washington herald. (washington, dc) 1909-07-07 [p 5]. · 2017-12-25 · the washington hesaid...

THE WASHINGTON HESAID WEDNESDAY JULY 7 1909 i I I t Cl 5 L York WASHINGTON During the heated term store will close at 5 oclock Saturdays at I Brilliant Cut Glass completeness of our showing of Cut Glass is maintained at times and its quality is never permitted to deviate from the standard you are accustomed to expect here Especial attention is directed to Gift Glassware grouped separately among which will be found a large variety of choice pieces represent- ing unusual values at 275 395 and 500 each Summer Needs and Helps- On the Fifth Floor I LothropN- ew For Wedding Gifts THE 1 t- Woociward Table Tumbler I Special 9oz Pressed Glass Table Tum- blers in four shapes and designs smooth bottom good quality glass 24c the dozen i Iced Tea or Lemonade Glasses Shown in a large variety Plain colonial and etched patterns 650 the dozen up Iced Tea or Lemonade Pitchers- A variety of shapes and sizes shown in both glass and china 25C each up Glass Lemon Juice Extractors 50 each up Glassware- A large and complete assortment- of Glassware including the plain and highly desirable Old Colonial pattern which while inexpensive- is of such excellent quality and fin ish as to be worthy of a place in the finest service Old Colonial Table Tumblers dozen DUC Old Colonial Covered Pitchers each ouc UP Old Colonial Berry Bowls jcjc u e tr Old Colonial Water Pitchers oc Old Colonial Fruit Dishes each oc Old Colonial Sherbet Glasses JK dozen c UP Old Colonial strup Jugs eaoh5c lip Old Colonial Cream Pitchers each 1UC up Old Colonial Bonbon Dishes each Old Colonial Footed Com- ports eaoh at i u P U P U P 10c Up 75 C up Fifth floecG each t- each ¬ ¬ Fruit Jars Masons Best Machinemade Jars Pints per dozen u 4pCi Quarts per dozen OUC Half gallons per dozen oC Masons Widemouth Ftiit Jars Plats per dozen c Quartz per dozen OUC- Halfgallons per dozen 115 E Z Seal Fruit Jars with Wide Mouths and Lightning Fitters Pinta per dozen C Quarts per dozen Halfgraltons per dozen 135 Schram Automatic Fruit Jars White glass new rapid sealing top wide mouth a most desirable jar in every way and worthy the attention of who has use for Fruit Jars Pints per dozen Oc Quarts per dozen OuC- Halfgallons per dozen 100 Complete Tops per dozen l c Fruit Jar Rubbers and Fittings Masons Porcelainlined Fruit Jar otr Tops per dozen Masons Allgktsa Fruit Jar Tops per dozen OUC Masons Plain Jar Rings per dozen OC Masons Lipped Jar Rings per in dozen C Masons Widemouth Llpped Jar Rings per dozen IOC Jelly Glasses Clear White Jelly Glasses with tin tops Onethird pints per dozen fcUC Halfpints per dozen 25c Onethird quarts per dosen OUC Largesize cakes Paraffin Wax for sealing jellies c I3c 2 for 25c Smallsize cakes 6c each 100 auto- matic every- one > Midsummer Sale of Handmade Lace Curtains E have just closed out from the importers at a decisive price f concession their remaining stocks of French Handmade Lace Curtains and them at a third to a half less than regular prices They are highgrade goods being the small lots and discon tinued patterns and include Arabian and Renaissance Laces in both white and Arabian colors Also a small lot of Grand Dames in sash lengthThe patterns are quite as attractive as those shown in the advance samples for fall t A Ti Arabian Curtains 450 pair Values 650 to 75o 650 pair Values 9 to 1050 Jb750pair Value 1200 900 pair Value 1400 iooopair Value 1650 1250 pair Value 1800 1350 pair Value 2000 1650 pair Value 2500- oo pair Value 2750 Others at correspondingly low prices Special Sale of Imported French Damask Midsummer sale of Imported French Damask in rich shades of green red blue gold French gray and old rose especially desirable for fine draperies also for reup holstering parlor furniture c 300 yard Values 450 and 5 Cretonnes Taffetas c Showing a line of Cre tonnes Art Tickings and Taffetas desirable for bedroom draperies chair and cushion covers c in rich colorings and effects 25c to SQC yard Foarth fioarG at i 7 ¬ Renaissance Curtains 500 pair Value goo 600 pair Value 1000 700 pair Value 1100 850 pair Value 1250 900 pair Value 1350 Grand Dames sash length 375 pair Value 750 500 pair Value 1275 650 pair Value 1500 900 pair Value 2000 1000 pair Value 2200 Couch and Table Covers Covers for the table and couch of best imported linen with plain center and fast color borders Table Covers 44 60c each 64 125 each 84 200 each Couch Covers Fringed 200 each Without Fringe 275 each Slip Cover Linen Best Quality Imported Slip Cover Lin en 50 inches wide in small and medium stripes 45C the yard I I 4 ¬ Woodward Lothrop Winthrops Return to High wood for Summer i GEN MARSHALL TO GO WEST Representative and Mrs MchOlnii Longworth the Gnentii of Mr Long rrorths Mother at Her Home at Beverly Mans Dr and Mrs Reid Hunt to Sail for Europe The Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Bookman Wlnthrop who spent the weekend and the Fourth at HamH ten Mass have returned to Bighwood the suburban hornet of Lieut Gen aad Mrs Corbin wbfch they nave leased for the summer Gen William I Marshall Chief of Engineers U S A and Mrs Marshall who have spent the put season at Stone leigh Court will leave Washington Sat- urday for a tour of the West Miss Malt laud Marshall their debutante daughter will leave Thursday for North Carolina where she will spend the time during their absence Mrs Baxter and Mise XJtMaa Baxter also debutante of lam season have gone to KenaebURkport Me for the next two mouths Dr and Mrs Reid Hunt the latter for- merly Mien Mary Lillian Taylor will sail next Saturday en the St Paul for Eng- land Dr Hunt is going as a representa- tive of this government at tbe medical congresses in London Belfast and Buda- pest They will return to their apartment In the Toronto in September Representative and Mrs Nicholas Long worth who are now guests of Mr Long worths mother at her summer home at Beverly Mass will return here late te the week and go later to their home in Cincinnati They have been too guests of the Secretary ef the Navy and Meyer on the Dolphin en their trip from Boston to Newport and back At the letter point Mr and Mrs Long worth visited the tetters maternal grand- parents Mr and Mrs Qeorge Lee at Brookliae MUlL Mrs Murray Cebb fe spending days New York Mrs W H Ctegett of thte city mother of the Viscountess de Stbour and of Mrs George Howard Is BOW at the Mare Island Navy Yard for the summer visit Ing her sontolaw and daughter Paymas- ter and Mrs Edmund Bonaffon Last Wednesday night Mrs Benaffon enter- tained at a large card party for her mother Seven tables of bridge were played The prizes wore won by Mrs Richard M Cutts ST Mrs John F Hatch Commander Edwin A Anderson Pay Director Charles M Bay Paymaster John F Hatch Lieut Roecoe D Davis and Assistant Naval Constructor Frank D Halt Supper was served at a late hour Other guests were Paymaster John F Hatch Mrs Roecoe C Davis Mrs Ray Commander and Mrs Clarence A Carr Mrs Anderson Miss Mettle Milton B Milton Surgeon and Mrs Charles P Kindleberger Mrs Vroom Lieut