missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · web viewdirections: use your week 1 roots, affixes, & words to...

8 th Grade Writing Ms. Fagan (216) 554 1448 Unit: Roots & Affixes 1 Name _____________________________________ __ Date _____________________________________ ___ Homeroom ___________________________________ Points: __________/15 = _________ / 5 DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 2/9 Accepted Until: 2/16 A B C D F Directions: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below. Word Definition Examples Spec, Spic Bene, Bon Culp Luc, Lum Trans – Transluc ent Specimen Illumina te

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Page 1: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: __________/15 = _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 2/9Accepted Until: 2/16 A B C D F

Directions: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below.Word Definition ExamplesSpec, Spic

Bene, Bon


Luc, Lum

Trans –





2. Transatlantica. Light hitting the Atlantic Oceanb. Across the Atlantic Oceanc. The guilt of the Atlantic Oceand. Seeing the Atlantic Ocean

3. Circumspecta. Surrounded by guiltb. Light approaching from all aroundc. Being surrounded by positivity

d. Looking around cautiously

4. Benedictiona. Saying a blessingb. Seeing a popular speakerc. Pronouncing someone guilty in a courtd. Speaking across a table




Page 2: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

5. Exculpatea. Removing all light from a roomb. Refusing to see someone

c. Proving someone is not guiltyd. Moving across the state from your ex

Directions: Choose the appropriate word for each blank. Circle the word or words in the sentence that gave you a clue as to what the right answer was! Homework without circles is incomplete. Ex. Ms. Fagan can’t see without her spectacles.

Despicable Culprit Specimen Illuminate Benefactor Translucent

6. Mr. Pfander gives $1,000,000 to Pennies for Patients; he also gives great advice to his class about how

to win the competition. We would describe him as a person who gives good things, or a


7. When you turn the light on in the morning, you are __________________________________ your

room so that you can see.

8. Ms. Rogers snips a piece of a tree to take back to the classroom as a perfect example of what a tree

should look like. “Class,” she announces, “I’ve found an excellent ____________________________.”

9. Mr. McClellan is found guilty of stealing pencils from the copy room. “A-HA!” Ms. Anstaett shrieks,

“We’ve found our _______________________________.”

10. I think it’s just _____________________ to be unkind to others – that’s an action I really look down on.

11. Because you can see light through a piece of paper, you might describe it as _____________________.

Directions: Write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) incorporating FIVE words that contain one of our roots or prefixes. (5 pts). Underline each word. Homework without five underlined words is incomplete.__________________________________________________________________________________________








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1. Geoponics (n)a. The art of studying starsb. The art of examining peoplec. The art of growing plantsd. The art of determining truth from lies

2. Geopolitics (n)a. Politics influenced by turn of eventsb. Politics influenced by physical surroundingsc. Politics influenced by a country’s enemiesd. Politics influenced by people who live in an area

1. Bibliophile (n)a. One who loves booksb. One who studies booksa. Books about the earthb. Books about people

2. Amiable (Adj)a. Having a surplus (many) of enemiesb. Having an ability to relate to peoplec. Having a tendency to tell the truthd. Having a kind, friendly manner

3. Anthropogeography (n)a. The study of man’s behaviorb. The study of Earth’s growth and developmentc. The study of man’s distribution in the worldd. The study of the world’s physical distribution

4. Demography (n)a. The study of meatb. The study of peoplec. The study of truthd. The study of Earth

5. Incarnate (adj)







8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: __________/15 = _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 2/24Accepted Until: 2/29 A B C D F

Page 4: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

a. Embodied in the fleshb. Taken by one’s enemyc. Full of lifed. From the Earth

6. Revert (v)a. To give loveb. To go to the peoplec. To turn backd. To look within

7. Aver (v)a. To declare that someone is your enemyb. To declare something is truec. To declare that you’re turning aroundd. To declare you love mankind

8. Averse (adj)a. Having an opposition to somethingb. Having the truth on your mindc. Having meat for dinnerd. Having a love for people

Use your roots to create a word that means….

