weekly focus: james and the giant peach & angles · weekly focus: james and the giant peach...

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles Layout guidance: Our vision for the home learning layout is that resources for lessons will be clearly labelled underneath the planning for each day. Where some resources are unable to be placed in this document, you will have to open another document. There is no obligation to print the planning but please feel free if that helps you. Maths resources will be in a separate document and the answer sheet will also be separate from this so that the children cannot see. If the planning says ‘see below’ then the resource will be on this document. If the planning says ‘see attached document’, please refer to the correct document for that subject. Message from Y4 teachers: We hope that learning at home is an enjoyable experience. It is important that we remind you to simply try your best. If you are finding something particularly difficult, move on and come back to it if you have time. If you find something is taking ‘too long’ or you are ready to move on, then pl ease do so. We understand it might be quite difficult to understand something when you are not in a classroom with many more resources to help you and so all we can ask is that you try your best because that is good enough. Parents: If you are looking for extra activities, we would like to direct you to the school’s website where there is a host of websites and resources. A suggested afternoon activities table can also be found at the end of this document. This is a page that has been carefully put together by the Year 4 team that links with our topics to provide extra learning opportunities. A reminder of our Year 4 non-negotiables: Capital letters and full stops. Commas after fronted adverbials. Neat and cursive handwriting. Conjunctions Commas after subordinate clauses. Correctly spelt common exception words Use of paragraphs Proof-read for errors in spelling and punctuation. STEM Challenge! Answer from last week: 4983, 4389, 4587, 4785 Challenge for this week:

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Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Layout guidance: Our vision for the home learning layout is that resources for lessons will be clearly labelled underneath the planning for each day. Where some resources are unable to be placed in this document, you will have to open another document. There is no obligation to print the planning but please feel free if that helps you. Maths resources will be in a separate document and the answer sheet will also be separate from this so that the children cannot see. If the planning says ‘see below’ then the resource will be on this document. If the planning says ‘see attached document’, please refer to the correct document for that subject.

Message from Y4 teachers: We hope that learning at home is an enjoyable experience. It is important that we remind you to simply try your best. If you are finding something particularly difficult, move on and come back to it if you have time. If you find something is taking ‘too long’ or you are ready to move on, then please do so. We understand it might be quite difficult to understand something when you are not in a classroom with many more resources to help you and so all we can ask is that you try your best because that is good enough.

Parents: If you are looking for extra activities, we would like to direct you to the school’s website where there is a host of websites and resources.

A suggested afternoon activities table can also be found at the end of this document. This is a page that has been carefully put together by the Year 4 team that links with our topics to provide extra learning opportunities. A reminder of our Year 4 non-negotiables:

• Capital letters and full stops.

• Commas after fronted adverbials.

• Neat and cursive handwriting.

• Conjunctions

• Commas after subordinate clauses.

• Correctly spelt common exception words

• Use of paragraphs

• Proof-read for errors in spelling and punctuation.

STEM Challenge! Answer from last week: 4983, 4389, 4587, 4785 Challenge for this week:

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

9:00-9:15 9:15-9:30 9:30 – 10:30 10:30 – 12:30





Please see the attached document for the spelling planning and resources for the week.



For our Christian families: say the Lord's Prayer. Parable of the Week: The Parable of the Farmer and the Seeds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZEO_Ls2ERs How can you follow Jesus’ message this week?


Our new key question: ‘What does biodiversity do for us?’

Activity 1: (9:30-9:50)

What is biodiversity? Before watching the

video, write your prediction in your Home

Learning books



Activity 2: (9:50-10:00)

Complete the ‘zoomed in animal quiz’.

Can you get all of the answers?



Activity 3:

Look at the jungle image below. How

many animals can you see?



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Activity 4 – Main Activity: (10:30-12:00)

For your new topic, you are going to be researching and creating a diorama of a chosen habitat from junk materials. A diorama is a model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit.

