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  • 8/9/2019 Watcher's Lamp June 2


    Watcher's Lamp

    Monitoring spiritual deception and world events from a Biblical perspective.

    W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 2 , 2 0 1 0

    World Religions Summit 2010

    Religious Leaders Summit Interfaith Leaders in the G8 Nations

    In June, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that from June

    21st to the 23rd 2010, the G8 Summit would gather in Hunstville, Ontario. Days

    prior to the Summit, up to a hundred global religious leaders from diverse faiths

    including Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Islam, Indigenous

    Spirituality and Shinto traditions will gather for the 5th G8 Religious Leaders

    Summit in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The event is being organized by the 2010

    Interfaith Partnership, and will bring together leaders from the G8 countries

    (France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the

    United States) and Africa. The Religious Leaders Summit was organized to

    compliment the G8 political leaders Summit.

    ...The G8 Religious Leaders Summitbegan as an idea fromJim Walliswith a

    virtual meeting in Scotland in 2005. The first actual meeting took place in Russia

    in 2006, followed by Germany in 2007, Japan in 2008, and Italy in 2009. Since

    1975, political leaders from the G8 countries have met annually to discuss the

    worlds toughest issues. 2010 will mark the fifth G8 Summit hosted by Canada

    since the country joined the international organization in 1976.

    Editor's note: The RLS focuses on social justice and the achievement of The UN

    Millenium Development Goals by 2015.

    See how Rick Warren's Global Peace Plan lines up with the UN Millenium

    Development Goals.


  • 8/9/2019 Watcher's Lamp June 2


    Vatican Set To Criticize Israel

    Israeli attack on Gaza flotilla provokes more violence, says Pope From The


    Pope Benedict was speaking ahead of his visit on Friday to Cyprus, the

    Mediterranean island nation from which the ill-fated flotilla carrying aid for the

    blockaded Gaza Strip had set sail.

    A working document which is expected to criticise the ongoing Israeli occupation

    of the Palestinian territories, will be presented by the pontiff in Cyprus in

    preparation for a synod assembly of bishops from the Middle East region slated

    for October.

    The Vatican has repeatedly denounced worsening economic conditions in the

    Palestinian territories, saying they are also contributing to an exodus of

    Christians from the area.


    Turkey and Israel close to brink

    From Debka File

    The war projected between Israel and the Iran-led bloc of Syria, Hizballah and

    Hamas is suddenly overshadowed by Turkish-Israeli hostilities over a deadly

    Israeli commando raid on an aid flotilla from Istanbul. Against the US president

    Barack Obama's bid to bridge the rift, Turkish generals are drawing up plans to

    break Israel's Gaza blockade and avenge 9 deaths, while Israel is bound by its

    war on terror to thwart them - bringing both to the brink of overt hostilities.


    Anti-Israel protests over flotilla attack intensify around the world

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    Thessaloniki, Greece: Members of the

    communist labour union (PAME) burn

    Israeli and US flags during a protest.

    Photograph: Sotiris Barbarousis/EPA

    See more protest photos from around

    the globe here.


    Giant Sinkhole Open Up In Guatemala City

    Tropical Storm Agatha swept across

    Central America yesterday, bringing

    torrential rain that killed more than 100

    people and opened a 60m-deep

    sinkhole in Guatemala City which

    reportedly swallowed up a three-storey

    building.The first named storm of the

    2010 Pacific season dumped more than a metre of rain in parts of Guatemala,

    also hitting El Salvador and Honduras.

    At least 113 people were reported killed, with around 50 missing in Guatemala

    alone as rescue workers searched through the rubble.The 30m-diameter

    sinkhole opened up in a northern district of Guatemala City, with residents

    blaming the rains and substandard drainage systems. Local reports said one

    man was killed when the building was swallowed. In 2007, three people died

    when a similar sinkhole appeared in the same area.

    See also: Explosive Eruption of Volcanos In Guatemala and Ecuador


  • 8/9/2019 Watcher's Lamp June 2


    Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran

    From Times Online

    Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are

    to be deployed in the Gulf near the Iranian coastline.