Commander and Mrs Thomas S Wilson Mrs Dickinson P Halt Mrs Mary M Turner Mien Emily Simons Lieut and Mrs Samuel L Graham Ag- atotant Naval Constructor Edward a Hamner Ensign Richard Edwards and Assistant Naval Constructor R D Gate wood Mr and Mrs Ward Theron of this city the latter formerly Miss Ward have taken the Houghton vms at Beverly Mass for the season and are already established there The former Secretary of Commerce and Labor who Is now Ambassador to sailed yesterday for hie new post accompanied by Mrs Straus who made a record for popularity as a Cabinet hostess in Washington They have been for several weeks at their cottage at Elberon N J which te occupied by their sonsinlaw and daughters Mr and Mrs Schaff er and Mr and Mrs Hoehstaoter Mrs OConnell and Miss Lillian OCon nell wife and daughter of Gen J J OConeH U S A retired of the Ontario- of Washington Soiled last week for Thence they go to spend the sum- mer among the Alps and will return to IN THE SOCIAL WORLD I a Mrs a few In Capt John Mar- seilles Tur- keys < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Washington some time in the fall after visiting friends near Camp AWerstoot England Admiral and Mrs Casper F Good- rich have announced the engagement of their daughter Gladys to Lieut Charles Belknap U S N The wedding will take place in the home of the brides parents Gladwyn at Pomfret Coon Mr and Mrs H Chadwick Hunter who have a large apartment at the Connecti- cut will leave Washington today for an automobile tour in the West They will epend considerable time in California anti Mexico and visit the Yellowstone Park and the Seattle Exposition Miss Eleanor Roelker daughter of Mr and Mrs William G Roelker will be a Newport debutante this season and will lie formally presented to society there July 24 at a toe for which her parents have issued invitations It is expected that Miss Helen who is an intimate friend of Miss Roelker will be her house- guest at that time Miss Taft visited Miss Roeker for time last summer and took a cruise on the Roolker yacht Gen and Mrs JJ Pershing the latter the daughter of Senator Warren of who spent the past season at the New Willard after a long absence in the Philippines are in Cheyenne at Fort D A Russell where they are receiving con- gratulations upon the birth of a son June Mrs W F Tomlinson and daughter Miss Glennie of the Hillside have gone to AsheVille and other points in the moun- tains of North Carolina for the summer John Kllcy Appointed John Riley confidential secretary to the Secretary of the Treasury has been ap- pointed assistant chief of the special agents of the customs service a position long vacant under George Mahr Claude Gilbert a graduate of the Na tional University Law College and now practicing law here has been appointed- a stenographer and confidential oierk in the office of Secretary MacVeagh Death of Heat Victim Funeral services for Michael Leech one of the loading wine merchants of this city will be held at his residence net Nineteenth street northwest tomorrow morning at 10 oclock Interment will ba in Mount Olivet Cemetery Mr Leeoh was prostrated from the Intense heat a week ago He died yesterday morning His wife and six children survive AU advertising contracts made by The Washington Herald are based upon its bona fide circulation a circulation in Washington larger by thousands than was ever before attained by any morning newspaper at the Capital Its books are open Rear Tan some Wyo- ming Z I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Closed Dully at 3 P M Saturdays 1 P M E handle but one qual ity THE BEST and our prices for the best are always lowest Bet Fruit Jars Improved Mason Fruit Jars porceteiaUned rubber rings Pts Qts gal Mason ExtrawWamOHth Fruit Jars poroeteinHaod caps Pta Qte kaL- Tfe doz 35e dOs US doz B Z Glasstap Fruit Jars Pts Qts gal Site deL 1 M don Crystal Jolly Glasses 18 pt PC LS5 doz Our stock of Preserving Kettles and other in every detail Go Pottery Porcelain Chins Glass Sliver Sc 1215 F St and 121418 G St AJmSALQON WORKERS UNITE Ohnrch Temperance nnd Fraternal Orsanizatlunn Conibiut The widely separated church temper- ance fraternal and other influences that have been working with the AntiSaloon League ot the District of Columbia have amalgamated and a epmpeet union farm- ed for the stronger opposition to tbe liquor Interests la Ute new movement the incorporated league will direct an work from a common center which It is ied wtU greatly add to the effective of the organization Andrew Wilson retired as president sod to autoeeded by Rev S H IVoodrow The following new vice presidents to Btt va condom hare MIA elected Rev John Scbatck r Rev A W Seooner Rev W H Baneagee and Rev a K Fultz Andrew Wilson was made Rev Charles H Butler resigned na chaplain SOd was succeeded by Rev George A Miller Tbe headquarters oommtuee eoartatfl of the president secretary Rev J W R Sumwalt Rev Donald C XacLeod and Rv Charles H Butler TiM personnel of the otncial body follows Fmttat NOT S H Weoewr D D TCS ral- omttv Owes P Etttv gratomt ea son WBnui- lUr Joan Vra Bdwldc jr HOT A W SDOQMT D D JU W H BaQcnfir D D Her a B- Twm D S H Broota D O- ebapiftlB Iter 6 c e A iUBir MO M7 Aa Wlkw fimaete MCMOtqr Bcna a C f 4 calf uwwwe Bdwui Tarter Ktenxr Aci- E Sa MMk r Mf tetMrfMC lUr MKM ft- PnAam trwUM JMMS U ftrta A X J WH- S W XMM Bwr ObMiM S CMteK Kw A HABMUI Rr U G B tt a i- Ber W T TVaetoa Preserving Requisites caps 11 lee doZe dOZe Be don 4to Dulin martin I J y na Jwa Co Ge w CaIIIMII- BeT Walt glow l A vy 4iedOL 7cdoc 3 1Zqt- a doz ees Van secre- tary gee < < HEADING MEETS IN TUNNEL Great Bnfirfneerlnj Feat J Accom pUshed in Western Colorado According to a telegram to the United States Reclamation Servtoe tbe noadmgfl met yesterday in the great Gunaisoa tun- nel which the government te building in Western Colorado The tunnel fe intended to carry the waters of the Gtmnlaon River through a mountain range into the Un eompahgre Valley where they will be used for irrigation This tunnel is the largest underground waterway to world It Is six miles long has a finished cross section of 10 by H feet SOd will carry 1300 cubic feet of water per second It win be cement limed throughout and will cost more than 52504CO Preliminary work on this undertaking was difficult and spectacular for the Gunaleon River flows at the bottom of a canyon zeus feet deep with almost per- pendicular walls and the surveys for the tunnel beading required both heroism and engineering skilL Actual work on the tunnel was preceded by the construction of a road down the canyon walls over which supplies and heavy machinery oould be carried For four years crews of men have been borlag Into the granite moun- tain from both ends of the tunnel They I the ¬ ¬ ¬ have encountered all sorts of discourage moats gas caveIns hot sod coW water running sand and treacheroos materlal which required careful timbering In order to protect the workmen but the work has gone on steadily day and night MYSTERIOUS MEETING HELD Members of Engraving Girls Union Have Secret Session Mystery surrounds