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A Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP Process Melele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro Republic of the Marshall Islands Ministry of Education Special Education Office

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Page 1: Web viewA Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP ProcessMelele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

A Parent’s Guide to Special Education and

the IEP Process

Melele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween

Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

Republ ic of the Marshal l Is lands

Ministry of Educat ionSpecial Educat ion Office

Page 2: Web viewA Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP ProcessMelele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

Dear Parents:

This guide was developed as an introduction and overview for parents whose children are receiving special education services from schools within the Republic of the Marshall Islands. We want parents to be our partners in developing, planning, and implementing services for children with disabilities. Participating in the IEP process is an important part in this effort.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s special education teacher to receive more information about planning your child’s Individualized Education Program.


Director of Special EducationMinistry of Education


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What is Special Education?Ta in Special Education?

(pp. 4-5)

What is an IEP?Ta in IEP?

(p. 6)

Who is on the IEP Team?Won ro rej iuwaan IEP Team eo?

(p. 7)

What information will be on the IEP?Melele ta ko im renaaj bed ilo IEP eo?

(pp. 8-16)

How can I actively participate in developing my child’s IEP?

Ewi waween aō maroñ in naaj bōk konaō ilo iien ejaake IEP eo an ajri eo nejū?

(pp. 17-24)

RMI Special Education Process ChartChart eo Ikijien jerbale RMI Special

EducationAppendix A – p.26


What is Special Education? 3

Page 4: Web viewA Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP ProcessMelele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

The term “Special Education” means specially designed instruction and related services to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. The federal law that was created and requires special education services is called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, commonly known as IDEA. Special education services are provided at no cost to the parents.

To be eligible for special education and related services, a child must have a disability and must need special education and related services because of his or disability. Before a student can be found eligible for special education, the following process must have taken place:

Naan in “Special Education” ej melele in katak ko einjuōn wāween ejaaki ekoba jibañ ko jet im rōkkar ñan aer maroñ in kake aikuj ko makmake an juon rijikuul eo im ewōr mōjno ko ippen. Kakien eo ear ejaak im ej kake aikuj ko ikijien special education ej na etan Individual with Disabilities Education Act, āt eo juōn ekka

Ta in Special Education?


Page 5: Web viewA Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP ProcessMelele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?IEP

kōjerbale ej IDEA. Jibañ ko ikijien Special Education rej ilok ñan parents ak papa im mama ro ilo ejjelok wōneen.

Ñan maroñ in bōk jibañ ko ikijien special education im related services ak jibañ ko jet rõkkar, ej aikuj wōr mōjno ko ippen ajri eo im emenin aikuj bwe en bōk jibañ ko jen special education ekoba jibañ ko jet jen wōt mõjno ko ippen. Im mokta jen an alikkar ke ajri eo ej aikuj jibañ ko ikijien special education, wāween kein rej aikuj in kõmman:

After a child has been identified as eligible for special education services, a team from the school along with the child’s parents will develop an Individualized Education Program. Most often, this is referred to as an “IEP.” The purpose of the IEP is to set goals and plan services for your child for the upcoming year. Parents are equal partners in this process. The school must notify the parents that an IEP meeting will take place. Parents should be notified early enough so that they have an opportunity to attend and fully participate in the meeting. In Appendix B, please find a 10-step course of action the U. S. Department of Education has developed to guide this process.


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Ta in Individualized Education Program (IEP)?IEP

Ālkin etale im loe ke juōn ajri ekkar nan bōk jibañ ko ikijien special education, team eo jen jikuul eo ekoba lok jemen im jinen ajri eo renaaj wōnmaanlok wōt im ejaake Individualized Education Progam eo. Eo im ekkā ad na etan “IEP”. Unin IEP in ej ñan ejaake menin kõttõbar ko bareinwōt lale kain jibañ ko jet ñan ajri eo nejūm ilowaan juōn jikuul iiō. Joñan an parent ro bōk konaeer ilo jerbal in ej einwōt bar ro jet. Ej an jikuul eo eddo kōjelaik lok jemen im jinen rijikuul eo elaññe iien IEP kwelok eo enaaj bōk jikin. Ej aikuj in mōkaj an ilok kōjjela kein bwe ren maroñ in bed im bōk konaeer ie. Ilo Appendix B, jouij im lale 10 waween ko im Ra eo an Jikin Jelalokjen ilo U.S eaar ejaaki nan ad loori ilo ad kōmmane jerbal in.


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Your child’s Individualized Education Plan is developed at the team meeting. The IEP is a formal agreement about the services that the school will provide for your child’s special education needs.

