strengthened, communities will be restored and walls will come down. Did you hear me? When God shows up in Jesus on the cross, the walls that we create to separate us from each other; the hostilities and anger that we use to push each other away and devour each other, they all come to an end. And we become one new community in Christ. We are here to testify that the walls have come down, Christ is our peace and we are one community in Christ.

A sea of orange shirts climb the ramp at the Lutherdome (aka Super-dome) to participate in the fifth wave of volunteers going into New Orleans to do public service. Alex and Lizz traveled to the famous Ninth Ward to wash walls at a half-way house.

Page 9: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 9 September 2012

Next time you enjoy coffee hour, thank those settling Mississippi in the 1700s for bringing in coffee in via New Orleans; at Café Du Monde the café au lait is real-ly sweet and takes the term half-and-half literally – half coffee, half milk; beignets are rectangular-shaped doughnuts with a ton of powdered sugar dumped over them.

Trolley seat-backs can be switched so passengers are facing forward no matter which direction the car is traveling.

It would have been cool to look down from above at the Superdome as the T-shirt clad crowd flowed into the city each night in beautiful sea of bright colors.

Our 600+ member Florida-Bahamas Synod delegation filled a worship room of our own. After the service, we were sent into the city to brighten the dark and rainy day with our florescent yellow T-shirts.

Want to watch the speakers for yourself? Go to YouTube and search for videos posted by ELCA gathering.

The hotel elevator could travel directly from floor 40 (where our room was) to the first floor in 35 seconds.

Shane Claiborne, co-founder of a faith community in inner-city Philadelphia: “Christians at their best are non-conformists. We live in a world that is out of sync with the upside-down world of the Lord…Our Jesus Christ was an extremist for love…It’s not about doing great things, it’s about doing small things with great love.” He suggested that the youth should take a lesson from the donkey Jesus rode into the Passover feast. “People are lining the streets and that donkey might have started seeing those crowds…He might of saw all those palm branches and people shouting hosanna…That donkey might have started strutting just a little bit…We gotta remember what the donkey learned: that it wasn’t about him, it was about the One riding him. That we’re just the asses that get to bring Jesus in.” Amen.


See Page 15 for details how you can help start the fund to send Caloosa Conference youth to ...

Lizz and Alex, wearing their hand-made PLC shirts, pose in front of the house in a tree sculpture. It was made of scraps gathered from buildings destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and erected across the street from the Convention Center.

This sign was located adjacent to Cafe du Monde and across the street from the famous Jackson Park. It proves Alex has been to New Orleans!


Page 10: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 10 September 2012

Be sure to mark your calendars and plan for the

2012 Peace Concert Series:

October 21 - Ric Jaeggi In Concert at St. Columbkille

November 18 - Lee VanAsten & Friends

December 9 - Advent Choral Presentation

February 10 - Barbary Coast Dixieland Band

February 24 - Lenten Choral Presentation

March 15 - Rodney L Barbour Organ Concert

Brochures are now available in the Narthex!

Five Months and Counting…….

The months are winding down to our January 19-20, 2013, 10th Anniversary celebration.

In the past Dove Tales articles, I have focused on the Saturday evening celebratory dinner and also the procedure to follow

when the invitations are mailed out. This month I would like to focus on the work that is being done by the Worship/Music committee for Sunday, January 20.

The theme they are working toward for the worship service will be celebrating our past by looking forward to our future. A new anthem/hymn has been written specifically for Peace Lutheran Church based on the “Drawn to the Water” service we experienced last January.

A new banner has been designed and is being made specifically for our 10th anniversary. I have seen a drawing of it and it is beautiful!

The entrance procession will consist of the new anniversary banner, the cross, former pastors, Pastor Walter and Bishop Benoway.

This will be a very special worship service you won’t want to miss followed by coffee and anniversary cake.

Page 11: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 11 September 2012

As kids growing up, our parents always reminded us of the choices we made.

Good or bad or inconsequential, we were reminded that our choices eventually catch up with us --- come home to roost!

As adults we make choices all through our lives -- go to school -- join the military -- choose a spouse --buy a car -- buy a home -- on and on.

