washington herald. (washington, dc) 1909-03-29 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY MARCH 29 1909 POTOMAC CREWS OUT FOR FIRST PRACTICE NATIONALS AND YANNI GANS WIN 1 HEIR GAMES BALTIMOREANS TO BE SUSPENDED S BI ASBB ALL TRACK D ITT T TG CAMLLONS TEAM VICTORIOUS AGAIN The Nationals Make It Three Straight from Wichita SOMES FOR WID Wnxhlnffton Gets to Pitcher Shaner iu Fourth Inning and Five Runs Cross Plate Burn Smith anti Johnson Again Take Turns In Leaves for Topcka Special to The WasMsstea HeraH Wichita Kans March 28 Washington made it three straight from Wichita by winning today 6 to 2 It was a scrubby sort of victory and reflected little credit on thetravelers Five of Washington runs were unearned and neither of those obtained by Wichita had a clean record Both the Wichita runs were made off Charley Smith In the eighth Inning when he weakened and was tapped for threS singles Johnson pitched the first three not a man readied first The nrst man who faced Burns tapped him for a safety to center and was caught napping off lint Bill pitched only two innings and allowed no more liberties Five Runs In a Bunch Five of Washingtons runs wore in the fourth inning when Shaner sud- denly exploded aa did his support Ganley opened the fourth with a single through Rtehtei Ganiey stole third and scored when Uasteub was safe on Rich ters error Freeman touted to Qelesser- Wld broke into tilt limelight with a most tremendous clout over the highest section of extreme left field fence sending Ungtaub in ahead of him Tan nehill was an infield out McBride talked and got third on Streets safety to right Shaners effort to catch Street napping was a heave to the fence letting In aicQride and putting Street on third Burns singled coring Street Clynfer walked and Gnley beat a roller toward third tilling the bases but the only earned tally was Conrays homer There was much acdonwiih little do- ing in the eighth Tanaehill started the round with a stogie to left Hughes CONROY BoxTeam Innlng and mad Co roy ¬ ¬ ann Taany Street doubled to left putting Tanny over the plate and McBride on third Smith to Anderson and McBride was Killed at the plate Street going to third and Smith to second Clymer drove to Hughes and Street was caught off third and killed on It Ganley walked and was forced by Umjtaub One run Wichita Score Two Runn Richter first up singled m the eighth lor Wichita Middleton forced him Hughes singled Ulddtefion to third Street attempted to catch Middletoa off third made a poor throw and MMdleton scored Hughes taking third Qirieseer swatted to right tallying Hughes Wesoett JIlt into a double play The team left here tonight for Topeka where the main squad plays tomorrow and Tuesday leaving Tuesday night for and Clymer returned front their hunting trip today with twentysix ducks The Score WASHINGTON K H PO A B Clynwr rf Ganfcr H 1 S 8 Inckub Sb Freeman lb I K Ooaror 3b 2 Z Tannebttl ef 1 McBride H 1 Street c 3 Johnsce p 9 Burns p 1 Smith p 9- ToUb WICHITA PeUlsrcw cf- Andanoa M Powell If lb- RxAttr 3b- MhkUetae rf- Ilngx AY- Q le r a Shatter p- VVesoatt pl R H PO A BJ t I 1 J C t 1 1 errored on McBride got third drove Omah Can tAIloR 1 4 4 I 1 1 1 S 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 t Ii K J i Roberts jg i 2 1 i i 2 4 1 t j i 1 of 3 C C I S S S 5 5 5 S S 5 I S S S S i a e S e 5 S S S 5 < TotAls Washington Wichita 0000802 Earned rw TOMUsgto 1 Pint base or- renWMfcfagica 3 VkMte i ea bee VVashiogtoB 9 TVMnta 1 Pint base w bateOff Shaner 2 off Wanott L Intogg JohnJCtt J by Bvnu t nk 4 by Shcaer 4 by Waaoott 4 HtoOff Betas 1 off afcb- oS Shatter 6 off W ecott 3 Struck oat BT Jet 3 by 1 by S iUi 1 by Steaw 1 br Uescott 1 lion IUB Conor Twotoae Mte Qnlser Street Stolen a M Banter fiD Ctactf Double ajMrBride to Uvgtavb to Freeman 9 Umpire Mr Edwwda Time of g mo 1 hour and 35 minutes AtUadanc Ufl- lMcGrnTTii Team Leaves Dallas Dallas March 2S With a record of never having been even tied In any of their exhibition games in Texas for two years the Giants regulars completed their campaign in the Lone Star State by beating Dallas 9 to 1 this afternoon and got away tonight for McAJester Okla the first stop on an exhibition schedule Yankees Last Week in Georgia Macon Go March 23 The New York American players were pretty well scat tered today with some out golfing some out driving some here and some at Stalling farm The Istst week in Georgia will begin to- morrow with a game in Columbus with another there the next day and a game here with Macon on Wednesday Young Giant Gj Fort Worth 2 Fort Worth Tex March 23 The Fort Worth teem was again defeated by the seccnd division of McGraws aggregation today the score being 6 to 2 At the Sign of the Moon 2 6 21 fl I 0 5 0 1 1 lit LiLt pit i IOU BarD I Z ¬ ¬ Wonder Wat Hertz Will Royal fiVe Guaranteed Serge or Fancy Suit To Order Pit and satisfaction cmorn teed Imported Worsted Suitings to order 920 to 35 MERTZ and MERTZ CO 90S F Straat I Say Today 1 0 I 1 I F Two weeks from today and the of Washington will be strap hanging out Seventh street When the Natiqnals play In Toledo next week Charley HIckmarnhas promis ed to write the games for The WaShing ton Herald No gentle reader the Sunday School League does not play on Sunday at least Charley King Bays It dont The Engineer refer to Capt Sapp and Old Man Tripp as graduates of the Cactus league Delehanty is In poor physical condi- tion and may not play with the Nation- als says a Sunday paper Delehanty felt better in his life The Wash- ington Heralds Cleveland correspondent wires As a matter of fact Delehanty- is all right with the exception of his eyes theyre still a bit lame He cant see the figures on his 1909 contract The spotlight man on the Philadelphia North American notes that CoL Roosevelt has loft for Africa to make a mutt out of Henry M Stanley Joe Turner will have to show us we didnt know he had if he ex pOets to throw Alex Swanson the big Swede in tonights wrestling match Jack Boss the big California pitcher who was brought to Galveston as a can didate for a position on the Nationals and later signed by Jack Warners Gal veston team proved a false alarm War ner tied a cr to him and as Boss got on a Southern Pacific train be was heard to gently murmur For at all tbe Md wenl of league or pea The saAfest these It rafcht bare was Wish Hiram Maxim would invent a noiseless trombone We would like to present one of this kind to an impresario who wakes us up each morning at S oclock He seems to be trying to get some horrible nightmare out of his sys- tem via the trombone route When ho plays Stars and Stripes Forever and be is forever playing sounds like- a quarantine fiag We made a slight misprint recently when we said U at ground keepar Rod GDay ef the Nationals baseball park was out bright and early painting the town red What we Intended to say was that he was painting the grass green SPORTING SIDELIGHTS pop- ulation some- thing are Itit p The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + The vApawamls golfer J D Foot has trained setter dogs to retrieve golf balls We admit this smacks of originality and may save Mr Foot the loss of many golf balls but to our mind the scheme pre- sents some disadvantages For instance if tbe dog swallows a ball now and then and is reprOved by Ida master and re- ceives a vigorous kick it must be ad- mitted that the name of Foot sounds dotlaous tbe canine caddy would bounce many feet away as the balls are very resilient Dear Bill At the last meeting of the Gloom DispeU rs the important quee Lion arose as to which was the older the hen or the egg After a heated discus- sion of attbut four Hours at which much looming was displayed and after which ¬ ¬ ¬ question was still unsettled our J A Dillon stated that the egg wa the older and cited numerous high authorities to substantiate his contention while our chaplain Dr George Salb In- sisted that the hen the older basing his claim on L verses Z1 and 22 When It became evident that the ques- tion ennui not be satisfactorily settled at ear meeting a motion was regularly made sad seconded to the effeot that the matter be referred to you for decision which mo- tion was unanimously carried If you will do this your most interesting column you will confer a great favor upon your admirers THE GLOOM DISPBLLEK- SPv JOSEPH 1L DOWDAL- Seeitty Esttor N HeaAwhe Wak ston D a Answer The hen every time Ladles first Win from Western Association Nine the pres- Ident was Genesis chapter B THE TRIM TOPEKA YAN1GAS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ by Score of 5 to 2 Clinch Contest In Final Sessions by Consistent Hitttnsr and Fast Fielding Special to The Washington Herald Topeka Kans March 23 Toe Washing ton Nationals today took another game Cooleys Western Leaguers winning by a score of 5 to 2 The Cooey Sox got a flying start in the first when Pen Ion galloped to third base