The IEP team must include: Parents or legal guardian and the student if age 16 or

older Special education teacher and General education


Who is on the IEP Team?


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School representative such as the principal Person qualified to interpret testing results Other persons who have special knowledge about the

child that the school or the parents would like to attend the IEP meeting.

Individualized Education Plan eo an ajri eo nejūm ej ejaak ilo iien kwelok eo an IEP team eo. IEP in ej juōn agreement ak kon ikijien jerbal eo emōj erra kake kin kain jibañ ko im jikuul eo enaaj lilok nan ajri eo nejūm ikijien aikuj ko kin special education.

IEP team eo ej aikuj in bed: Jinen im Jemen ak ro im rej bōk eddo in juōn rijikuul im

bareinwot rijikuul eo elaññe 16 an iio ak ritto lok.

Won ro rej uwaan IEP team eo?


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Special Education rikaki im Regular Education rikaki eo. Ro rej bed ilo etan jikuul eo einwōt Principal eo. Ro im ewōr aeer kapeel ikijien kōmleleiki tõbrak in teej ko. Ro jet im elab lok melele ko ippeir ken ajri eo, ro im jikuul

ak jinen im jemen rej kõnaan bwe ren bed ilo IEP kwelok eo.

When the team develops the IEP, there are several important sections that will be need to be completed. They include your child’s:

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Statement of Measurable Annual Goals Progress Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Special Education and Related Services Program Modifications and Accommodations Transition Services (for students age 16 and older)

Let’s briefly discuss each one of these sections.

What information will be in the IEP?


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Elaññe team eo ej ejaake IEP eo, enaaj wōr jet mōttan ko raurōk im rej aikuj in dedelok. Ikijien ajri eo:

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Joñan eo ebed ie ilo katak ko an im joñan an maroñ in jerbali.

Statement of Measurable Annual Goals Melele ko ikijien menin kōttobar ko an ilowaan juōn

jikuul iiō.

Progress Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

Melele ta ko im renaaj bed ilo IEP eo?


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Etale ko ikijien joñan wõnmaanlok im waween ko ñan loori ikijien ripoot ko.

Special Education and Related Services Jiban ko ikijien special education im jibañ ko jet


Program Modifications and Accommodations Oktak ko kōmmani ikijien katak ko im menin aikuj

ko ñan jibañ lok katak ko.

Transition Services (for students age 16 and older) Jibañ ko ñan kōpooj ajri ro im 16 iio im rittolok.

Jenaaj wōnmaanlok wōt im kenono kin kajojo iaan waween kein.

The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance statement describes your child’s strengths and interests and the level your child is working at academically and functionally.

It also summarizes your child’s current educational needs in each area for which there is a concern. For example, your child may have needs in specific academic areas, communication skills, motor abilities and so on.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance


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School staff will have important testing information to share in this section of the IEP

Joñan eo ajri eo ebed ie ikijien katak ko an im waween an maroñ kōmmani/jerbali.


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Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance statement – ej kwalok ta strengths ak katak ko emman an ajri eo jerbali im interests ak ta ko ewōr an itok limo in kōmmani bareinwōt joñan eo ajri eo nejūm ebed ie ilo katak (academically) im wāween an jerbali( functionally.)

Ej bareinwōt kwalok joñan eo ajri eo nejum ebed ie ikijien katak ko an ilo kajojo area ko emõj loe ke ewor an aikuj in jibañ ie. Ñan waanjoñok, ajri eo nejum emaroñ wõr an aikuj in jibañ ikijien academic area ko, ikijien kenono, makitkit im ko jet.

Rijerbal ro ilo jikuul eo enaaj wõr melele ko raurōk ippeir ikijien teej ak wāween etale ko ñan air bed ilo mōttan in ilo IEP eo.

The IEP team will create annual instructional goals that describe expected growth in your child’s skills and knowledge over the next year when provided with special education and related services.

Statement of Annual Goals


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Goals will be written in each area of concern and based upon educational needs identified for your child.

Some goals may be broken down into smaller pieces called objectives or benchmarks. These are the smaller steps your child needs to make in order to reach the annual goals written on their IEP.

The IEP team should set SMART goals for your child.

Statement of Annual GoalsMelele eo ikijien menin kōttōbar ko ilo

juōn jikuul iio.


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IEP team eo enaaj ejaake menin kōttōbar ak katak ko im renaaj kwalok joñan wōnmaanlok in maroñ im kapeel eo ippen ajri eo nejum ilowaan juōn iiō elaññe naaj lelok ñane special education im related services ak jibañ ko jet rōkkar.

