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1 Ella Enchanted Adapted By Lani Brooks

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Page 1:€¦  · Web view2020-03-16 · 2. Ella Enchanted. Adapted By. Lani Brooks (Lights up on SS. Narrator . stands with a fairy tale book in hand and reads to audience)


Ella EnchantedAdapted ByLani Brooks

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(Lights up on SS. Narrator stands with a fairy tale book in hand and reads to audience)

Narrator: Fairy tales tell,

as their labels imply,

stories of magic, of creatures that fly.

With giants and dragons

and ogres and elves,

and inanimate objects

that speak for themselves.

There's romance and danger

and plotting of schemes.

There's good guys and bad guys

and some guys in between.

A fairy tale also reveals some sort of truth,

the perils of choices we face in our youth.

But our story today is different in theme,

for our hero had no choice,

or so it would seem.

It starts with a fairy bestowing a spell.

This one's for a baby named Ella of Frell.

(Lights down on SS. Play Film Clip 1)

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*Film Clip 1*

Lady Elenore: (picks up crying baby) Now, now, Ella. Mother's here. There, now. Oh, dear Ella.

Mandy: (smiling at the baby) Oh, it's nothing a little burping won't cure. (she turns and waves her hands) Up. ( a burp cloth floats partially up) Come on. (impatiently) All the way. (the cloth flies into her face) I gotta work on that.

Lady Elenore: (taking the cloth from Mandy) There, now.

(a series of crashes are heard off camera)

Lucinda: Whoa! Hello, ladies!

Lady Elenore and Mandy: (looking at each other in horror) Lucinda!

Lady Elenore: She gives the worst gift!.

Mandy: Not if she can't find the baby.(she hides the baby)

Lucinda: (bursting into the room) Whoa! (sees the two women) Ah! Lucinda here. Fairy par excellence. (fluffs her hair) Now, where's the baby?

Mandy: (speaks at the same time as Lady Elenore) Out walking.

Lady Elenore: (speaks at the same time as Mandy) At her grandmother's.

Mandy: (again) At her grandmother's.

Lady Elenore: (again) Out for a walk.

Mandy: (standing in front of the closet) She's walking, at her grandmother's.

Lady Elenore: Either way, as you see, she's not here.

(a baby cry is heard and Mandy steps away from the door. The door swings open revealing the baby)

Mandy: (in a flat tone) Oh, look. She's back.

Lucinda: (picks up the baby) All right. What shall we give this beautiful little child today? What's her name again?

Lady Elenore: (hesitantly) Ella.

Lucinda: (smiling at the baby) Ah. Ella of Frell. (the baby fusses at Lucinda) Not a very well-behaved little stinker, is she? Quiet, please. I can't concentrate here. Ella of Frell, I give you the gift of obedience.(she snaps her fingers as fairy dust sprays and bells tinkle) Now, go to sleep.(the baby instantly goes to sleep) Now, wake up.(baby instantly wakes up. Lucinda turns to Mandy and Lady Elenore, who watch in horror) lsn't it wonderful?

Mandy: (outraged) No, it's terrible. It's a terrible gift to have to do what you're told. Take it back!

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Lucinda: (irritated) I have a no-return policy.(waves her hand over the baby) And if you're going to be ungrateful, I can always turn her into a squirrel instead.

Lady Elenore: (shocked) A squirrel?

Mandy: (quickly) No! Obedience is a lovely gift.

Lucinda: (mollified) Besides, you should thank me. I've just given you the perfect child.

(Film changes to kids on a playground, as a group of bullies surround a small girl. In voice over/pop in, Narrator continues)

Narrator: In spite of the spell,

Ella grew up strong of mind.

Her gift made her obedient,

but her heart made her kind.

Bully 1: (pushes down the small girl) Why don't you go back to where you came from?

Bully 2: (laughing) Yeah.

Bully 3: Areida. What a stupid name.

Bully 1: Nobody wants you here.

Little Ella: (stepping in front of Bully 1) I do.

Bully 1: (to Ella) Bite me.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys, biting the bully on the arm. Bully screams and runs away)

Bully 2: (turning and running too) Did you just see what Ella did?

(Film changes to Ella’s tenth birthday party. She’s at a table surrounded by kids)

Lady Elenore: (to Ella) I made your favorite, so dig in and stuff your face. I'm gonna get forks.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys, shoving cake into her face. Kids giggle and Lady Elenore turns to see)

Lady Elenore: (desperately) Sweetie, stop!

(Film changes to Ella and Mandy sitting by Lady Elenore, who is very ill and dying)

Little Ella: (frustrated) I always knew something was wrong with me. (she turns to Mandy) Can't you take the spell back? You're a fairy.

Mandy: (sadly) I'm only a household fairy, honey.

Lady Elenore: Besides, according to fairy guidelines, only the fairy who gave you the gift can take it back, and we've begged her.

Mandy: Not only that, but she said she'd turn your mother into a squirrel and take away my eternal youth if we ever asked her again.

Little Ella: (angrily) It's not fair.

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Lady Elenore: I know, darling. I know.

Narrator: (in voice over/pop in) So Ella now knew

why she'd always obeyed.

But she never stopped fighting

to have things her way.

As she struggled

to find a way out of her gift,

she had no way of knowing

something worse was adrift.

(Film changes to Ella at Lady Elenore’s bedside)

Ella: (sadly) Please get well, Mother.

Lady Elenore (in a tired voice) Listen to me.(bells tinkle) Only Mandy and I know about the gift. We've never even told your father. And you must never tell anyone else. (bells tinkle) I don't want anyone using it against you.

Ella: (crying) Mother, please.

Lady Elenore: (fading) Remember, no matter what anyone says or tells you to do, look to yourself, Ella. What's inside you is stronger than any spell. (hands Ella her necklace) Take this, then I'll always be with you. (Lady Elenore closes her eyes as Mandy hugs Ella. The song “Strange Magic” plays in the background).

(Film changes to an older Ella standing in her bedroom, looking at her mother’s necklace in a mirror. Mandy enters.)

Mandy: Ella. Your father would like to speak to you.

*End Film Clip 1*

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(Open curtain. Lights up on MS. Interior scene, Home sets)

Ella: (stunned) You're married?

Sir Peter: (pleading) She has money, Ella. And she's very fond of my title. It was either get married or sell the house. You'll adore Dame Olga, and her two daughters.

(a very haughty, gaudy woman enters, followed by two equally gaudy daughters. Ella and Mandy stare in horror. They glare at Sir Peter)

Sir Peter: (smiling winningly) She'll make a wonderful mother. (Ella looks at him with reproach) Well, a motherlike figure. Look, I'm sure you'll all be the best of friends.

Olive: (staring around in wonder) Whoa!

Hattie: (in disbelief) Is this the right address?

Dame Olga: (disgusted) There must be some mistake.

Sir Peter: (heartily) My dear, welcome. (crosses to the three women) And these must be your lovely daughters.

Dame Olga: (introduces daughters, who curtsey poorly) My precious Hattie and my special Olive. (sees Ella) Oh. And you must be Ella.

Ella: (curtsies gracefully) Pleased to meet you.

Dame Olga: (turning back to Sir Peter) Yes. The house looks delightful. (pauses for a beat, and then says with clenched teeth) But I do seem to remember that at the noblemen's convention you said that you lived in a castle.

Sir Peter: (innocently) No, I said a man's home is his castle. (He leads Dame Olga offstage)

Ella: (turns to sisters) Hi. I'm Ella. Welcome to Frell. (Notices that Hattie has a royal pennant, Prince Char tee shirt, and poster) What's with the prince paraphernalia?

Olive: (fawning over Hattie) Hattie's president of the Prince Char fan club.

Ella: (skeptically) You do know that Char and his uncle are responsible for the segregation of the kingdom.

Hattie: (resentfully) So? He's dreamy. (she walks around examining the house) Is this hutch meant to be a closet? It's pathetic. My clothes need more room than this. (to Ella) We'll have to use yours.

Ella: Wha...?

Hattie: Show it to us.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

(Lights up on SS. She leaves MS and crosses to SS, her room.)

Hattie: (startled) Oh! (the sisters follow)

(MS curtain closes. Lights down on MS. Set up School sets in Interior scene)

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Hattie: (enters SS and peers into Ella’s room. Olive follows) It's so... quaint. Almost like, well, it's just ugly, isn't it? (Olive laughs rudely as Hattie crosses to look in Ella’s closet) There's no room in here, either. We're gonna have to throw out some of your gowns to make room.

Ella: (blocking Hattie) Wait. Get away from there!

Hattie: You get away.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys)

Hattie: (staring at Ella in puzzlement) Oh. (she notices Ella’s necklace) What's this? I do actually like this.

Ella: (grabbing the necklace) Please don't touch it. It was my mother's.

Hattie: Can I have it?

Ella: (dumbfounded) No.

Hattie: Oh. It can be your welcome gift to me. (smirks at Olive, who chuckles in return) Come on, hand it over.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Hattie: (truly confused) Oh. Aren't you accommodating.

(Sir Peter enters the room carrying a satchel of goods to sell)

Sir Peter: (smiling) Ah, girls! Getting on well are we? Good, good, good, good! Ladies, if I may speak with Ella privately, please?

(the sisters curtsey to Sir Peter and turn to leave the room)

Hattie: (under her breath) Hey, Olive, we should call her Ella the Smella from Frella.

(Ella ignores them and turns to her father)

Sir Peter: (holds up satchel) The second I sell the last of these, I'll be back. I promise. I know it's not a great job, not even a good job - OK, even a monkey could do it - but we need the money, Ella.

