volume 35, issue 8 | september 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you...

Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015

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Page 1: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015

Page 2: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews


Page 3: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

The late, great Lutheran theologian, professor, and pastor, Gerhard Forde, was famously known for his unwavering insistence, assurance, and proclamation of faith in Christ as a pure gift, unearned and unmerited. He strictly and adamantly held that it is by pure grace that God saves, forgives, and creates relationship with us in our lives. Because of his adamance, no doubt, students and others often enjoyed attempting to challenge him and poke holes in his teaching. A few years ago, I remem-ber reading a sermon of his in which he preached on the above verses from Paul’s letter to the Romans. At first, it appeared, and Forde almost admitted, that he might finally have to concede that there was some-thing we actually do, as Paul exhorts his readers to not be conformed to this world and to be transformed. But Forde noticed that Paul’s language had a distinc-tive grammatical focus. Paul did not choose to write, “Transform yourselves,” but rather Paul said, “Be Transformed.” Hence, Forde, with Paul, wisely surmised that even in the action of transformation, we are to keep focused on who is doing the transforming – namely, God. Our theme at Normandale for our upcoming Rally Day on Sept. 13 and into the many weeks of the fall is Be Opened. It is a fitting theme as we encounter the new openness of the building renovations, completed and continuing (If you haven’t seen it yet, you are in for a treat!), but also the work of God among us as a people of faith. As you come into the space in the weeks ahead, I exhort you experience that very action of God working among us. Be Opened to the possibilities and opportunities the new open spaces give us in our house of worship and programming. Take joy in the excellent space you have been a part of creating and supporting! Be Opened to hearing about, learning, and engaging with our continuing and new outreach ministries, such as Normandale Housing Corporation for alleviating homelessness, the Center for Healing and Wholeness in care for our elders, and relationships with India, Peru, and Ethiopia as a part of our mission with brothers and sisters everywhere.

“ I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:1-2


Be Opened to new tweaks in our confirmation class format for our youth where we seek to blend the best of community, learning, and relationships. This year, we’ll continue an opening large-group time, but students will then divide into their particular grades to be led by pastors and small group leaders to learn the core ten-ants of our faith. Students will also have opportunity in the year to take 3-week elective classes focusing on interesting and relevant topics of faith, led by congre-gation leaders and experts. Be Opened as we get near the completion of our search to hire a Director of Youth and Family Ministry. Anticipate the newness and good leadership which this person will provide and enact with our youth, families, and congregation. Be Opened to meeting, mingling, and engaging with people in the church community you haven’t yet met. Be Opened to reach out to a new face and hear what God is up to in their life. Above all, Be Opened to the life-giving grace of God for you, which we gather to hear and proclaim together. Be Opened to hear how God is indeed transforming us as a community. Be Opened to realize that the challenges are great and the road is not always smooth, but God is the one working and leading. Faith and mercy and compassion and life are in Christ, and he is the one seeking to transform. As always, I’m grateful to be your pastor with and among you. Thanks be to God for your generosity, support, and willingness to engage in this faith commu-nity. As we are opened to all that God is doing in our space and life together, God bless you and all of us in faith.

Being transformed in Christ,

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Page 4: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


Bio: Jen Swendseid has been a member since 2005 along with her husband, Travis, and their two children, Emmett and Greta.

They usually sit in the back on the pulpit side of the church due to some slight delays in getting there on time.

She is CEO/Co-Owner of heart&core LLC, a St. Thomas

alumni (yes, a Catholic school!) and enjoys running, swimming, chocolate, and wine, and spending time with her family and friends.

“Al l Thanks to God” This past May, my grandmother passed away. It happened so quickly, I didn’t really think her time was up yet. My grandmother, Virginia Meinecke, was my dad’s mom, and was almost 94. She fell in her apartment and luckily had a medical alert to get help, but I think she realized she couldn’t go back to her apartment after that and that it was her time. Up until she passed away, she had her driver’s license, library card, and YMCA membership.

When I had spoken to her shortly before she passed away she said she was “disgusted” with herself for not being at the gym and that she needed to get back at it, I had to laugh! My grandmother was tough—she had battled aggressive breast cancer, outlived two husbands, and rarely asked for help—she could do it herself! She had a great sense of humor and a close connection to God. I think these two things are what helped her live a good long life. My grandmother read from the Bible every day and prayed for others. It was so hard for her when my mom passed away as she thought it should’ve been her. Her heart of gold, hugs, laughs, wit, and commitment to God was all celebrated at her funeral. We told funny stories and you could feel her presence there. She was proud of her family, enjoyed her friends, and was thank-ful for what she had—all thanks to God. I looked at my grandma in awe! She truly lived life to the fullest, as we all should do. I hope to be like her, but know I may fall short—she set the bar high! What I do know is her love for God, her family, and life is what made her happy. My motto is you can laugh or you can cry, but it’s a lot more fun to laugh, so do it every day. Pray, love, and laugh—life is short and you don’t know when your time is up, even if it is when you are 93.

