walking with kings and prophets (part 2) week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/ Jeroboam and kings of Israel worshipped idols To read the Bible online go to: http://www.biblegateway.com/versions/King- James-Version-KJV-Bible/ Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5 New kings in Israel and Judah Sunday................................................................................ 2 Abijah wins the war ................................................... 2 Monday ............................................................................... 4 Asa destroys idols ...................................................... 4 Tuesday.............................................................................. 6 Azariah encourages Asa ........................................... 6 Wednesday ....................................................................... 7 Kings Nadab and Baasha ........................................... 7 Thursday............................................................................ 9 Baasha and Asa war ................................................... 9 Friday ................................................................................11 Jehu speaks against Baasha ...................................11 Saturday.......................................................................... 13 Kings Zimri and Omri ............................................... 13 Chart showing kings of Israel and Judah ............. 14 Asa destroys idols in Judah To read KJV in 21 st Century English go to: http://www.biblegateway.com/versions/21st- Century-King-James-Version-KJ21-Bible/

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Page 1: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/

Jeroboam and kings of Israel worshipped idols

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Walking with

Kings and Prophets

(Part 2) Week 5

New kings in Israel and Judah

Sunday ................................................................................ 2

Abijah wins the war ................................................... 2

Monday ............................................................................... 4

Asa destroys idols ...................................................... 4

Tuesday .............................................................................. 6

Azariah encourages Asa ........................................... 6

Wednesday ....................................................................... 7

Kings Nadab and Baasha ........................................... 7

Thursday............................................................................ 9

Baasha and Asa war ................................................... 9

Friday ................................................................................11

Jehu speaks against Baasha ...................................11

Saturday .......................................................................... 13

Kings Zimri and Omri ............................................... 13

Chart showing kings of Israel and Judah ............. 14

Asa destroys idols in Judah

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Page 2: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Abijah wins the war

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 13v13-22

(cp. 1 Kings 15v7+8)

1 Kings 15v3 says Abijah (Abijam) did evil. But the

writer in 2 Chronicles tells us the good he did.

1. What did Jeroboam do? (v13)

2. Who did Judah cry to? (v14)

3. What did the priests do? (v14)

4. What happened when the men of Judah

shouted? (v15)

5. What did Israel do? (v16)

6. How many men of Israel were killed? (v17)

7. Why did Judah win? (v18)

8. What cities did Abijah take? (v19)

Find them on a map

9. What did Jeroboam NOT do? (v20)

10. What did the LORD do? (v20)

11. Who became mighty? (v21)

12. How many wives did Abijah have? (v21)


1) Caused an ambush before and behind army of Judah;

2) The LORD; 3) Blew trumpets; 4) God smote Jeroboam

and all Israel; 5) Fled; 6) 500 000 men; 7) Because they

relied on the LORD God; 8) Bethel, Jeshanah and

Ephraim; 9) Recover strength again in the days of Abijah;

10) Struck him and he died; 11) Abijah; 12) 14 wives

When enemies surround us and

there seems no way out....

Remember no earthly power

can shut off God from above us.

Rely on Him alone for the

victory. He will NOT fail you.

“My help cometh from the LORD, which

made heaven and earth.”

(Psalm 121v2)

Did you know?

The books of Kings tell us stories about kings in

Israel and Judah. The book of 2 Chronicles tells

us stories about kings in Judah.

Sometimes the stories are in both Kings and

Chronicles. Be careful to check carefully where

the daily reading is found!


Ambushment = ambush, lay in wait

for a surprise attack;

Sounded = blew;

Smote = beat;

Delivered = saved;

Slaughter = great killing;

Prevailed = won;

Relied = depended, trusted;

Pursued = went after;

Waxed = became

Page 3: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/

“Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD

your God he shall fight for you.”

(Deuteronomy 3v22)

Page 4: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Asa destroys idols

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 14v1-15

(cp. 1 Kings 15v9-15)

1. How long was there peace in the land? (v1)

It was the LORD who gave this peace (v6).

2. What did Asa do? (v2)

3. What did he take away?

(2 Chr 14v3+5; 1 Kings 15v12)

4. Why did he remove his mother from being

queen? (1 Kings 15v13)

Find Kidron on a map

5. What did he command Judah to do?

(2 Chr 14v4)

6. What did he build? (v7+8)

Asa knew there would be wars. So he used

the time of peace to get ready for it.