Ella: (hugging Peter) I'll miss you, Father.

Sir Peter: (hugging her back) I'll miss you, too.

(Lights out on SS. Remove Ella’s room)

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(Curtain opens. Lights up on MS.)

(Scene is a school room with students and a professor. Hattie and Ella are standing in front of the class, debating)

Ella: (with clear passion) Elves, giants, ogres and humans used to exist in harmony, but when King Florian was killed, allegedly by an ogre, Sir Edgar saw it as an opportunity to exile all nonhuman creatures to the forest, keeping their land for himself.

(class applauds lightly)

Areida: (clapping hard) You tell em’, Ella!!

Professor: (beaming) Passionately put, Ella. Give yourself a pat on the back.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys. Hattie notices Ella’s odd behavior and stares at her)

Professor: Hattie?

Hattie: (still staring at Ella) Huh? (sees the class watching her) Oh. (takes a deep breath and lets it out before addressing the class) What my unworthy opponent fails to realize is Sir Edgar has done a fantastic job. He has driven the ogres out, and he has put giants and elves to work as laborers and entertainers. Therefore, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have today's thriving free-enterprise system.

Ella: (interrupting) It's only free because we've enslaved the poor creatures and they work for nothing. Edgar is a monster, and I don't hold out much hope for his nephew, either.

Hattie: (dismissively) Well, that shows what you know, aka nothing. Prince Char will be the greatest king ever. (looks at Char’s Fan Club member) Right, girls?

Car Fan Club: (shrilly) Yeah.

Ella: (grinning) I wonder if my opponent has based her opinion on the prince's politics or how cute she thinks his butt is.

(the class laughs uproariously)

Hattie: (irritated) Admit you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (woodenly) I'm stupid and I don't know what I'm talking about.

(Hattie stares at Ella, thinking hard)

Professor: (shocked) Ella?

Ella: (carefully) Anyway, in conclusion...

Hattie: Hold your tongue, Ella.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Professor: Ella!

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Ella: (apologetically) My tongue itches. (scratches her tongue while holding it)

Professor: (disgusted) If you're not going to take this seriously, I declare Hattie the winner. (Ella looks dejected. Hattie looks triumphant. Class cheers.)

(Lights out on MS. Close curtain. Set up Exterior scene with Mall sets. Lights up on SS.)

(Char and Sir Edgar are standing together talking. Heston, Edgar’s talking snake, is on Edward’s shoulder)

Char: (pleading) Uncle, do I have to go to this mall opening?

Sir Edgar: (soothingly) As heir to the throne, it's your royal responsibility, Char. You are a public figure, after all.

Char: Yes, but you're the one in charge.

Sir Edgar: (grinning hard) Only for a little while longer. Your coronation is next week. You need to be out there with the people, Char.

Heston: Yes, shaking hands and kissing babies.

Sir Edgar: Exactly, Heston. So the people can learn to trust us.

Char: (curious) What's not to trust?

Sir Edgar: (quickly) Nothing. But while you've been away at school, Char, the kingdom has been under siege. In your absence, the ogres have become impossible.

Heston: He's right. Even the giants have become more and more treacherous.

Char: (doubtful) But the giants have always been peaceful.

Sir Edgar: The ogres were peaceful too, until they ripped your father to shreds. And I promised your father, should anything happen to him, I would take care of you and the kingdom. And, well, I've kept my promise, haven't l? Likewise, you must keep your promise to the people. Now, let's put on a smile. Remember, image is everything.

(lights off on SS. Char and Edgar cross to MS. Open curtain. Lights up on MS.)

(A large crowd is gathered at the mall, full of screaming fan girls. Edward addresses the crowd while Char hangs back, clearly not wanting to be there)

Sir Edgar: Thank you. (holds up hands) Thank you. Thank you. It's wonderful to be here in your charming town of... Frell. Prince Charmont and l...

Fan Girls: We want Char! We want Char! We want Char! We want Char! We want Char!

Sir Edgar: (grimaces, but quickly covers it by smiling) Now it is my great pleasure to welcome my nephew, Prince Charmont.

(Ella and Arieda come onstage carrying protest signs. They begin chanting loudly)

Ella and Areida: Say no to ogrecide! Stop the giant land grab! Say no to ogrecide! Stop the giant land grab! Say no to ogrecide! Stop the giant land grab! Say no to ogrecide!

(Hattie storms over to Ella)

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Hattie: (furious) Ella! You are embarrassing us! Go home now.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (to Areida) I have to go. I'm sorry. (she leaves the stage)

Olive: (screams from the crowd) I love you, Prince Char!

Fan Girl: Hey! Prince Char! Are you a fast runner?

Char: (amused) Not particularly, no. Why?

Fan Girl: Get him!

(the fan girls rush Char, who ducks, crawls out of the crush and runs off stage in the same direction as Ella.)

(Lights down on MS. Place small hedge DSR. Lights up on MS)

(Ella is walking past it when Char suddenly runs into her, knocking them both to the ground.)

Ella: Ow!

Char: (grabbing her and pulling her behind the hedge while covering her mouth with his hand) Shush, shush, shush!

(fan girl horde goes screaming by. Char relaxes and lets go of Ella)

Ella: (annoyed) Prince Charmont.

Char: (getting up) Please, call me... call me Char. (looks at her lying on the ground) Sorry about that. Occupational hazard. (holds out his hand) Allow me.

Ella: (ignoring the offered hand) I don't need your chivalry, thanks.(gets up and dusts off) And I've no intention of curtsying, either, so forget it.

Char: (shrugging) You can curtsy or not. That's your choice. There's really nothing I can do about it. Except have you beheaded, but that seems a bit extreme.

Ella: (sarcastically) Charming. Why don't you do what your people usually do? Steal my land and destroy my livelihood. If you'll excuse me...(she walks away)

Char: (puzzled) Wait a second. Come back here.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (irritated) Hm?

Char: What is your name?

Ella: Ella of Frell.

Char: Well, Ella of Frell,you're the first maiden I've met who hasn't swooned at the sight of me.

Ella: (cooly) Then maybe I've done you some good. (she starts walking to the CS. Char follows)

Char: (flustered) Look, I've never stolen anyone's land or livelihood. I want peace in the kingdom as much as anyone.

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Ella: (skeptically) So you have a new plan once you take the crown?

Char: (hesitant) Well...Sort of. Of course, I couldn't reveal it to a subject.

Ella: That's what I thought. You're all just the same. You care more about your fan club and your next jousting tournament.

Char: No, actually, I've never been comfortable with the whole adoring fan club thing. Perhaps that's why I find your obvious disdain for me so refreshing.

Ella: (snide) Obvious? And I was trying so hard to hide it.Where's my purse? (sighs and rolls her eyes in irritation) It's back there.

Char: Wait right there. I will get it.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.Char goes back and a worker begins to roll the podium straight at Ella, who can’t move)

Ella: (pulling at her frozen legs) Prince Charmont! (desperately) Prince Charmont!

(just before the podium hits her, Char pulls her out of the way)

Ella: (a little dazed) Your Highness.

Char: Are you crazy? Why didn't you move?

Ella: (trying to collect herself) I would have... were it not for your apparent fascination with knocking me to the ground. That's the second time today, you realize.

Char: I'll try and be more considerate next time I'm saving you.

Ella: Next time? What makes you think we'll see each other again?

Char: (puzzled) Well, won't we?

Ella: (smiling) No.

Char: (smiling back) Ella of Frell, you are not like other girls.

Ella: (genuinely) You have no idea.

(Hattie and Olive enter SR. Hattie spies Ella and Char together.)

Hattie: (furious) Ella, come here. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.) Shouldn't you be at home cleaning the fireplace, huh? (lowers voice so Char can’t hear her) Stop flirting with him. It's me he's going to have at his coronation.

Ella: (slyly) Yeah, in the middle of the table with an apple in your mouth.

Hattie: (hisses) Go back to the mall with Olive.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys. Olive, pouts, but also obeys)

Char: (seeing Ella leaving, calls out to her) Ella. (Hattie steps in front of him, very close) Oh.

Hattie: Don't bother with her. Ugh. (giggles) I'm the one you want. I know everything about you. I've got posters of you, and pictures. (she moves closer and he tries to back away) And when

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we used to live in Lamia, I used to stand outside your castle and watch you turn your lights on and off.

Char: (clearly uncomfortable) Tell Ella I'll be in touch.(he turns and runs off stage)

Hattie: (angrily) Right. I'll see to that.

(Lights down on MS. Remove hedge. Lights up on MS)

(Resume mall scene, with shoppers and merchants. Guards roam the mall. Areida joins Ella)

Areida: Where were you?

Ella: (distracted) Oh. I met the prince.

Areida: (disbelieving) You met the prince?

Ella: (shaking her head) I don't wanna talk about it. (sighs) Olive and Hattie were there.

Areida: (loathing) Hattie. Why do you always do what Hattie tells you to do?

Ella: I don't.

Areida: Yes, you do.

Ella: (bothered) I don't.

Arieda: (needling) Tell the truth.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (dejectedly) Oh, I do.

(Hattie enters and joins Olive.)

Hattie: Olive, have you noticed anything strange about Ella?

Olive: (vacantly) No, not really.

Hattie: (acidly) Have you noticed it gets darker at night, then lighter when the sun comes up?

Olive: (shocked) That's because of Ella?

Hattie: (rolls her eyes) Never mind.