Ex. True love ________amiver_____or________philiver_______or____verami____

9. Full of love___________________________________________________________________________________

10. Seeing the good earth_________________________________________________________________________

11. Admitting (truthfully) that you’re guilty___________________________________________________________

12. Meat of the people___________________________________________________________________________

13. Turning toward the light_______________________________________________________________________

$$$$ - STRIVE BONUS - $$$$

Carnival is a Christian festive season that occurs before Lent, a holy time of self-denial and making up for sins. Traditionally, Carnival involves parties, public celebrations such as parades, and excessive consumption of food and alcohol. The word “carnival” is derived from the Latin “carne vale,” which means “farewell to meat/flesh.”

Explain why you believe carnival is named as such – why would they refer to the holiday as a farewell to meat/flesh?





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1. Intercedea. To go between peopleb. To work between jobsc. To throw between d. To step between people

2. Precedea. To think before speakingb. To go before something elsec. To throw before the appropriate timed. To move backwards

3. Dermatitisa. An infection of the skinb. An infection caused by being in contact with othersc. An infection of the eyesd. An infection caused by throwing up

4. Transmita. To throw acrossb. To give a messagec. To send acrossd. To step across

5. Illiteratea. Unable to read or writeb. Able to read and write poorly






8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: __________/10 = _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 3/9Accepted Until: 3/16 A B C D F

Page 6: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

c. Learning to read and writed. The state of reading and writing

Hint: To define any word that ends with –tion, start with “The act of” or “The state of”!

6. Define restitution:______________________________________________________

7. Define exasperation: ____________________________________________________8. Explain how someone who has never seen the word “transmission” could figure out

what it means using word roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Include the correct definition in your answer, and be sure to write in a thoughtful, complete sentence. (3 pts)








Identifies the prefix, root, and suffix in the word – 1 pt. Tells what each prefix, root, and suffix means – 1 pt. Gives the correct definition of transmission – ½ pt. Writes a complete sentence with capital letter and period – ½ pt.)

Hint: Use this sentence to see if your meaning of transmission is close!

She is responsible for the transmission of information from JCU to OSU.

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Directions: Use your notes to fill in the chart below.

Word DefinitionCede, Ceed,Cess


Grad, Gress

Mit, Mis

In-, Im-, Il-, Ir-Non-Un--ion, -tion, -ation, -ition




1. Which word means to send down?

A. SubgressB. SubcedeC. SubmitD. Subderm

2. Which word means the act of stepping across?

A. TransgressionB. TransmissionC. TranscessionD. Transdermation


8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date:Accepted Until: A B C D F

Page 8: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

Hint: To define any word that ends with –tion, start with “The act of” or “The state of”!

3. Define exasperation: ____________________________________________________

4. Explain how someone who has never seen the word “progression” could figure out what it means using word roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Include the correct definition in your answer, and be sure to write in a thoughtful, complete sentence. (2 pts) (Note: Pro means forward.)








Identifies the root and suffix in the word – ½ pt. Tells what each root and suffix means – ½ pt. Gives the correct definition of progression – ½ pt. Writes a complete sentence with capital letter and period – ½ pt.)

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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes

Units 1-3 Review

Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 3/22Accepted Until: 3/24 A B C D F

Directions: Read the following excerpt from a review of To Kill a Mockingbird.

If you have never read To Kill A Mockingbird, I would advise you to stop reading this review immediately, proceed to a book store, and buy yourself a copy. Not only is it a beautifully crafted masterpiece, it’s a timeless story where every word makes you feel something. It’s so different a book to describe, because it’s such a classic, but it’s a classic for a reason, in that the story is IMPORTANT. It’s important for every single person to read this book at least once in their lives, because what it teaches cannot be summed up in any other way, and it appeals to every single demographic in any geographical region of the world.