without a halt scoring Green Fenlon was rewarded being checkmated at home plate The only other run made by the home team was credited to Cullen The Washing ton discards did not up until the sixth when Pickering walked advances to second on MeInkes sharp hit to center negotiated third on a passed ball and came home on Cullens wild throw From that time on the visitors had things their own way Joe Cantlllon command Ing tho regulars will be in tomorrow from Wichita and will go to the baf at 3 oclock The score WASHINGTON Pkkerinff cf 3 Meinke si 3 Kabce t lb 3 Bafp lb c 3 Johasoa If 4 flfaipke 3- Kaptea if 3 Keeley p 2b S Heches 2x p 1 Gray p 1 Grooca 1 AB B H PO A E rom b 1 0 1 1 2 6 0 1 o 0 0 1 0 T 1 1 1 3 1 0 > 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 show 2 o 0 io 0 0 10 0 Totals 5 S Batted for Gray in the wroth TOPBKA AB B H PO A E Loeg cf Green rf Feclon If lb 4 0 2 M 1 1 KaM 2b as Cullen c Funk 3b Nagel w owns 2b p Hcndrix p Tommuoo p 1 0 0 0 1 0 Total 3 3 T 3 17 4- WftshiESton 0000020 x5 Topeka 1100000002Th- rwbaso hita FeaiDD Job Twt btsa Cdles hits Kahoe BlllpJw Keeley Double rl y3Idake to law Stolen baa Fen lon Shlpka Kaptac HiUOfl 1 off TcrnssascB 2 off Keelay B oft Gray 1 off Hnjbea 1 Bases on teBsQff Belts 2 off StoOx 1 off Toonnajcn 2 off Kedey J Strock out By Bdtx 1 by Ttannaaoo 2 by KetJey 2 by Gray 1 bj Hnshu J Pauod baU JaUas Wfld tr 3 t 13 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 2 1 0 0 Cooler 0 0 0 1 i 1 3 o i 1 5 0 1 Q o i 0 0 2 a o 1 2 C Belt I 0 0 0 3 0 i o 1 0 hit JJ1x1 xr A tXIr S 0 0 i 1 3 a 2 gtc lee 4ilig tn POTOIAGS ON WATER Crew Candidates and Single Scullers Have Workout VETEESNS APLENTY ON HAND Cnrl aiuellcr Elll Hnrt Pierce E Mueller Dnllouch Thrall Sprnnmy and Many Others Hold Oan for Flrct Time This Season To Have Dally Spins Candidates for the senior junior and in- termediate crews of the Potomac Club were In full force on the river yesterday rooming for the firet tryout of the season The men worked under Carl Mueller the veteran sculler and captain of the club who will have complete charge until a coach is selected Pat Dempsey Is tho man In view and the officers entertain high hopes of landing the veteran trainer for thecomlng season which promises to be the most Interesting- in the history of the club The candidates in the senior crew were seated as follows Randolph Mueller stroke Ellis No 7 Hart No 6 Pierce No 5 Ed Mueller No 4 Richardson No 3 Bulteugh No 2 and Thrall No 1 Foster H 8praay D Spransy Murray Smith Butler Birney and Morse worked in junior boat The weather was a little cold for a long workout but the time spent on the water was undoubtedly time well spent The men complained of soreness in the which goes to enow that the work out was beneficial To Have Dally Workouts Capt Mueller has ordered the candi- dates for tile crew to report at a certain hour every afternoon for a spin over the course For the first week the work will bo light the main object to set the mon in condition However within the next fortnight the bard work will start and seats in the boats will be al lotted to those who prove that they to stand tho pace Stoctun the veteran coxswain will not be available for the position the titter this season but several promising have been unearthed to tilt the vacancy Among these are Randolph Richardson eoxswaln- C the J at Boat out after- noon being ar- able candi- dates ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ proved his last season Lyons rotten and McKInney new men From the present outlook Randolph seems the logical choice for tile position because of his experience and familiarity with the course However the new according to all reports will give him a run for the job Besides the various crews several single scullers were out on the river for a short workout These Included Davis Gorman winner of the intermediate race on the Potomac lost September Carl Mueller who will devote alt his time to work la- the singte scull and Henukm who showed class in the workouts test season At a date to be selected later men will be matched in a race to decide the oarsman who will be sent to Europe aa representative of the in the German regatta who Worth aud these club can- didates New Shells Ordered New shells and oars have been ordered from the Davis Company of New York City which will arrive in the near future and will be put at the disposal of the crews The shells were constructed on a special order and are said to be far superior to any used in the past At the next meeting of the club which will take place Sunday April 4 officers for the coming season will be elected a captain for the club to succeed Carl Muel- ler who will not be a candidate for re election will be chosen and a general schedule will be mapped out for the The field of candidates for the has narrowed down to two men Dick Spransy and Joe Richardson Both have a host of friends among the mem- bers of the club and the ftght for the job promises to be Interesting Yale Sends Squad of Twentythree- on Southern Trip Coaches Ed Walsh and Billy Lush Will Accompany tho Coy with Team sea- son capt- aincy HELPED TO BEAT GEORGETOWN I ELla ¬ ¬ ¬ Sredal to Tho Vubl toa Herald New Haven Conn March S Yale will send a squad of twenty players and three coaohes South for the Easter trip which begins Wednesday and expects that it will be 23 for all rivals except the New York Giants with whom Yale has three games In ten days two in Norfolk and one In New York Capt Murphy that six pitchers four catchers and all three coaches Ed Walsh Billy Lush Bad Barny Belli would be taken Yale hopes to turn the tables on In Washington Thursday Pop Corey son of the steel truet president failed to win a placealtbough he led the freshmen in batting last sea- son Ted Coy the football captain will get a trial at first base The squad picked Is as follows Pitchers Van Vleck Rose Morrltt Lip pitt Hartwell and Parsons catchers Phllbln Badger Sweeney and Rend first baseman Jefferson Coy and Cant Murphy second basemen Cushman and McIntyre short stop Fclaj third base- man Logan outfielders Wheaton Mel tory and Mosser Brooklyn Deserts Jacksonville Jacksonville Fla March 2S Sabbath the last the Superbas will spend here this year was spent in the packing of uni- forms checking of trunks and other in- cidentals that go with a long journey North The team leaves this evening for Macon Ga where ths first team win play an exhibition game tomorrow Fair lUng Wins French Race Paris March 8 The hurdle race for the Prix du Cedre 4000 francs was run at Autsull today and was won by M Vcllplcards Pair King M BrosetteB Gribotiille was second and Count Pour tales Kurwenai third Eleven horses Worlds Champion Wrestler Announces that ha has a Buffet for Ladies and Gentlemen at 60S Pnna Av9n and will be glad George- town ranJOE TURNER l1td to mut hj3 an- nounced r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ i Will Demand Suspension of Baltimore Athletes PLAYS FIFTH REGIMENT TEAM Rational Guards Meet Manager De- clare He and Not Monumental City Boys Was Handed Raw Deai Says AthleteS Were Fully Xoilflcd of Preliminary Eveniii When Capt a E Edwards of the National Guards was told that Ute Fifth Regiment of Baltimore had registered a vigorous kick at what they termed raw dear In the Guardsmen meet Friday night he waxed warm under the collar and replied Raw deli fiddlesticks Why Im the one who ought to claim raw deal Look what they handed me Because their men had not run in the preliminaries held Wednesday night and were quite properly refused Admission in the teals the Fifth team retosed pointblank to race the National Guard quartet i Now Im going to see ties thing through to the finish and win at once demand that the A A V suspend the Fifth Regiment relay team submitting my proofs to the local representative Refutes Bultimoreans Claim The claim that the Baltimoreaas were not informed of the preliminaries la abso- lutely untrue Entry blanks which all of them signed toll in black type of tbe preliminaries and I sent each Individual athlete his admission card on which was written across the bottom in red ink Preliminaries Wednesday March 9L Can anybody ask for more information Dr D Wiber chairman of Ute reg istration committee of the South Atlan- tic division of the A A U was inter viewed lest night and asked if ho bad beard from Capt Edwards and replied that he bad not He was further impor tuned as to what action be would take when the matter was called to eLton Lion and replied that be would have to be familiar with all the facts first and when told the fouLs according to Capt saW I tWak tbat the Filth Reg relay team showed poor sports manship in refusing to run This was far as Dr Wiber would commit hint EDWARDS WAXES HOT a a bore E his I as self I Ed- wards ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Other Side TIM Baltimore Star prints the follow ing letter