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Celebration Christian Church Raising the Bar 2016 21 Days of Prayer Let’s kickstart our Raise the Bar campaign by being in communion with the God of the universe! We join together this month in bold prayer: for our church vision, for our personal walks with Christ, for members of our church body, to overcome challenges, to express praise, and so that the salvation of Jesus would be seen in our families and our community. Prayer is powerful! The Lord tells us to be expectant of His promises, and to pray not just in our time of need or want, but constantly, and without ceasing. There is a unity in the BAR mission that Jesus has already won for us, and this month we begin, together, to fight for it! Let’s be BOLD in prayer, knowing that He will show up in the big and small places of our life together as a church family. Let's be HUMBLE in prayer, out of a pure desire for God’s glory to be shown in our lives. Our prime objective, therefore, in [prayer], is not the removal of the enemy, but the return of glory; the restoration of God's needed favor. When we encounter a spiritual stronghold, it is not a testimony to the presence of a big demon, but rather to the absence of the glory of God." -John Dawson Reflect humbly at the foot of the cross and pray boldly to the Lord about these daily topics. The use of a prayer journal is strongly encouraged! Week 1 – Prayers that help overcome fear

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Page 1: · Web viewIn Luke 5:1-11, the fishermen allowed Jesus right into their boat, although it was unexpected,

Celebration Christian ChurchRaising the Bar 2016

21 Days of Prayer

Let’s kickstart our Raise the Bar campaign by being in communion with the God of the universe! We join together this month in bold prayer: for our church vision, for our personal walks with Christ, for members of our church body, to overcome challenges, to express praise, and so that the salvation of Jesus would be seen in our families and our community.

Prayer is powerful! The Lord tells us to be expectant of His promises, and to pray not just in our time of need or want, but constantly, and without ceasing. There is a unity in the BAR mission that Jesus has already won for us, and this month we begin, together, to fight for it! Let’s be BOLD in prayer, knowing that He will show up in the big and small places of our life together as a church family. Let's be HUMBLE in prayer, out of a pure desire for God’s glory to be shown in our lives.

“Our prime objective, therefore, in [prayer], is not the removal of the enemy, but the return of glory; the restoration of God's needed favor.

When we encounter a spiritual stronghold, it is not a testimony to the presence

of a big demon, but rather to the absence of the glory of God."-John Dawson

Reflect humbly at the foot of the cross and pray boldly to the Lord about these daily topics. The use of a prayer journal is strongly encouraged!

Week 1 – Prayers that help overcome fear

10 What scares you the most about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ? Journal and pray through these doubts and ask that God would remove each of them and provide courage.

11 Is there an responsibility or challenge in your life that promotes stress and anxiety? Pray that financial obligations or otherwise do not become idols

Page 2: · Web viewIn Luke 5:1-11, the fishermen allowed Jesus right into their boat, although it was unexpected,

separating us from the God of peace. Trust in the God of protection and security regardless of our circumstances.

12 We are a people of hope, not fear, because Jesus has already defeated death and won. Still, death is a scary subject that everyone tries to avoid and nobody wants to face. Pray for true trust in eternal salvation for those who call upon the Lord and are transformed by saving faith. Pray for the wisdom to understand and share this knowledge in tough circumstances.

13 What fears or challenges exist that prevent you from becoming a more integral part of the body of Celebration Christian Church?

14 Pray for our country and its enemies.

15 Many times, we mask our struggles and anything that appears less than picture-perfect. As a church, why do we hold back from sharing our authentic, non-Facebook worthy lives with other mission partners? How have you guarded your authentic self? How can we as a church get rid of the superficial, grow in grace, and foster deeper relationships? Pray for personal and church-wide walls to be broken that we may be a community truly unified with each other and the Father.

16 Fear of confrontation is a tough one to navigate within the church body, and within any other relationship. If we are fearful to hold others accountable for their actions, it can be harmful for relationships and promote tolerance for damaging behavior. The fear of being held accountable can have the same effect. Can you think of a time where you have you experienced this, on either end? Pray through these situations and ask God for the wisdom and grace-filled conviction to handle accountability in your everyday life.

Week 2 – Prayers that help us take risks in faith

17 What risks do you feel God calling you to take to further the mission of Celebration Christian Church? If unsure, pray boldly for vision in your role. Pray wholeheartedly for a heart to serve Him. Ask the Lord to provide clear direction, and the motivation to answer your unique calling as we launch the “BAR” mission.

18 Pray today for a new, anointed opportunity to step out in faith by inviting a friend to come with you to a Celebration service.

19 The B in “Raise the Bar” stands for Be the Church. “Every follower of Jesus will grow to multiply other followers of Jesus.” In the past, in what ways do you feel you have neglected to “Be the Church”? What can you, personally, improve upon to impact this part of the mission? Use the Lord’s

Page 3: · Web viewIn Luke 5:1-11, the fishermen allowed Jesus right into their boat, although it was unexpected,

conviction and ask for His direction. Continue to pray over this goal, that God would raise up an entire congregation of disciple-makers.