For any that don’t know what the book is about, I’m going to describe it briefly, because the beauty of the book is that the reader follows the story with the characters. It’s set in the 1930s, when America was hit by the Great Depression, and filled with prejudice. It’s told in the voice of Scout. Being in the voice of a young girl made a story about such brutal prejudice and discrimination different: it was youthful, it was playful, it was innocent, and to see such innocence corrupted by a genuine sense of reality throughout the novel was one of the most worthwhile parts of the book. Scout has an older brother, Jem, and they live with their father, Atticus: Atticus is a lawyer who works to find the true culprit to a crime, and he is possibly one of my favorite characters of all time. I feel like often writers feel their characters need a defining trait, a fatal flaw, but Atticus was just genuinely a very good person. He wasn’t a hero, he wasn’t this macho and masculine protagonist that some books seem to need. He was moral, he was good, he was inspirational, he was amicable, just because he was such a good person. His wisdom gave a sense of continuity throughout the novel, and seeing how his words impacted his children as you progress through the book, and how subtly in awe they were of his presence was done with a skill I rarely see in fiction. Atticus Finch is wonderful – a true philanthropist. He viewed the world in a way that didn’t judge people, and this translated perfectly through the pages of the book.

If you are a human being with emotions, this book will impact you, regardless of age, gender or background. This book makes you FEEL: that’s the best way to describe it. Ultimately, there’s a reason why people still read this incredible book. It’s a reason you won’t understand until you pick up the book, and feel the words speak to you.Choose 8 underlined words. Identify the word, the roots/affixes within the word, and what the word means based on the roots and/or affixes. You must include the definition of the root in your definition of the word to receive credit.

Example: “The word incredible contains the prefix ‘in,’ which means ‘not.’ Incredible means not credible.”

Non-example: “Incredible contains the prefix ‘in,’ which means ‘not.’ Incredible means crazy.”

Why isn’t this complete?

Non-example: “Incredible means not credible.” Why isn’t this complete?

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1. ___________________________________________________________________________



2. ___________________________________________________________________________



3. ___________________________________________________________________________



4. ___________________________________________________________________________



5. ___________________________________________________________________________



6. ___________________________________________________________________________



7. ___________________________________________________________________________



8. ___________________________________________________________________________



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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes

Units 1-3

Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 3/22Accepted Until: 3/24 A B C D F

1. Anthropogeography (n)a. The study of man’s behaviorb. The study of Earth’s growth and developmentc. The study of man’s distribution in the worldd. The study of the world’s physical distribution

2. Transatlantica. Light hitting the Atlantic Oceanb. Across the Atlantic Oceanc. The guilt of the Atlantic Oceand. Seeing the Atlantic Ocean

3. Amiable (Adj)a. Having a surplus (many) of enemiesb. Having an ability to relate to peoplec. Having a tendency to tell the truthd. Having a kind, friendly manner

4. Circumspecta. Surrounded by guiltb. Light approaching from all aroundc. Being surrounded by positivityd. Looking around cautiously

5. Benedictiona. Saying a blessingb. Seeing a popular speakerc. Pronouncing someone guilty in a courtd. Speaking across a table

6. Culpablea. Luckyb. Guiltyc. Visibled. Spoken

7. Elucidatea. To clear your name from guiltb. To shed light on a situationc. To cross into confusiond. To speak kindly of others








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8. Perspicaciousa. The ability for light to shine through an objectb. The ability to clear your name of guiltc. The ability to see through something and understand itd. The ability to pick up on things from across a room

9. Bibliophile (n)a. One who loves booksb. One who studies bookse. Books about the earthf. Books about people

10. Demography (n)a. The study of meatb. The study of peoplec. The study of truthd. The study of Earth

11. Incarnate (adj)a. Embodied in the fleshb. Taken by one’s enemyc. Full of lifed. From the Earth

12. Revert (v)a. To give loveb. To go to the peoplec. To turn backd. To look within

13. Aver (v)a. To declare that someone is your enemyb. To declare something is truec. To declare that you’re turning aroundd. To declare you love mankind