showing the way the Fifth Regiment feels It UM Sportfae Setter The amUUm A tft- Qwt Mwnk el Gotrfe fatocaM CftpC Black of UM FIfth Itetoot tthbtic teas uut tin Kfnrd rat aot wed ta nit kaeviaff that it vu rerndrwL It b nan1 a TIM W to expect ute teaiw to t tire trtrs VuhiectoB This saa set the ants kirk rectxtend tor Ute fcM and iiw M Jane Kcetred the taD terft Tfafc toestlwr IB HUJ ether p tty slight tb nMst os of ariMCT to tht atkku TV atin teem k MB Baat met the dfeooactems BU- fitart Three k grmt deal of nloaqr to the ath ktte wprfc of the two aUjtuy arcut UOGi of the of the faiak It KU aefiafeei sul hi a sfodal di mteh to a Btltiaore paper that Wit egcestfoas wteciJ were asiaed tod which br th my were the renr ones fax wWck TTC WeN e- tered all Ute nauhider of the reoU itveM be zen on Friday sight Out nfaht The bwi e pried plee of tile satxstsea was certatatf i- MC tdrlstez Ute Vjoli ud I am h- aeUee of the teen 8 a PBARCE Quo ef the Teen AGAIN ON JEFFRIES TRAIL Negro Champion Now Gathering Coin in New York Longboat and Shrubb in Shape for the Big Marathon Race at alllees of till lV AtkkUC who to last siht ill the rl to DtIdct eC lea Oard a oust the ntrie in tIN Mrmid dash sod Ute DGt De aJIot to eDtc fOC tMr 11 aat taken put Ute tthk heW tile Black of in the UIBt1ert ill tet Tile nIaJ tM rees of ue beau 1M 3et CIe wu JI lIP bo felt that thee betIq wpIa IM6Mce Md been hr the IocdI ut trWI would be J ted thowad post when the leeds ill ill thtir anteses had ItmtT hsalfcnp tensldn wb9s a see sOb ita which tbtr were mdftIII for it was PIlL to all ut gent cSelicht was In their 4Iheo8a and ill r of Ute Qipital atJ it known that rdnatsis tiken of tJaem were aDt m the dtj sad wee lilt saed facts the enc Beghe wcladen josrumya4 Wtae to impr4 Nsdl recelied mnheck w hie ibstp would Is nM btte in- eeoimim tithed ray he m eat sad Iijlihotme Is emtle red was isiy which er the nd tts am sd y0 tetosel ma Weheee atmgenimt gasidanen recelvsd the an fst imses reorient bst at taken a s- 5s1te L5 ShZad 14 is waa he- thei 1ckis tIng entire ¬ > New York March Jack John son gets here from Chicago tomorrow morning he will repeat his desire to make- a match with James J Jeffries Johnson is booked to appear at Hammerstelns Victoria Theater this week The big negro has said repeatedly that if Jeffries will agree to fight him he will allow tho boilermaker to set the date and to t une the hattie ground Johnson has known an along that Jeffries would not accept a proposition to fight until hi twenty weeks theatrical engagement Though Johnson insists that he is the champion of the world be stipulates that Jeffries is the only man with whom he will make a match The negro Is to be avoiding purposely fights with Stanley Ketchell and Sam Langford Both Xetchell and Longford are in town and their managers say they Intend to make Johnson agree to a fight Tom Longboat and Alfred Shrubb who will start in the 10000 Marathon derby at the Polo Grounds next Saturday after- noon win arrive here tomorrow morn ing to finish training for the big event Longboat has been working steadily at Toronto and will go to the post in bet- ter condition than ever before Shrubb has been working for a style Tvfcieh he hopes will enable him to keep in front of his rivals for the entire route Johnny Hayes says he will do better out of doors than in the smokeladen at- mosphere of tha garden Dorando has bad a rest and is now going along with- a world of epeed Matt Maloney the Irish runner believes that the derby already belongs to and that he will run the other cracks off the feet Henry St Yves the Frenchman will complete the entry list He has been a sensation lo Great Britain as a longdistance performer The derby will decide the professional Marathon championship of the world and the 10000 purse will be divided 5000 to the winner 2500 to the second roan a500 to the third man and 1000 to the fourth man Baseball Results At Hoastoo St Louis Aaiertetct iscead Hutwtoa 1L 2SWhen ex- pired bel- ieved hIm tam I t J Z ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Bits of District Sporting GossipT- he Potomac oarsmen muck to Ute da light of all concerned have eomptetad negotiations for a race with the Natal Academy eight on the Potomac May S The resumption of rowing reiatteng with the Midshipmen comes as a wefeon s r prize to tko followers of local cktb who have not bad aa opportunity t wit- ness a race between those crews since the spring o ISM whoa a ruM was at the Academy arbi ttes anything but IntereoUegiftte races At the termination of tbe intercoHeel ate rowing season one more reputable candidate will be available for Ute Poto- mac Club Stoblman of the Georgetown freshman crew is a Washington hey and teas signified Ms intention of tryteg for the dab crew later to the season Central High and Gallaodet CeOegs baseball nines will cross bats for second this season at Kendall this aftoraooa The High School boys were ay victors in the tattSal gaIN bwc according to KeadaH Green followers they will bare to so some to win tIdE afternoon Other high school games scheduled tor this week are s follows Tuesday Wash- ington School fW Boys vs Central Hk Western High vs Friends School Tech steal Hiek vs Ooorgetown University Freshmen Wednesday Business vs Maryland Agricultural CoBege Thursday Eastern Hip vs OaUaodet Friday Eastern IUgh vs Georgetown Prep Western High vs O liaod t Saturday Central High vs Spis- oopal High School Basteess High vs- Fredcricksburg College Georgetown Universitys baeebatt teas has a mighty stremMMK week before H In tbe Cornell game the mag fries e of Austin Howard tile former Western Hlg star will bave a chases to see Mm action oa time aeeond bag or the vaiverf4ty Joe Turner the pride of the Wsehlagioa wrestling contingent will a mop propoettkm tonight in the National Over Armory when be tackles Swanson cham- pion wrestler of the world Joe claims be w e never ta better condi- tion and expects to give the champion more trouble than be bas JiM for a long while Hens to Joe Some class to Pat Dempeeys Ides of J o 0 I 1 the e- at the time High laos middleweight I Groan Prom Re- serves IiI ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = + holding a Marathon derby ia tbb OILY similar to the one which will be off ia New York aext Saturday BewetaVs grand stand would jnst about s date the crowd that w id turn oat to witness suck an event Plans are at present prograislng rap Idly for a triangular fleM awl track meet to be held In this city within the next few months with Georgetown Usivershy Virginia and the Carttste Indian School contenders for honors The stamp of approval of the Georgetown faculty is aM that to needed to bring the three foot teams into eompetttiea F B Walker the assert chess player of this city gave a very creditable exhf- bitioa of stetuitaaeotts ptey In the rooms of the Washington Chase Checker and Whist Club test Wednesday eventog Coa siderkig tb fact tbat this was Walkers first attempt at statultaneotts play his record of nine wins eight Jose and three draws is highly creditable The showing of Rudolph Sze a native of China in chamoionship tourney of the Washington Chess has caused much comment among followers of the game in this city Sse tied for second honors with a record of eleven wins four kteeea The promising young Colas Ual has a brilllaat future Wore btaa sad promises to some day rival the mighty Lasher champion of the world The work of Walcott ta the high Jump at the Y M C A indoor games met Saturday night stamps him as a notable addition to the George Washmgtoa versity track team Walcott topped the bar at i Zest 9 Inches in comparatively easy fashion With the advantage of a competent trainer be should develop into one of the best men in the country He has excellent form and goes over the liar with little exertion There is Joy Ia the camp of tbe Y M C A basketball team over the recent defeat of the West Branch Y M C A which placed them on an equal faoUog with the Baltimore Centrals for the cham- pionship of the Trictty League The tie will be played off in the first same of the Southern championship series be tweaa these two teams eco as ad- Vise the club aDd that > ¬ SULLY FOR MANAGER j White Sox Rooters Want Him to Succeed Jones Chicago March 38Prieads of Billy Sullivan are getting up a petition boost- ing the crack catcher as the next man- ager of the White Sox and it will be presented to Owner Charles Comtekey on his return the Coast It is ex- pected to get 28610 signatures before laay days pass The petition says We the undersigned White Sox root- ers who have the interests of the team t heart petition and beg you to reward the tong services and fidelity to your interests of William J Sullivan by appointing him manager of your team to succeed Fielder A resigned Challenges Will Be Published- in The Washington Herald The Sporting Editor of The Washington Herald trill