Areida: (gently) You've been acting odd, even for you.

Ella: What do you mean? (sees Hattie looking around) Oh... Don't let her see me. (Tries to duck behind Areida.)

Areida: (side stepping to face Ella) That's what I mean.

Hattie: (sees Ella) Aha!

Ella: Areida, no!

Hattie: Ella, come here.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

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Ella: (to Areida) I have to go.

Areida: (stunned) What?

(Ella crosses to the sisters, who are standing near various merchant stalls)

Hattie: (sweetly) I need you to do me a little favor. (she points to a piece of merchandise) Take that.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys. She puts the piece in her purse, though she is horrified and tries to not do it.)

Olive: (laughing) Cool! Let me try! (points) Take that. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.) And that potion bottle. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (panicked) OK! OK, that's enough.

Hattie:I think that's for me to say, Ella. We need one more thing. (points to a pair of bejeweled shoes) Take those.

Ella: (near tears) Please don't make me do this.

Hattie: (nastily) Well, since you said please...No. Take them. Take them!

(Ella stuffs the shoes in her purse, but a guard sees her.)

Hattie: Run!

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Guard: Stop that girl!

(Ella runs, dodging through mall crowds and vendors, with guards chasing her, obeying every command given)

Merchant 1: Buy a squirrel sandwich.Get 'em while they're hot.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: Here. Keep the change. Excuse me. Excuse me. Coming through.

Merchant 2: Try our new perfume. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (coughing) Thanks. Get out of the way! Get out of the way!

Hattie: (laughing at Ella’s plight) Ella, bravo!

Guard: Freeze! (bells tinkle and Ella obeys. She literally freezes mid leap, and then falls frozen to the ground)

Guard: Put your hands together. You're under arrest. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

(lights out on MS. Close Curtain. Set Forest scene.)

(Play Film Clip 2)

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*Film Clip 2*

(in the parlor of Sir Peter’s home. Dame Olga berates Ella for shoplifting while her daughters smirk. Mandy stands with Ella.)

Dame Olga: A felon in my own family. I could die from embarrassment.

Mandy: (quietly) Promises, promises.

Dame Olga: You are a disgrace!

Mandy: (puts arm protectively around Ella) Maybe she was put up to it.

Hattie: (surging forward) Mandy's right, Mother. We were there. It really wasn't poor Ella's fault at all. She was forced to do it. (she smiles maliciously at Ella)

Dame Olga: (turning away imperiously) So, Ella, who put you up to it?

Hattie: Tell her it was Areida.

(bells tinkle, but a horrified Ella struggles to resist)

Ella: (fighting to not speak) - Ar...

Dame Olga: (impatiently) I'm waiting. Tell me who's to blame.

(bells tinkle and Ella cannot resist)

Ella: (choking) Areida.

Dame Olga: (spinning around) Areida! I might have guessed it. You are forbidden ever to see her again. (Hattie and Olive giggle ruthlessly)

Ella: What?

(from off screen, the family hear’s Areida call out)

Areida: Ella?

Dame Olga: (appalled) How dare she come here now? Answer the door and tell her that you never want to see her again.

(bells tinkle and Ella jumps)

Hattie: (cruelly) And tell her you could never be friends with an Ayorthian.

(bells tinkle and Ella struggles to stop.)

Mandy: (pleadingly) Dame Olga, there must be some mistake.

Ella: (desperate) Please, Dame Olga.

Dame Olga: (turns her back on Ella) Don't argue. Just do it.

(bells tinkle and Ella cant resist. In tears of anguish, she opens the door where Areida is waiting)

Areida: (smiles in relief) Thank goodness you're all right. (notices Ella’s crying) What's wrong?

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Ella: (miserably) I never wanna see you again.

Areida: (laughs it off) Ha-ha. Very funny.(sees Ella is still crying and realizes it’s no joke) I don't understand. We're best friends.

Ella: (sobbing) I could never be friends with an Ayorthian. (Areida looks devastated) Just go. (Ella sadly closes the door)

(Film changes to Ella and Mandy in Ella’s bedroom)

Ella: (despondant) I've done terrible things before, Mandy, but this is the worst thing the curse has ever made me do. I've gotta do it. I have got to find Lucinda and get her to take back the curse.

Mandy: You're right. I have something to show you. (Mandy pulls out a large, decorative book. The cover is facing away from the camera) This is gonna help you find her. I should have told you about this years ago. But I was a little embarrassed.

Ella: Embarrassed? How?

Mandy: (nervously) Well, as you know, I'm not the most talented fairy. Anyway, this book...(she spins the book so the cover faces the camera. On it is a male fairy’s smiling face) is my boyfriend, Benny.

Benny: (cheerily) Hey. Pleased to meet you. (gives Mandy an irritated glance) Pleased to meet anyone, quite frankly. You're the first introduction I've had in 20 years.

Ella: (fascinated) I've never seen anything like this.

Mandy: I know. No one has. And I don't want them to, cause then they might take him away. (hugs the book tightly) It was an accident. I was just trying a spell to trim his hair, and it went a little askew.

Benny: I would have left her ages ago, except I love her so darn much. Plus, I have no legs.

Mandy: (looks at Benny adoringly) I love you, too, my little Pooky Pages.

Benny: (to Mandy) Not as much as I love you, Cuddlebunny.

Mandy: I love you more.

Ella: OK! Lots of love. Moving on.

Mandy: Well, I want you to take him with you.

Benny: (excited) You mean I'm getting out of here? Beyond these four walls? There are so many places in my pages I've been wanting to visit.

Ella: (flipping through the pages of the book) Wow. What is all this?

Mandy: (proudly) He knows everything.

Benny: Thanks, sweetie, but not everything.If I did, I'd be a lot thicker.

Ella: Can he show me anything about Lucinda?

Benny: (scoffing) Can I show you anything about Lucinda?

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Mandy: (taking the book from Ella) Watch this. (loudly to Benny) Show me Lucinda. (pages flip around and a picture appears of a fairy shopping at a Crockery Barn.) Ta-da!

Ella: Cool trick. Now, which Crockery Barn? They're all over the kingdom.

Mandy: Ah. That's the glitch. He can't tell you where a person is. He can just show you pictures. Like a crystal ball or a magic mirror.

Ella: (examining the picture) Everything is so huge. Is that a wedding registry?

Mandy: (slapping her head) Duh! They're in Giantville. Look, she's going to a wedding in Giantville.

Ella: Benny, we're going to Giantville!

Benny: How exciting!

(scene changes to Ella’s room where we see Dame Olga, Hattie and Olive trashing Ella’s room)

Dame Olga: (furious) How dare she disappear like this! Now I will be labeled as a wicked step mother. What will Peter think? That little brat! How could she do this to me? Keep searching, girls. There must be some clue as to where she went.

(Mandy enters, carrying a letter)

Mandy: (staring) What are you doing with Ella's things?

Dame Olga: Just a little tidying up. (points to letter) What's that?

Mandy: (slipping the letter behind her back) What? Nothing. It's personal.

Hattie: (reached behind Mandy and snatches the letter. She reads aloud the addressee) A letter for Ella?

Dame Olga: (opening the letter and reading) The prince's coronation ball. He's invited that insolent little snip? (she pauses, thinking) Girls, go and dust off your ball gowns and pack your bags. I think I may have found you another chance at your future husband.

Hattie: Yes!

*End Film Clip 2*

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(Lights up on SS. Ella is looking at Benny. She is now wearing a traveling cloak.)

Ella: Benny, can you show me a map of the Forest of Pim?

Benny: Of course. (a picture of a forest appears on the book)

Ella: Whoa.

Benny: According to this map, if we head due east towards Monster Rock, we can cut half a day off our journey.

(a loud screech sounds)

Ella: (startled) What was that?

Benny: Probably something that wants to eat us.

(Lights down on SS. Open curtain. Lights up on MS. The scene is a forest. An elf is bound to a tree as three ogres prepare to roast him.)

Slannen: Ouch! Somebody help me!

Ogre 3: Wait a minute. Sing soprano, little man! (he pokes the elf)

Ella: (stepping onstage) Hey! What do you think you're doing to that poor elf? (the ogres turn to face her. They cross the stage to surround her) Oh.

Ogre 2: Who's this who thinks she's so tough?

Ella: (nervously) Look, I think it's only fair to warn you that I'm practiced in the ancient art... of origami.

Ogre 3: (puzzled) Paper folding?

Ella: I was hoping you wouldn't know what that was.

Slannen: Don't let him scare you, sweetheart! Kick his butt!

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Now rabbit punch.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Combo. Kneel. Front-step kick.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Dragon-roundhouse kick.

Ogre 2: This chick is nuts!

Ogre 3: Let's get outta here. (ogres flee)

Slannen: (woozy) I think I'm gonna puke.

Ella: (working to untie him) Let me help you with that.

Slannen: I am gonna need so much therapy after this.

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Ella: Are you OK?

Slannen: No, I am not OK! I think I broke something, or dislocated it, or...(cracks his neck) No, just a crick. (extends his hand for a handshake) Slannen of Pim.

Ella: Ella of Frell. Nice to meet you. Well, if you're OK, then I have to be going, but good luck.(she turns to go)

Slannen( jumping in front of her) You're going? You can't walk in this wood on your own. How about a bite to eat?

Ella: That's very sweet, but I'm on a tight schedule.

Slannen: (crosses arms) Fine. Message received, Miss "l Think I'm All That".

Ella: That's not what I meant at all.

Slannen: I extend the hand of friendship...

