contents€¦ · unit i, “faithful prophets,” has four lessons drawn from the books of exodus,...


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  • CONTENTS Letter to the Parents ....................................... 2

    Lesson 1 Freedom for the People .................................. 3

    Lesson 2 Take Off Your Shoes! ....................................... 7

    Lesson 3 A Wise Woman .................................................11

    Lesson 4 Courage to Speak .......................................... 15

    Lesson 5 Their Eyes Were Opened! ............................. 19

    Lesson 6 Obey and Rejoice ...........................................23

    Lesson 7 Rebuilding the Wall .......................................27

    Lesson 8 Begging for Help ............................................ 31

    Lesson 9 Truth and Power .............................................35

    Lesson 10 A New Future ...................................................39

    Lesson 11 Difficult and Dangerous Words .................43

    Lesson 12 Make a Change, Now! ..................................47

    Lesson 13 Do Right! ........................................................... 51

    Extra Activities ................................................55

    PRIMARY Sunday School Quarterly (USPS 444-280), Vol. 58, No. 2, March, April, May 2021, is published quarterly for $15.56 per year by AMEC Sunday School Union, 1722 Scovel Street, Nashville, TN 37208. Periodicals Postage Paid at Nashville, Tennessee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PRIMARY Sunday School Quarterly, 1722 Scovel Street, Nashville, TN 37208.

    Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Primary Sunday School Quarterly, Volume 58, No. 2, March, April, May 2021—Lessons based on the International Sunday School Lessons, The International Bible Lessons for Christian Teaching. Copyright © 2019 by the Division of Christian Education, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA.

    All rights reserved. Used by permission. © 2020 SSPB.

    For permission to reproduce any material in this publication, call (615) 256-5882 or write the Rights and Permissions Department, the AMEC Sunday School Union, 1722 Scovel Street, Nashville, TN 37208.

    Entered as Periodicals Postage Paid Mat-ter, March 20, 1942, at the Post Office at Nashville, Tennessee, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

    Rev. Roderick D. Belin, President and Publisher

    Rev. Garland F. Pierce, Executive Director, Department of Christian Education

    Mr. André Wright, Chief of Operations

  • 2 I Middle Elementary 2 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly 2 I Middle Elementary2 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly

    Dear Parents,

    I feel really blessed to have the opportunity to work with your child this quarter. We will explore God’s Word together through these thirteen lessons. My prayer is that your child will learn a lot and that the learning will result in his or her having a closer relationship with God.

    This quarter introduces the ministry of the Old Testament prophets and New Testament messengers. God employed people to be spokespersons for Him.

    Unit I, “Faithful Prophets,” has four lessons drawn from the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and 1 and 2 Kings; they explore the reasons why prophets were necessary in Israel’s history. Moses led the people out of Egypt and relayed to the people God’s promise to give them prophets who would speak God’s word to them. Stories about Joshua, Huldah, and Elijah illustrate the fulfillment of God’s promise given through Moses.

    Unit II, “Prophets Restore Hope,” contains four lessons that reveal the compassion of God during the times in Israel’s history when the people continually forsook the ways of God. On Easter, Isaiah’s prophetic writings and the book of Luke are used to portray Jesus as the Suffering Servant and the one through whom believers receive salvation. Passages from the prophecies in Ezra, Nehemiah, and Lamentations show the faith of the prophets as they presented new hope to the Israelites.

    Unit III, “God’s Messengers Demand Change,” is comprised of five lessons that show the boldness of God’s prophets in the books of 1 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Jonah—including facilitating the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of the covenant relationship with God. When the people strayed away from their covenant with God, the prophets called them back.

    You can have a discussion with your child about giving his or her life to God with help from the ABCs of Salvation, listed below.

    A. Say, “Admit you have sinned (see Psalm 32:5), or done wrong.” Go through just a few of the Ten Commandments—stealing or lying and so forth. Tell how our sins separate us from God (see Isaiah 59:2 and Romans 3:23).