7. How many were in his army? (v8)

8. Where did Ethiopians come for war?

(v9+10) Find it on a map

9. Who did Asa trust to win the battle?


10. Where did the Ethiopians flee to?

(v12+13) Find it on a map

11. What came upon the cities near Gerar?


12. Where did the men of Judah carry great

spoil to? (v15) Find it on a map

Asa prepared for battle. But he

knew that only the LORD could

give the victory. Asa wanted the

LORD to show....no man can

beat the LORD.

True Christians are in a battle

against Satan. BUT victory still

comes from God. Have that

faith in God that says....Nobody

or nothing can win against God.


Strange = foreign;

High places = places where

sacrifices were made to other gods;

Groves = places where idols were


Sodomites = homosexuals;

Commanded = told to do;

Fenced cities = walled, protected


Prospered = had success;

Targets = small shields;

Valour = brave for battle;

Fourscore = 80;

Array = arranged for battle;

Multitude = very big crowd;

Prevail = win;

Pursued = went after;

Spoil = goods taken after winning a


Exceeding = very much;

Abundance = plenty

Page 5: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


1) 10 years; 2) Good and right in the eyes of the LORD; 3)

Altars of foreign gods, high places, images, groves, and

sodomites; 4) She had made an idol in a grove; 5) seek

the LORD and do the law and commandment; 6) Cities

with walls, towers, gates and bars; 7) 300 000 of Judah

and 280 000 of Benjamin; 8) Valley of Zephathah, near

Mareshah; 9) The LORD; 10) Gerar; 11) The fear of the

LORD; 12) Jerusalem

Stop and Think!

Asa had an army of 580 000 (v8). Zerah the

Ethiopian had a million in his army (v9). Asa knew

he didn’t have a chance of winning against this big

army. That’s why he cried this prayer to the LORD:

“LORD, it is nothing with thee to help,

whether with many, or with them that

have no power: help us, O LORD our

God; for we rest on thee, and in thy

name we go against this multitude.

O LORD, thou art our God; let no man

prevail against thee.”

(2 Chronicles 14v11)

Did you know?

Maachah was Absalom’s daughter. She

was married to Rehoboam. So, she was

Asa’s grandmother

(2 Chronicles 11v20+22)








Page 6: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Azariah encourages Asa

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 15v1-15

1. Who was upon Azariah? (v1)

2. What did he tell Asa? (v2)

3. What was Israel without for a long time?


4. Why was there great trouble in the

nations? (v5+6)

5. Why was Asa to be strong? (v7)

6. What did Asa get courage to do? (v8)

7. Why did people from other tribes come

to him? (v9)

8. Where did they gather together? (v10)

Find it on a map

9. What did they offer to the LORD? (v11)

10. What did they covenant to do? (v12)

11. What happened to those who wouldn’t?


12. Why did all Judah rejoice? (v15)

13. What did the LORD do? (v15)

“Be ye strong therefore, and let not

your hands be weak: for your work shall

be rewarded.” (2 Chronicles 15v7)

Azariah encouraged Asa to lead

the people to turn from idols to

serve the Only True and Living

God. Sometimes we need

someone to encourage us to

keep on doing right.

Our love for God and our zeal

for His work can cause others to

follow the LORD.


1) The Spirit of God; 2) The LORD is with you, while ye be

with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but

if ye forsake him, he will forsake you; 3) The true God, a

teaching priest and law; 4) God troubled them; 5) His

work would be rewarded; 6) Put away idols and renewed

the altar of the LORD; 7) They saw the LORD was with

him; 8) Jerusalem; 9) 700 cattle and 7000 sheep out of

the spoil; 10) To seek the LORD with all their heart and

soul; 11) Put to death; 12) At the oath they had made;

13) Gave them rest round about


Forsake = leave;

Season = time;

Vexations = troubles;

Inhabitants = people who live there;

Adversity = hard times of trouble;

Abominable = really, really hated;

Renewed = repaired;

Strangers = foreigners;

Abundance = plenty;

Spoil = goods taken in battle;

Oxen = cattle;

Covenant = agreement;

Sware = promised;

Oath = solemn promise

Page 7: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Kings Nadab and Baasha

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 14v19+20;


(cp. 2 Chronicles 13v20)

1. How long was Jeroboam king of Israel?


2. Who was the new king? (14v20)

3. How long did Nadab reign? (15v25)

4. What sort of king was he? (15v26)

5. Who conspired against him? (v27)

6. Where did Baasha kill Nadab? (v27)

Find it on a map

7. Why was Nadab there? (v27)

8. Who else did Baasha kill? (v29)

Baasha didn’t just kill the men and boys. He

killed everyone from Jeroboam’s royal


9. Who had said this would happen? (v29)

If Jeroboam had obeyed God, his kingdom

would have lasted....and many of his

descendants would have been kings (11v38)

10. What had Jeroboam done to the LORD?


11. How long did Baasha reign? (v33)

12. What sort of king was he? (v34)

Many kings of Israel were

compared to Jeroboam. He was

known for his idolatry and sins.