the meeting of the Bureau of Engraving Girls Union last night in Pythian Temple in Ninth street Only five members of the organization were present and the meeting was pri- vate Miss L Dangle president of the union presided All efforts to gain ad- mission into the hall proved futile While members refused to confirm the report Is was whispered that the young women intend to move on Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh and request him to furnish better ventilation for the build lug used by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Fire Chief Wagner Reports The report of the operations of the District of Columbia fire department for the month of June filed by Chief Wag- ner with the Commissioners yesterday shows that fortynine alarms were turned In during the two of which were false The total estimated loss amounted to 19C67 dbvered by an Insurance of 327789 making the fire loss about 91 per cent of the total insurance Lieut Commander Glee Dead Word has been received at the Navy Department of the death at Tutuila Samoa of Lleut Commander William X Gise executive officer of the U S S Annapolis stationed at that port Com- mander Gise was born at Dwight I1L June 22 1271 and entered the naval serv- ice as a cadet June 14 1SS8 About a year ago he was ordered to duty oa the U S S Annapolis at Tutulku Straight Readies London Wiliard D Straight former American consul general at Mukden who recently resigned to a position as the Chi- nese representative of an American syn- dicate of bankers will probably attend the meeting to be heM in London on Thursday to discuss details of the pro- posed 27509990 HnkowSzechwm Rail- road loan Luna Park to Give Outing Upon request of the American Salva tion Army officials the management of Luna Park on July 15 will give about ECO poor children of District an outing at the resort All amusements will be free A feature will be a baby race The of- ficers of the Salvation Army who will be In charge of tho children are MaJ John and Marion SmaUey month aocep he ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Stenographers Meet at Home of Wetherell PLANNING BETTERMENT OPSBX Hostess Pays Tribute to Recently Former Labor Organization Hopes to See It GroW in Strength and In rinence Music Furnished on the Lavrn by an Orchestra Becaaee of the rain of the alernoa tbe opeaaJr ror ptVm to more than flO members of tile SteMgranberr was held indoor lest Blgnt at the baoaa of Miss Ellen Wetherttl H B street northwest The rooms were decorated with oK flowers and Ajoericaa Mac while UM balls were heed with pates and sferab bery making the seen resemble a flower garden Brief addreaMa were mad by Mrs Bva MacDOnald Vale Rev Georgia Fergn son Mis Mary Farmer secretary for the union and Miss WetheraO who paid high tribute to the cane of the union She outlined briefly the history of tobar lead- ers for the last hundred years parttev arty ta Prance where said women had always been foremost tax fighting for their rights Continuing ahe said It is pleasure to welcome to my home i believe in unions and espe- cially yours for you have as aa object the betterment of those of yow sex who labor for a living not only front a floss alai standpoint but from a social and educational standpoint as well I trust you wilt be able to outlet aa a member of the organization every dirk stenogra- pher typewriter and bookkeeper tar UM- elty Should Keep Up Courage Dont lose courage for I have bad experience In organizing and I find that persistence and courage are rewarded te WOMEN UNIONISTS PRAISE THE WORK Ellen a yeti Union abs the end Mrs FersuoWs address was devoted te methods ueed la bringing member late the ttntan It wa her first pobito- appearanee a a speaks eotaUe the Peoples church of which she 10 one of the pastors sad she was closely fol- lowed Mrs ValM reviewed the history of the organization telling of the httepeat betas shown m the union She said the membership committee of which Miss Xeiteon is chairman was showing good results and that much was due the members because of the patens good standing Idles Farmers address was devoted to the business side of the organtaatlon She told the audience the same methods used m a corporation were The adflroceas were Jnleisymeed with music from an orchestra stationed on the lawn It also played for the daaeta and luncheon which followed the MORE MEMBERS WANTED bile in vogue by oeIeen of the running union ad- dresses ¬ ¬ University Olnb Decides Not to the Dues At a meeting of the membership oem mlttee of the University Club lest night reports tar the lust three months were read by Jr J G McKay cbahmaa who stated that more than Mt new members had Joined since April It te the purpose of the dub to Increase its membership beiweon now sod Oc- tober and as aa Incentive the dues sill not be raised until the new dubhouee is erected plans for which are aow on ex- hibition m the receptionroam TIle erec- tion of the building be begun until spring STEEL RAILS IN DISPUTE Interstate Commerce CorrrmLsalon will Take a Hand The Week signal and train control board of the Interstate Commerce Commission has reached the conclusion that it has jurisdiction to investigate the composition of steel rails and report upon just what kind of rails railroads engaged In commerce shall be required to use There Is now in prospect a threeeor oared fight among tbe makers of steel rails the railroads sad the block signal and train control board Railroad engineers have contended that the quality of steel rails tarnished were responsible for many wrecks They claim the steel furnished is of such character that beat and cold make a wide dttCer once causing it to be brittle and poe other undesirable qualities The steel companies however have protested that the steel ratio turned out at the present time by the best processes cannot be Improved A branch of the Inter state Commerce Coounissioa has stepped In and shown an Interest In the contro- versy The investigation thus far made by the block signal and train control board has shown that several of the largest railroad systems are experimenting with a steel rail treated by a new process The New York Central has had milled and Installed on Its roadbed loading into the Grand Central Station In New York particu- larly on curves about 5tttft tons of those rails and its experts are watching the effect wilt not lies Raise- S Inter- state ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ will Pass Upon Certificate Designs for President Tafts certificate of membership In the Washington Cham- ber of Commerce win probably be passed upon today Chairman Robert N Har- per expects to meet other members hi the cnaxnber rooms this afternoon to con- sider the design The certificate is to be engraved on silver anti framed when Nearly every jeweler In the elty has submitted a design When you have lost or found anything telephone an advertisement to The Wash ington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 cent word pre- sented I a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Are our best sureties