    B. Say, “Believe Jesus is God’s Son. He took the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross (see Romans 5:8). We must believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that God raised Him from the dead.”

    C. Say, “Call on God to forgive you (see Acts 2:21). When we are sorry for our sins and want to stop doing wrong, we can ask God to forgive us (see Acts 16:31).”

    I look forward to helping your child understand what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you for the opportunity to help shape your child’s spiritual life.

    __________________________________Your Child’s Teacher

  • Primary Sunday School Quarterly I 3Primary Sunday School Quarterly I 3

    March 7, 2021

    Lesson Scripture:Exodus 12:31-42

    The Egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the country. “For otherwise,” they said, “we will all die!” (Exodus 12:33)


    In the middle of the night, Pharaoh called for Moses and his brother, Aaron. Pharaoh said, “Take your people and leave Egypt. Go and worship your God like you asked. Take your animals and your flocks and herds and go.” Pharaoh also told Moses to bless him.

    The Israelites left quickly. They did not have time to put the yeast in their dough. They quickly wrapped up the dough that did not have yeast.

    Moses told the Israelites to ask the Egyptians, “Will you give us clothes to wear, and gold and silver to take with us?”

    God had made it where the Egyptians would do as they were asked. They gave the Israelites clothes, gold, and silver. The Israelites left with clothes and wealth. They travelled a long distance. There were many men on foot and women and children too. The Israelites made bread with the dough that did not have yeast, which was called unleavened [un-LEV-end] bread.

    The Israelites had been kept as slaves in Egypt for 430 years. God heard the Israelites’ prayers and brought them out of Egypt. The people were now freed from slavery. God watched over the Israelites as they left Egypt.

    Freedom for the People

    Key Verse

  • 4 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly4 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly

    Hello, everyone! Ruby here! I really like to play outside with friends. Wouldn’t it be sad to be kept in one place all the time like the Israelites had been? The Israelites were happy that God freed them from slavery in Egypt. And, let me tell you, I am so happy when I have the freedom in my lab to do my

    experiments (safely, of course)! This week, thank the people who give you

    special freedom to play, to pray, to go to church, and to be a kid. Also, think about all the things you

    are thankful for. We will discuss it next time.

    During the school year, Darius had a schedule. He liked to come home, change his clothes, and do any homework he had. Then after his homework was done, he would go out to play with his best friend, Thomas.

    “Mom, I finished my homework. Can I go over to Thomas’s to play?” Darius asked one afternoon.

    “Did you have a snack and glass of milk first?” his mom asked.

    As Darius grabbed his snack, he said, “Thank you, Mom. I forgot, but I’m eating it now. Can I go over now?”

    His mom said, “Yes. Be careful and have fun.” Before Darius left, he ran to find his mom and hugged her. His mom asked, “What was the reason for the big hug?”Darius said, “I’m thankful that you let me go next door to play with Thomas. Some

    kids don’t have their mom or dad at home when they come from school. I’m thankful you are here and you let me go next door to see my best friend.”

    “You’re welcome. Now, go . . . and have fun!” his mom said. “I’ll have dinner ready when you come back.”

    A Reason to Be Thankful

    Living to please God

    sets me free!

  • Primary Sunday School Quarterly I 5


    1. RONAA

    2. GYPET

    3. ARPHOHA

    4. LDGO

    5. REBAD

    6. OMSSE

    Aaron • Bread • Egypt • Gold Moses • Pharaoh

    UnscramblerUnscramble the scrambled-up words that are found in today’s lesson. Use the words in the Word Box to help you.

  • 6 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly

    a. Told the Israelites to ask the Egyptians for gold and silver

    b. Told the Israelites to leave Egypt

    c. Left the country of Egypt

    d. Was not added to the dough when they left Egypt

    e. Brought the Israelites out of Egypt

    f. Where the Israelites lived for 430 years

    1. Pharaoh

    2. Moses

    3. Yeast

    4. Egypt

    5. Israelites

    6. God

    A Matching ActivityMatch each word on the left with its correct meaning on the right by drawing a line between the two.