14. Averse (adj)a. Having an opposition to somethingb. Having the truth on your mindc. Having meat for dinnerd. Having a love for people

15. Which word means to send down?a. Subgressb. Subcedec. Submitd. Subderm









Define each of the following:

16. Restitution:_______________________________________


17. Adversary:________________________________________


18. Translucent _______________________________________


19. Exasperation: _____________________________________


20. Specimen: ________________________________________


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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date:Accepted Until: A B C D F

1. Chronograph (n)A. A record of timeB. A written record of timeC. A written graphD. A watch that tells time

2. Malediction (n)A. A man (or woman) who chooses the path of evilB. An illness that befalls a person who has done evilC. A record of every evil thing that has been done D. A word or phrase that brings about evil; a curse

3. Calligraphy (n)A. Thoughtful giftsB. Elegant handwritingC. Careful planningD. California locations

4. Mortification (n)A. EmbarrassmentB. The state of being embarrassedC. The act of enjoyingD. Being embarrassed

5. Interim (n)A. A fight or other distractionB. A period between eventsC. A report card sent homeD. A news reporter

6. Minimize (v)A. To make smallerB. To laugh atC. To make largerD. To help up

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7. Mr. Nathan Radley __________ his gun at the neighbors to prove his point.A. brandish B. banishC. brandishedD. banished

8. Define the word “careless.”______________________________________________________

9. Explain how someone who has never seen the word “diction” could figure out what it means using word roots and affixes. Include the correct definition in your answer, and be sure to write in a thoughtful, complete sentence.








Identifies the root and affix in the word – ½ pt. Tells what each root and affix means – ½ pt. Gives the correct definition of diction – ½ pt. Writes a complete sentence with capital letter and period – ½ pt.)

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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 1/11Accepted Until: 1/18 A B C D F

1. Biarchy (n)a. An illness that comes in twosb. A loose wheel on a bicyclec. A government ruled by two peopled. A dissection done by a doctor

2. Euphonious (adj)a. Having a pleasant soundb. Happily listening to somethingc. Saying directly what you meand. The state of playing an instrument

3. Audible (adj)a. To listenb. Able to make noisec. A noised. Able to be heard

4. Innovate (v)a. To create something newb. To recycle belongingsc. To make moneyd. To try

5. Forestall (v)a. To divide into smaller piecesb. To invent a new way to hear somethingc. To try to keep someone from going into a roomd. To prevent something from happening before it happens

Give the part of speech and definition for each word.

6. Diminish (____________) : _____________________________________________________________________

7. Foresight(____________) : _____________________________________________________________________

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8. What TWO parts of speech does the suffix “-ly” indicate? Give an example of each. 2 pts

Part of Speech Sample Word



9. Consider the suffix “ist.” What does it mean? What part of speech does it indicate?



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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes


Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 10 = _________/5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 1/27Accepted Until: 2/3 A B C D F

1. Cognizable (adj)A. Able to be knownB. KnownC. Able to be thought ofD. Thought of

2. Hemostate (n)A. A division between places determined by a law officialB. A division between states based on the populationC. A tool to check the status of somethingD. A tool to stop bleeding

3. Misbegotten (adj)A. Poorly planned or designedB. To get something you’ve desiredC. Behaving according to the rulesD. Having the ability to predict the future

4. Malefactor (n)A. A man who is part of a larger groupB. The belief that men are greater than womenC. One who commits an evil deedD. A strange occurrence

5. Monochromatic (adj)A. Having shades of only one colorB. Having many colorsC. Having a great deal of timeD. Having little time

Give the part of speech and definition for each word.