    The first has been sent in response to Israeli fears that ballistic missiles

    developed by Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, a political and military organisation in

    Lebanon, could hit sites in Israel, including air bases and missile launchers.

    The submarines of Flotilla 7 Dolphin, Tekuma and Leviathan have visited

    the Gulf before. But the decision has now been taken to ensure a permanent

    presence of at least one of the vessels.

    The flotillas commander, identified only as Colonel O, told an Israeli

    newspaper: We are an underwater assault force. Were operating deep and far,

    very far, from our borders.


    T U E S D A Y , J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0

    On The Edge of Global Chaos

    Headlines point toward global chaos...

    Israel police on highest state of alert across country

    Turkish PM Slams Israel for 'Bloody Massacre' on Ships

    Lebanon, Syria warns of regional war by Israeli attack

    North Korea warns it will meet war with 'all-out war'

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    6.2 earthquake hits Costa Rica

    Guatemala: The Focus of Twin Disasters

    This scares everybody that we cant make it stop, says BP chief

    Euro Crisis to Set One World Currency?

    Pacific submarine volcano causes evacuation

    Vanuatu's volcano causing havoc

    Earth Events Cause for Alarm in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Ecuador

    Huge cloud of sand descends on Chinese


    T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2 7 , 2 0 1 0

    Australia Region Struck by Strong Quakes

    MAG 6.4 2010/05/27 20:48:00 VANUATU

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    MAG 5.2 2010/05/27 17:45:30 VANUATU

    MAG 5.7 2010/05/27 17:24:24 VANUATU

    MAG 7.2 2010/05/27 17:14:48 VANUATU


    US Calls For Global Carbon Transparency, EU Suffers Carbon Fraud

    Despite the fact that the UN professor behind the global warming "hockey-stick"

    graph now suggests global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon, the

    US is driving on with a call for worldwide transparency on measures for

    combating climate change.

    The US climate change representative said Wednesday that all countries must

    adopt transparency and accept external reviews of their greenhouse emissions,

    leaving note that global cooperation is very important to ensure that the

    worldwide campaign for carbon intensity reduction is heading to the right


    Speaking before an audience in Beijing's Tsinghua University, US envoy Todd

    Stern said that the United States treats the issue of transparency with so much

    importance, stressing that "countries need to be able to see what track the world

    is on generally, where we are going."

    Editor's note:

    The Fourth Annual International Conference On Climate Change on May 16

    resulted in a less than convincing verdict on man made climate change:

    Among the nearly three dozen scientists speaking at the event were Dr. Craig

    Idso, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, on the real

    impacts of ocean acidification; Dr. Gary Sharp, marine biologist, on ecological

    responses to climate change; Dr. Nils-Axel Morner, Stockholm University, on his

  • 8/9/2019 Watcher's Lamp June 2


    theory that there is no imminent threat of alarming rising of sea levels; and Dr.

    Howard Maccabee, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, on health data refuting

    the urgency for Environmental Protection Agency regulation ofcarbon dioxide.

    ...Dr. Ian Plimer, University of Adelaide, Australia, reminded his audience that

    most of the carbon on Earth is solid - in other words, rocks. He also spoke on the

    importance of deep sea volcanoes and other earth mantle sources of carbon

    dioxide and other carbon compounds, and proposed that we should be careful

    before we claim to know the cycling of carbon on a complex system like planet


    Editor's note: Don't look now, but carbon fraud is now worth millions in the EU:

    The EU's climate chief is facing pressure to explain her failure to crack down on a

    loophole that allowed alleged fraudsters a large number of them based in

    Britain to make millions of euros throughEurope's emissions trading scheme.

    Confidential documents seen by the Guardian show that Connie Hedegaard, the

    European commissioner for climate action, had been informed about fraudsters

    targeting the Danish carbon registry to enable them to trade in credits last

    summer, as the UK and the Netherlands were clamping down on the fraud by

    scrapping VAT on carbon trading.

    An MEP last week lodged an official question asking what happened to the

    Danish registry while Hedegaard was climate minister, and what is being done

    acrossEuropeto combat carbon fraud.

