walks in glendale - the glendale trust — glendale, isle...

Gabh uallach airson do ghnìomhan fhèin, bi mothachail dha cunnartan nàdair agus giùlain thu fhèin gu sàbhailte. Biodh spèis agad dha dìomhaireachd is fois inntinn dhaoine eile. Cùm pìos air falbh bho thaighean is ghàrraidhean. Cuidich le sàbhailteachd obair tuathanaich is uachdarain le bhith a’ cumail air falbh bho obair sam bith agus cùm sùil a-mach airson obair leithid leagail chraobhan. Fàg geataichean, feansaichean agus ballaichean mar a fhuair thu iad. Na cuir bacadh air inntrigeadh no frith-rathad. Seall a bheil slighean eile ann mus tèid thu a-steach do achadh far a bheil beathaichean. Na toir biadh dha na beathaichean. Bi mothachail dha urchaireachd is stalcaireachd. Coisich timcheall air barran a tha a’ fàs. Biodh cùram agad dhan àrainneachd agus fàg i mar a fhuair thu i. Thoir do sgudal dhachaigh leat agus tog salchar do choin. The Countryside Code Take responsibility for your own actions. Be aware of natural hazards and act safely. Respect people’s privacy and peace of mind. Keep a reasonable distance from houses and gardens. Help farmers and landowners to work safely by keeping away from any work and watch out for activities such as tree felling. Leave gates, fences or walls, as you find them. Do not block an entrance or a track. Look for alternative routes before entering a field with animals. Do not feed the animals. Take account of shooting and stalking. Walk around the perimeter of growing crops. Care for the environment and leave it as you find it. Take litter home and pick up your dog’s faeces. Do not disturb or damage wildlife or historic places. Keep your dog under control, so it doesn’t worry live- stock or alarm others. Don’t let it into areas with lambs or calves and keep it on a short lead when with other animals. If cattle react aggressively to your dog, let go of it and leave. Take care not to disturb breeding birds. Printed on recycled paper. Ar taing dha na leanas ; Brian Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Andy Mac an Tàilleir, Andy Stables agus Cailean Mac Ille Eain airson dealbhan camara. Clàrachas na Dùthcha airson cead mapaichean slighe a chleach- dadh. Sandra Nic a’ Phì, Skye Country Side Range. Andy Stables airson grafaigs, comhairle agus a shàr làraich-lìn: www.glendaleskye.com . Cuideachd www.walkhighlands.co.uk air- son fiosrachadh mu chuairtean. Maoinichte le: Comunn na Gàidhlig, HIE, Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd.41 Foillsichte le:Urras Ghleann Dail. We are very grateful to: Ordnance survey for maps. Brian Smith, Andy Taylor, Cailean MacLean for photos. Sandra MacPhee, Skye Country Side Ranger. Andy Stables for graphics, advice photos, cover photo and his ex- cellent website: www.glendaleskye.com. www.walkhighlands.co.uk /skye for walks information. For support and funding: www.theglendaletrust.org Company number: SC327627 Charity number: SCO38741 Walks in Glendale and Surrounding Area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Page 1: Walks in Glendale - The Glendale Trust — Glendale, Isle …theglendaletrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Glendale...5. Lùb Mhìolabhaig Oisgil Ìre 2, 3-4 mìltean, dìreadh 200m,

• Gabh uallach airson do ghnìomhan fhèin, bi mothachail dha cunnartan nàdair agus giùlain thu fhèin gu sàbhailte.

• Biodh spèis agad dha dìomhaireachd is fois inntinn dhaoine eile.

• Cùm pìos air falbh bho thaighean is ghàrraidhean. • Cuidich le sàbhailteachd obair tuathanaich is uachdarain

le bhith a’ cumail air falbh bho obair sam bith agus cùm sùil a-mach airson obair leithid leagail chraobhan.

• Fàg geataichean, feansaichean agus ballaichean mar a fhuair thu iad.