THANK YOU for all you have accomplished through your generous support! Your gifts have helped change lives by providing resources for those needing transitional housing,

seniors and their loved ones, and ministry with our Global companions in India. Your gifts have provided funding for mainte-nance and care of our existing facilities such as roofs and parking lots. By maintaining these essentials, we are being good stewards of our existing facilities. Your gifts continue to enhance the building as a tool for mission and ministry. You have already provided open and lighter gathering spaces throughout the north end, accessibility around entrances and in restrooms, and improved effi-ciencies in the kitchen, administrative offices, and storage. We continue to discover new excit-ing ways to be together in community. Much more is in store for construction between September and November:

Construction of Family Life Center (former library and temporary office space)

Remodel of Center for Healing & Wholeness (temporary offices are in the gym on the first floor)

Enhanced technology for audio visual, sound, and communication

New, larger elevator and additional improve-ments for accessibility

We made it through August and the first half of Phase One without having to borrow for con-struction‒what a shared accomplishment! Your continued generous support through the remain-der of 2015 will limit the amount of construction loan interest payments. This will insure that more of your support can be directed toward actual construction and funding of outreach ministries.

THANK YOU for your generous support. Combined gifts for the General Fund and the All Together in One Place Campaign have more than doubled your support for our mission and ministry in 2015. As the summer concludes, if you are behind on your intended offerings, please remember to catch up on your support. We are below budget in offerings needed to fully fund our annual ministry. At the same time, expenditures have been kept below budget.

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Page 5: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Manicure supplies for residents at The Colony in Eden Prairie–a Senior Residence. Volunteers provide twice a month manicures for residents of The Colony. Approxi-mately 25-30 residents come to the Fabulous Fingers Days to have their nails done and visit with the volunteers on the first and third Monday afternoons of each month. Supplies needed: hand sanitizer, cotton balls, nail polish remover, emory boards, nail polish base coat and top coat (preferred brand: Orly Bonder).


September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

We are seeking a team of four Parking Assistants each Sunday, now through November, for 30 minutes before and after worship to lend a helping hand, guiding others into the building, and offering assistance.

Sign up once or several times online at www.normluth.org (click banner on home page) or on Sundays at the Welcome Center.

Please contact Amy James, at [email protected] for information and/or questions.

Bring the family, bring your neighbor, bring your kids and their sport team, bring a friend. You can make a difference!

Opportunities are available to:

Assist a near neighbor who needs help with leaf pick up

Help with fall yard pick-up at Normandale House alongside Normandale House families

Adopt-a-Highway pickup along NLC’s stretch of Crosstown 62

Pick-up and tidying of NLC’s own garden, lawn, and burm areas

Arrive at NLC 9:00 am for continental breakfast, instruction, and sending. Serve from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm with a team. Arrive at NLC 1:00 pm for lunch and gathering after serving. Sign up today at www.normluth.org/events or at the

Welcome Center!

Do you have a yard that needs a helping hand? Have a neighbor who could use a hand? Contact Janet Devine, 952.929.1697 x 210 or [email protected].

Page 6: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Begins September 21 | 7:00–8:00 am Lower Level Conference Room Questions? Contact Phil Larson, 952.994.7898, [email protected]

Looking to connect with other women through Bible Study? Come join the Wednesday Women’s Bible Study! We’ll gather Sept. 9, 9:30-11:30 am with a time of fellowship and distribu-tion of Study guides. On September 16, we will resume our study of the Old Testament picking up with the Book of Ezekiel. Studying Ezekiel will take us through Dec. 2. It is easy to become part of this Study because there are no prerequisites and belonging is second-nature. About Ezekiel: From the plains of Babylon, the priest, Ezekiel looked back on the defeat of Judah. God’s glory had departed from them because they had abandoned him. But the Lord also showed Ezekiel a new day when his glory would return and the kingdom would become an everlasting blessing to the nations. Ezekiel teaches us that God works through human messen-gers, God’s Word never fails, and so much more. Come join us as together we’ll learn about the power of God’s word. We’d love to see you! Questions? Please contact Pastor Dixie at billanddixie@comcastnet or Maggie Valenta at [email protected].