    Ed. note 2: Oh, and by the way, Wall Street and the financial industry is

    preparing to help save the planet:

    ...Banks intend to become the intermediaries in this fledgling market. Although

    U.S. carbon legislation may not pass for a year or more, Wall Street has already

    spent hundreds of millions of dollars hiring lobbyists and making deals with

    companies that can supply them with carbon offsets to sell to clients.

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    ...The banks are preparing to do with carbon what theyve done before: design

    and market derivatives contracts that will help client companies hedge their price

    risk over the long term. Theyre also ready to sell carbon-related financial

    products to outside investors.

    Masters says banks must be allowed to lead the way if a mandatory carbon-

    trading system is going to help save the planet at the lowest possible cost. And

    derivatives related to carbon must be part of the mix, she says. Derivatives are

    securities whose value is derived from the value of an underlying commodity -- in

    this case, CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

    This requires a massive redirection of capital, Masters says. You cant have a

    successful climate policy without the heavy, heavy involvement of financial


    See also: Climategate showed that global warming concerns were not the

    product of science but of activism , The Cap and Trade Ripoff

    See what's really behind Climate Change.


    Obama Calls For US To Lead New World Order

    Obama redefines national security strategy, looks beyond military might

    By Karen DeYoung

    Washington Post Staff Writer

    Thursday, May 27, 2010; 6:07 AM

    In a broad redefinition of U.S. strategic priorities, President Obama has said that

    the United States must revitalize its own economic, moral and innovative strength

    if it is to continue to lead the world.

    Just as it did following World War II, the United States today must also shape a

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    new international order and system of global institutions that reflect a 21st

    century reality in which "America's greatness is not assured," Obama says in a

    52-page "National Security Strategy" released Thursday morning.

    "As we fight the wars in front of us, we must see the horizon beyond them," he

    writes in an introduction to the document. "To get there, we must pursue a

    strategy of national renewal and global leadership -- a strategy that rebuilds the

    foundation of American strength and influence."

    See more on the rise of The Fourth Kingdom.


    W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 2 6 , 2 0 1 0

    Will Pope Declare The Lady of Nations Coredemptrix on May 31?

    While the Roman Catholic Church is still reeling from the

    global sex abuse scandal, will the Pope throw the proverbial

    "Hail Mary" by declaring Mary Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of

    all Graces and Advocate, otherwise known as the 5th Marian


    Such an announcement, if made on May 31, would

    coincide with the prophecies issued by the apparition of

    Mary concerning the 5th Marian Dogma on the date of

    May 31. The apparition also identified itself as The Lady

    of Nations:

    "This day [May 31] will in due time, be the 'Coronation Day' of His Mother, 'the

    Lady of All Nations,' who once was Mary" (May 31, 1954). "Hold yourself in

    readiness for May 31st" (May 23, 1963). "The Holy Father will proclaim Her Co-

    Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate" (May 31, 1979). "He has but to command

    and it will happen" (December 3, 1949). "First, however, let the Church and the

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    nations invoke Mary under the new title and say Her prayer" (October 11, 1953).

    "...You will have to help him to achieve this [by signing the petition and saying the

    prayer]. Make no mistake about it" (May 31, 1954).

    "I have chosen this day: on this day (May 31) the Lady will be crowned!" ("The

    Lady of All Nations: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate" on May 31, 1954.)

    "The Lady of All Nations' most fervent desire is to save souls, bring the peace of

    the Holy Spirit to the nations, and make Our Lord's Cross the center of this world.

    Thus, "Her mission is to gather all nations into One Community" (cf May 31,


    "On May 31, 1952, She said: "The Church is the Community of Nations...TheChurch is and remains!" This is underscored in a vision of September 21, 1951 in

    which a crown is placed on the head of the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, who is the

    spiritual leader of the Church. The Pope, the visible head of the One and Only

    Church, the Catholic Church, represents Christ the King, Lord of All Nations,

    Who has dominion over all nations. "

    Editor's note: During his visit to Fatima this month Benedict XVI referred to Mary

    as mediatrix of grace.

