weekly bulletin nº. 3 rc. trujillo san andres

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ROTARY CLUB TRUJILLO SAN ANDRES Jr. San Martín 240 – 246. Centro Histórico – Trujillo – Perú

Meetings every friday at 21:00 hrs.

Bulletin Edition Rotarian Window

Year I Edition N° 03 / September 28, 2012

Bulletin’s Director-Editor Francisco S. Espinoza Orrego

Writer Luis Phang Romero

Photography: CleliaIberico Arana

Ricardo Barrantes G. Design and Translation:

VaniaPhang Polo


President: Mario JohnyMoralesPortilla 1er. VicePresident: Juan Chávez Chávez 2do. VicePresident: Marlon Castro Mendoza Secretary: Luis Phang Romero Assistant Secretary: Walter Watanabe Morillas Treasurer: CleliaIberico Arana Assistant Treasurer: Guillermo Pesantes Ibáñez Chaplain: Carlos Montenegro Poémape Assistant Chaplain: Martín Bustamante Meza Past President: Elsa Olivera de Montenegro COMMITTEE OF SERVICES Administration: Ricardo Barrantes G. Family of Rotary: Esduardo Rodríguez Torres Club Service: Luis Phang Romero Public Relations: José NakamineZúñiga Rotarian Foundation: Luis Ramos Susuki New Generations: Nancy Díaz de Ramos Instructor: Marcos Vilca Sangay President of The Woman’s Committee: LilianaNovoa de Morales

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Since the year 2010, Rotary International in its constant renewal and adapting to the

new times, created the Fifth Avenue of service, to highlight the importance that gives

you the first institution of the world service to work with and for young people.

It concentrates this way on a specialized Committee, the effort that offered all Rotary

clubs in the world to the youth of different communities, to consider them always, as the

area of the population that must always be worked on with great dedication.

Our international organization has come and will continue to develop programs for our

youth through his Rotary Foundation, such as the creation and functioning of the

estates and spaces for young people up to 17 years of age in Interact.

For young people from 18 to 30 years in Rotaract, the exchanges of young groups

(ICG) globally, the trade group study (IGEs), for young professionals, scholarships for

master's degree for peace and for the training and specialization of professionals,

among other programs.

Through these activities Rotary clubs around the world propose candidates each year to

Rotary International, with the justification of the quality of each one, so that they are

selected and they can use the programs listed above, contributing to overcoming.

For all these reasons, is that they already added hundreds of thousands of young

beneficiaries around the world with these programs, because most of our clubs sponsor

their Interact, Rotaract, etc., to collaborate in the development of new leaders every

year, by the performance of institutional roles from a young age, contributing to form a

healthy youth and worried about the development and progress of each country.

Francisco Santiago Espinoza Orrego Director-Editor of the Bulletin

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LETTER OF GREETING FROM OUR Past Governor Luis Niño Olaya,

President of the Advisory Council of Past Governors from D. 4460 R.I. through e-mail

From: Luis abelardo Niño olaya [email protected] To: GGFrancisco GGEspinoza <[email protected]> Sent: Viernes 21 de septiembre de 2012 21:16 Subject: GREETINGS ON AN EXCELENT BULLETIN Appreciated Governor Francisco. CONGRATULATIONS! as it is the first time that I receive this, WE GIVE YOU OUR MOST HEARTFELT WELCOME TO THE NEW VIRTUAL BULLETIN, which enriches the spirit of Rotary service, that is the purpose of this often misunderstood work, but very rewarding, I tell you by experience, despite this I will return to the direction of the bulletin on my Club. CONGRATS! Also to President Mario. One big hug. EGD. Luis Niño Olaya President of the advisory counsil of Past Governors from D. 4460 R.I.

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Friday September 21, 2012 / Place: Manuel Tejada 778 / Time 09:15 pm.