The people of Normandale Lutheran are on a three year journey through the scriptures called Crossways. It is a comprehensive look, with 40 Old Testament sessions and 20 New Testament sessions. We are cur-rently moving into sessions 31-40, covering the peri-od of Post-exile, as the Israelites are going through a time of restoration and recovery, as they return to their homeland to renew their covenant relationship with God. In this semester, we will learn about the growing expectations for the coming of a Messiah, hearing the prophetic and apocalyptic texts that point toward God’s incarnation in Jesus Christ. Each week offers four chances to meet on the same session. This is to accommodate fluid schedules, and to encourage regular participation. We also offer an online recording of one session each week. If you have not attended and would like to start, please contact the church office so we can prepare to have materials for you. The sessions will be held in Rooms 209-211. You will need to use the entrances on the south end of the building by the Preschool entrance. If you need assis-tance in coming up the stairs, please call the church office at 952-929-1697 x 219. Sessions starting:

Wednesday, Sept. 16 5:30 pm Thursday, Sept. 17 10:00 am Friday, Sept. 18 7:00 am Sunday, Sept. 20 9:45 am Email [email protected], call 952.929.1697 x 219, or sign up online at normluth.org/crossways. Nursery care will be available. Questions, call Lisa Pettersen at 952.929.1697 x 239, [email protected]. Remember: If you miss a day, no problem. Drop in on a different day.

From Aug. to Nov., please access 2nd floor class-rooms by using the stairwell at the south end of the building. The stairwell may be accessed at the end of the 1st and 3rd floor hallways or through the outdoor playground entrance at the south end of the building. Thank you for your patience during construction!

Page 7: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Sunday, October 4 | 4:00 pm

The Westside Trombone Quartet, including Normandale member Dave Dahlgren, will play their annual fall concert in our sanctuary.

Saturday, November 7 | 7:00 pm

“300 Men raising their voices in song!”

Sunday, November 22 | 4:00 pm

Reflections to start the Holiday Season!

Sunday, December 13 | 4:00 pm

Support Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People.

1) You love to sing 2) You are free Wed. evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm 3) You enjoy singing in church 4) No need to audition 5) Opportunities to sing solos or in small groups 6) Opportunity to sing with an orchestra 7) Meet new friends of all ages 8) Sing in churches around the world (recent trips

to Germany‒2006, Scandanavia‒2010, Ireland‒2014) 9) Have a choir sing “Happy Birthday” to you 10) Choir Trip planned to Italy—June 2018!

First Rehearsal…Wednesday, September 2.

To find out more, email or call David Clarke, [email protected], 952.929.1697 x 235.

Reading Buddies, a program in which Normandale youth ages 13 to 18, along with adult volunteers, provide homework help and literacy enhancement to homeless children, begins again this fall. The program offers you a chance to mentor a young person along the road to

success, showing your love and concern. You will receive amazing gifts, too. Hope Academy, located across Chicago Avenue from Normandale House, furnishes the space for a meal, games, as well as study. We meet most Mondays starting in September. We leave church at 5:30 pm and arrive back at 8:00 pm. Our fall dates are: Sept. 21, 28; Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26; Nov. 2, 9, 16 & 30.

To participate in this ministry, call Phil Larson at 952.994.7898 or email him at [email protected].

Your family or small group can prepare a simple meal for our Reading Buddies (about 25 people). Eating together enables wonderful bonds to form be-tween mentors and Normandale House kids, who really enjoy the meals that our members prepare for them!

To serve our children by pre-paring a meal, contact Barbara Erlandson at 952.941.4011 or Phil Larson at 952.994.7898.

Support Teams provide the primary way in which our ministry helps families move from homelessness to independent living. Made up of one man and one woman working with our Case Managers, Support Teams meet weekly for an hour with families to help them overcome barriers and develop skills needed for their transition. To serve as a member of a Support Team, contact Phil Larson at [email protected], or Pastor Dale at 952.929.1697 x 217, [email protected].

And a huge “thank you” to everyone who helped make National Night Out a success!

Our August neighborhood block party again brought neighbors together with Normandale church members, residents of Our Saviour’s Shelter and Normandale Housing, and representatives of Urban Homeworks. Everyone had a wonderful time playing games, painting faces, eating hot dogs, and just engaging in con-versations with new friends. The Minneapolis Police and Minne-apolis Fire Departments brought a canine unit and ladder truck, which thrilled the neighborhood kids! We celebrated another successful event. Thank you for all who participated! (see photos on page 15.)

Page 8: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


September 2015 NORMANDALEnews


September 17 | 6:00‒7:00 pm Gather in the Fireside Room (2nd floor outside Sanctuary)

Come join our 3 year old Sunday school orientation! You and your child will be introduced to their church and to Sunday School!

Children will receive “My Church,” an interactive book to bring to worship all year long. After a short classroom visit, children will have time to make a delicious “church snack.”

September 20 | 9:45-10:45 am

On the first day of Sunday School be sure to arrive a few minutes early to locate your child’s room, meet their teachers, and introduce yourselves. All children will meet in their classrooms each week during Sunday School this year.

If you have not yet registered your children for Sunday School, please do so soon. Early registra-tions help us correctly place teachers and students in good class sizes. All Sunday School children need to have a registration form completed so we have up-to-date allergy and emergency contact information, as well as accurate numbers for classroom planning.