You must include:

1. A detailed model of your habitat

2. Facts about the animals, insects and plants found here.

3. The weather and any seasonal changes across the year.

Choose your habitat here: https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-


Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Monday 1st June – Hook Day resources

Hook Day examples of dioramas

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

8:30 – 9:00 9:00-9:10 9:10 – 10:30 10:45 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:50 11:50 - 12:30





Read the newspaper article ‘Rhino Rampage’ in the attached resources. You will be using this article in your English lesson later on this morning.


Reflection This week’s diversity focus is Hinduism. Explore and learn about Hinduism: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh86n39/articles/zmpp92p What is Diwali? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh86n39/articles/zjpp92p What other religious festivals do you know?

Spelling (9:10-9:30)

Please see the attached document for the spelling planning and resources for the week.

English (9:30 – 10:30)

L.O: I can summarise the key points of a newspaper article.

You have read the newspaper article ‘Rhino Rampage’ in the attached resources. Think about the following questions: What has happened? Why has it happened? Where did it happen? Who has it happened to? What happens next? Activity: Summarise the key ideas of the newspaper article using the questions above to prompt you.



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L.O: I can identify angles. Speed write 3 and 4 times tables. Starter:

Watch the video and recap your knowledge of angles. Sing along if you can! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVuMULQjb3o Task 1:

Write the answers to the ‘True or

False’ (attached document) in

your book.

Task 2:

See the maths resources in the attached document and complete the questions in your book (show FULL working out). Using the answer sheet in the attached document, mark your work honestly.


LO: I can refine my balances.


This lesson MUST be

completed on soft ground e.g. carpeted floor or

outside on grass.

Warm up: Banana Banana Meatball! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ9q4U2P3ig Main: We are going to be learning about gymnastics this week! Explore creating different positions. Can you create a sequence to teach to another member of your household? See the attached PE document.

Broader Curriculum


LO: How do Christians believe

Jesus is like a ‘vine’?

Activity 1: Look at the

picture of Jesus below.

-What can you see?

-How does the image make

you feel?

-What do you think the

portrait is about?

Activity 2: Vines

What is a vine? If you’re not

sure, look here:



Activity 3: Read John 15:1-8



Many Christians believe it is

important to ‘stay connected’

to Jesus like a fruit on a vine.

Create your own vine. Who

supports you and helps you

(roots)? What are your

successes (fruit)?

Remember, there is no ‘right

or wrong’ answer.

NB: Write your answers in full and where needed, write the question or ‘quote’ if it’s not a simple calculation (e.g. ‘do you agree?’ etc)

NB: Please see the attached document for some challenges that make you STOP and THINK. Stem challenges on the first page of this document.

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Christ The True Vine Icon (Athens, 16th Century)

Tuesday 2nd June – RE resources

John 15:1-8 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me”

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

8:30 – 9:00 9:00-9:10 9:10 – 10:30 10:45 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:50 11:50 - 12:30






Read chapter 1 of James and the Giant Peach to find out about the terrible event you read about yesterday. You can listen to an audio version here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL69asmJeyfbM2evjLz8chviwiMHgf8MAr

Glossary: in a jiffy: quickly queer: strange ramshackle: in a bad state horizon: where the sky meets the earth in the distance desolate: hopeless/abandoned clump: lump/heap wistfully: dreamily


Reflection Faith at Home: Courage https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-action/faith-home/weekly-videos/collective-worship-primary-schools-episode-2-courage

Spelling (9:10-9:30)

Please see the attached document for the spelling planning and resources for the week.

English (9:30 – 10:30)

L.O: I can write an informal letter.

Activity: Write a letter to James to make him feel better at this time of suffering. Your letter should be organised into three paragraphs:

1. Tell James why you are writing to him.

2. Give James some advice about living with his aunts.

3. Say what you hope will happen to James in the future.

There are attached templates in the resources to show you the layout of a letter. You should all be able to write this straight into your Home Learning book.