Ella: I am on a tight schedule. Were I not...

Slannen: Everybody's busy...

Ella: ...I would love to have dinner with you. But-

Slannen: Great! Follow me! Don’t worry. These woods are my home!

(he begins slinking through the woods, checking over his shoulder and tiptoeing)

Ella: (following) Slannen. If this is where you live, why are we sneaking around?

Slannen: (shushing her) If they spot you, you'll be sorry. You know how all elves are forced to sing and dance?

Ella: Yeah. So?

(Suddenly, a gaggle of elves in sparkly costumes rush onto the stage)

Elves: Visitors! Places, everyone. One, two, three, four!

Elves: (in unison begin to sing with a manic false cheeriness)

Let us entertain you

Let us make you smile

Slannen: Run for it! (he runs, Ella follows, and so do the elves)

Elves: (blocking their path with a kick line)

Let us do a few tricks

Some old and then some new tricks

We’re very versatile!

Slannen: (in fury) I said get lost!

Ella: Where are we going? (she drops the book accidentally)

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Elves: (still pursuing) And if you’re real good

We’ll make you feel good

We want your spirits to climb

Slannen: Have you no dignity!??

Elves: (big finish)

So let us entertain you

And you’ll have a real good time, yessir!

You’ll have a real good time!!!!!

Slannen: (yelling) Leave us alone! Hit the road. Get outta here! (the elves stomp off in a huff) Peace and quiet at last.

Ella: Well, that was different. In a terrifying sort of way.

Slannen: (shrugging) Sorry about that. I don’t like music. (picking up the book she dropped) What is this? Ella's secret diary?

Ella: (taking the book back) Yes. Why don't you like music?

Slannen: (snidely) That's right. Because elves are supposed to be so happy and joyful all the time. Singing and dancing for the man. Well, I don't wanna be an entertainer. I wanna be a...

Ella: What?

Slannen: Nothing.

Ella: What were you gonna say?

Slannen: It's silly.

Ella: Please tell me.

Slannen: I wanna be a lawyer.

Benny: I guess in small-claims court.

Slannen: (looking around) What is that?

Ella: (covering the book) Nothing. Why can't you be a lawyer?

Benny: Hello?

Slannen: (annoyed) Elf.

Ella: I forgot. The elfin restrictions Sir Edgar passed.

Slannen: (angry) No elf shall be engaged in any occupation other than singing, juggling and/or tomfoolery. And now, Edgar's soldiers are rounding up elfin singers to perform at the coronation. They're never gonna let me go to law school. I'm never gonna get my day in court, never gonna stand in front of the judge and say "You're out of order! Permission to approach the bench?"

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Benny: "l object!"

Slannen: No, I object. I heard it there. It's coming from the book.

Ella: No, it's not.

Benny: (loudly) Yes, it is.

Ella:(trying to muffle Benny) No, it's not.

Slannen: (grabs the book and reveals Benny) Great. I knew it. A talking book. Good. Because for a minute there, I thought I was going crazy.

Ella: Well, cat’s out of the bag, I guess. Slannen, this is Benny. He can show you anything in the kingdom.

Slannen: (suspicious) Pleased to meet you? I think? So you can really show me anything anywhere in the kingdom? You're kind of like a walking, talking encyclopedia, except for the walking part. Ha! I kill me!

Benny: Oy vey!

Ella: (thinking) Slannen, you've gotta go to Lamia and petition the prince!

Slannen: (startled) For what?

Ella: To go to law school. To follow your dream.

Slannen: You want me to go to Lamia on my own?

Ella: We're going to Giantville. It's on the way. Come with us.

Slannen: The prince will never grant an audience with an elf. They think we're a joke.

Ella: I have met Prince Charmont, and I think he might be different than his uncle.

Slannen: (sarcastically) Why? Cos he's a hunk?

Ella: (rolling her eyes) No.

Slannen: What is he, about six foot?

Ella: About.

Slannen: Yeah, I hate the guy already. I'm not wasting my time.

Ella: (pointedly) Lacking courage as well as height.

Slannen: (bristling) oh, yeah? Count me in! Elves aren't that short, you know. That's just a myth created by that stupid "Elves and the Shoemaker" story. Do I look small enough to fit in a shoe?

Ella: (grinning) No.

Slannen: Stinking Grimm Brothers.

(they set off walking through the forest)

Slannen: (indicating Benny) Are you sure he knows where he's going?

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Benny: (indignant) Hey, I'm right here. Just cos I'm a book doesn't mean I don't have ears.

Ella: (sighing) Boys, if you can't play nice, you can't play together.

(a sound is heard offstage. The group freezes onstage)

Slannen: (panicked) Oh, no! The rustling always comes before the screaming and the running. I knew this was gonna happen. They'll just find pieces of us scattered across the forest floor.

(a rabbit jumps onstage)

Ella: (giggling) Oh, a bunny. You know, the last known case of a bunny attack was, well, never.

Slannen: (embarrassed) It never hurts to be on your guard. Alright! Nobody panic, nobody panic. I've got this in hand. (follows in the direction the rabbit went off to) Oi! You! Thumper! Out of the forest or no more carrots for you.

(an ogre steps out of the forest directly in front of Slannen)

Nish: I don't like carrots.

Slannen: (terrified) How do you feel about rabbits, cos one just went thataway.

Nish: (striding towards the pair) I am the ogre, Nish. How do you like to be eaten? Baked, boiled, shish-kebabbed?

Ella: (nervously backing away) How about free range? (two more ogres appear suddenly, surrounding the group. One carries a pot) Stop! No! (she turns to Nish) Ella of Frell. Hi, how are you doing? (silence) I think there's been a big mistake here. See, I'm pro-ogre.

Nish: (confused) Pro-ogre?

Ella: (quickly) Absolutely. I led a rally on your behalf the other day. Maybe you heard about it.

Nish (grabbing at Slannen) It'll only hurt for a moment, I promise. I'm a fast eater.

(Slannen screams in terror)

Ella: (tries to calm Slannen) Slannen, Slannen! (to Nish) Please, I want to help.

Nish (disbelieving) Help? From a human? Humans took everything from us. I was an ogre of leisure, with a simple life. Next thing you know...

Ogre 2: Now, not this again.

Ogre 3: (putting the pot center stage) Nish, hurry up. I'm starving.

Nish: (to Ella) Right, you, into the pot.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Slannen: (to Ella) Forget that.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (confused) Who are you?

Nish: I am the ogre, Nish. Wait. We just did this. (to another ogre) Didn't we just do this? All right, that's enough fun and games. Now, keep your mouth shut and don't move.

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(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

(Suddenly, Prince Char and several knights rush onstage, swords out)

Char: Let her go! (brandishes sword at Nish while yelling to Ella) Untie yourself!

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys. a heated battle ensues, with Char, Ella and the knights overcoming the ogres)

Nish: (throws up hands) Truce! Truce! Can't we just get along?

Char: (harshly) Are you one of the monsters who killed my father?

Nish: (sadly) King Florian was a good man. We lived in peace during his reign. Why would we kill him?

Char: (surprised at the lack of fight in the ogres) I'll spare your lives where you didn't spare his. You take your friends and find breakfast elsewhere.

Nish: (leaving with the ogres) We'll pick up something else on the way.

Ogre 2: Anyway, you eat maiden, an hour later you're hungry again.

(the knights follow the ogres)

Char: (to Ella) What are you doing here, with an elf for protection? Do you get a kick out of near-death experiences?

Ella: (sharply) No. I was fine. I had things well in hand.

Char: (smirking) I could see that, as you were standing in a stewpot, no doubt lulling the ogres into a false sense of security.

Ella: (hands on hips) Who's to say it wouldn't have worked if you hadn't come barging in?

Char: I see the score currently stands at chivalry two, gratitude zero. (turns away)

Ella: (humbled) Look...You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you.

Char: (turns back to Ella) You're welcome.

Ella: (points at his arm) You're bleeding.

Char: Hm? Oh, it's just a scratch.

Ella: You'd better let me help you with that.(she treats his wound)

Char: So, will I live?

Ella: (smiling) I think the odds are in your favor.

(Heston appears onstage, in view of the audience but not the characters onstage. He is spying on Char)

Char: So... where were you headed?

Ella: The giants' village for a wedding. I'm meeting my godmother.

Char: That's on my way back to Lamia. I’ll accompany you.

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Ella: That's not necessary.

Char: It makes it so much easier rescuing you if I don't have to commute.

Heston: (to audience) I'm so glad I was here for this interesting development.

Ella: Look, I really appreciate the offer, but...

Slannen: (interrupting) Are you crazy? Tell him to come with us.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: Come with us.

(the group begins walking, with Heston following, staying out of sight.)

Char: (walking side by side with Ella) So, traveling with an elf? Your boyfriend couldn't make it?

Ella: No.

Char: (down) Oh.

Ella: Because I don't have one.

Char: (brightening) Oh.

Ella: Your girlfriend doesn't mind being left alone?

Char: I don't have a girlfriend.

Ella: Oh?

Char: I have many.

Ella: (down) Oh.

Char: I'm kidding. Shouldn't believe everything you read in "Medieval Teen". (Ella grins)

Slannen: (pushes between them) Excuse me. Excuse me. Prince Charmont, permission to speak?

Char: (amused) Sure.

Slannen: (clears his throat) You know the word coincidence? It just so happens I was on my way to meet a certain royal someone in order to discuss some career options currently unavailable to...

Ella: (translating) Slannen wants to petition the kingdom for the right to become a lawyer.