Katak ak menin kōttōbar ko naaj maroñ in doori ilo aolep ijoko im loe ke eaikuj jibañ ie bedbed wōt ioon ta menin katak ko emōj loi ke ajri eo nejum eaikuji.

Jet iaan kõttõbar kein naaj kalikkar ak tibdiki melele ko, ko im jej na etaer objectives ak benchmarks. Wāween kein ej jet buñtõn ko rebidodo lok ñan an ajri eo būki bwe en maroñ tobrak jibadbad im kõttõbar ko ilo IEP eo.

IEP team eo ej aikuj in ejaake juōn men eo rej na etan SMART goals ñan ajri eo nejum. (Lale pija ne itulal im melele eo an SMART goals.)


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The IEP should list how progress on each goal will be measured and how often progress will be measured.

In addition, the IEP must list how often progress reports on the goals will be given to parents.

If your child is progressing as expected, the goals and objectives will continue as planned. If the IEP progress reports show your child is not progressing as planned, the team should hold a meeting to discuss how your child’s program may need to be changed.

Progress Monitoring and Reporting Requirements


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IEP eo ej aikuj kōlaajrak eo wāween naaj maroñ etale kajojo iaan menin kōttōbar kein bareinwōt ewi emakijkij in an etale kein naaj kōmman.

Im IEP eo ej aikuj kalikkar ewi joñan emakijkij in an naaj progress ripoot ko maroñ ilok nan jinen im jemen ajri eo.

Elaññe ajri eo nejum ej wōnmaanlok ilo katak ko an, goals im objectives ak jibadbad im kõttõbar ko renaaj bar wōnmaanlok wōt enwōt an bed ilo plan eo an. Ak elaññe IEP progress ripoot eo ej kwalok ke ajri eo ej jab kõmman wōnmaanlok ilo plan eo an, innem team eo ej aikuj kōmmane juōn iien kwelok ñan kenono ikijien wāween an maroñ oktak program ak IEP eo an ajri eo.

Etale ko ikijien menin wōnmaanlok ko im wāween ko aikuj loori ñan kōmman ripoot


Page 18: Web viewA Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP ProcessMelele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

The IEP will outline the special education, related services, and other supports your child will receive. As parents, you will help the team decide:

The amount of time the special education teacher will provide direct services to your child (minutes per day)

How often the services will occur (number of times per week)

Location the service will be provided (such as the special education room or the regular classroom)

Other supplementary aids and services your child needs in order to benefit from instruction

IEP eo enaaj kõlaajrake special education, related services, bareinwōt jibañ ko jet im naaj lilok ñan ajri eo nejum. Einwōt ro im jinen ak jemen ajri ro, kom naaj jibañ team eo kwalok lōmnak ko ikijien:

Special Education and Related Services

Special Education and Related ServicesJibañ Ko Ikijien Special Education

bareinwōt Jibañ Ko Jet Rõkkar.


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Joñan awa eo im rūkaki eo an special education enaaj lelok jibañ ko ñan ajri eo nejum (jete minute ilo juōn raan)

Eo emakijkij in an jibañ kein naaj bōk jikier (joñan ilo juōn week)

Jikin eo im jibañ kein naaj maroñ in kōmman ie (special ed ak reglular ed kilaaj eo)

Jibañ ko jet im ajri eo nejūm eaikuji ñan an maroñ polel wāween an bõk katak ko.

This section is a statement of the program accommodations and/or modifications school staff must make available to enable your child to advance toward meeting their annual goals and make progress in the general education curriculum.

Examples include reading grade level text out loud if the student has a reading disability, using a calculator to help determine answers to math problems if the student has a math goal, or using assistive technology if the student has a significant disability and cannot communicate through talking.

Program Accommodations and Modifications


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Mōttan in ej melele eo ikijien program accommodation ak jibañ ko remenin aikuj ilo ad lelok katak im modifications ak jenij ko ikijien wāween lelok katak ko im rijerbal ro ilo jikuul eo rej aikuj in lolorjaake bwe en wor ñan an ajri eo maroñ in wōnmaanlok ilo katak ñan an maroñ in tõbrak kōttōbar ko an ilo juōn iiō bareinwōt maroñ im wōnmaanlok ilo katak ko ikijien general education curriculum eo.

Jet iaan waanjoñok ko rej einwōt riiti katak ko ilo kilaaj eo ilo an kwalok ainikien elaññe rūjikuul eo eor an mōjno ikijien riit, kōjerbal calculator ko ñan jibañ kwalok uaak ko elaññe rijikuul eo ej katak kin math, ak kojerbal assistive technology ak kein katak ko rōkkar elaññe elab lok jibañ rijikuul eo eaikuji im jab maroñ kwalok an lõmnak ilo an kenono.