• Na cuir bacadh air inntrigeadh no frith-rathad. • Seall a bheil slighean eile ann mus tèid thu a-steach do

achadh far a bheil beathaichean. • Na toir biadh dha na beathaichean. • Bi mothachail dha urchaireachd is stalcaireachd. • Coisich timcheall air barran a tha a’ fàs. • Biodh cùram agad dhan àrainneachd agus fàg i mar a

fhuair thu i. • Thoir do sgudal dhachaigh leat agus tog salchar do choin.

The Countryside Code

• Take responsibility for your own actions. • Be aware of natural hazards and act safely. • Respect people’s privacy and peace of mind. • Keep a reasonable distance from houses and gardens. • Help farmers and landowners to work safely by keeping

away from any work and watch out for activities such as tree felling.

• Leave gates, fences or walls, as you find them. • Do not block an entrance or a track. • Look for alternative routes before entering a field with

animals. • Do not feed the animals. • Take account of shooting and stalking. • Walk around the perimeter of growing crops. • Care for the environment and leave it as you find it. • Take litter home and pick up your dog’s faeces. • Do not disturb or damage wildlife or historic places. • Keep your dog under control, so it doesn’t worry live-

stock or alarm others. Don’t let it into areas with lambs or calves and keep it on a short lead when with other animals.

• If cattle react aggressively to your dog, let go of it and leave.

• Take care not to disturb breeding birds. Printed on recycled paper.

Ar taing dha na leanas; Brian Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Andy Mac an Tàilleir, Andy Stables agus Cailean Mac Ille Eain airson dealbhan camara. Clàrachas na Dùthcha airson cead mapaichean slighe a chleach-dadh. Sandra Nic a’ Phì, Skye Country Side Range. Andy Stables airson grafaigs, comhairle agus a shàr làraich-lìn: www.glendaleskye.com . Cuideachd www.walkhighlands.co.uk air-son fiosrachadh mu chuairtean. Maoinichte le: Comunn na Gàidhlig, HIE, Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd.41 Foillsichte le:Urras Ghleann Dail. We are very grateful to: Ordnance survey for maps. Brian Smith, Andy Taylor, Cailean MacLean for photos. Sandra MacPhee, Skye Country Side Ranger. Andy Stables for graphics, advice photos, cover photo and his ex-cellent website: www.glendaleskye.com. www.walkhighlands.co.uk /skye for walks information.

For support and funding:


Company number: SC327627

Charity number: SCO38741

Walks in Glendale and

Surrounding Area





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Page 2: Walks in Glendale - The Glendale Trust — Glendale, Isle …theglendaletrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Glendale...5. Lùb Mhìolabhaig Oisgil Ìre 2, 3-4 mìltean, dìreadh 200m,

2. Bailtean fàs Ramasaig agus Lobhairgill. Ìre 3. 6 mìltean, 3-5 uairean a thìde, dìreadh 240m, NG164443 Tòisich aig ceann an rathaid gu Ramasaig, pàircich gu faiceallach air-son cothrom a thoirt dha carbadan tuatha-n a i s f a i g h i n n seachad. Frith-rathad measgaichte, talamh gun cheum agus deagh chothrom coiseachd air mullach na creige. Rach thairis air tob-htaichean Ramasaig gu ruige tob-htaichean Lobhair-gille, agus timcheall na Hogha gu Hogha Rape?, cùm do shùil a-mach airson eòin neadachaidh, gabh an lùb air ais gu Ramasaig. Meal na seallaidhean thairis air a’ Chuan Sgìth gu na h-Eileanan Siar, Ceann Bhatairsteinn agus Gob na h-Èist.

White Bell Heather

2. Ramasaig and Lorgill cleared villages Grade 3. 6 miles, 3-5 hours, ascent 240m, NG164443. Start from end of road to

Ramasaig, park carefully to allow farm vehicles to pass. A mixture of track, pathless ground and excellent cliff top walking. You will pass the ruins of Ramasaig onto the ruins of Lorgill, and around The Hoe to Hoe Rape, watch for nesting birds, loop back to Ramasaig. Enjoy views over the Minch to the Western Isles, Waterstein Head and Neist Point.