Registration forms can be found in the main office, the Welcome Center, and online at www.normluth.org.

Sundays | 9:45-10:45 am | Rooms 212-213 (enter south end of the building)

ParentRest returns this year. This community and discussion time will be an opportunity for parents with kids of all ages to share challenges, victories, and wisdom with one another. Join us each week for a unique topic and vibrant conver-sation. Naturally there will be good coffee and yummy treats!

We are currently looking for additional facilitators and topics for 2015-2016.

Our first topics are:

September 20 Open Mic Day | Back to School

September 27 Bedtime Best Practices

Wednesdays | 5:30-8:00 pm | Valley View N.

Beginning September 16

Wednesday Night Explorers returns this year with a variety of crafts, games, science experiments, and other exciting activities designed to bring the Bible and its applications to life.

There is no advance registration for Wednesday Night Explorers. Come when you can each Wednesday and leave when you need to. Wednesday Night Explorers is open for kids in Kindergarten through Grade 6 and is free of charge!

There are a variety of volunteer opportunities still available in Children’s Ministry for the 2015-2016 school year. You can commit to helping weekly, monthly, or on as-needed basis. In particular, Sunday School teachers are still needed.

Will you prayerfully consider whether or not you will help serve the children of Normandale?

For more information, contact Elizabeth Paul, Director of Children’s Ministries, at 952.929.1697, x 214 or [email protected]

is a ministry of Normandale Lutheran Church for children 18-33

months. Children can come one, two, or three days a week. We currently have openings for the fall. Our hours are 9:00-11:30 am, with extended care until 12:00 noon for a fee of $5 a day.

Please contact Lisa Pettersen at 952.929.1697 x 239 or [email protected] for more details. We would love to have you come for a visit and tour our space. You are always welcome! We are located in the nursery on the lower level of the church.

Page 9: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Reading Buddies is a service opportunity for Normandale Youth (grades 7-12) to spend time each week eating, reading, and playing with children of our Normandale House transitional housing ministry. Reading Buddies typically meets on Mondays from 5:30-8:00 pm, with transportation to Normandale House and dinner provided. If you are interested in participating, we ask that you commit to participating at least once a month. Be a reading buddy; make a kid smile. Contact Phil Larson, [email protected], 952.994.7898 to participate.

Confirmation Kickoff and Orientation for all 7th-9th graders with parents/caring adults, and adult volunteers takes place Wed., Sept. 9, 6:45-8:00 pm, with weekly classes beginning Sept. 16, 6:45-8:00 pm. This year will mark a shift in the format of Confirmation as we seek to blend the best of community, relationship, and learning. All students and group leaders will gather 6:45-7:05 pm for large group activity, prayer, song, and devotional. From 7:05-8:00 pm, students split to their individual grades for classes led by pastors and small group leaders. September 16 - October 21: Core Classes, led by the pastors together with small groups

7th Grade The Story of our Faith: Lessons on the Bible, taught by Pastor Charlie

8th Grade The Practice of our Faith: Lessons on the Church and the Practic-es of the Faithful, taught by Pastor Paul

9th Grade The Witness of our Faith: Lessons on the Lutheran Tradition, Proclamation, and Gospel Life, taught by Pastor Dale October 28-November 18: Elective Courses

Students will sign up for elective classes taught by a variety of Normandale experts and leaders. Topics for these electives may include such focuses as Faith and Popular Music, Faith and Race in Modern Life, Faith and Fitness, Other Religions, Normandale Mission Ministries, and more. Students will get to choose a class and learn about a particular topic with a leader for 3 weeks in a smaller class format. December: Advent Small Groups All Confirmation students will gather in small groups and attend the Wednesday Advent worships, then meet for sharing, fellow-ship, and prayer post worship. Post-Christmas The post-Christmas semester will largely be a replica of the fall semester going back into core classes with the pastors followed by elective courses after Easter. Lent Mentors Lent Mentors is a great opportunity to build relationship, encour-agement, and joy within the broader family of faith. During Lent, all students will meet and worship together with adult mentors in sharing and prayer.

9:45-10:45 am, Beginning Sept. 20 All 7th-12th graders are invited and encouraged to gather in the Youth Room on Sunday mornings in between worship services for fun, videos, discussion, and learning. It's Fellowship and Learning (FnL) led by Normandale member, Michelle Arreola. It's a great place to relax and recharge before the week ahead.

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Formerly known as Discovery, High School Hangout will

take place Wednesday nights in the Youth Room, 6:45-8:00 pm beginning Sept. 16. All 10th-12th graders are invited and encouraged to take a mid-week break to gather, have fun, pray, share life and faith, and socialize. Led by Normandale member, Betsy Narr, a variety of topics will be covered, but it's mainly a time to slow down and enjoy relationships together. There will be snacks! Come to the hangout!