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L.O: I can compare and order

angles. Speed write 6 and 7 times tables. Starter:

Draw and label 3 pizza slices.

One slice must have an acute

angle, one must be at a right

angle and one must have an

obtuse angle.

Task 1:

Write the answers to the ‘True

or False’ (attached document)

in your book.

Task 2:

See the maths resources in the attached document and complete the questions in your book (show FULL working out). Using the answer sheet in the attached document, mark your work honestly.

PE LO: I can develop strength in inverted movements.


This lesson MUST be completed on soft ground e.g. carpeted floor or outside on grass.

Warm up: Rock out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KReaoKLA-4 Main: Practise completing a shoulder stand and the bridge. Remember, when completing these activities, ask a member of your household to help you!

See the attached PE document.

Broader Curriculum


LO: I can explore problem


Activity 1:

Read the story about Easton

LaChappelle and answer the

questions below in your

Home Learning Book.

Activity 2:

Have a look at the Treasure

Map. For each route, plan

how you are going to solve

the problem. Either discuss

this with a member of your

household or jot down in your

Home Learning books.

Activity 3:

Reflect - How long did it take

you to solve the problems?

What did you find easy?

What did you find hard?

NB: Write your answers in full and where needed, write the question or ‘quote’ if it’s not a simple calculation (e.g. ‘do you agree?’ etc)

NB: Please see the attached document for some challenges that make you STOP and THINK. Stem challenges on the first page of this document.

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Wednesday 3rd June – English resources

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Wednesday 3rd June – PSHE story

Growing up in Colorado, Easton LaChappelle was known as a kid who liked to tinker. For his 8 th grade science fair project, Easton created a prototype design for a robotic hand using Legos, wire, and tubing. By the age of 16, Easton had modified his design using 3D printer technology and turned his robotic hand into a robotic arm. While displaying his invention at the Colorado

State Science Fair in 2012, Easton met a girl who had a prosthetic arm. From her, he discovered that prosthetics technology had not changed much in the last 30 years. He also learned that her arm was very expensive and not very flexible. Even worse, as she grew, she would have to replace the prosthetic arm frequently. This motivated Easton to work harder to find a better

solution for people who are missing limbs. He took his new and improved Robo Arm to the International Science and Engineering Fair, where he came in second place.

People started to recognize the important work Easton was doing. Easton even got to visit the White House and meet President Obama. He also got the chance to work as part of a team at NASA. He has traveled around the world as a guest speaker and has done a TEDx Talk about his invention (you can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfmNXPMjChs). After

graduating from high school, Easton skipped college and started his own company - Unlimited Tomorrow (https://www.unlimitedtomorrow.com/) to focus exclusively on developing prosthetics to help people. In 2017, Easton’s prosthetic device was fitted onto a 10-year old girl in Florida. Momo was born without a right forearm and hand. The device is

lighter than most other prosthetics and it also allows Momo to grab things and use her fingers as she normally would. And, it costs a fraction of the price. You can see a video of Easton and Momo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9_YkF5Rcv4.

To ensure that anyone can access the technology he created for the Robo Arm, Easton has made the plans for the invention available as an Open Source file, which means that anyone with a 3D printer can visit his website (http://theroboarm.com/) and download the file to create a Robo Arm. So, what’s next for Easton? He moved from Colorado to New York to expand his

business. In 2019, he raised over $500,000 to create and donate 100 prosthetics to 100 people. Currently, he’s working on a project to help the deaf hear, and an exoskeleton that can help people who are paralyzed walk again. As he says in his Tedx Talk, “I want to help people…this can change some people’s lives…my goal is to help people. It’s turned into something I never


Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Wednesday 3rd June – PSHE resources

Questions: 1. What problem did Easton set out to solve? 2. Are there any problems around you that you would like to be able to solve? 3. How could you go about solving the problem you identified?

