we are now introducing recitation of qur’an for all the ... · these are like paragraphs or...

Qur’an 2010 Page 11.1 www.madressa.net INTRODUCTION TO CLASS 5AB – 11AB QUR’AN: We are now introducing recitation of Qur’an for all the Students, in the hope of bringing all our Students to one level of recitation. For those Students who are in the process of learning how to recite Qur’an, a separate Qur’an Manual will also be given. For those Students who are already reciting Qur’an, some rules included in this Manual will be taught to them to improve their recitation further. All Students will do the Tafsir part of the syllabus and attempt the Qur’an Coursework which is at the beginning of this Manual. Recite the Holy Qur’an and Memorise it. Allah (swt) will not punish the heart in which the Qur’an has been placed. (Imam Ja’far As Sadiq (A))

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We are now introducing recitation of Qur’an for all the Students, in the hope of bringing all our Students to one level of recitation.

For those Students who are in the process of learning how to recite Qur’an, a separate Qur’an Manual will also be given.

For those Students who are already reciting Qur’an, some rules included in this Manual will be taught to them to improve their recitation further.

All Students will do the Tafsir part of the syllabus and attempt the Qur’an Coursework which is at the beginning of this Manual.

Recite the Holy Qur’an and Memorise it. Allah (swt) will not punish the heart in which the Qur’an has been placed. (Imam Ja’far As Sadiq (A))

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The Holy Qur'an is a book containing the words of Allah. It should be treated with the respect it deserves. This respect should also extend to any book, such as this manual, wherein there are verses of the Holy Qur’an. In this lesson we will learn how to respect the Holy Qur’an and how to recite it.

1. The words of the Holy Qur'an should only be touched after doing Wudhu. Allah says: None should touch it except the purified.(al-Wáqi`áh, 56:79)

2. Always begin the recitation with Ta`awwudh. Allah says: When you recite the Qur’an, seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan, the accursed

(an-Nahl, 16:98)

Ta`awwudh means to recite øÁæÎêUìj»A øÆBòñæÎìr»A äÅê¿ êÉé}¼»BøI ågæÌå§òA Which means, “I seek refuge in Allah, from Shaitan, the accursed.

3. After Ta`awwudh, recite ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ which means,

“I begin in the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful”. 4. Even if you know the verses by heart, it is better to recite while looking at the words, as this increases the rewards many times.

5. It is Mustahab to recite the Holy Qur'an with your head covered and while facing the Qiblah.

Cover the head Face Qiblah

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6. The Holy Qur’an should be recited without rushing, in a clear manner.

Allah says:

ý4þ æÚ×ãWåoáW áÉDåoâ»åÂB ãÄãäWánáÑ And recite the Qur’an in a regulated tone. (Al-Muzzammil, 73:4)

7. When the Qur’an is being recited, listen attentively and do not eat or talk. Allah says: And when the Qur’an is recited, listen to it with (full) attention, so that you may

be blessed with mercy. (Al-A`raf, 7:204) 8. Do not leave the Holy Qur'an open and unattended or in a place where it may be disrespected. Recite from it regularly and do not leave it unread on the shelf. Allah says:

And the Prophet (S) shall say, “O my Lord! Verily my people abandoned this Qur’an.” (Al-Furqan, 25:30)

10. Worn-out pages of the Holy Qur'an or paper with verses of the Holy Qur'an must not be thrown in the bin, Instead they should be Re-cycled or buried.

References Holy Qur’an, Tafsir of S V Mir Ahmed Ali The Science of Reciting the Qur’an, M Surty, Pages 30-34

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Allah sent 124,000 Prophets for the guidance of mankind. To some of these Prophets, he gave a set of rules and instructions that the prophets left behind in the form of books.

The Divine Books were:

According to many traditions, the revelation of the Holy Qur’an began on the 23rd night of the month of Ramadhan (Laylatul Qadr). They began when the Prophet (S) was 40 years old and continued for the next 23 years.