Program Accommodations and Modifications


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For students age 16 and over, a transition services plan will be part of their IEP as well. Parents play an important role in creating the transition plan.

The purpose of transition planning is to identify goals for life after high school and develop a plan to achieve them. Your child and the IEP team will develop measurable goals in the following areas:

o Postsecondary Education and Training (after high school)

o Employmento Independent Living

The team will determine what steps are necessary to help your child achieve his or her postsecondary goals. These steps should be written on the IEP and include needed transition services as well as a course of study sections.

Needed Transition Services should include the activities that need to be done before the student

Transition Services


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graduates to prepare him or her for transition to the adult world. These activities may be community experiences, instruction in daily living skills, development of employment opportunities and/or many other activities.

Course of Study should include an updated record of high school courses taken, number of credits needed to graduate, and anticipated graduation date.

Ñan rijikuul ro im 16 air iiō im ritto lok, juōn transition service plan enaaj mōttan wōt IEP eo. Elab ijo konaan mama im baba ro ñan air bōk konaeer ilo ejaake transition plan in.

Unleplep in kōmmane transition plan in ej ñan kwalok menin kōttōbar ko ñan kepooj ajri eo ilo iien ne enaaj dedelok an bed ilo high school im ejaake juōn plan ñan an maroñ kōtobraki. Ajri eo nejum ekoba lok IEP team eo naaj maroñ in ejaake jet menin kōttōbar ko ikijien waween kein:

o Postsecondary Education im Trainingo Employment - Jerbalo Independent Living – Ñan an ekkeke ak maroñ

mour make iaan.

Transition Services


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Team eo enaaj maroñ in kalikkar buñtōn ko im remenin aikuj ñan jibañ rūjikuul eo bwe en tōbrak postsecondary goals ak menin kōttobar kein dedelokin an high school. Buñtōn kein rej aikuj in jeje ilo IEP eo ekoba aikuj ko jet ikijien transition, bareinwōt kilen lelok katak kein.

Aikuj ko ikijien Transition Service ekūtbuuj makitkit ko im rej aikuj in kōmman mokta jen an rūjikuul eo diwojlok ñan kepooje bwe en maroñ make lok iaan einwot juon adult/rūtto. Makitkit kein emaroñ ko ilo jukjuk im bed eo, katak ko ken daily living ak wāween mour, ken jerbal ko, im ko jet.

Course of Study eo ej aikuj koba lok record in kilaaj ko an ilo high school im emōj air dedelok, nõmba in credit aikuji ñan an diwojlok im iien eo im enaaj maroñ in diwojlok jen jikuul.

How can I actively participate in developing my child’s IEP?


Page 24: Web viewA Parent’s Guide to Special Education and the IEP ProcessMelele Ko Ikijien Special Education im Wāween Jerbale IEP eo ñan Papa im Mama Ro

Parents are important members of the IEP team. Here are some suggestions for how you can participate in helping school personnel discuss, develop and put in place a special education plan (including the IEP) that meets your child’s needs.

Before the Meeting: Plan ahead and put your thought down on paper so

that you won’t forget the things you want to discuss. You will want to be prepared to: o Share the hopes and dreams you have for your

child for the future as well as the next school year. o Discuss your child’s strengths, interests and

preferred activities. o Identify your concerns for your child’s education.o Share questions you have about your child’s


In order to help you plan for the meeting, it may be helpful to write down some ideas on the next page. Bring the paper to the IEP meeting and share these ideas with the IEP team.

Ewi waween ao maroñ in koba lok ñan ejaake IEP eo an ajri eo neju?


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Parents ak mama im baba ro rej ro im elab an aurōk bwe ren bed im mōttan IEP team eo. Erkein ej jet iaan waween ko ñan am maroñ bōk konaam ilo am jibañ rijerbal ro ilo jikuul eo kenono, ejaak, im kōmman bwe en tōbrak juōn special education plan (ekoba lok IEP eo) eo im enaaj kake aikuj ko an ajri eo nejūm.

Mokta jen iien kwelok:

Plan mokta lok im door lōmak ko am ilo jeje bwe kon jab meloklok men ko im konaaj kōnaan kenono kaki. Konaaj kōnaan bojak nan am:

o Kenono kin kõnaan im ettõnak ko am ñan ajri eo nejum ñan ilju im jeklaj eo an ekoba lok katak ko ilo iiō eo tok juōn (next school year)

o Kenono kin men ko emman an jerbali (stengths), itoklimo ie (interests), im kain makūtkūt ko jet rōmman ippen.

o Kwalok abnōnō ko am ikijien katak ko an ajri eo nejum.

o Kwalok kajjitok ko am ikijien katak ko an ajri eo.