  • Primary Sunday School Quarterly I 7Primary Sunday School Quarterly I 7

    March 14, 2021

    Lesson Scriptures:Joshua 5:13-15; 6:1-5, 15-16, 20

    The commander of the  Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so. (Joshua 5:15)


    When Joshua was near the city of Jericho, he saw a man with a sword in his hand. He was an angel of God.

    Joshua asked, “Are you here for us or for our enemies?” The man did not answer Joshua, but said, “I am the leader of God’s army.” Immediately, Joshua fell down at the man’s feet with his face down to the ground. “What do you want to tell me?” Joshua asked. The man said, “Take off your shoes, because the place where you stand is holy.” So, Joshua took off his shoes.

    The gates of Jericho were locked because of the Israelites. God spoke to Joshua, saying the Israelites would defeat Jericho. God told Joshua, “March around the city with all your armed men for seven days. Have the seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark of the covenant. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, then tell the priests to blow their trumpets. When they blow their trumpets, your army should shout loudly. The walls of Jericho will fall and you can enter

    the city.”Joshua obeyed God and the Israelites

    won the city!

    Take Off Your Shoes!

    Key Verse

  • 8 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly8 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly

    Hello, everyone! Ruby here! Let me ask you a question: If your teacher gives you directions, do you obey? Our teachers, parents, and leaders give us instructions to help us learn and be safe. When we obey like Elijah and Benjamin did, we will show that we are listening. In today’s lesson, Joshua obeyed

    God. Because Joshua obeyed God, the walls of Jericho came down.

    Here’s your assignment for this week: make an effort to listen to and obey your parents and


    On the way to school, Elijah’s mom said, “After what happened yesterday, please try to listen to your teacher.”

    “Yes, Mom,” Elijah began, “but yesterday, I didn’t hear what she told us to do. That’s why I got into trouble.”

    “I know . . . but I know you can also listen and be obedient to what your teacher tells you,” Mom noted.

    At school, Mrs. Thomas, Elijah’s teacher, said, “Bring your backpack when we go to lunch. We’ll go to the assembly hall for a meeting, then it will be time to dismiss from school.”

    When the students were leaving for lunch, Elijah was walking beside Benjamin.Elijah asked, “Benjamin, where’s your backpack? Mrs. Thomas told us to bring our

    backpacks when we go to lunch.”Benjamin stopped and ran back quickly before Mrs. Thomas closed the door.As he caught up to Elijah, Benjamin said, “Thank you, Elijah! I don’t want to get

    into trouble. My mom told me to listen and obey my teacher.”Elijah smiled and said, “Mine too!”When Elijah got into the car with his mom, he said, “Mom, I obeyed, and I

    helped someone else obey too!”

    I Obeyed!

    Listening and obedience

    are important!

  • Primary Sunday School Quarterly I 9

    1. A ____________ with a sword stood in front of Joshua.

    2. Joshua was near _________________ when he met the man.

    3. Joshua took off his _____________ because he was on holy ground.

    4. Joshua ________________ God’s instructions.

    5. When the army gave a loud _______________, the walls came down.

    6. The priests made a loud blast on their ___________________.

    Word Bank







    Fill in the BlanksFill in the missing words to complete sentences related to today’s Bible story. The words are found in the Word Bank.

  • 10 I Primary Sunday School Quarterly

    Decode the MessageDecode (figure out) the words by writing on each line the letter that comes after each letter in the alphabet. (For example, a=b; e=f; m=n, etc.) Once you have figured out the words, write each of the words (in order) on the lines in the statement below to complete a message from today’s lesson.

    K H R S D M

    N A D X D C

    D C

    Completed Statement:

    Joshua to and God!