of continued prosperity We have bought dose and sold ehjftft relying for oar profile on the large extent of our business instead ef an Individual sale O r past and present services to the pofaUe wHl be eotttineed- In the tutors OUR BARGAiNS H CELEBRATED RIABOS 9 NUBe anything ever offered la the whole b tory of tIM plane setting bttstaess We not only sell you pianos at remarkably low figure but allow a liberal t fin Tout old one THIS WEEKS LIST INCLUDES nsse Piano for 220 Piano And mecrjr other truly wonderful values If you want to save money on your piano oorae to as Bettor lastnna ata- or lower price are not to be found in Wasbiastoa EASY PAYMENT TERMS IF DESIRED 523 Eleventh Street N W Thirty y ears of Success IN THE Piano Selling Business these a 08 Piano for II 350 35 Kimball 325 Whitney for 227 658 Kimull Player Piano 450 CULLEY SON I Tg Pu STEAMER TRIPS POPULA- EPocaontaa Patrons Pleased With JenrBey and Since tbe teldal trip last Thursday evening several faces become famil- iar to the oOoiale of tile new eaocuwsou boat Pocahontaa That tile promenade deck of this floating palace win be the berth of cool brooms ta a totasjone sea elusion 3 rpii esetoiu of approval are to be beard on every trip hove 1B8QC ot pIMaar seekers dMMI8 In Treatment and ¬ 420 to 426 7th SL 417 to 425 8th St EXTRAORDINARY OFFERS IN OUR 3 2 32250 Womens Dresses 1088 WoAens Princess Dresses In black and colors of taffeta rt f silk and satin foulards plain hare or platted skirts worth J j 2230 Special LANSBURGH BRO Ladies Suit Department 0 08 I Tub Suits g695 Womens Tub Suits In all colors SOlnchlensth coat trimmed with black collar and but tons worth 1250 Spe- cial 1250 6 95 ir ¬ ¬ eooefB mon was beard exeWm last Monday eveninc Say theres some class to thta Aa elderly natron cM Why this shovM be called the opea sir boat Isnt It fine or Mteit It grand It might e said that the absotate teok- ef ohjocttenabie would inieeasstj ly onus favorable The action of tIN manasjement oa the opening night of refuetns to accept from every patron giving all a free ride sim ply the electric tight not BberaUty of spMt that the general pub lie must appreciate The low prime of tickets la another evidence of ttberattty only X costa betas charged for the trip of twenty des down the river and re- turn The promised deck has only ta be seen to be appreciated Any an w0 deacon wfl likely keep It mp en the en- tire trip The tedKe partor to betas uMtgntacently fttted p The management la nerirniM that ehfi- dreu sad the older fto take advantage of these trips as well sc the yesmaw pIe The Peoabontas leaves every evening at 731 oclock from the wharf at the foot of SIxth street BETTER U6HTS NEEDED j Blectrical B rl ccr Calls j to Inter ro oe of Trees Walter C Allen electrical engIneer for te imiiili Una a report to the OottmtaskKMrs on tbe street Mghtteg st- T a anedai report meats te P nnaylvanta ave T and seventh streets poteta out that tbe shade tress along the curbs prevent proper The report states that the curb Mae is tbe beet position for lamps unions the center of the roadway to used Tbe heavy fotfage of trees necessitated the trhamlBg- of nearly TM trees te Two years previously 4C7 trees were trimmed Experiments have been made te Seven- teenth and Eighteenth streets and 3 ona- oansetts avenue from Ninth to Fourteenth with arc temps to replace Incas descent gas lamps The tests te Seven- teenth and Eighteenth streets were of curb temps incandescent electric globes and those in Massachusetts avenue were te the center of the roadway The streets recommended te the additional lighting are Pennsylvania avenue front First to Fifteenth street northwest Fifteenth street from Pennsyl- vania avenue to I street northwest Sev- enth street from Pannsytvania to Yew York avenue northwest Maryland ave nue from First to Fifteenth street New York avenue from NInth to Thirteenth street northwest Massachu- setts avenue front Ninth street to and In eluding Dopont Circle not In eluding Thomas Circle Pennsylvania avenue from Fifteenth to Seventeenth street northwest Ninth street front Pennsylvania to Now York avenue northwest around Mount Vernon Square F street from Seventh to Fifteenth street northwest G street from Seventh to Fifteenth street northwest around Lafayette Square not Including Penas l TanS avenue side Vermont avenue from H street to Thomas Cfrele Pennsylvania avenue from Seventeenth street to Rock to and Including Washington Cvefe commissioner Marifartand wka ec Oslo U TIle all M I teat I I fares Mea were JD working order at that time show a 1 Attention I tile JlI1 u to I In DJInatt JIll streets report for Creek and X street from Ninth street young girls y moot District sedan December flu reoemmsaag heprove L north- east northwest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ trioal EngIneer AOen hen this matter study and w present tile result of his tevesttgatton to the board of Commissioners 2IoGowax FK ral Funeral services for Jeans HartneU Me Gowan former member of Congress from Ohio and a resident attorney te the 3Me- JM1 Newark street at H oclock Monday morning will be held a the residence this afternoon at f oclock Rev Dr Wallace cIt ef the New York Ave- nue Presbyterian Church will enVtote The body wilt be taken to CMdwater- Mich fur Interment Mea g Tea trlet for years she glad at his rnddnce 15 Pongee Coats 1088 Womens Pongee Coats black collar cuffs and jet buttons worth 15 vO Special 1 088 <> AN ENORMOUS QUANTITY to 7 Account Our Come aad Theta Over SONS CO 923925 PA W FREE Any society who Induces two of their friends to Jcfa the Ecoooay erattre Society by bringing us taefc names together with tbe fee of coats eaob receive 125 Beonomy Youebers FREE Ecoacaiy CeOpsratlva feo Every Then B U TJtompeoars UTSSBCT POWDER te the storeroom aad you need tear no damage from moths Tbe fumes are deadly to change colors AIR TIGHT cans 1V- 35e 25c and 66c- Y Thompson Pharmacy Freak C He ry Prep 703 15th St Get It at JkHflreiTaV Special bargains ta eur Sta- tionery Departmeat for this week only Mncllace size SXJ Ink et sire 3c- 35c Box Paper 15c R P Andrewc Paper Co Largest Paper House 8252729 U M W PERFECT healthful and delicSocs 125 PER GAL Qnart Orders Delivered THE HOME ICE CREAM CO 12th and V ate nn TeL North 4B3T EDUCATIONAL ML Si tfesepbs Biftega fcgiserc EM B vadsr aap rrtrtoa Bcettton- Hvodsm hrfiBBpi sad bice crank sttatted IB In- fcttoe BsldBMrfs sort beautiful Mbar cfeHfcU- iijuninv u4 cuMMMfel omen eofMea GOD te berDr rector mba and body addnsc BOOTHS When Your Servant Leaves Don Wprry Ote AN AD VESTBEMENT TO The Herald Offico ONE CENT A WORD Herald Want Ads Fill Your Wants White you think of k telephone your Want Ad to The Washington Herald and bill will be cent rou at 1 ceal OF Sheet Music I and Books 50 Great Removal Sale I F AVE 125 ECONOMY VOUCHERS member thIs CoOp membership a will Society 429 911I Skeet Now and th life but do not r10e- x Yea Can tit Soudi of NeW Yerk AVE Ice CreamP- ure tAT fetnd Sad 1noCS and U W- i1I OI cnrt bt I I t I a Reduced from Look E LW A tend aietM tmcii mtskus 1 word ° ¬