Ñan jibañ eok kepooj eok ñan kwelok eo, emaroñ jibañ ilo am je lōmnak ko am ilo page in ial. Bōktok pepa in ñan kwelok eo


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ikijien IEP eo im kwalok lōmnak kein am ñan IEP team eo.


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IEP Planning FormMy child’s name: Date of IEP Meeting:

My child’s strengths and interests are:

My child needs the most help with:

The most important goals for my child next year are:

Questions or concerns I have:

Other information the school should know about my child:


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IEP Planning FormMy child’s name: Date of IEP Meeting:

My child’s strengths and interests are:

My child needs the most help with:

The most important goals for my child next year are:

Questions or concerns I have:

Other information the school should know about my child:


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(Marshallese translation Planning Form here)

Elmokot ñan iien IEP kwelok eo

Etan ajri eo nejū:

Raan in IEP kwelok eo:

Ta ko ajri eo neju emaroñ kōmmani im itok limo ie:

Ajri eo neju elab an aikuj jibañ ilo:

Kōttōbar ko raurōk tata ñan ajri eo neju ilo iiō in lal rej:

Kajjitōk ak abnōnō ko jet aō:

Melele ko jet im jikuul eo ej aikuj jela ken ajri eo neju:

How can I actively participate in developing my child’s IEP?


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During the Meeting Understand that you are an important part of the IEP

team. Remember that you know your child better than anyone on the team.

Share your vision for your child – for the long-term future as well as the upcoming year.

Share what you believe are your child strengths, interests and preferred activities. Also share your child’s needs and concerns that you have for his or her education.

Do not hesitate to ask questions. If you do not understanding something, ask to have it explained in a way that you can understand.

Ilo iien IEP meeting eo

En wōr am melele ke koj juōn iaan mottan rein im elab tokjen bwe ren uwaan IEP team eo. Kememej bwe elab lok am jela kin ajri eo nejum jen ro jet ilo team eo.

Kwalok ettōnak/kōnaan eo am ñan ajri eo nejūm – ñan ilju im jeklaj eo an bareinwõt jikuul iiō eo ej bedo tok.

Ewi wāween bwe in maroñ bōk konaō ilo ejaake IEP eo an ajri eo nejū?


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Kwalok ta ko kojela ke rej jet iaan wāween ko ajri eo nejum emaroñ kōmmani, ta ko eor an itok limo in kōmmani, im kain makūtkūt ko remman ippen. Bareinwōt kwalok jabdewōt aikuj im abnōnō ko am ikijien an ajri eo nejūm katak.

Jab āliklik in kwalok kajjitok ko am. Elaññe ewōr jabdewōt wāween koj jab melele kake, kajjitōk bwe en iwoj ilo melele ko ralikkar lok ñan eok.


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IEP Meeting Notes:

Date of IEP:

What are the skills my child will be working on:

Where and how often will special education services be provided?

When can I expect progress reports?

How can I help my child at home?


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(Marshallese translation of form here)

Melele ko ikijien IEP kwelok eo: Raan in IEP eo:

Kain kapeel rot ajri eo neju enaaj jerbali:

Ia im ewi emakijkij in an jibañ ko ikijien special education naaj ilok ñan e?

Ñaat inaaj lo ripoot ikijien wōnmaanlok ko?

Ewi wāween aō maroñ jibañ ajri eo neju?

How can I actively participate in developing my child’s IEP?


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After the Meeting After you get home, review the IEP to make sure

you understand it. If you have questions, do not hesitate to talk to another IEP team member such as your child’s special education teacher.

Keep all of your IEP paperwork together in one place. You may need to refer to it in the future.

Expect progress reports to inform you regularly about your child’s progress on his or her IEP goals.

The IEP must be reviewed at least once a year. However, if you or your child’s teachers feel that your child isn’t making progress, a meeting can be scheduled to review the IEP at any time.

(Marshallese translation)

Dedelok in meeting eo Ilo iien eo koj tõbrak lok ilo kabijuknen, etale IEP eo

ñan am lale bwe kon lukun melele kake. Elaññe ewōr kajjitok ko, jab bōjrak jen am kenono ippen ro uwaan IEP team eo einwōt rūkaki in special education eo an ajri eo nejūm.

Kejbarok pepa in IEP ko am ilo juōn jikin. Komaroñ aikuji ñan am bar lali tokālik.

Ewi wāween bwe in bōk konaō ejaake IEP eo an ajri eo neju?