At the residence of our President Mario, time being 09: 15 p.m. and counting with the appropriate quorum correspondent, the meeting starts by thanking the presence of the CC.RR.s attendants, Rotary ladies and guests. Greetings to the flags were in charge of the CC.RR.: National flag of Perù: C.R. Walter Santamaría Morante Flag of R.I.: C.R. Luis Ramos Susuki Trujillo´s Flag: C.R. Esduardo Rodríguez Torres The community´s prayer was done by our C.R. Elsa Olivera of Montenegro. Then our macebearer C.R. Carlos Montenegro, welcomed Rotary partners who were integrating, at the friendship of our club table.

Greetings to R.I.´s flag from our C.R. Luis Ramos Susuki

Greetings to Trujillo´s flag by our C.R. Past-President Esduardo Rodríguez Torres Also welcomed the guest from our C.R. Ricardo Barrantes, Ms. Tatiana Villegas, who expressed her satisfaction for having attended our meeting as a guest. We proceed to the secretary´s report, by our C.R. Past Presidente Luis Phang Romero, who read it out at the last session. Then he read a document concerning an invitation received from the (Association of merchants and industrialists of Trujillo) referring to an invitation for the celebration of the LXVII anniversary of that institution. He then introduced the report of Treasurer our C.R. Clelia Iberian, who reported on the status of the partner accounts and the need for the regularization of the payments that are

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pendant for your financial obligations to the club, which will allow us to pay off our debts. Continuing with the development of the talks of Rotary and cultural themes in general at the club, our C.R. Past President José Nakamine he explained the topic "The people and the Association". A dissertation that discussed the Association from the point of view of the civil law, statutes, bodies who run, books that should be handled, referring to our club as a nonprofit partnership model Association.

Our C.R. José Nakamine in his brilliant presentation on “The people and the Association” Our macebearer C.R. Carlos Montenegro, announced to those present the beginning of the Extraordinary Assembly, for which our President Mario requested the opening of the same. The prepared agenda was noticed, and there was mention to the consideration of the present to modify the Agenda, only if there was an important point to overlook. After listening to the views of

our Rotary colleagues the following agenda was established to developed: AGENDA: 1. Acquisition of land for the club. 2. Change of local sessions. 3. No assistance from the associates. 4. Fundraising activities and

regularization of economic contributions of the partners.

With regard to the first point, our President Mario explained about the importance of having a land to build our local institutional, your benefits and advances in management for purchase at an auction in the Santa Maria resort. C.R. Luis Barrantes sought information about the approximate cost of the new premises, according to the choices of purchase already managed. Our President Mario stated that although the location of available land for its purchase, the Township had not informed about an approximate cost. He also mentioned that the important thing was to start working with this specific objective, so that when the opportunity arises, we have an economic base to be able to manage the purchase of the land for our own land. Also our Luis Ramos Susuki C.R., believed in the sense that our club is going to 25 years since founded and still there has not been the acquisition for our own premises, therefore supported the acquisition of land. We proceeded to vote on this point, resulting in its adoption by unanimity. The second point to be treated, there were views received from C.R. Juan Chávez, who asks to use the premises

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of the AEAS (Sanchezcarrionistas Alumni Association), offered by our C.R. Luis Ramos Susuki, who is its President, with knowledge from the Board of Directors of AEAS, proposal that has been received with satisfaction. This place would be used as the new venue for our meetings, While the use of the premises of Los Pinos that was donated to the Rotary clubs of Trujillo is managed, According to the memories made by our C.R. Ricardo Morante Zúñiga and Carlos Montenegro Poemape, aware of the efforts that were made to the obtaining of this place and whose purpose was for the use of the Rotary clubs of Trujillo. We proceeded to vote with the following result: 15 members voted in favor of changing the place and 6 other members voted for

other options. Our Walter Santamaría C.R. verifying the proper functioning of communication from his Laptop Accessories, which allows the active participation of our C.R. EGD. Francisco S. Espinoza Orrego, in a virtual way (via Skype from Miami USA). Thanks Walter for your valuable support!

