web programming: client/server applications server sends the web pages to the client. –built into...

Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays the web pages in a browser. e.g., IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari web pages are Web Forms in VB.NET

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Page 1: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Web Programming: Client/Server Applications• Server sends the web pages to the client.

– built into Visual Studio for development purposes

• Client displays the web pages in a browser.– e.g., IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari– web pages are Web Forms in VB.NET

Page 2: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Web Documents (Pages)

• Documents (web pages) consist of HTML, CSS, Java applets, Javascript.

• Web page is generally stateless

• does not store any information about its contents from one invocation to the next

• Techniques for working around stateless issue:

• cookies stored on local machine

• send state information to server as part of the page's address, uniform resource locator (URL)

Page 3: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays


• ASP.NET is a Web programming technology from Microsoft.

• ASP.NET provides libraries, controls, and programming support for:

• Interacting with the user

• Maintaining state, rendering controls

• Displaying data, and generating appropriate HTML

• When using Web Forms in VB .NET you are using ASP.NET.

• 2 files are generated:•.aspx extension contains HTML

•.aspx.vb extension hasVB code (not compiled into .exe)

Page 4: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Create a New Project in Visual Web Developer

• Under Visual Basic/Web, select

ASP.NET Empty Web Application

When project opens, connection to a Web Server is established.

Page 5: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

IDE for Visual Web Developer with New Web Project

Page 6: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Viewing the HTML Code

• Design and Sources tabs at bottom of the form in the Designer allow you to switch between the HTML code and VB code.

• Click on the Source tab to view the static HTML code.

Page 7: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

ToolBox Controls

• VS Designer adds a small green arrow in the upper-left corner of server controls.

ASP Server Control

Client-side HTML Control

• Several types of controls are available for Web Forms and can be mixed on a single form.

• Very often used are the Standard (ASP.NET server controls) — provided by ASP.NET and the .NET framework.

Page 8: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Using Tables for Layout

• ASP.NET generates appropriate HTML to render the page in various browsers but cannot be aware of the screen size, resolution, or window size on the target machine.

• Table is an HTML control, requiring no server-side programming, and provides good layout capabilities.

• Add controls and text to the table cells to align the columns.

Page 9: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Entering Controls or Text in a Table

• Add a label and assign it a property for ID to be able to refer to the text in a cell at run time. –OR—

• Type text directly into the cell.

Page 10: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Including Images on Web Pages

• Use the Image control to add graphics to a Web page.

• Concept is similar to the PictureBox control on Windows Forms but the graphic file is connected differently due to the nature of the Web applications.

• Each Image control has an ImageUrl property that specifies the location of the graphic file.

• To place an image on a Web page, the graphic should first be copied into the Web site folder.

• Image controls can be added to a cell in a table or directly on a Web page.

Page 11: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Navigating Web Pages

• Add a HyperLink control to allow the user to navigate to another site or page.

• Enter a Text property for the text to display for the user.

• Enter a NavigateUrl property to specify the URL to which to navigate; the Select URL dialog box displays.

• Select the page from a list.

• To go to another website, type the Web address as the NavigateUrl property value.

Page 12: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Adding a Second Web Page

To add a new web form to a web site, select Web Form in the Add New Item dialog box.

Make sure to choose Visual Basicfor the language and check Place code in separate file.

Page 13: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Using the Validator Controls

• ASP.NET provides several controls that can automatically validate input data. Examples:

•RangeValidator control verifies user input is within a minimum and maximum value.

•RequiredFieldValidator control verifies the user input is not empty.

• First add a validator control then attach it to an input control and set the error message (done by setting properties).

• At run time, when data is input, the error message displays if the validation rule is violated.

• Validator controls run on the client side.

Page 14: Web Programming: Client/Server Applications Server sends the web pages to the client. –built into Visual Studio for development purposes Client displays

Maintaining the State of a Web Page

• When an ASP.NET application loads, the Page-Load event occurs—the page is reloaded for each “round-trip” to the server. This is known as a postback. Postbacks occur many times in a Web application and you lose the value of controls upon each reload.

• Use module-level variables in controls to hold their values during postback. (Do not use local variables!)

• Set EnableViewState to True (default), so the control contents reappear for each postback.

• The page’s IsPostBack property is set to False for the initial page load and to True for all page loads after the first. Check for a True value to make sure that actions are only performed on postbacks.

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A Couple of Final Facts

• By default, web projects are tested in Microsoft Internet Explorer. To test in another browser on your machine:

• Right-click on the project name

• Select Browse With

• To copy a web project you’ve created, simply copy the Solution folder to the desired location (just as for Windows projects).

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A Complete Example

• Exercise 9.3, page 395:

–Create a web page to enter customer information like name, email, username, password.

–Format the web page using a table.

–Validate the fields.

–When the user clicks Submit, display a second confirmation page.