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Reimaanlok ñan ripoot ko ikijien ajri eo nejūm, ko im renaaj kwalok ñan eok jen iien ñan iien wōnmaanlok ko an ilo jibadbad im kōttōbar ko an ilo IEP eo.

IEP eo aikuj etale juōn alen ilo juon iio. Ijowōtke, elaññe kwe ak rūkaki eo an ajri nejūm komij loe k ajri eo ej jab wōnmaanlok ilo katak, juōn kwelok emaroñ in kōmman ñan etale IEP eo jabdewot iien.

In Conclusion:Your child has been identified as needing special education services to support his or her learning at school. Keep in mind that every child is unique and learns in different ways. You can play an important part in developing your child’s education and special education services by actively participating in the development of your child’s IEP. Students with disabilities can achieve to their greatest potential when given the services and supports they need.

Ñan kojemloke:Ajri eo nejum emõj loe bwe eaikuj jibañ ko ikijien special education ñan jibañe ilo katak ko an ilo jikuul. Kememej bwe aolep ajri rāinjuōn im oktak air bōk katak ko jen doon. Koj juōn eo im emaroñ lab konaan ilo kōlablok jelalokjen ñan ajri eo nejūm im jibañ ko ikijien special education ilo an lab am bōk konaam ilo iien ejaake IEP eo. Ajri ro im ewōr mōjno


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ko ippeir remaroñ tōbar kōttōbar ko rōllab elaññe jej kake aikuj im jibañ ko rōkkar ñan er.

Appendix ARMI Special Education Process Chart


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Appendix BA Guide to the Individualized Education Program

(U. S. Department of Education)

1.Child is identified as possibly needing special education and related services."Child Find." The state must identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state that need special education and related services. To do so, states conduct "Child Find" activities. A child may be identified by "Child Find," and parents may be asked if the "Child Find" system can evaluate their child. Parents can also call the "Child Find" system and ask that their child be evaluated. Or —

Referral or request for evaluation. A school professional may ask that a child be evaluated to see if he or she has a disability. Parents may also contact the child's teacher or other school professional to ask that their child be evaluated. This request may be verbal or in writing. Parental consent is needed before the child may be evaluated. Evaluation needs to be completed within a reasonable time after the parent gives consent.

2.Child is evaluated. The evaluation must assess the child in all areas related to the child's suspected disability. The evaluation results will be used to decide the child's eligibility for special education and related services and to make decisions about an appropriate educational program for the child. If the parents disagree with the evaluation, they have the right to take their child for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). They can ask that the school system pay for this IEE.

3.Eligibility is decided. A group of qualified professionals and the parents look at the child's evaluation results. Together, they decide if the child is a "child with a disability," as defined by IDEA. Parents may ask for a hearing to challenge the eligibility decision.

4.Child is found eligible for services. If the child is found to be a "child with a disability," as defined by


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IDEA, he or she is eligible for special education and related services. Within 30 calendar days after a child is determined eligible, the IEP team must meet to write an IEP for the child.

5.IEP meeting is scheduled.The school system schedules and conducts the IEP meeting. School staff must:▪ Contact the participants, including the parents;▪ Notify parents early enough to make sure they have an

opportunity to attend;▪ Schedule the meeting at a time and place agreeable to parents

and the school;▪ Tell the parents the purpose, time, and location of the meeting;▪ Tell the parents who will be attending; and▪ Tell the parents that they may invite people to the meeting who

have knowledge or special expertise about the child.

6.IEP meeting is meeting is held and the IEP is written.The IEP team gathers to talk about the child's needs and write the student's IEP. Parents and the student (when appropriate) are part of the team. If the child's placement is decided by a different group, the parents must be part of that group as well.

Before the school system may provide special education and related services to the child for the first time, the parents must give consent. The child begins to receive services as soon as possible after the meeting.

If the parents do not agree with the IEP and placement, they may discuss their concerns with other members of the IEP team and try to work out an agreement. If they still disagree, parents can ask for mediation, or the school may offer mediation. Parents may file a complaint with the state education agency and may request a due process hearing, at which time mediation must be available.

7.Services are provided.The school makes sure that the child's IEP is being carried out as it


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was written. Parents are given a copy of the IEP. Each of the child's teachers and service providers has access to the IEP and knows his or her specific responsibilities for carrying out the IEP. This includes the accommodations, modifications, and supports that must be provided to the child.

8.Progress is measured and reported to parents.The child's progress toward the annual goals is measured, as stated in the IEP. His or her parents are regularly informed of their child's progress and whether that progress is enough for the child to achieve the goals by the end of the year. These progress reports must be given to parents at least as often as parents are informed of their nondisabled children's progress.