Many of them were bad kings

like Jeroboam.

What kind of example do you

leave? Could it be said that

people do wrong just like you?

Did you know?

Ahijah the Shilonite was a prophet. He lived

in Shiloh. He told Jeroboam he would be

king (11v29-40). Find Shiloh on a map

Ahijah the father of Baasha was a different

man (15v27).


Chronicles = records;

Evil = sin, wrong;

Wherewith = with which;

Conspired = plotted;

Smote = beat;

Siege = army surrounds city;

Provocation = cause of being


Provoked = make angry

Page 8: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


1) 22 years; 2) His son Nadab; 3) 2 years; 4) Evil; 5)

Baasha; 6) Gibbethon; 7) Israel had a siege on it; 8) All

the house of Jeroboam; 9) Ahijah; 10) Provoked the LORD

to anger; 11) 24 years; 12) Evil

“Fret not thyself because of evildoers,

neither be thou envious against the

workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 37v1)

Page 9: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Baasha and Asa war

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 15v16-19;


(cp. 1 Kings 15v16-22)

There was war between king Asa of

Judah and king Baasha of Israel all

their days (1 Kings 15v16)

1. How was Asa’s heart before the LORD?


This doesn’t mean he never did wrong. It

means he’d been wholehearted in serving

the LORD....up to that time.

2. What did he bring into the temple?


3. Why did Baasha build Ramah? (16v1)

Find it on a map

4. Who did Asa want to help him? (v2)

Find Syria on a map

5. What did Asa give him? (v2)

6. What did Asa ask him to do? (v3)

7. What cities did Benhadad destroy? (v4)

Find them on a map

8. What did Asa do? (v6) Find them on a map

9. What had Asa NOT done? (v7+8)

10. So, what would happen? (v9)

11. Why was Hanani put in prison? (v10)

12. What happened to Asa? (v12)

13. Who did he seek for a cure? (v12)

Asa had sought the LORD with

all his heart and destroyed idols.

Sadly, he ended up doing what

he thought right....without

seeking God.

Just because you stood well for

God yesterday.....doesn’t mean

that you can’t fall into sin. Your

faith can turn to unbelief if you

don’t keep on seeking God.

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro

throughout the whole earth, to shew

himself strong in the behalf of them

whose heart is perfect toward him.”

(2 Chronicles16v9)


Grove = place where idols are


Perfect = wholehearted, faithful;

Dedicated = given for holy use;

Vessels = containers;

Intent = plan;

League = peace treaty;

Cease = stop;

Wherewith = with which;

Timber = wood;

Seer = prophet;

Relied = depended, trusted;

Host = army;

Henceforth = from this time;

Wroth = angry;

Oppressed = made to suffer much;

Physicians = doctors

Page 10: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


1) Perfect; 2) Silver, gold, vessels that he and his father

had dedicated; 3) So that no one could go out or come in

to Asa in Judah; 4) Benhadad king of Syria; 5) Silver and

gold from the treasures of the temple and the king’s

house; 6) Make a league with him and break his league

with Baasha; 7) Ijon, Dan, Abelmaim and store cities in

Napthali; 8) Carried away the stones for building Ramah,

and built Geba and Mizpah with them; 9) Relied on the

LORD; 10) He would have wars; 11) Asa was angry with

Hanani for telling him how God would punish him; 12) He

got a disease in his feet in the 39th

year of his reign; 13)

Physicians (doctors)

What’s wrong with

going to the doctor?

Nothing....BUT Asa’s problem

was that he turned away from

God. He wouldn’t go to God!

Stop and Think!

Asa seemed to forget his

covenant with the LORD

(15v12-15). Instead he made

a league with Benhadad. He

was a heathen king

worshipped idols. Then, Asa

wouldn’t listen to Hanani.