Char: (startled) A lawyer?

Ella: Why not? There were no laws against it when your father was king.

Char: (dismissively) That's not really my area of expertise. My advice to you would be to talk to my uncle. I'm sure if you make a good argument, he'll come around.

Slannen: (dejectedly) Well, thank you for your... advice.

(Ella stops walking and stares at Char)

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Char: (defensive) What?

Ella: You're about to become king. You'll have the power to make a difference in the world and you don't even care.

Char: It's not like I asked to become king. I've had no say in the matter.

Ella: (irked) Well, thanks to your uncle, there are a lot of people who have no say in the matter. Nobody should be forced to do things they don't wanna do. Take it from somebody who knows.

(Lights up on SS)

(she strides off to the SS. He follows with the rest of the group)

Char: Ella! Ella!

(Curtain closes. Lights down on MS. Change to Interior scene, Giant Wedding sets)

(Suddenly two giants lumber from SR in front of the stage carrying heavy baskets of crops and being driven by two human knights with whips. The giants look sad and miserable)

Knight 1: (nastily) You're not finished yet.

Knight 2: (popping his whip) You work until sundown.

(they drive the Giants back to SR and behind the curtain)

Char: (troubled) The giants have always been gentle. Why are they treated like slaves? I'm sure my uncle doesn't know about this. He couldn't.

Ella: (gently) Maybe you can get to the bottom of this at the wedding.

Char: Maybe you can find your godmother.

(lights out on SS. Open curtain. Lights up on MS.)

(Char, Slannen and Ella enter SL into a pub filled with celebrating giants)

Ella: Whoa.

Char: They're not so bad.

Slannen: I thought they'd be all so big and scary.

Char: (nervously) I hope this is a good idea. They must hate the royal family.

Ella: They'll respect your courage at showing up here. Besides, they don't hold grudges. They're bigger than that.

(a tough looking giant walks over to the group)

Koopooduk: (glaring at the prince) Prince Charmont. What are you doing here?

Char: (aside to Ella) No grudges, eh? (addressing the giant) Well, I thought that maybe this would be a good time to possibly have a heart-to-heart. But now I'm thinking I should come back when there's been a little less celebrating.

Ella: (smoothly) He's here as a friend to hear your complaints.

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Koopooduk: (warmly) Then welcome.

Ella: I'm looking for someone. My godmother, Lucinda.

Koopooduk: (points to a band of partying fairies) She was over there earlier.

Ella: Thank you. I'll be right back.

(Char and Koopooduk walk off together and sit and talk. Ella approaches the fairies)

Ella: Excuse me. Is Lucinda Perriweather here?

Fairy 1: Too late, sweetheart. She left about an hour ago.

Ella: Do you know where I can find her?

Fairy 2: Last I heard, she was somewhere living in Lamia. Do you know where the bathroom is?

(fairies wander off)

Ella: (exasperated) Benny, show me Lucinda.

Benny: (showing a picture) Looks like she's getting an FWG.

Ella: FWG?

Benny: Flying while glittery. Dangerously blinding.

Ella: (slamming the book closed) She could be anywhere.

Benny: Ow!

Ella: Sorry.

(she walks to the center stage, joining Char and Koopooduk, who are still talking)

Char: (solemnly) I'd no idea things were so bad. I promise, first thing after my coronation, I'll help you buy your farms back.

Koopooduk: I'll hold you to that.

Ella: I'm sorry to interrupt.

Koopooduk: (kindly) No problem. We were done. That's a fine young man you have here.

Ella: (waves it off) He's not fine. I mean, mine. He is fine... Never mind. (she turns to Char) So have you seen Slannen? We have to leave. My godmother's on some kind of glitter bender.

Char: (protests) You can't leave now. It's the middle of the night. You have to stay for the party.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (resigned) OK, I'll stay.

Char: (thoughtful) I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you don't have to stay. I don't wanna make you do anything you don't wanna do.

Ella: (smiles at Char) Thank you, Char. For everything. So I'll see you around? (she turns to go)

Char: (sweetly) But I wish you would stay.

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Ella: (turning back, smiling) I guess one more night wouldn't hurt.

Heston: (still spying) Mmm. Yuck.

(Ella and Char sit at a center table together)

Char: So you're looking for your godmother Lucinda?

Ella: (frustrated) She was supposed to be here, and now I have no idea where she is, and I need to find her as soon as possible bec...Because I miss her.

Char: OK. Did you think of trying the hall of records?

Ella: No.

Char: We have every year's census in the castle. It's not open to everyone, but I could probably pull a few strings.

Ella: (excited) Char, I can't tell you what that would mean to me.

Char: (smiling) Well, then, it's settled. You come with me to Lamia tomorrow.

Ella: (of her own free will) OK.

(Suddenly, Slannen runs up to Ella)

Slannen: (desperately) I gotta hide. They're after me.

Ella: Who?

Slannen: (trying to duck behind Char) The giants. They want me to sing. I don't sing!

(a group of giants surround the table including Koopooduk)

Brumhilda: (smiling down at Slannen) There he is. There's our little entertainer.

Ella: (standing) Mr Koopooduk, I know you may find this hard to believe, but Slannen doesn't sing.

Koopooduk: (shrugging) Well, how about you, then?

Ella: Me? Oh, no. I couldn't.

Brumhilda: Now, come on.

Ella: Please don't.

Koopooduk: Sing.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: Can anybody find me somebody to-

Giant Chorus: Love?

(piano music begins)

Ella: Each morning I get up I die a little

Can barely stand on my feet

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Giant Chorus: (take a look at yourself)

Ella: Take a look in the mirror and cry

Lord, what you're doing to me

I have spent all my years in believing you

But I just can't get no relief, Lord!


Giant Chorus: (somebody)

Ella: Somebody

Giant Chorus: (somebody)

All: Can anybody find me-

Ella: somebody to love?

(Ella begins to back away but the giants unwittingly give commands that strengthen her performance)

Giant: Louder!

Ella: (bells tinkle and Ella obeys) I work hard

Giant Chorus: (she works hard)

Every day of my life

I work 'til I ache my bones

At the end

Giant Chorus: (at the end of the day)

I take home

Giant Chorus: (takes home)

my hard-earned pay all on my own

Giant Chorus: (goes home on her own)

I go down

Giant Chorus: (down)

on my knees

Giant Chorus: (knees)

And I start to pray

Giant Chorus: (praise the Lord)

'Til the tears run down from my eyes

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Lord, somebody

Giant Chorus: (somebody)


Giant Chorus: (please)

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

Giant : Give it a little more soul!

Giant Chorus: (she works hard)

Ella: (Bells tinkle and Ella obeys, whipping her head and singing passionately)


Giant Chorus: (everyday)

I try, and I try, and I try

But everybody wants to put me down

They say I'm goin' crazy

They say I got a lot of water in my brain

I got no common sense

Giant Chorus: (she's got)

I got nobody left to believe in

All: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Giant: Dance!

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys, dancing around the room as the giants chant)

Giant Chorus: (Find her somebody to love)

(Find her somebody to love)

(Find her somebody to love)

(Find her somebody to love)

(Find her somebody to love)

(Find her somebody to love, love, love)

Can anybody find me-

Ella: (dances right to Char and stops) Somebody toooo loooooove?

(Ella and Char laugh and dance as the giants finish the song)

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Giant Chorus: (Find me somebody to love)

(Find me somebody to love)

Find me, somebody, somebody

(Find me somebody to love)

Somebody, somebody to love

(Find me somebody to love)

Find me, find me, find me, find me, find me

(Find me somebody to love)

Ooh, somebody to love

(Find me somebody to love)

Find me, find me, find me somebody to love

(Find me somebody to love)

Anybody, anywhere, anybody, find me somebody to love

Love, love, love, love

Find me, find me, find me, yeah

Brumhilda: (to Slannen) I love singers.

Slannen: (startled) Really? (straightens his collar and smiles charmingly) Because, you know, being an elf, I love to sing. You know, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're much prettier than I would have expected.

Brumhilda: (irritated) Oh, I know. Giants are supposed to be big, ugly and mean. It's because of stories like "Jack and the Beanstalk".

Slannen: Stinking Grimm Brothers.

(The party disperses and Ella and Char sit back down and continue talking)

Ella: (smiling) My stepsister Hattie would die if she knew I was here. She's the president of your fan club, you know.

Char: Oh, Hattie, yes. Thank you. Now I know what name to put on the restraining order. (laughs) No, you're lucky. I wish I had brothers and sisters. My mother passed away before she had any more children and...

Ella: My mother passed away, too.

Char: Oh.

Ella: (wistfully) You know, she used to sing me to sleep every night.

Char: My father used to sing to me, loudly and very off-key, but... I still miss him. I have Edgar, I guess. He's not such a bad guy. He risked his life to save my father. And he brought me up as

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his own son. I know you don't like his politics much, but I'm sure when I tell him about the giants, he will correct the situation.

Ella: Yeah, or you could. It took a lot of guts for you to come here. Look at the way you smoothed things over. You're a natural at this.

Char: (grinning) Wow, is that almost a compliment?

Ella: (slyly) Almost. Now, don't go getting a big head. Your crown won't fit.

Char: (thinking) You know what else? Tomorrow I'm gonna go to my uncle and I'm gonna ask him to repeal the elfin restrictions. Slannen will have his day in court, if I have anything to say about it.

Ella: (pleased) I think you're gonna be a great king someday. Your father would have been proud.

Char: Thanks. I think he would have really liked you. Take my hand.