For all questions/information about NLC youth ministry and events, contact Pastor Charlie Ruud, [email protected], or Admin. Asst. Patty Rumppe, [email protected], 952.929.1697 x 211.

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Healing & Wholeness


Join others with a similar life experience and feel the calming, meditative effects of T’ai Chi while enhancing your coordination, balance, and strength. This 4-session class is designed for those with memory loss along with a partner, friend, or family member. The cost is partially supported through a generous grant from the NLC Foundation.

When: Thursdays, October 1—22, 1:00‒1:45 pm Where: Normandale Lutheran Church Cost: $28 a couple—which includes the participant and a partner, friend, or family member

Register: Contact Martha Anderson at 952.929.1697 x 246

Concerned about falling? This 8-week program can help you improve your quality of life and increase your inde-pendence! You will learn to recognize fall hazards in your home, be assertive about falls prevention, and incorporate exercises that increase strength and balance.

When: Tuesdays, September 15—November 3, 1:00‒3:00 pm Where: Richfield United Methodist Church, Heritage Room, 5835 Lyndale Ave. So., Minneapolis Cost: $60 suggested contribution. Sliding Fee Scale available—Please inquire!

Register: Contact Martha Anderson at 952.929.1697 x 246

If you have type 2 diabetes and you want to learn more about managing your disease, this 6-week workshop is for you. The workshop is designed to build on your existing strengths allowing you to take control of your health in a welcoming and supportive environment.

When: Wednesdays, October 7—November 11, 1:00‒3:00 pm Where: Shingle Creek Commons, 4600 Humboldt Ave. No., Minneapolis Cost: Sliding Fee Scale available

Register: Contact Martha Anderson at 952.929.1697 x 246

Due to the overwhelming success of our current support group, we are launching a group specifically for the Adult Child who cares for a parent with dementia. Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for caregivers to meet and develop a mutual support system that will help maintain their health and wellbeing. Facilitators have been trained through the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota | North Dakota and there is no cost to participate.

When: Beginning September 8, meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of every month, 6:00‒7:30 pm Where: Normandale Lutheran Church

For more information: Contact Jeanne Schuller at 952.929.1697 x 227

Are you feeling stretched caring for a loved one? This 6-week small-group education program is designed to provide you with a wealth of self-care tools that will help you take care of yourself while taking care of others.

When: Mondays, September 28—November 2, 2:30‒4:30 pm Where: Pax Christi Catholic Community, Room 239, 12100 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie Cost: $30 suggested contribution—Pax Christi is providing an additional $30/person subsidy. Sliding Fee available

Register: Online at www.paxchristi.com/EventRegistration or call Mary Cordell at 952.929.1697 x 228

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

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Tuesday, September 22, 1:00-5:00pm

When you reach 55 years of age, you are eligible to enroll in classes that give you a 10% discount on your car insurance and bring your driving skills up to date. The initial class is 8 hours. Then every three years a refresher 4 hour class is offered to keep the discount. To register, call 1.888.234.1294. Cost: $20 (AAA members receive a $2 discount).

Foot care services are available two days a month through On-Site Podiatry Clinic. Clients who arrive 15 minutes early for an appointment can take advantage of their free foot soak. Appointments still available for September 3 & 4, as well as October 1 & 2. Contact Patti Hankes at 952.929.1697 x 221 to schedule your appointment.

The Center for Healing & Wholeness is partnering with the Edina Senior Center to offer flu shots. When: Monday, September 29, 3:00‒4:30 pm Where: Edina Senior Center, 5280 Grandview Sq., Edina Cost: To be determined

To sign-up or for more information, contact Martha Anderson at 952.929.1697 x 246.

Starting Oct. 14 | Note Day & Time Changes Second Thursday is now Second Wednesday.

We will not meet in September, but starting Oct. 14, at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall, the Kaffe-board Fellowship welcomes you back to meet with your friends and catch up on summer activities. Clarice Ottoson will be available to do blood pressure checks. At 10:30 am, the Book Club will meet with Bud Meadley as your leader. We will be discussing Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi, who was a devout Muslim who when encountered Christi-anity, became a devout Christian.

At 11:30 am, there will be a Matin worship service in the Sanctuary, with lunch at 12:15 pm in Fellowship Hall (cost is $5.00). Our program after lunch will be Jeremy Anderson (Normandale member) who has a service dog who alerts him from danger caused by diabetes. He will tell us about his personal experience and the service dog program.

Pastor Paul Pettersen will resume his senior exercise classes on Fridays, September 18, 25, October 2 & 9, from 10:30-11:15 am in Fellowship Hall.

The exercises are not strenuous, but help with balance and flexibility to make everyday actions easier. If you have not tried this, please consider adding exercise to your life every day.

See what a difference it can make!