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-07-07 [p 5]. · 2017-12-25 · THE WASHINGTON HESAID WEDNESDAY JULY 7 1909 i I I t Cl 5 L York WASHINGTON During the heated term store will




It Cl




During the heated term store will close at 5 oclock Saturdays at I

Brilliant Cut Glass

completeness of our showing of Cut Glass is maintained attimes and its quality is never permitted to deviate from the

standard you are accustomed to expect hereEspecial attention is directed to Gift Glassware grouped separately

among which will be found a large variety of choice pieces represent-ing unusual values at

275 395 and 500 each

Summer Needs and Helps-On the Fifth Floor



For Wedding GiftsTHE

1 t-


Table Tumbler I

Special9oz Pressed Glass Table Tum-

blers in four shapes and designs

smooth bottom good quality glass

24c the dozen


Iced Tea orLemonade Glasses

Shown in a large variety Plain

colonial and etched patterns

650 the dozen up

Iced Tea orLemonade Pitchers-

A variety of shapes and sizes

shown in both glass and china

25C each up

Glass Lemon

Juice Extractors50 each up


A large and complete assortment-

of Glassware including the plainand highly desirable Old Colonialpattern which while inexpensive-

is of such excellent quality and fin

ish as to be worthy of a place in the

finest serviceOld Colonial Table Tumblers

dozen DUCOld Colonial Covered Pitchers

each ouc UPOld Colonial Berry Bowls jcjc u

e trOld Colonial Water Pitchers ocOld Colonial Fruit Dishes

each ocOld Colonial Sherbet Glasses JK

dozen c UP

Old Colonial strup Jugs eaoh5c lipOld Colonial Cream Pitchers

each 1UC upOld Colonial Bonbon Dishes

eachOld Colonial Footed Com-

ports eaohat




10c Up

75C upFifth floecG





Fruit JarsMasons Best Machinemade


Pints per dozen u 4pCi

Quarts per dozen OUC

Half gallons per dozen oC

Masons Widemouth Ftiit Jars

Plats per dozen c

Quartz per dozen OUC-

Halfgallons per dozen 115E Z Seal Fruit Jars with Wide

Mouths and Lightning FittersPinta per dozen C

Quarts per dozen

Halfgraltons per dozen 135

Schram AutomaticFruit Jars

White glass new rapidsealing top wide mouth a

most desirable jar in every wayand worthy the attention of

who has use for Fruit Jars

Pints per dozen Oc

Quarts per dozen OuC-

Halfgallons per dozen 100Complete Tops per dozen l c

Fruit Jar Rubbersand Fittings

Masons Porcelainlined Fruit Jar otrTops per dozenMasons Allgktsa Fruit Jar Tops

per dozen OUCMasons Plain Jar Rings per

dozen OC

Masons Lipped Jar Rings per indozen C

Masons Widemouth Llpped JarRings per dozen IOC

Jelly GlassesClear White Jelly Glasses with

tin tops

Onethird pints per dozen fcUC

Halfpints per dozen 25c

Onethird quarts per dosen OUC

Largesize cakes Paraffin Waxfor sealing jellies c I3c 2 for25c Smallsize cakes 6c each





Midsummer Sale ofHandmade Lace Curtains

E have just closed out from the importers at a decisive pricef concession their remaining stocks of French Handmade Lace

Curtains and them at a third to a half less than regularprices They are highgrade goods being the small lots and discontinued patterns and include Arabian and Renaissance Laces in bothwhite and Arabian colors Also a small lot of Grand Dames in sashlengthThe

patterns are quite as attractive as those shown in the advancesamples for fall

t A


Arabian Curtains

450 pair Values 650 to 75o650 pair Values 9 to 1050

Jb750pair Value 1200900 pair Value 1400

iooopair Value 16501250 pair Value 18001350 pair Value 20001650 pair Value 2500-

oo pair Value 2750Others at correspondingly low


Special Sale ofImported French Damask

Midsummer sale of ImportedFrench Damask in rich shades ofgreen red blue gold French grayand old rose especially desirablefor fine draperies also for reupholstering parlor furniture c

300 yard Values 450 and 5

Cretonnes Taffetas c

Showing a line of Cretonnes Art Tickings and Taffetasdesirable for bedroom draperieschair and cushion covers c inrich colorings and effects

25c to SQC yardFoarth fioarG at




Renaissance Curtains500 pair Value goo600 pair Value 1000700 pair Value 1100850 pair Value 1250900 pair Value 1350

Grand Dames sash length375 pair Value 750500 pair Value 1275650 pair Value 1500900 pair Value 2000

1000 pair Value 2200

Couch and Table CoversCovers for the table and couch

of best imported linen with plaincenter and fast color bordersTable Covers

44 60c each64 125 each84 200 each

Couch CoversFringed 200 eachWithout Fringe 275 each

Slip Cover LinenBest Quality Imported Slip Cover Lin

en 50 inches wide in small and mediumstripes

45C the yardI




Woodward Lothrop

Winthrops Return to Highwood for Summer i


Representative and Mrs MchOlniiLongworth the Gnentii of Mr Longrrorths Mother at Her Home atBeverly Mans Dr and Mrs ReidHunt to Sail for Europe

The Assistant Secretary of the Navyand Mrs Bookman Wlnthrop who spentthe weekend and the Fourth at HamHten Mass have returned to Bighwoodthe suburban hornet of Lieut Gen aadMrs Corbin wbfch they nave leased forthe summer

Gen William I Marshall Chief ofEngineers U S A and Mrs Marshallwho have spent the put season at Stoneleigh Court will leave Washington Sat-urday for a tour of the West Miss Maltlaud Marshall their debutante daughterwill leave Thursday for North Carolinawhere she will spend the time during theirabsence

Mrs Baxter and Mise XJtMaa Baxteralso debutante of lam season have goneto KenaebURkport Me for the next twomouths

Dr and Mrs Reid Hunt the latter for-merly Mien Mary Lillian Taylor will sailnext Saturday en the St Paul for Eng-land Dr Hunt is going as a representa-tive of this government at tbe medicalcongresses in London Belfast and Buda-pest They will return to their apartmentIn the Toronto in September

Representative and Mrs Nicholas Longworth who are now guests of Mr Longworths mother at her summer home atBeverly Mass will return here late tethe week and go later to their home inCincinnati They have been too guestsof the Secretary ef the Navy andMeyer on the Dolphin en their trip fromBoston to Newport and back Atthe letter point Mr and Mrs Longworth visited the tetters maternal grand-parents Mr and Mrs Qeorge Lee atBrookliae MUlL