(she does, but no bells tinkle)

Char: (surprised) That wasn't an order, you know.

Ella: (smiles) I know.

(Lights down on MS. Close curtain. Set Interior scene, Castle sets)

(Play Film Clip 3)

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*Film Clip 3*

(scene opens in Ella’s home. Dame Olga is in the parlor with a cosmetician. Mandy stares in disgust as Olga gazesat herself in a hand mirror)

Dame Olga: (poking at her face) I want to look 25 at tonight's ball. What do you suggest?

Mandy: (under her breath) A time machine?

Cosmo: May I recommend our newest procedure? Bat faeces and oxen blood. Batox. Works wonders, although I do caution you, some people have a temporarily bad reaction.

(Sir Peter enters)

Sir Peter: (staring at his wife) Olga?

Dame Olga: (jumps) Peter, what are you doing here?

Sir Peter: I'm in town on business and heard you were here. I came to see Ella. Is Ella here?

Dame Olga: (laughing nervously) Of course. Where else would she be? She's... she's... with Hattie and Olive, taking a tour of the castle.

(scene changes to Char Fan Club, including Hattie and Olive, touring parts of the castle with a very wary guard)

Olive: (squealing) I can't believe it. Prince Char walked on this actual floor!

(Fan Girls scream in joy and fall to the floor)

Royal Guard: (placating) Ladies, ladies, ladies! Stop kissing the foyer.

Hattie: (demanding) Show us where Char sleeps!

Fan Girl: (sighing) I bet he sleeps beautifully!

Royal Guard: (disdainfully) Seriously?

(Char and Ella enter, passing the gaggle of girls who are still squealing. Slannen follows behind them, but is stopped by a knight guard, unbeknownst to Ella and Char.)

Knight: (lowering spear) Hold it, pipsqueak.

Slannen: I'm with the prince. And I'm not that short.

Knight: Are you singing at the coronation?

Slannen: (bristling) Heck, no.

Knight: No elves in the palace unless they're performing.

Slannen: (loudly) Discrimination. Intentional infliction of... (Knight grabs Slannen by the arm, twists him around, and holds his wrist behind his back.) Whoa!..bodily harm.

(Knight marches Slannen off)

Royal Guard: (loudly) These portraits were recently commissioned in honor of tomorrow's coronation. (Fan club squeals and swoons)

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Char: (embarrassed) Right, follow me.

Ella: (sees her step sisters) What are they doing here? (to Char) I don't mean to rush, but now I really need to find my godmother. (looks around) And Slannen, too. Where is he?

Char: My uncle'll send the guards to find him. (they walk away from the crowd) Everything's gonna be fine. Don't forget, you are with the future king.

(Sir Edgar appears behind them, with Heston)

Sir Edgar: Char.

Char: (startled) Hello, Uncle.

Sir Edgar: I've been looking all over for you. And who might this charming young lady be?

Char: (happily) This is Ella. Ella of Frell. Ella, this is my Uncle Edgar. And this is his... Heston.

Heston: Hey.

Sir Edgar: So, I trust your journey was pleasant?

Ella: We had a little run-in with some ogres, but Char got the best of them.

Sir Edgar: (tutting) You could have been killed. Ah, well. One just has to grin and bear it, I always say. Grin and bear it. So, Char, might I trouble you for a moment? The crown maker needs to see you in your chambers for a fitting.

Char: Sure. I just have to take Ella to the hall of records.

Sir Edgar: (smiling) Yes, well, hop to it, then, both of you.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys. Sir Edgar stops smiling as he watches Ella hop away) You were right about that girl. Very odd.

Heston: And I'm afraid she's been filling our prince's head with dangerous new thoughts.

(Scene changes to Char leaving Ella in a library)

Char: Here's the latest census. Names are listed first by location then species. Good luck.

Ella: (smiling at him)Thank you.

*End Film Clip 3*

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(Open curtain. Lights up on MS. Char is standing with his uncle and Heston as the tour continues behind them.)

Char: Ella has lots of interesting opinions about the kingdom, Uncle. You should hear them.

Sir Edgar: (faking interest) I can't wait.

Char: (believing his uncle is serious) The giants' working conditions, for instance. They're unbelievable. Luckily, I've talked to them and they're definitely open for negotiation.

Sir Edgar: (flatly) The only negotiations between me and the giants will be over our vegetable deliveries.

Heston: (snickering) Good one, sire.

Char: (frowning) This isn't a joke, Uncle Edgar.

Sir Edgar: (hurriedly) We'll talk about it after your coronation, yes?

Char: (firmly) Fine, but we will talk.

Sir Edgar: Of course.

Char: I... I'm going to ask her to marry me.

Sir Edgar: Who? This... this Ella of Frell?

Char: (smiling) Yes. Tonight, at the ball. At the same time and in the same place as my father proposed to my mother.

(Char walks offstage leaving Edgar seething with anger.)

Heston: (sees Hattie and Olive in the crowd) Sire, I spy an opportunity in a crush of hormonal happiness.

Sir Edgar: (snapping) What in Heaven’s name are you hissing on about, Heston?

Heston: Ella’s sisters are amongst this gaggle of girls. See, there? Those two. From what I was able to discern, they are selfish and greedy to the core.

Sir Edgar: (grinning) My kind of people.

Heston: (slyly) Indeed, sire.

(Sir Edgar indicated to two knights to seize Hattie and Olive from the crowd and bring them over to him. The rest of the crown follows the Royal Guard off stage.)

Royal Guard: (while walking offstage) And now for a quick tour of the Ballroom….

Fan Girl: OMG!!!!! Do ya think Char will dance tonight?? Aaahhhhhh!!!

(all girls leave while squealing and screaming)

Royal Guard: (offstage, pleading) Ladies, please!!!! You’ll shatter all the glass in the kingdom!

Hattie: (angry and struggling) Get off! Do you know who I am? Get off! Get off me!

(the knights bring the sisters to Sir Edgar.)

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Sir Edgar: So, Ella of Frell is your sister.

Hattie: (jerks away from knight) Stepsister, actually.

Sir Edgar: Really? Tell me, what do you know about her?

(Olive starts to speak but Hattie claps her hand over Olive’s mouth)

Hattie: (greedily) What's in it for me?

Heston: How about that your eyeballs remain inside your head?

Sir Edgar: (soothingly) Now, now, Heston. We like these girls. They're our friends. Why don't we just cut to the chase, hm? I might even be willing to throw Prince Char into the deal. Let's see, now. After the coronation he'll need to take a queen, and shall we say... his hand in marriage?

Olive: (beaming with joy) Queen Olive.

(Hattie glares at Olive)

Sir Edgar: (quickly) For the eldest daughter, of course.

(Olive deflates and Hattie grins)

Hattie: Ella does everything she's told. I don't know why, but she does. She can't help it.

Sir Edgar: (slowly smiling) Really?

(Lights down on MS. Close Curtain. Change to Interior scene, Ballroom sets. Lights up on SS.)

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(Ella is standing in a library, looking through a huge book. The Narrator sits on a cube in the far corner, reading the newspaper )

Benny: Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but I don't have a census. I mean, look at the size of that thing. I do have a restaurant guide.

Ella: (flipping pages) Lucinda, I hope you're in here. I can't find anything in any of these books.

(Edgar enters with Heston. When he speaks, he startles Ella. She quickly covers Benny with another book)

Sir Edgar: Hello, Ella. I hope you've found everything to your satisfaction?

Ella: (cautious) Yes, thank you.

Sir Edgar: (sweetly) Good, good. (picks up a book and drops it on the floor.) Oh, dear. How clumsy of me. (harshly) Pick it up. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Heston: (cruelly) Very good. Now touch your toes.(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (afraid) Oh, no.

Sir Edgar: (grinning evilly) Oh, yes. And while you're about it, why don't you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Heston: Now jump up and down.(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

Ella: (pleading) Please stop.

Sir Edgar: (laughing) Dance! Shake it! (bells tinkle and Ella obeys, accidently knocking Benny into a garbage can))

Heston: This is fabulous! Hate to be a party pooper, but, Edgar, evil plans, remember?

Sir Edgar: Yes, you're right. OK, stop. (bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

As you know, tonight is the coronation ball. At some point, amidst your frolicking and romancing, Prince Char will sweep you away to the hall of mirrors. Then, just before midnight, he will take you by the hand and ask you a question.

Ella: (scared) How do you know all this?

Heston: (hisses) We know everything, my dear.

Sir Edgar: (pulls out a dagger) And the one thing we know with most certainty is that at the stroke of midnight you will take this dagger and plunge it through his heart and kill him.

Ella: (resisting) No! No, I won't!

Sir Edgar: Oh, yes, you will! You will, because I order you to.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys and takes dagger from Edgar)

Sir Edgar: Actually, it's lucky you're here, so I won't have to do it myself.

Ella: (horrified) You'd kill your own nephew?

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Sir Edgar: (shrugging) Why not? I killed my own brother.

Ella: What? Why?

Sir Edgar: I want to be king. Duh! There's one more thing. You will tell no one of this plan.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys, hiding the dagger in her cloak)

(Edgar and Heston exit. Ella looks around in a panic).

Ella: (frantically looking for Benny) Benny? Benny? Oh, crap!!!! What do I do? Think Ella. Think!

(She grabs a piece of parchment and a feather quill and begins to write quickly)

Ella: (agonized) Dear Char. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and I hope you'll understand. We can't be together. I can't tell you why. Please believe that this is the only solution. I wish you the best. I really do believe you're going to be a great king. Goodbye forever. Ella.