1. Rubha na h-Èist Ìre 2, 2.5m, 1-8 uairean a thìde (A rèir ‘s dè cho fada ‘s a bheir thu a’ cluich am measg nan creag), dìreadh 160m, NG132478 Pàircich aig ceann an rathaid gu Rubha na h-Èist. Coiseachd bheag a’ tadhal air Rubha na h-Èist, an rubha iongantach as fhaide siar san Eilean Sgitheanach. Tha steapaichean math concrait agus frith-rathad gun Taigh-sholais agus coiseachd bheag thairis air feur gu na creagan inntinneach a tha a’ tuiteam dhan mhuir mar bhaile leagte. Math airson streap, cluich, bearraidhean airson teàrnadh agus deagh chreagan airson iasgach is airson sùil a chumail air fiadh-bheatha. ‘S ann bhon fhacal, ‘Each’ a tha an t-ainm 'An t-Àigeach' a’ tighinn, a’ chreig àrd a tha ag èirigh a-mach às a’ Chuan Sgìth letheach slighe air an fhrith-rathad. Tha seallaidhean ann gu Eileanan Uibhist, Beinn na Faoghla, Canaigh is Ruma, Bàgh Munain agus Creagan Siar buadhach an Eilein Sgitheanaich. Bha long-bhriseadh an seo cuideachd san 19mh linn agus sin bu choireach gun deach an Taigh-sholais a thogail.

1. Neist Point

Grade 2, 2.5m, 1-8 hours (Depending on how long would you like to play among the rocks), as-cent 160m, NG132478. Park at the road end to Neist Point. A short walk visiting Neist Point, the dramatic westernmost point of Skye's headlands. Good con-crete steps and path to the Lighthouse and a short walk over grass to the interesting rocks that break away into the sea like a collapsed city. Good for scrambling, playing, fishing and watching the wildlife. Cliffs for abseiling. 'An t-Aigeach', is the high cliff rearing up mid-way along the path. Views are to the Islands of Uist, Benbecula, Canna and Rhum, Moonen Bay and the imposing Western Cliffs of Skye. This is also the site of a 1800C shipwreck, hence the building of the Light House. The Light House is now automated and the huge Fog Horn is still there but no longer in use.

3. Ceann Dhùn Bheagain, Biod an Athar agus Clach a‘ Mhoth Ìre 3, 5.5 mìltean, 3-4 uairean a thìde. Dìreadh 320m, NG181546 Pàircich aig ceann rathad Ghaltraigil. Cuairt gharbh mhòintich air mullach nan creag timcheall Rubha Dhùn Bheagain, a’ dol seachad air stuagh nàdair agus bearradh Biod an Athar, an t-àite as àirde air bearraidhean mara an Eilein Sgitheanaich. Cuairt gun frith-rathad thairis air mòinteach gharbh timcheall Rubha Dhùn Bheagain. Faisg air ceann rathad Ghaltraigil tha baile fàs le Clach a’ Mhoth, clach chòmhnard meatair ceàrnagach na laighe air ulpagan. Thathas ag ràdh gun leasaich i modh ach suidh oirre agus cuir ceist oirre no cuir miann an cèill is èist. Dùin geataichean is bi faiceallach mu fhean-saichean timcheall air an tuathanas seo. Faisg air làimh, ri fhaicinn bhon rathad tro Boraraig tha an Càrn dha Clann MhicCruimein, pìo-bairean ainmeil nan Leòdach. 3. Dunvegan Head, Biod an Athair and Manners Stone Grade 3, 5.5 miles, 3-4 hours. ascent 320m, NG181546 Park at Galtrigill road end. A rough moorland and cliff top walk around Dunvegan Head, passing a natural arch and the Biod an Athair cliff, the highest point on Skye's sea cliffs. Pathless walk across rough moor land around Dunvegan Head. Near Galtrigill road end is a ruined village with ‘The Manners Stone’, a square flat stone resting on boulders at seat height. Used, supposedly, to improve the man-ners of naughty children, but sit on it a while and ask your question and see what wisdom you get. Please respect gates and fences around this working farm. Nearby, visible from the road through Borreraig, is the Cairn to the MacCrimmons, the famous pipers to the Clan MacLeod.