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

8:30 – 9:00 9:00-9:10 9:10 – 10:30 10:45 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:50 11:50 - 12:30






Read chapters 2 – 5 of James and the Giant Peach. Pay particular attention to how the aunts are described, as you will need this for your English lesson today. You can listen to an audio version here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL69asmJeyfbM2evjLz8chviwiMHgf8MAr

Glossary: peculiar: strange flabby: lots of loose skin steel-rimmed spectacles: glasses with metal around the edge ghastly: really awful hags: witches hideous: really ugly Frankenstein: a monster from a film


Reflection Say the School Creed together. What is Holi? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh86n39/articles/z4qqy9q What is your favourite colour? Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love, and new life. Draw a small image that you think of when you think of ‘love’. Colour your image in different colours.

Spelling (9:10-9:30)

Please see the attached document

for the spelling planning and resources for the week.

English (9:30 – 10:30)

L.O: I can write a character description.

Watch the short videos on similes and metaphors. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zfkk7ty/articles/z9tkxfr https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zmfc7ty/articles/zrrhpg8

Aunt Sponge describes herself ‘as lovely as a rose’. This is called a simile. Activity: Write a character description about the two aunts. Remember to think about the use of nouns and pronouns to avoid repetition. Use some similes in your description, but don’t over use them. Think about: What do they look like? What is their personality like? How do they behave towards James? Extra challenge: Try to use a metaphor to describe the two aunts.


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L.O: I can recognise angles in

triangles. Speed write 8 and 9 times tables. Starter:

Watch the video and explore the different angles in triangles. Sing along if you can! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQUTVgT9RXY Task 1:

Write the answers to the ‘True

or False’ (attached document)

in your book.

Task 2:

See the maths resources in the attached document and complete the questions in your book (show FULL working out). Using the answer sheet in the attached document, mark your work honestly.


LO: I can create a sequence of movements.


This lesson MUST be completed on soft ground e.g. carpeted floor or outside on grass.

Warm up: Full Speed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3L556EpRuo Main: Create a sequence using the skills you have learnt this week and skills you already know. You need to have at least 5 moves. Remember, ask a member of your household to help you!

See the attached PE document.

Broader Curriculum


LO: I can compose a song.

Activity 1:

Find your song that you

composed a few weeks ago.

Practise the words so you can

remember it with just a few

prompts. If you are finding it a bit

tricky, BBC Bitesize Music can




Activity 2:

Listen to the final performance

from the band we have been




Now, it’s y-our turn. You are

going to rehearse your song,

add beats and think about


Activity 3:

Record yourself singing the song

or perform to your parents. You

should be very proud of your


NB: Write your answers in full and where needed, write the question or ‘quote’ if it’s not a simple calculation (e.g. ‘do you agree?’ etc)

NB: Please see the attached document for some challenges that make you STOP and THINK. Stem challenges on the first page of this document.

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Thursday 4th June – English resources

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

8:30 – 9:00 9:00-9:10 9:10 – 10:30 10:45 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:50 11:50 - 12:30





Read chapters 6-9 of James and the Giant Peach. You can listen to an audio version here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL69asmJeyfbM2evjLz8chviwiMHgf8MAr

Think about how James is feeling. You will need this information for your English work today.


Reflection Singing Assembly from London Diocese Board of Schools (LDBS) Courage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjiRqlir4AU&feature=youtu.be

Spelling (9:10-9:30)

Please see the attached document for the spelling planning and resources for the week.

English (9:30 – 10:30)

L.O: I can write a diary entry as a character from a story.

Today, you are going to write some diary entries as James from the point where you met the old man who gave you the magic beans. Remember the key features of a diary:

• Date

• First person

• Past tense

• Conjunctions: after, whenever, when, before, as soon as, until

• Emotive language (feelings and emotions)

• Tell events in chronological order

Top Tip: Some days may be longer than others. Try to write a diary entry for at least three different days (one paragraph per day). Look at the attached resources to help you to plan your days. Of course, you may write about other days if you wish to.