(Slannen enters)

Slannen: (crossing to Ella) There you are! Do you know what I have had to do to get in here? I had to sing!!! For the knights. So many rounds of “Kumbaya”. Over and over. I HATE that song!!!

Ella: (panicky) Slannen, where have you been? Never mind. This may sound strange, but there's something I need you to do. I need you to go back into the forest and rally all the elves and giants you can find.

Slannen: (shocked) You want me to go back in there? You are one crazy chick. Why?

Ella: I can’t tell you, but you'll need all the help you can get. Someone has to get into the castle, find Benny and keep Char away from Edgar.

Slannen: Why? What's going on?

Ella: (frustrated) I already told you, I can't tell you. But if you don't, you might very well be stuck singing "Kumbaya" the rest of your life.

Slannen: (horrified) Fine! Into the forest of certain death walks Slannen.

Ella: (hugs him quickly) Thank you.

Slannen: Yeah, whatever.

(They both exit. Narrator stands as they leave)

Narrator: Now, if she stayed clear

of the prince 

until midnight had passed,

then Char would be safe.

But how long could that last?

(Lights down on SS. Set Hall of Mirrors on SS. Play Film Clip 4.)

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*Play Film Clip 4*

(The scene is in a field, far from the castle. Ella has chained herself to a tree in an attempt to not obey Edgar’s order.)

Ella: (pulling against the chains and hearing the tree creak) Agh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Slannen, please hurry.

(Suddenly, a fairy crashes to the ground in a cloud of smoke and glitter.)

Lucinda: (standing and dusting glitter off of herself) Ouch! (looks around, puzzled) Whoa! What the...? This isn't the salad bar at Brelly's.

Ella: (recognizing her godmother) Lucinda. Lucinda! Lucinda!

Lucinda: (crosses to the tree where Ella is chained) Oh, my goodness. Do I know you, child?

Ella: Ella of Frell. You gave me a gift.

Lucinda: (thinking hard) Oh, yes! I remember you. The obedient one.

Ella: I am so happy to see you. I have been looking everywhere for you. I need you to take the gift back.

Lucinda: (frowning) Take it back? I don't think so.

Ella: (quickly) It's not that I'm not grateful for the gift. I am, really. But because of the gift, I'm about to do something horrible to this guy I really like and might even love.

Lucinda: (slightly offended) Girl, you out of your mind. (smiles) Everybody loves my gifts.

Ella: (near tears) Lucinda! Lucinda, I am begging you. I will do anything you ask. Please take it back.

Lucinda: (coldly) You don't like my gift? Fine. Get rid of it yourself. Don't blame me for your problems. Did I chain your butt up to this tree, huh?

Ella: Well...

Lucinda: Huh?

Ella: But you...

Lucinda: No. And, in fact, just to prove what a gem I am... I'll unchain you.

Ella: (terrified) What? No! No!

(Lucinda waves her hand and with a burst of glitter, the chains drop away)

Lucinda: Aren't I fabulous? Now, look at you. A pretty girl like you should be at the ball.

Ella: (trying to re-chain herself) What?

Lucinda: Go get down with the prince!

Ella: (grabbing the tree in desperation) No, I can't go!

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Lucinda: (looking critically at Ella’s dress) Well, not dressed like that. (waves her hand and in a burst of smoke and glitter, Ella now wears a beautiful ball gown.) Now, that's what I'm talking about.

Ella: (dazed from the spell) OK, that hurt. (starts off down the path, screaming and trying to stop.)

Lucinda: (fluffing her hair, pleased with herself) Give, give, give. (waves at Ella.) You're welcome.

*End Film Clip 4*

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(Open curtain. Lights up on MS. Ballroom. Prince Char is in the center, sitting sadly, holding Ella’s note. Lords and ladies dance and chat. Edgar and Heston stand next to Char. Hattie and Olive stand near a decorated table. Sir Peter and Dame Olga stand nearby.)

Heston: (to Char) Where's your little friend?

Sir Edgar: (simpering) Yes. She should be here by now.

Char: (despondant) I don't want to talk about her.

Hattie: (spies Olive trying to steal a candlestick from the table) Would you stop that? When you steal from here, you are stealing from me now.

Olive: (confused) What do you mean?

Hattie: This is my future home, isn't it?

Olive: Oh.

Char: (suddenly rises and crosses to Hattie) Would you... would you care to dance?

Olive: (excited) Are you kidding? That's all she ever talks about.

(Char and Hattie move to the center of the dancers, including Sir Peter and Dame Olga. Dame Olga’s face is frozen in an awful grin. She groans.)

Sir Peter: (angrily) You wanted to look younger. If you spent less time on your face and more on your maternal duties, we'd know where Ella was right now.

Char: (demanding) Tell me about your sister.

Hattie: Olive? Idiot.

Char: No, Ella.

Hattie: (disappointed) Oh. I don't wanna talk about her. She's so dreary. I just wanna talk about us.

Char: (taken aback) Us?

Hattie: (giggling) It sounds even more wonderful when you say it.

(Ella suddenly enters, pinwheeling and trying desperately NOT to come in.)

Ella: (smacking a nearby guard accidently) Ow!

Sir Edgar: (grinning) Something tells me she just couldn't stay away.

Char: (strides over to Ella and takes her hand) We need to talk.

Ella: Char, please...Please tell me you never wanna see me again.

Char: I will if you tell me that you don't love me.

Ella: It's not that.

Char: Then why did you write me that letter? Tell me how you really feel about me.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

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Ella: (in a rush) I love you. But I am wrong for you, Char. I am wrong for the kingdom.

Char: Is that what this is about? Ella, that's crazy. Come with me.

(bells tinkle and Ella obeys.)

(Lights down on MS, but leave curtain open. Char and Ella cross to SS. Lights up on SS)

Ella: (hesitantly) The hall of mirrors?

Char: When I was little, my father brought me in here. He told me to look in the mirror and see myself as a great leader. Somehow, I never could. And then you come along. (Ella stifles a sob) Ella, what's wrong?

Ella: (crying) I wish I could tell you. I wish I could tell you everything. These last few days have been so perfect. Well, except for the bit where we almost got eaten by ogres.

Char: And you wrote me a letter that ripped my heart out. And I had to dance with Hattie. But none of these things matter. We're together now. And when we're together, it's like magic. I never want it to end.

Ella: I know, I know. And I feel the same, but...

Char: That's why I brought you here.

Ella: (insistently) Char, please listen to me.

Char: Ella, I know. You're scared. I'm scared, too. This is... this is a big step. Ella... Ella of Frell, will you marry me?

Ella: (shaking head and trying to pull back) No, no, no, no, no!

Char: (disbelieving) No?

Ella: (sadly) No.

Char: I don't understand. What is it? My politics? Your family? Because those things aren't important. What's important is what's in our hearts. If our love is strong, we can conquer anything.

(Char hugs her, with his back to the audience. A clock begins to stroke midnight and we see Ella raise a dagger over Char’s back. But she is resisting so hard, she shakes uncontrollably.)

Ella: (crying harder) I do love you, Char.

(On MS, lights begin to flash on and off, as Ella’s memories of trying not to obey flash through her mind)

Lady Elenore: Ella, come here.

Dame Olga: Don't argue. Just do it.

Hattie: Take that.

Nish: Keep your mouth shut.

Hattie: Hand it over.

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Nish: Don’t’ move.

Olive: Take those.

Sir Edgar: On the stroke of midnight you will take this dagger and plunge it through his heart and kill him.

Lady Elenore: What's inside you is stronger than any spell.

(Lights stop on MS)

Ella: (with conviction) You will no longer be obedient. (steps back from Char. Char sees the knife in her hand.) You will no longer be obedient! (she drops the knife) I'm free. I can't believe it. (incredulous) I'm free.

Char: (shocked) You tried to kill me.

(Sir Edgar suddenly steps into the room)

Sir Edgar: Guards!

Ella: No, Char...

Sir Edgar: (to knights) Take her away.

Ella: (frantically) No, Char, please. Please, Char, wait. No, Char! (the knights grab her and begin to leave) Char, please, wait. I can explain! Please listen to me! Char !No, please. No! No! There's been a huge mistake. Please. Just listen. Please! (knights drag her offstage)

Sir Edgar: (soothingly to Char) You realize, of course, she'll have to be put to death immediately.

Char: (still stunned) I just don't understand. Maybe I should go and talk to her.

Sir Edgar: (sharply) No! ( changes tone) No, I forbid you to go down there.

Heston: Your Highness, your uncle didn't want to frighten you, but the secret police informed us of a possible uprising. Those ogres in the forest, they were after you. The girl was obviously part of the scheme.

Sir Edgar: The ogres never planned to hurt her. She was just toying with your emotions, Char, so she could get close to you and commit the murder herself.

Char: I... I just don't believe it.

Heston: Yes. Yes, it does seem quite fantastic.

Sir Edgar: You let me worry about all this, hm? You just concentrate on tomorrow's coronation.

(Char exits the stage, still stunned)

Heston: Sire, you know I've been working with the Red Guard. Why not call them in now and take over the whole kingdom like we planned?

Sir Edgar: First we must find a way to get rid of the prince. And I think I have a pretty good idea how to do it.

(Lights out on SS. Close curtain. Play Film Clip 5)

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*Play Film Clip 5*

(Slannen and several elves, giants and Ogres are huddled together by the Castle garbage cans)

Slannen: (decisively) All right. We just have to find a way to get past those guards.