Our choices are about our health, our work, our relationships, our faith.

We choose to give -- our philanthropy speaks about us, and who we are, and what is important to us. Then too, our giving is a witness to our family.

When you are gone -- what will your children, grandchildren, cousins etc. etc. remember you for?

Will they remember that you gave a gift that will continue your legacy down through the years?

On a personal note, every time I see the small Lutheran Church that my maternal grandparents helped build, I remember them and the sacrifices they made coming from Sweden, and joining with six other Swedish couples to establish a Lutheran Church in that community. A legacy ---.

A gift to the Legacy Fund of Peace Lutheran Church will assure your witness to your life and what was important to you, (and remember that we still have matching fund opportunities).

Personal giving to the Legacy Fund creates an effective, positive, ongoing statement as to your personal life, and what is important to you.

Thank you in advance.

Donate from your smart phone!

Peace also now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response

(QR) code reader!

Page 12: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 12 September 2012

“In God’s Hands” Florida-Bahamas

Synodical Women’s Organization

Fall Gathering Lake Yale

November 9,10 & 11, 2012

Fall Gathering is for women of all ages: grandmothers, mothers, daughters.

Bring your daughter, granddaughter, niece, or church youth for specials

activities. Reduced prices are available for girls

(grades 5-8) and young women (high school and college age).

A July trip to Minnesota with Jim & Norma Hines… Jim & Norma Hines share these photos of their summer trip to Mankato MN. It is always a blessing to share photos and stories from home.

At the lake on Fourth of July! Peace Pipe Park, Mankato, MN


knee high by Fourth of July.

Minnesota corn field.

Mark Your


5th Sunday Hymn Sing September 30 at 3PM

Come Share God’s Love!

Thank you to those that helped with the monthly mailings of Dove Tales and Footprints in the Sand…

Marian Carraway Marlene Cleary

Ken & Ruth Baker Kay Curdes

Joyce Foor Elaine Shanley

Karen Robins Donn & Joan Carsrud

Page 13: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 13 September 2012

For Your “Bear Windows & Closets” Robert Hartman, who worships at Peace,

is now doing business as, “for your bear windows & closets.”

He does draperies, closet systems, cornice boards and many other things.

Give Robert a call !!!

Small Group leaders- - - Please... contact Bob Cline to get your group

on the 2012-2013 calendar!

New Groups are always a blessing to peace….Just contact bob Cline

or Pastor Walter still for support in getting your small group idea off the ground and on to the calendar.

Bob Cline:

[email protected]

Pr Walter:

[email protected]

2012-2013 Small Group News

Arlyn Euken and wife Edi enjoyed a summer trip up the East coast to Washington DC, where they spent a very hot 4th of July weekend complete with wonderful fireworks! On this trip they visited Savannah and had dinner at Paula Dean’s restaurant, were very impressed visiting President Jefferson’s Monticello, among other worthwhile landmarks, and of course, were very much touched by all the wonderful memorials and historic buildings Washington has to offer.

Page 14: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 14 September 2012

Dear Friends in Christ,

Please hold in prayer, these people for whom prayers have been requested.

Cliff & Phyllis Bakko on the death of their daughter, Cheryl

Lillian Nicholas

Carol, mother of Nancy Olson


Pete Ekstrom

Leah Fuller

Beulah Schloemer

Jenna McGill

Jerry Roach

Paul Dilling

Mickey Adams


Mary Jean Ronttalodo

Cole, grandson of Gary & Karen Robins

Norma Weber

Ken Cardwell

Bob & Kathy Ricci

TK Christenson & family on the death of her husband, Curt

Austin & Mason Bending on the death of their dad, Randall

Blessing of the Animals

October 6, 2012

at 6:30pm

You have shared God’s love in abundance with our family. A simple thank you seems insufficient for the gifts we have received:

The financial and spiritual support for Alexander and his trip to the ELCA National Youth Gather-ing in New Orleans. And prayers for Lizz as she accompanied him on this adventure.

The kindnesses given and cards sent on the pass-ing of Lizz’s brother, Andrew Jakobsky. While we miss him, we know he is home in Heaven and his Earthly work complete.