The Holy Qur’an broadly contains:

1. Ahkam: These are verses about the Furu’-e-Din from which the Mujtahidín prepare the various Fatwas to do with Salaat, Sawm, Haj etc.

2. Tareekh: These are the verses that narrate the history of people who lived before our Holy Prophet (S).

3. `Aqa’id: These are verses that explain the Belief in the Unity of Allah, the Prophet (S) and the Day of Judgement.

4. Akhlaq: The verses outline the moral behaviour that Muslims are required to observe.


TAWRAT to Prophet Musa (A)

ZABUR to Prophet Dawood (A)

INJIL to Prophet Isa (A)

QUR’AN to Prophet Muhammad (S)

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The Holy Qur’an therefore contains guidance that teaches a man about:

- His duties to himself i.e. how to lead a successful life in this world and the hereafter.

- How to act with other people i.e. how to contribute as an individual towards the betterment of society.

- His duty to his Creator i.e. how to worship Allah.

Merits of Recital of the Holy Qur’an

There are many Ahadith (sayings) of the Holy Prophet (S) and our Aimmah (A) on the reward and blessing of reciting the Holy Qur’an. Only some are quoted here: The Prophet (S) has said, “The most excellent amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it to others.”

“The more Qur’an is recited in a home, the greater the good for it. The lives of the people in the house are made easier. When the angels view this house from the heavens they see it shining in the same way as stars seen from the earth.”

“The heart gathers rust just like iron; remove this rust by reciting the Qur’an.” Imam `Ali (A) has said, “Whosoever recites 100 verses daily from the Book (Holy Qur’an) in the order it is in, Alláh writes for him the reward equal to all the good actions of every one on this earth.”

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The text of the Holy Qur'an has been divided in various ways. These are:

1. Ayah pl. Ayat ( PBÍA , ÒÍA) In `Arabic, Ayah means sign, and in the Holy Qur’an, it means a verse. Thus, each and every verse of the Holy Qur'an is a sign of Allah. There are various numbers given for the total Ayat in the Holy Qur'an. Syed Akhtar Rizvi mentions 6236 in his book “Qur’an and Hadith”.

2. Súrah pl. Suwar (iÌm , ÑiÌm) In `Arabic, Surah means an enclosure and in the Holy Qur'an, it means a chapter. There are 114 Suwar in the Holy Qur'an. The longest of them is al-Baqarah with 286 Ayat, and the shortest is al-Kauthar with only 4 Ayat.

3. Manzil pl. Manázil ( ¾kBÄ¿ , ¾lÄ¿) In `Arabic, Manzil means a phase. The Holy Qur'an has been divided into seven Manázil, for convenience of recitation. So a person wishing to recite the entire Qur’an in one week may do so by reciting one Manzil a day. Each such position in the Holy Qur'an is marked by the word Manzil.

4. Juz’ pl. Ajza’( ÕAlUA , ÕlU) The Muslims have divided the Holy Qur'an into 30 equal parts (Juz’ in `Arabic or Pára in Urdu). This division is just for convenience. So a person who wishes to recite the whole Qur’an in one month (as in the month of Ramadhan) may do so by reciting one Juz’ every day. In the Holy Qur'an, the beginning of the Juz` is usually marked by a blacked line.

5. Rub`, Nisf, Thalathah ( ÒQÝQA , ±và , ©Ii ) Each Juz’ is divided into quarters, again for the convenience of recitation into Rub` (quarter), Nisf (half) and Thalathah (three-quarter, shortened to three).

6. Ruku`, pl. Rukuat ( PB§Ì·i , ªÌ·i ) These are like paragraphs or sections, containing 7-12 Ayat. For example, al-Fatihah (1st Surah) has 7 Ayat, grouped in one Ruku`, while al-Baqarah (2nd Surah) has 286 Ayat, grouped into 40 Rukuat.