Jones IIull prom ii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ publish challenges from all teams big rind email amateur and professional The Washington Herald prom- ises to give the future grttita- a much space its possible each day Send your challenges also ae counts of panics direct the Sporting Editor Write ox plainly ax possible and on one side of the paper or you CASE 2 DOZ ont fail to note n Irtetty oT Old GkrI- W Sue body parity and flr f asmlstataWe eri doc chair materfala and hyslenkj jrodactiosj 125 alp w N AfcnsrBrury Brewing Con 25th and I to Whether a Judge- of dark beer tOt the en OL GLORY of f offer 433er S ¬ ° i IS ALMOST Nationals Play in Nebraska aud Kansas This Week u vs YALE THUSSDAY- Hllltopperx Also Clash with Cor nell lenu State and Catholic Vnl TeraltT Dick Woodward Writes that Are Blnomlntc In Little Baseball Gosxlp With sour aapraach of the spindai of the Amerieaa Lea e otusoa and the promts of warm weather WaelsmsMB- ba chalt can hardly watt for tbe The Nationals ass working aorta and have cehnstolsd this wasfc with Kansas and Nebraska teams Next Sua iay the nrst team reacheg ladtenajMtte lad whom a game jrtn be played The seebmt week ta April Caatmons crowd wilt ftgare te games sgalaat Cmeteaettt strong Amerieaa Association dubs Two days before the opening same here Wash mgtea clashes with Gotamhas and tonme- dfaUely after the game the will peck P their duds and hike far home arriv- ing te Washington some tints Soada- yatet or Moaaay moratac- CoUega basabsfl was inaoeixatod la- the District Saturday when Georgetown met and oWeated tie Maryland Agrt- caltural CoUece TIle Navy played OaUawlec and had little dMscvtty in wiaates oa the whole played bettor the home fans wilt hardly care to take the trip to Aa- napoiis as was the cast test dating the football season On Wednesday of thte week Cisrjs lawn ploys the catholic Untwshr TIN following day Copt Morphys Tale toua is hooked Friday Peas State is and oa Saturfcy Cornell will he the BASEBALL SEASe HERE I Rockother I z WiLLIAM PEaT the faa JIIOnIIBa papers W 1tI- wg games T Columbus lite two Aa tIN have a moch bitter then tile baD tall a Roses nd se do and iset being boys yuan ith0011 esieduls ds and ted ¬ CathaHe University should prove easy for the Httkoppers while Yale always shows up finely Washington and will be a worthy foe The Lila this year are eoaebed by BOb Lm and Ed Walsh the CUeage Waste Sox They haw been ago but reported as being than Tad Jones team test year Little te known of Peasi State and Cot sell but It rarely happens that Cornell does BOt turn out a Taureas atl nine and this years team wlH uoubtka prove BO excepthm With the Georgetowns ftae pttdunc staff and haavy httters It k bard to see tog easteg teams thss easoa provfnac PIck Woofrmara the Wsshmcton boy known to hanirsds of amateur bacoball laM sad whs te own at Little Rock fir tryoat with Little Bock writes me a tisttewa UttW lUck PK H t Xtftor The Vfutoatn- Mw aaibr ts BMaKaw VrB COM T tSWK I with 9t X m ws wOk tile we Wrjinsiy- Hfa fUt V9 nun Mtt 9f a 9MB- Ma Sdkcol fbr Beya kn natili tke at that a ap fttriM- p C as I MB oat of bnatB With wauaMt peoaxri ujaiai I X W WUOa WAKl BASEBALL NOTES AND COMMENT Itodtenapoas has a aew catcher named Wmcheeter He should be very good m- shootiag tile boll the Barney Breyfwv will tmA for liT cigarette smokers aa UM Pfctchats team Barney must have sold aH of his Tobacco common Shamekla miners hops that there sfll be a strike this year so that tile cone down to Pbfladeiphte and ee cove beLl pitch There was a whole lot of MflMppmg dose during the between the Amer lean and National Laertes hot there were BO sentences Otto Detotnger bats tettha ded ageless rlgbthaaded pitchers and ilehtbaaded against leftbanded pitchers Wonder what he would do If be faced that handlers wonder op bt the coal regions In tbe White Sox camp the retirement of Fielder Jones was the chief subject for conversation yesterday Nothing official has been beard by Secretary Fredericks or Acting Maaeser SeBrraa Ted has gone on record M doubting the alleged refusal at Jones to play players seem to take the retirement of theta be told that loot year was the teal in the baseball business 0IIII0EIa ill forced to keep bIdoor until a few ore whore Ite by lack nit crop Art IS w It to It II mM W k el tile teen faIR at tICIICh Ooc aksC sy lid twIIIJ ItnIIIs JIIaItIr MDIr tile the a tIT tile tIdQ TIle us M iIk will I Uaie- woddIIc 7 is senT anpI we s ODs one wttIa at PI a thi I Me The tW I oboe tntJ C I net war life I SullI- van The Jones as a matter of fact lot some Oft days fasten they evted conan s 1 osurse bird or Injuries do sot a seth band 1 zss is he I ndty hol bus Mi h us is bloen an w e54to rcen inanca ban attnaocs date sashed bb ws ha abet a 5 aol iy Ian shus hula t OIUuL and arm jt a base intr iss4 and jped is oshehg e today d t1vdatb to atd this anys r Poshan h esistely ian hed ha seed aty th ik tat sad afl to nn starch b Wtnt anM sSoi I s a W Yen a to Well he um 1 in hoses s ear I eva < < > ¬ GAME OFF Wet at Arsenal Balk Ball Players The baseball game scheduled to be played at the Arsenal yesterday was postponed OB account of wet grounds The Engineers hope today will permit them to continue their strenuous workout They will ply a practice game with the Hospital Corps Wednesday and next Sun- day will line up against the tax A C aggregation All the men showed up well in Friday ternoons practice a few coreptelned of soreness but Saturdays and Sundays rest has been appreciated by the whose sqww- iCron to expected back from furlough this and will loa his uniform for next Sundays game The infleW composed of Sapp Neoes Tripp and Hans will make some of the District teams sit up and take notice F Coitus Rockwell Nichoteoc PurseD and WlBcerson In the outaeld look good Howard Harcolrode Travteh aDd J Comm will form a strong pitching staff Sullivan and Crom will alternate in catching ENGINEERS Twin- ing week wh1J Grounds Aspir- ing ¬ H 8 OMOKUNDRO I will see that the materials you select are tailored to your measure In on of the seasons styles All tills work personal aapervteion m OUT own perfectly equipped work rouma The superior tailoring service such personal attention tenure meat te favored You decide to Jape us tailor with lbs ratlrtod that it will meet yuear every or there wiH be BO charge the rtsft to aJT ours Spring Settings aittf Overcoaliigs Handsome fabrics styles Fine finish Values that have other tailors yueiafng at the low Spring SeiiHws ami Overcealra The fabric assortment at te practically unlimited Exclu from the best mills of this country and abroad OBG Bfoe Serge and Fancy SMikngs A Matchl833 20 Value Tailors 818 F SL M Leek for the White Front III W- I I Let Me Be- I Responsible for I I Your Easter Suit j I I I by exports 1UIIIer Sa by the 48ereulllc patronage with which setab ts art 20 lie 1It weaves 30 I I 1 ft JU i OMOIUINDRO i w i Is dons di- rest knowledge price of CO ¬ = RAGING GARBS POE TODAY JacksoBTllIe- l St Abe I ThIRD 1UCC50- olo ad vpmdF- OCaTTH RACK Somm forks i c- M3lJ ids Tim QMftor flfTH BACBFta tateos MaU- aCanwuoe III- Twt BUm aWl sad upwdV- HcriUft CO B Came Dssctr7ZIII Jj j ABMSSI- K Spooky Oakland St e B 19 Haxlet latbotlaas l i v ta- Xanti ai ZIII I Wine IKiLewiii THXRB RACBOM rte and FMatfea VOCKTH KACK nm foriono- sRFTK KAOOMT and nar qaarm sutes O WItoJe- 8CCTK RAOfututitT conn Frada iTh i neF jf- 1st o tn- mt3T EACBStt frioass- btaw in Prausc Ill Sfcrtak- ot m ni- S80DKD I THIRD RAOBQb j m FIFTH ACEOM ask tteeMixtKalks Btfle- iSErKNTH BACK gt aa fatoga Hwri IirIll m Have You Tried the A meet enjoyable smoke out dee the quality by the price Wm A Henderson Co CIGARS AND TOBACCO Cer Ilk and nw- I43S New York ave nir yr 8a IJIIuJZ m L I1Jt1 tit 88COJCD LOt mm III lb- hoIee UsJiaz j FOSt If th- IbIIIIa 9I iII 5 t- GIiII 1II1IML I Kill Jihad I Dder k RAt ZFift fIa iIOiIIE rlq stmril 19 Bud fIl15 10 ymoT Itr tI JdIa B 5 I 0IIt 5 1IiIL Lscar TIIIIIW 0 Edd I tf1IIII JUdL Ii ue T JI8dEip JOeMaIE TaJriaaa C LIdIt 10GI 2 lCIl mT 11 iMaDDe I D- lD iii I n lit IJ aaa St JU rt1it- w I SIL bl Lee Aegelea I 10 m Towa In WiJBe 111 I h JIll III LACEs u De 1ttS LH II IGId ellM hwL m BIlle I 113 B1 hu LiINrt x m waorcxJtTK R4VVOnt T WI 1 G1IJ JaIia ca Ii I h u 1 i g CiIrk m c SD3J UCB8kPIb 1e- o Gar 0D0k m It 0 trr u m I c i f II art U4 011I n W T Sam Sloan 5 c lit J i I maczia inbe OmOn Gense s a t Iogaesn- ascinisi Ic5be thra- n35lCr 0 I hatS ae- anhetM hPenr fudcn man three i a na UT liens a4Imou us- stta a and a T in ci to- a H a euni i i Idle and 05 at 0 K I tumw rtbe bee K iKlllwlin usEbt Vii ltbhu- Tn k- Ssentis untDewiqs Fred taw Strik soictab Amatent 05Sereosh SKND ineosm- WRedren enHaiVosLU a K en must 1 ISSisI Aash ie Raow 1 us1i at fto is ifl Last etaliov t ndou 5usrso r inh- 3h T 4 sdasitsni i i ngs T inraw K zocla r a f < < > = = = = = = = = = = ° =