6. Egregious (____________) :


7. Misgivings(____________) :







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8. Explain how someone who has never seen the word “projection” could figure out what it means using word roots and affixes. Include the correct definition in your answer, and be sure to write in a thoughtful, complete sentence. 3 pts (Hint: pro means “forward”)








Identifies and defines the prefix (½ pt) Identifies and defines the root (½ pt) Identifies and defines the suffix (½ pt) Gives the correct definition of projection – 1 pt. Writes a complete sentence with capital letter and period – ½ pt.)

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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes

Units 1-6 Review

Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 10 = _________/5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 5/3Accepted Until: 5/10 A B C D F

Directions: Read the article below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Review: Beyoncé Makes ‘Lemonade’ Out of Marital Strife


Beyonce with her husband, Jay Z, before the streaming music service Tidal was introduced last year.

Marital strife smolders, explodes and uneasily subsides on “Lemonade”

(Parkwood Entertainment), the album Beyoncé flash-released on

Saturday night. “You can taste the dishonesty/It’s all over your breath”

are the first words she sings in “Pray You Catch Me,” and that’s just the beginning of an album that probes betrayal,

jealousy, revenge and rage before dutifully willing itself toward reconciliation at the end. Many of the accusations are

aimed specifically and recognizably at her husband, Shawn Carter, the rapper Jay Z. “Tonight I regret the night I put that

ring on,” she talksings in “Sorry,” a twitchy, flippant song that’s by no means an apology. It’s a combative, unglossy track

on an album full of them. “Lemonade” is the kind of album that a star like Beyoncé (as well as, lately, Rihanna) can

release in the streaming era because she’s already guaranteed attention for her every utterance. The album is not

beholden to radio formats or presold by a single; fans are likely to explore the whole album, streaming every track and

hearing how far afield — a brass band, stomping bluesrock, ultraslow avant-R&B — Beyoncé is willing to go. As she did

with her 2013 album, “Beyoncé,” she has also paired the music with full-length video that expands and deepens its

impact. On their own, the songs can be taken as one star’s personal, dramas, waiting to be mined by the tabloids. But

with the video, they testify to situations and emotions countless women endure. It’s not a divorce announcement; the

singer, songwriter and director is credited as Beyoncé Knowles Carter. Beyoncé released “Lemonade” online at 10 p.m.

on April 23, immediately after the HBO showing of the hour-long “visual album” version. It’s a quick-cutting music video

that intersperses the songs, and broadens them, with compelling poetry from the Somali-British writer Warsan Shire,

poems that often extend women’s physicality toward the archetypal. As Beyoncé recites them, Ms. Shire’s words

radically reframe the songs, so they are no longer one woman’s struggles but tribulations shared through generations of

mothers and daughters. The video is filled with images of female solidarity and of family, Southern and African roots,

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women of all ages and roles and eras. Often, Beyoncé is joined by African-American women in white clothes enacting

shared work, gatherings of women or eerie communal rituals. Beyoncé, in multiple hairstyles and fashions, is shown

both alluring and unglamorous: hard-faced, unhappy, sweaty, harshly lit. For the last few songs she often appears in a

puffy-sleeved ante-bellum style dress remade with fabric patterns derived from African textiles, a rich twist. The album

title comes from a family gathering that’s shown in the video and heard on a track: the 90th birthday of Hattie White, Jay

Z’s grandmother, who says, “I was served lemons but I made lemonade.” “Lemonade” is not necessarily the album

listeners might have expected after “Formation,” the song Beyoncé performed at the Super Bowl with dancers in Black

Panther-style outfits and in a video clip using images of New Orleans, of African-Americans in a plantation mansion and

of Beyoncé atop a police car, sinking under a flood. It’s the last song on “Lemonade,” almost a postscript; it’s not in the

extended video. . . . In most of the new songs, Beyoncé has been taken for granted or pushed aside. It’s a situation that,

she finds, is both “a wicked way to treat the girl that loves you” and also flabbergasting given that she is, after all,

Beyoncé. Beyoncé!: “The baddest woman in the game,” as she interjects in “Hold Up.” Fact check: She is. . . . But in the

meantime she sings wholeheartedly, encapsulates deep dilemmas in terse singalong lines and touches on ideas and

emotions that so many people feel. She is a star whose world is vastly different from that of her listeners. But in matters

of the heart, with their complications and paradoxes, Beyoncé joins all of us

For each bolded, underlined word, determine any roots/affixes present, their meanings, and then determine a

meaning of the word based on roots/affixes and the context clues of the sentence.

