7.4.amartinez quarter 4 benchmark. determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and...

7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark

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Page 1: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does


Quarter 4 Benchmark

Page 2: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots

and affixes(e.g.,Latin ,Greek,,Anglo-


• What does the word geography mean if the affix is geo?

• A knowledge• B earth• C flock• D space

Page 3: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Infer worlds meanings from context(e.g.,definition,example,rest

atement,comparison /contrast,cause/effect)

• There was flooding because of the heavy rain. • The flooding was caused by the heavy rain.

what is this an examples of.?• A definition• B comparison• Comparison/contrast• Cause/effect

Page 4: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

• What is the synonym of wet?

• A soft

• B short

• C moist

• D tall

Identify the meanings,pronunciations,syllabication,synonyms,antonyms,part of speech, and correct spelling by using resources such as general and specialized dictionaries,thesauri,or glossaries and CD-ROM and the internet when available.

Page 5: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Explain how one excerpt relates and contributes to the reading selections (e.g., sentence to

paragraph, paragraph to sentence)• 1 John Patrick demonstrates that greed is insanity in this play (Carrier).

2 He introduces the play through the children of the late Mr. Savage. 3 Mrs. Savage’s stepchildren do not want her to spend the money their father left her because they want to inherit it themselves.4 So, despite their stepmother’s clear sanity, they conspire to have her committed to a sanitarium in order to gain control of the money (Patrick 326). 5 They lie out of greed. What sentence can you loss with out mess the paragraph?

• A Sentence 1 • B Sentence 2• C Sentence 3• D Sentence 4

Page 6: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Support conclusions drawn from ideas and concepts in expository

text• As we become more and more aware of the problems around us,

steps should be taken to prevent these problems from having tragic consequences. In the culture we now live, status is based almost completely on what we look like, how we act, or how "perfect" we are. For most people, coping skills are developed enough that these standards don’t mater quite as much. But when you're physically or mentally different it can be especially hard to grasp the unreal-ness of these standards. What is the text about?

• A is this about hoe pretty you are.• B is It about our culture • C about self expertness• D about a dog

Page 7: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Synthesize information form multiple sources(e.g.,text,maps,illustrations,workplac

e document, and schematic diagrams) to solve a problem

• What is this map of ?

• A Asia

• B China

• C North America

• D South America

Page 8: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Synthesize information from multiple sources(e.g.,text,

map,illustrations,workplace document, and schematic diagrams) to draw conclusions.

• What is the town after continental and before saturate?

• A Three points• B Valle• C Green Valley• D Oracle

Page 9: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Identify the objectives of functional text(e,g,.argument by cause and

effect,analogy,authority,emotion,orlogic)in persuasive text

One more push and we'll have this baby out!" The time you have been waiting for has come. Nine months of hope, confusion, expectations, and fears are all about to be realized. You and your partner have wondered what kind of parents you will be, what your baby will be like, and what the coming months and years hold in store. "And here she is! A girl with all of her toes and fingers. Dad, do you want to cut the cord?" You wonder, now what happens? The next few hours or days can have an important impact on your family's well-being.

What is this an example of?

•A emotion•B cause and effect•C authority

Page 10: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Identify the central argument and its elements(e.g.,argument by cause and

effect,analogy,authority,emotion,or logic) in persuasive text.

• When I moved here from Ohio twelve years ago, I cared for my lawn the way I did in Ohio--rather the way I didn't care for my lawn in Ohio. In southern Ohio, I never had to water my half acre of Kentucky bluegrass. And although I never sprayed my lawn with herbicide (weed killers), the neighbors all did and the grass grew so thick that I had very few weeds. What I did do was mow, and mow constantly! There was never a summer evening or weekend when I couldn't hear the roar of a lawn mower somewhere in the neighborhood. When I practiced this level of lawn care on my bluegrass here in Fort Collins,

• What is this argument a example of?– A authority– B cause and effect– C logic– D analogy

Page 11: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Evaluate the appropriateness of an author’s word choice for an

intended audience Gerry, the fat orange goldfish, was dozing inside the

stone archway. Jaws was already awake, swimming along the front of the tank with his white tail floating and twitching. It took Abby a while to find Mr. Sticky because he was clinging to the glass near the bottom, right next to the gravel.

To how is this text written to?– A to preschoolers– B to adults– C teenagers– D to old people

Page 12: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Identify unsupported inferences or fallacious reasoning (e.g., circular reasoning, false

causality, over-generalization,over-simlification,self-contradiction)in the argument

advanced in persuasive text.• The second part of this sentence offers no evidence — it

simply repeats the claim that was already presented.  Don’t be fooled into believing that using the word “because” in an argument automatically provides a valid reason.  Be sure to provide clear evidence to support your claims, not a version of the premise (the initial statement in an argument)

• A over-generalization• B circular reasoning • C false causality• D self-contradiction.

Page 13: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Infer word meaning from context(e.g.,definitions,example,restatement,comparison/contrast,cause/effect)

• The heavy rain was the cause of the flooding.•The heavy rain was the cause of the flooding.

• What are this an example of?•A definition•B example

•C restatement•D cause and effect

Page 14: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Explain different of figurative language,including

silile,metaphor,personification,hyperbole,symbolism,allusion,and imagery, in a literary

selection• As bald as a baby's backside

As bald as a badgerAs bald as a cootAs beautiful as natureAs big as a boatAs big as a busAs big as an elephantAs black as a sweep

• What is this an example of?

• A metaphor• B hyperbole• C symbolism• D Similes

Page 15: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Distinguish facts from opinions in expository selections such as editorials, newspaper

articles,essays,reviews,and critiques, providing supporting evidence from the text.

• But that does not necessarily mean the banks will get that money from the government. The findings, to be released Thursday by the Obama administration, suggest that the rescue money that Congress has already approved will be enough to fill the gaps. If so, the big bailouts for the banks may be over

• A opinion• B facts• C both

Page 16: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Support conclusions drawn from ideas and concepts in expository

text.• As we become more and more aware of the problems around us,

steps should be taken to prevent these problems from having tragic consequences. In the culture we now live, status is based almost completely on what we look like, how we act, or how "perfect" we are. For most people, coping skills are developed enough that these standards don’t mater quite as much. But when you're physically or mentally different it can be especially hard to grasp the unreal-nests of these standards. What is the text about?

• A is this about hoe pretty you are.• B is It about our culture • C about self expertness• D about a dog

Page 17: 7.4.AMartinez Quarter 4 Benchmark. Determine the meaning of vocabulary,useing linguistic roots and affixes(e.g.,Latin,Greek,,Anglo-contrast) What does

Identify unsupported inference or fallacious reasoning (e.g., circular reasoning, false

causality,over-generalization,over-simplification,self-contradiction) in the

arguments advanced in persuasive text. • This statement is an overgeneralization because it assumes too much to

be proven possible.  Until most Americans can be contacted and surveyed, this statement cannot be proven valid.  We can correct this mistake by clarifying how many people profess to support the President, and under what conditions they would not.  Public support could change day by day and topic by topic.

What is this an example of?

• A Circular reasoning • B Over-generalization• C self-contradiction