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-03-29 [p 8].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-03-29/ed-1/seq-8.… · the washington herald monday march 29 1909 potomac crews










The Nationals Make It ThreeStraight from Wichita


Wnxhlnffton Gets to Pitcher Shaneriu Fourth Inning and Five RunsCross Plate Burn Smith antiJohnson Again Take Turns In

Leaves for Topcka

Special to The WasMsstea HeraHWichita Kans March 28 Washington

made it three straight from Wichita bywinning today 6 to 2 It was a scrubbysort of victory and reflected little crediton thetravelers Five of Washingtonruns were unearned and neither of thoseobtained by Wichita had a clean record

Both the Wichita runs were made offCharley Smith In the eighth Inning whenhe weakened and was tapped for threSsingles Johnson pitched the first three

not a man readied first Thenrst man who faced Burns tapped himfor a safety to center and was caughtnapping off lint Bill pitched only twoinnings and allowed no more liberties

Five Runs In a BunchFive of Washingtons runs wore

in the fourth inning when Shaner sud-denly exploded aa did his support

Ganley opened the fourth with a singlethrough Rtehtei Ganiey stole third andscored when Uasteub was safe on Richters error Freeman touted to Qelesser-

Wld broke into tilt limelightwith a most tremendous clout over thehighest section of extreme left field fencesending Ungtaub in ahead of him Tannehill was an infield out McBridetalked and got third on Streets safetyto right Shaners effort to catch Streetnapping was a heave to the fence lettingIn aicQride and putting Street on thirdBurns singled coring Street Clynferwalked and Gnley beat a roller towardthird tilling the bases but the onlyearned tally was Conrays homer

There was much acdonwiih little do-ing in the eighth Tanaehill started theround with a stogie to left Hughes



Innlng and


Co roy



ann TaanyStreet doubled to left putting Tanny overthe plate and McBride on third Smith

to Anderson and McBride wasKilled at the plate Street going to thirdand Smith to second Clymer drove toHughes and Street was caught off thirdand killed on It Ganley walked and wasforced by Umjtaub One run

Wichita Score Two RunnRichter first up singled m the eighth

lor Wichita Middleton forced himHughes singled Ulddtefion to third Streetattempted to catch Middletoa off thirdmade a poor throw and MMdleton scoredHughes taking third Qirieseer swattedto right tallying Hughes Wesoett JIltinto a double play

The team left here tonight for Topekawhere the main squad plays tomorrowand Tuesday leaving Tuesday night for

and Clymer returned fronttheir hunting trip today with twentysixducks

The ScoreWASHINGTON K H PO A BClynwr rf

Ganfcr H 1 S 8Inckub SbFreeman lb I KOoaror 3b 2 ZTannebttl ef 1McBride H 1Street c 3Johnsce p 9Burns p 1Smith p 9-


PeUlsrcw cf-

Andanoa MPowell If

lb-RxAttr 3b-MhkUetae rf-Ilngx AY-

Q le r aShatter p-

VVesoatt pl

R H PO A BJt I 1 J C

t 1 1

errored on McBride got third


OmahCan tAIloR

1 4 4


11 S 11 6 1

11 1

tIi K J

iRoberts jg

i 21

i i 2 4 1t j

i 1of 3


5 55S

S 5 I


i ae


5 S S S



TotAlsWashingtonWichita 0000802Earned rw TOMUsgto 1 Pint base or-renWMfcfagica 3 VkMte i ea beeVVashiogtoB 9 TVMnta 1 Pint base w bateOffShaner 2 off Wanott L IntoggJohnJCtt J by Bvnu t nk 4 by Shcaer4 by Waaoott 4 HtoOff Betas 1 off afcb-oS Shatter 6 off W ecott 3 Struck oat BT Jet3 by 1 by S iUi 1 by Steaw 1 brUescott 1 lion IUB Conor Twotoae MteQnlser Street Stolen a M Banter fiD CtactfDouble ajMrBride to Uvgtavb to Freeman 9Umpire Mr Edwwda Time of g mo 1 hour and35 minutes AtUadanc Ufl-

lMcGrnTTii Team Leaves DallasDallas March 2S With a record of

never having been even tied In any oftheir exhibition games in Texas for twoyears the Giants regulars completedtheir campaign in the Lone Star State bybeating Dallas 9 to 1 this afternoon andgot away tonight for McAJester Oklathe first stop on an exhibition schedule

Yankees Last Week in GeorgiaMacon Go March 23 The New York

American players were pretty well scattered today with some out golfing someout driving some here and some atStalling farm

The Istst week in Georgia will begin to-morrow with a game in Columbus withanother there the next day and a gamehere with Macon on Wednesday

Young Giant Gj Fort Worth 2Fort Worth Tex March 23 The Fort

Worth teem was again defeated by theseccnd division of McGraws aggregationtoday the score being 6 to 2

At the Signof the Moon

2 6 21 fl I0 5 0 1 1







Wonder Wat

Hertz Will

Royal fiVeGuaranteedSerge or FancySuit To Order

Pit and satisfaction cmornteedImported Worsted Suitings toorder 920 to 35


90S F Straat

ISay Today

1 0





Two weeks from today and theof Washington will be strap

hanging out Seventh streetWhen the Natiqnals play In Toledo

next week Charley HIckmarnhas promised to write the games for The WaShington Herald

No gentle reader the Sunday SchoolLeague does not play on Sunday atleast Charley King Bays It dont

The Engineer refer to Capt Sapp andOld Man Tripp as graduates of theCactus league