Making your own health care treatment choices and naming someone to speak for you if you are unable, is important. In the event of a sudden illness or injury, you may not be able to communicate your care choices to your loved ones or to your healthcare team.

Advance Care Planning—Honoring Choice is an ongoing process of evaluating and reflecting on your medical options in light of your values, beliefs, goals, and current health status. Trained facilitators can help you begin the conversations and develop an advance care plan or complete a Health Care Directive at no cost to you. Ensure that your choices are known!

Join in the conversation and learn more at a free session on Monday, September 14, at the Edina Senior Center, 5280 Grandview Square, from 10:00‒11:30 am. To register, call 612.672.7272 or online at www.fairview.org/choices

Due to building construction, the Center for Healing & Wholeness is temporarily located on the first

floor in the South Gymnasium. Please enter the building through the West Canopy Entrance.

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

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If you, or someone you know, are interested in deepen-ing your connections this season, join us in the next NLC New Member Community beginning Sunday, September 27. This community meets four weeks on Sundays, September 27, October 4, 11, 18 from 9:45-10:45 am, between worship services in the Lower Level Conference Room. This is time intended for introductions and connecting with each other in faith. Nursery is available. The next New Member Community will gather in February/March 2016. Contact Amy James, Director of Connections at [email protected] or 952.929.1697 x 213.

Tuesday, Oct. 20 | 12:00 noon | Fellowship Hall OR Monday, Oct. 26 | 7:00 pm | Laura Rubin’s home (5 Woodland Road, Edina)

Don't know what a Normandale's Women circle is? Join us for an informational lunch on either October 20 or October 26 (see times/locations above).

We will share the circle experience in a couple of different ways and will also be doing a collection of items needed for Normandale House.

Women of all ages are invited to attend. Please RSVP by one of the following:


Call the church office at 952.929.1697

Stop by the Welcome Center

Call or email Heide Moss at 952.926.2472 or [email protected].

RSVP is to plan for food and seating. Please feel free to attend whether you have registered or not; one or both of the event times.

Thank you and God's Blessings,

Heide Moss, President Normandale Women

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Kids Night Out is back and is starting up on October 10! It is the place for kids ages 3 months (as of September 1, 2015) through 2nd grade. On the second Saturday of each month, bring the kids to Normandale from 4:00-7:00 pm for a fun night of games, music, art projects, and dinner. While kids have a night out, so can their parents. This program runs October‒May, is professionally staffed, and open to all. Check-in / check-out is located in the lower narthex; reservations are necessary. Kids Night Out Fees $15 / night per child, or maximum $40 / family per event. Parents can secure a Oct. 2015 - May 2016 spot with a deposit of $40 for the whole year. 2015-2016 registration is open for current fami-lies and Normandale members. Community registration begins September 1, 2015. Go to http://www.normluth.org/Kids-Night-Out to register. For more information or questions, contact Caitlin Everett, 612.227.8642 or [email protected].

Saturday, Sept. 12 (held 2nd Saturday of each month) Education Services 9:00‒10:30 am

Topic: What’s Happening with Alzheimer’s Disease? An update on research trends from the Alzheimer’s Assoc. International Conference held in July 2015.

Support Group 10:30‒12:00 noon Caregivers of people with dementia, often called the invisible second patients, are critical to the quality of life of Care Receivers. The effects of being a family caregiver, though sometimes positive, can also be negative with psychological stresses as well as social isolation, physical stress, ill health, and financial hardship.

For more information, call Keith Narr at 612.250.7269 or Jeanne Schuller at 952.929.1697 x 227.

Director of Youth and Family Ministry, On-Site Nursery Supervisor, or Chef / Culinary Manager

For more information, please go to www.normluth.org/job-openings. Questions? call the church office, 952.929.1697.

Page 13: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

If you or someone you know is going through a separation or divorce, you don’t need to go through it alone - support is

available at Normandale Lutheran. DivorceCare is a small group experience designed to help people face the challenges of divorce or separation and to learn strategies to move toward rebuilding a new life. Each 2-hour session includes a video presentation featuring experts on divorce. The video is followed by a non-judgmental, supportive small group discussion led by facili-tators who “get” what you’re going through. This is not a therapy group; rather a support system for hurting individ-uals. The program is open to anyone who has gone through or is currently going through the challenges surrounding divorce or separation. Read more about the process at divorcecare.org. All are welcome!

Thursday Nights: Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, & Nov. 5 7:00–9:00 pm | Drop-ins always welcome Cost: All costs are paid by NLC Location: NLC | Room 204 Register: Call the church office at 952.929.1697 x 210 or email [email protected]. Please forward this invitation to anyone who might benefit from this group. Encourage them to give DivorceCare a try.

Thursday, October 22 | 1:30-6:00 pm Give the Gift of Life!