When we go wrong....God

seeks to bring us back to

Him. If we keep refusing to

listen to God....we will end up


Page 11: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Jehu speaks against Baasha

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 16v1-14

1. Who spoke God’s Word against Baasha?


Jehu was the son of Hanani (v1+7). Hanani

was the prophet king Asa of Judah had put

in prison (2 Chronicles 16v7+10).

2. How had Baasha made God angry? (v2)

3. How would the LORD punish Baasha? (v3)

4. Who would dogs and birds eat? (v4)

5. Where was Baasha buried? (v6)

Find it on a map

6. Who was the new king of Israel? (v6+8)

7. How long did Elah reign? (v8)

8. Who conspired against Elah? (v9)

Zimri was a captain in his army.

9. Where was Elah? (v9) Find it on a map

10. What was Elah doing? (v9)

11. Who killed all Elah’s family? (v10+12)

The prophet Jehu had said that Baasha’s

house would be destroyed (v3+4).

12. What had made the LORD angry? (v13)

“God judgeth the righteous, and God is

angry with the wicked every day.”

(Psalm 7v11)

Hanani hadn’t been afraid to

tell Asa God’s Word....and he

went to prison for it! Now his

son Jehu isn’t afraid to tell

Baasha God’s Word.

Maybe your Dad tells people

God’s Word. Do you follow what

he’s taught you? Or are you

afraid to tell people God’s



1) Jehu; 2) He’d walked in the ways of Jeroboam and

made Israel sin; 3) He’d make his house like the house of

Jeroboam; 4) Those that die of Baasha’s family; 5) Tirzah;

6) Elah; 7) 2 years; 8) Zimri; 9) In the house of Arza in

Tirzah; 10) Drinking himself drunk; 11) Zimri; 12) Their

vanities (worthless idols)


Forasmuch = since;

Exalted = lifted up;

Provoke = make angry;

Posterity = descendants;

Fowls = birds;

Prophet = man who tells people

what God says;

Conspired = plotted;

Steward = man over his house,


Kinsfolk = relatives;

Vanities = worthless idols;

Chronicles = records

Page 12: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/

Stop and Think!

Elah was king for only 2 years.

All he is remembered for is

getting drunk and murdered.

What a terrible way to be


“It is not for kings to drink wine; nor for

princes strong drink: Lest they drink,

and forget the law, and pervert the

judgment of any of the afflicted.”

(Proverbs 31v4+5)

Page 13: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

© Search the Word Bible Studies 2013 Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible http://www.searchtheword.org.uk/


Kings Zimri and Omri

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 16v15-28

1. How long did Zimri reign? (v15)

2. Where? (v15) Find it on a map

3. Where was Israel camped for battle?

(v15) Find it on a map

This is where Baasha had killed Nadab


4. Who did they make captain? (v16)

5. What did Omri do? (v17)

6. What did Zimri do? (v18)

7. What sort of king was Zimri? (v19)

8. How were the people divided? (v21)

9. What happened? (v22)

10. How long did Omri reign? (v23)

11. Where? (v23+24) Find them on a map

Samaria was the new capital city for the

kingdom of Israel in the north.

12. What sort of king was Omri? (v25+26)

13. Who was the next king? (v28)

“When the righteous are in authority,

the people rejoice: but when the wicked

beareth rule, the people mourn.”

(Proverbs 29v2)

Imagine being king for only 7

days! Zimri killed Elah and

made himself king. But the

people didn’t want him to be

their king.

Never try to force people to

make you their leader. Earn

their respect. God will open up

the way in His time....if that’s

His plan for you.


1) 7 days; 2) Tirzah; 3) Gibbethon; 4) Omri; 5) Besieged

Tirzah; 6) Burnt the king’s house with fire and died in fire;

7) Evil; 8) Half followed Tibni and half followed Omri; 9)

Omri won and reigned, Tibni lost and died; 10) 12 years;

11) He reigned 6 years in Tirzah and 6 years in Samaria;

12) Evil, worse than those before him; 13) Ahab


Encamped = camped;

Conspired = plotted;

Slain = killed;

Wherefore = therefore;

Besieged = army surrounds city to

force it to surrender;

Evil = wrong;

Treason = plot to overthrow the king

of his country;

Wrought = did;

Chronicles = records;

Prevailed = won;

Wherewith = with which;

Provoke = make angry;

Vanities = worthless idols;

Slept with fathers = died

Page 14: Walking with Kings and Prophets (Part 2) Week 5

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Chart showing kings of Israel

and Judah