Delehanty is In poor physical condi-tion and may not play with the Nation-als says a Sunday paper Delehanty

felt better in his life The Wash-ington Heralds Cleveland correspondentwires As a matter of fact Delehanty-is all right with the exception of hiseyes theyre still a bit lame He cantsee the figures on his 1909 contract

The spotlight man on the PhiladelphiaNorth American notes that CoLRoosevelt has loft for Africa to make amutt out of Henry M Stanley

Joe Turner will have to show uswe didnt know he had if he ex

pOets to throw Alex Swanson the bigSwede in tonights wrestling match

Jack Boss the big California pitcherwho was brought to Galveston as a candidate for a position on the Nationalsand later signed by Jack Warners Galveston team proved a false alarm Warner tied a cr to him and as Boss goton a Southern Pacific train be was heardto gently murmur

For at all tbe Md wenl of league or peaThe saAfest these It rafcht bare was

Wish Hiram Maxim would invent anoiseless trombone We would like topresent one of this kind to an impresariowho wakes us up each morning at S

oclock He seems to be trying to getsome horrible nightmare out of his sys-tem via the trombone route When hoplays Stars and Stripes Foreverand be is forever playing sounds like-a quarantine fiag

We made a slight misprint recentlywhen we said U at ground keepar RodGDay ef the Nationals baseball parkwas out bright and early painting thetown red What we Intended to saywas that he was painting the grassgreen
















The vApawamls golfer J D Foot hastrained setter dogs to retrieve golf ballsWe admit this smacks of originality andmay save Mr Foot the loss of many golfballs but to our mind the scheme pre-sents some disadvantages For instanceif tbe dog swallows a ball now and thenand is reprOved by Ida master and re-ceives a vigorous kick it must be ad-mitted that the name of Foot soundsdotlaous tbe canine caddy would bouncemany feet away as the balls are veryresilient

Dear Bill At the last meeting of theGloom DispeU rs the important quee

Lion arose as to which was the older thehen or the egg After a heated discus-sion of attbut four Hours at which muchlooming was displayed and after which




question was still unsettled ourJ A Dillon stated that the egg

wa the older and cited numerous highauthorities to substantiate his contentionwhile our chaplain Dr George Salb In-sisted that the hen the older basinghis claim on L verses Z1and 22

When It became evident that the ques-tion ennui not be satisfactorily settled atear meeting a motion was regularly madesad seconded to the effeot that the matterbe referred to you for decision which mo-tion was unanimously carried If you willdo this your most interesting columnyou will confer a great favor upon youradmirers THE GLOOM DISPBLLEK-

SPv JOSEPH 1L DOWDAL-Seeitty Esttor N HeaAwhe Wak ston

D aAnswer The hen every time Ladles


Win from Western Association Nine

the pres-Ident

wasGenesis chapter







by Score of 5 to 2

Clinch Contest In Final Sessions byConsistent Hitttnsr and

Fast Fielding

Special to The Washington HeraldTopeka Kans March 23 Toe Washing

ton Nationals today took another gameCooleys Western Leaguers winning

by a score of 5 to 2 The Cooey Soxgot a flying start in the first when PenIon galloped to third base without a haltscoring Green Fenlon was rewardedbeing checkmated at home plate Theonly other run made by the home teamwas credited to Cullen The Washington discards did not up until thesixth when Pickering walked advancesto second on MeInkes sharp hit to centernegotiated third on a passed ball andcame home on Cullens wild throw Fromthat time on the visitors had thingstheir own way Joe Cantlllon commandIng tho regulars will be in tomorrowfrom Wichita and will go to the bafat 3 oclock The score

WASHINGTONPkkerinff cf 3Meinke si 3Kabce t lb 3Bafp lb c 3Johasoa If 4flfaipke 3-

Kaptea if 3Keeley p 2b S

Heches 2x p 1Gray p 1Grooca 1




1 01 1 2 6 01 o 0 01 0 T 11 1 3 1 0> 0 0 1 2 0

1 00 2 0 00 I 0 1 00 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0


2 o 0


0 100

Totals 5 S

Batted for Gray in the wrothTOPBKA AB B H PO A ELoeg cf

Green rfFeclon If

lb 4 0 2 M 1 1KaM 2b asCullen cFunk 3bNagel wowns 2b

pHcndrix pTommuoo p 1 0 0 0 1 0

Total 3 3 T 3 17 4-

WftshiESton 0000020 x5Topeka 1100000002Th-rwbaso hita FeaiDD Job Twt btsa

Cdles hits Kahoe BlllpJw KeeleyDouble rl y3Idake to law Stolen baa Fenlon Shlpka Kaptac HiUOfl 1 offTcrnssascB 2 off Keelay B oft Gray 1 off Hnjbea1 Bases on teBsQff Belts 2 off StoOx 1 offToonnajcn 2 off Kedey J Strock out By Bdtx1 by Ttannaaoo 2 by KetJey 2 by Gray 1 bjHnshu J Pauod baU JaUas Wfld tr

3 t 13 1

0 1 2 0 01 0 1

4 0 2 1 0 0Cooler

0 0 0 1

i 13 o i 1 5 01 Q o i 0 02 a o 1 2 C

Belt I 0 0 0 3 0i o 1 0


JJ1x1 xr A tXIr

S 0 0

i 1 3

a 2

gtc lee

4ilig tn


Crew Candidates and SingleScullers Have Workout


Cnrl aiuellcr Elll Hnrt Pierce EMueller DnllouchThrall Sprnnmy and Many OthersHold Oan for Flrct Time ThisSeason To Have Dally Spins

Candidates for the senior junior and in-

termediate crews of the PotomacClub were In full force on the riveryesterday rooming for the firet tryout ofthe season The men worked under CarlMueller the veteran sculler and captainof the club who will have completecharge until a coach is selected PatDempsey Is tho man In view and theofficers entertain high hopes of landingthe veteran trainer for thecomlng seasonwhich promises to be the most Interesting-in the history of the club

The candidates in the senior crew wereseated as follows Randolph

Mueller stroke Ellis No 7 HartNo 6 Pierce No 5 Ed Mueller No 4

Richardson No 3 Bulteugh No 2 andThrall No 1 Foster H 8praay DSpransy Murray Smith Butler Birneyand Morse worked in junior boatThe weather was a little cold for a longworkout but the time spent on the waterwas undoubtedly time well spent Themen complained of soreness in the

which goes to enow that the workout was beneficial

To Have Dally WorkoutsCapt Mueller has ordered the candi-

dates for tile crew to report at a certainhour every afternoon for a spin over thecourse For the first week the work willbo light the main object to setthe mon in condition However withinthe next fortnight the bard work willstart and seats in the boats will be allotted to those who prove that they

to stand tho paceStoctun the veteran coxswain will not

be available for the position the titterthis season but several promising

have been unearthed to tilt thevacancy Among these are Randolph
















proved his last seasonLyons rotten and McKInney new menFrom the present outlook Randolphseems the logical choice for tile positionbecause of his experience and familiaritywith the course However the new

according to all reports will givehim a run for the job

Besides the various crews several singlescullers were out on the river for a shortworkout These Included Davis Gormanwinner of the intermediate race on thePotomac lost September Carl Muellerwho will devote alt his time to work la-the singte scull and Henukm whoshowed class in the workouts test seasonAt a date to be selected later menwill be matched in a race to decide theoarsman who will be sent to Europe aarepresentative of the in the Germanregatta

who Worth aud




New Shells OrderedNew shells and oars have been ordered

from the Davis Company of New YorkCity which will arrive in the near futureand will be put at the disposal of thecrews The shells were constructed on aspecial order and are said to be farsuperior to any used in the past

At the next meeting of the club whichwill take place Sunday April 4 officersfor the coming season will be elected acaptain for the club to succeed Carl Muel-ler who will not be a candidate for reelection will be chosen and a generalschedule will be mapped out for the

The field of candidates for thehas narrowed down to two men

Dick Spransy and Joe Richardson Bothhave a host of friends among the mem-bers of the club and the ftght for thejob promises to be Interesting

Yale Sends Squad of Twentythree-on Southern Trip

Coaches Ed Walsh and Billy LushWill Accompany tho

Coy with Team

sea-son capt-aincy







Sredal to Tho Vubl toa HeraldNew Haven Conn March S Yale will

send a squad of twenty players and threecoaohes South for the Easter trip whichbegins Wednesday and expects that itwill be 23 for all rivals except theNew York Giants with whom Yale hasthree games In ten days two in Norfolkand one In New York Capt Murphy

that six pitchers four catchersand all three coaches Ed Walsh BillyLush Bad Barny Belli would be takenYale hopes to turn the tables on