Mrs Murray Cebb fe spendingdays New York

Mrs W H Ctegett of thte city motherof the Viscountess de Stbour and of MrsGeorge Howard Is BOW at the MareIsland Navy Yard for the summer visitIng her sontolaw and daughter Paymas-ter and Mrs Edmund Bonaffon LastWednesday night Mrs Benaffon enter-tained at a large card party for hermother Seven tables of bridge wereplayed The prizes wore won by MrsRichard M Cutts ST Mrs John FHatch Commander Edwin A AndersonPay Director Charles M Bay PaymasterJohn F Hatch Lieut Roecoe D Davisand Assistant Naval Constructor FrankD Halt Supper was served at a latehour Other guests were Paymaster JohnF Hatch Mrs Roecoe C Davis MrsRay Commander and Mrs Clarence ACarr Mrs Anderson Miss Mettle Milton

B Milton Surgeon and MrsCharles P Kindleberger Mrs VroomLieut Commander and Mrs Thomas SWilson Mrs Dickinson P Halt MrsMary M Turner Mien Emily SimonsLieut and Mrs Samuel L Graham Ag-

atotant Naval Constructor Edward aHamner Ensign Richard Edwards andAssistant Naval Constructor R D Gatewood

Mr and Mrs Ward Theron of thiscity the latter formerly Miss Ward havetaken the Houghton vms at BeverlyMass for the season and are alreadyestablished there

The former Secretary of Commerce andLabor who Is now Ambassador to

sailed yesterday for hie new postaccompanied by Mrs Straus who madea record for popularity as a Cabinethostess in Washington They have beenfor several weeks at their cottage atElberon N J which te occupied by theirsonsinlaw and daughters Mr and MrsSchaff er and Mr and Mrs Hoehstaoter

Mrs OConnell and Miss Lillian OConnell wife and daughter of Gen J JOConeH U S A retired of the Ontario-of Washington Soiled last week for

Thence they go to spend the sum-mer among the Alps and will return to





a fewIn

Capt John











Washington some time in the fall aftervisiting friends near Camp AWerstootEngland

Admiral and Mrs Casper F Good-

rich have announced the engagement oftheir daughter Gladys to Lieut CharlesBelknap U S N The wedding will takeplace in the home of the brides parents

Gladwyn at Pomfret Coon

Mr and Mrs H Chadwick Hunter whohave a large apartment at the Connecti-cut will leave Washington today for anautomobile tour in the West They willepend considerable time in California antiMexico and visit the Yellowstone Parkand the Seattle Exposition

Miss Eleanor Roelker daughter of Mrand Mrs William G Roelker will be aNewport debutante this season and willlie formally presented to society thereJuly 24 at a toe for which her parentshave issued invitations It is expectedthat Miss Helen who is an intimatefriend of Miss Roelker will be her house-guest at that time Miss Taft visitedMiss Roeker for time last summerand took a cruise on the Roolker yacht

Gen and Mrs J J Pershing the latterthe daughter of Senator Warren of

who spent the past season at theNew Willard after a long absence in thePhilippines are in Cheyenne at Fort DA Russell where they are receiving con-gratulations upon the birth of a son June

Mrs W F Tomlinson and daughterMiss Glennie of the Hillside have goneto AsheVille and other points in the moun-tains of North Carolina for the summer

John Kllcy AppointedJohn Riley confidential secretary to the

Secretary of the Treasury has been ap-

pointed assistant chief of the specialagents of the customs service a positionlong vacant under George MahrClaude Gilbert a graduate of the National University Law College and nowpracticing law here has been appointed-a stenographer and confidential oierk inthe office of Secretary MacVeagh

Death of Heat VictimFuneral services for Michael Leech one

of the loading wine merchants of thiscity will be held at his residence netNineteenth street northwest tomorrowmorning at 10 oclock Interment will bain Mount Olivet Cemetery Mr Leeohwas prostrated from the Intense heat aweek ago He died yesterday morningHis wife and six children survive

AU advertising contracts made by TheWashington Herald are based upon itsbona fide circulation a circulation inWashington larger by thousands than wasever before attained by any morningnewspaper at the Capital Its booksare open













Closed Dully at 3 P MSaturdays 1 P M

E handle but one quality THE BESTand our prices for

the best are always lowest

Bet Fruit JarsImproved Mason Fruit Jars

porceteiaUned rubber ringsPts Qts gal

Mason ExtrawWamOHth FruitJars poroeteinHaod caps

Pta Qte kaL-

Tfe doz 35e dOs US dozB Z Glasstap Fruit JarsPts Qts gal

Site deL 1M donCrystal Jolly Glasses

18 pt PC

LS5 doz

Our stock of Preserving Kettlesand other inevery detail

GoPottery Porcelain Chins Glass

Sliver Sc

1215 F St and 121418 G St


Ohnrch Temperance nnd FraternalOrsanizatlunn Conibiut

The widely separated church temper-ance fraternal and other influences thathave been working with the AntiSaloonLeague ot the District of Columbia haveamalgamated and a epmpeet union farm-ed for the stronger opposition to tbeliquor Interests la Ute new movementthe incorporated league will direct anwork from a common center which It is

ied wtU greatly add to the effectiveof the organization

Andrew Wilson retired as president sodto autoeeded by Rev S H IVoodrow Thefollowing new vice presidents to Btt vacondom hare MIA elected Rev John

Scbatck r Rev A W SeoonerRev W H Baneagee and Rev a KFultz Andrew Wilson was made

Rev Charles H Butler resignedna chaplain SOd was succeeded by RevGeorge A Miller

Tbe headquarters oommtuee eoartatfl ofthe president secretary Rev J W RSumwalt Rev Donald C XacLeod andRv Charles H Butler TiM personnelof the otncial body follows

Fmttat NOT S H Weoewr D D TCS ral-omttv Owes P Etttv gratomt ea son WBnui-

lUr Joan Vra Bdwldc jr HOT A W SDOQMTD D JU W H BaQcnfir D D Her a B-Twm D S H Broota D O-

ebapiftlB Iter 6 c e A iUBir MO M7 AaWlkw fimaete MCMOtqr Bcna a C f 4

calf uwwwe Bdwui Tarter Ktenxr Aci-E Sa MMk r Mf tetMrfMC lUr MKM ft-

PnAam trwUM JMMS U ftrta A X J WH-

S W XMM Bwr ObMiM S CMteK KwA HABMUI Rr U G B tt a i-

Ber W T TVaetoa



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Great Bnfirfneerlnj Feat J AccompUshed in Western Colorado

According to a telegram to the UnitedStates Reclamation Servtoe tbe noadmgflmet yesterday in the great Gunaisoa tun-nel which the government te building inWestern Colorado The tunnel fe intendedto carry the waters of the Gtmnlaon Riverthrough a mountain range into the Uneompahgre Valley where they will beused for irrigation This tunnel is thelargest underground waterway toworld It Is six miles long has a finishedcross section of 10 by H feet SOd willcarry 1300 cubic feet of water per secondIt win be cement limed throughout andwill cost more than 52504CO