On the third issue, non-attendance of members, C.R. Marcos Vilca highlighted the importance for the godfather of the Rotary partner to be present weekly, is commitment to Rotary. C.R. Carlos Montenegro sends letters to members who have a high rate of absences in meetings, making you reflect on the acquired commitment, as well as complying with the statute that governs our institution. Also our C.R. EGD. Francisco S. Espinoza Orrego highlights the importance of seeking to increase membership to be able to meet losses that may be caused by the breach of the obligations and some Rotary partners assistance. Agreements with regard to this point, were the following: Request the godparents of the

Rotary partners with high level of absence, be the communication link to understand their reasons and somehow encourage them and motivate them to join our club.

Commit the Partnership Committee in this campaign for reinstatement of absent members.

Invite speakers from other clubs, as well as officials of public bodies and personalities of our Region, to provide an exhibition of Rotary topics, of general culture or about its development projects in our community.

Perform preliminary formation of a Committee, if necessary, home visits to partners who do not attend sessions, as well as to inform the

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Rotarian family, about the work in Rotary.

Our Ladies Committee chaired by our Rotarian Lady Liliana Morales Novoa, in a pleasant conversation.

In the fourth item on the Agenda, which corresponds to fundraising activities and regularization of economic contributions from the partners, the following was agreed: Stablish dinners at each of the

sessions, the system of suppliers, corresponding to each Rotarian to request a date in which they will be the ones who offer dinner.

The cost of the dinner for each attendee will be of S/. 15.00 (fifteen nuevos soles). Rotary members who do not attend are committed to pay for the dinner as part of their contribution to the funds of the club. The total amount raised each week will be devoted entirely to form the monetary funds of the club, to achieve the objective for the

acquisition of the institutional premises. Notify by letter to partners who have to regularize their economic contributions to the club, giving them 10 days to honor them. If you do not receive a positive response, the Board of Directors shall act according to the provisions of the status of our Club.

A copy of the status via email sent to all members of the club.

Request a detailed report to Treasury with regard to partners who owed their contributions.

With no other point on the Agenda, our President Mario ended the Assembly.

Our macebearer C.R. Carlos Montenegro, at the time of fellowship proceeded to remind us that on September 22 of every year we celebrated the "day of peace worldwide". Reminded us also, birthdays and anniversaries of the week from our C.R.s, Rotary ladies and children of Rotarians. Without any other point more to manage, our President Mario terminated the session, not without first thanking Rotary colleagues who carried out greetings to the emblems, the community prayer, and all fellow Rotarians and Rotary ladies present.

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A) Not attending its meetings on time.

B) Not attending its regular and special meetings.

C) Did not promptly pay dues established by the


D) Have the tendency to criticize and not participate in the

activities of the institution.

E) Not commenting with loyalty and frankness in themes

and proposed activities.

F) Fiercely and harshly criticize other than its own


G) Promoting intrigues and gossip within the institution.

H) Not meeting their obligations yet demanding rights.

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Rosa´s Hands

Yesterday at noon, close to the Hospital of the child of Lima, at a clinic in San Borja don't remember what Miraflores Street it was, it occurred to me to ask several people:

-Do you know how to get to the Rosa Guerzoni street?

Nobody could give me an answer, of course. Of course, because that street does not exist, but it should, and it saddened me because nobody told me they knew the name, but not the street. All the areas of life, the culture and the life of a country have heroes, but nobody seems to remember the female heroes, and I want to evoke the name and the hands of the heroe in Peruvian medicine, Rosa Guerzoni.

While in Peru, a friend told me about her and her story, but everyone had such vague references to this contemporary, that to live in these days, she’d be in her seventies. .

I was told by a witness and protagonist of the story, Ricardo Noriega Salaverry, with whom I have a fraternal friendship. In the 1980s, Ricardo has initiated and managed the Shriner Peru movement, a subsidiary of the world's largest philanthropic organization, the purpose of which is to rescue people, especially kids, who suffered burns, or who represent physical defects. Needless to say that the Shrine’s services are entirely free.

During the years, the movement has been sending hundreds of patients in a State of emergency from Peru to the hospitals of the United States where the organisation has its Center, but one day, Noriega Salaverry thought that national doctors could also be sent to specialize there and communicated with Dr. Augusto Bazán Altuna, who was back then Chief of service for the the burned childs’s Hospital.