In Washington ThursdayPop Corey son of the steel truet

president failed to win a placealtboughhe led the freshmen in batting last sea-son Ted Coy the football captain willget a trial at first base The squadpicked Is as follows

Pitchers Van Vleck Rose Morrltt Lippitt Hartwell and Parsons catchersPhllbln Badger Sweeney and Rendfirst baseman Jefferson Coy and CantMurphy second basemen Cushman andMcIntyre short stop Fclaj third base-man Logan outfielders Wheaton Meltory and Mosser

Brooklyn Deserts JacksonvilleJacksonville Fla March 2S Sabbath

the last the Superbas will spend here thisyear was spent in the packing of uni-forms checking of trunks and other in-

cidentals that go with a long journeyNorth

The team leaves this evening forMacon Ga where ths first team win playan exhibition game tomorrow

Fair lUng Wins French RaceParis March 8 The hurdle race for

the Prix du Cedre 4000 francs was runat Autsull today and was won by MVcllplcards Pair King M BrosetteBGribotiille was second and Count Pourtales Kurwenai third Eleven horses

Worlds Champion WrestlerAnnounces that ha has aBuffet for Ladies and Gentlemen at60S Pnna Av9n and will be glad




to mut hj3








Will Demand Suspension ofBaltimore Athletes


Rational Guards Meet Manager De-

clare He and Not MonumentalCity Boys Was Handed RawDeai Says AthleteS Were FullyXoilflcd of Preliminary Eveniii

When Capt a E Edwards of theNational Guards was told that Ute FifthRegiment of Baltimore had registered avigorous kick at what they termedraw dear In the Guardsmen meetFriday night he waxed warm under thecollar and replied

Raw deli fiddlesticks Why Im theone who ought to claim raw deal Lookwhat they handed me Because theirmen had not run in the preliminariesheld Wednesday night and were quiteproperly refused Admission in the tealsthe Fifth team retosedpointblank to race the National Guardquartet i

Now Im going to see ties thingthrough to the finish and win at oncedemand that the A A V suspend theFifth Regiment relay team submittingmy proofs to the local representative

Refutes Bultimoreans ClaimThe claim that the Baltimoreaas were

not informed of the preliminaries la abso-lutely untrue Entry blanks which allof them signed toll in black type of tbepreliminaries and I sent each Individualathlete his admission card on which waswritten across the bottom in red inkPreliminaries Wednesday March 9L

Can anybody ask for more informationDr D Wiber chairman of Ute reg

istration committee of the South Atlan-tic division of the A A U was interviewed lest night and asked if ho badbeard from Capt Edwards and repliedthat he bad not He was further importuned as to what action be would takewhen the matter was called to eLtonLion and replied that be would have to befamiliar with all the facts first and whentold the fouLs according to Capt

saW I tWak tbat the Filth Regrelay team showed poor sports

manship in refusing to run This wasfar as Dr Wiber would commit hint

















The Other SideTIM Baltimore Star prints the follow

ing letter showing the way the FifthRegiment feelsIt UM Sportfae Setter The amUUm


Qwt Mwnk el Gotrfe fatocaM CftpCBlack of UM FIfth Itetoot tthbtic teas uut

tin Kfnrd rat aot wed ta

nit kaeviaff that it vu rerndrwL It b nan1 a TIMW to expect ute teaiw to t tire trtrsVuhiectoBThis saa set the ants kirk rectxtend tor Ute

fcM and iiw M Jane Kcetred the taD terft Tfafctoestlwr I B HUJ ether p tty slighttb nMst os of ariMCT to tht atkku TV atinteem k MB Baat met the dfeooactems BU-

fitart Three k grmt deal of nloaqr to the athktte wprfc of the two aUjtuy arcut UOGi

of the of the faiak It KU aefiafeei sulhi a sfodal di mteh to a Btltiaore paper thatWit egcestfoas wteciJ were asiaed tod which brth my were the renr ones fax wWck TTC WeN e-tered all Ute nauhider of the reoU itveM be zenon Friday sight Out nfaht The bwi e priedplee of tile satxstsea was certatatf i-

MC tdrlstez Ute Vjoli ud I am h-

aeUee of the teen 8 a PBARCEQuo ef the Teen


Negro Champion Now GatheringCoin in New York

Longboat and Shrubb in Shape forthe Big Marathon


atalllees of till lV AtkkUC

who to last sihtill the rl to DtIdct eClea Oard a oust


ntrie in tIN Mrmid dash sod UteDGt De aJIot to eDtc fOC tMr 11 aattaken put Ute tthk heW tile

Black of inthe UIBt1ert illtetTile nIaJ tM rees of ue beau 1M3et CIe wu JI lIPbo felt that thee betIq wpIa

IM6Mce Md been hr the IocdI uttrWI would be J ted thowad postwhen the

leeds ill ill thtir anteses hadItmtT hsalfcnp tensldn wb9s a see


itawhich tbtr were mdftIII for it was PIlL toall ut gent cSelicht was In their 4Iheo8a

andill r of Ute Qipital atJit known that rdnatsis tiken of tJaem

were aDt m the dtj sad wee lilt saedfacts


enc Beghewcladen josrumya4 Wtaeto impr4

Nsdl recelied mnheck w

hie ibstpwouldIs nM btte in-

eeoimim tithed ray he m eatsad Iijlihotme Is emtle redwasisiy which

er the ndtts am sdy0 tetoselma Weheee

atmgenimt gasidanen recelvsd the an

fst imses reorientbst




5s1te L5 ShZad 14is waa he-thei





New York March Jack Johnson gets here from Chicago tomorrowmorning he will repeat his desire to make-a match with James J Jeffries Johnsonis booked to appear at HammerstelnsVictoria Theater this week

The big negro has said repeatedly thatif Jeffries will agree to fight him he willallow tho boilermaker to set the dateand to t une the hattie ground Johnsonhas known an along that Jeffries wouldnot accept a proposition to fight until hitwenty weeks theatrical engagement

Though Johnson insists that he is thechampion of the world be stipulates thatJeffries is the only man with whom hewill make a match The negro Is

to be avoiding purposely fights withStanley Ketchell and Sam Langford

Both Xetchell and Longford are intown and their managers say they Intendto make Johnson agree to a fight

Tom Longboat and Alfred Shrubb whowill start in the 10000 Marathon derbyat the Polo Grounds next Saturday after-noon win arrive here tomorrow morning to finish training for the big eventLongboat has been working steadily atToronto and will go to the post in bet-ter condition than ever before Shrubbhas been working for a style Tvfcieh hehopes will enable him to keep in frontof his rivals for the entire route

Johnny Hayes says he will do betterout of doors than in the smokeladen at-mosphere of tha garden Dorando hasbad a rest and is now going along with-a world of epeed

Matt Maloney the Irish runner believesthat the derby already belongs toand that he will run the other cracksoff the feet Henry St Yves theFrenchman will complete the entry listHe has been a sensation lo Great Britainas a longdistance performer

The derby will decide the professionalMarathon championship of the world andthe 10000 purse will be divided 5000 tothe winner 2500 to the second roana500 to the third man and 1000 to thefourth man

Baseball ResultsAt Hoastoo St Louis Aaiertetct iscead

Hutwtoa 1L






t J








Bits of DistrictSporting GossipT-

he Potomac oarsmen muck to Ute dalight of all concerned have eomptetadnegotiations for a race with the NatalAcademy eight on the Potomac May S

The resumption of rowing reiatteng withthe Midshipmen comes as a wefeon s rprize to tko followers of local cktbwho have not bad aa opportunity t wit-ness a race between those crews sincethe spring o ISM whoa a ruM was

at the Academy arbi ttesanything but IntereoUegiftte races

At the termination of tbe intercoHeelate rowing season one more reputablecandidate will be available for Ute Poto-mac Club Stoblman of the Georgetownfreshman crew is a Washington hey andteas signified Ms intention of tryteg forthe dab crew later to the season

Central High and Gallaodet CeOegsbaseball nines will cross bats forsecond this season at Kendallthis aftoraooa The High School boyswere ay victors in the tattSal gaIN bwcaccording to KeadaH Green followersthey will bare to so some to win tIdEafternoon