The prayers and interest in Andrew as he graduat-ed from the Naval Academy and started his life in the U.S. Marine Corps.

It has been a good and busy summer – and we truly appreciate all the blessings from those who call Peace Lutheran their church home.

Thanks be to God!

Craig, Lizz,

Andrew and Alexander King

LSF Rescues Hurting Children

from Distress Are your children safe? Good! Ours are too – at least now they are.

Every day we rescue hurting children all over Florida who are in distress and deliver them to places where they are protected, loved and cared for. If you would like to learn more about helping us bring God’s healing, hope and help to these helpless victims please call 800-651-1853 or visit our website at www.lsfnet.org.

Page 15: Welcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Tales September 2012.pdfWelcome Karen Lee, Parish Nurse The congregation commissioned Karen Lee to serve as our Parish Nurse beginning August 1, 2012

Page 15 September 2012

All are Welcome!

Make plans now to play in the 6th Annual Caloosa Conference Luther-an Churches Golf Challenge: Saturday, October 13th at beautiful LaPlaya Golf Club in Naples. LaPlaya is located at 333 Palm River Blvd, Naples off Immokalee Road east of Rt. 41. The format will be a four person scramble with all four players hitting from the team’s best selected shot.

All funds generated form the Golf Outing will support the travel of the Youth of the Caloosa Conference to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit. We are hopeful 50+ youth representing all 12 Churches of the Caloosa Conference will be able to attend the National Gathering in 2015. The Caloosa Conference is comprised of ELCA Churches in Colli-er, Lee County, and southern Charlotte Counties.

Donations may also be made directly to the Caloosa Conference Youth. Every donation makes a difference!

Sign Up forms are located on the kiosk or in the hallway. If you are not a golfer, come and enjoy fellowship and lunch! See you there!

Happy “September”

Birthday! 09/01 Julie Cramer 09/02 Bruce Carstensen 09/04 Evonne Harr 09/05 Dennis Brown 09/05 Bruce Jaeger 09/08 Marian Carraway 09/08 Norm Thinschmidt 09/08 Pat Nau 09/09 Richard Prochazka 09/09 Peggy Koppen 09/09 Hank Dunster 09/10 Beulah Schloemer 09/11 Frank Warner 09/12 Elva Meconitas 09/14 Dottie Riessen 09/14 Ken Vermillion 09/14 Jessica Khan 09/15 Margaret Jensen 09/17 Braden Brennan 09/19 Rod Dietrich 09/20 Bruce Pearson 09/21 Arlene Meekhof 09/22 Bill Loomis 09/23 June Sether 09/24 Mel Krienke 09/25 Margaret Deason 09/26 Michael Kollar 09/27 Cayle Thompson 09/28 Betty Lou Pyle 09/28 Betty Jean Pyle 09/28 Al Brannick 09/28 Loren Van Oort 09/29 Sherry Christman 09/29 Penny Farran Our birthday list comes from infor-mation our members have provided to the church office. Please fill out the Welcome Flyer to update, add,

or change your information!

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Page 16 September 2012

15840 McGregor Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33908

Peace Lutheran church 15840 McGregor Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33908

PHONE: 239-437-2599

FAX: 239-437-3647

E-MAIL: [email protected] [email protected]

PEACE WEB SITE: www.peaceftmyers.com

WEB RESOURCES: Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA Florida Happenings www.fbsynod.org

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America National News www.elca.org

STAFF: Pastor Walter Still Karen Coleman, Deacon Ric Jaeggi, Director of Music: Organist and Choir Director Karen Lee, Parish Nurse Susan Mitchell, Secretary/Office Manager/Publications

Current Resident or

Stay in the know: www.peaceftmyers.com

and click on the calendar link.

Come Share God’s Love!

Dates to Remember September

2 Labor Day Cookout

10 Peace Servants at Harry Chapin

17 Leadership Council Meeting

21 Peace Service

30 Fifth Sunday Hymn Sing


6 Blessing of the Animals Service

15 Leadership Council Meeting

20 Fall clean Up Day

21 Ric Jaeggi in concert at St Columbkille