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Starter: 15 minutes of TT Rockstars or Hit the Button. Can you beat your highest score so far? Task: Complete the mental arithmetic in the attached document. We would like you all to try Orange. If you start and feel less confident, move to Green. You will have 20 minutes to complete the Green and 25 minutes to complete the Orange. Once you have completed your test, use the answer sheet in the attached document to mark your work honestly. You may print the test sheet out or you may write the question and your answer in your Home Learning book.


LO: I can work on

my fitness.

It is Joe Wicks’

‘Dress up Friday P.E Lesson’.

Tune in at 9am or catch up here:



Broader Curriculum


LO: I can explore insect art.

Activity 1:

Look at the different insect

art below. What parts do you

like? How does it make you

feel? What does it make you

think of?

Activity 2:

On your walk/time outside

today, you are going to be

taking pictures of insects.

This can be any insect you


Activity 3:

Once you have your picture,

you are going to sketch the

insect in pencil. Take your

time and focus on adding as

much detail as you can.

Don’t worry if you do not get

a picture from you outside

time, you can use Google

images to draw an insect too.

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Friday 5th June – English resources WAGOLL example of a diary entry

Each of these are paragraphs.

For your diary entry, you should aim

to write one paragraph for each day.

Some of you may want to write more

than this and that is absolutely fine.

You should end up with 3 paragraphs

in total.

Day 1 – date:

A paragraph of writing

Day 2 – date:

A paragraph of writing

Day 3 – date:

A paragraph of writing

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

Friday 5th June – Art resources

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable - Week beg. 01.06.20 Weekly focus: James and the Giant Peach & Angles

If you would like to continue learning activities beyond the morning timetable, please find below suggested activities for each afternoon set out by your teachers. There are three suggested activities each day; it is for you to choose how many, if any, you would like to do.

Day Suggested Afternoon Activities

Monday ● PSHE - The week before half term was Mental Health Awareness Week so we will be suggesting 1 PSHE activity each day! Today’s activity is focusing on the theme - KINDNESS, create a ‘kindness jar’. Have a look at https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/102518/family-kindness-jar/ for more ideas!

● Science - Dissect a plant. Watch this video, can you dissect a flower to find all its parts? https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/science-ks1-ks2-ivys-plant-workshop-the-anatomy-of-the-flower/zjmhkmn

● R.E - Write your own prayer/poem about kindness and what you are thankful for.

Tuesday ● English - Your myth has been accepted by top directors for a movie! Write it out as a playscript and make sure to rehearse with members of your household. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsn4h39/articles/zx8kng8

● Maths - Ready for a problem-solving game? https://primarygames.co.uk/pg2/powerlines/powerlines1.html ● PSHE - Who is your ‘Family Member of the Day’? Remember to take turns to compliment them and make sure they

compliment themselves.

Wednesday ● Science - Add solids and liquids together to make slime. What do you notice about the slime? How does it feel? Is it a liquid or solid? https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-make-slime

● Music - Now you have created your own song, create your own instruments. https://kinderart.com/art-lessons/music/easy-make-musical-instruments/

● PSHE - Do something kind for your family this week. This could be helping your household or even writing a letter.

Thursday ● R.E - We have been learning a lot about what Christians think of Jesus. Create a cartoon strip called ‘A normal day for Jesus’ and draw the daily activities he might have completed.

● English - Create your own postcard from your home to send to a loved one. Draw your home on one side then write a detailed account of all of the wonderful activities you have been doing over the last couple of weeks. Don’t forget to send it to them!

● PSHE - Learn about how to keep safe on the streets! https://bmweducation.co.uk/safe-on-the-streets-interactive/index.html#AT_1

Friday ● Science - Learn about vertebrates and invertebrates here. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr4kd6f ● Music - Explore African drumming sequences here and create your own dance:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zstw2hv ● PSHE - Reflect on your week: What has been the best part? What could have you improved? Write down in the back of

your Home Learning book in the style of a diary entry.