Other high school games scheduled torthis week are s follows Tuesday Wash-ington School fW Boys vs Central HkWestern High vs Friends School Techsteal Hiek vs Ooorgetown UniversityFreshmen Wednesday Business vsMaryland Agricultural CoBegeThursday Eastern Hip vs OaUaodetFriday Eastern IUgh vs GeorgetownPrep Western High vs O liaod t

Saturday Central High vs Spis-oopal High School Basteess High vs-

Fredcricksburg College

Georgetown Universitys baeebatt teashas a mighty stremMMK week before H

In tbe Cornell game the mag fries e ofAustin Howard tile former Western Hlgstar will bave a chases to see Mmaction oa time aeeond bag or thevaiverf4ty

Joe Turner the pride of the Wsehlagioawrestling contingent will a moppropoettkm tonight in the National OverArmory when be tackles Swanson cham-pion wrestler of the worldJoe claims be w e never ta better condi-tion and expects to give the championmore trouble than be bas JiM for a longwhile Hens to Joe

Some class to Pat Dempeeys Ides of

Jo 0


















holding a Marathon derby ia tbb OILY

similar to the one which will be offia New York aext Saturday BewetaVsgrand stand would jnst about sdate the crowd that w id turn oat towitness suck an event

Plans are at present prograislng rapIdly for a triangular fleM awl track meetto be held In this city within the nextfew months with Georgetown UsivershyVirginia and the Carttste Indian School

contenders for honors The stamp ofapproval of the Georgetown faculty

is aM that to needed to bring thethree foot teams into eompetttiea

F B Walker the assert chess playerof this city gave a very creditable exhf-bitioa of stetuitaaeotts ptey In the roomsof the Washington Chase Checker andWhist Club test Wednesday eventog Coasiderkig tb fact tbat this was Walkersfirst attempt at statultaneotts play hisrecord of nine wins eight Jose andthree draws is highly creditable

The showing of Rudolph Sze a nativeof China in chamoionship tourney ofthe Washington Chess has causedmuch comment among followers of thegame in this city Sse tied for secondhonors with a record of eleven winsfour kteeea The promising young ColasUal has a brilllaat future Wore btaa sadpromises to some day rival the mightyLasher champion of the world

The work of Walcott ta the high Jumpat the Y M C A indoor games metSaturday night stamps him as a notableaddition to the George Washmgtoaversity track team Walcott topped thebar at i Zest 9 Inches in comparativelyeasy fashion With the advantage of acompetent trainer be should develop intoone of the best men in the country Hehas excellent form and goes over the liarwith little exertion

There is Joy Ia the camp of tbe Y MC A basketball team over the recentdefeat of the West Branch Y M C Awhich placed them on an equal faoUogwith the Baltimore Centrals for the cham-pionship of the Trictty League The tiewill be played off in the first same ofthe Southern championship series betweaa these two teams










White Sox Rooters Want Him toSucceed Jones

Chicago March 38Prieads of BillySullivan are getting up a petition boost-ing the crack catcher as the next man-ager of the White Sox and it will bepresented to Owner Charles Comtekey onhis return the Coast It is ex-pected to get 28610 signatures before laaydays pass The petition says

We the undersigned White Sox root-ers who have the interests of the team theart petition and beg you to reward thetong services and fidelity to your interestsof William J Sullivan by appointing himmanager of your team to succeed FielderA resigned

Challenges Will Be Published-in The Washington Herald

The Sporting Editor of TheWashington Herald trill









publish challenges from allteams big rind email amateurand professional

The Washington Herald prom-ises to give the future grttita-a much space its possible eachday

Send your challenges also aecounts of panics direct theSporting Editor Write ox plainlyax possible and on one side ofthe paper

or youCASE 2 DOZ ont fail to noten Irtetty oT Old GkrI-

W Sue body parity andflr f asmlstataWe eridoc chair materfalaand hyslenkj jrodactiosj

125 alp w N

AfcnsrBrury Brewing Con 25th and



Whether a Judge-of dark beer tOt

the en









Nationals Play in Nebraskaaud Kansas This Week


Hllltopperx Also Clash with Cornell lenu State and Catholic VnlTeraltT Dick Woodward Writesthat Are Blnomlntc In Little

Baseball Gosxlp

With sour aapraach of the spindaiof the Amerieaa Lea e otusoa and thepromts of warm weather WaelsmsMB-ba chalt can hardly watt for tbe

The Nationals ass working aorta andhave cehnstolsd this wasfc withKansas and Nebraska teams Next Suaiay the nrst team reacheg ladtenajMttelad whom a game jrtn be played Theseebmt week ta April Caatmons crowdwilt ftgare te games sgalaat Cmeteaettt

strong Amerieaa Association dubs Twodays before the opening same here Washmgtea clashes with Gotamhas and tonme-dfaUely after the game the will peck

P their duds and hike far home arriv-ing te Washington some tints Soada-yatet or Moaaay moratac-

CoUega basabsfl was inaoeixatod la-

the District Saturday when Georgetownmet and oWeated tie Maryland Agrt-caltural CoUece TIle Navy playedOaUawlec and had little dMscvtty inwiaates

oa thewhole played bettor the home fanswilt hardly care to take the trip to Aa-napoiis as was the cast test datingthe football season

On Wednesday of thte week Cisrjslawn ploys the catholic Untwshr TINfollowing day Copt Morphys Tale touais hooked Friday Peas State isand oa Saturfcy Cornell will he the






faaJIIOnIIBa papers W 1tI-wg


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Aa tIN have a moch bitterthen tile





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CathaHe University should prove easyfor the Httkoppers while Yale alwaysshows up finely Washington and willbe a worthy foe The Lila this year areeoaebed by BOb Lm and Ed Walshthe CUeage Waste Sox They haw been

ago but reported as beingthan Tad Jones team test year

Little te known of Peasi State and Cotsell but It rarely happens that Cornelldoes BOt turn out a Taureas atl nineand this years team wlH uoubtka proveBO excepthm

With the Georgetowns ftae pttduncstaff and haavy httters It k bard to see

tog easteg teams thss easoa provfnac

PIck Woofrmara the Wsshmcton boyknown to hanirsds of amateur bacoballlaM sad whs te own at Little Rockfir tryoat with Little Bock writesme a tisttewa

UttW lUckPK H t Xtftor The Vfutoatn-

Mw aaibrts BMaKaw VrB


with 9t X m ws wOk tilewe Wrjinsiy-

Hfa fUt V9 nun Mtt 9f a 9MB-Ma Sdkcol fbr Beya kn natili tkeat that a ap fttriM-p C as I MB oat of bnatB

With wauaMt peoaxri ujaiai IX W WUOa WAKl


Itodtenapoas has a aew catcher namedWmcheeter He should be very good m-shootiag tile boll the

Barney Breyfwv will tmA for liTcigarette smokers aa UM Pfctchats teamBarney must have sold aH of his Tobaccocommon

Shamekla miners hops that there sfllbe a strike this year so that tilecone down to Pbfladeiphte and ee covebeLl pitch

There was a whole lot of MflMppmgdose during the between the Amerlean and National Laertes hot therewere BO sentences

Otto Detotnger bats tettha ded agelessrlgbthaaded pitchers and ilehtbaadedagainst leftbanded pitchers Wonderwhat he would do If be faced thathandlers wonder op bt the coal regions

In tbe White Sox camp the retirementof Fielder Jones was the chief subject forconversation yesterday Nothing officialhas been beard by Secretary Fredericksor Acting Maaeser SeBrraa Ted

has gone on record M doubting thealleged refusal at Jones to playplayers seem to take the retirement of

theta be told that loot year was the tealin the baseball business



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Jones as a matter of fact lot some Oft


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Wet at Arsenal BalkBall Players

The baseball game scheduled to beplayed at the Arsenal yesterday waspostponed OB account of wet groundsThe Engineers hope today will permitthem to continue their strenuous workoutThey will ply a practice game with theHospital Corps Wednesday and next Sun-day will line up against the tax

A C aggregationAll the men showed up well in Friday

ternoons practice a few coreptelned ofsoreness but Saturdays and Sundays resthas been appreciated by the whose sqww-

iCron to expected back from furloughthis and will loa his uniform fornext Sundays game

The infleW composed of Sapp NeoesTripp and Hans will make some of theDistrict teams sit up and take notice

F Coitus Rockwell NichoteocPurseD and WlBcerson In the outaeld lookgood Howard Harcolrode Travteh aDdJ Comm will form a strong pitchingstaff Sullivan and Crom will alternate incatching





Grounds Aspir-ing



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