9.IEP is reviewed.The child's IEP is reviewed by the IEP team at least once a year, or more often if the parents or school ask for a review. If necessary, the IEP is revised. Parents, as team members, must be invited to attend these meetings. Parents can make suggestions for changes, can agree or disagree with the IEP goals, and agree or disagree with the placement.

If parents do not agree with the IEP and placement, they may discuss their concerns with other members of the IEP team and try to work out an agreement. There are several options, including additional testing, an independent evaluation, or asking for mediation (if available) or a due process hearing. They may also file a complaint with the state education agency.

10. Child is reevaluated.At least every three years the child must be reevaluated. This evaluation is often called a "triennial." Its purpose is to find out if the child continues to be a "child with a disability," as defined by IDEA, and what the child's educational needs are. However, the child must be reevaluated more often if conditions warrant or if the child's parent or teacher asks for a new evaluation.


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(Marshallese translation of 10-step process)Appendix B

A Guide to the Individualized Education Program(U. S. Department of Education)

Appendix BWaween loor Individualized Education Program eo

(U.S. Department of Education)Appendix B

1. Ajri eo emõj loe bwe emaroñ wōr an aikuj ikijien special education im related service ko.

Child Find: State ak bukōn eo ej aikuj kwalok, bukōt, im etale aolep ajri ro im ewōr mõjno ko ippeir ilo state ak bukōn eo ro im raikuj jibañ ko ikijien special education im related services ak jibañ ko jet rõkkar. Ñan maroñ kōmmane wāween in, state ak bukōn eo ej kōmman “Child Find” ko. Juōn ajri maroñ kalikkare jen “Child Find” im jinen ak jemen maroñ kajjitōk jen er elaññe “Child Find” system eo emaroñ etale ajri eo. Jinen ak Jemen remaroñ bar kūr lok “Child Find” system eo im kajjitoōk elaññe etale ko ikijien ajri eo emaroñ komman. Ak…

Lelok etan ak kajjitōk ñan kōmman etale ko. Juōn rijerbal ilo jikuul eo emaroñ kajjitok ñan etale im lale ewōr ke mōjno ko ippen ajri eo.


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Jinen im jemen remaroñ bar kepaak rūkaki eo ak rijerbal ro jet ilo jikuul eo ñan kōmman etale/teej ko ñan ajri eo. Kajjitōk in emaroñ kōmman ilo kenono ak jeje. Màlim eo jen jinen im jemen aikuji mokta jen kōmman etale ko ñan juōn ajri. Etale ko rej aikuj dedelok ilo juōn iien eo emman kitien dedelok in wōt an jinen im jemen komelimi.

2. Etale ajri eoEtale ko rej aikuj kōmman ikijien aolepen ijoko ewōr lōmnak ke ajri eo emōjno ie. Tōbrak in etale in naaj kōjerbale ñan lale elaññe ajri eo ekkar ñan special education im related services im ñan kōmmane jokālet ko ken katak ko rõkkar ñan ajri eo. Elaññe Parent ro rej jab erra ilo etale in, ewōr air maroñ in bõklok ajri eo nejier ñan juōn Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). Rōmaroñ kajjitok ippen school sytem eo bwe ren kōlla wōneen IEE in.3. Lale elaññe ekkarJuon group in ro eor aer jela ekoba Parent ro rej etale tōbrak in teej ko. Ibben doon, rej lale elaññe ajri eo ewōr “mōjno ippen”, einwot an kemlet ilo IDEA. Parent ro rōmaroñ kajjitōk ñan juōn iien roñjake ñan jumae jemlok eo.4.Emoj loe bwe ajri eo ekkar ñan bōk jibañElaññe emōj loe bwe “ajri eo ewōr mōjno ko ippen”, einwot an kemlet ilo IDEA, innem ej eligible ñan special education im related services. Iumwin 30 raan ālkin loe k ajri eo ej eligible, IEP team eo ej aikuj kwelok ñan je ak ejaake IEP eo.

5.Iien IEP kwelok eoJikuul eo ej karōk iien kwelok bareinwōt kōmmane kwelok in ikijien IEP eo. Rijerbal ro ilo jikuul eo rej aikuj:

Kōjelaik aolep ro rej aikuj bed ilo kwelok in ekoba parent ro;

Mōkaj air kojelaik parent ro bwe en lab iien ñan air maroñ bed ilo kwelok eo;

Kōmmane kwelok eo ilo iien im jikin eo parent im jikuul eo rej erra kake;

Karoñ parent ro kin un eo, iien, im jikin kwelok eo;42

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Karoñ parent ro kin ro im renaaj bed ilo kwelok in; im Karoñ parent ro ke rōmaron kūr tok ro jet ñan kwelok in

im elap lok melele ak kapeel ko ippeir ken ajri eo.