The place of Ruku` is denoted by the letter ª. The letter has three numbers, one at the

top, one in its middle and one below it. The number at the top signifies the number that this Ruku` is in the Surah. The number in the middle signifies the number of Ayat between the last Ruku` and the present one. The number at the bottom signifies the number that this Ruku` is in the Juz’.

So, in this example from Súrah al-Baqarah, This is the 23rd Ruku` in the Surah, there are 6 Ayat between Ruku` number 22 and 23, and this is the 7th Ruku’ in this Juz’ and this is the 7th Ruku` in this Juz’.

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This Surah was revealed in Makka. It has nine verses. It is Surah number 104 in the Holy Qur’an. “Humazah” means “Slanderer”. This is a person who speaks evil of others, is a back-biter and loves to spread scandal.

Text and Translation

ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

ý1þ èTáqáÇâä èTáqáÇâÎ ãäÄâ¿ãä çÄåÖáÑ 1. Woe to every slanderer, defamer (one who backbites),

ý2þ âÍájáäká®áÑ æÙCáÆ á°áÇá_ ÕãmáäÂB 2. Who amasses wealth and hoards it,

ý3þ âÍákáÃågáF âÐáÂCáÆ áäÉáF âSátådáÖ 3. Does he think his wealth will make him live forever?

ý4þ ãUáÇá§âdåÂB Ø㶠áäÉámáRËâ×á áäÚá¾ 4. No! Verily, he shall be thrown into Hutamah.

ý5þ âUáÇá§âdåÂB CáÆ á½BánåjáF CáÆáÑ 5. What shall make you know what Hutamah is?

ý6þ âTákáºÒâÇåÂB ãÐáäÃÂB ânCáÊ 6. It is the fire kindled by Allah,

ý7þ ãTákãNå¶áåÛB ÔáÃá® â°ãÃáä§áW ØãXáäÂB 7. Which leaps over the hearts

ý8þ çTáká{åKâäÆ ÈãÏå×áÃá® CáÏáäÊãH 8. It shall close upon them,

ý9þ èTájáäkáÇâäÆ èkáÇá® Ø㶠9. In outstretched columns.

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Tafsir Ayat 1-9: The Surah talks about the punishment for the one who slanders, the one who backbites, and the miser who hoards.

The one who slanders and attacks the honour and character of others is of no use to society and his doom is in Hutamah. This is a fire that destroys utterly everything cast into it, body as well as soul. The same punishment is for the miser, whose hoarded wealth is of

no use to anyone, even himself. Imam `Ali (A) has said that he wonders at the miser - in this world he lives as the poor man, but in the next world he will be judged along with the wealthy. While this Surah is a warning for all believers, it was revealed with regard to the activities of Akhnas bin Saqfi. This man was rich, loved to hoard wealth and his favourite activity was to spread false rumours and scandal about the Prophet (S). Merits of Reciting Surah al-Humazah References Holy Qur’an, Tafsir of S V Mir Ahmed Ali Ramadhan, Ahkam and Philosophy, Yasin T. al Jibouri

The Prophet (S) has said that one who recites this Surah will be granted ten good deeds for each and everyone who ridiculed the Holy Prophet (S) and his companions.

Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (A) has said about this Surah, "Whoever reads it in his optional prayers, it will ward off poverty from him, bringing him sustenance and protecting him against a tragic death."

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LESSON 5: SURAH AL QARI`AH - INTRODUCTION This Surah was revealed in Makka. It has eleven verses. It is Surah number 101 in the Holy Qur’an. “Qari`ah” means “Calamity” and refers to the terror of the Day of Judgement. Text and Translation

ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

ý1þ âUá®ãnCá»åÂB 1. The Striking Calamity!

ý2þ âUá®ãnCá»åÂB CáÆ 2. What is the Striking Calamity?

ý3þ âUá®ãnCá»åÂB CáÆ á½BánåjáF CáÆáÑ 3. What makes you know what the Striking Calamity is?