Preliminary work on this undertakingwas difficult and spectacular for theGunaleon River flows at the bottom of acanyon zeus feet deep with almost per-pendicular walls and the surveys for thetunnel beading required both heroism andengineering skilL Actual work on thetunnel was preceded by the constructionof a road down the canyon walls overwhich supplies and heavy machinery oouldbe carried For four years crews of menhave been borlag Into the granite moun-tain from both ends of the tunnel They






have encountered all sorts of discouragemoats gas caveIns hot sod coW waterrunning sand and treacheroos materlalwhich required careful timbering In orderto protect the workmen but the work hasgone on steadily day and night


Members of Engraving Girls UnionHave Secret Session

Mystery surrounds the meeting of theBureau of Engraving Girls Union lastnight in Pythian Temple in Ninth streetOnly five members of the organizationwere present and the meeting was pri-vate Miss L Dangle president of theunion presided All efforts to gain ad-mission into the hall proved futile

While members refused to confirm thereport Is was whispered that the youngwomen intend to move on Secretary ofthe Treasury MacVeagh and request himto furnish better ventilation for the buildlug used by the Bureau of Engravingand Printing

Fire Chief Wagner ReportsThe report of the operations of the

District of Columbia fire department forthe month of June filed by Chief Wag-ner with the Commissioners yesterdayshows that fortynine alarms were turnedIn during the two of which werefalse The total estimated loss amountedto 19C67 dbvered by an Insurance of327789 making the fire loss about 91 percent of the total insurance

Lieut Commander Glee DeadWord has been received at the Navy

Department of the death at TutuilaSamoa of Lleut Commander William XGise executive officer of the U S SAnnapolis stationed at that port Com-

mander Gise was born at Dwight I1L

June 22 1271 and entered the naval serv-ice as a cadet June 14 1SS8 About a yearago he was ordered to duty oa the U S SAnnapolis at Tutulku

Straight Readies LondonWiliard D Straight former American

consul general at Mukden who recentlyresigned to a position as the Chi-nese representative of an American syn-dicate of bankers will probably attendthe meeting to be heM in London onThursday to discuss details of the pro-posed 27509990 HnkowSzechwm Rail-road loan

Luna Park to Give OutingUpon request of the American Salva

tion Army officials the management ofLuna Park on July 15 will give about ECO

poor children of District an outing atthe resort All amusements will be freeA feature will be a baby race The of-ficers of the Salvation Army who willbe In charge of tho children are MaJ Johnand Marion SmaUey














Stenographers Meet at Homeof Wetherell


Hostess Pays Tribute to RecentlyFormer Labor Organization Hopesto See It GroW in Strength and Inrinence Music Furnished on theLavrn by an Orchestra

Becaaee of the rain of the alernoatbe opeaaJr ror ptVm to more than flOmembers of tile SteMgranberrwas held indoor lest Blgnt at the baoaaof Miss Ellen Wetherttl H B streetnorthwest

The rooms were decorated with oKflowers and Ajoericaa Mac while UM

balls were heed with pates and sferabbery making the seen resemble a flowergarden

Brief addreaMa were mad by Mrs BvaMacDOnald Vale Rev Georgia Fergnson Mis Mary Farmer secretary for theunion and Miss WetheraO who paid hightribute to the cane of the union Sheoutlined briefly the history of tobar lead-ers for the last hundred years parttevarty ta Prance where said womenhad always been foremost tax fighting fortheir rights Continuing ahe said

It is pleasure to welcome tomy home i believe in unions and espe-cially yours for you have as aa objectthe betterment of those of yow sex wholabor for a living not only front a flossalai standpoint but from a social andeducational standpoint as well I trustyou wilt be able to outlet aa a memberof the organization every dirk stenogra-pher typewriter and bookkeeper tar UM-elty

Should Keep Up CourageDont lose courage for I have bad

experience In organizing and I find thatpersistence and courage are rewarded te




a yeti



the endMrs FersuoWs address was devoted

te methods ueed la bringing memberlate the ttntan It wa her first pobito-appearanee a a speaks eotaUe thePeoples church of which she 10 one ofthe pastors sad she was closely fol-lowed

Mrs ValM reviewed the history ofthe organization telling of the httepeatbetas shown m the union She said themembership committee of which MissXeiteon is chairman was showing goodresults and that much was due themembers because of the patens goodstanding

Idles Farmers address was devoted tothe business side of the organtaatlonShe told the audience the same methodsused m a corporation were

The adflroceas were Jnleisymeed withmusic from an orchestra stationed on thelawn It also played for the daaetaand luncheon which followed the


bilein vogue by oeIeen of the





University Olnb Decides Not tothe Dues

At a meeting of the membership oemmlttee of the University Club lest nightreports tar the lust three months wereread by Jr J G McKay cbahmaa whostated that more than Mt new membershad Joined since April

It te the purpose of the dub to Increaseits membership beiweon now sod Oc-tober and as aa Incentive the dues sillnot be raised until the new dubhouee iserected plans for which are aow on ex-hibition m the receptionroam TIle erec-tion of the building be begununtil spring


Interstate Commerce CorrrmLsalonwill Take a Hand

The Week signal and train control boardof the Interstate Commerce Commissionhas reached the conclusion that it hasjurisdiction to investigate the compositionof steel rails and report upon just whatkind of rails railroads engaged In

commerce shall be required to useThere Is now in prospect a threeeor

oared fight among tbe makers of steelrails the railroads sad the block signaland train control board

Railroad engineers have contended thatthe quality of steel rails tarnished wereresponsible for many wrecks They claimthe steel furnished is of such characterthat beat and cold make a wide dttCeronce causing it to be brittle and poe

other undesirable qualities Thesteel companies however have protestedthat the steel ratio turned out at thepresent time by the best processes cannotbe Improved A branch of the Interstate Commerce Coounissioa has steppedIn and shown an Interest In the contro-versy

The investigation thus far made by theblock signal and train control board hasshown that several of the largest railroadsystems are experimenting with a steelrail treated by a new process The NewYork Central has had milled and Installedon Its roadbed loading into the GrandCentral Station In New York particu-larly on curves about 5tttft tons of thoserails and its experts are watching theeffect

wilt not








will Pass Upon CertificateDesigns for President Tafts certificate

of membership In the Washington Cham-ber of Commerce win probably be passedupon today Chairman Robert N Har-per expects to meet other members hi thecnaxnber rooms this afternoon to con-sider the design The certificate is to beengraved on silver anti framed when

Nearly every jeweler In the eltyhas submitted a design

When you have lost or found anythingtelephone an advertisement to The Washington Herald and bill will be sent youat 1 cent word









Are our best sureties of continued prosperity We have bought dose and soldehjftft relying for oar profile on the large extent of our business instead ef anIndividual sale O r past and present services to the pofaUe wHl be eotttineed-In the tutors