- Thank you for the invitation - said Dr. Bazan - but I'm already too old. I rather recommend who was my best student in San Fernando, Rosa Guerzoni Chambergo.

That’s where the story of Rosa begins. Specialized in the Galveston Hospital of Dallas, Texas, immediately returned to her homeland, and began a tireless and endless activity. At the hospitals, at the clinics in the farthest places, a fire emergency called her immediately, and his

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arrival was waited for as the arrival of an angel whose hands would do the miracle of life-saving, restore health and return the joy to hundreds of children in danger of death.

In Perú, as in many other countries of the area, such emergencies occur more often in the poorest and most needy households. When both parents go out to work, their children try to manipulate a gas or kerosene stove, and one accident either reaches the ceiling or the walls of combustible material; therefore, the misfortune and death enter the House.

If she wanted to become rich, Rosa could’ve made a slight change of course. In the nosocomios of the State, the optional 'win' very modest salaries. To compensate its budget, they are forced to provide service for private practice in the hours after their hospital work. Likewise, those who attend burned bodies do not have that possibility because the patients are mostly people who could not afford an appointment every time their poverty strikes in ignorance.

With the expertise of his hands that returned skins and faces, the doctor – born July 7, 1952- could have gone to the field of plastic surgery in which private practice gives economic returns ostensibly higher. But Rosita never thought of that, and she always believed that her hands belonged to the poor. In addition, at the time this happened, she’d write to the newspapers and campaigns for a law on organ donation that still did not exist in their homeland.

And here comes the history and the paradox. On January 19 1997, just when this law, Rosita, who is caring for her patients in Pucallpa, barely has time to eat in the improvised makeshift campaign. There a child manipulated a gas canister and an accident occurs. Rosa, a nurse and the child flew through the air.

A set of doctors, led by David Herdon, Chief Medical Officer of the Shriner Hospital of Dallas fly towards the Peru to help, but the procedures and the most sophisticated medical techniques in the world can not face the misfortune. The Doctor lasted nine days, and time after Noriega Salaverry told me that, dress with the Diving Bell of an astronaut to avoid contamination, they were able to hear her last words:

-Dr. Noriega. only do what will save my hands. There are still many children I have to heal.

Its a sad and beautiful story, but it has no ending. I'm dying of desire to know what will happen when I return to Perú in a year or two. What will they respond when i ask: Where is the street, park or the "Rosa Guerzoni" hospital?

Eduardo González Viaña (September 2, 2012).”Rosa´s hands”. Diary The First Perú. Recovered September 27, 2012, de www.diariolaprimeraperu.com.

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Greetings to the CC.RR. and family members for celebrating their saint´s day:

26.09.2012 C.R. Elsa Olivera de Montenegro. 01-10-2012 D.R. Milagros Yam de Nakamine


Rotary´s Wheel through time


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Next Meeting of the Club



Friday September 28, 2012. Time 09:00 pm. Place: Residence Sanchezcarrionista (AEAS) . Av. Moche 990.

1. OPENNING OF SESSION : President of the Club C.R.: Mario J. Morales Portilla.

2. GREETINGS National Flag: C.R. Juan Chávez Chávez. R. I.´s Flag : C.R. Walter Watanabe Morillas. Trujillo´s Flag : C.R. Elsa Olivera de Montenegro 3. COMMUNITY´S PRAYER C.R. Elsa Olivera de Montenegro. 4. AGENDA: Secretary´s report. Treasurer´s report. Service activities next to do. Rotarian information. Free theme: Preventive Odontology en niños y adolescentes

Speaker: C.R. Walter Santamaría Morante 5. MOMMENT OF FRIENDSHIP: C.R. Carlos Montenegro Poémape

5.1 This Week´s birthdays: 26-09-2012 C.R. Elsa Olivera de Montenegro. 01-10-2012 D.R. Milagros Yam de Nakamine

6. CLOSSING OF SESSION : President C.R. Mario J. Morales Portilla.