ý4þ ãZÒâ\åRáÇåÂB ãvBáoá∙ åÂCá¾ ârCáäËÂB âÉÒâ¿áÖ áÅåÒáÖ 4. The day when people shall be like scattered moths,

ý5þ ãvÒâ∙ËáÇåÂB ãÌåÏãˉ åÂCá¾ âÁCáRã`åÂB âÉÒâ¿áWáÑ 5. And the mountains shall become like loosened wool.

ý6þ âÐâËÖãpBáÒáÆ åYáÃâ»á[ ÌáÆ CáäÆáGᶠ6. Then, as for him whose scales are heavy (with good deeds);

ý7þ èUá×ã¢Báän èUáx×ã® Ø㶠áÒâÏᶠ7. He shall have live in happiness.

ý8þ âÐâËÖãpBáÒáÆ åYáä∙ ág åÌáÆ CáäÆáFáÑ 8. And as for him whose scales are light,

ý9þ çUáÖãÑCáÎ âÐâäÆâGᶠ9. His home shall be “Hawiyah” (a burning abyss).

ý10þ åÐá×ãÎ CáÆ á½BánåjáF CáÆáÑ 10. What makes you what it (Hawiyah) is?

ý11þ çUá×ãÆCác çnCáÊ 11. It is a raging Fire. (al-Qari`ah, 101:1-11)

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Ayat 6, 7: On that day everything will cease to have value except one’s deeds. All forms of wealth will have no meaning. The people, who have more good deeds than evil ones, will be happy. They will be given the good news of heaven.

Tafsir Ayah 1: The calamity refers to the great upheaval that will precede the Day of Judgement. There will be a great striking noise and the whole face of the world will change - all the false appearances and false values will disappear, to be replaced with the frightening reality of the end of the world. Ayat 2, 3: Since nothing like this scene or noise has ever happened, it is impossible to even correctly imagine what it would be like.

Ayah 4: The terror caused by these scenes in the minds of the people will cause them to flee in all directions, looking for shelter. To give us an idea of what it will be like, the verse mentions the scattering of moths. Ayah 5: Even the solid mountains, that look immovable, will be broken like loose wool.

Ayat 8, 9: As for the disobedient ones, their evil deeds will outweigh their good deeds. There will be no more time to repent and they will be thrown into hell. “Hawiyah” is a bottomless pit of hell. Ayat 9, 10: The nature and torment of “Hawiyah” cannot be understood by man. The only clue we have is that it will be a pit containing blazing fire. May Allah protect us from this punishment.

Merits of Reciting Surah al Qari`ah

References Holy Qur’an, Tafsir of S V Mir Ahmed Ali Ramadhan, Ahkam and Philosophy, Yasin T. al Jibouri

Good Bad Deeds Deeds

The Prophet (S) ha said that whoever recites this Surah, Allah will let his scale of good deeds weigh heavily.

Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (A) has said that one who recites this Surah will receive security from Allah against the dissension of the Dajjal, against believing in him, and against hell fire.

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This Surah was revealed in Makka. It has twenty one verses. It is Surah number 92 in the Holy Qur’an. “Layl” means “Night”.

Text and Translation

ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

ý1þ Ôáxå³áÖ BálãH ãÄå×áäÃÂBáÑ By the night when it veils (all things with darkness),

ý2þ ÔáäÃá áW BálãH ãnCáÏáäËÂBáÑ By the day when it appears radiant,

ý3þ Ôá\ÊâåÛBáÑ áoá¾áämÂB á¼áÃág CáÆáÑ By that (power) which created male and female.

ý4þ ÔáäXáxá åÈâ¿á×åˉ ás áäÉãH Verily your striving is for diverse ends.