9 NUBe anything ever offered la the whole b tory of tIM plane setting bttstaessWe not only sell you pianos at remarkably low figure but allow a liberal

t fin Tout old one


nssePiano for 220


And mecrjr other truly wonderful valuesIf you want to save money on your piano oorae to as Bettor lastnna ata-

or lower price are not to be found in WasbiastoaEASY PAYMENT TERMS IF DESIRED

523 Eleventh Street N W

Thirty years of SuccessIN THE

Piano Selling Business

these a

08 Piano for II 350

35 Kimball

325 Whitney for 227

658 Kimull Player Piano 450



Tg Pu


EPocaontaa Patrons Pleased WithJenrBey and

Since tbe teldal trip last Thursdayevening several faces become famil-

iar to the oOoiale of tile new eaocuwsou

boat Pocahontaa That tile promenadedeck of this floating palace win be the

berth of cool brooms ta a totasjone seaelusion 3 rpii esetoiu of approval are tobe beard on every trip


1B8QC ot pIMaar seekers dMMI8 In




420 to 426 7th SL 417 to 425 8th St




32250 Womens Dresses 1088WoAens Princess Dresses In black and colors of taffeta rt f

silk and satin foulards plain hare or platted skirts worth J j2230 Special


Ladies Suit Department

0 08 ITub Suits g695

Womens Tub Suits In all colorsSOlnchlensth coat trimmed withblack collar and buttons worth 1250 Spe-cial


6 95



eooefB mon was beardexeWm last Monday eveninc Saytheres some class to thta Aa elderlynatron c M Why this shovM be calledthe opea sir boatIsnt It fine or Mteit It grandIt might e said that the absotate teok-

ef ohjocttenabie would inieeasstjly onus favorable The actionof tIN manasjement oa the openingnight of refuetns to accept fromevery patron giving all a free ride simply the electric tight not

BberaUty of spMt that the general publie must appreciate The low prime oftickets la another evidence of ttberatttyonly X costa betas charged for the tripof twenty des down the river and re-

turnThe promised deck has only ta be

seen to be appreciated Any an w0deacon wfl likely keep It mp en the en-

tire trip The tedKe partor to betasuMtgntacently fttted p

The management la nerirniM that ehfi-dreu sad the older fto take advantageof these trips as well sc the yesmawpIe The Peoabontas leaves everyevening at 731 oclock from the wharfat the foot of SIxth street


Blectrical B rl ccr Calls j

to Inter ro oe of TreesWalter C Allen electrical engIneer for

te imiiili Una a report to theOottmtaskKMrs on tbe street Mghtteg st-

T a anedai report

meats te P nnaylvanta ave T andseventh streets poteta out that tbe shadetress along the curbs prevent proper

The report states that the curb Mae istbe beet position for lamps unions thecenter of the roadway to used Tbe heavyfotfage of trees necessitated the trhamlBg-of nearly TM trees te Two yearspreviously 4C7 trees were trimmed

Experiments have been made te Seven-teenth and Eighteenth streets and 3 ona-

oansetts avenue from Ninth to Fourteenthwith arc temps to replace Incas

descent gas lamps The tests te Seven-teenth and Eighteenth streets were ofcurb temps incandescent electric globesand those in Massachusetts avenue werete the center of the roadway

The streets recommended te theadditional lighting are Pennsylvania

avenue front First to Fifteenth streetnorthwest Fifteenth street from Pennsyl-vania avenue to I street northwest Sev-enth street from Pannsytvania to YewYork avenue northwest Maryland avenue from First to Fifteenth street

New York avenue from NInth toThirteenth street northwest Massachu-setts avenue front Ninth street to and Ineluding Dopont Circle not Ineluding Thomas Circle Pennsylvaniaavenue from Fifteenth to Seventeenthstreet northwest Ninth street frontPennsylvania to Now York avenuenorthwest around Mount Vernon SquareF street from Seventh to Fifteenthstreet northwest G street from Seventhto Fifteenth street northwest aroundLafayette Square not Including Penas lTanS avenue side Vermont avenue fromH street to Thomas Cfrele Pennsylvaniaavenue from Seventeenth street to Rock

to and Including Washington Cvefecommissioner Marifartand wka ec

Oslo U

TIle allM




Mea wereJD working order at that time show a





JlI1 u to I






Creek and X street from Ninth street


girls y



sedanDecember flu reoemmsaag heprove












trioal EngIneer AOen henthis matter study and w present tileresult of his tevesttgatton to the board ofCommissioners

2IoGowax FK ralFuneral services for Jeans HartneU Me

Gowan former member of Congress fromOhio and a resident attorney te the 3Me-

JM1 Newark street at H oclock Mondaymorning will be held a the residencethis afternoon at f oclock Rev DrWallace cIt ef the New York Ave-

nue Presbyterian Church will enVtoteThe body wilt be taken to CMdwater-Mich fur Interment

Mea g


trlet for years she glad at his rnddnce

15 Pongee Coats 1088Womens Pongee Coats black

collar cuffs and jetbuttons worth 15 vO

Special1 088< >


to 7Account Our

Come aad Theta Over


923925 PA W

FREE Any societywho Induces two of their

friends to Jcfa the Ecoooayerattre Society by bringing us taefcnames together with tbefee of coats eaob receive 125

Beonomy Youebers FREE

Ecoacaiy CeOpsratlva feo


B U TJtompeoars UTSSBCTPOWDER te the storeroom aadyou need tear no damage frommoths Tbe fumes are deadly to

change colors AIRTIGHT cans 1V-

35e 25c and 66c-

Y Thompson PharmacyFreak C He ry Prep 703 15th St

Get It at JkHflreiTaV

Special bargains ta eur Sta-tionery Departmeat for this weekonlyMncllace size SXJ

Ink et sire 3c-

35c Box Paper 15c

R P Andrewc Paper Co

Largest Paper House

8252729 U M W


healthful and delicSocs125 PER GAL

Qnart Orders DeliveredTHE HOME ICE CREAM CO

12th and V ate nn TeL North 4B3T


ML Si tfesepbs Biftega fcgiserc EM

B vadsr aap rrtrtoa Bcettton-Hvodsm hrfiBBpi sad bice crank sttatted IB In-fcttoe BsldBMrfs sort beautiful Mbar cfeHfcU-iijuninv u4 cuMMMfel omen eofMea GOD

te berDrrector

mba and bodyaddnsc BOOTHS

When Your Servant

Leaves Don Wprry


The Herald Offico


Herald Want Ads Fill Your Wants

White you think of k telephone yourWant Ad to The Washington Heraldand bill will be cent rou at 1 ceal


Sheet MusicI

and Books



Removal Sale






member thIs


membershipa will


429 911I Skeet

Now and

th life but do not r10e-x

Yea Can


Soudi of NeW Yerk


Ice CreamP-ure


fetnd Sad 1noCS and U W-i1I OI cnrt







Reduced from