Word from Text Roots & Affixes + Meaning Final Definition of Word

Ex: Uneasily Un = not, -ly = in a ___ way, like a __ Not in an easy way; difficult

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Page 22: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes

Unit 7

Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 10 = _________/5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 5/10Accepted Until: 5/17 A B C D F

1. Belligerent (adj)

A. Unaware, ignorant

B. Thoughtful, pensive

C. Hostile, angry

D. Beautiful, lovely

2. Incorporate (v)

A. To be alive

B. To sell goods

C. To take on a new job

D. To take one part into the whole

3. Dynamogenesis (n)

A. The production of power

B. The production of goods

C. The production of life

D. The production of war

4. Holism

A. The belief that everything must be understood as a whole

B. The belief that everything has some kind of hole in it

C. The belief that man is not real

D. The belief of beliefs

5. Biography

A. A non-fiction account of a story

B. A book about animals

C. A written account of someone’s life

D. A life taken too soon

6. Define the word “enjoyment.”__________________________________________________________________

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7. Match the following:

_____Recluse A. When I was sick, hot tea and medicine helped me to ______.

_____Replenish B. My uncle is a well-known___; he never leaves his house.

_____Recuperate C. I had to go to the store to ___ my supply of hot fries.

8. Explain how someone who has never seen the word “orthodontist” could figure out what it means using word roots and affixes. Include the correct definition in your answer, and be sure to write in a thoughtful, complete sentence. 3 pts (Hint: dont =dent)








Identifies and defines the first root (½ pt) Identifies and defines the second root (½ pt) Identifies and defines the suffix (½ pt) Gives the correct definition of orthodontist – ½ pt. Writes a complete sentence with capital letter and period! – 1 pt.

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8th Grade WritingMs. Fagan

(216) 554 1448Unit: Roots & Affixes

Unit 8

Name _______________________________________Date ________________________________________Homeroom ___________________________________

Points: _________ / 10 = _________/5

DNG? Late? Strive Due Date: 5/17Accepted Until: 5/24 A B C D F

1. Aqueous (adj)A. Full of waterB. The state of waterC. Full of airD. The state of air

2. Hydraulic (adj)A. The use of water to create powerB. The use of air to create powerC. The use of the earth to create powerD. The use of electricity to create power

3. Bibliography (n)A. A spoken account of books you readB. The number of people you care forC. A written account of books you usedD. How handwriting changes over time

4. Plutocracy (n)A. A government ruled by the wealthyB. A government founded by the poorC. A government supported by its peopleD. A government destroyed by its greed

5. Pathology (n)A. The study of roadsB. A deep-rooted feelingC. The study of diseasesD. Full of logic

6. Subpar (adj)A. About averageB. Below averageC. Across averageD. Above average

7. Jargon (_______)______________________________________________________________________

8. Subside (_______)______________________________________________________________________

Page 25: missfagan.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDirections: Use your Week 1 Roots, Affixes, & Words to answer the questions below

9. Explain how someone who has never seen the word “autobiography” could figure out what it means using word roots and affixes. Include the correct definition in your answer, and be sure to write in a thoughtful, complete sentence. 2 pts








Identifies and defines the first root (½ pt) Identifies and defines the second root (½ pt) Identifies and defines the prefix (½ pt) Gives the correct definition of autobiography – ½ pt. Writes a complete sentence with capital letter and period!