ý5þ Ôá»áäWBáÑ Ôá§å®áF ÌáÆ CáäÆáGᶠHe who gives (to others) and adopts Taqwah (is mindful of Allah’s laws),

ý6þ ÔáËåtâdåÂCãQ á¹áäká{áÑ And believes in the best (Islam),

ý7þ Óáoåtâ×åÃã âÍâoãätá×âËátᶠWe shall indeed make smooth the path to bliss for him;

ý8þ ÔáËå³áXåsBáÑ áÄãháQ ÌáÆ CáäÆáFáÑ But he who does not give (is miserly) and thinks himself self-sufficient,

ý9þ ÔáËåtâdåÂCãQ áPáämá¾áÑ And belies the best (Islam),

ý10þ Óáoåtâˉ åÃã âÍâoãätá×âËátᶠWe shall indeed make smooth for him the path to affliction,

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ý11þ ÓáäjáoáW BálãH âÐâÂCáÆ âÐåËá® ØãËå³âÖ CáÆáÑ And his riches will not avail him when he perishes.

ý12þ ÓákâÏåÃá CáËå×áÃá® áäÉãH Verily it is for Us to guide (show the right way),

ý13þ ÔáÂÑâåÛBáÑ áTáoãgåÞá CáËá áäÉãHáÑ And to Us belong the end (hereafter) and the beginning (the worldly life).

ý14þ Ôáä«áÃáW BænCáÊ åÈâ¿âWånámÊáGᶠSo I warn you of the blazing fire

ý15þ Ôá»åwáåÛB áäÙãH CáÎáÚå|áÖ áÚ No one will be thrown in it but the most wretched,

ý16þ ÔáäÂáÒáWáÑ áPáämá¾ ÕãmáäÂB Who belies the truth and turns his back.

ý17þ Ôá»åWáåÛB CáÏâRáäËá â×ásáÑ He who safeguards himself against evil shall be removed far from it,

ý18þ Ôáä¾áqáXáÖ âÐáÂCáÆ ØãWåKâÖ ÕãmáäÂB Who gives of his wealth to purify himself,

ý19þ Óáqå âW èUáÇåˉ ãäÊ ÌãÆ âÍákËã® èkácáãÛ CáÆáÑ And (not in return for) any favour done to him by anyone that should be recompensed,

ý20þ ÔáÃå®áåÛB ãÐãäQán ãÐå_áÑ ACá³ãXåQB áäÙãH Save the seeking of the pleasure of his Lord, the Most High,

ý21þ Ôá¢åoáÖ áμåÒátáÂáÑ And soon he shall attain contentment.

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Ayat 1-4: Here Allah mentions the contrast found in nature. The darkness of night is contrasted with the light of the day. The nature of men is contrasted with that of women. Similarly, the conclusion is found in verse 4, where it is stated that man’s aims in life are diverse - either towards good or in contrast, towards evil.

Ayat 5-11: The righteous Muslim is identified as one who is generous with what he has been blessed with, one who is mindful of the limits set by Allah and one who sincerely believes in Islam. For such a person, Allah makes the path easier so that the journey to heaven is smoother. In contrast, the evil ones adopt miserliness, greed, arrogance and they belittle Islam. For them, Allah makes the path to Hell smoother. And the riches which he was so proud of will be of no use to him in the hereafter.

Ayat 12-21: Allah has taken upon Himself the responsibility for the guidance of humanity. To this end He sent books, messengers and guides. After that, man was allowed to use his freedom of choice to decide his own actions. For those who choose to defy and disobey Allah, a blazing fire awaits. They are described as the most wretched. On the other hand, those who choose the path of obedience and piety, for them awaits eternal bliss in the next life. They will be the content ones. Merits of Reciting Surah al Layl References Holy Qur’an, Tafsir of S V Mir Ahmed Ali Ramadhan, Ahkam and Philosophy, Yasin T. al Jibouri



The Prophet (S) has said that whoever recites this Surah will be given so much that he is satisfied, and Allah will not let him be exposed to hardship and will make life easy for him.