Benny: (from offstage) Help! Please, somebody get me out of here!

(Everybody looks around, startled. Slannen reaches into a trash can and pulls out Benny)

Slannen: Benny? What's are you doing here? Ugh!

Benny: (elated) Slannen, you've saved my life.

Slannen: Are you OK?

Benny: I could kiss you!

Slannen: (wrinkling his nose in distaste) I think a nice thank-you note is enough.

Benny: I think Ella's in trouble. Something to do with Edgar. We have to find her.

Slannen: Show me Ella.

(Benny reveals that Ella is being held in prison)

Koopooduk: (angrily) Edgar's done this?

Brumhilda: We've gotta go in there and stop him.

Slannen: (determined) It'll take courage, bravery...(stops and stares at Nish, who is holding Slannen’s arm like a drumstick)

Nish: I was gonna ask you how you'd like to be eaten, but if it's Edgar you're after... count us in.

Slannen: (snatches back his arm and rolls his eyes) Welcome aboard.

(a human with an ax comes striding through)

Executioner: Executioner coming through.

(Nish reaches out and grabs the Executioner)

Executioner: (freezes) Help.

Nish: (smiling) I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Slannen: (marches over to the castle door and bangs on it) Open up. I'm Miss Frell's

legal representation.

(A guard steps out of the door)

Guard: (confused) Her what?

Slannen: (haughtily) Her lawyer, numbskull. If the gauntlet doesn't fit, you must acquit. Now, open this door before I sue you for everything you own. Now, move it! Come on! Come on!

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(The door opens and several guards come out as Slannen turns his back on them and moves away. As they go to attack Slannen, the group of friends falls on the guards and a massive battle ensues as Slannen pontificates)

Slannen: (loudly) Thank you. Slannen of Pim is not an elf easily drawn into a legal battle, but when faced with a challenge to equality, freedom and civil liberties, this elf will draw the sword of justice. And, furthermore...(he turns to see all the foes vanquished and Nish about to eat the Executioner) Excuse me, what is going on here?

Nish: Well, can we at least take him to go?

Slannen: (firmly) Put the nice man down.

Ella: (from offstage) Slannen?

Slannen: (turning) Ella? (He enters the door and scene changes to Ella in prison) Ella!

(he unlocks the jail door with keys taken off a guard)

Ella: (stepping out and hugging Slannen) Slannen!

Benny: (happily) Oh, Ella!

Ella: Benny!

Slannen: Are you OK?

Ella: (opening Benny) I'm fine, but Char might not be. Show me Edgar.

(scene shows Edgar holding a poisoned crown)

Koopooduk: (entering the room) That's Char's crown. It’s the same one his father wore.

Brumhilda: (shocked) He's poisoned it.

Ella: We gotta go. Come on. Come on, guys.

Nish: (pounding his fist into his palm) We got a coronation to crash.

*End Film Clip 5*

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(Curtain opens. Lights up on MS. Scene is same as Interior Ball. All are gathered. Char and Edgar are raised on blocks.)

Sir Edgar: People of Lamia. Today is a very special day for our kingdom. For today you are here to witness the crowning of a king. Bring in the crown.

(a Royal Guard brings in the poisoned crown on a pillow. Edgar picks it up and prepares to place it on Char’s head. Suddenly Ella and her crew storm in.)

Ella: (pointing at Edgar) Drop that crown!

Char: (startled) Ella?

Sir Edgar: Seize them!

Koopooduk: It's payback time.

Sir Edgar: (to the guards) Charge!

Ella: Char!

Sir Edgar: Kill them, and anyone who gets in your way.

(The guards surge forward and begin fighting the crew and Ella. Even the spectators get involved. Char is indecisive for a moment and then throws off his cape and rushes to Ella’s side where he begins fighting the Royal guards. There will be multiple battles happening onstage and dialogue will change around)

Sir Edgar: (as Char runs to Ella) No no no no no no no!

Dame Olga: (horrified) Oh, my God!

Char: (to Ella as they both fight off guards) I can't believe I'm saving you, after you tried to kill me.

Ella: I didn't try to kill you.

(A guard tries to grab Ella from behind)

Char: (pushed the guard away from Ella) You get away from her!

Slannen: (hits a guard with Benny) Take this!

Benny: Hey!

Char: That dagger you were about to plunge into my back was an early wedding present?

Benny: (distressed) Hello! Help! (he sees Mandy) Mandy! Help!

Mandy: (waves arms nervously) Fairies in kingdoms across the land, please help me turn Benny back into a man. (There is a poof of smoke and glitter and suddenly Slannen is holding a pumpkin, irritating Mandy) A pumpkin?

Ella: (while fighting off a guard) OK, maybe I did try to kill you, but that wasn't me.

Char: What?

Ella: Maybe it was me, but it wasn't my fault.

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(some silly battling will take place while Ella is talking to Char, and Heston begins sneaking his way over to Char. The battle will end leaving Char and Ella CSD and battles on the periphery. Heston should be positioning himself near Char.)

Ella: Then Edgar found out about the curse and he ordered me to kill you. So I had to break up with you, even though I'm pretty sure that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. That crown he's about to put on your head, it's poisoned.

Char: Duck. (He knocks back a guard) Whoa. Edgar's trying to kill me?

Ella: Yes. Hold on. (she roundhouse kicks a guard)

Dame Olga: How vulgar!

Heston: (sliding through the crowd) Excuse me. Thank you.

Ella: (facing Char) Char, there's one more thing. He killed your father.

Char: (stunned) What? That can't be true.

Sir Edgar: (from the dais) Well, of course it's not true! Who are you gonna believe? This lying little twit, or the man who raised you?

(Heston attempts to bite Char, but Ella see him and flings him across the room, right in front of the Fan Club)

Fan Girl: (outraged) He tried to kill Char! Get him!

Heston: Uh-oh. (Heston flees the stage with the Fan Club giving chase)

Char: (equally outraged) Well, I guess that answers that question!

Sir Edgar: (to Ella) You vile little girl. I should have disposed of you when I had the chance.

Char: (mounting the dias to confront Edgar, bringing Ella with him) You almost destroyed this kingdom. You killed my father, your own brother. How could you?

Sir Edgar: (with malice) How could l? I wanted something, he was in my way, I got rid of him. (loudly and with anger) He wasn't fit to wear this crown, and you're not fit to wear this crown! (Edgar takes the crown from the Royal guard and places it on his own head.)

Char and Ella: Uh..

Sir Edgar: This crown is mine! This kingdom is... (suddenly remembers the crown is poisoned) Oops. (he falls to the ground and the crown rolls into the crowd)

Char: (to Ella) You saved my life.

Ella: (smiling at Char) Then we're even.

(Char and Ella hug)

Hattie: (rushing to the dais) Ella! Ella, stop hugging him! (smiling cruelly) You are never to hug him again.

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Ella: (leans down to Hattie and smiles sweetly) You wanna bet? (she snatches her mother’s necklace from Hattie’s neck, stands and hugs Char, who laughs and hugs her back. Hattie screams in a frustrated rage)

Char: Marry me?

Ella: Now, that I'll do.

Crowd: Ah!

(Lights out on MS. Guests and Ella’s crew quickly assemble for the wedding. Ella and Char put on crowns and Narrator stands between them on the dais. When all is in place, lights up on MS)

Narrator: I now pronounce you husband and wife. (hands Char and Ella champagne goblets)

Char: (toasting to the crowd) To a nation of equals. To my good friends. And to my true love, Ella.

Narrator: (to audience)

So, such is the story of Ella of Frell,

a spunky young woman

once under a spell.

If there's one thing to learn,

it's you just can't go wrong

if you follow your heart

and end with a song.

(Start music for Don’t Go Breaking my Heart)

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

Ella: Don't go breaking my heartChar: I couldn't if I triedElla: Oh, Honey, if I get restlessChar: Baby, you're not that kind

Slannen: Don't go breaking my heartBrumhilda: You take the weight off meMandy: Oh, honey, when you knock on my doorBenny: Ooh, I gave you my key

All: Ooh-hoo, nobody knows itArieda: When I was downLucinda: I was your clownAll: Ooh-hoo, nobody knows it, nobody knows (split harmony) Char: Right from the startElla: I gave you my heartBoth: Oh oh, I gave you my heart

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Char: So don't go breaking my heartElla: I won't go breaking your heartAll: Don't go breaking my, don’t go breaking my…

Ella: I wont go breaking your heart

All: Don't go breaking my, don’t go breaking my…

Char: I won’t go breaking your heart.I won't go breaking your heart.

All: Don't go breaking my heartI won't go breaking your heart(Don't go breaking my)(Don't go breaking my)Don't go breaking my heart(Don't go breaking my)(Don't go breaking my)I won't go breaking your heartDon't go breaking my heart(Don't go breaking my)I won't go breaking your heartDon't go breaking my heart(Don't go breaking my)I won't go breaking your heartDon't go breaking my heart

Ella: Don’t go breaking my heart!

(Close curtain. Lights down on MS. Prepare for bows. Narrator moves to SS. Lights up on SS)

Narrator: (to audience) Good luck, Ella!

Now it's back to the real world,

all of you I must send,

for I've only two words left,

and they are:the end.

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1. Oliver, Kesten, Reezan2. Malia 3. Nairobi, Clare, Kader4. Jack and Naomi5. Maxwell, Romina, Raquel6. Charlie and K7. Lily and Kiran8. Lexi and Arjan9. Andrea

10. Dylan


12. Morgan