20 The A in “Raise the Bar” stands for Activate a New Campus. Dream big, pray big, and ask for clarity for our leadership in these important decisions. Recall the fearlessness that God instilled in us last week. Pray with urgency and enthusiasm, and be expectant that God will provide. Pray, also, that we would be reminded that our ministry is not dependent on a building! Praise God for that! Ask God to keep the posture of our hearts kingdom-focused and not building-focused. Pray that we would grow even more excited and invested in the work of C3 at the Suffolk YMCA, for the lives He will still change in this building.

21 The R in “Raise the Bar” stands for Reach the Community. Have you ever put yourself into a situation where you have risked your own comfort to serve others? What about aside from an organized church event? What can you do to make “reaching the community” your signature? When we understand what Jesus sacrificed for us who were undeserving, we cannot help but to give ourselves away with the same sacrificial love. Pray for conviction in the tendency to be self-seeking. Pray for an active faith that constantly sacrifices self and meets physical and spiritual needs.

22 Who can you pray for today? Does someone in your daily network appear to be having a rough time? Ask them if you can pray for them, and what you can specifically pray for. Then intentionally and prayerfully go to the Lord on their behalf! Pray with them if the Holy Spirit leads you to do so.

23 Who has been the most influential person in your spiritual life? Is there a specific mentor in faith, person who discipled you, or teacher who has guided you spiritually? What qualities in that person do you admire? Write them down and pray over them in your own life. Ask the Lord to give you these qualities. Pray for the opportunity this week to embody these values and to be that kind of mentor to somebody.

Week 3 – Prayers that help us bounce back

24 Bouncing forward from an unannounced callIn Luke 5:1-11, the fishermen allowed Jesus right into their boat, although it was unexpected, unreasonable, and maybe a little inconvenient. What happens to us when we let Jesus into our boat – our busy day, our family life, our personal struggles, our conversations? What should happen? Pray for radical transformation as Simon saw, and the heart to bounce forward in faith when Jesus steps into your every day.

25 Bouncing back when you don’t feel like it

Page 4: · Web viewIn Luke 5:1-11, the fishermen allowed Jesus right into their boat, although it was unexpected,

How do you think the fishermen actually felt when Jesus got into their boat? They had been out all day, without catching a single fish, exhausted and ready to call it quits. Have you ever had a day like that? A season like that? The last thing they wanted to do was to set out from the shore once more after a long day. Can you relate to this? Confess to the Lord the times you have neglected to worship or serve him because of apathy. Pray for a new heart to want to love the Lord in the midst of frustration, exhaustion, trials, or being overwhelmed.

26 Bouncing back from self-sufficiencyJesus, a carpenter, jumps into the fishermen’s boats and starts trying to tell them how to fish. Do you think the fishermen were at all skeptical of this – a carpenter thinking he’s an expert on fishing? How many times do we as Christians do this? How many times do we think we know better? Think of a recent example where you refused to listen to the direction of the Lord because you knew of a better alternative, because you held something more valuable than Him. What can you ask God to change in your heart so that you can shift the pride and faith in yourself to full faith in the God of the universe?

27 Bouncing back after seeing Jesus for who he really is (and yourself as you really are!)Simon calls Jesus only “Master” in Luke 5:5, but by the end of the encounter has shifted to calling him “Lord.” What causes this shift? Simon finally sees himself as a sinful man, and sees Jesus for the perfect God that he is. What would you call Jesus, “Master” or “Lord”? Do we view Jesus as a friend, a nice companion to have on our side, or our “homie”? Do we seek His blessings without seeking Him? Do we think that life will just be better with Jesus on our side? Or do we want Him for the perfect, righteous, holy, sovereign GOD that He is? Pray that God would reveal to you the ways you have changed your God to suit yourself and your needs. Confess these to Him. Pray and seek his true character and turn from the things that keep you from calling him “Lord”.

28 Bouncing back from complacency: part-time Christian vs. full-time ChristianIf you had to rate yourself on a scale, where would you fall? Pray transparently about this. Would your life with Jesus be more like an experience or experiment? Is your faith a part-time gig, or are you head over heels for our God – a full-time Christian? Be honest with the God that knows your heart. Simon, becoming Simon Peter, would never be the same. As we move into the vision God has given for C3, pray for clear eyes, a servant’s heart, a love for the Gospel, and a genuine desire to leave everything behind and follow him.

29 Bouncing back from setbacks

Page 5: · Web viewIn Luke 5:1-11, the fishermen allowed Jesus right into their boat, although it was unexpected,

What setbacks have we as a church family encountered in the development of our BAR vision? In the future, what might we encounter as we execute this vision? Take a moment to write some of these down. When you pray, ask for ways that God might further his kingdom through Celebration Christian Church and through us, despite (and even because of) these setbacks.

30 When we pray, who is making requests? Are we, or is God? Take a moment to really consider this. Pray for ears to hear what God is requesting of you today and as we move forward in faith from this challenge. Pray that God would shift your prayer life so that you can filter your requests through His eyes. Allow Him to be glorified in all aspects of your life and your conversations with HIm.