Page 3: Walks in Glendale - The Glendale Trust — Glendale, Isle …theglendaletrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Glendale...5. Lùb Mhìolabhaig Oisgil Ìre 2, 3-4 mìltean, dìreadh 200m,

5. Lùb Mhìolabhaig Oisgil

Ìre 2, 3-4 mìltean, dìreadh 200m, NG154506 Tòisich aig Cidhe Mheanais; tha an t-slighe gun cheum, a’ leantainn creagan àrda le ceuman chaorach agus sàr uachdar airson greisean fada ach tha pìosan dheth fliuch fod chois. Tadhail air Bàgh Oisgil agus till taobh Druim nan Sgarbh.

Did you know that Loch Pooltiel is named after the Viking Prince Tiel who is buried in Glendale cemetery?

5. Milovaig Oisgill Loop

Start at Meanish Pier, the way is pathless fol-lowing high cliffs with sheep tracks and excel-lent turf for long stretches with some wet sec-tions. Visit Oisgill Bay and return via Druim nan Sgarbh. The views are to the Loch Pooltiel, Western Isles, Loch Mor and Waterstein Head, Neist and Waterstein township. Ragged Robin

Còd fòn ionadail; 01470+ Talla Coimhearsnachd Ghleann Dail, le goireasan, map dhen sgìre agus bòrd fiosrachaidh. An t-Ionad Dualchais is Cultarach, Cafaidh is taighean-beaga. Bùth Ghleann Dail is Oifis a’ Phuist – 511266. Gailearaidh Orboist – 521207. Gailearaidh Raven Press – 511748. Cafaidh is Gailearaidh Red Roof – 511766. No. 10 Stiùidio is Gailearaidh – 511795. Taigh-tasgaidh Chealaboist – 521296. Taigh-tasgaidh is Bùth Pàirc Bhoraraig– 511311. Taigh-tasgaidh Dhèideagan is Bùth Dhèideagan Ghleann Dail – 511240. Taigh-bidhe The Three Chimneys agus House-over-By – 511258. Seudraidh Airgid an Eilein Sgitheanaich – 511263. Arragh-cuimhne Martaraich Ghleann Dail .

Local facilities, sites and places of interest

Local Area Phone Code - 01470 The Glendale Community Hall, with toilet facilities, area map and information board. The Heritage and Cultural Centre, Café and toilets. The Glendale Shop and Post Office – 511266. Orbost Gallery – 521207. Raven Press Gallery – 511748. Red Roof Cafe and Gallery – 511766. No. 10 Studio and Gallery – 511795. Colbost Folk Museum – 521296. Borreraig Park Museum and Shop – 511311. Glendale Toy Museum and Toy Shop – 511240. The Three Chimneys Restaurant and House-over-By – 511258. Skye Silver Jewellery – 511263. The Watermill. The Glendale Martyrs’ Memorial.

4. Lùb Uiginis Ìre 1, 2.5 mìle,1.5 uair a thìde, dìreadh10m NG243483 A’ tòiseachadh aig Tuathanas Uiginis. Cuairt ghoirid mu thimcheall Uiginis taobh an taigh-sholais bheag agus dùn inntinneach. Bhon chnocan bheag ri taobh an taigh-sholais chithear seallaidhean far-saing thairis air Loch Dhùn Bheagain, Bùird MhicLeòid agus Caisteal Dhùn Bheagain.

4. Uiginish Loop

Starting at Uiginish Farm. A short walk around Uiginish taking in the tiny lighthouse and an interesting dun. The small knoll beside the light-house offers panoramic views over lovely Loch Dunvegan, McLeod's Tables and Dunvegan Castle. Basking Shark

Grade 1, 2.5 miles, 1.5 hours, Ascent 10m, NG 243 483

Grade 2, 3-4 miles, ascent 200m, NG154506

Coconut scented Gorse or Whin

Page 4: Walks in Glendale - The Glendale Trust — Glendale, Isle …theglendaletrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Glendale...5. Lùb Mhìolabhaig Oisgil Ìre 2, 3-4 mìltean, dìreadh 200m,

6. Àirighean Fàsach agus taighean Beachaire. Ìre 2/3, 6.5 mìltean. 3 uairean a thìde, dìreadh 190m, NG179496. Pàircich aig Talla Coimhearsnachd Ghleann Dail. Tha a’ chuairt a’ tòiseachadh aig Rathad Ìochdrach Fàsach agus a’ leantainn frith-rathad gu na h-àirighean agus na seann thogalaichean beachaire. Lean ort thairis air monadh garbh agus till taobh Abhainn Hamara. An ìre mhath mu choinneamh an Talla tha an rathad gun chladh far a bheil leac-uaghach a’ Phrionnsa Lochlannaich, Tiel, na laighe an taic a’ bhalla.