Blood drives at Normandale have occurred for over 30 years. This fall we are making a concerted effort to recruit younger and middle age people to be-come regular donors. There are no risks in donating. In fact, donating stimulates our bone marrows to in-crease production of blood cells after donation, which is healthy.

There is no substitute for blood which is donated. We urge you to be a good steward of God’s gifts to you, one of which is the regular sharing of your blood. Please, please join us to donate this precious life-giving gift. To donate, contact: Alta Fossum at 952.941.7022 or [email protected].

“...just remember in the winter, far be-neath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.”

Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one by death is invited to attend. Fall Series | Oct. 8—Dec. 17

Thursdays | 4:30-6:00 pm | NO Meeting: Nov. 26 Edina Community Lutheran Church 4113 W. 54th St., Edina | 952.926.3808 More information can be obtained by calling: Coordinator—Terry Naugle @ 952.937.5933

To my many friends and co-workers at Normandale Lutheran Church.

As some of you may already know, I will not be returning to Normandale Lutheran Church this September. It has been a pleasure serving you over the past ten years. I would like to personally thank the wonderful staff at Normandale Lutheran Church for assisting me and supporting me over the years. And to all of my friends, I would like to simply say, I’m not going to pull a disappear-ing act, I will just say I will see you all later. Once again, a special thanks to each and every one of you.

Sincerely, Chef Leray Taylor

Saturday, Sept. 19 | 9:00 am | Youth Room (meets third Saturday of the month at NLC)

Our Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts

This group engages popular fiction and some non-fiction through the lens of faith. Discussion will explore the theological dynamics of salvation, rede-pemtion, grace, hope, and love as they are expressed by their presence or absence in the plot line of the novels.

Interested in joining this book club, contact Dee Henriksen, 952.927.9980, [email protected].

Page 14: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Sunday, August 30 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Coffee Fellowship 10:30 am Stephen Ministry Orientation Coffee

Monday, August 31 7:00 pm Capital Campaign Committee

Tuesday, September 1 1:00 pm Senior Committee Meeting 6:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesday, September 2 9 am-12 noon H & W Podiatry Clinic 10:00 am Adaptive Yoga 5:15 pm Brass Rehearsal 5;30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm Normandale Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, September 3 9 am-12:00 noon H & W Podiatry Clinic 2:00 pm H & W Tai Chi 5:45 pm Handbell Rehearsal

Friday, September 4 No Events Scheduled

Saturday, September 5 10:30 am Food Disorders Support Group

Sunday, September 6 9:30 am Worship| Holy Communion 10:30 am Coffee & Fellowship

Monday, September 7 Building Closed—Labor Day Holiday

Tuesday, September 8 10:30 am Preschool Parent | Child Orientation 10:30 am Blessing Place Orientation 6:00 pm NEW! Adult | Child Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group 6:00 pm Finance Committee 6:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesday, September 9 8:00 am H & W Board Meeting 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study (fellowship & distribution of study guides) 10:00 am Adaptive Yoga 4:45 pm Boys Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 5:15 pm Brass Rehearsal 5:30-8 pm Wednesday Night Explorers (K-6th gr) 5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (7-12th gr) 6:00 pm Girls Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 6:30 pm Normandale Choir Rehearsal 6:45 pm Confirmation Orientation

Thursday, September 10 2:00 pm H & W Tai Chi 4:30 pm Cherub Choir Registration (K-2nd gr) 5:45 pm Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 pm Serving @ Our Saviour’s Shelter 6:30 pm Sunday School Teacher Training 7:00 pm Mary Circle @ Wendy Finley’s home

Friday, September 11 10:30 am Preschool Parent | Child Orientation 10:30 am Blessing Place Orientation

Saturday, September 12 9:00 am Alzheimer’s Education Series 10:30 am Alzheimer’s Support Group 10:30 am Food Disorders Support Group

Sunday, September 13 | RALLY SUNDAY 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Picnic


Monday, September 14 8:30 am Sew Day Quilting 1:00 pm Archives Committee 6:30 pm Sunday School Teacher Training 7:00 pm Foundation Meeting

Tuesday, September 15 1:00 pm Matter of Balance | Richfield Methodist 6:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00 pm Church Council

Wednesday, September 16 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 10:00 am Adaptive Yoga 4:45 pm Boys Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 5-6:45 pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:15 pm Brass Rehearsal 5:30 pm Crossways 5:30-8 pm Wednesday Night Explorers (K-6th gr) 5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (7-12th gr) 6:00 pm Girls Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 6:30 pm Normandale Choir Rehearsal 6:45 pm Confirmation 6:45 pm High School Hangout

Thursday, September 17 10:00 am Crossways 2:00 pm H & W Tai Chi 4:30 pm Cherub Choir Rehearsal (K-2nd gr) 5:45 pm Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 pm 3 year old Sunday School Orientation 7:00 pm DivorceCare