    See more about the Mary of Rome here.


  • 8/9/2019 Watcher's Lamp June 2


    W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 0


    From Joel Rosenberg:

    A recently-released report by the U.S.

    Department of Interior indicates that Israel

    has massive reserves of natural gas and oil

    supplies just offshore, lying under the


    The U.S. Geological Survey estimated a

    mean 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil anda mean of 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

    in the Levant Basin Province using a geology based assessment methodology,

    stated the reports executive summary.

    Israelis for years have lamented that if God wanted to bless them with a

    promised land He could have given them the oil-rich Arabian peninsula. Thus

    the report has become big news in the Israeli media and the energy industry.

    Several oil and gas companies are already at work there and have made more

    modest discoveries in recent years. But this is by far the biggest development to

    date and some reports indicate Israel could begin using the natural gas and

    possibly exporting it within two years.

    A U.S. energy company announced [in March] that a project it is developing off

    the Israeli coast could soon end the countrys longtime dependence on natural

    gas imports, reported Ynet News, a major Israeli daily. Noble Energy Chief

    Executive Charles D. Davidson said the Tamar gas field set to become

    operational in 2012 will allow Israel to meet its own energy needs, and

    potentially even become an exporter of fuel.Tamars five wells are each

    expected to pump 150 million cubic feet of natural gas per day a pace on par

    with the Houston companys other wells operating in places like the Gulf of

    Mexico, he said. The company hopes to open operations in a second Israeli field,

    called Dalit, at a later time. The possibility of exporting fuel would mark a

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    dramatic turnaround for Israel, a country in an oil-rich region that is notoriously

    empty of natural resources and has always relied heavily on fuel imports. The

    late Prime Minister Golda Meir famously lamented that Moses could have picked

    somewhere other than the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil as a

    Jewish homeland. A national supply of natural gas could mean major energy

    savings for Israeli citizens, as well as revenue for the government from corporate

    taxes and profit royalties, Davidson said.


    Gulf Oil Spill: Katrina of Another Kind

    Gulf states monitor an eerily familiar threat map...

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    Plumes of Disaster

    The volcanic ash cloud from

    Iceland dissipated today and a

    British Airways labor strike was

    canceled, allowing Europe's

    airports to return to near-normal

    operations. But the British Met

    Office is taking fire for its volcanic

    ash cloud forecasts.- Reuters

    This frame grab image provided

    by the Senate Environment and

    Public Works Committee,

    received from BP, shows details

    of the oil spill in the Gulf of

    Mexico, where the Deepwater

    Horizon rig sank last month. (AP

    Photo/Senate Environment andPublic Works Committee)

    - The Times-Picayune


    T U E S D A Y , M A Y 1 8 , 2 0 1 0


    50 days counted out from Firstfruits is Shavuot or Pentecost. God comes down to

    His covenant people in an earthshaking day of visitation. It is a betrothal leading

    into magnificent future glories.

    By Gavin Finley at End Time Pilgrim:

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    50 days from the day the firstfruits of the barley harvest was waved before the

    Lord, (50 days from the morrow after the sabbath after Passover), is Shavuot or

    the Day of Pentecost. Rabbinic scholars believe that it was on this day that God

    visited His people after their exodus from Egypt and through Moses, brought the

    Law down from Mount Sinai. This earthshaking day of visitation, trembling, and

    betrothal is the birthday of the nation of Israel...

    ...50 days from the day theFirstfruitsof the barley harvest was waved before the

    Lord, (that is 50 days from the morrow after the weekly (Saturday) sabbath after

    Passover), in the summer of the year of Yeshua's passion, YHVH-God visits His

    people by His Holy Spirit. This is another earthshaking day of visitation and

    betrothal. But on this occasion God's Presence is not as unapproachable as on

    the former visitation back at Sinai. Moses had ordered 12 boundary markers

    placed around the foot of the mountain to hold back the people lest the fire of

    God flash out upon them. Amidst the thunderings and lightnings God came down

    as a consuming fire andblackened the entire summit. Only Moses could stand in

    God's Presence.

    See the rest here.