7. Rubha Idrigil agus Maighdeannan MhicLeòid. Ìre 2, 10.5 mìltean, 5-6 uairean a thìde, dìreadh160, NG257433 Pàircich aig Tuathanas Orboist. Tòisich aig ceann an rathaid gu Taigh Orboist, lean am frith-rathad gu Bàgh àlainn gainmheach Bharcasaig agus tron cheum coilltearachd gus an tig thu gu cruinneachadh de sta-can mara rin canar Maighdeannan MhicLeòid. Tha ceum no frith-rathad math air a’ chuid mhòr den t-slighe ach a-mhàin nuair a thig thu a dh’ionnsaigh Rubha Idrigil. Chì thu seallaidhean àlainn de Chanaigh, Ruma agus Beanntan a’ Chuilthinn.

Do you know how ‘MacLeod’s Tables’ got their name? One legend tells us that Lord MacLeod took the Royal Court to dine on one of the hill tops.

7. Idrigill Point and MacLeod's Maidens. Grade 2, 10.5 miles, 5-6 hours, ascent 160, NG257433 Park at Orbost Farm. Start at the road end by Orbost House, follow the track to beautiful sandy Bharcasaig Bay and on by the forestry track to visit a group of impressive sea stacks called MacLeod's Maidens. Good track most of the way but pathless towards Idrigill Point. Offers excellent views of Canna, Rhum and the Cuillin Hills.

8. Healabhal Mhor agus Healabhal Bheag Ìre 4, 7 mìltean, 4-6 uairean a thìde airson gach slighe, dìreadh 970m, NG256444. Pàircich aig lùb an rathaid air an t-slighe gu Orbost. Lean air adhart thairis air abhainn Ollasdal gu Bòrd Tuath MhicLeòid/ Healabhal Mhòr. Gabh thairis air a’ chnoc bheag eadar an dà bhòrd gu Bòrd Deas MhicLeòid /Healabhal Bheag. Till air ais sìos air an fhrith-rathad taobh Coilltean Orboist air ceum singilte. Tha na cnuic sin àlainn is còmhnard, leis a’ Bhòrd a deas beagan nas àirde, fol-laiseach bho iomadh pàirt den Eilean Sgitheanach. Tha an dìreadh na chuairt dìreach thar monadh gharbh. Tha bruthaichean casa feurach air na Bùird fhèin le deagh sheallaidhean farsaing bho na mullaichean. Faodar na Bùird a choiseach air leth, no còmhla.

8. MacLeod's Tables. Grade 4, 7 miles, 4-6 hrs for both, as-cent 670m, N G 2 5 6 4 4 4 . Park at the bend in the road on the way to Orbost. Head over the river Ollisdal to MacLeod’s Table North. Pass over the small hill between the two tables to Macleod’s Table South. Come back down by the way of the path by Orbost Woods and via a single track road. These are two lovely flat-topped hills, the south Table being slightly higher, prominent in views from many parts of Skye. Their ascent gives a straightforward but rough moorland walk The Tables themselves have steep grassy slopes and good panoramic views from the tops. The tables can be walked sepa-rately or together.

Almost opposite the Hall is the road to the cemetery where the tombstone of Viking Prince Tiel, after whom Loch Pooltiel is named, lies propped against the wall.

6. Fasach sheilings and Beehive Dwellings. Grade 2/3, 6.5 miles. 3 hours, ascent 190m, NG179496. Park at Glendale Community Hall. The walk begins via the Lower Fasach Road following on to a track to the shielings and ancient bee-hive structures. Continue over rough heath and return by the River Hamara.

Did you know that as a result of the Glendale rebellion, led by John MacPher-son the Glendale Martyr and others, conditions for the crofters were im-proved?