6. IEP meeting eo ej komman im IEP eo ej ejaakIEP team eo ej kwelok im kenono kin aikuj ko an ajri eo im door ilo IEP eo an. Parent ro im rūjikuul eo (elaññe ekkar) rej mōttan wot team in. Elaññe placement eo an ajri in ej itok jen bar juōn group, parent ro rej bar aikuj mōttan group in.Mokta jen an jikuul eo maroñ lelok special education im related service ñan juon ajri eo ej kab jinoe, parent ro rej aikuj letok mālim. Ajri eo ej jino bõk jibañ ko ilo iien eo emõkaj tata ālkin kwelok eo.Elaññe parent ro rej jab erra ilo IEP im placement eo, rõmaroñ kenono kōn abnōnō kein air ippen ro jet uwaan IEP team eo im kajeoñ jerbale juōn kon. Elaññe rejamin erra, innem parent ro rōmaroñ kajjitok kin mediation, ak jikuul eo emaron bar jibañ kin mediation. Parent ro rōmaroñ jakemaanlok abnōnō ñan state education agency eo im maroñ kajjitōk ñan juōn roñjake ikijien due process, ejja ilo iien in wot mediation ej aikuj bōk jikin.

7. Jibañ ko rej ilok

Eddo eo an jikuul eo bwe IEP eo an ajri eo en jerbal einwōt an kar ejaak ak jeje. Ej etal juōn copy in IEP eo nan Parent ro. Kajojo ian rkkaki ro an rijikuul eo ekoba service provider ro eor aer maroñ in lale IEP eo im jela ijo konaeer ñan jerbale IEP in. Wāween in ekūtbuuj accommodation, modifications, im jibañ ko jet im raikuj etal ñan ajri eo.

8. Wōnmaanlok ko emōj etali im ripooti ñan parent ro

Etale ko ikijien joñan an ajri eo wōmaanlok ilo kōttōbar ko an ilo juon iio emōj etali, enwot an kemlet ilo IEP eo. Ej etal melele ñan parent ro jen iien ñan iien ikijien wōnmaanlok ko an ajri eo im elaññe men in enaaj bwe ñan an ajri eo kōtōbrak jibadbad im kōttobar ko an ilo jemlok in iiō eo. Progress ripoot kein rej aikuj etal nan Parent ro en joñan wot an bar etal progress ripoot ñan parent ro im ejjelok mōjno ippen ajri ro nejier.


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9.Etale IEP eoIEP team eo ej review ak etale kobban IEP eo an ajri eo en jab dik lok jen juōn alen ilo juōn iio, ak emaroñ lõñ lok alen elaññe parent ro ak jikuul eo ej kajjitõk. Elaññe ekkar, IEP eo ej bar oktak kobban. Parent ro, einwōt ro im rej uwaan team eo, rej aikuj in bar kur tok er ñan kwelok kein. Parent ro rõmaroñ kõmman kakobaba ko ñan jenij kein, maroñ erra ak jab erra ilo kõttõbar ko ilo IEP eo, im erra ak jab erra ilo placement ak ijo karõk bwe ajri en bed ie.Elaññe parent ro rej jab erra ilo IEP im placement eo, rej aikuj in kenono ken abnõnõ ko air ippen ro jet rej uwaan IEP team eo im kajeoñ jerbale juōn kon. Ewōr jet wāween ko, ekoba teej ko, independent evaluation ko, ak kajjitõk ken mediation (elaññe ewor) ñe ejjab juōn iien roñjake ikijien due process. Rõmaroñ bar jakemaanlok abnõnõ eo air ippen state education agency eo.

10. Bar etale ajri eo

Aolep ālkin jilu iiō ej aikuj bar reevaluate ak bar kōmmane etale ko ikijien ajri eo. Etale in ekka ad na etan “triennial.” Unin reevaluation in ej ñan etale elaññe ajri eo ej wōnmaanlok wōt im juōn “child with disability” ak ajri eo im ewōr mōjno ippen, einwot an kemlet ilo IDEA, ekoba aikuj ko ikijien katak ko im ajri in eaikuji. Ijowōtke, emaroñ emakijkij kōmmane etale ko ñan ajri eo elaññe ekkar ak elaññe parent ro ak rūkaki eo ej kajjitōk bwe en kōmman bar juōn etale kaal.


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