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[Panel 1: So You Have Borderline Personality Disorder? 10 Things to Remember by Christine Deneweth.] [Panel 2 and 3: Person with chin-length pink and blue hair wearing animal ears and a pink shirt. She is saying, “Hi my name is Lorna and I have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I understand how scary it can be to be diagnosed with BPD and the stigma against it doesn’t help. But I’m here to offer you self care, advice, and ways to cope.”] [Panel 4, 5, and 6: Lorna smiling and saying, “Before I get into my list, the most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. Other people feel what you feel and know what you’re going through. Lots of us manage to live the lives we want to live and we have found ways to manage our symptoms. There are support groups on Facebook, Tumblr, and Live Journal. We build each other up and use our own language – language that I’ll be using in this comic.”]

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Post on 04-Sep-2019




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[Panel 1: So You Have Borderline Personality Disorder? 10 Things to Remember by Christine Deneweth.]

[Panel 2 and 3: Person with chin-length pink and blue hair wearing animal ears and a pink shirt. She is saying, “Hi my name is Lorna and I have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I understand how scary it can be to be diagnosed with BPD and the stigma against it doesn’t help. But I’m here to offer you self care, advice, and ways to cope.”]

[Panel 4, 5, and 6: Lorna smiling and saying, “Before I get into my list, the most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. Other people feel what you feel and know what you’re going through. Lots of us manage to live the lives we want to live and we have found ways to manage our symptoms. There are support groups on Facebook, Tumblr, and Live Journal. We build each other up and use our own language – language that I’ll be using in this comic.”]

[Panel 7: Number one. The text says, “Therapy and medication first.”]

[Panel 8 and 9: Lorna smiling and saying, “Therapy is extremely helpful because you het a second point of view by a trained professional. And medication can work wonders. Good therapists want you to be the best you possible and will do anything to get you there. Having someone there to be able to help me unpack my emotions and offer positive feedback has really made things manageable. And I use medication to ease some of my symptoms. It’s really been life changing for me.”]

[Panel 10: Number two. The text says, “Hobbies, interests and passions are key.”]

[Panel 11 and 12: Lorna smiling and saying, “I’m proudly involved in the furry community and I’m an artist. Both of these things help me relax and focus on something positive. I also like to go on Tumblr to connect with other people, see relatable content, and vent if I need to.”]

[Panel 13: Number three. The text says, “Ask your friends for supportive notes or drawings to hold onto.”]

[Panel 14 and 15: Lorna smiling and saying, “Tangible forms of affection are really important to me. Just having notes and drawings from my friends really mean a lot to me. When you’re feeling good, write about things that make you happy, things to look forward to, things you’re proud of, and hang onto it. A little self-love can go a long way.”]

[Panel 16: Number four. The text says, “How to reach out to someone 101.”]

[Panel 17: Text that says, “I understand that forming a stable relationship can be hard. Be patient with yourself and don’t beat yourself up for needing space or attention. Communicate your needs! The more direct you are about what you’re communicating the better someone can help.”]

[Panel 18: Lorna smiling and saying, “Your needs are valid and you’re not needy or cold hearted for having them. Communicating is key to maintaining relationships.”]

[Panel 19: Number five. The text says, “It’s ok to reach out to your friends, they care about how you’re feeling.”]

[Panel 20: Text that says, “It’s ok to reach out, even if it’s multiple times a day. It’s ok to have an FP. An FP is a person with BPD idealizes and depends on the most. This is the go-to person for everything. Usually they know the person has BPD.”]

[Panel 21: Lorna smiling and saying, “Don’t worry if you don’t have an FP. You aren’t less of a person with BPD if you don’t have one. Just focus on self love and self care.”]

[Panel 22: Number six. The text says, “Your anger or sadness doesn’t define you.”]

[Panel 23 and 24: Lorna smiling and saying, “Sometimes it feels like ages since I’ve been happy. We call this emotional permanence. Understanding that emotions and concepts exist when they are not directly observed. Many people with BPD struggle with this and need reassurance. Something I remember is that my emotions are valid and there’s so much more to me than them. I’m a good person and a good friend when it comes down to it. Sometimes I need to remind myself of that when I’m feeling low.”]

[Panel 25: Number seven. The text says, “It’s ok to explore your identity and it’s ok if it changes.”]

[Panel 26 and 27: Lorna smiling and saying, “It took me a long time to figure out who I was, and some days I’m still not sure. And it’s ok not to be sure. I used to be really into zombies and macabre things. But now I like rainbows and pink. It’s ok to explore. It’s ok to change. Don’t let anyone tell you who you are and who you aren’t. It’s all about your comfort.”]

[Panel 28: Number eight. The text says, “How to deal with jealousy and insecurity when you want to reach out.”]

[Panel 29: Text that says, “For jealousy, it’s best to admit it to your friend. Letting it fester will only make it worse. You still matter to your friend, you just need to explain what your needs are so they can understand and help. It’s ok to feel jealous.”]

[Panel 30: Lorna smiling and saying, “For insecurity, just remember you matter to your friends. They care if you need help. There is no such thing as too much help. You are not needy or a burden. It’s ok to feel insecure.”]

[Panel 31: Number nine. The text says, “What to do when you’re mad at your friend for not being there.”]

[Panel 32 and 33: Lorna smiling and saying, “Give yourself some time to process your emotions. If you need to, tell your friend you need a little break. Make sure you’ve cooled down before you speak to your friend. It’s not fun when it feels like no on is there for you. But remember, you still matter to your friend even if they aren’t always there when you need them.”]

[Panel 34: Number ten. The text says, “Hot to deal with rejection.”]

[Panel 35 and 36: Text that says, “Rejection is hard, but it doesn’t mean that nothing can come from it. You can still have a relationship with the person, just in a different way. And if there isn’t a relationship there, then celebrate the relationships you do have in your life. Unfortunately, rejections will happen at some point, but it doesn’t mean you are unlovable. It just means that particular relationship wasn’t meant to be. You are still loved and you still matter.”]

[Panel 37, 38, and 39: Lorna smiling and saying, “Remember you are not alone! Check out these Facebook groups! BPD Chat and Share, BPD Safe Haven, and BPD Support. And for those on Tumblr, check out these blogs! BPD Concept, BPD Suggestions, and Cheese Tries to Help! Explore and find places that make you comfortable. And don’t be afraid to speak up!”]

[Panel 40, 41, and 42: Lorna smiling and saying, “Remember what you feel is valid. It isn’t irrational or an overreaction. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Reaching out is ok! You are loves and you matter ALL OF THE TIME. It’s ok to have BPD!”]

Comic made by Christine Deneweth for Everyday Feminism.