Friday, September 18 7:00 am Crossways 10:30 am Pastor Paul’s Exercise Class

Saturday, September 19 9:00 am Book, Bagel & Brew 9:30 am Flute Rehearsal 10:30 am Food Disorders Support Group

Sunday, September 20 8:30 am Worship | Holy Communion 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 9:45 am Crossways 9:45 am All Together in One Place Update 9:45 am FnL (Fellowship ‘n Learning—7-12th gr) 9:45 am ParentRest 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship | Holy Communion

Monday, September 21 7:00 am Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study 5:30 pm Reading Buddies @ Hope Academy 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Supervision 7:00 pm Welcoming Task Force Meeting

Tuesday, September 22 1:00 pm 4 Hour Driver Refresher Course 1:00 pm Matter of Balance | Richfield Methodist 6:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesday, September 23 9:30 am Rachel Circle 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 10:00 am Adaptive Yoga 12:00 noon Miriam Circle 4:45 pm Boys Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 5-6:45 pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:15 pm Brass Rehearsal 5:30 pm Crossways 5:30-8 pm Wednesday Night Explorers (K-6th gr) 5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (7-12th gr) 6:00 pm Girls Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 6:30 pm Normandale Choir Rehearsal 6:45 pm Confirmation 6:45 pm High School Hangout 7:00 pm All Together in One Place Update

Thursday, September 24 10:00 am Crossways 2:00 pm H & W Tai Chi 4:30 pm Cherub Choir Rehearsal (K-2nd gr) 5:45 pm Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 pm DivorceCare

Friday, September 25 7:00 am Crossways 10:30 am Pastor Paul’s Exercise Class

Saturday, September 26 10:30 am Food Disorders Support Group

Sunday, September 27 7:45 am Boys | Girls Choir Pre-service Reh 8:30 am Worship | Baptism 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 9:45 am Crossways 9:45 am New Member Community 9:45 am FnL (Fellowship ‘n Learning—7-12th gr) 9:45 am ParentRest 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship | Baptism 4:30 pm NLC Ladies: Vineyard @ Sovereign Estates

Monday, September 28 7:00 am Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study 8:00 am Sew Day Quilting 2:30 pm Powerful Tools for Caregivers @ Pax Christi Catholic Ch, Eden Prairie 5:30 pm Reading Buddies @ Hope Academy 6:00 pm Priscilla Circle @ Kirsten Jacob’s home

Tuesday, September 29 3:00 pm Flu Shot Clinic @ Edina Senior Ctr 6:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesday, September 30 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 10:00 am Adaptive Yoga 4:45 pm Boys Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 5-6:45 pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:15 pm Brass Rehearsal 5:30 pm Crossways 5:30-8 pm Wednesday Night Explorers (K-6th gr) 5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (7-12th gr) 6:00 pm Girls Choir Rehearsal (3rd-6th gr) 6:30 pm Normandale Choir Rehearsal 6:45 pm Confirmation 6:45 pm High School Hangout

Thursday, October 1 10:00 am Crossways 1:00 pm Memory Movements 2:00 pm H & W Tai Chi 4:30 pm Cherub Choir Rehearsal (K-2nd gr) 5:45 pm Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 pm DivorceCare

Friday, October 2 7:00 am Crossways 10:30 am Pastor Paul’s Exercise Class

Saturday, October 3 9:30 am Flute Rehearsal 10:30 am Food Disorders Support Group

Sunday, October 4 8:30 am Worship | Holy Communion 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 9:45 am Preschool 2 Faith Marker 9:45 am Crossways 9:45 am New Member Community 9:45 am FnL (Fellowship ‘n Learning—7-12th gr) 9:45 am ParentRest 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship | Holy Communion 4:00 pm Westside Trombone Concert

Normandale Preschool & Blessing Place meet daily Monday-Friday

Blessing Place 9:00 am-12:00 noon Normandale Preschool 9:00 am-3:00 pm

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Page 15: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


September 2015 NORMANDALEnews

Page 16: Volume 35, Issue 8 | September 2015 · be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Normandale Lutheran Church 6100 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55436

Phone: 952.929.1697 Fax: 952.929.2767 Email: [email protected]

Sermons posted weekly

online at www.normluth.org

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Led by the Holy Spirit and living in God’s grace,

Normandale Lutheran Church is a community

proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through

love, learning, worship, and service.

Normandale News (USPS 673-490) is published monthly by Normandale Lutheran Church, 6100 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55436. Periodical postage paid at St. Paul, MN. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Normandale News / Normandale Lutheran Church, 6100 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55436.

Worship Times: September 6 & 13: 9:30 am Starting Sunday, September 20: 8:30 & 11:00 am For the calendar of events, go to: http://www.normluth.org/calendar Website: www.normluth.org Visit www.normluth.org for upcoming events, ways to connect and serve others around us. Give online: www.normluth.org/give

September 2015 NORMANDALEnews